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Wonder (movie)

Comments on: "Wonder (movie)" (80)

  1. this movie is so special! I love this movie so much and it is so inspirational, we learn about the life of Auggie and his family and friends, and it’s just so amazing, I loved how the people around him excepted him and the ones who really loved him saw him for who he really was, it’s definitely a tear-jerker and you will learn to love Auggie and realize how hard life must be for him but it is ok he got is friends and they love and accept him! 10/10


  2. Gracie said:

    wonder is an amazing movie that i have watched many times.
    it is about a boy who was born with facial differences that, up until now, have prevented him from going to a normal school, Auggie Pullman becomes the most unlikely of heroes when he enters the local fifth grade. As his family, his new classmates, and the larger community all struggle to discover their compassion and acceptance, Auggie’s extraordinary journey will unite them and prove you can’t blend in when you were born to stand out.


  3. sienna said:

    Wonder what an amazing movie, this movie was so good it is about a young boy with a face deformity and he is going to start a new school. His name is Auggie and is very smart it goes through the struggles of school life. This movie is sad funny and exciting. I loved they way that the movie showed no matter what you looked like you are no diffrent than anyone else.My favorite character is Auggie because he is so strong and kind
    10/10 recommend


  4. August Pullman has always been different from the moment he was born. Face-wise. And now he has to start school, without his parents and big sister Vi. But when people look at him, all they seem to see is his face, not his warm heart.
    I think that this book is really sad and emotional, but delivers the important matter not to judge people by their look, and accept everyone. I reccomend this book to ages 10+ and rate it 10/10.


  5. Shilah said:

    After watching the most amazing movie wonder, i could not believe how much i took out of that movie and how much i loved it. It was one of the best movies ever made and very inspiring for teenagers and younger kids too. This movie is about a young boy auggie who is has a very uncommon genetic and condition that causes his face to look a little bit different. He finally starts at school after being homeschooled his whole life and he was getting extremely bullied at his new school, but luckly he thought he found his best friend jack. Auggie and Jack are best friends until one day auggie accidentally hears jack saying some extremely mean things about auggie, on his favourite day of the year halloween. Auggie finds it very hard to find comfort at school. I rate this movie an 8/10.


  6. Sophia said:

    This movie Wonder, is one of my all time favourite movie. This movie is equally as great as the book. I love how this movie is about accepting people and who they are and learning to treat every person the same. I was in tears when I watched the movie and I felt so angry and the mean kids. I love the storyline too it is amazing! I love how Auggie just blocks out the mean kids and continues on with life

    I recommend the movie to kids 8+. it teaches us how to be nice and accept all different people. I rate this movie a 10/10 i gotta say its the best and the book WONDER should become a book that is on the book list.

    Just remember to read the book before watching the movie!


  7. Tayla said:

    Love, love, love this movie! It is actually my favourite movie! My primary school took our year level to go see this movie when I was in year 4 (2017). The storyline of this story is incredible and it gives us a lot of messages about bullying and life.
    In this Movie, I love the way they include his family and how it is shown from other peoples point of views. My Favourite part of this movie is the Halloween at school scene. It just shows that the kids at his school truely do judge him because of his face deformation. While he is in the mask, the school kids don’t know who it is.
    I would definitely recommend this movie and if movie’s aren’t your thing, the book is just as good! 10/10 would watch over and over again!


  8. Wonder is an amazing movie. I absolutely loved it. It is such an inspirational movie, and I would definitely watch it again. Once I read the book I knew that i had to watch the movie as soon as it came out. That’s exactly what i did and let me tell you I wasn’t disappointed. This movie would definitely be one of my favourites, and I would highly recommend it. If you haven’t already watched Wonder, you need to watch it now. You won’t be disappointed. I rate it a 9/10.


  9. Wonder is an emotional movie about a boy named Auggie who has facial deformities. And because of it, he gets bullied and struggles to make friends. There were a lot of bits in the movie that were really sad and I almost cried while watching it. But it’s cool as well because you get to see the movie through a few different perspectives such as his sister Via, Via’s best friend Miranda, and Auggie’s friend Jack Will. This movie is probably relatable to some people out there who might have the same problems as Auggie. But what I find really sad is that this happens in real life. And I hate how people are bullied for looking a little different because in my opinion, everybody is different, nobody is “normal”, and that’s okay. But I really liked the storyline of this movie and I think it’s really good.

    I give it a 10/10 I HIGHLY recommend you watch it!


  10. bronte said:

    This movie is absolutely heart breaking. It follows themes of bullying, discrimination, and friendship. The storyline is extremely well written and it is an emotional roller coaster. Julia Roberts playing the concerned over protective mom does a phenomenal job in this role. Shockingly I think this is one of those rare situations where the movie is better than the book. I would recommend this movie to ages 11+ and I would give it an 8/10


  11. leila said:

    The movie wonder is such an emotional rollercoaster and a truly inspirational and heartwarming movie. This movie is about a boy called Auggie Pullman who was an incredibly kind, smart little boy with a facial deformity and because of this, he got bullied. Auggie eventually finds himself surrounded with true friends who accept him for who he is. I think almost everyone will be able to relate to this movie in one way or another about feeling left out or insecure about something. This movie was not only from the perspective of Auggie the main character, but other characters that play important roles in the movie. This is really interesting because you get to see the bigger picture and how all the characters are thinking. This movie is truly inspiring and has a great message about acceptance, understanding, appreciating people for who they are, and the power of friendship. I recommend this film for people aged 8+ and rate it a 9/10.


