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For thirty-five girls, the Selection is the chance of a lifetime. The opportunity to escape the life laid out for them since birth. To be swept up in a world of glittering gowns and priceless jewels. To live in a palace and compete for the heart of gorgeous Prince Maxon.

But for America Singer, being Selected is a nightmare. It means turning her back on her secret love with Aspen, who is a caste below her. Leaving her home to enter a fierce competition for a crown she doesn’t want. Living in a palace that is constantly threatened by violent rebel attacks.

Then America meets Prince Maxon. Gradually, she starts to question all the plans she’s made for herself–and realizes that the life she’s always dreamed of may not compare to a future she never imagined.

Good Reads

Comments on: "The selection – Kiera Cass" (25)

  1. Leilani said:

    The Selection was an amazing book, filled with unique and interesting characters. I loved this book and the storyline had was amazing and kept me hooked throughout the entire book. I loved how all the characters had their own personalities and was filled with funny scenes. The Selection is sort of like The Bachelor, except with the royal family of a dystopian world. In this world there were many wars and America got renamed to Illea. The world is broken into Castes, each number determining what job you have and how well off you are. The Castes are a major part of the story and many of the characters overcome the challenges and prejudices surrounding what number they belong to. My favourite character was Marlee because she was always so sweet to all the other girls, even if they could be seen as competitors. She also helped America, the main character, when she was first unsure if she was supposed to be in The Selection. I really loved the story and I can’t wait to read the rest of the series. I would recommend this book to anyone who loves romance books with action as well. The Selection is now one of my favourite books and I couldn’t put it down.


  2. Arabella said:

    I honestly loved this book and every other one in this series. The Selection is an amazingly written book. The characters that were described in this book were described so clearly it was easy to picture all of them in my head. I stayed in my room for about 4 hours just reading books from this series. I love the journey this book takes you on and I love all of the romance in it. My favourite character in this book was definitely America because she is very relatable and doesn’t care what people think of her. I would recommend this to anyone looking for a good romance read and would rate this book an 8/10


  3. Georgia-Rose said:

    I loved this book as it was such an easy read and such a cool concept. It follows a girl called America, who is picked in a process called ‘the selection’, where 35 girls are selected to win Prince Maxons heart. If you like the show the bachelor, you’ll definitely love this book as it’s basically the same thing! I will say, I did get frustrated in parts of the book with both America and Maxon, as you know they are meant to be together but they are both also so stubborn and things keep getting in the way. But overrall, I loved the book and would definitely read it again. I literally could not put it down and flew through it in a few hours. I read this book a few months ago, and have since read the whole series! And though it takes a while for Maxon and America to be together, it is so worth it when they do! I would recommend this to anyone who likes romance and dystopian style books, and would rate it a 5/5!


  4. This book took me on roller coaster of emotions, I was never sure what the next chapter would bring. I loved how America wasn’t afraid to challenge the views of the royal family and how by doing so she taught Maxon to challenge them too. I loved when America yelled at Maxon for calling her ‘my dear’ because honestly I would hate being called that too. I loved how first their friendship developed and then their relationship because I think that brought a different level of their relationship. I would one hundred percent recommend this to anyone because it is very easy to get into and keeps you hooked the whole way through.


  5. Bonnie said:

    This book is a truly fantastic read! Filled with glittering ball gowns, a handsome prince and bittersweet romance infused into every page.
    Set into the future, 35 women enter the castle, with only one desire… to marry the prince. They must undertake certain activities all carefully noted, in order to earn special time with the Prince Maxon.
    This book takes you on a journey further than a classic romance novel, and explores the political life of Illea and all the rebels and hostility which come with it.
    I would highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys some female drama, futuristic novels and those you thirst for a good, classic harm-warming romance.


