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Marilla and Matthew Cuthbert are in for a big surprise.

They are waiting for an orphan boy to help with the work at Green Gables – but a skinny, red-haired girl turns up instead.

Feisty and full of spirit, Anne Shirley charms her way into the Cuthberts’ affection with her vivid imagination and constant chatter.

It’s not long before Anne finds herself in trouble, but soon it becomes impossible for the Cuthberts to imagine life without ‘their’ Anne – and for the people of Avonlea to recall what it was like before this wildly creative little girl whirled into town.

Puffin Books

Comments on: "Anne of Green Gables – L.M. Montgomery" (27)

  1. Amelia said:

    Anne of Green Gables is a nostalgic and heartwarming book about Anne Shirley, a girl who until Marilla and Matthew Cuthbert adopt her, was an orphan. Intending to adopt a boy to help out on the farm, Marilla and Matthew get a shock when Anne is given to them, although they warm up to her and come to appreciate her strong-willed and wild personality. Throughout the book, Anne becomes great friends with a girl named Diana and becomes arch-nemesis with a boy in Anne’s class, Gilbert Blythe. This story is a classic and a book that I will always come back to whenever I can’t think of anything to read.


  2. I really enjoyed reading this book because it was interesting and the characters had good descriptions so you could get a good idea of what the characters would look like.


  3. Arabella said:

    Anne of Green Gables is such a beautiful book about a girl named Anne Shirley. Anne was an orphan until one day she got adopted my Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert adopt her. In this book Anne had so many adventures around Green Gables, with her friends. Anne is such a sweet and loveable character in the book because she is so nice and kind to most people she meets. Anne is so honest and queer and I just enjoy reading about her because the story is just so nice and heartwarming. L.M Montgomery did an amazing job of writing this because she has described things in so much detail you can see it in your head. I would give this book a 10/10 because it is a book that I love and could read over and over again. I would recommend this book for 11+ because it can be tricky to read at times because there are a lot of words in it that aren’t used so much now, but if you do happen to find this book please read it!


  4. Bonnie said:

    A truly glorious and beautiful story, of a very different girl and her dream of finally being called ‘Anne of Green Gables’
    The joy and laughter Anne brings to Avonlea is truly heartwarming, as the readers undertake each step of the journey beside her; laughing alongside her mistakes and smiling at her truly unique and nature. The beauty Anne finds in the simplest things, and her blissful romance, is truly captivating.
    I would highly recommend this novel, so those searching for a classic and sweet novel which sweeps the reader whole heartedly into the silly little adventures of Anne Shirley…


  5. Konstandina said:

    I liked this book because Anne is such a loveable, kind and nice character and there is so much home based drama. My favourite part is when Anne decided to dyes her hair green and I love how she dealt with it. My favourite character is Diana because she is so pathetic in a simply charming manner. I would recommend this book to anyone who loves a good book with a few good cries.


  6. Anne of Green gables is the kind of book that reminds you of being outside and the wonders of nature. Anne is a spirited young girl whose enthusiasm for the universe makes you smile. Her story is heartwarming and inspires wonder.


  7. Isabella said:

    Anne of Green Gables is a classic book about a young orphan named Anne, she is adopted by Mr and Mrs Carthbert who are siblings. They decided to adopted a child and were expecting a boy to help with farm work but instead received a girl (Anne) They then decide to keep her and the book is the adventurous tale of her life there. its such a heart warming read, you will be hanging on the every last word.