  12. Wonder is truly an inspirational movie about a little boy who isn’t accepted by others because of the way he looks. Auggie, the main character teachers the viewers a lot about strength and resilience as we follow along his journey as he starts at his brand new school with nobody he knows. Auggie meets many people, some kinder than others, who play a big role in him finding more about who he is and developing the strength to fight the bullies. I personally liked the book more as opposed to the movie as you get to find out more about each of the characters and learn a bit about their pasts as well. However, I do recommend this movie for anyone who wants to get lost along a journey and you’ll find yourself never getting sick of it no matter how many times you watch it.


  13. COna8239 said:

    The movie wonder is about a boy called Auggie Pullman who was not seen as normal. He started off being homeschool because he was too afraid. Soon after his mum decided that it was time to start school. This is a sad movie but i really do recommend it because there is a good story and a great message. A quote that stood out to me was a quote that Auggie got told by his big sister Via “you can’t blend in when your born to stand out.” Overall This is a really great book that i 100% recommend. I rate it a 8/10


  14. charlotte said:

    I actually quite loved this movie, I personally haven’t read the book but I have heard it is quite similar. I love the different perspectives because that’s how life really is, everyone has a different side to the story. This movie has multiple morals and teaches you differences really just don’t matter if you look at the big picture. My favourite character situation is with the sister and her best friend it honestly shows you so much can change because of situations we have no control over and also teaches you to be grateful for what we have. Overall I 100% recommend this movie it is a truly inspiring story that isn’t too sad but really heartfelt that makes you feel good at the end of it.


  15. Tiahnee said:

    OH MY GOD, This movie made my laugh cry and rip my hair out. i love this movie almost as much as I love the book, if you enjoyed the movie I highly recommend the book wonder and then there is another book called Auggie and me which is from charlotte Julian and Chris’ perspective, it is all about a boy Born with facial differences that, up until now, have prevented him from going to a mainstream school, Auggie Pullman becomes the most unlikely of heroes when he enters the local fifth grade. As his family, his new classmates, and the larger community all struggle to discover their compassion and acceptance, Auggie’s extraordinary journey will unite them and prove you can’t blend in when you were born to stand out


  16. Maggie said:

    I instantly fell in love with this movie. This had a fantastic story line, it has plenty of life lessons throughout it and inspiring. It will have you in laughs and tears! A boy named Auggie who was not seen as “normal” to most people. He had a face deformation, nevertheless, he could still speak, hear and act like a normal person. In fact, he was extremely smart! Poor Auggie got bullied, and him starting school for the first time at age 11, made it worse. He goes through several ups and downs through his first year of school. Auggie Pullman had to be so extremely brave and determined, and teaches everyone that even if you have something you don’t like about yourself, you can still fit in in the end, and everyone will still love you! 10/10, YOU MUST WATCH IT!!


  17. Bethany said:

    Wow this movie takes you on a roller coaster journey from tears, anger, hope and fear. This is the journey of a young boy named Auggie and how he went though primary school will a face like no other kid at his school. The bullying he faces and the lack of self-confidence he goes though will make you just want to cry, but he holds on. This movie makes a wonderful meaningful message of respect.
    I recommend this movie to anyone who craves a few tears in a movie.


  18. wonder is such a sad movie. although you need a whole box of tissues next to you, you will also laugh. this movie is made after the book called ‘Auggie and me’ which shows the perspectives in which people live who have relationships with Auggie. it shows the hardships and fun they experience with him and the movie is similar. Auggie has a deformed face. he is so insecure about his condition all he wants to do is wear an astronaut helmet to cover it up. although is sister, mum and dad all think he is perfect, he does not think so. this movie will follow Auggie’s journey which is very different from most people and is a really beautiful adventure that has a lot of bumps along the way. I would recommend this film to anyone who loves a good cry with family and friends. this movie is a 7/10!


  19. Tahlia said:

    Wonder is definitely one on my favorite movies and i would 100% recommend you watching this movie. In this movie people judge auggie by what his face looks like and arnt very nice to auggie because of his appearance, but when they actually get to know his and talk to him amazing things happen for auggie.
    i really enjoyed this movie and would recommend you to watch it because you wont be disappointed.


  20. I saw the movie wonder 2 years ago ever since it has been my favourite movie. August Pullman is a 10 year old boy from north river heights, New York. He was born with facial differences that, up until now, has prevented him from going to a school. he becomes the most unlikely of heroes when he enters fifth grade. my favourite part is at the end when he won the henry ward Beecher Medal. he doubts himself about his face. he then gets bullied a lot in the which puts him down when he sees some of his class mate talking behind his back on halloween. he got very upset when this happened and couldn’t celebrate his favourite holiday. for me that part of the movie is really sad because the time he feels normal he finds people talking about him. I feel sorry for his sister because she doesn’t get much attention but her grandma always told her she will always be her favourite no matter what. I love that at the start of the movie he hated school and had no friends and at the end of the movie he loved school and had some good friends. I think he couldn’t over got to where he is today if he didn’t have his family they are so supportive and caring towards Auggie. I highly Recommend to watch it if you haven’t it is a true story that makes your day.


  21. Ella D said:

    This movie is an amazing heartwarming movie! I had read the beautiful book prior to this movie and the movie was even more amazing. The movie is about a boy called August Pullman or Auggie pullman. He has a face deformation and has many surgeries because of it, he was homeschooled his whole life because of it. Auggie decides he wants to go to a real school, although he is afraid of what people will think of him. He meets some not so great people in school and some nice people. He has lots of good and bad experiences, I won’t spoil what happens next but this movie is a 10/10! This is a very emotional movie and I recommend it to 10+ ages. You definitely should watch this!


