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Killers (movie)

Comments on: "Killers (movie)" (4)

  1. This movie is amazing and I absolutely love it. My favourite part is actually towards the end of the movie, the final scene because Spencer, one of the main characters, does something that I just find hilarious and I like seeing the characters a while after the action of the film has taken place. My favourite character is Spencer because I really like the way he takes to situations and adapts himself or the situation to work to the best possible standard. He’s also played by Ashton Kutcher which may be a reason. I don’t think that I relate to any of the characters in this movie because they are all so in the midst of action and I am not. My least favourite part of the movie was probably the start as I found it a little boring, it does a good job at setting up context but until Ashton Kutcher is introduced into the movie as Spencer, I don’t think the movie really starts. I wouldn’t change anything despite having my least favourite part because I think that it is there for a reason and plays a role in creating context for the background of the movie and possibly make the body of the movie even more funny. I would definitely recommend this movie to people as it’s a great watch but would recommend those who are under 15 get parent permission because of the movie rating.


  2. I recommend a movie and it’s called killers and it’s funny I would rate it 9/10 I really liked the Movie because I found it funny and I wasn’t like a movie that I had saw before. My favourite part of the movie is when she finds out that her husband is a professional killer because she is so shocked and surprised that he would do that kind of thing. My favourite character is Katherine Heigl she is really funny! If I got to change something in the movie it would be that they didn’t skip so many years in the movie. This book would be great for people who love adventure movie and love movie. I Personally think this movie would be good for ages 12+.


  3. I recommend a movie and it’s called killers and it’s really funny I would rate it 9/10 It’s so funny what happens is a girl she goes on holiday with her Mum and Dad they are rich and they get to they hotel and there daughter says it fine Dad and then as the days go on she meets someone and then they get married then 3 years later she finds out that his an professional killer and he kills Bad people. Then people try to kill them.


  4. I recommend Killers the movie. My favourite character is Spencer (Ashton Kutcher). He’s funny. My favourite part is when Jen (Katherine Heigl) find out Spencer used to kill people for a living. It’s a lot to take in. I found it scary not knowing who were the bad people and who were the good people because there was a ransom of $ 20, 000…or something like that….for whoever handed over Spencer. This movie is rated M and I would recommend it for both genders aged 13+. Rate: 8/10


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