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Comments on: "Ruby Sparks (movie)" (5)

  1. Ruby sparks is a funny and strange but eye catching movie.I like this movie because it is not like an other movie I have seen which makes it even better! My favourite part of the movie was when calvin was proving to his brother that she does whatever he writes I like this bit because they have allot of fun making her do different things (e.g. speak French). I dislike when calvin turns into a nutcase trying to tell ruby that she is not real and he controls her. I would recemend this movie to anyone who is over 11 and is looking for a funny and romantic movie. I would give it a 9/10!


  2. Ruby Sparks is a movie that would suit anyone that enjoys watching romance, drama and comedy films. I really enjoyed the movie for a number of reasons but especially because it really makes you feel engrossed and you don’t want to take your eyes off the screen. I found Ruby (one of the main characters) really interesting and amusing because of the type of character she was and I think she is a very talented actress. I was drawn to Ruby because she had great personality traits, such as she was really happy (most of the time), adventurous, bright, enthusiastic and very kind. Ruby was a very important character in the movie because she played the roll of the girl that Calvin (another main character) was writing about. Whenever Calvin wrote something about Ruby she would do or become exactly what Calvin had written. I found that some parts of the movie were quite overwhelming especially at the end when Ruby was in the same room as Calvin and he was writing about her. He wrote that Ruby started to speak in another language and right in front of him, Ruby miraculously started to speak in a different language. It was a really exciting and crazy part of the movie which I think made the movie truly unique. My favourite part of the movie was when Ruby suddenly appears in Calvin’s house and he has no idea what has happened. He thinks he is in a dream and hides because he is so confused!!! It is really funny because Ruby thinks she has been living in his house for quite some time and is also confused and worried about how Calvin is acting so strangely. I would most definitely recommended this particular movie to anyone aged 11 and up. I loved this movie so much I would give it a 10/10!


  3. I defintely recommend this movie ‘ruby sparks’ written by Zoe Kazan.
    This movie is just hilarious every scene you watch there is always something funny about it. it’s quite difficult to choose out of Calvin and Ruby for my favourite character because they both have a fantastic personality. Calvin is so clever and has a dull movement about him, and then there is Ruby, she is so happy, bubbly and full of enlightenment. My favourite part of this particular movie is when Calvin sees Ruby for the first time because he first starting off dreaming about Ruby and then suddenly, out of the blue she is real, and i am sure Calvin was feeling a little bit scared and think “OMG! how could this be happening.” I just can’t stop cracking up on that bit. I have to say that i do feel a little sorry for Calvin because he doesn’t have many friends and he just doesn’t get out there and socialise, but i think to my self “hmmmmm, maybe he wants to be that way”, alone and sad.
    So get out there and start watching this movie because i would definitely rate this movie a 10/10 it takes you on journey to a place you have never been before.
    I hope you enjoy the movie.


  4. I recommend the movie Ruby Sparks written by Zoe Kazan. I loved this movie because it is funny, interesting and enjoyable. My favourite part of this movie was when Calvin saw Ruby for the first time. It was actually quite funny because he had no idea what was happening. My favourite character was Calvin. I actually felt a bit sorry for him because he was all alone and his ‘friends’ were married with kids. The only part of this movie that I dont like is at the end when Calvin tells Ruby what he has been doing. He goes a bit overboard and makes her cry… I felt very sorry for them both. I recommend that people go and get this out on DVD because it is an adventure you don’t want to miss out on! I think this movie is for people of all ages because it is very fun loving and in some parts hilarious !! Rated: 9.5/10


  5. I recommend a movie called Ruby Sparks. I loved the movie my friend and I watcthed and we both said that we would give get 10/10. It’s about a man that is a writer can’t find love, and he keeps having dreams about this girl so he writes about her and one day she becomes real. He can also control how she feels and what say such as speaking different languages and things like that it is worth seeing.


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