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Comments on: "Dear John (movie)" (30)

  1. Dear John is a great romance story with John (Channing Tatum) and Savannah (Amanda Seyfried). They meet on a beach and start a strong relationship after they get to know each other. They spend a great summer together until John is recruited in the army. John spends 7 years away from Savannah during that time they continuously write letters. Savannah gets married whilst John was away. Watch it to see what happens.


  2. Dear John is such a good movie and I can’t count how many times I have seen this movie. The main characters are John and Savannah, they met on the beach and fall in love but John has to go back to war. They write to each other if that wasn’t obvious from the title and it goes from there all about what happens next. Although it’s a great chick flick I would definitely have tissues on the ready. I would seriously recommend this movie to anyone and anyone would fall in love with this story.


  3. Camryn said:

    I loved this movie I have wacth it about 10 times but it is so sad. I would recommened it to lots of people that like sad movies. 10/10


  4. Claudette Theodore said:

    Dear John is a tragic story about a divided love. John is a soldier in the war, he is forced to leave Savannah his true love – and his father, to fight for his country. The love between John and Savannah began strong, and continued on, seemingly never ending. But when things get tough, Savannah moves on – however in the end does she go back to John?
    Definitely worth the read – quite a sad but heart warming story. 9/10.


  5. Dear John is one of the most tear jerking movie I have ever seen. I very much enjoyed this movie, the romance, drama and it had such a true story feeling. My favourite part of the movie was when John and Savannah were just hanging out and getting to know each other. My favourite character was Allen,I thought he was so cute and had a great personality. I can’t really relate to this movie. My least favourite part of the movie was when John, burnt all the letters from Savannah. I would not change anything in this movie, it was so great! I would definitely recommend this movie to others, it is an amazing movie with a great story line. I would rate this book 9 out of 10, its a must see!


  6. This movie is one of the best and saddest movies that I have ever seen.


  7. Dear John is an amazing movie. It made me cry alot. It is a beautiful movie that i recommend to anyone who likes sad and romantic movies. I think the movie was acted out REALLY well! The story line was amazing and i wasn’t surprised when i found out the BOOK was written by the author of the notebook . I can’t choose who my favourite character is because i love them all. This was a great movie that was really touching but i didn;t really like the ending because they don’t end up together. I rate this movie a 8/10.


  8. I think Dear John is my all time favourite movie. It is about a man named John on leave and he meets a girl named savanna and in two weeks they fall in love, but they promise they will keep writing letters when John is alway. My favourite charter is John because he loves savanna so much and would do anything to keep her. My favourite bit in the movie even though it makes my heart pound is when John gets shot. I think it has a great story line because its not predictable it has a twos that most movies don’t and it make the movie so much better.


  9. Dear John is such a great movie and I love watching it every time! I found it quite sad, romantic but cute. The actors in this movie and portray each of their characters really well. My favourite character is Savannah because shes really nice compassionate and loving towards everyone. I would defiantly rate it a 10/10 and would recommend it to anyone over the age of 10


  10. Carly said:

    Dear John is a movie about a man named John Tyree; a staff sergeant in the united states army special forces. His life is all of fighting in the army, coming home to see and look after his father then so on. All is normal until he meets a girl at the beach named Savannah, who he madly falls in love with as soon as he rescues a valuble item of hers. After finally realizing John is in love with her, John is set to go back to his army bace, leaving Savannah without being able to see him for a very long time. Yet, John and Savannah keep in touch all through pen and paper, and the size of the moon.

    There is a huge twist which occurs in the middle of the film, that will bring you to tears. There on out I am sure you will need a box of tissues beside you. It is a great romantic movie, that im sure all will love. 10/10 ages 11+.