  6. Isobel said:

    The Selection by Kiera Cass is one of the best books I have ever read because it was so descriptive and detailed. I chose this book for Lit circles this year and I did not really know what to expect from this book but I loved this book. I love the story line and how it connects to the other books. I love the main character America and her family because she had a very unique personality and she always stayed true to herself and what she believed in. You could really imagine this book in your head and picture what it could be like in real life. I really enjoyed reading this book. I loved the part when America arrived at the castle and met all the girls for the first time and to read all about their different personalities. I also enjoyed when Maxon and America first met even though they were not supposed to. I would definitely recommend this book.


  7. Indigo said:

    The Selection is an amazing book I read in Lit Circles. There is so much drama, which makes it way juicier and makes me want to keep reading. The Selection is about a competition including 35 girls around a province who compete for Prince Maxon- the prince of Illea. America Singer who is in one of the lower castes is selected and Maxon falls in love with her from the first time they met. America is unsure about Maxon though, because she already has a ‘boyfriend’- Aspen, even though he broke up with her before she left.

    My favourite character in the book is Maxon. He is such a gentle and loving person and I really appreciate that he is patient and waits for America. I think he is the perfect man for America. I also really love America’s maids. She treats them with a lot of respect (that they deserve) and they give it back. They are so caring towards America and want what’s best for her, and for her to win. They are almost like her second mums.

    I don’t like Celeste at all. She just so mean! It’s almost like she is only rude to America, which could mean she’s jealous…and I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s true! If I was in the selection I would be jealous of the other girls too, but it doesn’t mean you have to be rude to them.

    I hope the next few books are just as exhilarating as the first and I would rate it 9/10. I think girls aged 10+ would enjoy this book.


  8. Charlie said:

    The Selection, by Kiera Cass, is a MUST read story! I enjoyed every page, however I will say, keep reading past the first 60 pages to get to the goods! At the beginning 35 girls enter The Selection, a chance of a life time to compete for the much desired Prince Maxon’s heart. I loved how the book was sort of like the TV show ‘The Bachelor’ and that appealed to me very much. For the protagonist, America Singer, entering The Selection means turning her back on her secret love Aspen and leaving her home for a prize she doesn’t want. I really liked the concept that the girls were either there for the crown or the man (Maxon), I felt that it put everything into perspective. After being at the palace for some time America’s previous plans crumble as she grows ever fonder of Maxon. It is a romantic novel but don’t let that stop you from giving it a go I believe there is something in it for everyone. Typically the book would be ideal for kids aged 11-14 years old but it would still be okay for younger readers. The characters personalities are so relatable and it was fun predicting what would happen next. I hope you can enjoy the book as much as I did, good luck!


  9. I love this book. From the main character America and her talents but low status to start living the life of a princess was an interesting change to read. I also loved seeing how at the start America and Maxon decided on being friends, but then to see their relationship blossom into more than that was great. The added interest of Aspen back home kept me intrigued with her decision, but I was always team Maxon. I really like Marlee and all the other friends America gets to make because of this experience. I am excited to read what happens in the next book and would recommend this book to any person who loves a romance novel.


  10. This book is one of the bet books i have ever read in my entire life I loved it so so so much. If you enjoy the TV show the bachelor well, this is pretty much that in a book. this book is a love story without all the gushy mushy parts and i would recommend it to every one on the planet because it is so amazing.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. I love this book!! it is about a country that is divided. Everyone has their place in society and you and your family are labeled. America was a five, close to the lowest rank in society. A women’s role is to try and marry up to try not be so poor. America is selected as one of the 35 girls in the competition. She was only put in so the competition has people from a variety of numbers e.g. 2’s, 3’s etc. but the prince is expected to choose someone from the upper classes. America is very independent and strong in her views and is not afraid to say what she feels and will not such up to the prince. I recommend this book to everyone and I loved it.


