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Claire and her mother are running out of time, but they don’t know it.

Not yet.

Claire is wrapped up with the difficulties of her bourgeoning adulthood—boys, school, friends, identity.

Claire’s mother, a single mom, is rushed off her feet both at work and at home.

They rarely find themselves in the same room at the same time, and it often seems that the only thing they can count on are notes to each other on the refrigerator door.

When home is threatened by a crisis, their relationship experiences a momentous change.



Comments on: "Life on the refrigerator door – Alice Kuipers" (82)

  1. Isabela said:

    This is one of my favourite book and have since reading it late last year recommended it to multiple people already, because it is a serious must read. It is a short book so great for those who love quick and fast reads, I think I read it in a day or two, but quality iver size. I recommend this book to those who like emotional and quick reads, and I would give it a 11/10n.


  2. Tiahnee said:

    if your looking for a book to bring out a good cry, this is your book. this book isn’t super long nor does it have a lot of writing which suits most people but in the little words that it does have does it make you want more. i made the mistake of finishing this book on the bus and boy, did i get some weird looks. it was one of those books that as soon as i found it i fell in love with it. this book proves the importance of the little things that you can always count on that being the little notes that claire and her mother leave on the refrigerator door. this book is one that i will never forget and will never truly get over and for that i highly recommend it.


  3. I was recommended this book so many times and considering reading books isn’t something I always enjoy, this book had me hooked and I read it quite quickly! This is a book about a girl called Claire who never gets to see her mum and the way they communicate is through sticky notes on the fridge door. This is definitely a hanky read. The things they write on the door is both touching and funny! I have read this book so many times and I never get bored of it. I would rate this book a 10/10 and it is suitable for high school students.


  4. Charli said:

    Along with the amazing things this book has to offer an array of visual delights just pops into your head as soon as you start reading! the imaginative narrative, the book, Life on the refrigerator door is described as sweet, sensational and particularly engaging. The groundbreaking book explores the culture and customs of telling a story as well as the importance of family and all the dangers about forgetting one’s history. But in all reality, it’s main moral is to pay proper respects to traditions. This book is inspired by many!


  5. Sophia said:

    This book as been one of the books at the top of my list. Ever since I got introduce to this book in Year 7 I have always wanted to read it.
    I felt that the book ‘Life on the refrigerator door’ is such a short and sweet book that I have read and the book is such a tear jerker. This book also has hardly any writing which is a good book if you want to read for leisure. I couldn’t book the book down too!

    I would rate it a 5/5 and it is a good book for 10+


  6. Sophia said:

    I have really wanted to read this book ‘Life on the Refrigerator door’, however I never got the chance to. In year 7 I was introduced to the book. Finally, I got the chance during wide reading to read this book and here is what I have to say:

    I love the book life on the refrigerator door. It is such a great book. I love the notes that have been taken since it is such a short and sweet book it is also a real tear jerker. This book made we want to read to the end without stopping because it was so interesting. This book brings many kids on a wonderful journey. I love how the book shows us different perspectives from each character (the mum and the daughter) and the love between them two.

    I recommend this book for kids 10+ and rate it a 5 out of 5


  7. Jessica said:

    This book is a really good read, I couldn’t put it down and had to read it because it was so good! Its about a girl and her mother and they don’t have the best relationship and often fight about small things. The mum starts by putting notes on the fridge for simple things such as “Can you buy some milk?” but gradually they turn into more serious notes but I wont spoil them for you. This book is a bit sad so I wouldn’t recommend it if you don’t like sad books but if you do then this book is perfect for you! I would probably recommend this for people aged 12 + because it is a heavy read. I would rate this book an 8/10.


  8. When I got the email saying that this book was ready for me to borrow I was so excited!! So many people told me this book was amazing and I truly agree!! This is a heartwarming story about Claire and her mother. They are both really close and are always looking out for each other. Overtime the notes on the refrigerator door start to get more complex and hard to take in but Claire keeps pushing through. This book is such a wonderful story and I feel that it really explains how close family is to you. I really enjoyed reading this book and I would rate it a 9 out of 10!!!!!


  9. Mackenzie said:

    Life on the refrigerator door. It really tests your emotions thats for sure!! This roller coaster of a ride takes you through a story based on the sticky notes between a mum and her daughter. But as one note leads to another, the relationship weakens, until her mum has a sudden doctors appointment. Due to the minimal words on the page it leaves you hanging to flick to the next. I strongly recommend, definitely an 8/10. You may need some tissues!! 😂😥


  10. Tahlia said:

    life on the refrigerator door. I found this book really sad as the daughters and moms relationship was quite distant. hey left each other notes and only rarely saw each other.
    when i go to pick a book out for myself i find it hard to enjoy because i don’t like reading but reading this book i really enjoyed it and would recommend to people who don’t like reading and want to find and easy read.


