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Comments on: "The Princess diaries (movie)" (90)

  1. Princess Diaries is a great movie following the journey of protagonist Mia from being a regular teenager, to becoming a princess. This is a very funny movie, watching Mia transform and go through all of the emotions realising she is a royal and has the possibility to become the Queen. My favourite character in the movie is Mia because she is hilarious and it is funny to see her training to learn royal etiquette and manners. I would give this movie a 9/10 and would recommend it to anyone aged 13 years and over, it is a must-watch for everyone.


  2. Olivia said:

    i loved this movie when i first watched it i thought it was really good and a fun movie to watch with your mum or sisters even grandparents.It is such an OG classic and one of my favourite characters was Mia the main star off the show she is quirky, funny and sweet she makes the movie even better to watch i would recommend this move for children ages 8-15 or any age really and i would rate this a 9/10 definitely recommend!!


  3. Sienna said:

    The princess diaries is one of my favourite movies! I love sitting down with my mum and sister and watching this, it is about a young girl called Mia how some how through her dad is the princess of Genovia. My favourite character was Mia because even through everything she has to go through to be the perfect princess she still has an open mind and never quits! My favourite part is the transformation part, because Mia finally develops confidence in herself! I would 100% recommend this movie and give it a 9/10.


  4. Princess Diaries is a classic teen early 2000’s movie. This movie is very fun and enjoyable to watch. Awkward teenager high-schooler turned princess and soon to be Queen, Mia, is funny, relatable and enjoyable to watch. Any movie with Anne Hathaway is sure to be good. The movie, whilst an endearing comedy, also explores some themes of heartbreak, with loss of family and friendship. I love how this film has an important message of staying true to yourself and keeping the good people close. This movie is the height of rom-coms and chick flicks and also carries a lovely message. I would highly recommend to anyone above the age of 10.


  5. I love this movie so much!!! If you just want a funny movie that makes you feel good then this is a great movie for you. It’s about an awkward and nerdy girl Mia who finds out she is a princess and is in line for the throne of Genovia. I laughed so much in this movie because Mia is like any insecure high school girl and how she reacts to everything is just so relatable. I love everything else about this movie like the setting , Mias best friend Lily and I especially love her Grandma who is the current queen of Genovia. My favourite character was obviously Mia because she was so strong but also put her own twist on things and she said what she thought. I would recommend this movie to girls 10+ and I rate it a 10/10 because i just think that it is one of the perfect princess movies ever!!!!!


  6. Ella P said:

    the Princess Diaries is a very funny and great movie to watch with your friends and family. it is about a normal high school student called Mia with no idea that she is actually a princess. throughout the movie you get to see how her life changes while she learns how to be a princess. i would recommend this movie for people over the age of 8 so that they can understand it a little better. overall i would give this movie a 7/10


  7. I absolutely love the Princess Diaries and have loved both this one and the second one. I would have to say that my favourite character is Lily because of her friendship and loyalty to Mia, that, and her talkshow. I really enjoyed watching Mia’s reaction to Queen Clarice telling her she was a princess, and how out of placed Mia looked in the embassy before her transformation.
    This movie is super funny and I would recommend both the Princess Diaries and Princess Diaries 2 to anyone who wants a laugh. I would definitely rate this movie at least a 9/10


  8. This movie is a classic chick flick that must be watched! It is about an unpopular high school student who’s life gets flipped upside down when she learns she is actually the princess of Genovia. This movie also has one of the best makeover scenes in history! It is a classic teen movie, that includes romance and is guaranteed to make you laugh. It is one of those movies you have seen so many times but never gets old! Highly recommend to all girls 8+!


  9. Nicola said:

    The Princess Diaries is a movie about a normal teenager, Mia who finds out that she is the Princess of a country called Genovia. She transforms into a completely new person. My favourite part of this movie is when Mia and her grandmother have a car crash and use being a princess to bribe the police so they don’t have to go to the station. I really enjoyed this movie and I would defiantly recommend it.


  10. This movie is absolutely fantastic. It has a good sense of humour as well as romance. Despite some bad mistakes, Mia stays true to herself and her friends and has to make the tough decision whether or not to become a princess. I could watch this movie a million times and never get sick of it, so I would rate it 8/10. This movie would be suitable for anyone aged 6+ as it is a great movie for everyone!!


  11. this movie is super cute! if your into the kinds of movies that are girlish sweet and a bit romantic at times this is the movie for you, what i really like about this movie is that the main character princess Mia is a normal teenage girl who then enters the world of royalty which is a big adjustment for her which i love to watch to see how that all takes place over time. there are lots of parts that prove great messages like scenes were Mia helps orphanages and many more that show great role model demonstration, you will fall in love with this movie straight away as it is just so much fun and really cute to watch, my favourite part of this movie is when Mia finds out she has become air to the throne and princess of this little country. i love this movie and i am sure you will as well, so make sure to watch this movie as it is super cute. i would recommend this movie to age 10+ great movie so get watching it!


