The blog for books and movies

Comments on: "The cat in the hat (movie)" (46)

  1. Cat in the hat is such an amazing movie for all! whether you are watching it as a family or with your grandmother, it will never disappoint. Personally, my favorite part is at the end, when the house is an absolute mess and then they all work together to clean it up and then by the time their mum gets home it is perfectly spotless!! my favorite character is Sally as she is sassy but sweet. I love how she is very careful and protective of herself and her brother Conrad. it is really amazing how they turned such a classic book by Dr. Seuss into an entertaining and great movie for all ages. I would rate this movie a 9/10 as it is one of my favourite and is perfect for a rainy day!


  2. The cat in the hat is the best movie! Although it may seem like a kids movie at first, when you watch it you realise how clever the jokes are. It is a light hearted movie suitable for the whole family, and is guaranteed to make you laugh. This quirky movie it is about a giant talking cat who comes into the lives of Sally and Conrad to make their lives fun and exciting. My favourite character is Cat, because he is hilarious and always knows how to have a good time. I would highly recommend this to all ages because it has aspects everyone can relate and have a laugh about! 10/10!


  3. This is my favorite movie ever!!
    I could watch it over an over again, it’s originally from a classic story by Dr. Seuss’. The movie perfectly captures the fun and quirky characteristics of Cat. Its such a great move for all ages and it is so worth seeing!! I would give it an 8/10


  4. I really enjoyed this movie because it made me laugh a lot. I thought that there wasn’t really a message in this movie but i just enjoyed watching it. I think that my favourite character would have to be the cat because he taught the kids how to have fun. I think that my least favourite part would have to be when the mother is coming home and the house is in a mess because i didn’t know if they were going to get caught or if they were going to clean it. I felt like it was to tense!! i think that my favourite part would have to be when they went on a adventure in the car and they ran away from the possible husband to be. I think that I would definitely recommend this movie to kids and to anyone that likes movies that make you laugh!


  5. Katelyn said:

    Just watched this movie the other day and forgot how funny it is. It is definitely a classic that as teenagers now we can look back on and have a good old giggle about. Each of the characters have a unique personality which we love as an audience. I recommended this movie for nearly every age, both genders as it is one we can all enjoy together. I highly rate this movie a 7/10


  6. Mietta said:

    I’m sure cat in the hat is everyones all time favourite Dr. Suess movie! It’s so unique and quirky, I love the characters and each of their own distinctive personalities and appearances. The actors did such an amazing job in this movie to portray all the characters.

    In the movie the cat in the hat shows up at the two young kids house while their mother is out and begins to stir up trouble in the house that sally the daughter must then try clean up as her brother has fun and makes a mess.

    I love the craziness of this movie, it’s so imaginative and get’s my creative thoughts flowing. My favourite character/s would have to be thing one and thing two! they are so cute, they have an unmistakable appearance with their red jumpsuits and blue tufts of hair. They are 2 trouble makers and just make extra work for the two kids to clean up.

    I love this movie it’s great for a family movie night!! 9/10!


  7. Cat in the hat is an all time favourite for everyone. My favourite part was when the house was made into a disaster at the end. It was a miracle that the house got cleaned up but it was all part of the thrill. Even though I’m in high school now it is still providing me with jokes that will continue to make me laugh no matter how old I am. My favourite character has to be Conrad because he is probably the funniest and I love the way he changes throughout the film.

    I would recommend this movie to children above grade 4 due to some of the scenes and jokes being inappropriate. From my point of view, I would rate this movie 8.5/10 because I enjoy watching it but it does include some jokes that just aren’t funny.


