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Step up (movie)

Comments on: "Step up (movie)" (28)

  1. Trinity said:

    Step Up is a fantastic move and I strongly recommend it to anyone especially if you love dance. The talent displayed in this movie is exceptional and the music is great to. I love how there is romance included in the story line. The choreography is amazing and the characters bring life to the story. Everyone in this move has such great friendships which is really nice to see. The story line is intriguing and leaves you interested. I love how the movie ended and I’m sure you will too. I strongly recommend watching this move to anyone!


  2. paige said:

    This movie is great and I would recommend this movie to anyone interested in dance especially but also anyone who want just a nice easy going movie.The talent displayed in this movie is extraordinary. The movie has romance, comedy, tragedy, and nearly everything else you would want in a good movie. The music in this movie is also really good. I would say this movie is well worth the money I spent. Step Up is inspirational and was everything I was expecting it to be.


  3. I highly recommend the movie Step Up. It is one of my favourite movies of all times, I have watched all 5 movies and every time I watch them, I love them even more. These movies are full of dancing and romance, you watch as the troupes build together as a team, creating amazing dances full of phenomenal tricks and flips. I really love this movie because it is for all ages, it is really amusing and some of the dancers are pretty good looking!! I highly recommend you watch these movies because you won’t regret it!!


  4. step up is and amazing movie and i love every single one of the movies all of them are about people getting together and doing what they love,i no i’m not the best dancer but i love doing it and thats why i really like the story line of all of these movie and say that you should watch them. i rate these movies a 8 out of 10.


  5. I loved every single one, they were all great, it is a awesome series of movies. The Step up movies are based on dancing and working together in a group. Every film is entertaining, exciting and so fun to watch. They have great dancers acting in the film, that make the dancing amazing!! The movies have all different type of genres put into the film. Such as romance, dance, thrill, sad and happy movies. I think that most of the films would be appropriate for children aged 10 and beyond or even a bit younger. It depends on what you are aloud to watch. Even adults I think would definitely enjoy this movie! it sends a great message across to children, such as to never give up and to do what you love, even when people put you down! I personally would recommend it to everybody! These are movies that you could watch over and over again! I love them!


  6. I thought this movie was really good. I’ll admit the acting may not have been to it’s full potential.. but I still thought it was pretty good. The movie is based on dancing and overall I thought the technique was very good. The talent displayed in this movie is extraordinary. The movie has romance, comedy, tragedy, and nearly everything else you would want in a good movie. The music in this movie is also really good. I would say this movie is well worth the money I spent. Step Up is inspirational and was everything I was expecting it to be. I’d highly recommend seeing it. If you enjoyed the movie Save The Last Dance this is probably a good movie for you. I found this movie to be very uplifting.
    I really liked this movie and i give it a 8/10 🙂


  7. The step it up movie is a great moving if you like dancing or if you like action. I love watching them do all the tricks, filps and dancing, it is just amazing how they can do all that. It inspires me to dance or follow my dreams and i’m guessing it will make others to. This is a great movie and i recommend it to ages 12 – 13+. I don’t really have a favourite character i love them all! Overall i would give this movie a 9 and a half/10. Everyone loves this movie if you are young and old!


  8. Milly said:

    The step up movie is a great movie for all those that love dancing. I love how all the dancing and tricks they do are so realistic. This is a great movie to inspire young dancers. I think that this movie would be recommended and suitable for ages 11+. My favourite character would have to be Nora because she is a really good dancer and was really determined and motivated. My favourite bit would have to be when they did all of their performences because they were so good and inspiring. So over all I would give this movie a 9/10.


  9. Tamika said:

    The Step up movie was great!! I have watched it over a million times and still can’t get enough of it!! My favourite character would have to be Nora because she’s really stubborn and has to get her way (which I love)!! I am a dancer so I think this movie is great for dancers who want inspiration and the movie would probably be suitable for ages 12 +. I loved the bit when they perform because there dances are amazing and different in all different ways. My least favourite bit would maybe be when they have to move out of their little apartment. I loved this book heaps and I would rate it a 8.5 out of ten!!!