  12. This glittering beautiful book by Kiera Cass is the PERFECT balance of all elements a book should have.
    Thirty-five girls. One Prince. One crown. And one girl to have it all.
    America Singer. A five. And simple a shadow. In a dystopian world where you are classed by numbers, for a female, your only goal is to marry up the pecking order. One, the royals. Two, the rich and famous. Three, important/intelligent jobs. Four, businessmen/women. Five, artists and performers. Six, simple workers. Seven, manual labourers. Eight, illegitimates.
    America enters a competition, for the sake of Prince Maxon’s heart, only doing it for the sake of her family, is shocked when she finds out that she and 34 other girls are sent to the palace, to snatch the crown.
    But make at home she has a secret love, a life planned out, and is unwilling to go to the palace. But when she meets Maxon will her course change? Is this what her future will look like? Lavished in luxuries? Only time will tell.
    This is an addictive and draws dropping read that is calling your name! Please do give this book a chance (it’s not that cliche. Really!)


  13. The Selection is a book I would definitely recommend for those who love action, dystopian, romance and a little bit of a thriller. It is about a girl called America and when the prince of Illèa comes of age the have a selection lottery for girls suitable to be his wife. America is confronted with love, loss and confusion. she has a great sense of humour and sees room for changes in there county as she grew up as a five in the caste system. she has to decide either Maxon or Aspen. in a game where you have to win love out of 35 other girls America has to figure out how she feels and choose.


  14. Giarna said:

    I loved this book, it was amazing and very well written. Since I started reading this book I wanted America and Prince Maxton to be together. This book is quite different to all the other books I have read and I still enjoyed it a lot. I felt like I knew the characters. I really enjoyed all the books in the series and recommend them highly everyone. The world they live in so crazy and they are sorted into number catergories and these numbers decide what jobs they can get and how rich they are. This book was kind of like the bachelor but much much more and felt real. I couldn’t put this book down and really loved it. I rate this book 9 out of 10.


  15. Ella B said:

    The first book of five in the Selection Series resembles the story of 19 year old America who hates everything royalty. she gets selected to race for Prince Maxton’s heart. She finds out that love isn’t all that bad, and instead of wanting to quit, she wants to win! I loved this book and I think that anyone in need for a good romance should definitely read THE SELECTION by KEIRA CASS.


  16. This a superb book about 35 girls vying to win Price Maxon’s heart, it is filled with romance, drama and confusion. Amongst them is America Singer and the thought of being selected is an ordeal, if selected she would have to leave behind her secret love and her gorgeous sister May who she love so dearly. This is a series with 5 books in total. The first book will leave you begging for more. I recommend this book to people 12 and up, I think even adults would find it entertaining.


  17. I loved this book because it was so romantic but at the same time exciting thrilling and funny. I love how it had a whole story in the background hidden. I enjoyed all the drama that occurred during the book because it was suspenseful. I love America is so out-going and is always herself around Maxon. My favourite part was probably the first time that America and Maxon meet because it is really awkward because she is crying and he is trying to console her but he doesn’t know how to, making it really funny to read. My favourite character is probably America I always find a liking to the main character in books. I like America because she is such a trooper she always troops through rough patches in her world and she always does well in the name of family. I can’t really relate to any of the characters, but I understand how excluded because that is how I felt when I moved to a new primary school and I didn’t know anyone. I didn’t like America and aspen, I don’t think they were meant to be for each other. Also I’d rather see America with Maxon. I hated Celeste because she was so annoying and I don’t understand how she even has any friends because she is always so mean and always judges everyone also she would do anything to get what she wants. If I could change the book, I would change the book so that America wins the selection straight away but then there wouldn’t be a book, so I would probably not change anything. I would recommend this book to anyone that loves a bit of suspense, romance and a little bit of action. It definitely ticked all of my boxes. I would recommend this book to anyone in for a fun, suspenseful romantic book, I would also recommend this book to anyone that likes books with a monarchy and royalty.


