The blog for books and movies

Comments on: "I am Number 4 (movie)" (13)

  1. I recently watched this movie, and I loved it! I think it was well put together. It had action, romance, drama, and a few funny scenes too! It’s about 9 people who all have powers. They are getting found and killed one by one. The main character, John is number 4.

    At the start of the movie, number 1, 2, and 3 got killed. That means he is next. He can’t stay in a city/town for more than a few weeks. He decides he wants to go to school, but he doesn’t realise he’s getting hunted down.

    A 10/10 for this movie!


  2. I haven’t read the book but will make sure that I make time to read it
    I watched the movie and really loved it, so i am thinking if i loved the movie this much the book will be even better.

    My favourite character was John, he is very brave but also seems scared as well

    I love the way the movie has been made, I love all the action in it. I think it would be hard not being able to stay in one place for more then a month and not be able to keep anything from your past experiences and good memories.

    I loved the movie so much and have watched it a number of times so i could relive it again and again. I give it 10/10


  3. I really liked the book I am number 4 so I went and found the movie, and of course i really loved it, I loved the way the movie wasn’t too different from the book. My favourite part of the movie is where you get to see John using all his legacies because the graphics look really cool. My favourite character in this movie would have to be John because he brings the whole movie to life and makes the movie seem really interesting. I can’t say I have a least favourite part of the movie because it is all really interesting. I think if i could change something in this movie it would be showing a flashback with more information from Henri’s past. I would definitely recommend this movie to others because it is a thrilling sci-fi adventure with a touch of romance. I rate this move a 10/10


  4. I am number 4 is a great movie. I really like the story line is protracted and the way the movie is acted out is really well done. I have read the book and seen the movie, I think that both of them are absolutely fantastic. The main character, John, is caught in a bad situation. He can never stay in one place for more than about a month and is constantly on the move from town to town. He is never able to stay in one place. He has to leave everything behind and he in forced to move again. I am number 4 is a great movie and I would give it 9/10. I think the age group for this movie would be a teenager age group but is a fantastic movie and I would recommend anyone who loves an action movies and books.


  5. Bridgette said:

    I didn’t really enjoy this movie because I found it a bit slow. I found the action and drama a bit cheesy and a let down from the book. I think that if they followed the book more then we would have had more of insight to his life, personality and culture. I really think that Dianna Agron made the movie and I would have not liked it a lot more with out her in it.


  6. i am number four is a fabulous movie itโ€™s full of action and drama some romance and more! it is different to most movies under this sort of topic because he knows it is not as if he finds it out in the movie. my absolute favorite characters are the science geek and number 6 – number 6 because she is fireproof and she can disappear and reaper when ever she wants i mean it would be so cool! the science geek because to go from being the geek to being one of the coolest people on earth!! the mean people in this film look really really weird the whole gills and tattoos and the whole way that they talk and do things is just freaky and not right and how would it feel if you were a normal person in the movie and having these weird aliens for another planet that could be standing right next to you.


  7. Marie said:

    This movie was a stunning movie! I was really surprised how well it turned out! It was way better to the book but the book was very interesting! My favourite part would have to be near the end when they were all fighting and everything it was really intense! My favourite character would have to be Sarah Hart she was always getting into trouble with what John was doing! But she did a good job in this movie! I would recommend this book for all ages because it was just a Awesome, Exciting, Adventurous, nerve racking kinda movie! I would rate this movie 199/100 because there were one bit that I think was pretty cheesy and that was when John left Sarah and left Sarah with that jurk guy (forgot his name) THIS IS A REALLY GOOD MOVIE!! WATCH THIS MOVIE and if your not into movies read the book it is just as good!


  8. Olivia said:

    I am number 4 ๐Ÿ™‚

    The first time I saw I am number 4, I thought it would be really boring, because the start seemed a bit dark and dull, but I was wrong. I had seen the ad for it, I love Diana Agron and Alex Pettyfer. It’s a bit confusing to understand what the movie is all about at first. It has lots of scary scenes, so I recommend this movie to boys and girls over the age of 12. It’s an AWESOME, EXCITING, FANTASY, FUN AND ADVENTUROUS book. If your looking for an awesome thriller, sit down and watch this movie.


  9. Gabrielle said:

    I am number 4 is a really good movie!! This movie is full of adventure and romance. I would give this movie a 9/10. Some bits can get a little boring but most of the time its is a great adventurous movie. This is a great movie i saw it on a plane and it was fantastic!! i watched it over and over again!! I recommend this to anyone expect little kids because sometimes its a bit scary for little kids but you would still wanna see it.


  10. Isobel said:

    I am number 4 is a fantastic movie!
    I really like the story line and the way the movie is acted out is really well done.
    I feel sorry for John, the main character because he is caught in this situation. He can never stay in one place for more than about a month and is constantly on the move. He is never able to stay in one place and so any friends he makes he has to leave behind and he in forced to move again. If i were in that situation i would would be so scared. But John is really lucky because he has really supportive friends which are always looking out for him. I am number 4 is a great movie and i would give it 9 out of 10. I think the age group this movie would be aimed at would be teenagers but is a fantastic movie and i would recommend anyone who loves a good action and nail bitting movie.


  11. Kelly O'Halloran said:

    I am number for is a really good movie but I would only recommend it to the people over the age of 12. This movie is full of adventure and romance. I would give this movie a 8 out of ten. Some bits can get a little boring but most of the time its is a great adventurous movie. This is a great movie a little scary but it keeps you on your toes.


  12. Not only is ‘I Am Number 4’ a great movie, the book of the same name, from which it is based is even better. Following much the same storyline as a the movie, the book by Pittacus Lore follows the story of John as he tries to survive. What makes the book so interesting and sets it apart from the movie are the flashback scenes which show what life was like on John’s original planet before he was forced to leave. These scenes give a fascinating insight into the culture of John’s people and explain a lot about his powers and why he is on the run. I recommend the book to anyone who enjoyed the movie or teens who enjoy fantasy stories.


  13. I would like to recommend I Am Number 4 the movie. It was really good and fun to watch because there was heaps of action in the movie, and was quite interesting when John uses all his powers. What I liked about the movie was all of John’s fighting scene’s because I like action and a twist of romance movies. My favourite part in the movie was when Sarah was in trouble and John came and saved her, plus he couldn’t control his powers which made it even more fascinating. My favourite characters are John because he is super strong, very talented with all of his powers and Sarah because she is capable of anything and totally gorgeous. For some reason, I can’t really relate to any of the characters because there is nothing we have in common. If I had to change something in the movie, it would have to be the story line because I honestly didn’t think it was great, but as I saw the movie, I started to like it more, and more. I would recommend this movie to the ages between 12 and 20 because
    I think that this movie is and should be for teenagers and young adults. I think all people would like this movie but mostly the people who like action, aliens and other planets that don’t even exist, with a bit of romance.


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