  22. Teagan said:

    Wonder is a truly inspiring movie to anybody who has been bullied, it is a very empowering movie about a little boy who suffers from a genetic condition that makes him look different to other kids his age, he has been honeschooled his whole life but eventually finds the courage to start up as a student at a local school. The first few weeks were tough for Auggie but he managed to get through it and made some friends along the way. This movie is absolutely heartwarming and may bring out a few tears but it is a very touching story that needs to be heard by more people. It is an award winning movie that had everyone’s hearts captured. I would definetly recommend this book.


  23. Charli said:

    Wonder is a movie released in 2017 and created by an American director. The heartwarming and emotional movie about bullying will leave you on a crying roller coaster of both happy and sad emotions. This movie teaches you important life lessons on bullying and the effects it has on people. After watching this movie I definitely had a different perspective on things. I would recommend year 7s to watch this movie because going into a high school can be challenging especially for someone facing other hardships in their life, the least you can do is be nice to them and show some respect despite whatever difference they have.


  24. isabelle said:

    wonder is a touching movie that has its share of sad and happy moments, it teaches you that it’s ok to be different and you should not be ashamed of what you look like and who you are. I love that the movie doesn’t just revolve around one person and it shows all points of view over all this movie is great it has a nice story to tell and a lovely moral. (would definitely recommend).


  25. I found this movie so inspiring how Auggie can find it within himself to give school a go. I loved when it was Auggie’s first day of school and he was so self conscious and his sister Olivia tells him “you can’t fit in when you are born to stand out”. Olivia mainly called Via cares so much for Auggie even when things are hard and she is getting disregarded [ignored] and it shows that she is a caring and selfless. I feel for Auggie when his new best friend Jack is caught red handed talking behind Auggie’s back to the school bully Julian. Julian is a self absorbed bully who doesn’t have the kindness to let Auggie in. This movie was quite sad and I cried most of the way I definitely recommend this movie to anyone who doesn’t fully believe in themself, needs a boost in there confidence or just likes a sad and inspiring movie.


  26. i really enjoyed the movie wonder because it was very sad and it had a happy ending. my favourite part was when auggie made a friend and they started hanging out together this just warmed my heart because it was hard for auggie to make friends because of his disability. my favourite character is auggie because you just want to be his friend cause he has gone through so much and he deserves to be happy and he is such a humble person. My least favourite part of the movie was when his new friend Jack said to everybody that auggie wasn’t his friend and that he was just hanging out with him because he felt bad. i would highly recommend this movie because it really touches the heart and gives you a warm feeling inside.


  27. Ashlyn said:

    Wonder is a life changing movie that give you an insight on how hard life can be , how those people keep their head held high and make the most of what they have got. I love this movie, it really was a great storyline, and all the charcters were portrayed extreamly well.

    The movie was based on a young boy Auggie Pullman who was dignosed with a face deformation when he was born. As a result of having a deformed face he is far from normal loooking , and struggled fitting in due to all the kids judging him on his looks. However once the kids got to know him more , he revealed his many layers, and the kids soon found that he has a lot more to offer despite his appearence.

    The best part that I loved about this movie was how Auggie put a smile on nearly everyones faces once they relised how much he has influenced their lives. Though the hardships he faced throughout his life he still always managed to overcome and live his best life.

    He was born to stand out not to fit in ! just like his sister quoted in the movie. This quote best represents the lesson they were trying to teach others by making this movie.
    The movie was very motivating that I recommend to anyone that love a good teary, life changing story\Movie.


  28. Amelia said:

    Wonder is an incredibly touching story. I have read the book and the following book ‘Auggie and Me’ and seen the movie which are all incredibly emotional and funny. It is one of my favourite movies and books. In this movie we follow the emotional story of August Pullman a young boy with a facial deformity, as he goes to public school for the first time after being home-schooled all his life. The movie shows their different perspectives of all the people close to Auggie during this time. We get to experience the struggles and difficulties and see the different emotions everyone was feeling. It is an eye opening and inspirational movie that I recommend to everyone above the age of 8. I truly love this movie and I give it an 10/10.


  29. A stunningly beautiful tale of a boy and his reality follows Auggie Pullman who is a boy with a deformed face. Auggie faces the realities of being bullied because of typical gender in popularity norms. As a young boy who has never gone to school it is especially challenging for him to break out of the general school expectations. By facing bullying, the grading of self worth and loss of hope, Auggie learns that you can’t change who you are and you have to accept and love yourself. This creative film also follows the other minor characters and their stories regarding Auggie. With Olivia, his sister who feels like an outcast in the family, Miranda, Olivia’s friend who is changing and Jack Will his friend and the struggles of popularity they face through school together. Wonder tells the story of a truly wonderful boy and how he accepts him self to be different and embraces he’s charismatic beautiful self. If you want a tear jerking movie along with some laughs this is the movie to see, it is recommended for all ages as it’s a moral that everyone should learn. Wonder is absolutely fantastic and I would say that there is no fault in this film, an absolute 10 out of 10.


  30. I have read the book wonder many times ! And when I saw the movie come out I was extremely excited ! I personally love this movie as it brings everything to life ! Auggie Pullman has a face deformation , He’s not what the other kids expect . He gets criticised by the public in a harsh way . As he moves to a new school people get to know more than just his story . He is very interested in science and space it amazes him ! His year at his new school is hard and stressful but he gets through it with some love . I love the quote Via (Olivia) his sister mentions . ‘you can’t blend in when you were born to stand out’ . This quote is very powerful and made me think about this topic even more .I would definitely recommend this movie to everyone ! Although I think reading the book is just as exciting !


