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Rosie and Nona are sisters. Yapas.

They are also best friends. It doesn’t matter that Rosie is white and Nona is Aboriginal: their family connections tie them together for life.

The girls are inseparable until Nona moves away at the age of nine. By the time she returns, they’re in Year 10 and things have changed. Rosie prefers to hang out in the nearby mining town, where she goes to school with the glamorous Selena and her gorgeous older brother, Nick.

When a political announcement highlights divisions between the Aboriginal community and the mining town, Rosie is put in a difficult position: will she have to choose between her first love and her oldest friend?

Black Inc. Books


Comments on: "Nona and me – Clare Atkins" (110)

  1. sophia said:

    I loved reading the book Nona and Me! It taught me how to value somebody. For me, who’s not into reading I found this book gripping and interesting from start to finish! At first I was a bit confused, but as I went further into the book, I started liking it more and many parts of the book were relatable and the book itself had a really deep meaning.

    I’m really disappointed that we weren’t able to read this book as a class as it was one of the best books I’ve ever read!


  2. Mateah said:

    I loved the book Nona and Me. I don’t usually like reading books, I usually just wait for the movie but when I started to read this book I couldn’t stop reading! Nona and Me is the sort of book where suddenly you start to imagine the scenes in your head. This book demonstrates the two worlds and cultures. It shows how friends which aren’t that much of a friend to you can affect your relationship with your family and culture. My favourite character is Rosie, some times she would be so blind to Nicks racism but you could see that she was upset and she still had feelings for him even though he was racist towards her sometimes. Through the book it takes you on a journey not only ‘present’ times but also flashes back to the ‘past’. I would read this book anytime. I would recommend it for ages 13 and above because there are some scenes and may be hard to follow sometimes. I rate this book a 8/10


  3. Mateah said:

    Nona and Me is a great book. It highlights the importance of family and traditional values. the connection with the aboriginal culture gives the book an alternate perspective to the conventional teen book. the story line of teen issues is relatable which keeps the book engaging. The character of Rosie faces similar issues to the ones of the targeted readers. This book demonstrates and gives people a better understanding about Aboriginal culture and why it is so important. I would rate this book a 8/10 and would recommend it to ages 13 – 15.


  4. I really enjoyed this book because it educated me about aboriginal culture. What I found interesting is that teenage girls who are aboriginal live a fairly similar life to us. Although the may have a different history, we can still become friends and get along with them all the same. This novel helps educate young people that there shouldn’t be a gap between white Australians and Aboriginal Australians. We are all equal and we shouldn’t think otherwise. This book shows the struggles of an aboriginal girl trying to fit into a white Australian life and the hardships she faces. My favourite character in this book is Rosie (the main character) because the events she incurred were similar to mine in my life. I think that the author has done well to portray this because I have a good understanding of the aboriginal culture and what they feel as white Australians don’t treat them as we are all equal. I would recommend this book to young people aged from 12-16 who are willing to learn about our Australian culture and those who struggle to fit in. This book taught me how rough it can be to be an aboriginal in this modern-day life with racism and not being treated the right way. I would really enjoy if this book was turned into a movie because we could have a clear picture in our heads of what life is like to be an aboriginal in Australia.


  5. I studied this book at the start of last term and really enjoyed it. I would recommend this book for anyone looking to read something that will make them think outside the square. I really liked the way this book is worded and has been written. The language and words used are easy to understand while also being interesting to read.Like in many excellent stories before it, the most intriguing character is the one who remains at a distance: Nona. Through flashbacks we get to understand the bond that existed between the girls as children, and the thrill of having a warm and fearless friend, but this remains Rosie’s story. This is only one of the ways the book keeps us guessing and thinking.


  6. I read the novel Nona and Me for our English topic last term, and although I had to read it for school, I thoroughly enjoyed it and I really liked the book. I found myself continuously wanting to read the novel and found it was very hard to put down. I was able to relate to the book as it is set in the 21st century and the main characters in the book, Rosie and Nona, are a similar age to me and many of my friends. My favourite part of the book was the friendship between Rosie and Nona, especially from when they were younger as I was able to see their strong and beautiful connection. I also enjoyed reading about the Aboriginal culture that is evident throughout the book. Nona and Me is a really good book for our age group as it explores the life of a teenager. The Author, Clare Atkins has deeply explored and accurately described what it is like to be a teenager of this generation. It also explores Aboriginal life and tradition. I would recommend this book for people aged 12+ as it is very easy to relate to which makes reading it a lot more enjoyable. I would rate this book 9/10!


  7. Nona and me is a great book that focuses on relationships and culture. Rosie, the main character has lived in an aboriginal community her whole life and has been brought up with their traditions however she is not aboriginal. Her best friend Nona, on the other hand, grew up in the same community as her but is aboriginal. These two were really close before Nona had to move away and throughout the book, we see how their lives in particularly Rosie’s have changed. Each chapter in the book goes back and forth from being in the present time to being in the past. The chapters in the past are really short and they are the chapters that provide childhood memories of Nona and Rosie. My favourite part in this book would have to be the very end where Nona has her baby and Rosie comes to visit and asks what the baby’s name is and Nona says she called her Rosie. It shows how much the girls meant to one another, no matter what had gotten in the way and really summed up the book. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes an eye-opening and heart touching book.


  8. Nona and me is a fantastic book, i really enjoyed reading it as it was so relatable to the teenage society today. The book had so many different parts, and i honestly didn’t have a favourite part. However my favourite character was Rosie as she is a simple teenage girl that goes through stages in her life that challenge her however eventually finds her way. I personally cannot relate to any of the characters in the book however i know of people who can. Also it is not hard to find people with traditional political views and values these days, especially with politics being a big debate and talk currently. My least favourite part of the novel is when Nicks true colours come out and he comes across as a very intimidating yet furious teenage boy. If i could change one part of the book it would be the ending, i would of liked for Nick to realise his mistakes and for Rosie and him to be at least friends, i feel like the book left them on very awkward terms. I would recommend this book to people that enjoy romance but also a bit of reality, as the book talks about politics and Aboriginal rights.


  9. Nona and me, written by Clare Atkins is a compelling, relatable and heartfelt story. Rosie, the main character is in year 10, has cool friends and likes the typical year 12 guy. Life seems pretty good but when her childhood friend comes back to the town it puts Rosie in a difficult position where she needs to chose between her past and her future. Nona and me was such a great book that has lots of text to world references like the intervention which we understand though a different perspective in this book. I would highly recommended Nona and me as it gives meaning and makes you think about the world and society we live in. I would recommend this book to a teenager audience aged around 13-18 as I think it is the most relevant to this age group. I would give this book a 9 ½ out of 10.


  10. Nona and me was such a touching novel, i really enjoyed reading this book, this is because i found it so relatable to school i felt like the situations in this book would happen at a real school. Throughout this book there were a lot of scenes that i found my favourite, and there were also scenes that left me on the edge of my seat, wondering what would happen next. My favourite character would have to be Rosie, she was the mai character and i felt like i connected to her the most, she is a very innocent girl and tries her very best. A part of the book that was hard to read was when Rosie and Nick broke up because i really thought they would last as a couple. If i was allowed to change something in the book, i would want to change Rosie and Nicks relationship, i would want them together as a couple and i also would like to see them all grown up and see where they ended up, i feel like that would be very interesting to read about. I would defiantly recommend this book to others as i believe it is a great book, it is a teenage drama and romance book and so i believe any teenager would read this book.
    I really enjoyed reading this book and i would one day love to see this book being created into a movie. I think it would make a great movie.