  11. I thought that this was an amazing book and i really enjoyed reading it. I usually find it hard to get a book that I really enjoy and along the way i will get bored of reading it but i think this was a really good book. this is book is about something that is happening all around the world to so many people and is so sad. I recommend this to anybody that likes a book that is a bit more real and a book that might be a bit easier to read I will give this book a 10/10.


  12. Ashley said:

    life on the refrigerator door – I found this book to be quite sad as the daughters and moms relationship was quite distant. They left each other notes and only rarely actually saw each other. This book was sad and i hope that no one in real life lives like this as i would feel neglected and the love we receive from the ones around us is so important to live life. The ending of this book was definitely on of the saddest endings to any books i have read.


  13. ‘Life On The Refrigerator Door’ is a very emotional and capturing book that kept me hanging off the edge of my seat from the moment that I picked it up. It captures the life of Alice and her mother through some heart wrenching, revealing and day to day notes, placed on the refrigerator door. I loved this book before I even finished the 5th note because of the way Alice Kuipers portrays her characters, it leaves me rolling on the floor laughing or with a hand full of tissues! So anyone who is looking for a good read then you should definitely add this book to your list!!!


  14. I actually really enjoyed this book. It was a little bit sad, but definitely enjoyable and i could really feel for all of the characters. I’m not a big reader myself and i really enjoyed it because it wasn’t hard to read, that it was pages full of tiny writing. It was just lots of sticky notes! Please Please give this book a try! ever since it was explained to me in detail, i new i wanted to read it! 10/10 definitely


  15. Taylah said:

    Life on the Refrigerator Door is a really great and really sad book to read. It is a short and sharp book and it will take you about an hour to read. It is about a Mum and a daughter who don’t see each other very much so what they do is write notes to each other and then put them on the fridge so that when one of them gets home they can read the notes that the other person has written to them.The story gets sadder and sadder as it goes on but it is very enjoyable. Th end will have you in tears and tears and tears. I would rate this book a 10\10 and I would recommend it to 12+


  16. Sybilla said:

    I read this book in one night. I couldn’t put it down, it was so intriguing. I wanted to know what happened next. The book is about a mother and a daughter and how they write notes and leave them on the refrigerator door. Although the ending is sad it was still a nice story and story line. This book can relate to people and what actually happens in this world. This is a touching book and I recommend reading it.


  17. Imogen said:

    Life on the refrigerator door is a heart touching, amazing and emotional story. I loved reading this book and it wanted me to keep reading it is about a girl and her mother who spend a lot of time communicating with notes on the refrigerator door. The mother tells her daughter that she has cancer and you see and extraordinary mother, daughter relationship through notes on the fridge door. it is a different and easy book to read but it still grabs your attention. Without a doubt i would rate this book 11/10 and i would recommend this book for the ages 12 +.


  18. This is an amazing book. This book could be for anyone, it makes reading a lot easier and funner! It is an easy book to read and is not to long. This book is about 13 year old Claire and her mum who is struggling with cancer. This mum and daughter rarely get time to see each other, it is all through sticky notes. This is definitely in my top 5 books! I would rate this book 9.5/10!


  19. Tahlia said:

    a teacher recommended this book to me because i was struggling with finding one and it was a amazing book i really enjoyed it. the name of the book is called life on the refrigerator door by Alice Kuipers. This is a book about a mum and a daughter who have to communicate by writing noted and sticking them to the refrigerator door because they don’t see each other much. it was sad but a really good book.

    i would give this book a 9/10 and would encourage other people who haven’t read this book to read it.


  20. Denise said:

    I loved this book. It has a great storyline and was pretty emotional. I didn’t cry but I do recommend to people who are brave enough to read it because it almost brought me to tears (almost)
    I would rate it a 4.5/5 and I think it would be suitable for mature readers.


  21. Tessa said:

    This book is my favourite book, it’s fantastic! This book is a very easy read with not to many words on a page but it’s still very descriptive and leaves you with a picture of what’s happening in your mind. This book is quite short and only took me an hour to read. It’s about a daughter and a mother that don’t see each other to much so they leave notes on the refrigerator. After all what happens is extremely sad but still is very inspirational. I would give this book a 10/10 and would recommend this for 12+.


  22. Life on the refrigerator door is an amazing book, filled with emotion. Its very easy and quick to read, as it is written in the form of notes on the fridge.

    Claire and her mother are never home at the same time, and they are constantly busy with their own lives. Claire’s mother has a bad illness and must communicate to her daughter through writing notes and sticking them onto the fridge which can be very difficult.