  12. Kaitlyn said:

    The Princess Diaries is a funny and very enjoyable movie. It follows the life of fifteen year high school student named Mia. On her sixteenth birthday Mia finds out she is a princess. This movie has an great storyline but it still could be better for this reason I would rate this movie an seven out of ten. I would recommend this movie to anyone over the age of six as it is a heart warming movie for the family to watch!!


  13. the princess diaries is a cute movie about a teen girl named Mia who is anything but a princess she is an only child with only her mum growing up as her dad died when she was much younger later on when she turned 15 she was told she was a princess by her grandma the queen, going from a really shy girl to being a princess was a huge step for her. Her whole school loved her but she found it hard to deal with friendships and relationships this is a great movie that is great for every age i love this movie very much its so cute and funny so get watching it straight away its super good!


  14. I love The Princess Diaries. I was 9 when I watched the movie, and never seem to be tired of it.The director has created a character that will make the audience feel that they are related. Mia plays a huge part of how women should be. Mia is confident and doesn’t care what others think that is how everyone should be. And really, what’s not to love? The Princess Diaries is a great rom-com. Anne Hathaway is funny and endearing. I recommend this movie for all ages, and I rate this a 9/10.


  15. Bella said:

    This movie is absolutely fantastic. It has a good sense of humour as well as romance. I think I love this movie so much because it shows how just a normal everyday girl can go to being a princess. It also shows how people may only like you because of your ‘popularity status’ which sort of annoys me a bit, but is really connecting to the everyday world in some aspects (not the princess part of course!). I would recommend this light hearted film to anyone over the age of 10. If you like a chick flick than this movie is for you. I give this movie a 11/10.


  16. Hannah said:

    Princess Diaries is a really good movie! I recommend this movie for all ages 6+. i loved this movie and also is a movie that you can connect to your life by the way she loves her friends and family and how she had just a normal life! Although we cant connect with her when she is a princess! I loved how Anne Hathaway plays Mia, and I wouldn’t have chosen anyone else to play it! My favourite character was probably Mia, she is a really good actress that plays her and her personality relates to lots of people in real life. I rate this movie 7/10


  17. Hannah said:

    Princes Diaries is a really good movie! I recommend this movie for all ages 6+. I loved this movie and also is a movie that you can connect to your life by the way she loves her friends, family and how she had a normal school life! Although we can’t connect with when she is a princess! I loved how Anne Hathaway plays Mia, and i wouldn’t choose anyone else to play it!
    My favourite Character was probably Mia, she was a great actress and she did her part very well.
    I rate this movie 7/10


  18. Claire said:

    This was everyones dream, growing up and suddenly becoming a princess. Anne Hathaway plays the part so well, I wouldn’t pick anyone else to play it. It is about a high school student who doesn’t quite fit into her school. She suddenly finds out she is a princess and haves to change her whole life. After a makeover and posh lessons she tries to fit into the life of a princess that doesn’t quite suit her. I loved the character and would highly recommend it to anyone who loves a good chick flick/comedy. I would rate it 10/10


  19. Reagan said:

    I Loe this movie and the story line! it is about a age 15 school girl who finds out she is a princess of Genova. This movie is very funny and just an all round great movie for all ages and I think everyone should watch this movie because you will no doubt love it! 9/10


  20. The Princess Diary is a funny movie that everyone loves. It is about a 15 year old school girl who isn’t very popular at school who finds out that she is actually princess of Genovia and will recieve that country when she turns 16. This is an amazing, hilarious movie and I recommend it to ages 8+


  21. I love the Princess diaries !! I love the story line of how Mia is an ordinary girl who is overlooked by many people at her school but when she finds out that she is a Princess everyone wants to be her friend. Despite some bad mistakes, Mia stays true to herself and her friends and has to make the tough decision whether or not to become a princess. My favorite part of the movie is when she crashed the car with her grandma (the queen) and they get out of by making the tram driver feel special and saying he has the order of the rose, even though they just made that up. I think this movie sends an important message about staying true to yourself and the difference between real and fake friends. I would rate this movie 8/10!


  22. The Princess Diaries is a classic favourite. This movie is one perfect for sleep overs, nights in and well any occasion. It has a wonderful story line of a 15 year old girl who finds out she is a princess. This crazy idea that every girl dreams of, is pulled off in a way that doesn’t make it tacky or childish. The main character Mia is very comical and isn’t your typical princess which makes the movie and easy watch. This movie has a great concept and has been done really well, keeping it entertaining for both pre teens, teens and even adults. I rate this movie an 8.5/10


  23. Anabel said:

    Garry Marshall’s comical movie, β€˜The Princess Diaries’ never fails to ignite the childhood dream of discovering you are a princess and living in a castle with your pet cat β€˜Fat Louis!’ It is a story where shy, outspoken school girl Mia Thermopolis’ entire life changes, as a result of the discovery that she is the heir to the Genovian throne. She begins a real journey of self discovery, as she undergoes the process of β€œprincess training” with her very proper, well-spoken and formidable grandmother, Queen Clarisse Renaldi. I would recommend this movie to anybody from the age of 0-100, as it is so fun and highly comedic. I rate this film 10/10 as it is a classic movie that never fails to make me laugh, and is always exceptionally enjoyable.