  8. Ruby M said:

    The wonderful world of Dr.Seuss is captured perfectly on screen in “The Cat in the Hat”. Right down to Thing 1 and Thing 2 this movie reflects the spectacular book perfectly. The Cat is quite realistic and is very much like he is illustrated and presented in the book. This movie is very exciting and keeps you guessing. You sit on the edge of your seat as it seems impossible for Sally and Conrad to get their house back in order before their Mother comes home. My favourite part is when the Cat arrives at their house because he totally brightens up Sally and Conrad’s incredibly boring day. The narration throughout mimics the book as it is almost like Dr. Seuss himself is telling the classic tale as it unfolds on screen. I rate this movie 8/10 and it can be enjoyed by all ages.


  9. The Cat in the Hat is an all time favourite for everyone I’m sure. I rate this movie 5 out of 5 as this movie is hillarious and very colourful. The cat in the hat gets to show kids the fun side of life, whilst The Cat in The Hat makes thing very hard he also makes it a very enjoyable journey. The Cat in The Hat has a very cheeky but cheerful manner and always makes the kids laugh. Although he should not be around when there Mother is out he is not afraid until the clock ticks and time runs out


  10. This is definitely on my list of favourite movies.
    This is a hilarious film that is aimed at all ages.
    I love how the cat is always fooling around and making really bad jokes. He is so random and is always up to trouble.
    I would recommend this movie or book because it is amazingly funny. I rate this 10/10!


  11. Cat in the Hat is a crazy and funny movie. It is the movie interpretation of the famous, much loved Dr Seuss book. This movie features a strange world with lots of colour, where strange things happen. Although this movie is directed at young children, I do not recommend it to them, as the cat is quite scary and at one point appears under the bed. Most young children often have nightmares about scary things under their beds. Therefor this movie is not recommended for young children as it will probably give them nightmares. I rate this movie 5/10.


  12. The Cat in the Hat is an absolute gem of a movie. Filled with funny scenes, jokes and characters you would have to be extremely strange not to laugh at any point during the movie. The movie made similar to the book, you would think is going to be immature and aimed for younger kids, but it’s not. The movie is a classic. My favourite character is obviously the cat because it’s so cute, but the children also do a great acting job. If I could do anything to change the movie I would see the parents more. Because their reactions would be great. I recommend this movie to young families who wish to sit down together and enjoy a good film on the weekend or a week night. I give it a 7.5/10


  13. The Cat in the Hat movie is so weird and quirky. At the start you think it’ll be just for little kids but really it can be for anyone. It’s a really good movie to quote. I find the colours of the houses and cars and clothes a bit weird and creepy, but it’s cool. Mike Myers is the voice of the cat and he’s great. Cat is so funny and crazy and he does heaps of weird things. He’s my favourite character. I also love Thing 1 and Thing 2. I hate Larry because he acts all good and perfect but really he’s bad and disgusting. My favourite part is where the Cat is two cats and they’re using the cupcakeinator. It can make cupcakes out of anything. Cat ends up getting the end of his tail chopped off.

    I recommend this movie to anyone of any age and rate it 7/10.


  14. Bridget said:

    By far this is one of my favourite movies. I loved every minute of it and could watch it over and over again 10000 times. The cat in the hat comes into a house were 2 kids are sitting. There names are Conrad and Sally. At first when the Cat in the hat appears in there house they don’t know who he is and where he has come from. The cat in the hat tries to impress the kids by doing heaps of silly and funny things. The fish especially is not a fan of the mad cat coming into their house doing weird things while their mother is out. All the cat wants to do is to have loads of fun. I definitely rate this movie a 9 out of 10. 🙂


  15. This used to be my favourite childhood movie. I even have it on DVD. I would watch this movie every weekend but the cat scared me a little bit. My favourite bit was when they when down the river on the nanny!! My favourite character was the fish, he was so cute and he always had to have a say in everything. The character i dislikes the most was the step-dad because was a mean guy who lied to the mum which is not nice. I enjoyed it when he was slimy because he deserved it!!! Rated 8/10, recommended for 5+.