  11. We had to read this for English this term and at the start I was not really looking forward to reading it, because its not a book I would normally read. But I surprised myself a lot. This was one of the saddest yet happiest books I have ever read in my life. This book is a story about a young girl called Rosie who grew up in an aboriginal community where she was brought up with lots of family, that she was related to through culture and up bringing. Once she starts school her yapa which is sister, nona left, and this is when she changed. Rosie started hanging out with the popular girls only because selena which was the queen bee of the group had an older brother called nick, who Rosie liked. They started going to party’s together and getting up to no good. Nick and Rosie started dating. After a while Rosie realised nick was not who she thought he was so she broke up with him. She realises that she has changed and misses her real friends. Nona comes back and has a baby at 15 and calls it rosie, this was a very emotional part of the book, but I did not like it as the ending because I feel as though it just finished and we didn’t really find out if nona and Rosie where best friends again. But I did love the book, and my favourite character was nick by far even though, he said some rude things I still loved him, and I would rate this book a 10 out of 10


  12. Sienna said:

    Nona and me is a fantastic book, Nona and Rosie were very close when they were young, however Rosie moved away and they started to drifted apart. Although we have to read this book in english i still really enjoyed reading Nona and me, my favourite part was when Nona and Rosie finally started talking agian. i really recommend this book and really enjoyed reading it.


  13. Last semester I read Nona and me. It is a great book that dives into the life of Rosie. She used to be friends with Nona and now that time has passed the drifted away and she has made new friends. I really enjoyed this book it is a good read, it will make you feel happy then sad, well at least it made me feel that way. You get to see Rosie develop into a young woman who sees who her true friends are. This book made me realise the importance of true friends and that friendships should not be based on popularity, but what makes you happy. I would recommend this book to people over the age of 13. I would give this book an eight out of ten.


  14. Nona and Me is a great book. It highlights the importance of family and traditional values. the connection with the aboriginal culture gives the book an alternate perspective to the conventional teen book. the story line of teen issues is relatable which keeps the book engaging. The character of Rosie faces similar issues to the ones of the targeted readers. This book demonstrates and gives people a better understanding about Aboriginal culture and why it is so important


  15. laceyob21 said:

    Nona and Me, written by Clare Atkins in a really enjoyable book. We were required to read this in year 9 and I loved it! The book is about two girls Nona and Rosie, Rosie is white and Nona is Aboriginal, they were best friends, practically sisters when they were younger until they got separated and Nona had to move away. Then Nona returns to her hometown after so many years of being away.

    This story is happy and sad in many different times during the book. I would definitely recommend this book to 13 years and up. I rate this book an 8/10.


  16. This book was written by Claire Atkins and was an extremely enjoyable book for me to read. Nona and Me was an incredibly deep and emotional story of two childhood friends who reconnect again as almost adults. Uniquely Australian, I loved being transported to the small community where the saying ‘it takes a village to raise a child’, no truer words have been spoken. It follows the story of a girl named Rosie who has grown up with her family and her adopted aboriginal family in a small community town of Yirrkala in the Northern Territory. It is a very touching book and very eye-opening to issues that some people have to face in society today. However one thing I didn’t like I would perhaps suggest for improvements is; Nona was a lovely character, free-spirited and as beautiful as she was quick-witted, but I would have loved to have seen her point of view and learnt more about where she’d been and how her life was growing up away from Yirrkala. I think her point of view could have been really interesting and would have raised more awareness on the theme of racism in society. Overal a wonderful read!


  17. This is one of my favourite books, I’ve read it at least ten times. This book is about two girls called Rosie and Nona.Rosie and Nona used to be the closest of friends, they were more like sisters, but after Nona moves the two grow apart. When Nona moves back, Rosie finds herself torn between her new friends Selena and Nick, and Nona. This story is very unpredictable and yet full of life. Reading this you will discover the importance of friendship and the Aboriginal culture. Would recommend for anyone, it is a 10/10 read.


  18. The novel Nona and me, depicts the challenges of growing up. It shows the challenges of race and culture on friendships. It shows both the best and worst parts of humans. Throughout the novel, Rosie begins to separate from her old life where she was involved in the indigenous community and instead become involved with an older boy, Nick. Nick has very little understanding of the indigenous community, this affects their relationship. In the end Rosie must decide between her old life and her new life, what shall she choose?

    This novel is a classic coming of age story that does not shy away from the life-shaping details of becoming a teenager. It shows the importance of family in times of struggle and a true insight in the high school environment and how cruel it can be. I would rate this book an 8/10 and would recommend it to a friend.


  19. This book is an easy read and was really easy to dissect when in English class. The themes of Family and Relationships as well as Justice and Discrimination create a feeling of sympathy towards the character Nona and Rosie. Although the story wasn’t very eventful throughout the ending was well worth the read and all came together really well. I definitely recommend reading this educational story and definitely encourage everyone to tell their friends to read it too!!


  20. Claire said:

    I read this book when I was in year 9. This books was enlightening and I thoroughly enjoyed it. This book did start off quite slow but the more you kept reading it the more you were drawn into the book. Once you get to know all the characters more personally you get to see into their lives and what their life was like. I thoroughly enjoy the part where Nona comes to Rosie’s school because it gives you insight and knowledge about Nona’s and Rosies background. Throughout the book Rosie grows and comes to understand more about herself and others. This book is eye opening into the Aboriginal culture and the hardships they endure. For anyone wanting to learn more about Aboriginal and enjoys a coming of age book I would highly recommend this book. I would rate this a 9/10.


  21. This book was written by Claire Atkins and was an extremely enjoyable book for me to read and I would highly recommend it to others. It follows the story of a girl named Rosie who has grown up with her family and her adopted aboriginal family in a small community town of Yirrkala in the Northern Territory. It is a very touching book and very eye opening to issues that some people have to face in society today.

    Liked by 1 person

  22. Rachael said:

    “Nona And Me” written by Clare Atkins is an extremely relatable Novel. The book was written in a away that makes it very easy to put yourself in the shoes of the protagonist, Rosie.
    Rosie is a teenager who lives in an aboriginal community, where has grown up with her adopted native sister, Nona. As the novel progresses, Rosie finds herself torn between her home life with the indigenous community and her school friends and boyfriend – Nick.
    This is a coming of age story that addresses the issues surrounding racism today. I found there were many passages and quotes from characters that are relevant to racism in today’s society and I think that Clare Atkins captured this perfectly.
    I thought the story line to “Nona And Me” was inspiring and charming and I would definitely read this again and recommend it to other teenagers.


  23. I read this book last year in year 9. I’m pretty picky when it comes to choosing a book to read and especially school books but this was hands down one of the best school books we have ever read in English class!! I loved all the characters especially Nona. She displays the courageous woman who I aspire to be, she is not bothered by things and is a strong independent girl. The moral of this book was simply beautiful. This book is the perfect example of teenage life, the struggles of teenage years and friendships. and also relationships. As a reader, i could really connect with the characters in this book. i would highly recommend it!!!!!!


  24. In year 9, it is essential that we read Nona and Me, as we complete a creative response on a character. However, it is a wonderful book that I encourage others to read. It explores themes of family, relationships, societal expectations, Aboriginal traditions, prejudice and racism. This novel was helpful to understand the issues and themes that were explored. It was interesting to read about issues and the Aboriginal culture, as it was a different way of being informed. There was interesting characters that completed actions that were unique, however, the author explained why, which assisted with character development. Half the time, I kind’ve wanted to scream at the character when they would do something that I didn’t approve of. My favourite characters would have to be Nona and Aiden. Rosie (protagonist) and Nona are considered as sisters and were best friends when they were younger. Nona is so gentle and considerate. Her issues and challenges that she faced are modern and relevant to our society. Aiden also faces difficult situations that he has strong beliefs against someone’s words. It is difficult to sit through this book emotionless! I recommend this novel for people aged 13+ and who enjoy reading about romance, culture and modern issues. I rate this book a 7 or 8/10.


  25. Grace said:

    I highly enjoyed the novel nona and me. Initially receiving it as a book for class I didn’t know how much I would enjoy it. But right from the first chapter the book drew me in and kept me entertained. As all the characters were introduced and as the book went on I found myself becoming more and more attached and in love with the characters. A book which entails romance, peer pressure, family, school life and everything in between nona and me is the perfect book for any high school student.