  10. Monique said:

    Step Up is a great Movie! I have watched all of them and have loved each one! I love how good the dancing is especially because I’m a dancer and it really demonstrate how hard you have to work! This movie is probably suitable for ages 12+! This movie is so fun and exciting to watch and it is really entertaining! This movie inspires you to perform your best and try your hardest! I do think it would be good if they had a bot mrs dancing in it but overall I would give it an 8/10!


  11. I recommend “Step Up” to girls aged 11 and above. It is a great movie that demonstrates how hope and courage can turn into something fantastic.
    My favourite character of the film was Nora. I loved her determination and motivation. I liked it how she was open in getting to know Tyler and gave him a chance, rather then judging him. I thought her and Tyler made a cute couple, despite coming from two different worlds.
    I would rate this film a 9/10 and believes it’s definitely a film worth watching.


  12. Before I watched Step up, I was I like ‘oh no! Not another dancing movie thats boring!’ I was proved wrong! This is such an up beat fun dancing movie! It’s set in the modern day and it is great as it inspires everyone to dance and I love to watch all the dances and at the end the dance off. I recommend this to anyone who loves dancing and everyone else. Rate 9/10! 🙂 🙂


  13. Maddy said:

    I loved this movie because its a modern day story that inspires kids to dance all around the world. My favourite part of the movie was when they all were glow suits to beat the other dance crew. My favourite character was The main girl because she was ” Born from a boom box ” as Moose said. My least favourite parts is the boring scenes when there not dancing. If I could change this movie I would make it less drama and more dancing. I recommend this movie to 6 years old and up. If you love dancing and music then this is the movie for you! I rate this movie 100/100. 🙂


  14. Amanda said:

    I think that Step up is great. If you love dancing you should watch it. I love how they battle against other dancers and try to achieve the best they can. My favourite one is Step It Up 1 and 3. I recommend this movie to anyone that loves dancing and music. This movie has great moments that are fun, exciting and inspirational. I rate this movie roughly a 9 out of 10.


  15. a great movie i love is step up 1,2 and 3 because i love dancing and they are really fun and they all receive times when they battle against other dancers and chase there dreams and many of the dancers have lots of challenges alone the way as well as adventures i recommend you to watch these movies because each one of them is different in some way and if you love dancing i would watch it. My favourite step up movie is 1 and 3 because the first one is really orginal and there’s great movement and actors but in three its more exciting and different a bit in a way and my favourite character sharnie is on there who plays the main girl dancer.


  16. Alana Gray said:

    I really enjoyed this movie. I love all the step ups, and all the dancing and choreography because it is so amazing! In the first step up there is one very sad part which but besides that this movie is great. Its all about dancing but Its not a boring movie. Its more up beat and hip hop and dancing against people. I recommend anyone from 9+ to watch this and could nearly guarantee everyone would like it, even if your not that into dancing.


  17. Hannah said:

    Step up 1,2,3 are great movies i really enjoyed them because i love dance and if you love dancing i would recommend you to watch them they are really different and change a lot and they inspire me to do something with my life help those and do what you love i rate these 10/10 because there enjoyable for any ages to watch and can have fun watching the movies and it tells you to get out there do what you love and have fun and my favourite parts were the dancing against other groups and watching the different styles of dance


  18. Emily said:

    I love this movie. The coreography is amzing and so are the dancers. Moose is my favourite because he is so laid back and determined.
    I don’t like Luke because he is a whiner. I rate the movie 6/10 and recommened it to everyone 10-18:)


  19. I recommend the books ‘by Andy Griffiths, the..’Just’ books They are quite short but always a good read to get you in a good mood, they are funny and the ideas that the author has come up with are just so random, this book is probably a bit young for teenagers but if you just feel like, sitting back and enjoying a good short read, I most defiantly recommend ‘ just annoying, just crazy, just stupid..etc. By Andy Griffiths’


  20. I recommend the movie ‘Step up’ its a really inspirational movie especially to people who have a passion to dance, even if you don’t enjoy dancing its still a really good movie just seeing what they can do is amazing, its not only about dancing its about accomplishing goals and when you put your kind to something you can always succeed if you keep on trying, I love this movie, I hope you do too.