  16. I remember watching this movie as a kid!, It still is such a great movie for all ages its so funny and i love how the director of this movie decided to make it “real life” and not like a cartoon because it looks so wacky! the movie is like doctor suess in real life!. I think this movie is such a childhood classic because of how imaginative and creative everything is when i saw this movie i was mind blown at how arty this movie was. This movie is one big blur, its one disastrous event after another which is what makes it funny because all Cat wants to do is have fun with Sally and conrad!. I rate this movie 9 out of 10 and for ages
    2-100! 🙂


  17. Kaylah said:

    This movie is a great! When I was younger it was my favourite movie and today I still love it! It is very funny and enjoyable! I don’t have any favourite or least favourite parts because the movie is to good. My favourite character is the fish. I would rate this movie a 9/10! I would recommend this movie to all ages. I love watching this movie and I hope you do too! 🙂


  18. Lucy c said:

    I think this was an enjoyable but weird movie. At some times it made me think what the world would be like if we lived in the ways of the movie. My favourite part of the movie was when all the children at the party thought that the cat in the hat was a pinyada and that kept hitting him with bats. I would recommend this movie for all ages because i didn’t think there was any language in it and that it was really good. I would rate it a six out of ten because it was good but i didn’t like the way the town lived or how they dressed.


  19. I adored this movie as a child, i watched it so many times i knew every single line and scene !! It is a very funny and adventures movie its a great movie for both children and adults of all ages to watch !! I rate it a 9/10 🙂


  20. Megan said:

    I recommend this movie. It is a great family movie with a bit of everything in it. This movie shows a funny cat with some ordinary kids that have their lives turned upside down, exiting, drama and comedy. i would rate this movie a 10/10!!


  21. I loved this movie so much!! i loved how this movie had a great story line. It was really enjoyable and funny. My favourite part of the is movie was when Conrad and Sally find The cat in the hat and when thing 1 and thing 2 ruined the house, i thought that part was really funny!!! This movie is a dr sues movie so it’s an enjoyable kids movie but at the same time it’s a family movie. This movie always makes me laugh even if i watch it so many times it crack’s me up. I give this movie a 9/10. I really enjoyed it!!


  22. Jessica Hirt said:

    I love this movie so much its the best family movie ever. This movie shows you a funny story of a giant cat. The movie shows comedy, romance and its shows a little sadness in it but other then that its the best movie ever made i think… 🙂


  23. when i was younger i was really REALLY scared of cat and the hat i hated it when he popped out of the closet and scared the children, he did not only scare the characters he scared me TO!!!. Now that i have gotten older i do not find it that scary i find it more funny now. I love the Dr Suess books i grew up on them 🙂


  24. Roshi said:

    Cat in the hat was my favourite childhood movie. The dr.suess books and movies never fail to make me laugh and they always lift my mood. It had a funny, creative and enticing story line that all kids love. My favourite character was the cat because he’s personality is so funny and relatable. He’s also very clever! and never fails to make me laugh during the movie. My favourite scene was when the cat in the had did the cooking show scene. I would recommend it for anyone who wants a laugh and its also a great family movie. Me and my family watch it all the time. It was quirky and funny in a way no other movie has been able to achieve for me. I rate it a 9 out of 10.


  25. Darcie said:

    I Really like this movie. My Favourite character is the fish, Because he is always right and when every thing all goes bad he says Told yo so. My favourite part in the movie is when they’re at the birthday party and all the kids whack ” Cat in the hat ” as a Piñata. I would recommend this movie to all ages who want to watch a Funny intreaving Movie. I would rate this Movie a 8/10 because its a movie I could watch over and over It is a fun movie and Really FUNNY. 🙂