  26. Nona and Me was a wonderful book. I am really glad I had the opportunity to read this as apart of school and I hope they keep it for future years! My favourite character in the book was Nick because he was so kind and cared for Rosie, until the end when they had the fight. Overall I loved this book and recommend to all


  27. I read this book for English this term and loved it. I found it very relatable as it deals with all sorts of issues that someone my age could face today.
    My favourite character is Nona because of her forgiving nature. I think that she is such a strong character and is very brave because of what she has been through at such a young age.
    From the very start, I knew Nick would only lead to bad things but I was so shocked at some of the things that he did and said because I realise that a lot of Australians think the same way as him.
    The novel deals with the issue of the Intervention – which was intended to ‘help’ the Aboriginals but had an alarming negative impact. The novel also deals with the issue of friendship, particularly Rosie having to choose between her ‘cool’ friends – Selena & Anya or her sister – Nona. I loved the flashbacks and the friendship that Rosie and Nona had before Nona moved away.
    I would definitely recommend this book to anyone my age – 14-15 as it deals with some more mature issues but still has a great story and loveable characters.


  28. I read the novel Nona and Me for our English task this term and really enjoyed the book. I found myself continuously wanting to read the novel and found it hard to put down. I found the book easy to relate to as it was set in the 21st century and Rosie and Nona were similar age to me and my friends. My favourite aspect of the book was the friendship between Rosie and Nona. I enjoyed reading about the Aboriginal culture that is evident throughout the book.
    Nona and Me is a really good book for our age group as it explores the life of a teenager. The Author, Clare Atkins has deeply explored and accurately described what it is like to be a teenager of this generation. It explores Aboriginal life well and their way of life. This book is such a sweet book, the bond Nona and Rosie have was once so great and the mistakes and friends Rosie now makes pulls them apart so much. I would recommend this book for teenagers because it teaches you some valuable lessons and it is really easy to relate too which makes reading it a lot more enjoyable. I rate this book a 8/10 because it was great to read


  29. Imogen said:

    Nona and me was an easy but a really touching read. This book and has a very powerful message about racism. I really enjoyed this book because some of it was really relatable as it was told through the eyes of a teenager. i really recommend this book for the ages 12+. Having to read this book for school, I honestly didn’t expect to be the best book but once i started reading, i couldn’t stop it was a really good book. I rate this book a 10/10 because it was really relatable, funny, romantic etc. i would for sure read this book again.


  30. Grace A said:

    I liked the novel ‘Nona and Me’ by the author Clare Atkins. I enjoyed reading ‘Nona and Me’ as it is very relatable to teenage girls and it might be similar to what they are struggling with in their lives.
    ‘Nona and Me’ is a very emotive book based on the life of a teenage girl named Rosie, who is struggling to juggle her Aboriginal culture and family with her desire to fit in with her ‘town’, fashionable friends. Clare Atkins tells Rosie’s up’s and down’s in a descriptive, down-to-earth way which makes you feel like you are involved in Rosie’s life and all of the hardships and triumphs that she faces.
    ‘Nona and Me’ is a beautifully told book that I easily recommend. I would recommend this book to anyone who is a lover of aboriginal culture and history, teenage life stories, following the main character’s ups and downs, or books with a heartfelt message behind them. I would also recommend this book for anyone between the ages of 12-14+.
    I rate ‘Nona and Me’ a 7/10.


  31. I really enjoyed reading Nona and Me. Even though i had to read it for school, i still thought it was a really lovely book and I enjoyed reading it. Nona and Rosie’s relationship make the story really enjoyable to read and once you start, you don’t want to put the book down. I would recommend this book to everyone as it has lots of different genres and it is a really lovely story.


  32. Even though I had to read it for school, I absolutely loved it. I love how Rosie and Nona haven’t seen each other for a very long time that when they see each other again things have changed so much but truly on the indie they are still sisters at heart. Even though we do have to read it for school I still would recommend it to anyone!


  33. I would definitely recommend this to anyone. It covers so many different genres. The book is a bit romantic, shows what is important, and follows the friendship and family of Rosie the main character. I would rate it 10/10. I had to read this as a year 9 text book but I actually fell in love with the characters and story line.


  34. Bella said:

    This book is one of my favourite books I have ever read. It is defiantly my favourite school book I have ever read. It caught my eye right from the start that suddenly turned into the most beautiful story. I felt with this novel I could really connect as it was based about many teenagers. I think this is one of the reasons I love this novel so much. It shows how peer pressure can really effect people and their relationships with the most important people in their lives. With patience, understanding and acceptance the story resolves its problems and has many important lessons that in some ways we can learn from. I recommend this novel to people in high school and would rate it a 10/10!


  35. This book was fantastic. I liked the way it was written and told. I think it was very interesting as a coming of age story to see Rosie really develop as a person. It was very satisfying for me to be reading it to see Rosie realise the misktakes she has made and what is truly inportant to her. This book also had many themes involved such as the importance of family and relationships, racism and discrimination and the impact government policies had on the Aboriginal community. I really liked the character Nona as I felt she was like Rosie’s spirit trying to direct her in the right direction. I liked the way she was optimistic and enthusiatic even if things weren’t going so well. I also think she showed great strength is forgiving Rosie, and feel this was very admirable. I also liked the character Aiden as he accepted his culture and community and would stand up for it in any circumstance neccessary. He was like a role model for Rosie to follow and only near the end did Rosie realise how truly incredible Aiden was as a person. This is a very good book ang you should definitely read it!


  36. Nona and Me by Claire Atkins is a real and life-changing book. It teaches you so much. I love this book so much. I love the relationship between Nona and Rosie it is so tight and the ending is by far my favourite part of the whole book. My favourite character in the novel would have to be Rosie because you just see how much she changes through the book is amazing and really relatable to the age group of myself. My least favourite part of the book would have to be not to spoil it but would have to be when Nona overhears Rosie talking about her. I would definitely recommend this book her at least 15 and older just because of the background story in the book. It is an extraordinary book and the themes throughout it are amazing. Would recommend it to anyone that is into either romance or a good friendship book.


  37. At first, I wasn’t too keen on this book based on the front cover even though you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, I did and a look back now and think why? But after reading some of the book I couldn’t put it down. I absolutely loved it! I really like how the author relates some of the issues back to problems faced by teenagers today, it makes the whole read more relatable and comforting. I was really annoyed when Rosie denied knowing Nona, it made me really angry, I didn’t understand how knowing her could be so bad. But after reading how they sort it out it only made me love the book even more. I encourage people to read this book because it displayed some really significant and important events in Australian history through a young persons eye.


  38. Vincenza said:

    Nona and Me is a really great book to read. It was the first book that I truly enjoyed apart from the Harry Potter series. I really recommend reading it because it is really interesting to read about the cultural differences and how things can change based on society. A lot of it is really sad but it was reality and might still be, but a lot of it was funny and a good read. My favourite character was Nona and Rosie’s dad because Nona was really down to earth and the dad was realistic but funny and happy. I rate the book a 9/10 and girls 12 and up should read it because it really gives you an idea of Australia’s past societies.


  39. Nona and Me is the story of a young Australian girl named Rosie, who is in conflict. When her sister Nona starts attending her school, Rosie’s first start asking questions, one of whom is Nick, Rosie’s first love. Rosie must choose whether to deny her sister and keep her friends and boyfriend, or embrace who she really is a return to family. I thought that this book was quite an amazing one, even though Rosie and Nona don’t take much during the start of the book, you can tell that they have a very deep connect beyond friendship. I thought that this was an amazing book and I would recommend this book to anyone who loves a love story and a good drama. I would give this book a 9 out of 10.