    This book takes a shiort time to read and i like how it is written in such a creative and refreshing way. The notes will make you laugh and cry. I rate this 4/5.


  23. Life on a refrigerator door is a 3 hanky read. Its about a mother and her daughter who hardly see each-other so they write notes on the refrigerator door. The notes start of normal but as the book goes on they get longer and sadder as her mother gets sick. I recommend this book to anyone who is from the ages 12 above and i rate it a 10/10


  24. Sienna said:

    Life on the refigerator door is a great book to read in a day or two. The book is about Claire and her mum communicating through leaving notes on the refigerator door as Claries mum is always busy and doesn’t have alot of time to talk to Claire. I really enjoyed reading this book as it was short and easy, but a great book to read. I would rate this a 4/5 and is good for ages 12+.


  25. kaitlyn said:

    I really loved this book. It was really heartwarming to read, as well as some sadness. I would defiantly say that you need tissues when reading this book. I think that the layout of this book is really clever and it is a different way of getting the storyline across to the audience. This is such a good book for people that don’t do a lot of reading like me because it is really good and really short. But, it is also good for girls that love to read because of how different it is to any other books. I would recommend this book for girls that are 12 and older or in year 6,7 or 8. I loved this book so much so I rate this book a 10/10 because the perfect style for me


  26. Amelia said:

    Life on the refrigerator door is an amazing book that is great for an easy read. The story follows a busy mother and daughter who never have time to see each other so they communicate between notes left on the refrigerator. This is an emotional story and is definitely sad but can also be quite funny. I would rate this book that a 3.5/5 and recommend it to any one above the age of 11.


  27. This is one of the most saddest books I have ever read, usually I don’t read these types of books but I was recommended it by a friend and I am very glad I read it because it was honestly so good. I loved to see the relationship develop through out the book and they had good and bad days and the bad days really got me sobbing. Some of the notes that the mother and daughter left were really touching. The thing I liked most about this book was the layout of it and how it was set out, also because I’m not a huge reader I like how it was short and sweet. I would recommend this book for girls aged 12+.


  28. Charli said:

    I am not a huge fan of reading and it takes me quite a long period of time to read a book, however i read this book in less than 5 days!! and i wasn’t forced to, it was my choice! This book was the one that made me start to kid of like the beauty of reading. There isn’t too many words in this book but it makes you think and predict.


  29. This book is one of the saddest books I have ever read, and I was intrigued as soon as I picked it up. It is extremely emotional and left me in tears. I recommend this book for anyone who is looking for a sad, easy read. But definitely have tissues next to you because I can guarantee that it will eave you in tears. Although it is a short read, the author was able to convey the message of how Claire might feel from the position that she is in. I highly recommend this book to girls, it taught me so much and definitely made me a better person. I even made my mum read it because it was so good! . After many uninteresting notes about groceries and chores, Claire and her mother find themselves sending more deep and meaningful comments each day, which leads to even more shock and sadness in their lives. All I want to say is READ IT!


  30. Stephanie said:

    This book is super sad, no heartbreaking, no bitter, all of those words put together because this book is one of the saddest books I have ever read in my entire life. It starts okay, and it’s all happy, until in the middle of the book. The two main characters in this book are Claire and her mum. The mother tells Claire some shocking news that will change her life forever. This is the type of book that you will need a lot of tissues and a teddy to cuddle. Even though this book was super sad, it was still an amazing book that the author (Alice Kuipers) used a lot of describing words so you can clearly get the image into your head. This is the best book I have read even though I cried for a couple of hours, I would still rate this book a 10/10


  31. kaitlyn said:

    this book is such a good book for people who love 3 hanky reads. this book is about a 15 year old girl and her mum who are so busy in life they talk through sticky notes on the fridge door, Clair is going through the stages of a 15 year old when her mum gets diagnosed with breast cancer, at first her mum says its nothing until it gets worse and worse up too the point where her mum passes away. its a great book if your not really dedicated for reading, its quick to read, easy and really gets you hooked i would rate it 5/5.


  32. ‘Life On The Refrigerator Door’ is a very emotional and capturing book that kept me hanging off the edge of my seat from the moment that I picked it up. It captures the life of Alice and her mother through some heart wrenching, revealing and day to day notes, placed on the refrigerator door. I loved this book before I even finished the 5th note because of the way Alice Kuipers portrays her characters, it leaves me rolling on the floor laughing or with a hand full of tissues! So anyone who is looking for a good read then you should definitely add this book to your list!!!