  26. I really enjoyed this movie it was so funny and cute. The dr.suess books and movies was one of my favourites when i was little. It is about two children who are always fighting with each other and aren’t having much fun until the cat in the hat comes along and teachers them how to have a good time. My Favourite character would have to be The Cat because, he always cheered sally and cronard up when they were sad or down. I also like the Cat because evern though he could be very silly and ruin there house he still managed to make there lives a lot brighter.I think this movie is suited for all ages because even watching it now when i am a lot older I still foud it a bit of a laugh. i think i would rate it a 3/5 because yes it was an alright movie I still found some of it good and other parts a bit boring. 🙂


  27. Brigitte Allgood said:

    I enjoy all the Dr. Suess books and I also enjoyed this movie. It is like my childhood put into one movie! It is so FUNNY and enjoyable. The cat in the hat comes into a house where these 2 kids are Conrad and Sally sitting in front of the window watching the rain pour down. At first the kids do not know who he is and where he has come from. He does heaps of funny and stupid things to impress them. The fish especially does not like the idea of this mad cat coming into their house doing weird things while their mother is out. There is so much more you HAVE to see it! I recommend this to all ages. I give it a 8/10!!!!:):)


  28. I really enjoyed this movie because it was funny and made my whole family laugh. I even liked it better then the book. I would recommend the movies and the book to children who like to laugh and have fun. The movie is about 2 kids Sally and Conard who are constantly bickering and don’t have a great life until the cat in the hat came around and made suvh a big mess and made there mum go all mad!


  29. Chloe said:

    I have grown up watching and adoring cat in the hat and after watching it recently I was very surprised to see how much more I understood some of the lines in the movie. This movie is funny, quirky and down right awesome. The movie is about two kids Sally and Conrad who are constantly bickering and don’t have the funnest life. One day they are at home and Cat comes and visits. He plans the whole day. They have lots of fun together and have lots of ups and downs. Especially when Conrad opens the crate and creates the mother of all messes! My favourite character is definitely the Cat in the hat. He is extremely funny and clever. I recommend this book for ages 5+ and give it a 10/10!!
    P.S this is the best movie to quotes.


  30. Emily said:

    I love this movie because it’s really cooky and exciting! My favourite character is the baby sitter because I love her voice and that she sleeps through everything! I would recommend this movie to ages 5+ because it’s fun and exciting and I think that no one is too old for Doctor Suess! I rate it a 10/10 because it’s lots of fun and crazy!


  31. I love the movie cat in the hat. I think that it is so fun. The characters in this movie are so funny and realistic, and everything in this movie was done so well. It has so much comedy for younger kids and also comedy for older people such as adolescence. I love this movie so much I know nearly every single line. I love this movie so much and would rate it a 10/10. Mike Myers the cat is such an amazing actor in this movie and he takes this movie to a whole new level all together. I would suggest this movie to everybody.


  32. The cat in the hat was one of my favvvourite movies when I was younger. I think it came out when I was about 7 although I didnt really understand it that well. Watching it when I got older I enjoyed it and picked up on the little hidden things in it that I wouldn’t have when I was younger. I found that this movie would be suited for all ages. Even if the young ones didnt understand they would still love the fantasy aspect to it and the funniness that Mike Myers brings to the roll of the cat in the hat. I would defiantly recommend this movie and give it a 9/10!


  33. Marie Fraser said:

    The Cat in the Hat, another one of my favourite childhood movies! Mike Myers (The Cat) Did a great role in this movie along with Dakota Fanning (Sally) & Spencer Breslin (Conrad) My Favourite character would have to be The Cat of course because, the cat always made things better when Sally and Conrad were down. But then again, Sometimes Cat could be very silly and mess things up very easily. My favourite part of this movie would have to be when they all have to go through the messy house to get to the crate to lock it so the house would go back to normal before their mum got home. I would recommend this movie to anyone and give it a rating of 10/10!


  34. Holli W said:

    I actually LOVE this movie. I’ve watched it so many times I think it jumps at parts from where it’s been taken in and out of the DVD player. If there was one movie that I could be in it would defiantly want to be in this movie, I don’t know whether I would rather want to meet Thing 1 and Thing 2, or using the large over size pen that requires two hands. I love this movie and would recommend it for ANYONE!!!