  24. I love The Princess Diaries, it’s one of my favourite movies and I can watch it again and again. It is about a teenage girl called Mia who is at high school and she is invisible to the popular kids, but Mias grandmother tells her she is a true princess. My favourite part of the movie is probably the part at the end. The scene of the ball. The outfits were beautiful and the actors played their roles so well. My favourite character is Joe because he’s such a good person and he is also looking out for Mia at all times, and is always there for her. He’s also funny and I love the part where he dances with the queen, Mia’s grandmother. I would rate this for all ages cause there is not one dull moment. I would rate it 9/10!


  25. Princess Diaries is an amazing movie. It is about an ordinary 15 year old girl called Mia, finding out that she is the heir to the throne and princess of Genovia. Mia’s journey to becoming a royal is a very funny one. I would recommend this book for teenagers. Or anyone who wants a good laugh. 9/10.


  26. Chelsea said:

    I loved watching the film, The Princess Diaries. Directed by Garry Marshall, the film follows the life of Mia Thermopolis, an average teenager going to high school and living in an apartment with her mother. Out of nowhere, her grandmother drops a bombshell…she is the heir to the throne of Genovia, a small European town. Mia must face the challenge to turn from a clumsy girl into a beautiful princess, face the pressures from her family and friends and become the royalty she was born to be.
    My favourite character is Mia’s grandmother, Clarisse, as she is so classy and proper yet she tries so hard to get to know her granddaughter and guide her in the process of becoming more like a princess.
    Defiantly a great movie and one to watch. I rate it 7 out of 10.


  27. a extremely funny story about an unpopular normal regular teen Mia who is about to have her world turned upside down when her grandma comes to town to tell her that she is a princess who will one day become a Queen. My favourite part is the transition from regular teen to princess. and My favourite character is definitely Mia Because she is so brave through it all and each day tries harder everyday to become a princess. I definitely recommend this Movie for girls 9+. 7/10


  28. I loved this movie. It was hilarious and interesting. Seeing a regular unpopular teenage girl being told that she is a princess and soon to be a queen of a country she barely knew about. She is betrayed in this movie and used, but she is too smart no to realize that they are doing this.


  29. The Princess Diaries is a fantastic movie filled with fun and laughter it is great for any girl especially ones who love princesses and perfect for little girls. This movie has great comedy to it and actors this movie not only has the one movie but follows on to more. It shows how people can change even into princesses. Anne Hathaway plays the main actor as she goes through great struggles when she finds out that she is really of royal birth. She works her way to the top and learns how to become a really prices for her country with the help of the Queen her grandmother. I would rate this movie a 10/10 I have loved this movie for years!!!!!


  30. Milly said:

    Princess Diaries is a great movie that I recommend for the whole family. I think that it is a great movie to sit and watch with your friends or family. The way the movie is created is really good because it has a mixture of different genres all in it at once. It is funny, while being romantic and a bit sad at parts. The actress who plays Mia fits so well into the role and plays the character so well, as well as the Royal Grandma, you would think she really was a Queen in real life. It is great watching Mia’s transformation and parts of the movie give all viewers a good giggle and laugh. I could watch this movie a million times and never get sick of it, so I would rate it a 10/10. This movie would be suitable for anyone aged 6+ as it is a great movie for everyone!!


  31. I used to watch Princess Diaries all the time when I was around the age of 10. I loved this movie so much and I still do. It is about a young high school student who finds out she is a Princess and for her 16th birthday she will receive the country “Genovia’. I recommend this movie to girls ages between 7-14 years and even elderly people because my Nan would enjoy watching this movie with me. I rate this movie a 9/10.


  32. The princess diaries used to be one of my favourite movies when I was younger but is still great to watch sometimes because it never gets old. I love the main character Mia and her makeover. Anne Hathaway did an amazing job at playing the main character who was going on her journey from being a normal 15 year old to a princess. I would recommend to younger people aged 5 and up.


  33. This is only a movie I have seen recently as I was introduced to it by some friends. I enjoyed watching this movie. The film follows the story of Mia and her transformation from a shy awkward teenager to a proper and beautiful princess. The film also shows the bumps that she faces along the way. My favourite part of the movie is her makeover, the person who makes her over is so funny. My least favourite part would be when they are all crowding around the school and making fun of her. I would recommend this movie to girls aged 7-13. I would give the movie a rating of 7/10.