  21. I love this movie so much it is the best,
    i could watch this movie everyday of the week i do prefer
    step up to better but this is close to being one of my favourite movies.
    i recommend people who haven’t seen this watch, it will
    get you dancing right after it. 🙂


  22. Step up is an amzaing movie. The way they mixed the love story, and love for dancing is so great! It’s about a guy who has a love for hip hop dancing and a girl who has a love for classical type dancing. They meet and become partners and dance together at a dancing school. The choreography in the movies is so good i’d just love to learn the steps. This movie never makes you bored, the story is really good and the songs make you want to watch the movie over and over. I recomend this movie to everyone becaue they way they made it was good and i loved it.


  23. Step Up is a great movie to watch with all your friends and family! Step up is about lots of dancing and great choreography and a little bit of romance throughout the film. This movie is inspirational to dancers and is a great movie that anyone, boys or girls will enjoy. I would highly recommend Step Up for anyone who is willing to give it a go and watch it. It truly is a great movie!


  24. I watched Step Up las night and enjoyed it sooo much. My favourite character is Tyler. He is so sweet to Nora and they make a great couple. Tyler is very interesting, he is the dancer when on stage but the bad guy when off stage. He really makes the movie intriguing and interesting.

    My favourite part is when Nora tries out a lot of men from her school to sit in for the rehearsals until her REAL partner in the dance recovers from his injury, and the men can’t lift her and they turn and run away from her when she is running towards them for them to catch her. It is really funny. But when they have all left Tyler comes over and says “I’ll do it” and she says no. So he walks away but then she says “wait” and then without warning she starts running towards him and says “catch me.” He drops everything in his hands and catches her without any trouble, and holds her up in the air. It is so sweet.

    My least favourite part is when Tylers friends little brother ‘Skinny’ dies and Tyler and him find Skinny dead. It has really bad acting in that scene, especially when Tyler calls out “somebody call 911″ because nobody does anything.

    The most tense part of the film is when Nora’s mum finds Tyler and Nora sitting in the dining room kissing. You can feel the tension in between Tyler and Nora’s mum. It feels really weird

    I loved this movie and would recommend it to anyone that loves dancing and enjoys watching it.
    I rate this movie a 8 1/2 out of 10. It was not quite good enough for a 9.


  25. I watched Step Up last night for the first time and it was amazing. The choreography, the emotions and the way the movie was set up made my heart pump louder. I felt a bit different watching it, because it has many awkward moment, and i felt as if i were in that position of the character. It brings you in and catches your eye. Then you think about how much time and effort goes into movie like these. So i did like the movie because of the way they chose to show the emotions. My favourite part of the movie was when the main character and his sister were dancing, and he had discovered his sister could dance. You could feel that they were both excited that the sister didn’t have to hide their abilities any longer. My favourite character was the sister of the main character because she was always loyal to her brother and she always stood by him, showing how nice and interested she was, even though sometimes she got annoying. I can relate to the dancing girl, Nora, because her mum/family wasn’t being encouraging and she felt a bit upset, as i did when i danced, but i found out that everyone was, they had a different way of showing it. My least favourite parts of the movie were when the boys who were Tyler’s friends and Tyler went to the nightclubs and they kept talking about nothing. If i could change something i would change how he reacted when the old dance partner came back. I recommend this book to whoever likes dancing and whoever loves a love story. I rate it a 8/10.


  26. i highly recommend this movie if you like dance and movie pick this one it has a lot of fantastic dance moves and is it a perfect romance kind of .


  27. This is a great movie for all girls who love dancing. I love the dancers in the movie and how everyone in the movie is good at different dance styles, love the funk and ballet. Music in the movie is great, very different. I loved the movie so much i went and bought it straight after i saw it. definitely recommended!


  28. i recommend the movie called step up. Its a fantastic movie. I like dancing and the choreography in the movie it is great. I like the songs they use in it , its the music i like.
    i love it (:


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