  18. I loved this book! It was a book that I couldn’t put down, and the characters were relatable. I read the first book and I just needed the rest. I first read this book in year 6, and I think it is appropriate for ages 12+. 10/10


  19. Grace said:

    IT WAS AMAZING!! I loved this book. I couldn’t put it down. You will fall in love with the characters and be sad to see them go. If you read this book you will love to read the rest of the series. If you haven’t read this book, READ IT! I love this book and the series. It sghows how unique is good and to be your self. Some people might think this book is romantic and yeah it is kind of like the bachelor, but if you read it you will find it is much ,much more.


  20. Ella A said:

    I L-O-V-E this book!!!!
    I thought this book was like a movie, every word was a film (like in old animation films) in my mind. The characters were clearly displayed, the explained the characters likes and dislikes as well as there personality……As you read the series you go to put the book down and a few seconds later you have read another chapter.
    The main character is America Singer. She is a 5 (The book will explain why they have a number) and life is just getting harder by the day. She has her heart set on a boy named Aspen. They have their future set out and all they want is to be together. All that changes when she puts her name in the lottery ( lottery is for the royals, you get given a chance to be their partner) in no hope that she will be chosen (in her which she is happy about not getting chosen but she is only doing it for her family).
    All of a sudden she has been drawn out to try and win the Prince Maxon’s heart.
    I am trying not to tell any more but if you want to know more…….
    READ IT!!!!!!


  21. Jasmin M said:

    I loved this book it was amazing. I could not put the book down I think I read a chapter each night it was that good. I gave it a 9 / 10 because it wasn’t as great as the book I’m reading at the moment. My favourite part was when she first talked to Maxon and she snapped at him when he called her ‘ My Darling’. Celeste is quite mean and rude but I visualised her as a beautiful woman. It was so romantic. This story line reminded me of the TV show, The Bachelorette.


  22. I read this series when I was in Year 7, great read for younger readers. It was one of the first series I read and a great way to be introduced to reading. The selection is the first book of 3 and is the best out of them all. It is about where for thirty-five girls, the Selection is the chance of a lifetime. The opportunity to escape the life laid out for them since birth. To live in a palace and compete for the heart of Prince Maxon. But for America Singer, being Selected is a nightmare. It means turning her back on her secret love with Aspen, who is a caste below her. Leaving her home to enter a fierce competition for a crown she doesn’t want.
    Then America meets Prince Maxon. Gradually, she starts to question all the plans she’s made for herself and realizes that the life she’s always dreamed of may not compare to a future she never imagined. I would recommend this book to people who enjoy romance and drama. Rate 7/10.


  23. Abbey said:

    I loved this book so much i read the whole series in 2 days it was that good.
    The characters in the book were described clearly and when you read this book its like watching a movie.
    I loved the messages in the book it really connected to me and i loved that America wouldn’t change who she was for one person but she stayed true to herself and her beliefs.
    I think that America in the book is a great role model for real life experiences and that we should all try to be like her in tricky situations


  24. This is a really good book and you can really relate to it if you are really down to earth and not someone who wants to change for someone. I loved the character America because she didn’t want to change for anyone and even someone as powerful as Prince Maxton she didn’t care what he thought of her.I loved this book because this is what i think all girls should be like around guys because he/she doesn’t deserve you if you have to impress him. This is such a good book and any girl would love it! Recommend this to anyone who loves a good read! (I don’t think the other one posted)


  25. I loved this book because it was written so beautifully and the descriptions of the scenes and characters were perfect. America was definitely my favourite character, because she was so different and unique compared to the rest of the girls in The Selection. My favourite part of the book was when she first talked with Maxon and she snapped at him when he called her ‘my dear’. I found this scene really funny and when she told him her reason for hating the name, I laughed because it was quite true and hilarious. But if I could change one thing in the story, it would be getting rid of Celeste, because she was so mean and annoying. I would strongly recommend this book to anyone who likes romantic books or movies, but I also think that anyone else could still enjoy it, because I usually don’t like romantic stories, but I still loved this book.


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