  34. Bridget said:

    Princess Diaries is a beautiful coming of age story, about a young girl who finds out she is a royal princess from the small country of Genovia. There is the perfect amount of comedy, drama, and romance. Mia is a very relatable character and is very well acted by Anne Hathaway. I would highly recommend this to any girl of any age, and is a must for anyone who ever dreamed of being a princess! It’s a classic that can be watched and re-watched and it never gets old.


  35. The Princess Diaries I believe is a great film. I really like this film because Mia is the same age as me and you can relate or put yourself in her shoes. My favourite part of this film is when she has a cup of tea with her Grandma and the Grandma tells her that she is royal and is the next person to the throne because she is so confused and shocked. I would recommend this film to people that like real type of princess films and are very girly. I would rate this movie a 10/10 for the fact that this is one of my got to films to watch.


  36. The princess diaries is definitely one of my all time favourite movies! This movie is about a very quirky high school student named Mia Thermopolis (played by Anne Hathaway) and how she became the princess of Genovia. Mia didn’t always act like a princess which meant she would need all the help she could get! Lucky for her, her grandmother; Queen Clarisse Renaldi (played by Julie Andrews) offered to give Mia ‘Princess Lessons’. This movie is filled with lots of humour and feel good moments, It is just an all round good movie! I would highly recommend this movie to anyone above 10 years old as it is such a fun and family friendly movie.


  37. Princess diaries is one of my fav movies it has been in my list of favourites since I was young. The story line is great It’s about a girl Amelia who is a mis fit in high school and who doesn’t fit in. Until one peculiar day when her grandmother wanted to meet with her and informs Amelia that she is a princess in a far away kingdom, that’s when Amelia’s whole life changed. I rate this movie a 7/10 must watch!!


  38. Princess Diaries is a wonderful movie. I loved watching it when I was younger and I think that the memories of watching it years ago makes me feel like its a little bit better than it really is. My favourite part of the movie was when Mia kept trying to be a good princess but she struggled because she wasn’t used to it. I would recommend this movie to kids age 7 and up because it is about princesses and they like that particularly girls. I would rate this 9 out of 10


  39. The Princess Diaries is a fantastic movie filled with fun and laughter it is great for any girl especially ones who love princesses and perfect for little girls. This movie has great comedy to it and actors this movie not only has the one movie but follows on to more. It shows how people can change even into princesses. Anne Hathaway plays the main actor as she goes through great struggles when she finds out that she is really of royal birth. She works her way to the top and learns how to become a really prices for her country with the help of the Queen her grandmother. I would rate this movie a 8/10 as is only suited for certain ages and attracts mainly young girls only.


  40. Phoebe said:

    A classic teenage film, ‘The Princess Diaries’ brings laughter and joy while watching. Following Mia Thermopolis’ journey from awkward, shy teenager to a princess of a small nation of Genovia in Europe, this movie is a must see! The amazing storyline of this film makes you wish that you too would get told by a distant grandmother, that you were a princess!! Faced with princess lessons from her grandmother and the added pressure of one day ruling a nation, Mia handles life in her clumsy, funny way that is enjoyment for all. A family friendly movie, it is great to watch with friends and have a good time. Recommended 8+, I would definitely rate this movie 9/10!


  41. Lauren said:

    Princess Diaries is one of my favourite movies, its great. I really like the story line and all of the characters that are in the movie. The story is about a dorky teenage schoolgirl who is living a normal life until she discovers that she is a princess! The movies centres around of all of the adventures that she goes on throughout out the film. I would recommend this movie to families because it has enjoyable parts for all and overall it is a fantastic movie and also a good chick flick. Overall a must watch movie!!


  42. This movie has a bit of everything. Romance, comedy and Adventure. I loved this movie, it’s got a great message and i would really suggest for everyone to watch it, it’s worth watching.
    I found it really hilarious at some points. It is about a girl who didn’t know that she was a princess until her grandma told her that she was going to be queen. I rate this movie 8/10 bt that’s just my opinion.


  43. Ellie said:

    Princess Diaries is a wonderful movie. I loved watching it when I was younger and I think that the memories of watching it years ago makes me feel like its a little bit better than it really is. Its sounds harsh I know, but this movie really is pretty good. I love Anne Hathaway and her role is this just seems to be perfect for her. I also like it due to the fact that she has a cat in the movie called ‘Fat Loui’ the added humour to the storyline really makes this movie. I would rate it a 8/10.


  44. Caitlin B said:

    I love this movie so much! I watch it over and over again and laugh every time. My favourite part of the movie is when Queen Clarice tells Mia that she is a princess. My least favourite part is at the beach party when Josh asks Mia for a foot rub. My favourite character is Mia because she is played by Anne Hathaway, who is my favourite actress. I couldn’t relate to any characters, but that didn’t change my view on the movie. I love how Mia started off as a geeky girl who got sat on but then turned into this amazing, beautiful princess. I would recommend this book to people aged 10+ . People younger could watch it too but i think people at that age would be able to relate more. I rate this movie 9.5/10


  45. I love the princess diaries it is an amazing movie. I love how Mia is so clumsy and awkward and then they try and make her into a classy young woman. I love seeing her transformation it’s really amusing watching her try all these fancy new things. My favourite part is her make over. I highly recommend this movie to girls over the age of 10 and I also recommend the second movie because it is just as good as the first I rate this movie 9.5/10. πŸ™‚


  46. Olivia said:

    I’ve watched this movie so many times. Through school and daily life. Princess Diaries is an awesome movie of a 15 year old student who finds out that she is actually a Princess!. I like it when they give her the make over because she looks very different. I recommend them to kids aged 7 and up because its such a great movie!