  31. This movie is a heart warming story. the actors make sure they connect with the audience. Auggie influenced everyone in and amazing way even though he dreaded his first day of school. he made friends and had good and bad experience. i think it is a great story that some people can connect to in at least one way. its great for people who find it easier to follow along with movies rather than books. Its great that everyone in the story has time to show there point of view and how they deal with different problems. The actors are perfect for the roles and they inspire anyone who is worried about starting school, dealing with insecurities and more. August is very inspirational. this movie made me laugh and everyone in my family cry.


  32. Kylie said:

    Auggie is such a wonderful character and is someone that always tries to do the right thing even if people say otherwise he tries not to be influenced by what other people say and likes to think of the positive side of things. he is a wonderful person with his bright personality that stands out in the crowd along with his extraordinary face. he has experienced so much more then most other people in life and has gone through so much he deserves a bit respect then people just staring at him all the time I give this move a 10/10 it is such a good move, this move made me cry because of how Auggie was treated by his class mates I loved this move.


  33. Wonder will make you cry and laugh, it is an emotional rollercoaster. Auggie will entertain you the whole way through. He was born with facial deformities, and he is starting school for the first time. Middle school.

    There are laughs, stares, pointing. People even made a cruel game where no one is allowed to touch Auggie. But he stays positive the whole way through. That is until his best mate betrays him. He gets depressed and starts giving up.

    The inspiring part is when he bounces back, stands up against the bullies and becomes popular.

    I would highly recommend this amazing, inspiring movie, but you should read the book first as it is much more detailed. 10/10!!!!


  34. The movie wonder is an emotional rollercoaster. From laughing to crying, Auggie will entertain you the whole way through.

    Auggie Pullman has a severe face deformity, and he is starting middle school. There is staring, laughing, pointing, and even an extremely cruel game called The Plague, where nobody is allowed to touch Auggie.

    But throughout all this, Auggie stays positive. That is, until his best mate betrays him. He’s depressed and begins to give up. But the inspiring part is when he bounces back, stands up to the bullies and becomes popular.

    I would highly recommend this movie, but you should probably read the book first as it is much more detailed.


  35. I have recently watched wonder and it’s a great movie. I think it was such a good story line and very detailing.
    It is basically about a boy called August/Auggie and he has something which is a face deformity. He was home schooled till he had to go to middle school, he was really nervous. He then met some people that were not very nice, Julian was a bully to Auggie, every spare minute Julian had he found sometime to mess around with him.
    He then finds one friend which is Jack they were like best friends, They played and everything. One day Auggie was by himself eating lunch and his friend Summer came and ate lunch with him.
    When Auggie was in class they had a project Auggie did not have anyone to do it with so Jack Will stood up and said I will be his partner so Julian did not have anyone. I think this movie is suitable for kids age 5+.
    I think this movie is a 9.5/10 and I loved it.


  36. Elyssa said:

    I watched this movie last year for school, and as much as I love the story, I was kind of let down. It had some great actors and it was truly and amazing movie but it just didn’t capture the same magic as the book did. To be honest I didn’t actually cry in the movie because the only part (in the book) that makes me cry is when the dog dies but I feel like the movie just skipped through that like it was no big deal! Apart from that though it really is a great movie. Just a quick reminder… If you haven’t read the book do NOT watch the movie, it just ruins it for you. But I definitely recommend this movie.


  37. A while ago I watched the movie ‘Wonder’. It was an amazing movie and an amazing book. Wonder is such an inspirational and moving movie that I would watch again. There are the rich spoilt kids and the nice kids. Wonder shows how some peoples lives are getting bullied just because of something that you do or look. You can connect to Wonder i many different ways.

    Auggie has to face a lot in school and life. Auggie is brave, smart and funny even though people are rude to him and make fun of him but he still finds the bright side of life and has fun which should remind us to do the same.

    Auggie is really inspirational but Olivia his sister is inspirational as well. One of my favourite quotes of hers is ‘You cant fit in when you were born to stand out.’ Overall I loved this movie and I would watch it again.


  38. olivia said:

    I loved this movie, I had read the book years ago and when I was told they were making a movie I got very excited!! I really love how the movie portrays all the characters and how they have made the movie really similar to the book. The movie Wonder is about this boy named Auggie, he has a deformed face and has been homeschooled his whole life but not anymore, his parents let him go to school and he is really shy at first, he makes friends, his friends become mean but then they come back. By the end of the movie you see Auggie grow into a bright, intelligent and confident boy. This movie is very sad at times but so beautiful. I would 100% recommend watching it.


  39. Indigo said:

    Wonder is probably the most inspiring movie/book I have ever seen/read. It is about a young smart and intelligent boy named August (Auggie) with a face deformity. He was homeschooled until he was about 10. Then…he had to go to middle school. He is picked on by a boy named Julian that bullies Auggie any minute he can. Even though Julian is tearing Auggie apart bit by bit, he keeps hope up since his sister Via, told him on his first day- “If they stare, let them stare, you can’t fit in when you were born to stand out.”

    I enjoyed this movie so much since it gives me hope and confidence. It makes me believe that you can do anything if you put your mind to it. I recommend this book to everyone and anyone because it was amazing. 10/10.


  40. I completely adore this movie and fell in love with Augie!! This movie will create so many new emotions inside you. You will both laugh and cry in this. I loved Augie, he was totally gorgeous. He was a fighter. I loved that he was such a strong character!!! This movie is beautifully moving. I would highly recommend this movie for both men and women.!!!!!!!


  41. This is an emotional movie. There are positive messages throughout the film. Auggie is a ten year old boy with a facial difference. After being homeschooled all his life, he enters grade five public school. My thoughts during the movie were about respect and treating others the way you want to be treated. In some scenes I felt sad for Auggie. I was every emotion when watching this.