  33. If you’re after an easy tear jerker read, you’re sure to enjoy Life On The Refrigerator Door written by Alice Kuipers. Although I’m not a big reader and will usually put off finishing a book that I started at least one month earlier, I really really enjoyed this short book and actually found it hard to put down. I think that the concept of the story being made up of notes that are written by the protagonist of the story Claire and her ill mother (suffers breast cancer), is really fun and different. I think that it is really important to have a good, healthy, and honest relationship with your parents, especially throughout our teenage years and Life On The Refrigerator Door just really helps you to recognise this. I did cry towards the end of this great book, you’ll find that as the story continues, the letters left on the refrigerator door get more intense and rather touching. I’d definitely recommend this book to anyone who is looking for an easy but wonderful read and rate it a 5/5.


  34. Life on the refrigerator door is one of the many books you must read! This sweet book captures the life of Alice and her mother as they send each other notes on the refrigerator. The girls are both living hectic lives and don’t manage time to talk to each other but this is there way of communicating. The book then gets very sad as Alice’s mum is diagnoses with an illness which makes life a lot harder for them both. I love how the book is set out in short little notes, it is very easy to read and will only take a couple of day to finish!


  35. I actually really enjoyed this book. It was a little bit sad, but definitely enjoyable and i could really feel for all of the characters. I’m not a big reader myself and i really enjoyed it because it wasn’t hard to read, that it was pages full of tiny writing. It was just lots of sticky notes! Please Please give this book a try! ever since it was explained to me in detail, i new i wanted to read it! 10/10 definitely


  36. Hannah said:

    Life on the Refrigerator Door is definitely a heart puller. It is a short but sweet book that will definitely leave you on the edge of your seat.I love how the book leaves you on the edge of your seat and how much of a sweet relationship the daughter and the mother have by the end of the book. This book is one of the best hanky reads I have ever read and will make sure to leave you feeling like you want more.Alice Kuipers did a perfect job on this book and it definatly left me crying for more.I would recommend this book to everyone over the ages of 12 and it is definatley a 10/10 book!!!!


  37. Life on a refrigerator door is a short, heartwarming book that I would highly recommend to anyone. It is about a girl and a mother who don’t see each other that often. They leave notes on the refrigerator door to let each other know what is where or what to do and whats going on. This book is in the perspective of the notes on the refrigerator door. It is really an amazing, but, sad book. 10/10.


  38. Mietta said:

    Life on the refrigerator door is a short heartwarming story about a mother and daughters conversations in sticky notes left of the fridge. They left notes on the fridge because they both too busy to see each other, at first its not sad but as the story goes on there are lots of fights and disagreements. The Mum gets diagnosed with cancer and finds it had to tell her daughter Claire.
    I like how the story is sequenced in notes, I also like how the story shows the perspective of the mum battling with cancer.
    my favourite character would have to be the Mum because she tried her best to always be there for Claire even though she had cancer.
    I think the moral of this story would be to always make time for your loved ones.
    This story had me crying I would definitely recommend this to anyone ages 12+
    I rate this book a 5/5


  39. Life on the refrigerator door is an emotional book about a girl and her mum that only talk through notes on the fridge. Claire’s mum is faced with a very sad problem. I enjoyed this book so much, i couldn’t put it down. I recommend this book to everyone and would rate it a 9/10!


  40. This book is such an easy read but it still fits so much in and is a really good. It’s short but sweet, once you stop you won’t want to put it down, you’ll want to keep reading until the end. The notes make you want to see what the other person writes next or what happens next. I found it really annoying how the mother and daughter couldn’t find time for each other. But I would recommended it for a fun, quick and easy read. 9/10


  41. Mycalah said:

    This book is such an easy read, but yet packs in so much in one book. I absolutely love this book for some many reasons. Claire’s mum becomes constantly busy and doesn’t see claire often, they end up resorting too communicating through notes on the refrigerator door. This book has a shock filled end but yet so thrilling. I recommend this book definitely for anyone to read. IT’S DEFINETLY A TEAR JERKER !!!!


  42. I would recommend the book life on a refrigerator door because I fund it really sad because mother and daughter Claire never really talk there only conversation is through notes on the refrigerator door, the reason this book is sad is because when Claire mother is faced with a problem she ignores it until the point were its to late to fix.
    I would give this book a rating of 9/10 because its a heart felt book


  43. I really loved this book. It was really heartwarming to read, as well as some sadness. I would defiantly say that you need tissues when reading this book. I think that the layout of this book is really clever and it is a different way of getting the storyline across to the audience. This is such a good book for people that don’t do a lot of reading because it is really good and really short. But, it is also good for girls that love to read because of how different it is to any other books. I would recommend this book for girls that are 12 and older and I rate this book 10/10 because it is a must read!


  44. I really enjoyed life on the refrigerator door because it shows people that family and friends are important and you always need to make time for them. you can’t wait till its to late you have to use the time you have because they could be gone in a minute and there is no way back and you will only regret it.


