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Archive for 26/06/2013

The son of Neptune – Rick Riordan

Percy finds himself battling demons that won’t die and suffering from near-total amnesia. He does not remember who he is, where he is from, or why these crazy un-killable baddies keep attacking him. Some instinct pulls him strongly toward a camp, where the goddess Juno awaits – but something isn’t quite right. Percy is a Greek demigod, and this camp is for Romans! Percy must join forces with the Romans, while rediscovering who he is and, afterwards, bringing the two people, Greek and Roman, together to prepare for battle against the mother of all goddesses, Gaea, who is raising a force of evil to crush the world. Can the Greeks and the Romans set aside their bitter, centuries-old rivalries to work together? Will the gods stand by their demigod children or let them face Gaea’s minions alone? Will Percy every gain all of his memory back? The Son of Neptune is about new friendships, burgeoning strengths, overcoming self-doubt and setting aside prejudices to fight for the larger good.

Good reads