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Comments on: "The Dark Knight rises (movie)" (3)

  1. This is one of the best movies I have ever seen! It is action pact and I was at the edge of my seat begging the movie not to end. It was really good how batman gave everything he had to save his city even after he had been beaten and everyone dislikes him. It was sad but had a very happy ending. I am so excited to see the next batman. I rate this movie a 10 out of 10. BEST MOVIE EVER!!!!


  2. Annie said:

    I just went to see this movie at the cinemas. You don’t even notice that it goes for almost 3 hours as the action is always there and the storyline keeps you on the edge. Christian Bale plays the best batman ever!! I thought that Anne Hathaway was in interesting choice to play Catwoman but after seeing the movie, i reckon she was the best choice they could have made. It was odd because they didn’t have the joker in this movie due to the events of the first Dark Knight movie but the storyline was still amazing. I left the cinema still pondering the movie and joining all of the dots between the batman series and the twists in this movie. Such a good movie!


  3. I recommend the movie the Dark Night Rises. This is probably my favourite movie and the best I have ever seen. It is not only filled with heaps of twists and turns so you are always engaged but it feels like you are experiencing what happens to the characters. This movie will make the hair on the back of your neck stand on edge, you will cry, laugh and be frightened for the characters. This movie also has a HUGE twist in at that will make you wonder about it ages after the film is over. The good thing about this movie is that you don’t have to have seen the movies before this one to be able to understand it. It is a whole new storyline and it is AMAZING! Everyone should go and see this movie before the twist gets revealed to them because i promise you it is worth your money.


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