  47. This was the best movie of my childhood, and for years I dreamed that some forgotten family member would deliver the news that I too am royalty. The whole concept of the film was really cool, and I loved the settings producers had chosen. Mia’s journey from awkward teenager to gorgeous princess is one that the audiences takes with her, and this journey is an incredibly funny one. I recommend this movie to all young girls, and rate is a 9.5/10.


  48. For every girl who has ever dreamed of being a princess, β€˜The Princess Diaries’ is just for you. Starring the gorgeous Anne Hathaway, this coming-of-age film details the transformation of Mia Thermopolis’ average life into the life of a princess. The adolescent soon discovers the many duties and responsibilities involved in representing the nation of Genovia; a country ruled by the blood of her ancestors. This film is perhaps my favourite childhood movie and explores how everyone has the potential to become a princess, with a little help of course.


  49. hannah said:

    The princess diaries is a great movie that keeps you entertained the whole time. Its a great movie to watch with your friends. My favourite part is when Mia gets a makeover because she gets such a good transformation. This movie is one of my favourites and i could watch it over and over again. its a really fun and exiting movie that i recommend to everyone.


  50. I have always loved this movie for so many reasons growing up.I loved how at the start we see a normal everyday girl called Mia and what she experience daily and then one day it turns around because she finds out that she is royalty and that is big she gets and makeover and her whole outlook on life has changed but her personality hasn’t and suddenly she has become something that people notice and that is hard for her at the start Its such a hilarious and very funny movie! Its about a girl who went from being a weird and usual school girl to an elegant and gorgeous princess! She had a rough journey in trying to become a beautiful and delicate princess but eventually happened. This movie is so amazing I give it a solid 9/10


  51. ehoulihan said:

    I love The Princess Diaries, it’s one of my favourite movies and I can watch it again and again. My favourite part is when Mia gets gets the makeover from an awkward girl into a princess. I also like the parts when she is learning how to behave properly as a princess and as a queen. My favourite character is Joe because he’s such a good person and he is also looking out for Mia at all times, and is always there for her. He’s also funny and I love the part where he dances with the queen, Mia’s grandmother. My least favourite part is where Mia’s best friend Lily and Lily’s brother Michael are mad at her, because I feel sorry for Mia as it’s not her fault. I would definitely recommend this movie to everyone, especially aimed at girls aged 12 and up. I rate it 9/10.


  52. This movie has a bit of everything. Romance, comedy and Adventure. I loved this movie, it’s got a great message and i would really suggest for everyone to watch it, it’s worth watching.


  53. I love love love this movie! The princess diaries is one of my favorites. My favorite bit is when she gets the full makeover and turns, looks more like a princess. She is my favorite character because she hilarious. I also love when her and her best friends brother have a dance at the end I thought it was really cute. I recommend this movie to anyone over the age of 9. I rate this an 10/10.


  54. The Princess Diary is a hilarious movie that everyone loves!!! The storyline is great and its comedy which everyone loves a bit of comedy. I think I have watched this movie at least 10 times and I will continue watching it ( I think I’m a bit obsessed ) I rate this movie a 9/10


  55. Jessie said:

    Princess Diaries
    Princess Diaries is a great movie about this 15 year old girl who lives with her mum but then her grandma meets her and her life changes from being a awkward girl to being a princess.
    My favourite character is Mia Thermopolis (Anne Hathaway) because she because she is play her awkward part well and was funny.
    I would definitely recommend is movie to everyone and I give it a 9/10


  56. Eleanor said:

    This film has been around for a long time and its a classic. I liked the Grandmother because she was really prim and proper and always tried to be a lady. She reminded me of having afternoon tea with my nana. The best bit was princess learning how to mattress slide at the princess party. Princess Mia is like all of us she is a bit weird but a princess too. I would recommend this film to be watched on a rainy afternoon when you want to laugh and rewind all of the funny bits. i rate this film 8/10


  57. Olivia said:

    I love the Princess Diaries! Its such a hilarious and very funny movie! Its about a girl who went from being a weird and usual school girl to an elegant and gorgeous princess! She had a rough journey in trying to become a beautiful and delicate princess but eventually happened. This movie is so amazing and would recommend it to anyone that loves a good laugh! ! rate this movie a 9/10 πŸ™‚


  58. Emily said:

    I love this movie, Anne Hathaway known as Mia, is such a good actress and makes this movie complete. I saw this movies when I was young and I still really enjoy it. I recommend β€œThe Princess Diaries” to girls aged between 8 -15. It’s also a great family movie. It is a great movie that shows that everyone deserves to be loved, and feel great about themselves, no matter how they look or their culture. I would rate this movie a 8/10. It’s worth watching.