  45. chloe said:

    Life on the refrigerator door is an amazing book !! It is such a sweet and sad book that will have you using many boxes of tissues. It is a beautiful book set out in notes written and left on the refrigerator by Alice and her mother. Alice’s mother is battling life very hard facing terrible illness. It is an amazing book that every girl should read, I would rate it to anyone above the age of 12 and rate it 10/10 !!


  46. Isobel said:

    this book is about a girl and her mother who live together, as the book goes on i started to question about what would happen next which was really good. i loved reading this book, it was really sad but i believe the way that the author set the book out was quite clever and unlike anything else! i would rate this book a 6/10


  47. Charity said:

    I would highly recommend this novel as it is a true hankie reader. It plays on all your emotions and enbles you to view the life of this mother and daughter. I would recommend it ot anybody who loves reading sad stories and enjoys creative writing.


  48. Isabelle G said:

    When I got the email saying that this book was ready for me to borrow I was so excited!! So many people told me this book was amazing and I truly agree!! This is a heartwarming story about Claire and her mother. They are both really close and are always looking out for each other. Overtime the notes on the refrigerator door start to get more complex and hard to take in but Claire keeps pushing through. This book is such a wonderful story and I feel that it really explains how close family is to you. I really enjoyed reading this book and I would rate it a 9 out of 10!!!!!


  49. chloe r said:

    Life on the refrigerator door is definitely an outstanding book! This book will definitely get you motivated to finish the book in the first night you get it, it’s so addicting!! The book will definitely inspire and make you think twice about how grateful you should be for your loved ones and your life, anytime, any minute they could be gone. This is definitely a heart warming book set out in short diary entries on the pages. I recommend this book to anyone and rate it 5/5!


  50. Georgia said:

    Life on the refrigerator door is a truly moving book, not knowing what Claire or her mother are going to write down next to stick on to the refrigerator door for the other to read.
    Alice Kuipers (the author) has made it easy to weep/cry into your pillow while reading this heartbreaking book, so I would defiantly recommend this to all those out there who love to read 3 hanky reads. Life on the refrigerator door is about a mother and daughter named Claire who do not orally talk that often, so instead they write notes on a piece of paper and stick it on the refrigerator door for the other person to read. most of the notes Claire writes to her mother, are saying that she can’t hangout with her mum because she is going to her friends house, she is babysitting, or she is asking her mum for money.
    But then things start to change. Claire’s mother starts acting strange, like she is trying to cover something up. When Claire discovers that her mum has a disease, she quickly turns into a more thoughtful person. Worrying if her mum is ok, wanting to spend more time with her.
    I think that this book is great, I would defiantly recommend it. I would rate Life on the refrigerator door a 5/5 and I think that this book is suitable for the age of 11 and up.


  51. Phoebe M said:

    This book is really amazing! I loved the way it was written like sticky notes on a fridge door. I found it easy to understand and easy to follow. When reading this book I really felt the emotion and the tough times the family had to go through. The book was quite short and I read it in one night but it has a really deep meaning to it. I would rate it 5/5 and recommend it for girls and possibly boys 12 years or older.


  52. When I read this book I went back and forth between emotions but when it got to the end I was crying. This book is one of the saddest and most heartwarming books that I have ever read. I like the way the the book was written. I found it hard to really get to know the characters but I enjoyed reading about Claire and her mum’s journey through out the book. I loved this book and it took me less a day to read it because I could not put it down It was that good. This book a book for anyone who likes a sad book and a quick yet enjoyable read.


  53. Hannah Cook said:

    this book is so amazing! i get lots of different emotion all through out this book. i think how the author has written it is really cool. it is a different and easy book to read but it still grabs your attention. i would recommend this book to anyone over the age of 9. i would rate this heartwarming book 11/10.


  54. Yeshe said:

    This book is amazing! It captures the life of Claire and her Mother, with a very different relationship. They never have time too see each other in person, so they leave each other short but meaningful notes on the refrigerator. Claire is always leaving the house and staying at her friends house because her Mum is never home to care for her. It is a very little words in the book and the pages are almost empty, it took me 2 hours and a 1/2 to read this. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who wants to read a short but emotional book. I would rate this 8/10!


  55. Sophie said:

    Life on the refrigerator door is an amazing book!!!! I couldn’t go somewhere without thinking about it. It hooks you in and you just can’t stop reading it. I read this within a couple hours max and wanted to read it again. I remember always wondering whats going to happen next but i thought wrong. Its is a very emotional book and sometimes you can relate and you think i hope my relationship with my mum isn’t like this. You always want to find out what’s going to happen next and it is a very exciting book.
    You should definitely read this if you like books that keep you thinking and wondering.
    Question and things i though after reading this book was:\

    Does Claire really appreciate what she has in life, or takes things for granted even when it gets complicated between family? Does an apology (sorry) really matter or make a difference when you make the same “mistake” over and over again and think it’s that easy to forget for other people, who are having tough times?