  8. I loved this book because Anne is such a loveable character and there is so much home based drama. my favourite part is when Anne dyes her hair green and I love how she dealt with it. My favourite character is Diana because she is so pathetic in a simply charming manner. I can relate to Anne because she is always trying to do the right but ends up getting herself into scrapes. I would recommend this book to anyone who loves a good book with a few good cries and whoops


  9. i recommend Anne of green gables it show love and sadness . it is a lovely movie and book .it is all about a girl name Anne and her story i give it a 8/10 p.s if you like big word read it your watch it.i love it so much


  10. kaitlyn said:

    Anne of green gables is a classic. Anne has spent most of her life going from place to place struggling to find somewhere to call home. Mathew and Marilla Cuthbert are brother and sister and are in their old age. Anne is a creative girl with amazing resilience and a big imagination. she is just about able to succeed in anything if she works hard and when a boy called Gilbert Blythe comes face to face with her he won’t know what hit him. I would recommend this book to the ages of 8 and older.


  11. Eliza said:

    Anne of Green Gables, is definitely one of the most well written books, filled with unforgettable characters, that I have ever read! Anne is a character that everyone can relate to and this book is one that everyone should read!

    Anne was adopted by the Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert, who didn’t plan for adopting a girl, instead a boy who could assist them on the farm. This book is about Anne’s life and challenges, being an adopted girl of her time.

    This is a very heartwarming story and it makes a great read for any occasion!


  12. Ashleigh M said:

    Anne is the most loveable character, she is always chatting and of course has a head of flaming red hair, always styled in braids.
    This book was somewhat of like a little get away. I loved this from the first time I read it in year 4 and have read it many times since and every time I do it’s like I have been transported into the world of Green Gables. I recommend this book for 11+ but be prepared for a tricky read and I would rate it a 10/10.


  13. laceyob21 said:

    Anne of green gables is one of those books that just make you smile. the story of a redhead girl who is fighting to fit into a new tow. it drags on at times and is a bit repetitive but honestly, it is still one of my favourites. and not only is there one book, this is a SERIES! woohoo. following the story of Anne is really fun watching her grow and develop as a person and a character. this book is a classic so I recommend it to those who love reading for the sake of following a story that makes you smile and laugh.


  14. Indigo said:

    Anne of Green Gables is such a great book. I read it 3 times & watched the T.V series since it captured my attention so much! Marilla and Matthew are siblings that live in a village called Green Gables. Matthew adopts Anne when she becomes an orphan after her parents are killed in a car crash. The part I liked the most in Anne of Green Gables was when Anne was playing with Marilla’s special brooch that she was told not to touch. She then dropped the brooch and couldn’t find it since it was stuck in between the cushion and arm of Marilla’s bedroom armchair. Marilla then demanded that Anne was the taken back to the orphanage because she assumed that Anne had stolen her rare piece of jewellery. The next day Marilla was cleaning up her bedroom and found the brooch wedged in the armchair. She then realised she had made a terrible mistake, so she sent her brother Matthew to go find Anne. My favourite character in the book was Diana. Diana became Anne’s best friend and reminds me of myself because I look like her and have the same personality type as her. I would recommend this book to people aged 10+ since it can be a little scary at times and the book was set in the early 1900’s so it had some old fashioned words such as: radiant, comprehensively and affliction. I would rate this book a 9.5/10.


  15. Allegra said:

    Anne of green gables is an absolute classic. Anne Shirley has spent all her life going from place to place not having anywhere to call home. Mathew and Marmilla Curthbert are brother and sister and are in their old age. Anne is a creative girl with amazing resilience and imagination. She can do anything if she puts her mind to it and when a boy called Gilbert Blythe comes face to face with her he won’t know what hit him. It is a sure to read for ages 8 plus.


  16. Hannah said:

    this is such a great book and i would highly recommend it to anyone who is into a classic book. i love Anne Shirley she is such a heart filled person and is also very heartwarming. i would rate this book a 9/10.


  17. I loved this book because the author used great descriptive word and it made the book come alive. I really enjoyed this book and I think that it is great for anyone with an adventurous mind. i ate this book a 9/10


  18. Tayla said:

    I really enjoyed reading Anne of Green Gables! It is about a young orphan girl Anne Shirley who goes to live with Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert. The little chatterbox slowly but surely makes her way into the Cuthbert’s hearts and stays there forever! Along the way, Anne becomes friends with many people, goes to school and starts to live the life of an ordinary girl instead of an orphan child. This book is filled with lots of adventures and allows your imagination to run free! A funny, heart warming and enjoyable book to read! I would highly recommend it for readers aged 10 and above! 9/10!


