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Fleeing persecution in Afghanistan, Ali Ismail eventually finds himself held in a detention centre in the South Australian outback. For twelve months he endures hardship and despair while he waits to find out whether he will be allowed to stay in Australia.

Comments on: "Refugee: the diary of Ali Ismail (My Australian Story) – Alan Sunderland" (2)

  1. Sarthak said:

    really sad book its just so discreptive


  2. I have to recommend the book Refugee. It is a really good book to read but is also really sad. I have read it over and over again because the outline of the story is perfect and its really easy to understand. Both my Aunties loved it so muck that they were the ones that recommended it to me.It’s a great book. Overall I give this book 41/2 out of 5. You must read


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