    Does claire understand why it is so important to make the most out of life, even though it’s too late for both of them to remember the good times they had together! Can she make time to spend it with people who she loves the most?
    That means not to be late home so there’s a letter waiting for you on the refrigerator door!


  56. Beatrice said:

    Life on the refrigerator door is a very emotional book that kept me hanging off the edge of my chair from the moment that I picked it up. I recommend this book for anyone who is looking for a good read and is prepared to get out some tissues as the ending is a bit of a tear jerker. Although it is a short read, the author was able to convey the message of how Claire might feel from the position that she is in. The book is about a mum and a daughter living in a life where they don’t really get to talk in person often because of school and work. The two of them don’t really have anyone other than each other so it is important that they try to stay close. After many uninteresting notes about groceries and chores, Claire and her mother find themselves sending more deep and meaningful comments each day, which leads to even more shock and sadness in their lives…


  57. Amilia said:

    Life on the refrigerator door:

    luckily for me my friends warned me that I should have tissues next to me while I read the book. I read it in one day because once I started reading the book I could not put it down. While I was reading the book I kept screaming out loud NO and personally I felt connected to all of the characters. The pages in the book do not have a whole lot of words on them but there is so much information put into the little sticky notes, there was so little words and yet so much information and answers in the little sticky notes that I felt like I was right there as one of the characters of the book. All of the characters in the book go through such a physical, emotional, and mental journey. There are some moments here you cry so much that you cry a river, but there are also moments where you are relieved and happy about the answer to the mystery. When people say that they were able to read a book in one day the other person would probably think that it was a boring and uninteresting book, but Life on the refrigerator door is the complete opposite. The book is short but the detail put into to it is amazing. Throughout the story you discover the answers to mysteries, the positive endings of a bad situation but unfortunately you also experience moments that are extremely sad. While reading the book I was laughing, crying, thinking, doubting myself, and also lost for words. Life on the refrigerator door has a wonderful but still sad story that I ouwld highly recommend to everyone.
    I would definitely rate the book 11/10


  58. linara said:

    I like that with this book their are just notes and its just a story about two people that don’t have the time to meet so they leave notes on the fridge. I like this book because it’s like their story in a different way of writing it.I think that more people should start reading it


  59. Keeley said:

    The reason why I like this book so much is that it is different to any other.
    I remember going to the learning centre for one of the first times, and I heard someone mention this fantastic book called ‘Life on The Refrigerator Door’ by Alice Kuipers. I thought that I might give it a go and so I borrowed it.
    After reading this book for one day, I had finished and it had almost brought tears to my eyes. When Claire and her mother’s lives are so busy, the only way that they can communicate is by writing sticky notes on the door of their refrigerator. When their life is tipped upside down, they learn how important their relationship to each other is and that they have to stick close to each other before everything that they know, is gone. I found this book was an easy read, but was full of emotion and really quite touching. This book is a real tear-jerker and even though there are very few words per page, throughout the book, each note gets deeper and deeper, more powerful and has a stronger meaning to it. I rate this book a 8.5/10 as I found it very easy to read and I wish that it could have been a bit longer.


  60. Isobel said:

    I loved the book, I think that Alice Kuipers is a really talented author and is really good at what she does! She should get the author of the year award! i would give it a 9/10!


  61. Grace said:

    Life on the refrigerator door is a great book written by Alice Kuipers, which I would highly recommend. Life on the refrigerator door is a very easy read, which can be read in one night. I would recommended it for anyone who likes 3 hanky reads. The book is about the relationship of a young girl and her hard working mother. The two communicate by leaving sticky notes on the refrigerator door for one another to read and the writing on the pages is the notes of which, they leave for each other. However Clair and her mother are running out of time, but they don’t realise it just yet. Clair’s mother is a single, hard working mum who works long hours at a local hospital. While Clair’s mother is repeatedly busy Clair helps by making her meals and doing most of the shopping. At the same time Clair is busy with her teenage years and her jam packed school life. It is a sad story but also very warming to read. It is an amazing book and would be appropriate for ages 11 or 12 and over. I would rate this book a 5/5.


  62. holly said:

    this is a great book that really does pull on your heart strings and uses lots of emotions. Its all about busy lives of a daughter and mother. Sometimes they don’t even see each other for days on end because of jobs, schools and other activities. They come home at different times and leave at different times so the only way to communicate is to leave messages on the refrigerator door.

    I rate this book a 8/10, Fantastic book!