  40. This book was written by Claire Atkins and was an extremely enjoyable book for me to read and I would highly recommend it to others. It follows the story of a girl named Rosie who has grown up with her family and her adopted aboriginal family in a small community town of Yirrkala in the Northern Territory. As a teenager, Rosie is faced with many problems such as dealing with her parent’s divorce, her big crush on Serena’s older brother but easily the biggest problem she faces is her relationship between her and her yolnu family as well as her long-lost friendship with Nona, She has to choose between her new school friends or her childhood best friend, and sister. I would highly recommend this book to those over the age of 14 because there are some parts of book that may be inappropriate for anyone under that age.


  41. I thought that this book was quite an amazing one, even though Rosie and Nona don’t take much during the start of the book, you can tell that they have a strong connection beyond friendship. I thought that this was an amazing book and I would recommend this book to anyone who loves a love story and a good drama. I would give this book a 9 out of 10.


  42. The book Nona & Me is about Rosie, a girl who lives in an aboriginal community in the Northern Territory. As young child, she has her yapa (sister) Nona, who is aboriginal, and gets ‘adopted’ into their family. As she is now in Year 10, Nona has left the community, she must deal with her life between her new white life and her old life. I really enjoyed the book Nona & Me even if it were for Year 9 classwork. I really like how this is a coming of age novel, because we get to see the change in Rosie, based on the environment around her. I would rate this book 8/10 and recommend this book for 14+ because of strong themes show throughout the book.


  43. Giarna said:

    I really enjoyed reading Nona and me because I can sometimes relate to the characters in the novel as it is a coming of age story. Nona and me is about a girl named Rosie that lives in an aboriginal community but slowly drifts away from her family as she get more popular at school. She struggles between the two worlds she is living in. It is not until a death in family and and she see her boyfriends true colours that she starts rejoining her family and community. We read this book in year nine english and I enjoy the discussions we have about this book because I get to see how other people view the characters and the novel’s storyline. I recommend this book for teens who like coming of age stories and learning a little bit about of cultures and traditions.


  44. I have loved reading the boo Nona and me as it gives you an insight of how people live and other people culture and traditions. Nona is an aboriginal girl and Rosie is Nona sister. Every line of the book shows a different insight into what it was like for Nona and Rosie. My favourite character in the book was Nona as you were able to understand her culture and traditions. I feel like Rosie dod something that she will never be able to take back and i didn’t think she should have said what she said. I liked how the author switched from now to back when they were 5 years old. I would give this book an 8.25/10 as it is amazing to see how to girls become sister. I can say I will read this again


  45. Charlie said:

    I thought Nona and Me is a really good book for anyone as throughout it brings up many different issues and shows how some people feel about it and their actions towards it. I think it is important to read as it can help us to clarify our own opinion, and also make us more open minded.

    It is based in Northern Territory, where Rosie the main character learns what is important to her and how she feels about the people around her. Her feelings and opinions change throughout the book, as she gets caught up in fitting in and her family and community.

    The books alternates between chapters, from present to past, to show how her life has changed, and what it was like when she was closer with Nona.

    I liked seeing Rosie go through so many thing in her life, and try to understand how she felt.

    I would recommend this book, and rate it a 7/10


  46. eliza said:

    I absolutely love this book! I know a few people who didn’t like it but I loved it. It is so interesting to learn about Aboriginal culture and how Rosie (the main character) tries to hide that they are her family. I loved how the author changed from past to present tense and also I think it was written really well. I highly recommend for young adults and I rate it a 10/10


  47. I really liked the book ‘Nona and Me’! Even though it was on the school book list, I really enjoyed reading it. I liked this book because it is a heartfelt story which tells of the emotions going through a 15 year old girl, Rosie. It also tells of the changes going on in her life and the decisions that she to makes which can affect the relationships that she has with people close to her. My favourite part of the book is when Rosie meets again with Nona at the funeral and the weeks following. I really liked this part because I think it was sweet how Rosie said that she wanted to just be around Nona again and wanted her company, after being a part for several years. My favourite character was Nona because although she is a bit shy, she is a really interesting character and is humble and kind. I think I can relate to Rosie in some parts of the book, because she struggles with communicating with her parents sometimes and doesn’t want to tell them everything thats going on in her life. I would definitely recommend this book to people who like heartfelt and sad books. I would rate this book a 7/10.


  48. I absolutely love this book because it deals with so many issues in such an amazing way. Nona and Rosie’s childhood friendship is absolutely beautiful and I definitely loved reading it. I would say that this book is probably more for mature audiences as it deals with some serious themes, but it is probably ok for people 12+. It is also quite an emotional book so be prepared to get out the tissues. I would rate this book 9/10 because I really did enjoy reading it and would recommend anybody to read this. I’m not usually a fan of this genre of this book but I loved it!!


  49. Olivia said:

    Nona and Me is a great book which is studied in Year 9. It follows the journey of Rosie a teenage girl who reunites with an old aboriginal friend from when she was little named Nona. It is Year 10 now and many things have changed and Rosie doesn’t want her friend Selena to judge her if she was to talk to Nona. Rosie is in love with Selenas brother Nick, who is a few years older. Rosie now has to choose between her old Best friend that was like a sister, or her popular boyfriend. I recommend this to anyone who is looking for a good read.


  50. Nona and Me by Claire Atkins is a wonderful book that illustrates the struggles faced by Rosie, a teenager growing up in a remote corner of the Northern Territory. We see Rosie caught between her high school life and her childhood friend Nona, a girl from Yirrkala, the indigenous community. “Nona and Me” is targeted at young teens as Rosie is faced with some familiar trials: separated parents, a confusing friendship group, and a crush on her friend’s older brother. An insecure teen, Rosie is desperate to hide just how much a part of the Yolnu people she is, and what they’ve meant to her. My favourite scene in the book “Nona and Me” is the feel good ending. But you will have to read it to know what I’m talking about! Like many excellent stories before it, the most intriguing character is the one who remains at a distance: Nona. Through flashbacks, we learn about Rosie and Nona’s unique bond and the beautiful culture of the Yolnu people. This book is very relatable as the issues Rosie’s faces are similar to those of many teenagers today, myself included. My least favourite part about “Nona and Me” is that we don’t get to see what happens next in Nona and Rosie’s friendship, but I guess that’s up to our own imaginations. All in all, a fantastic book that keeps you hooked from beginning to end.


  51. Nona and Me is a great book. It highlights the importance of family and traditional values. the connection with the aboriginal culture gives the book an alternate perspective to the conventional teen book. the story line of teen issues is relatable which keeps the book engaging. The character of Rosie faces similar issues to the ones of the targeted readers. This book demonstrates and gives people a better understanding about Aboriginal culture and why it is so important. I would rate this book a 8/10 and would recommend it to ages 13 – 15.


  52. I recommend the book Nona and Me. It explores and combines the themes of being a teenager and injustice to Aboriginal people. It is about a teenage girl who finds herself choosing between her Aboriginal childhood best friend and her new friends. It also showcases the abhorrent racism and mental health issues that Aboriginal communities are faced with. It has some mature themes, so I would recommend it to those over 14 and especially to those who like books about growing up and Aboriginal culture. I rate this book 8.5/10.


  53. I loved this book when we read it in English… it was moving, emotional and allowed me to follow Rosie’s journey, while learning a tough life lesson. Nona and Me was an incredibly deep and emotional story of two childhood friends who reconnect again when they are teenagers. I like how it was based on Australian culture as I was able to picture the story more vividly in my head. My favourite character was Nona as she was kindhearted and had a good spirit. I give this book a 9/10 and recommend to anyone aged 12+


  54. ‘Nona and Me’ is an absolutely beautiful book. The story is about a girl names Rosie, She has two best friends, Anya and Selena. Everything seems perfect for her, until her childhood best friend Nona, who comes from an aboriginal community, arrives at her school as a student. Rosie faces problems such as friends being racist and having to choose between her friends or her ‘sister’, Nona. This book is absolutely lovely and I would definitely recommend anyone to read it. I rate it a 9/10!