  59. This is a great movie for younger girls around ages 9-14. Anne Hathaway is an inspiring actress in this film and portrays the character Mia in a lighthearted and interesting way. This movie is about a girl who at the age of 16 finds out she is a princess. At first she doesn’t want the role as she feels she isn’t socially equipped for it and it is a lot of pressure. Her grandmother soon teaches her how to act and look like a princess and Mia starts to change her mind when she sees how she can now reach out to more people. Many girls could relate to it as many girls dreamed to be a princess and live in a castle. It is an inspiring and funny movie that would appeal to mainly younger girls but also can be one for the whole family. If you’re interested in a nice family movie then this would be a great one to watch. I rate it 8/10.


  60. Brooke said:

    I love this movie when i was younger and really enjoyed it then saw it again a little while ago and loved it even more. It’s about a girl who finds out she is a princess and her grandma comes and teaches her how to be one. my favourite part in the movie was the make-over it was amazing and interesting to watch. my favourite character was joe the butler he was funny and really nice. I would recommend this movie for 10 and up it an outstanding movie just amazing i would rate this movie a 10/10


  61. Wow!
    Love this book love the movie, whats not to love?
    It’s very funny and how she finds out she’s a princess and she’s definitely not very princess like!
    I reckon that it is very clever and the cast play their roles really well.
    Also Anne Hathaway is my all time favourite actress!!


  62. I recommend β€œThe Princess Diaries to girls aged 8 – 12. It is a great movie that demonstrates the importance to be happy and to follow your heart and do the right thing.
    My favourite character of the film was main character Mia played by Anne Hathaway. Mia falls into the trap, as many women in reality still face today, of an arranged marriage. She gets pressured into becoming engaged to a man she doesn’t romantically love in order to become Queen. The way in which Mia deals with this situation however is worth watching. Her bravery, honesty and self-respect are admirable.
    I would rate this film a 10/10 and believe it’s a film worth watching.


  63. Chloe said:

    I really loved this movie starring Anne Hathaway and featuring Julie Andrews. Its about an below ordinary girl, Mia who discovers that her deceased dad was a prince, therfefore she was the heir of the throne. It shows her transformation from ordinary to royal and the result is amazing. I would definitely recommend this movie to young girls aged 8-14 πŸ™‚ 10/10


  64. I loved this movie ! It was hilarious and fun to watch. Julie Andrews and Ann Hathaway are perfect for their roles. I’m not a princess girl but this movie isn’t that at all , in fact it’s the exact opposite! It shows anybody can be a princess , I’d recommend this movie to anyone!


  65. I recommend β€œThe Princess Diaries” to girls aged 8 -12. It is a great movie that shows that everyone deserves to be loved, appreciated and feel good about themselves; that everyone deserves to feel like a princess.
    My favourite character of the film was the main character, Mia, played by actress Anne Hathaway. I loved her vague and sarcastic personality. Most of all though I found her clumsiness hilarious.
    I would rate this film a 10/10 and believe it’s a film worth watching.


  66. This is an entertaining and funny movie that is great to watch with friends! I love this because Mia is a normal person which we can relate to. It’s great seeing how she reacts to her newly found life and how she acts about it. She is an inspiring character played very well by (my favourite) Anne Hathaway and even though her situation will virtually never become our reality, we can still relate to feeling different and having to make new (and very big) choices. This is an amazing movie with brilliant character but my favourite has to be Mia, because I relate the most to her (and she’s played by Anne Hathaway). I rate this movie a 10/10 because it is a truly amazing, crazy girly and fun movie!


  67. Sarah said:

    I love this movie!! it’s so funny. It is a great teen movie and there was so much laughter. I love how it’s like unexpected that she’s ment to be princess!! I would rate this for all ages cause there is not one dull moment!! I rate it 9/10!!


  68. ihill said:

    The princess diaries is such a funny movie. It’s one of the best teen movies with Anne Hathaway as the main character Mia. Julie Andrews is amazing as her Grandmother the Queen. From start to finish the whole movie is the best part. With all the character so well developed and also have strong great personalities. I would recommend this for all age groups and for anyone who loves chick flicks, teen movies, disney movies, and a fun movie. I would rate it a 10/10


  69. Georgia said:

    The Princess Diaries is one of the best movies in the world and they are the best for a girls night in. Mia is just another normal teenage girl but is she really that normal? One day her aunt comes for a suprise visit and tells Mia she is next in line to the throne. What a shock it was for Mia. Is mia really fit for queen? what happens with her friends? Watch to find out about Mia’s crazy life! I rate this 10/10 and i recomemd this for every girly girl!