  19. Alyssa said:

    Anne of green gables if one of my favourite books and is a heart-warming classic. Anne is such an imaginative girl, and has an endless supply of ideas and stories. She does have a temper though, and takes it our on her fellow classmate, Gilbert Blythe by smashing a slate over his head! This wasn’t very lady like, but was very funny!
    I loved the way the characters were described in lots of detail, which helped me to form a picture in my head. I rate this book a 9/10, for it’s creative and interesting storyline. I enjoyed reading about the adventures Anne goes on throughout the book and hope you will too!


  20. Alannah said:

    I really liked this book Anne of green gables because it was a really beautiful classic. if you are into classics this is a really good book for you. It is about a young girl named Anne who is adopted by Marilla and Matthew Cuthbert. Anne finds it really interesting when she starts school because she makes her first group of friends. She has lots of different obstacles right through the book but eventually gets over them. I haven’t read this book in ages but I really loved it when I did and I am sure everybody will love it to. I recommend this book for ages 8 and up. I rate it 9/10.


  21. Julia said:

    This is a good book about a young girl named Anne Shirley who has got new step parents all her life that have adopted her. Up until Anne was adopted by Marilla and Matthew Cuthbert She has had to do all the house work, cooking and looking after the children.
    It is really interesting for Anne when she starts school because she finally makes her first friends and gets to bond with other children. She finds her best friend and tries to fit in. She gets into a lot of trouble and has a bad temper. But she finally fixes that. Other than that at school she has really good grades especially in English. She is the best speller in her class.
    I love this book and I recommend it for people aged 9 and up. I give it 4/5


  22. This is my FAVOURITE book! I love it so much!


  23. Oh. My. Gosh. This is one of the many great books that I have EVER read, and yes, my mum said to try it, and I declined. But then I ran out of books to read, so I had to give it a go. And it was a life changing decision!
    Marilla and Matthew Cuthbert apply for a young, strong boy to help around the farm at the adoption agency, but when an 11 year old, skinny, red-headed, freckle-faced, orphan girl named Anne Shirley that is full of wild hopes and dreams turns up at the train station, every thing just seems to fall apart……but is Green Gables changing for the better, or for the worst?


  24. I loved the book, Anne of green gables
    It was a heart warming story that made me laugh and cry. The writer L.M Montgomery made her characters so real I could imagine them in my head so clearly.
    I would recommend this book to any one who has a passion for reading.
    Anne Shirley a little girl who is loved by no one finds herself going in and out of orphanages ever since she was a little girl. Will she find the family she belongs with or will she be stuck in the orphanage forever??
    find out by reading the book, Anne of green gables.


  25. i love the movie!!!!!
    anne is a orphan and she has been in and out of orphanages ever sice she was a little girl.
    anne ends up going to green gables to stay and she has wild red hair and a boy in her class at school calls her carrot to find out what happens in the movie WACTH it!!!!!


  26. Anne Of Green Gables Is About A Girl Called Anne Shirley,
    Anne An Orphan Has Been In And Out Of Orphanages Ever Since She Was Young, Shes Got Wild Red Hair And Freckles And Insists on Having Her name spelt with An E At The End.

    Anne Of Green Gables Is A Heart Capturing Book Which Your Sure To Fall In Love With, As She Over Comes And Faces Many Challenges. I Recommend This Book For Any One Who Is Up For A Few Laughs, And A Few Tears.


  27. I recommend Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery.
    This is a great book about Anne Shirley. She was adopted by the Cuthberts, who meant to adopt a boy to help on their farm. This story is a very heartwarming story. I recommend it to all who have a love of reading.


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