  11. I would definitely recommend the movie ‘Dear John’ based on the book written by Nicholas Sparks. This was an unforgettable movie that brought me to tears, it is an inspiring tale of an incredible bond between John and Savannah. The story is about John who is listed in the army, and meets Savannah during his time off. But when John goes to war it is hard for them to communicate with each other, so they would write letters to each other. However when John feels it is his duty to re-enlist, everything changes. Savannah and John are separated for a long time, and soon enough John finds that Savannah has fallen in love with someone else. This movie was truly fantastic and is for ages 12+. I would rate it nine out of ten. If you love adventure, romance and action you will definitely love this movie. 😀


  12. Alexis said:

    I love this movie so much! It is so romantic and sad I watched it with my friend a couple of weeks ago and we were both just in so many tears because it is so sad i properly shouldn’t of watched it when i did because i was already in a sad mood. I feel so sorry for his farther and thought that would of been so hard for John and then Savannah marries another guy which is so mean like who could do that when she was dating another guy that was in the war like I guess that it would of been hard for her that the guy had cancer but that doesn’t mean you have to marry them but apart from the i loved this movie soo much.


  13. Francesca De Angelis said:

    Dear John is a great movie to watch. The story line is great and it is an awesome movie . It is a romantic and sad movie. The two main characters are Savannah (Amanda Seyfried) and John (Channing Tatum). It shows Savannah and John meeting for the first time and falling in love at first sight. The movie has sad and moving bits in it. Some bits will make you cry but its still a great movie.
    This a movie that you will want to watch time after time. It is really touching. I recommend this movie for teenage girls, they will love it.


  14. Dear John,

    This is an inspiring and very emotional movie (grab a box of tissues before the movie starts cause you’ll need them). John and Savannah meet at the beach and it was love at first sight. My favourite but one of the most saddest parts of the film is when one of John’s close relatives is in the hospital and John writes him a letter and reads it out. He can’t bring himself to read the ending. Tears could not stop running down my face – so sad 😦 My favourite character is Savannah because she talked and interacted with John’s father who has an illness. I didn’t have a least favourite part because it was all really good. I would recommend this to anyone that loves sad romantic movies. This is a great film I rate it 10/10 🙂



  15. Chloe said:

    Dear John
    This is a heartfelt movie about a couple who feel deeply in love from the first moment. After some time John has to go back to war and leaves Savannah. However they do not let this affect there relationship and continue to keep in touch by writing letters to one another. Until one day Savanna writes a letter to say she has met someone else. I deeply loved this movie. My favourite character was Johns father Mr tyree. It was such a beautiful scene as he showed Savannah his coin collection. I loved it how he tells savannah his favourite coin is the one he first got with John. This story has many ups and downs but it is worth it as it is awesome. Warning- You will need tissues with this movie. I love this movie and give it a 9/10


  16. tgill said:

    This is such a sad movie!! But amazing I’ve watched it 3 times and I never get tired of it. They are so cute together and I love the story line of how they write letters to eachother when he is overseas in the army. People don’t write love letters very often any more but it’s so nice to receive a letter, especially a love letter. My favorite part is when they meet because it isn’t spectacular or anything and makes you believe something like this really could happen. I give this movie a 9 out of ten, so beautiful. 🙂


  17. Olivia said:

    This is a heartfelt movie of a young man John (Channing Tatum) and Savannah (Amanda Seyfried) whom meet on a beach and develop a long distance relationship, due to John’s obligations to the army. They write each other throughout the movie and form such a love. This movie is based on the novel written by Nicholas Sparks, the director has really done a great job in showing the book on screen, they are pretty much the same. You grow to love the characters and just want them to be together. It is a romance movie as well as a sad movie, a real chick flick. I rate this a 9/10, I think most girls will have a soft spot for this movie!


  18. I would rate this movie a 9/10 it is very good but theres one parts I don’t really like. This movie has the awesome Channing Tatum in it 🙂 haha but it is very sad in some parts, but also really nice because it is a love story. This movie reminds we a lot of the last song, but there are a few changes 🙂 I really recommend every girl to see this because it is defiantly a chick flick 🙂


  19. This movie is amazing, funny, cute, sad and beautiful. It was the perfect beginning, the cutest love story and you can just see how deep in love they are with each other. It was really sad when John left savannah. It was so sad when John was trying to get his father to meet savannah’s parents but he couldn’t leave the house. It was devastating when savannah sent John a letter saying she met someone else, I was crying so much. I loved this movie so much it is amazing and I could just watch it over and over again. I would rate this movie 8 out of 10, great story line and I love Channing Tatum so much. Great movie and would recommend it for any teenage girl.