  42. I recently watched the film ‘Wonder’ for the second time. Usually I don’t like watching movies twice but this movie, I could watch on replay all day!
    The film, ‘Wonder’ is about a young boy named Auggie Pullman. He has a face deformation and doesn’t look like every other child. He has been homeschooled all his life but now his parents think it’s time to start middle school. Auggie is terrified. What if the kids don’t like him? What if they make fun of him? Will I be the school freak? All these questions were going through his head during the film.
    First day of middle school finally comes and it’s going good so far. Auggie is introduced the class and no comments… just yet. To find out if Auggie has a hard time in Middle School you must watch the movie!
    My least favourite character had to be Jack. Yes he’s a nice guy but not very nice to Auggie speaking behind his back like that. I think that was very rude and not what a real friend would do.
    My favourite scene was when Auggie’s sister (Via) tells Auggie, “You can’t fit in when you were born to stand out.” That was a very touching quote to me because it can have a very powerful effect on most people.
    I recommend this movie to absolutely everybody! This is a movie everyone and anyone would like to see.


  43. Kasey said:

    I loved this movie so much. I have read the book as well, I have fell in love with the characters. My favourite character is Via because I relate to just being a listener and letting others talks. I often think about how good it would be to be an only child, but after read and watching the movie it has thought me that having a sister of a brother is so amazing.
    I total cried the whole way through the movie as you see the character un-roll in a mix of emotions.
    I give this book a 9/10!


  44. I have not read the book of Wonder, but I saw the movie and I loved it!
    It is about a little boy named Auggie who has a facial deformation, making him look very different to everyone he knows. The storyline involves him going to school for the first time and facing the struggles of bullies, friendships and more.
    He pulls through with an amazing moral to be told: that whoever you are and whatever you look like, you matter and you deserve the world.
    I would recommend this film to anyone who likes a deep story with an inspirational ending!


  45. I was very excited to go see this movie at the cinemas. I was ready for a tearjerker. I bought the tissue box and everything. But after having read the book before the movie it wasn’t as sad as I had hoped. It followed the same story line. But wasn’t as deep as i had thought. I enjoyed reading the book just because it went in to a lot more depth about everything and you could really feel the emotions. Over all the movie was still something i would love to watch again. But definitely read the book because you won’t be disappointed. movie a 7/10 but its a great family film!!!!


  46. Stephanie said:

    Where do I even begin? This movie Wonder is the best! Actually, it’s better than that, it’s the best of the best! Auggie Pullman who has a face disorder is now going to go to school for the first time, he is in 5th grade with no friends and not knowing anybody. So many times I felt horrible for Auggie who had to face the real world without his parents by his side, middle school can be tough, especially if you were born to stand out. My favourite character in this movie would definitely by Via, Auggie’s older sister. She has been with Auggie everywhere, they always go trick-or-treating together and even share secrets with one another. Seeing their close bond, I couldn’t help but feel even sadder for Auggie when his own sister couldn’t help him change so he would become a popular kid.
    In Beecher Prep (The school that Auggie goes to now) there is this one kid called Jack Will, and he is the cutest boy I have ever seen. Even though he was cute, he was Auggie’s first friend and their bond became stronger and stronger making it harder for them to leave one another. There is another character sort of like that, and her name is Summer. Summer is probably the nicest girl you will meet, her kindness towards Auggie was just unbelievable.
    But every story has to have a villain, and in Wonder that villain’s name is Julian. Julian is probably one of the meanest boys you will meet that is in 5th grade. He was never nice to Auggie and the way he acts around him is just so rude, I wanted to jump through the screen and tell him off. Julian also managed to get the whole entire grade to turn on Auggie, making him feel more insecure every day.
    This movie definitely has some twits you wouldn’t see coming if you haven’t read the book, but you wouldn’t need to read it to understand, because of the way Stephen Chbosky directed this movie, he did not leave out on little detail.
    I would rate this movie a 10/10 without any thought because this movie is the best of the best!!


  47. Lillian said:

    Wonder is a great movie that I really enjoyed! I read the book two or three years years ago and really loved reading it, so I’m really glad to say that the movie does the book justice! Auggie Pullman is a truely inspirational character and his journey throughout the movie is very emotional and at times heartbreaking to watch. I thought the movie had a great storyline and the characters were portrayed really well, and you always felt for them and understood their actions.
    Auggie Pullman has a face deformation and he has never been to public school before. When he starts at Beecher Prep, Auggie meets some kind and life long friends, but also some people who are terribly mean to him. Because Auggie isn’t “normal” looking he gets stared at a lot and bullied by some other kids at school. But once you get to know Auggie you learn much more about him and his very normal life, he likes science, space and Star Wars like any other boy his age. Auggie isn’t defined by his face, he is a kind, caring and smart boy.
    One of my favourite quotes from the movie is “You can’t fit in when you were born to stand out”, I think it sums up the message of this story beautifully. I would highly recommend this movies to anyone who wants to watch it, it’s amazing and you wont ever forget it! But I did cry during the movie so be warned, it can be quite heartbreaking at times. If you haven’t watched this movie you really should, because it teaches everyone that it’s whats on the inside that counts and not how someone looks.