  55. Nona and Me, written by Clare Atkins in a really enjoyable book. We were required to read this in year 9 and I loved it! The book is about two girls Nona and Rosie, Rosie is white and Nona is Aboriginal, they were best friends, practically sisters when they were younger until they got seperated and Nona had to move away. Then Nona returns to her home town after so many years of being away.

    This story is happy and sad in many different times during the book. I would definetly recommend this book to 13 years and up. I rate this book an 8/10.


  56. Nona and Me is an absolutely amazing book that I would happily recommend to anyone. There is a theme about drinking so it would be recommended to people ages 12 and above. It follows a teenage girl who often has struggle to fit in and find the people that she has a connection with. In the end she she has to make a choice between two different lives. My favourite character would have to be Nona, she has to try and fit in at a new school with people who aren’t exactly the most welcoming of people. This book is absolutely amazing and to anyone reading this you should definitely try and give this book a go.


  57. This book was assigned to Yr 9s and was an absolutely gorgeous book. It tells the story about two girls named Nona and Rosie who face difficulties such as racism. They struggle with acceptance, respect, friendship, kinship and love. It is now one of my favourite books and I recommend it to anyone willing to go on the journey with the characters. I rate it a 9/10 because I really connected with the storyline and was always wanting to read more, even when the novel ended.


  58. This book is a gorgeous tale however it displays a hidden important message about racism and the Aboriginal culture. This book should be read by every Australia as it might be difficult for white Australian’s to realise the messages profound in this book but will help them learn. The story is set in the intervention of the Northern Territory. Rosie’s parents are separated, but keep in contact. They both are strong in their beliefs of supporting their local communities and have raised Rosie to be accepting, respectful and treat others with dignity. A political announcements highlights divisions between the Aboriginal community and the mining town, Rosie is placed in a difficult situation. She will have to choose between her best friend, first love and oldest best friend. This fascinating book, beautifully told, with rich insight into a deeply Australian but little-known community.


  59. I recommend the novel Nona and Me. We read the novel for our English task this term and I honestly enjoyed it. It’s hard for me to find a book that I actually like and want to read but with Nona and Me I found myself up until all hours, just wanting to know what happened next. I found it more relatable since most of our english novels are set in the old days, and because Nona and Me was set in the 21st century and Rosie and Nona were similar age to me and my friends, it felt more real. Like most, my favourite aspect of the book was the romance between Nick and Rosie. Other than that I enjoyed reading about the Aboriginal culture that is evident throughout the book, and I also related to Nona because I have Aboriginal ancestry, so both girls in the book were relatable.


  60. This deeply heartfelt novel was truly inspiring. It shows the issue of inequality related to cultural differences and the impact discrimination has on the Indigenous people of Australia. I felt the significant power of friendship and family in this novel made it such a good read.

    Rosie a white Australian girl is immersed in the Indigenous culture from birth. Generations ago, her family was adopted into an Indigenous family and into their culture. Today she lives in an Indigenous community but goes to a school that a majority of white Australians attend. This book expresses the major importance of family in the Indigenous lives and explores how prejudice perspectives can interfere with these family bonds. I was intrigued at the two completely different worlds Rosie lives in; The one with Nona and her Indigenous family and the one with Selena and Nick, and how there is collision between the two after certain events.

    Although this book had to be read for school purposes, I really enjoyed reading it and was really moved by the strong themes it held. I recommend this book really for anyone as it is a good read as well as educational. It really gave me an insight into the lives of the Indigenous Australians and the pain we have caused them. I recommend Nona and Me 7/10.


  61. Abbey said:

    Nona and Me written by Clare Atkins is a wonderful book based on friendship between to completely different (yet so similar) girls who are sisters. Nona’s family had adopted Rosie’s into theirs the two of them becoming sisters. However, when Nona left they drifted apart. This story is built up of their friendship and the strength and love it holds as they both go through their own tough journey of life as we as the read wait for their connection to mend over. It is a relatable novel filled with love, friendship, family and finding your own way in the world as a teenager as it also gives you an insight to the Indigenous community, culture and significant dates and scenarios. I recommend this to ages 12+.


  62. Nona and me is a great story about the struggles of Aboriginals but also about their friendships. Rosie and Nona are Yapas. This whole book is a journey of their friendship and how it weakens and strengthens throughout times. I really admire this book, it’s something special:) I love how it makes us very aware of racism and how Aboriginals can be treated but also it teaches us a lot about where we belong and about how important family is. I really admire how Clare Atkins went to Aboriginal communities and listened to their stories in preparation to right this novel. My favourite character is Lumo because he was always so gentle and happy and he was so cute with his daughter but what really intrigues me is his last actions. I didn’t really see it coming. We don’t really get a good isight of Lumo’s life but when we do it’s really captivating. The character Nick frustrates me the most. This is because he is very self indulged. He doesn’t make much of an effort to really understand Rosie’s culture and traditions. His blind that the way he is treating them is wrong. I think this was a really good book to study in year 9 and I hope that everyone else enjoys it.


  63. Nona and Me is a wonderful book. Although studying it in class at the moment this book gives a great insight into the aboriginal community and those surrounding it. The whole book is hearing two personal sides of two completely different (but also the same) girls.This book shows love and a beautiful demonstrates friendship between two girls. I recommend this book to anyone especially passionate people who love learning about aboriginal culture and books of friendship and love.


  64. Abbey s said:

    I think Nona and Me was a really good book because Its good because you can see one and the the other side. Rosie grows up in a aboriginal side and then Rosie goes to Selena’ School. My favourite character was Aiden because he is in the community and he is good friends with Rosie but I didn’t like How Rosie is mean to Nona because they were sister and they should stay sister My favourite part of the book is then Rosie comes but to the community I would recommend this book to 14/15 aged and i would rate this book a 7/10.


  65. Grace said:

    I read Nona and Me for my year 9 english studies and I loved this book. As well as a great story line this book also has a deep cultural meaning. It explores themes of family, racism, justice, relationships and much more. Throughout reading the book, I really understood the characters and loved reading about their relationships with one another, and how this changed as their opinions and morals changed. As the story unfolds there is a powerful message about family and culture. It was a great book to study as there was lots of things to write about and it was interesting unpicking scenes because there was so many themes and opinions to study. I loved this book and it was also a great book to read because it suited the yr 9 age group.


  66. Olivia W said:

    I had to read this as part of my year 9 english study and usually I’m not a big reader especially in english. However from when I picked up this book to the moment I put it down i found extremely interesting and struggled to actually put it down. I found myself taking it with me everywhere to finish it off and not even because I had to but because I wanted to. It was a book about love, friendships and families and it all came together in a beautifully written book by Clare Atkins. I highly recommend this book to all teens. 7/10


  67. Kiara said:

    We are reading this book for school this term and I love it! It is a story based on two 16 year old girls; Rosie and Nona. When they were little, they were always together and were like sisters. At the age of 9, Nona moved away with her mum and they didn’t see each other for a long time after that. When they were both 16, in 2008, Nona moved to Rosie’s school. Rosie was so happy to see Nona but when she arrived she was ignoring Nona and being very rude to her. Inside, she did want to talk to her but she did not want Selena, her bossy friend, to know she knew Nona. Selena and her older brother Nick, who are brought up in a racist family, make fun of Nona and Rosie wants to help Nona but can’t. Rosie gets with Nick and everyone is trying to tell her how racist he is an dot stay away from him. She fades away from some koi her friends because of him but near the end of the book she realises how bad Nick is, breaks up with him and reconciles with Nona and Anya. At the end, Nona has a baby and names it Rosie after her, which shows that they are closer than ever. I love that book heaps and it says a lot about Indigenous and Non-Indigenous relationships back in the day. I really recommend it to anyone!


