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‘Ooh, money, money, money,’ sang Fudge. ‘I love money, money, money!’

Pete’s little brother Fudge has a new obsession. He’s mad about money and he wants loads of it. In fact, he’s going to print a hundred million trillion ‘Fudge Bucks’ and buy the whole world. Or maybe he’ll just settle for buying the capital city of America and call it Fudgington.

He’s driving Pete nuts. Will Fudge ever stop being the most embarrassing brother on the planet?

Good Reads


Comments on: "Double Fudge – Judy Blume" (1)

  1. This book is for anyone who enjoys some light reading and a few laughs. Fudge is the star of the book. The annoying little brother who is obsessed with money. He is so curious that he believes he can make his own money to buy New York. He calls them Fudge Bucks. Much to his brothers disagreement Fudge grows to believe that his Fudge Bucks can buy him things and just sit back and watch how things start to go out of control! I rate this book 8/10 and is suitable for anyone 8+.


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