  48. Eleanor said:

    This movie is a very different movie to watch I normally watch. It took me a little time to realise how lucky I am and the simple/ little things I take for granted. The message from this movie I took away is never judging or second-guessing a person you’ve never met. Yes, Auggie looked different from the other 5th graders but that didn’t mean he wasn’t a warm hearted person looking for friends. Auggie says “if you were born to be different then why fit in”. It took a little time for Auggie to fit into with everyone but once he did everyone was inspired by him and the things he does as a person. I would recommend this movie to people who love a heart touching movie that will get your emotions going. I rate this movie a 9.5/10


  49. I don’t generally cry while watching movies. I cried once when Mufasa died in the Lion Kind when I was younger, but since then I hadn’t cried once. But somehow, this film made me cry on three different occasions. The director and author of the book have put something special into the main character, August’s personality that has melted my heart. The actor, Jacob Tremblay has done an incredible job of showing Auggie’s story. The storyline follows the journey of a small boy, August, 10 years old, who is born with a facial deformity that he calls ‘mandibulofacial dysostosis’ had to undergo 27 surgeries to look somewhat normal. He had been homeschooled until fifth-grade and then the film follows his journey in his first year of grade school in the public system and integrating with other children. The film discusses topics of bullying, acts of kindness and a classic tale of a vulnerable character rising up against personalised challenges. I think that this is a classic family movie that would suit any audience. This movie is entirely child friendly, and offer a great role model for children especially. My favourite part of this film was when August and his best friend Jack stand up to older bullies together. Other kids end up helping them that were originally bullying him, they all ended up being friends and made a beautiful ending.


  50. Wonder
    What a movie. Inspiring, saddening, funny and above all so beautiful. I absolutely loved this movie it was such a beautiful story and the actors were perfect for the roles they played. The movie follows the journey of a young Auggie, who suffers from facial deformities and is beginning his life in real school, starting at middle school. Life is hard for Auggie, he is faced with the challenges of bullying but with his new friends by his side, he can handle everything thrown his way, well almost. This is a gorgeous family movie that inspires you to always choose kind. I recommend this movie to people aged 8+, I rate this movie a 10/10 🙂


  51. I went I saw this movie with a friend last year and we just loved it, however we did cry many times throughout the movie, simply because it is just beautiful. Wonder is a movie based on the book, and one scene is from Auggie and Me. It is about a boy named August who has a deformed face. He’s been homeschooled his whole life, but now he is going to middle school for the first time. One day, he goes up to the school for a tour. There, he meets 3 kids. Julian, Charlotte, and Jack. All of them are really nice except Julian. On the first day of school, everyone stares at him. His only friend is Jack. Also, his sister, Via, her best friend has changed. I love this movie, but it is a little sad 😦 The emotions just pull you and your ride the story of Auggie. I would rate Wonder 5 stars, it is an inspiration movie that really does touch the heart and pulls on your emotions. Don’t forget to have the tissues with you for this amazing watch!


  52. I went to see this movie last year with school and it was one of the most beautiful films I have ever seen. The characters were portrayed really well and they linked in well with the personas they were given in the book. It was a real emotional roller coaster and the whole cinema was cheering, crying and laughing together. The movie is full of some really inspirational quotes that convey the movie’s main theme: being different is a blessing. I really liked how they showed different perspectives from each character so we were able to see how Auggie influenced their lives. This feature was also nice so that we could get a bit of justification regarding each of their actions. My favourite character was Jack Will because even though he did something wrong that hurt Auggie’s feelings, he justified this by standing up for him when he was being bullied by Jullian. Great film that I recommend to all, whether you have read the book or not.


  53. Kirra said:

    I have just only recently watched this movie and wow is it sad, during some of the scenes I couldn’t stop crying and I don’t even know why. This movie really makes you connect with the character and learn about himself, his life and his adoring family. my favourite character was Auggie because he is just so strong and resilient by the end of the movie, for someone to be that resilient to bullies and other kids his age would be really hard and disheartening. I believe that Auggie is one of the bravest characters I have ever been able to connect with because his life would have so many more challenges compared to us and unfortunately there aren’t many people supporting hm though his journey. although I loved this movie I preferred the book, but it was great to have a visual of all the characters.


  54. kaitlyn said:

    i was worried to watch this movie after reading the book i thought it wans’t going to be up to my expectations. I WAS WRONG such a good movie 10/10 from me 🙂


  55. Isabelle said:

    Wonder is such an inspiring and fantastic movie!! The story line of the movie is to not judge people on how they look just because they might be different. I think this is a message that needs to get to everyone and thats why I think everyone needs to see it! It is a movie suitable for the whole family and perfect for a family movie night. My favourite character is easily Auggie because of how he learns to accept himself and not let others judgements get to him. I would rate Wonder a 8/10 and recommend everyone to go see it if they haven’t already!!


  56. The movie wonder is an emotional rollercoaster. The movie is about a boy named Auggie and he has just started his first year of school after being homeschooled his whole life. Auggie was born with a deformed face and this movie has shown me how tough life would be for Auggie. I feel sorry for Auggie because everyone was so quick to judge, but just because he has a different face doesn’t mean he’s not like the rest of them. I loved the way Auggie was so strong throughout this and found friends who accepted him for who he is.


  57. alice said:

    I have 1 word to describe this film…. WOW!!! I loved watching this film, it is so emotional yet funny and will definately make you laugh and cry at the same time. The film wonder is about a boy called Auggie who has a facial deformity and doesn’t fit in with the rest of his class mates. I think this film is so heart touching and will definately make you cry. My favourite character is Auggie because he is very shy however, he learns that being different is a good thing and that his looks shouldn’t get in the way of achieving anything. I would have to say that this film is one of my favourites and I would really recomend seeing it (if you haven’t already). I have already seen this film 3 times and i’m sure that if you read the book or watch the film once, you will 100% want to see it again!!!! 9/10!!!


  58. I LOVED the movie WONDER!!!!! This film is such a gorgeous and happy movie about a young boy Auggie who suffers from a facial deformity. He Loves science and has been homeschooled for all of his life but now he has to make the big change and go to a public school for the very first time. He faces lots of struggles with friends at school, however, he manages to make a lovely group of friends and shows everyone that his looks don’t mean anything and that he can achieve whatever he wants. I would 100% recommend that you read the book or watch the movie because seriously you will not regret it!!!!