  63. I really liked the book because I find that it’s really sad but at the same time at least they find a way to communicate. I t was one of those books where you read the first page and you just can’t stop reading it. Personally I think that it’s was a book that taught me to be grateful for what I have and what a great life I live. My favourite part was when there was a lot of drama and tension. Drama just seems to draw me in. I also liked when the daughter was so loving and caring to her mum when life was tough.I don’t really have a least favourite part I liked all of the book but if I had to choose it would probably just be when they listed what they needed. I wouldn’t change the book I think it’s fine how it is and I wouldn’t change it because I like how it’s written like the way it’s written with notes from the mum and daughter. I would definitely recommend this to people, I think it would suit people who like kind of sad story and kind of dramatic!


  64. I love this book it so nice and incredible to read, it really it so powerful.
    But it is so sad that the daughter and the mum never get to really see each other.
    It would be so sad and hard to not see you mum most of the time.
    I just can’t believe that they communicate by leaving notes on the refrigerator door, that is such a weird way to communicate with your own mum.
    The last note is very sad, it mad me cry, I really wasn’t thinking it was going to end like that.
    I give this book an 8 1/2, please read it, it so incredible but sad as well.


  65. I really loved life on the refrigerator door. I couldn’t put the book down and I read it in all in one day. It is about a girl called Claire and her mother is constantly busy and the only way that Claire can talk to her is through letters that she writes and sticks on the fridge door. This book is really touching and put a smile on my face. This book also made me cry at the end so have a tissue near by. What I loved about this book was that I could relate to Clair and it was really unique and easy to read for me. I would recommend this book to 12+ because it covers some serious issues and rate it a 10/10!! 🙂


  66. I love this book so much because it is very different to how people normally communicate in life. I remember reading this once in class when we had 1 period of quite reading. I is so interesting how a girl and her mother really on communicate with sticky notes on the fridge door and don’t talk to each other face to face. I love how this book is really easy to read and there aren’t many words on each of the pages. I would recommend this to people that don’t love ready long and wordy books. I would rate this a 9/10.


  67. In the two days I read this book I absolutely LOVED IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I didn’t really have a favourite part because I would read the first page and I would fall in love and each page just made me love it even more and more. I loved it so much because it didn’t really explain much in each page and the chapter left you having to refer because it didn’t tell you exactly what happens but you could tell what it was saying and it was very mystery like and I loved it. The chapters are quite cool and the chapters names where months so the book was going on through-out the year and the last chapter was called P.S I love you. It doesn’t have many words on each page because they are notes that a mother and daughter are leaving for each other because with the mums work and the daughters school and social life they were barely at home at the same time so they had to leave notes the refrigerator door, and the last page will definitely make you cry and I would put it under the category as a three hanky read and HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT ! I think girls aged 12 and up would enjoy it more so than younger girls because they wouldn’t understand it and they wouldn’t be entertained by it, but I definitely was !!! 5 start rating, 10/10 such a fabulous book.


  68. Savannah C said:

    I loved the book, I think that Alice Kuipers is a really talented author and is really good at what she does! She should get the author of the year award!


  69. Emma C said:

    It is a sad and moving story it comes into real life even thought they communicate through sticky notes on the refrigerator door. It is Claire and she found out her mum had breast cancer and she thought she would be fine but she is dying every second and it is making Claire really worried. It makes you think that once some one or some think you love gets sick once it is gone you can never get it back. It is a very true story it is moving and it will sure to make you cry.


  70. Rosalie said:

    I read this book when I saw my friend got to read it and I had literacy circles in Year 7 and it was a great choice that I made to read it in my own time. It is such a great book and gradually it gets deeper and deeper. I love how it has been sequenced as ‘notes’ and that the writing is based around a relationship with a mother and daughter. I rate it a 8/10


  71. Freya said:

    This book is heart breaking but wonderful and amazing. It is really, really sad but beautifully written. At the start I thought I wouldn’t like it because it was all notes but after starting to read I realised that it was actually a really clever way to write the story and because, like it says in the story, sometimes it is easier to write out what you want to say rather than actually say it face to face. The book showed so much tension and sadness and suddenness. It shows how life doesn’t just stop and that it just keeps going around you, whatever the circumstances.
    I think this book is a very good book and it is very quick to read so anyone can have time to read it. I would recommend it to anyone over 10.


  72. Paige said:

    This book is an emotionally moving text that gives you an insight into the mids of mothers and daughters. They did not see each other very often as there lives were busy and time for family became scarce. The only way to communicate were through notes on the refrigerator door. As the mother develops cancer, the notes become deeper and more meaningful.

    This text really gives you an insight into the struggles of finding time for the ones you love but also how a tragedy makes you learn so much about your true feelings.

    Life on the Refrigerator Door is only a short book with only a few lines on each page but what they capture in a few words are a life time of emotion.