  35. I absolutely love this movie it is so funny and i love Mike Meyers so he makes it so much better. When I was younger I used to be scared of Cat in the hat! Once I got over my fear it became my favourite family movie, my sister and I would watch it all the time. And if any of us were feeling sad we would watch it because it always cheers us up. I would recommend this movie to kids aged about 5 – 15 because it is so funny and you can watch it as many times as you want it will never get old.


  36. Cat in the hat movie is a really humerous and fun movie. It is great to watch on a rainy day.
    If you are a fan of Cat in the hat, you have to watch this movie. My favourite character was the fish, I loved it how he could talk ! Most people think this a just a childrens movie, But I enjoyed it so I think lots of people will. I recommend it to anyone who loves childrens movies and has a good sense of humour.
    8/10. 🙂


  37. Grace said:

    This is movie is HILARIUOS!!!!! Its so cute and puts the funniest spin on Dr. Seuss’ books. Its mostly aimed at younger children but really anyone person from the age 4 – 15 would LOVE it!!!!! 9/10….The only problem was some times it would get a bit over the top and annoying.


  38. OMG!!!!!this used to be my favourite movie as a kid.

    My favourite part was when the house transformed in to what I thought back then looked like a theme park I also liked it when they cleaned the house at the end and when they put the dog in the washing machine.

    My favourite character was the fish he was so cute and he always had to have a say in every thing.The character I disliked the most would be the step dad,I loved it at the end when he was all slimy and she shoved him out the door and looked him out.

    I would recommend this movie for 4-13 Its a great movie and I love it.I would rate this movie 9/10<3


  39. I love this movie! Mike Myers does such an excellent job. He has that comic ability that people would do ANYTHING for.


  40. What an amazing movie!! This film is one of the funniest I have seen in a long time and every minute of it was a pleasure to watch. I loved all the vibrant colours of everything, especially Conrad’s clothing. My favourite character was Cat because everything he did was so funny and unique, lightening up the film even more. My least favourite character was Larry because he was always plotting an eveil plan to get Conrad off to military camp, something he wasn’t very keen on. My favourite part of the film was when Cat kept onn randomly bursting out in song which usually had very funny lyrics. I would recommend this film to people of all ages because some may think that it is a childrens movie but THINK AGAIN! 🙂


  41. I loved this movie it is funny i recommend the movie to family and kid age 5 and up i would rate this movie 7/10 This is a great movie.


  42. hey,
    I always enjoyed reading the Dr Seuss books but i was just not impressed with the Cat in the hat movie. I would rate this movie a 3/10 but thats just my opinion.


  43. Even though everyone teases me, I love this movie!!! It’s hilarious and you can’t help but love Dr. Seuss. The idea’s in this movie are really original and quirky, as are the characters which make it all the more enjoyable. It is a family movie and for people of all ages and would be funny to a wide range of the audience. There are so many catchy little songs that stick in your head and there a phrases that I love and repeat all the time. It seems like a little kids movie, but that doesn’t mean older kids and even adults can’t enjoy it too! Watch it and you’ll love it. You’ll watch it over and over again as I did…and still do 🙂


  44. This is a funny and great family movie. My favourite character would have to be the cat in the hat, because he has got such a good personality. I recommend this to people that like to spend time with there family and also to those who enjoy funny movies. I rate this 8/10.


  45. i recommend the cat and the hat the movie. it has lots of funny and exciting thing happen in the movie. my favourite character was the nanny because the cat in the hat does funny things to her.

    i would recommend this to anyone!!! it is a great movie


  46. I recommend Cat in the Hat. I really really really like all of Dr Seuss’ stories and this is one of my most favourite. I love how quirky his world is and all the funny names. I love Conrad the best because he is really funny and such a well written character. I would recommend his to everyone! This a great movie.


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