  59. Charli said:

    This is an emotional movie. There are positive messages throughout the film. Auggie is a ten year old boy with a facial difference. After being homeschooled all his life, he enters grade five public school. My thoughts during the movie were about respect and treating others the way you want to be treated. In some scenes I felt sad for Auggie. I was every emotion when watching this.


  60. Juliette said:

    This movie ‘ wonder ‘ defiantly wasn’t as good as the book. But i loved it.
    The movie was about a young boy August Pullman who has face deformation he is starting a new school his mum used to home school him until he was in 5th grade and he started school. he talked the same walked the same just looked vey different from the other children at his school. despite getting bullied from another boy at school and being stared at and teased about he finds nice friends who look out for him. but little as everyone knew auggie was very smart he was interested in science and space.
    this movie makes you think about how it would be to be in auggies shoes and that just because you look different doesn’t mean you can’t be a normal kid. i really loved this book and highly recommend it.


  61. Wonder is a gorgeous movie that follows a young boy, Auggie Pullman. He has a face deformation that causes him to get severely judged by many people he encounters. When he decides that he is ready to go out into the public and go to school, he manages to make some friends who don’t care what he looks like and love him for who he is. These friends help him to overcome all of the judgment and he is very grateful for that. The director of the movie has done a great job to show how everyone in his life is affected by this and also how Auggie has influenced his life. Overall, this is a great heartwarming film that will guarantee make you want to watch it another 10+ times.


  62. Josephine said:

    I really enjoyed the movie because it was different to the book and it added in parts that the book didn’t have. The movie was made really well but I still think the book was better. My favourite part is when he won the academic medal because it really showed all his bullies he is just as smart and just as normal. My favourite character in the movie was Auggie because he was funny, smart and even though he got bullied he didn’t change his personality. I can relate to Auggie because his dog died and my dog died as well. My least favourite part of the book was when the dog died and when Jack made fun of Auggie on Halloween because it was really hard on Auggie and it made the audience cry. I wouldn’t change anything about it because I think it was made very well. I would recommend this movie to people who enjoy a good movie that teaches you a lesson. This book teaches you about bullying and why you shouldn’t do it and the effects it has on people. I loved the way that this movie shows everyone around Auggie and how he influenced their lives. His first year of school was hard but he pulled through it. Auggie is really inspiring to me because he was so strong through it all.


  63. this movie is extremely inspiring and heartfelt. this movie is about a little boy (about 12) that has face deformities. as you would be thinking it would be very hard for him, and you would be right. this movie shows a boy overcoming bullying and not having self-confidence. I think anybody that is going through rough times should watch this! it is an amazing film showing the importance of family and staying kind even in the hardest times.
    happy watching!


  64. The movie wonder is absolutely amazing and a real tear jerker. Auggie has a face deformation and isn’t the same as everyone else. When Auggie starts school he finds it really hard to fit in but once people learn more about him, they see there is more to him than just his looks. He has a passion for science and loves his astronaut helmet. I love when he builds the video screen for the science project. Overall this movie was really great and the book was also really good. I rate this movie a 10/10!


  65. I absolutely love the movie, Wonder. I thought it had a really interesting storyline and the movie was really similar to the book. The movie was incredibly sad but inspiring to watch. Auggie Pullman is a young boy who has a facial deformation. He isn’t ‘normal’ looking and is bullied by the kids at his school and judged by people outside of school. Once people get to know him they realise that there is more to him than his appearance. He is an incredibly smart boy who has an interest in science and space. I love how all of the characters are portrayed and the movie shows how Auggie has influenced other peoples lives. When Auggie was going to school on his first day, his sister Via says to him, “You can’t fit in when you were born to stand out.” I love this quote because it shows how some simple words can make someone more confident and it shows how being different is not something to be ashamed of. I would recommend this movie to almost everyone, young or old. It is an amazing movie and very emotional. I rate this an 8/10.


  66. Wonder is about a kid named Auggie who was born with a deformed face. He has been homeschooled for his whole life, and is now starting year 5. Auggie is going to a real school for the first time, so he is very nervous. Some kids ignore him, some are just plain mean to him, and only a couple of kids are kind to him. The mean ones call him a freak, and play a game called ‘The Plague’. ‘The Plague’ is a game where if you touch Auggie, you have to wash your hands within 10 seconds or else you die. But Jack and Summer are 2 of the few kids who accept Auggie for who he is, and they become his best friends, and only friends! Throughout the book, Auggie faces hard times and easy times. By the end of the year Auggie is treated fairly by everyone (except Julian, the leader of the bullies!), and is even considered ‘cool’.
    I read the book before I saw the movie and I am in love with them both. I’ve read it twice and seen it twice. I am not much of a cryer, but this made me cry!
    I’ve also read the next book, ‘Auggie & Me’, twice. It isn’t a sequel, but it tells the stories of 3 characters from Wonder. The stories are about Julian (the main bully), Christopher (Auggie’s first friend who moved away), and Charlotte (who was asked to be one of Auggie’s welcome buddies at the start of the year). In Wonder, you don’t really know any of these character’s backgrounds. I love learning about how they see the situation, and how there was so much stuff happening that wasn’t even mentioned in Wonder!
    Overall, I love the storyline, and think it is an eye-opener for everyone, no matter how old they are.


