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Archive for May, 2013

Little Fockers (movie)

Pinocchio – Carlo Collodi

When the gentle woodcarver Geppetto builds a marionette to be his substitute son, a benevolent fairy brings the toy to life. The puppet, named Pinocchio, is not yet a human boy. He must earn the right to be real by proving that he is brave, truthful, and unselfish. But, even with the help of Jiminy, a cricket who the fairy assigns to be Pinocchio’s conscience, the marionette goes astray. He joins a puppet show instead of going to school, he lies instead of telling the truth, and he travels to Pleasure Island instead of going straight home. Yet, when Pinocchio discovers that a whale has swallowed Geppetto, the puppet single-mindedly journeys into the ocean and selflessly risks his life to save his father, thereby displaying that he deserves to be a real boy.



Sundae girl – Cathy Cassidy

Jude’s family are crazy, quirky, bizarre . . . her mum brings her nothing but trouble and her dad thinks he’s Elvis! All she wants is a hassle-free life – but it’s not easy when she’s chasing a trail of broken promises. Things go from bad to worse, but could the floppy-haired boy from school be her knight on shining rollerblades . . .?

Cathy Cassidy’s warm, funny, tender fiction has won her an army of dedicated fans, both boys and girls. Her fan club now has 5,000 members and counting!

You can visit Cathy Cassidy’s website at

Whisper – Chrissie Keighery

I’m always trying to figure out what’s really going on. Always having to fill in the gaps, but never getting all the details. It’s like trying to do a jigsaw when I don’t even know what the picture is, and I’m missing one of the vital middle pieces. How do you know if your friends are talking about you behind your back, or if a boy likes you? They could act innocent, but you’d know from the rumours. You’d hear the whispers. But what if you couldn’t hear those whispers anymore? What if everything you took for granted was gone? Being a teenager is hard enough. But being a deaf teenager?


A little princess (movie)

Knife edge – Mallory Blackman

A frightened girl running barefoot on a knife edge …that’s how eighteen-year-old Sephy feels as she gazes down at her new-born daughter, Callie Rose.
Whilst Sephy is a Cross, the baby’s father, Callum, was a nought, giving Callie Rose dual heritage in a society where the ruling Crosses treat the pale-skinned noughts – blankers – as second-class citizens.
What kind of world will her daughter grow up into? One which is more equal?
Or one where discrimination still has the power to destroy lives?
Sephy can only hope that the tomorrows will be better than the yesterdays.
But fifteen years later, Callie Rose’s actions are to plunge both of them into the heart of danger, forcing Sephy – once again – to take sides …


Never bite a boy on the first date – Tamara Summers

I’ve got a few issues. I’m a vampire now. One of my classmates was found dead, with telltale fang marks. I didn’t do it! (really!) Nobody believes me, so … I’m going to have to find the real killer. I’ve already got three suspects. (three very cute suspects.) One more problem: I am seriously falling for one of them … but what if he’s the killer?
Good Reads

Book addicted girl

Final fantasy: the spirits within (movie)

The Smurfs (movie)

Someone like you – Sarah Dessen

Halley has always been close to her mother, a therapist who publishes books about adolescent behavior. But the summer before her junior year of high school, Halley begins cutting the umbilical cord. She and her best friend, Scarlett, start hanging out with Ginny Tabor (”a cheerleader with a wild streak a mile wide and a reputation among the football team for more than her cheers and famous midair splits”); Halley dumps her nerdy boyfriend (the son of her mother’s best friend) and becomes involved with reckless Macon, a boy her parents have forbidden her to see.

Then Scarlett discovers she is pregnant two months after her boyfriend Michael is killed in a motorcycle accident. Walking a line between childhood and adulthood, the two girls turn to each other instead of their families for support. Together they explore the meaning of love, sex and responsibility.