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Comments on: "The edge of seventeen (movie)" (7)

  1. Jessica said:

    I saw this film at the movies and I was expecting it to be a really good film because these sorts of teenage movies are what I really enjoy, but to be honest it wasn’t as good as I thought it was going to be. From watching the trailer, I was really excited to see the movie as it look interesting and something that all teenagers could relate to. But after watching the movie, it wasn’t what I thought it was going to be. I did think that it was so relatable for many teens around the world, but It just was ‘another teen movie’, nothing o special about it. I did still enjoy it and thought the main character Nadine played her role really well, just wasn’t what I was expecting.


  2. Saskia said:

    This movie was very very good. I was shocked at how my peers and friends thought so poorly of this movie. To me this movie is a lot more ‘real’ than most movies are these days. This film follows the life of teenager Nadine, as she awkwardly tries to make her way through her hectic life. It’s funny and at times really sad, thats what makes it so great. This movie is a must watch. 9/10.


  3. This film is about a girl called Nadine and she is going through tough times at school, but things get even more tough and complicated when her only best friend dating her popular and perfect brother, Darian. While Her best friend is having out with all of the popular kids, Nadine is lonely and upset. All she wants is her best friend, but the only person who she can turn to for advice is her English teacher. This is a great and hilarious film that I defiantly recommend for ages 11 and up.


  4. Annabelle said:

    This film is all about an awkward teenage girl called Nadine who is going through her difficult high school years. I loved the movie and the story line, and found it very funny as many people will be able to relate to her struggles.
    My favourite character was the English teacher as he was hilarious trying to help Nadine through her high school problems.
    I give this movie a 8/10 and recommend it to teenagers, 12+.


  5. The Edge Of Seventeen:
    The Edge Of Seventeen follows the awkward and embarrassing high school life of school Junior Nadine (Hailee Steinfeld). Nadine is already at peak awkwardness when her older brother begins dating her best friend. Personally, I did not really enjoy the movie as while I did find it funny it was also rather lame and the storyline was quite boring. At the end, it did not leave me with a feeling of ‘Wow, that movie was so good!’ I would recommend this movie to people mainly in their high school years as they will be able to relate to this movie the most. I rate this movie a 6/10. 🙂


  6. This film is one which explores the mind of a teenage girl and her journey during this period of her life. Although Nadine isn’t like other girls in the film, she definitely relates to most teenage viewers through the experiences and emotions she encounters. It is a film which has a roller coaster of emotions, which leaves the viewer happy, angry and sometimes even with tears in their eyes. I would definitely recommend this movie to all teenagers as it a film which conveys the journey very realistically with no blanket hiding the real truths of what going into adulthood is like. If I had to rate this movie, it would be a 7/10 as it does have a good story line, however some aspects are not required leaving the audience a little bored at sometimes. As a whole, it is a good movie though with great actors also.


  7. This new film I saw recently. A great teen film, as it perfectly depicts how growing up is hard, especially in the teenage years. In high school, Nadine is known as an outcast, with her older brother Darian being very popular. When Darian starts dating her best friend she loses the only person that she loves in life. She cant help but feel jealous as her best friend starts hanging out with her brother’s social circles, getting a popular reputation, and almost choosing her brother over her. Nadine is alone, but through the help of her english teacher she meets new people and learns to deal with her problems on her own.
    A great coming of age story, with very real experiences, though the ending was a let down.


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