  68. I love this book!! I had to read it for school and I thought it would be boring. But it is actually a really good book for teenagers. It is about a teenage girl Rosie growing up in an aboriginal community and about how her identity changes through different influences. I rate it a 9/10 because it is really sad but beautiful.


  69. Nona and Me: Clare Atkins
    I had to read this as part of my year 9 english study and usually I’m not a big reader especially in english. However from when I picked up this book to the moment I put it down i found extremely interesting and struggled to actually put it down. I found myself taking it with me everywhere to finish it off and not even because I had to but because I wanted to. It was a book about love, friendships and families and it all came together in a beautifully written book by Clare Atkins. I highly recommend this book to all teens. 7/10


  70. Nona and Me is by far the best book I have ever read with school and it inspired me to go on the NT trip this year. The reason I loved this book so much is because it opened my eyes to how the other side of Australia lives and the problems people my age have to go through each day. I absolutely love this book and I would rate it a 10/10!


  71. Nona & Me is a fantastic book! My favourite part of the book was when Rosie saw Nona enter the classroom, and she didn’t react or greet her, this was my favourite part because it said so much about who Rosie was as a character, and it gave a sneak peak of what was to come. My favourite character was Rosie, even thought i did’t agree with her actions all the time. I can’t relate to any characters in this book, as i haven’t really experienced any situation like that. My least favourite part of the book was when Rosie found out about the graffiti, (no spoilers) and who did it. This was very sad!! I would definitely recommend the book to others, anyone and everyone!!


  72. This novel is a rollercoaster and full of drama! I loved this book and it’s characters it was a very easy read and made it very enjoyable and far better then I thought. I loved Rosie she was my favourite character by far, from the first page the readers will be pulled into her life. I never want to put this book down as I was not only enjoying it but also finding out a lot of information about aboriginal culture from they eyes of Rosie who is living amongst it. I would recommend this book to anyone who is looking for an easy read that also builds your basic knowledge of Aboriginal culture. I would rate this book 6/10 its not my ideal book but I did find it quite enjoyable and informative.


  73. I just read this book for school in english and enjoyed every page of it, I would highly recommend the book. This book shows different discrimination in Australian society and how they affect peoples beliefs and actions. A great book for exploring the Aboriginal culture, language and lifestyle. This book is highly interesting and very creative, a great read and well recommended.


  74. I just finished reading this book for the second time as one of my year 9 english studies and absolutely loved. I’m not one to genuinely want to re-read a book because I what is going to happen and it becomes very boring for me but I happen to love this book more, the second I read it. I really like that it is about our land and how connected Rosie is the the Aboriginal or Yolnu community and I liked how relatable it was. I very vaguely remember Kevin Rudd’s apology but I remember it was a big deal and it was very interesting to hear how it went in the prospective of Rosie. Rosie’s character is quite unique and incredible with how manages with almost two different lives, one in town and one in the community. I personally like the community her better but it’s amazing to see the change in her nick-corrupted thinking and how she reconnects with her distance yolnu family. I really liked Nick’s character at first and then I slowly came to realisation that he was very manipulated by his father, friends and past experiences with Aborigines. I honestly was expecting them to break up in the end but it broke my heart when the first meet up at the pool after the break up and Nick says some hurt words. I thought his character was understanding and could see Rosie’s side of things, be mature but I was definitely proven wrong. I really liked how the Clare Atkins changed the year to indicate the start of a new chapter, the 2001 chapters were favourites because they were like little snaps of how old Rosie and Nona used to be, the fun, happy, adventurous sisters that somehow, unfortunately grew apart. I rate this book 10/10 just because it was amazing all round and recommend it to anyone who believes the power of friendship can change everything.


  75. I have just recently read this book. I had mixed emotions about this book, though. At the start I felt liked it dragged although by at least chapter 5 I found myself not wanting to put the book down. I loved the diversity of teenage problem throughout the books. At times these problems were a bit confronting but they really made the book unique. I enjoyed watching an interview with Clare Atkins because she said “it had to be from Rosie’s point of view” as she thought she couldn’t write from an aboriginal person perspective. I loved the stupidity of Rosie and Nick’s relationship. It gave a certain cringe and drama to the book. I don’t think I would have enjoyed as much without these characters


  76. This was a very good book relating to our generation. It shows views from different cultures and explores many of the same themes our generation is faced with today. I learnt a lot about aboriginal culture through this book which I felt was very important. There was lots of unexpected twists in this novel and I love all the characters equally. Nona is a very strong character and does’t let what Rosie says or does tear her down, which I admire about her. I rate this book a 8/10 and recommend to everyone 13+.


  77. I loved this book and the story behind it. My favourite part of the book was when we found out Nona was pregnant because it was such a shock and I didn’t think anyone saw it coming. My favourite character was Rosie as she was very caring towards her mother when she was going through tough times and she began to realise that family meant more than popularity. The ending of the book wasn’t that great because I feel like it finished very quickly. I give this book a 8/10 and I recommend this book to people 13-16.


  78. Alyssa said:

    Nona and Me is a book that opens your eyes to the culture of Indigenous Australians, and brings together two worlds that seem so far apart. Throughout the novel, the main character Rosie struggles to choose between a life living and embracing the indigenous Yirrkala community and being popular amongst those who are not living there. Rosie has to choose between her Yapa, sister, Nona, and her friend Selena and boyfriend Nick. This book deals with the raw effects of racism and poverty in Indigenous Aboriginal communities. Rosie observes this in her everyday school life, which is why Nona and Me is such an emotional book that is detailed in it’s portrayal of cultural identity. The author has written the book well. I thoroughly enjoyed the shift in storyline from when Rosie and Nona were growing up to the present time of 2007/2008.
    The story is relatable as the characters are of similar age to me, which is what makes this book so engaging. Nona and Me demonstrates the need for good morals and values and the undeniable importance of friendship. I would recommend this book for teenagers, due to its mature themes, and rate it a 8.5/10.


  79. This book didn’t catch my eye when I found out I had to read it for a school assignment, and the start of the book wasn’t very interesting until you started to get to know all of the main characters. But every night I would continue reading more and more of Nona and me and finally everything started to make sense in the book. My favourite part in the book was when Nona comes to Rosie’s school, because I liked how it helped you get to know a bit about Nona’s and Rosie’s background. My favourite character is Rosie because sometimes I feel like she her personality changes throughout the book. For example when she is with her mum at the start of the book she is kinds but has a low self esteem towards the end of the book she is the opposite because she has grown a strong attitude and tends to argue with her mother more frequently but has a higher self esteem. I would definitely get rid of the deaths in the book although it does make the book more interesting and emotional, I hate reading about death in books. I would definitely recommend this book to others who like romance and books about the aboriginal history. It is a good book but I would chose to read it out of choice.


  80. I loved this book! It was really good and related very well to young people of this generation. We see how as people grow up they can grow apart especially when they caught up with different crowds. We also see how important family is. I loved how the book jumped back and forward between past and present. It helped us understand the connection Nona and Rosie had when they were younger and how they started to drift apart. This book is quite sad but also engaging because you get to understand the aboriginal culture. I would rate this book a 8/10 and i recommend it to anybody 12 years and up.


  81. Nona and Rosie are sisters and also best friends. We follow the two girls as the book flips from the present day and the previous years. This book would have to be one of the better books I have read recently. It was also relatable as I too am a teenage girl and therefore some of the themes fitted well. This is such an enjoyable book. There are many ways you can read it too as there are different perspectives. Both Nona and Rosie have their voices heard and Rosie switches from teenage girl and school issues to remembering Nona and her Aboriginal connection.