  20. this movie was so sad but beautiful. it started off almost perfect and we watched two people fall in deep love. when john has to go away, they keep in touch by writing but this only lasts for so long, as savannah is hurting too much and decides to end their relationship as it was getting too hard. deep down, they never stopped loving eachother and were perfect together. eventually they realise that, but the ending leaves you with suspicion and wonder about what happens next! i’d recommend this for any teenage girl.


  21. Dear John is amazing! This movie is about John and Savannah, who are quite different to each other. They meet at a beach and gradually fall in love throughout Summer. They share a deep connection and Savannah even gets along with John’s father, who is hard to relate with. I enjoyed the scene where they are standing on the beach together at night and John compares his thumb to the moon. This part signifies that no matter where you are in the world, you can share something with a loved one. I absolutely loved the movie and I would watch it again and again! I would rate Dear John 9/10 🙂 A fantastic movie


  22. Alana said:

    Dear John is an amazing movie. It made me cry. It is a beautiful movie that i recommend to anyone who likes sad and romantic movies. I think the movie was acted out REALLY well! The story line was amazing and i wasn’t surprised when i found out the book was written by the author of the notebook : ) . This was a great movie that was really touching. I rate this movie a 8/10. : )


  23. Dear John is one of the most heart warming and sad films. I love the movie, its sad and romantic. This movie was an absolute pleasure to watch. My favourite characters were obviously John and Savannah. Savannah has so many beautiful qualities; she’s smart, beautiful loving and caring. I think the ending of the movie is really good i think it was best how they found each other in life again. I would recommend it to anyone looking for a movie with romance and sadness this is the one for you. This movie has lots of twists and turns and surprises. I’d rate it 10/10!!!!!


  24. i love this movie! its so good! its sad, romantic and happy. Dear John is a sad love story but its so cute. The actors in this movie and really good, my favourite character is Savannah because shes really nice and loving towards everyone. There are a lot of sad parts in this movie so make sure you have the tissue box close by! love this movie, I rate it 10/10 and recommend it for teenage girls 🙂


  25. I loved this movie so much, I thought it was really sad and emotional, but the emotions changed through out the movie. My favourite character was Savannah, she helped John with his father, and she even visited him when John wasn’t there. My favourite part of the book was when John’s dad was showing Savannah his collection. It was a beautiful scene and i just wanted to jump into the tv and hug him.
    My least favourite part of the book was when John had to go to the army, I really didn’t want him to go, him and Savannah had the best relationship. I wish that Mr Tyree didnt die though. This book would be best for someone who likes a teary movie. Out of 5 stars i would rate it 5!


  26. I LOOOVE THIS MOVIE , I thought it was really sad but really good. My faviourte charcter is savanna she is so tough and she has been my faviourte charcter in alot of movies, I love how the story line how they become in love. i recommend this movie for 12+


  27. i really like the movie dear john becasue it kept you interested right until then end! John and Savannah become good friends right from the first time they met at the beach, their friendship soon turns into something a little more serious even when john has to go away. Savannah writes many letters until one day they stop, this is one of the major complications throughout the story.
    my favourite character is definetely John’s dad who is an innocent old man that has a major affect on the viewers. i highly reccomend this movie to anyone and you will be attached righ till the very end


  28. I would like to recommend the movie, Dear John. This is a great movie, but it will have you reaching for some tissues!!!
    Dear John is a great movie. This movie is about John and Savannah, meeting at a beach. They start of as friends and
    finally there going out. John was in the army and he had to leave and fight. To keep in touch they write letters to eachother. Theres twists and turns in this movie, but ill leave you to figue that out. I recommend this movie if you’d like a good nice movie to watch


  29. Dear John is a great movie. This movie is about John and Savannah, meeting at a beach. They start of as friends and
    finally there going out. John was in the army and he had to leave and fight. To keep in touch they write letters to eachother. Theres twists and turns in this movie, but ill leave you to figue that out. I recommend this movie if you’d like a good nice movie to watch (:


  30. I would like to recommend the movie, Dear John. This is a great movie, but it will have you reaching for some tissues!!!

    This movie is about how John and Savannah meet at the beach. They fall madly in love over the summer. John has to go back to the Army and they send letters to each other for about a year! Yeah, I know how romantic!

    I will stop there because other wise I will spoil the movie

    It’s a great movie and I definitely recommend you watching it



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