  70. Kirsty L said:

    The Princess Diaries is a great movie for a girls night out. My favourite part of the movie was when Mia kept trying to be a good princess but she struggled because she wasn’t used to it. My favourite character is Mia because Anne Hathaway plays a great suitable role for her. I would definitely recommend this movie to a girls night out with all of your besties and I would rate it a 8/10! πŸ™‚


  71. Jarrah said:

    This movie is very funny and mia is very nerdy. I dont know my favorite part because all of the movie is good! This is a very good movie for everyone to watch! i rate it a 7/10


  72. Olivia said:

    The Princess Diaries is a amazing take on a High School teenager that has a couple friends and is told that her grandmother is the Queen of a small island and she was told that she was the princess. She had to learn how to be a princess. I think this movie is really funny. i think Anne Hathaway is really good at playing Mia. My favourite part is when Mia gets her makeover. πŸ™‚ I rate this a 8/10. I recommend this to 8 to 12 year olds.


  73. Grace W said:

    The princess diaries has been one of my favourite movies for five or so years. I think this movie is hiliarious especially when they are teaching Mia how to behave like a princess. When Mia mets her Grandmother for the first time in years and finds out her grandmother is the queen, Mia struggles with the transformation from regular teenager into princess. I recommend this movie to girls aged between 7 and 12 and I rate this movie a 9/10.


  74. This movie is defiantly an oldie but a goodie. I believe it is defiantly better than the second one. I love the actress Anne hathaway and I think she plays her character really well. I think she is better in other movies although this movie was when she was younger and was developing as an actress. I think this movie is defiantly for a younger audience because as you get older you don’t like it as much. I would say this movie for 7-13 around. I quite like this movie although there are some parts which i dont. I would rate this movie 7/10


  75. Natasha said:

    I really enjoyed watching both of the princess diaries movies because they were really entertaining. My most favourite bit would have to be when her grandmother trying to teach her princess ediquitte and Mia does the exact opposite. I would have to say that my favourite character is Joe because he just makes you laugh and he is a nice old chap who cares for his queen. I really did’nt enjoy when Mia went through her rebellious stage and refused everyone and everything is was quite boring and not acted to a full. If I could change it I would really, really want to change how Mia and Josh get stuck in that little beach shack it was boring and boring. I really would recommend this movie to others because it is not rude but it is funny and enjoyable. This movie on rate-a-scale would be a 8/10 because it was a really good movie but some parts were just really unnecessary.


  76. Beth :) said:

    * Did you like the book/movie? Why? I very much enjoyed this movie because of it’s difference to other movies. It had a different story line and the actors did a fantastic job of the playing the roles
    * What was your favourite part of the book/movie? Why? My favourite part of the movie is probably the part at the end. The scene of the ball. The outfits were beautiful and the actors played there roles so well
    * Who was your favourite character? Why? My favourite character is Lily, she is such a different character to most others in movies and most others in the movie.
    * Can you relate to any of the characters in the story? If so, how? I can’t relate to any of the characters in this movie because they all seem so different to me.
    * Do you have a least favourite part of the book/movie? Why? I don’t think so, maybe the part where the car crashes into the train cart sort of thing because i don’t see that it was really needed in the movie because it didn’t lead to anything and if it did that wasn’t needed either.
    * If you could change something in the book/movie, what would it be? I would cut out my least favourite part and the things it leaded to because i didn’t see it as a needed part
    * Would you recommend this book/movie to others? Why? I would recommend this movie to others because it has enjoyable parts for all and overall it is a fantastic movie
    * What type of person would like this book/movie? Why? Almost all sorts of people would enjoy this movie because if the different parts and it is just a funny and enjoyable movie.
    I would rate this movie 9.5/10 because there are some parts that are not needed but over all it is a enjoyable movie.


  77. Princess Diarys is a great movie, even if it isn’t one of the newbies πŸ™‚ Princess diaries is about a ordinary, every day school girl who one day finds out she is a princess! So throughout the movie you see her transform from a yuck teenage girl into a beautiful well mannered princess. πŸ™‚ I rate this movie a 10/10 it is funny and really interesting to watch πŸ™‚


  78. Grace M said:

    I think this is a really good movie! I really like the story line and how it makes the watcher want more right up until the end. The best bit is Mia’s transformation from ordinary girl to princess and the struggles she under goes to make that change. This is a great movie full of laughs, romance and it proves that we all have a princess inside of us, it might take a bit of work to find it though. I rate this movie 9 1/5 out of 10! πŸ™‚


  79. mollie said:

