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From the bestselling and award winning author of Once, Then and Boy Overboard comes the story of Grace Hillgrove.

In the beginning there was me and Mum and Dad and the twins.

And talk about happy families, we were bountiful.

But it came to pass that I started doing sins.

And lo, that’s when all our problems began.


Comments on: "Grace – Morris Gleitzman" (12)

  1. Caitlin said:

    This book is really interesting. It is really unique and would suit any age. It has a fantastic storyline and I enjoyed it so much! Grace is a really inspiring character and is so loving and caring about her family. This book shows how judging people by their appearance or religion is not on and people will surprise you. NEVER JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER!
    I rated this book 9/10 and is suitable for people aged 9+.


  2. Rebecca said:

    Grace is one of my most favourite books because it has a pretty thought provoking theme to it. It was as if the children had been ‘brainwashed’ to believe that only that church could go to heaven. I asked my mum are their churches like that and she said yes and that sacred me because imagine being told you were not aloud to see your Dad ever again! It shows how much the way you are bought up impacts on the way you are as a person and how if you are bullied you can turn into a bully. I recommend this book for 10-12+ because it explains some themes that younger kids may not understand. If you are a Morris Gleitzman fan then read Grace! I rate this book 9.99999999999999 out of 10


  3. Ingrid said:

    Grace is unlike any other books I have ever read. My mum got it for me from the local library and at first I was reluctant to read it because it looked pretty boring but, I remembered that I should never judge a book by it’s cover so I read it anyway and now I am so glad that I did read it! It is a truly amazing book to read and I feel so sorry for race even though she is a made up character. I recommend this book for ages 10+ because some parts might be a bit hard to understand but it does have a great moral- to always stick up for what you believe in. I rate Grace a 10/10! ♥


  4. This was a really good book I read it in Grade 6 and Loved it I couldn’t put it down. The book was a real roller coaster one minute the book was happy then next it was sad I did find the ending a bit strange and I really wanted it to go on! I would give this book a 9/10 because of the ending and I would recommend maybe from Grade 5+


  5. Mattea said:

    I read Grace in year 6 in a reading group and thought i would not like it but i actually found it really good.This book is very sad and has a lot of emotions through out the book. I liked this book because it made you feel angry and sad and all the emotions that Grace felt through out the story. I recommend this book to 9 years old and up.
    Rate: 8.5/10


  6. Bridget said:

    I just love Morris Gleitzman. He is such a good writer and I have loved every one of his books . Grace is really sad and very emotional. It is really interesting reading about how Grace lived and it made me wonder if that actually happens in the world that we live in. I hope it doesn’t because not being allowed to communicate with non-catholics is just really mean and horrible.Morris really makes you fall into the book and feel Graces pain of her Dads taking. Grace is very brave to fight against the church in order to get her dad back. I recommend this fantastic book for people over 10 years old and I rate it 8/10!


  7. Phoebe said:

    This book is very different that usually wouldn’t interest me but I set myself to read something different. Grace is all lost in what is happening and I was really annoyed the whole way through because coming from a catholic primary school and high school I have been taught no matter how many mistakes you make God will always forgive you and it seems no one seemed to remember that. Morris really makes you fall into the book and feel Graces hurt and pain of her Dads taking. Grace is very brave to rebel against the church in order to get her dad back. I would feel very confused if i was in Graces situation and also helpless because she is so small in her catholic community. I really enjoyed this book and I think you should read it if you want a change from your usual genre no matter what you read. I give this book an 8/10 because it’s very sad, but also a great read but not so sad you will need to buy some tissues.


  8. i love morris gleitzman. after i read the story i was inprested by family is ixactal like that.


  9. Alice said:

    Grace is an amazing book! After starting on the first page it’s impossible to down! Morris Gleitzman is a great writer and he brings you into the book, you feel what Grace is feeling.
    I like the book Grace so much because it’s different to many other books out there. You don’t expect it to be so emotional when you first start reading, but half way through the book you have already shared the frustration and hurt that Grace went through.
    My favourite parts in this book are when Grace rebels against the church. Grace is strong and determined throughout the book. She never loses faith and doesn’t stand down to what she believes in, no matter what people tell her. Grace has an interesting way of looking at things which makes the book so much more interesting.
    I loved reading grace and it’s definitely a book I would come back to and read again. I give Grace 8.5/10 and highly recommend to read it. This book is suitable for ages 8-9 and up.


  10. i read grace in year 5 i really enjoyed it and i think it was one of the best books i have read because when i was reading i wanted to read more and more. its interesting that because they are in that religion they can not know or touch any people which are not in that religion.


  11. Grace is a girl who lives in a world where she is limited by her religion, she is not allowed to have anything to do with ‘non believers’ because they are believed to be demons.
    Grace doesn’t mind until a tragic event occurs, which leaves her thinking would God really believe this right.
    I won’t say anything else, but this book is great because it shows you how religion can control peoples life and we are lucky that we have a free religion that doesn’t have too many limitations.
    I really enjoyed this book and I would recommend Grace to people over 11, because it is a little bit confusing.
    I would rate this book 8/10.


  12. I just love Morris Gleitzman. He is such a good writer and I have loved every one of his books (every one that I have read). Grace is one of his best books and I loved reading it so much. It’s really sad and the emotions are shown really well. I’m glad it has a happy ending. 🙂 It’s really interesting reading about how Grace lived and it made me wonder if that actually happens in the world. I hope it doesn’t because not being allowed to communicate with non-catholics is just really mean and horrible. I recommend this fantastic book for people over 10 years old.


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