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When Artemis Fowl’s mother contracts a life-threatening illness,

his world is turned upside down.

The only hope for a cure lies in the brain fluid of the silky sifaka lemur.

Unfortunately, the animal is extinct due to a heartless bargain Artemis himself made as a younger boy.

Though the odds are stacked against him, Artemis is not willing to give up.

With the help of his fairy friends, the young genius travels back in time to save the lemur and bring it back to the present.

But to do so, Artemis will have to defeat a maniacal poacher, who has set his sights on new prey: Holly Short.

The rules of time travel are far from simple, but to save his mother, Artemis will have to break them all.and outsmart his most cunning adversary yet: Artemis Fowl, age ten.

Comments on: "Artemis Fowl: the time paradox – Eoin Colfer" (5)

  1. eve. L said:

    Oh young Artemis will you never learn, you can never beat yourself. It’s younger Artemis v.s older Artemis in a time paradox that will confuse just about everyone including the grand master of crime himself. Just remember that there is a LONG series of books before this one and if you don’t read them in order no one will be more confused than you. I rate this book 11 out of 10.


  2. i loved this book. i love artemis and his quick thinking and his mastermind tactics at such a young age. i also love butler and his relationship with artemis. this book has so many great twists and unexpected events that makes you want to fake a sicky so you can lie in bed all day and read it.


  3. Artemis fowl and the time paradox is all about Artemis’ change in character and heart. When artemis’ mother contracts a deadly magic borne disease, Artemis calls upon the Faries to help.
    After convincing Holly and a small warlock to help him, they travel back in time to steal a silky sifaka lemur, but what they found was unexpected.
    The characters show change throughout the book and Artemis and Holly grow closer only to be pulled apart by a lie. Opal once again comes on the scene and tries to kill Artemis yet again.
    I loved this book because of its wicked plot and how science is mixed with reality to create an interesting and riveting read.
    It is suitable for all ages and i highly recommend it.


  4. Artemis Fowl and the time paradox is a fantastic read.
    When Artemis’ mother contracts a deadly magic borne disease Artemis calls upon the Fairies to help.
    After convincing Holly and a Warlock to help him, they travel back in time to steal a silky sifaka lima, but what they found was not what they were expecting!!!
    A fantastic read for all ages.
    I highly recommend


  5. I recommend
    Artemis Fowl and the Time Paradox -Eoin Colfer
    This book is definitely on of my favourite books in the Artemis Fowl series.
    Arty is faced with a dilemma (I know, that never happens to him, pfft.) his mother has fallen seriously ill and the cure has do to with an animal that he sold to ‘extinctionists’.
    Now he has to figure out a way to go back in time and fight himself to save his mother, but how will he do it? And what is he willing to risk?

    Another thrilling read, that will have you sitting on the edge of your seat until the very last page.
    10 out of 10 thumbs up from this happy reader.
    The perfect read for any girl who has a soft side for the miss-understood evil guy, or any boy that likes a lot of action and deceiving plans involving mustaches.

    A great weekend read.
    (But I would recommend reading the whole series in order, preferably right before you read this one, even if it is just to refresh your memory… you have to read the book to see why!)


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