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The host (movie)

Comments on: "The host (movie)" (4)

  1. This movie was amazing. I thought that the story line was great and it was a different take on science-fiction. It was so interesting and I loved the great mix of aliens (but not an overload), romance and action. The movie kept me on the edge of my seat all throughout the journey and I loved it. There was defiantly a twist at the end of this movie and if you love sad romances then you might need a couple of tissues. This movie was so beautiful and it talks about friendship and allowing and accepting differences. I recommend this movie to anyone that is 13 and over because it is just amazing. I love this movie so much and it is a great movie for anytime, that is why I rate it 10/10 and I think that it is a must watch movie!


  2. I loved this movie as it, to me, was a really interesting take on science fiction movie that wasn’t overly aliens, spaceships and world domination. It was much more futuristic science fiction and had a good amount of romance to balance out the movie. My favourite part of the movie was when the two main characters Wanderer and Melanie both begin to work together and you begin to see different sides to both of them and just how much they can accomplish if they work together. My favourite character was Wanderer/Melanie because they are played by the same actress (wanderer is in the head of Melanie) but I am very fond of Jared who was played by Max Irons and also Ian who was played by Jake Abel. All of the characters were good and had qualities that made me really like them. I don’t really have a least favourite part of the movie because I just really enjoyed all of it overall. I wouldn’t change anything at all in this movie and would most recommend it to others because of it’s enjoyability. However this isn’t necessarily going to be the favourite of someone who despises romance and loves the traditional image of aliens, spaceships and world domination when they think of science fiction so make the personal choice but overall it’s a great movie.


  3. Grace M said:

    The Host is yet another wonderful movie adaption from one of Stephanie Myer’s beautiful books. It is full of action, romance, and life long lessons about things worth fighting for, and trust. My favourite character is Wanda, because she learns so much about earth during the course of the movie, that she would do anything to save it. I recommend this movie to anyone who is a fan of romance and action, and enjoys Stephanie Myers books. I rate this movie 8/10


  4. Last year I went to see The Host at the cinema with low expectations due to the fact that this film was based on the novel written by the same author who wrote Twilight. However, I found the film completely different to any of the Twilight films and I thoroughly enjoyed it!
    It had a fascinating plot, some really awesome action scenes and was very emotional. There was a lot of romance in it which I enjoyed, but it wasn’t overly or unnecessarily romantic and it certainly contains more action than kissing. Recommend 12+ maybe even older!


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