    The Princess Diaries was a great series of movies (Princess diaries, Princess diaries 2 and Princess diaries 3) and I loved all three of them. It was a very creative movie and very cleverly done. Even though it was fiction it almost seemed like some of it was real. My favourite character was Mia because the roll that they gave her totally suited her and she played it really well. My favourite part of the Movie was when she got told that her grandmother was a Queen and she was a princess, i loved her reaction when she said “Shut-Up!” to the Queen of Genovia. It was really funny in most parts because at first Mia wasn’t a very good princess because she couldn’t walk in heels, couldn’t wave and always fell over. It was great how the director of this movie came up with the idea of an ugly nerdy girl turns into a beautiful popular princess. My least favourite part was when she got embarrassed of her hair and wore a hat, then got told off for it so she had to take it off in class and everyone laughed at her. A better way of doing this would probably be that she came to school with no hat because i don’t see what she was worried about, wouldn’t you want to look prettier? Besides that little part I think it was a great movie and i recommend this for girls only, age 8+. I rate this movie a 8/10 only because i watched it when i was 12 and i thought it might have been a bit young for me. great movie πŸ˜€


  80. alicia said:

    Its a great movie we can sort of relate to like just trying to get through high school. It is a funny teen movie that I think you would like. It has anne hathaway which she is a really good actor and plays the part well. They have now made a second which I think is even better than the first. It is a journey which has a lot of speed bumps along the way which is a bit like our lives. Its a movie that I have seen heaps but it ia still good every time. 10/10


  81. I like this movie because it is about a teenage girl who is at high school and she is invisible to the popular kids, but Mias grandmother tells her she is a true princess. My favourite character is Queen Clarisse because she is a very kind grandmother to Mia and she is willing to teach Mia everything she needs to know about being a princess. My favourite bit of the movie would be when Clarisse tells Mia that she is a princess. My favourite Character was probably Mia, she was a great actress and she did her part very well.
    I rate this movie a 9 out of ten:)


  82. Claudette Theodore said:

    The Princess Diaries, a hilarious movie about a girl who went from being a messy haired school girl to an elegant princess. She had a rough journey in trying to become polite but eventually it happened. This movie is so funny, and I would reccommend it to anyone!
    I rate this movie a 9/10 πŸ™‚


  83. georgia said:

    i LOVE this movie its so good its my all time favourite i used to watch it all the time it is funny and then she becomes an independent princess i haven’t seen this movie in ages but i love it and i love anne hathaway and her hair at the start how its so frizzy i love this movie and would rate it 10/10 πŸ™‚


  84. graciev said:

    This movie is very amusing and I love how she is very clumsy and dorky. I have no favourite parts of the movie because I love the whole thing! There isn’t really anything I would change about it. This is a very good movie for everyone in the family to watch
    I rate it 7/10!


  85. I like this movie because it has Anne Hathaway in it and she is such a good actor. My favourite character is Queen Clarisse because she is a very kind grandmother to Mia (Anne Hathaway) and she is willing to teach Mia everything she needs to know about being a princess. My favourite bit of the movie would be when Clarisse tells Mia that she is a princess. Mia’s expression is so funny! Its a mixture of shock, excitement, nerves, and untrustworthy. Its really funny when Mia is really trying to become a princess and she cant walk in high heels or cant help but to slouch…I also love the part when Mia turns from this nerdy girl that no one likes to this beautiful elegant princess that everyone should like. This movie is great for the family and children of all ages (about 7+). I will rate this movie a 7/10! πŸ™‚


  86. Emily said:

    I absolutely love this movie. I have watched it 1 million times and still laugh.
    It is about a 15 year old high school student who finds out she is really a Princess and will receive a country for her 16th birthday called β€œGenovia”. I would recommend this movie to girls aged 8+ because there are lots of great parts of this movie to enjoy. I rate this movie 8.5/10.


  87. Maddison said:

    Princess Diaries is such a funny movie. I really love Mia because she does a really good job of being the dumby sorta princess at the start. I really do love her transformation and what she looks like compared to what she used to look like. I don’t really have a favorite part because i love all of it. I would definitely recommend this to women/girls from the age of 8+.
    You have to watch this movie. It is a great one to watch!!!!!


  88. Melina Vittorina Bunting said:

    Ahh Mia. You really are the best. I love her transformation from being incredibly reluctant to embrace her royal culture and then towards the end becoming to love it and embrace it with both arms. This movie has such a superb storyline and superb actors.


  89. Chelsea said:

    Princes Diaries is a really good movie! I recommend this movie for all ages 6+. I loved this movie and also is a movie that you can connect to your life by the way she loves her friends, family and how she had a normal school life! Although we can’t connect with when she is a princess!
    My favourite Character was probably Mia, she was a great actress and she did her part very well.
    I rate this movie 7/10 πŸ™‚


  90. Princess Diaries is a great movie about a 15 year old high school student who finds out she is really a Princess and will receive a country for her 16th birthday called “Genovia”. My favorite part was the Baker Beach Bash because it looks like fun and you don’t know whats going to happen next. My favorite character is Mia because she showed Courage and she is very funny. If I could change something in the movie it would be Mia meeting her father somewhere along the way. I would recommend this movie to girls aged 8-14 years and Grandmothers because there are lots of great parts of this movie to enjoy. I rate this movie 8.5/10.


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