    I would recommend this book to anybody wanting a short but good read and I would recommend this to anybody over the age of 10.


  73. This book is a really good book because the girl and the mother put notes on the refrigerator door but then one day her mother gets cancer. I recommend this book for 10-13 year olds


  74. Scarlett said:

    I love this book so much, i borrowed it from the library and as soon as i got i couldn’t it down. I read it in like an hour!! Its really addictive and a great book for people who don’t really like reading because it is quite short. It is about a girl and her mother who spend a lot of time communicating with notes on the refrigerator door. The mother tells her daughter that she has cancer and you see and extraordinary mother, daughter relationship through notes on the fridge door. I recommend it to 11-4 year olds.


  75. I love this book so much. When I read this it made me a bit upset and made me want to cry. I had a similar thing happen in my family, one of my Aunties(godmother) had cancer but she had survived this course she didn’t have breast cancer but it had changed a bit of her life. She is now in good health and she is really active. I think that people who have breast cancer or any cancer really should read this book so they can get ideas on how cancer is and how they might be able to survive it.


  76. Olivia W said:

    This book relates to real life problems which means you can make connections to it, and I think that being able to make connections to it makes the book a lot more interesting. The main characters are Claire and her mother, throughout the book they have a relationship / life on the refrigerator door through sticky notes. Its not to bad at the start there aren’t any fights or disagreements but then once it gets into the book and Claire finds out she has a certain disease it all starts to go down hill. Claire seems to start getting angry and turns into a moody teenage girl (as we all are or were) and starts to not mean to but pick fights with her mum. She starts to say things like ‘mum I had to start dinner AGAIN!!! why aren’t you ever home?’ this doesn’t make it any easier for her mother. Claire starts to run off with a boyfriend and her friends when really she needs to stay at home and be with her mum in this hard time. This goes on for a while until eventually the last few pages and thats when it really hits you, you really start to realise whats going on. There is only 1 fault in the book I can think of and that is when Claire and her mother find time to talk in real life. Not that this is a bad thing it just may get a bit confusing because it’ll say on one page can you get apples and then the next note is like I’m sorry we fought last night. Other than that this is a great book and I would definately recommend it to any of my friends. I think this age group would suit best to 11-14 y/o.


  77. Life on the Refrigerator door.
    By Alice Kuipers ( A novel in notes).
    Life on a refrigerator door is a great book to read!! It’s about a mother and her daughter, and how they wright notes to each other and leave it on the refrigerator. Claire the mothers daughter battles being a teenager, having a boyfriend and dealing with friends when her mother becomes sick. I would defiantly recommend this book to people who like a twist at the end of a book but likes sad books too.


  78. This book was really good and touching. It was definitely a tear jerker. It only took me about an hour to read, so if you’re looking for a short but heartfelt story, this is the book for you. I like how it looked at a serious illness and nothing was sugar coated. I thought it was a really interesting idea for a book and a really good way to show pain and suffering due to a illness. I would recommend this book to 12 year olds up and would rate it a 4/5. It’s definitely worth a read.


  79. Genevieve said:

    The life on the refrigerator door is a quick read only taking me about 1 hour to read the book! The book follows a teenager named Claire and her mother’s struggle with cancer. Claire and her mother both have very busy lifestyles so the find it hard to communicate to each other so they leave notes on the refrigerator door to pass on messages. This book is a real tear jerker but I really enjoyed how it wasn’t like a normal typical book as it had a different set out with little notes on each page. I would recommend this book for anyone who’s looking for book to read but have tissues nearby! 5/5 🙂


  80. This is a fantastic book and I recommend you to read it!. It is about a girl who’s mum is suffering from a disease. As their Mum and their daughter are busy with every day actives the way they communicate with each other is by notes left on the refrigerator door. I finished it the day I got it because it only has noted on each page and not an actual story. It was very sad and did make me cry so have a hanky near bye. It grabs you in and you in and you can’t stop reading. I would rate this book 5/5 🙂


  81. Life on the refrigerator door is a great read and I couldn’t put the book down. It is great to see a book that is easy to read and fun. When Claire’s Mother is constantly busy, the only way that Claire can talk to her is through letters that she writes and sticks on the fridge door. Some of the things mother and daughter write and pretty funny and some are really touching. I love this book and I would rate it 4 out of 5 and it is suitable for 12 and up

    Liked by 1 person

  82. In one day i read a fantastic book that I would highly recommend. Its called Life on the refrigerator door by Alice Kuipers. Its for all those who love 3 hanky reads. Its a short book with hardly any writing on pages because the writing is actually notes that the mum or daughter left on the refrigerator door for each other to read. Its a great book for ages 12 and above i would rate it 5/5.


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