    This was fantastic read. Not too hard but still kept you thinking and engaged. This book is not predictable either and I just wanted more and more. I would recommend this book for anyone over 13 as there is some coarse language and adult themes. I rate this 4.5 / 5


  82. I was a little apprehensive before reading this book but as soon I as I had finished the first chapter, I was hooked. I loved the story line and the characters and how the novel jumps back and forth from past to present to give the reader a better understanding of the character’s opinions and situations. It’s about a girl named Rosie and her life in high school, friendship dramas, dating boys and partying till the early hours. She lives in a remote town in Australia and her family is close to the native Aboriginals that live there. Rosie was once best friends with a girl called Nona she moved away. Suddenly Nona shows up again wanting to be friends with Rosie again. But Rosie is torn between re-forming her close relationship with Nona and sticking to her image by going to parties every weekend and being a rebellious teen, dating Year 12s. I really enjoyed reading this book – which is a change for a book that we are studying for school in english. I loved how she broke down the characters while continuing to tell the story so we understood the plot much better. The cover is beautiful, the setting is well detailed and the plot is fascinating, thickening after each page. I’d rate this book an eight out of ten.


  83. Cara Koch said:

    I liked this book a lot as I learned a lot about Aboriginals.

    My favourite parts of this movie was definitely flash blacks to when Nona and Rosie were children. My least favourite parts were when people made racist comments towards the Aboriginals. My favourite character was Nona as she stood by her roots and never “experimented” with the life Rosie was trying to fit in to. I wouldn’t change anything about this book. I loved it and would definitely recommend to anyone. 10/10 ENJOY 🙂


  84. Nona and me is a fantastic book with some really good morals. My favourite character is nona because she is really strong and always stays true to herself. Although at the start of the book Nona is a quite character throughout the novel you see more of her fun personality. I would recommend ‘Nona and me’ to anyone over the age of 13. This book is a really good read and has a great balance of fun and learning lessons as a teenager. I would rate this book an 8 out of 10.


  85. Nona and Me is a great book because it explores the life of a teenager.
    The Author, Clare Atkins has deeply explored what it is like to be a teenager of this generation.
    I really enjoyed this book and could not put it down while reading it.
    It explores Aboriginal life well and their way of life.
    This book shows the meaning of you have to make mistakes to find out what is wrong and what is right. It also teaches you that you have to try different things, but you are not always going to feel comfortable doing them, but that is okay because that is how you find the real you.
    This book is such a sweet book, the bond Nona and Rosie have was once so great and the mistakes and friends Rose now makes pulls them apart so much. Rosie’s friends cause her to do terrible things which pull them apart.
    I recommend this book for teenagers because it teaches you some valuable lessons which are great for teenagers to learn while they are still growing up and making these mistakes.
    I rate this book a 8/10 because it was great to read.


  86. This book was nice. I was hoping for it be better, but it was a really lovely story. It was really interesting to study as it really offers you an insight in to the Aboriginal culture in a genuine, personal way. Sometimes I found the novel hard to follow as it uses Aboriginal native language along with past and present tense. It was a good read though and would recommend it to those who are interested in culture. I would rate this a 6/10


  87. At first I wasn’t that interested in this book, it sounded a bit cliché however as soon as I got into it, I found it to be really interesting and inspiring. It is a story that teaches you to never give up on your friends and to always stay true to your beliefs. It also gives a really good insight into aboriginal culture, which I am interested in. I strongly recommend this book for people 12+ and rate it 4/5.


  88. Grace said:

    I found this book amazingly written. It really highlighted the tough times Aboriginal Communities went through yet also the struggles of high school. It’s definitely a book that can take you by surprise. Once i’d started reading it was so hard to put the book down ! This book depicts the struggles in discrimination, high school, friendships and romance. I would definitely recommend it and rate it a 7/10.


  89. This book is an amazing book to read!
    I enjoyed the story line and it wanted you to keep reading on every single chapter!
    I could not put it down.
    It had real life situations and it went into good detail so you could picture everything that happened.
    Nona and Rosie characters are very easy to love and you feel every part of the book.
    I would definitely recommend reading this, I give this book a rating of 8/10


  90. I loved reading this book. I am not a very big reader and normally I hate reading books for school but a lot of people had said this book was very good and I thought I would give it a go and boy am I glad I did. It is such an adventurous book and very true life situations. Nona’s character was very well described and I was know for loving her and feeling sorry for some of the things that happened to her. Overall I loved the book and I would rate it a 7/10


  91. Darcie said:

    I loved the book Nona and Me. I don’t usually like reading books, I usually just wait for the movie but when I started to read this book I couldn’t stop reading! It took me about a week to finish this book and just wanted to read it again. Nona and Me is the sort of book where suddenly you start to imagine the scenes in your head. This book demonstrates the two worlds and cultures. It shows how friends which aren’t that much of a friend to you can affect your relationship with your family and culture. My favourite character is Rosie, some times she would be so blind to Nicks racism but you could see that she was upset and she still had feelings for him even though he was racist towards her sometimes. Through the book it takes you on a journey not only ‘present’ times but also flashes back to the ‘past’. I would read this book anytime. I would recommend it for ages 13 and above because there are some scenes and may be hard to follow sometimes. I rate this book a 8.5/10 🙂


  92. To be honest I don’t think I would have read Nona and Me if we didn’t have to read it for English but I really enjoyed it. My favourite character in this book would probably be Nona because she was so down to earth and always willing to forgive. She also has such a big heart and never takes anything for granted. I thought the issues addressed in this book was really relevant to our everyday life because we deal with racism everyday and now we have some insight on how to deal with it. I would recommend this book to any looking to expand their knowledge on different cultures and Aboriginal heritage and I would rate it 6/10.


  93. My overall thought of Nona and Me is that it is a very good book. It is not one that I would have picked up if i saw it on the shelf in the library but I’m glad i read it. This just shows you not to judge a book by its cover. Clare Atkins did a fantastic job of exploring the themes of racism, community, culture, family and identity with great depth over the course of the book. From reading this well written book, I made various connection between myself and Rosie and our lives but also realised the differences of our lives. I learnt all about the Yolnu culture which at the start of term 1 year 9 was a foreign term to me. This book opened my eyes to different people’s way of living and taught me many things about myself. Usually i take forever to read books and find myself choosing to do other things other than reading. But with Nona and Me, I found myself glued to the pages and unable to put the book down! It was a very captivating and interesting novel that I’m glad I read. I’d rate this book an 8/10!


  94. I would never have read a book like Nona and Me but I am very glad I did. I really put off reading this book for English, but once I did I was very impressed, I sat in my room and just kept reading, I couldn’t put it down. Nona and me is the kind of book that after you read it, you start to think about it, it is a captivating novel that is full of entertaining and meaning full issues. Nona and me was an incredibly well written book as it was kept interesting with many real life and very relatable problems. After getting into the book I found it a very lovely story as it switched from past to present teaching us about the importance of family and values.
    I loved this book and would recommended for young teens as it gives you an insight into yolnu culture and common teen issues. I would give this book an 8/10 🙂


  95. Nona and Me is defiantly a book that I wouldn’t consider to read but know that I have I am very thankful for the school to give us this book to study in English.

    I absolutely love this book, it has been my favourite book yet that I have had to read in school. This is book is so good that I could never find time to put it down I just wanted to keep reading and reading but I never wanted the book to end.

    My favourite part of Nona and Me is the funeral because I feel this is when Rosie and Nona seem to forgive each other and their friendship becomes closer, Rosie doesn’t seem to be as obsessed with Nick then she normally was at the start, she is starting to pick up on Nick’s racism and Rosie is becoming closer to her culture and community.

    My favoutite character is actually Anya Rosie’s friend, this is because I feel like she was brave to tell the teachers about Selena’s racist comment and how she was able to move on from Selena and Rosie’s friendship group when she was feeling left out and a third wheel at times considering they would talk about their boyfriends together but because she didn’t have one she couldn’t join the conversation.

    I can relate to Rosie because at times I can be embarrassed about things like she was embarrassed about her culture at times and that can sometimes be me or how Rosie’s mum can make her very interesting clothes and I can relate to that as I can be embarrassed with how my mum buys me clothes that I don’t like.

    My least favourite character in this book would be Reggie, I find him very annoying and rude. he his very racist to the aboriginals and even says these things in front of Rosie even though he knows that she lives in a community with Yolnu people and they are her family.

    The ending of this book was kind of predictable but I still very cute and I wouldn’t change a thing.

    I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to learn about culture, community, mainly people aged between 14 – 19 or anyone who just wants a heart to heart book.

    I give this book a 9 out of 10.


  96. We read this book for English this term, I put off reading the book for weeks until one day I decided to pick it up and read it. To my surprise it took me two days to finish the whole, I sat in my room and read the book for three hours straight and read on and on, I could not put the book down! When we came back to class to discuss the book, many people said the book was slow and they didn’t enjoy the book, I thought they were crazy because I absolutely loved it! I was able to connect to the book at so many times and I learnt so much about the Aboriginal and Yolnu community. I will definitely read this book again in the future for sure! I give this book a 10/10!


  97. This book we read for english in term 1 of year 9, I thought it was so inspiring and good for teenage readers. In some parts it connects to your own life problems or situations. I thought this book was amazing because you learn about the yolnoo culture as well as having a fun teenage book to read, so its a little mix of both. I liked how Rosie over time learnt through her family and relationships, Nona really gave her an insight of who her real person was.


  98. Karla said:

    My sister is studying this book in english right now, so I read it after her because she highly recommended it to me. After reading the book, I totally understand where my sister was coming from when she said the book was incredibly well written and truly helped me to learn and understand about Aboriginal culture, and different relationships. I love the way we get to go on a journey with Rosie and learn about her in general. I strongly recommend this book to everyone as it is very insightful and enjoyable. I give this book an 8/10!


  99. I really enjoyed this book. I found some bits to be slow and hard to get through, but it was really worth it. I learnt so much about the Aboriginal and Yolnu culture along with being taken on a journey of understanding and growth. The end was slightly predictable but I think so fitting and I feel as though this is a book majority of people will enjoy. It was really interesting to read about the dynamics in so many different relationships and relate them to my own life.
    I recommend this book to anyone wanting a heartfelt read.


  100. Nona and Me defiantly took me bye surprise. I absolutely loved it! It is such a brilliantly written book which highlights the struggles and pain of Aboriginal communities throughout the intervention. I learnt so much about Aboriginal culture bye reading this book and it goes into so much depth so that girls our age can really understand and feel how badly they had it. Nona and Me not only highlights Aboriginal culture but also the enjoyable and not so enjoyable parts of going through high school. Rosie the main character is head over feet in love with Nick who is her so called best friends brother, Selena. This complicated, twisted and sometimes beautiful friendship made me want to keep reading and reading every page. I’d recommend this book to anyone of all ages to read this because it isn’t just a great read, it’s inspirational and shows us how to jump the hurdles that life puts in front of you.


  101. Ellie said:

    Nona And Me is a great book. I think that the characters are both loveable and extremely frustrating, but I like that way. This book is about a teenager called Rosie, she lives wither her Mum in Yirrkala, a small town in the middle of no-where. She has grown up with the aboriginals in the area as they are her family. She in not related to them by blood but by a bond between her grandfather and there family. She has a special bond with her ‘sister’, Nona, they were inseparable when they were little but things have changed and after Nona moved away for a few years with her family, Rosie has made new friends, and moved on. Rosie has a difficult relationship with her best friends Selena, she is always teasing being rude and offending her in a joking way. Selena is popular and Rosie doesn’t have many other friends. One day Nona turns up to her school in town and Selena makes a racist remark clearing aiming it at Nona, Rosie feels upset and angry but she doesn’t know what to. I would rate this book about 8/10, it really displays how one person’s actions can effect people so badly, how we need to close the gap between white australians and aboriginal australians.


  102. This book demonstrates and gives people a better understanding about Aboriginal culture and why it is so important. You will go on a journey with Rosie who is struggling to find out who she really is. You watch her grow into an independent women who makes choices for herself. The community of Yirrkala has always been important when she was little and it was all about community except when her best friend Nona moved away, she has forgotten the real meaning of it. Rosie doesn’t realise how important it really is until she sees everything she’s lost during these years. This is a great book to read which takes you away to a different place, experiencing what it was like in 2007 in Yirrkala. I rate it an 8/10


  103. Brooke Vigilante said:

    This book was able to bring out many issues in our modern day society which sometimes go unheard of… The friction between the Indigenous and White people living in Yirrkala, where Rosie lives was extremely significant and prevalent throughout the book. My favourite character in the book is Nona because despite what Rosie does and says to her which really hurt her feelings, she is able to eventually feel better. Rosie and Nick’s relationship really angered me because Nick was so racist and I felt that he was the one standing in the way of Rosie and Nona being friends again, which I really wanted in the book! The way the author has explored racial challenges and barriers made the book unpredictable and exciting, but also sad and confusing. I recommend this book for people 13-16. I give this book a 7/10.


  104. I really enjoyed reading Nona & Me because I love the concept of the book. I love how the author switched from past to present tense and related back to when Nona and Rosie were young. Rosie and Nona are sisters. This book is about the friendship Rosie shares with Nona, mum and Nick. It shows how Nona and Rosie’s relationship and bond was so strong and full of life when they were younger but when Nona moved away there relationship went down the drain. When Nona moves back Rosie doesn’t want to be apart of Nona’s life anymore. Rosie want to be apart of Nick and Selena’s life. I love Rosie’s connection and relationship with Nick because it is always unpredictable. I love how when Rosie and Nona were young the shared everything. They acted like real sister and supported each other through thick and thin. I would rate this book a 8/10 and would recommend it to ages 13 – 15.


  105. Kendra said:

    Nona and Me is actually a lot better than I thought. I love how the author developed the characters and there was a real significance about them. My favourite character was Nick because he was so unpredictable. I liked him one minute and then he would say something racist and I would hate him. I think he is why this book is so interesting. I love Rosie’s connection with Nick despite towards the end when he said something really nasty. I love the concept of the book how Rosie is torn between culture and fitting in at school. Nona is a really interesting character and I liked the way the author bought her into Rosie’s life again. The ending was very unpredictable, but it made me smile so overall I think I would rate this book a 8/10.


  106. This is a lovely book that really touches your heart. I love the connection to family and what people sacrifice for them. This book was different because it switched from past and present tense which kept you intrigued. My favourite big of the book went we found out about Nona’s … (don’t want to spoil it!) because I wasn’t really expecting it at all. I also like the romance between Rosie and Nick because it was funny how he was so different but they stayed together for a while. Overall I’d give it a 9/10 🙂


  107. This book is so sweat and lovely I actually don’t read this type of gender but when I read it I loved it. My favourite character of this book would have to be Nona because she has to fit into a new school. Nona is actually Rosie’s sister but Rosie doesn’t want to tell her friends Selena and Anya because she would think she was weird cause Nona was black and she was white yet either of them look a like. Nona says to Rosie ‘Yapa’ and suddenly Rosie feels like she is 6 years old again. I would rate this book a 8/10 and recommend this book to anyone because I don’t like this gender of but I loved it!!!!


  108. Ellie said:

    Nona and Me is a great book and I recommend everyone to read it. It’s about two girls, Nona and Rosie. Rosie is white and Nona is Aboriginal, and they were best friends when they were young. They were like sisters, and Nona’s family had ‘adopted’ Rosie’s. But Nona moves away and they grow apart. This is the story of when they are reunited and how they react to this. Sometimes it’s funny and a lot of it is sad. I learned a lot about Aboriginal culture from reading this book, which is important for Australians. My favourite characters are Rosie’s dad and Nona. I liked the book’s ending because it was realistic but happy. I rate Nona and Me an 8/10 and recommend it for people aged 12 and up.


  109. I recommend the book Nona and me because it is a new book in year nine that we have to read for English and I really enjoyed it. Because everyone has to read it, there would be a lot of reviews and I like reading other peoples opinions.


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