  67. wonder is such great movie. i had read the book already and the movie just topped it off. i really helped me see the story line a lot better.
    it shows us lots of messages and that even through one person might look different it doesn’t matter because we are all the same on the inside. we got to see most the the issues auggie had to face and my favourite thing i took from the movie was to “chose mind” it is a sad movie but i would defiantly recommend it ps. read the book first 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  68. Emilie said:

    this movie would have to be the most sweetest and cutes film. when it got to the very end of the movie i started to cry it was very emotional and sad. on Auggies first day i was almost balling my eye out everyone was so rude and obnoxious if i was there i would go save him and do anything i could. this will probably be a very popular movie. everyone should watch this movie back and see what our world looks like because this is what it looks like everyone is judging others and not being considerate. so i rate it a 10/10


  69. Alaska said:

    Personally, this movie pulls a few heartstrings.
    My brother’s best friend has the exact same condition as beautiful Auggie, a 10-year-old boy with treacher collins syndrome.
    Wonder is such an amazing movie. It teaches you to always be yourself and that it’s good to be different, even though at times it may not seem like it.
    It also teaches the viewer to be grateful for what you have and to stand up for yourself.
    I absolutely adore this film – it tells us about Auggie but also has the P.O.V of his family members which is quite relatable.
    I recommend this book to anyone suffering from any self-issues and any girls who want to read a heartfelt, emotional book.
    9/10 rating… it’s such a great film, fully recommend it.


  70. I absolutely love this movie! After reading the book I knew I would have to see it when it came out in the cinemas. I thought it had a great storyline and the characters were really well developed. The movie was very moving and I really enjoyed watching it. My favourite part is when Auggie gets an award at the end of the school year, and I think that it was very well deserved. My favourite character was Via, Auggie’s sister because I think that it is very hard to not be noticed by your family and to act like it doesn’t matter that you are not treated fairly. I also really like the quote that was mentioned in the movie “You can’t fit in when you were born to stand out.” I think that this is a really great quote because it is very meaningful and is also very true. I love this movie and would recommend this for people between the ages of 5 – 15 and I would rate it a 10/10.


  71. Charlotte said:

    Wonder is an amazing inspirational book about a little boy named August who has been home schooled his whole life and now starting in year 5 him and his family have decided to send him to a school. August is ten years old boy and he does the normal things that every other ten year olds do but despite 27 operations, he will never look normal. When August begins at middle school, he is nervous. His is not only nervous for the same reason as every other child in his new class but because August cannot walk down the corridor without being stared at. This is a very inspirational book that is definitely worth reading. I would recommend this movie to everyone!


  72. Wonder is not only my favourite movie but also my favourite book and when I realised that it was becoming a movie I was so excited and I knew I had to see it straight away. It is about Auggie who has been born with a deformed face meaning that he is a lot different to the other kids. His differences and struggles have always made him not want to go to school, however his parents have decided that it is best for him to start and it may help him. This movie showcases the hardships that people with such differences have compared to every kids and the way it can effect them. Although Auggie struggles, he still proves his heart and determination to show how he can overcome his physical appearance and be the best version of himself. This movie is really life changing for any one who watches it as it really makes you think about and consider who you are and also the gifts you are given. I would give this movie a 9/10 as I absolutely love it!


  73. I recently saw the new movie called ‘Wonder’. I absolutely loved it! I thought it had a great storyline and the characters were portrayed really well. I have never read the book, but I have heard very good things about it. The movie was very moving and I really enjoyed watching it. After watching this movie I was in awe. It took me a lot of time to take it what I had just watched. Wonder is the most inspiring movie I have watched. The cast is amazing which includes Jacob Tremblay (August Pullman), Julia Roberts (Isabel Pullman), Owen Wilson (Nate Pullman) and so many more amazing cast members that are just perfectly chosen and make the movie even better than it already is. I would recommend watching this amazing movie to everyone because it’s just the best movie ever.


  74. The movie Wonder is a very kind and inspiring movie. It is based on the book Wonder that tells the inspiring story of Auggie. Auggie was born with facial differences that, up until now, have prevented him from going to a normal school, Auggie becomes the most unlikely of friend when he enters fifth grade. His family and his new classmates all struggle to find their acceptance, but Auggie’s adventure will teach them all and that you can’t judge a book by its cover.


  75. This movie is by far one of the best movies ever, the way the storyline is set out in the movie is amazing it basically shows every side of the story to a family with some problems. The story is so heartwarming and I am sorry if you don’t cry in this movie then something is just wrong with you. This movie is one to watch with the whole family and you have to watch it all through or it just isn’t as good as could be. The cast is amazing which includes Jacob Tremblay (August Pullman), Julia Roberts (Isabel Pullman), Owen Wilson (Nate Pullman) and so many more amazing cast members that are just perfectly chosen and make the movie even better than it already is. I would recommend watching this amazing movie to everyone because it’s just the best movie ever.


  76. Nicola said:

    I absolutely LOVED this movie. This movie was about a boy called Auggie who had facial differences and didn’t look as ‘normal’ as other people. He had gone through multiple surgeries so he didn’t start school until the 5th Grade. He faced some difficulties at school including bulling and feeling left out. People only judged him by his appearance but once they got to know him they realised he is very intelligent and funny. This is a very sad movie but the most inspirational movie I have ever seen. I thought it was a very motivational movie that proves that no matter what you look like you are still beautiful and very intelligent. I would 100% recommend this movie.


  77. Love love love!!
    Such an amazing movie, I love how strong you can become without knowing you have the strength inside you. I loved it so much because it relates to the real world.
    It was really good to see what others around him saw him as and how one can treat someone and it turns into the whole school.
    Because he was not ‘normal’ looking it was so good to see that even though people would laugh at him, he found a friend that cared for him and then people started to see who he truly was.
    I would definitely recommend this movie to everyone, it teaches everyone to find whats on the inside and its not always about how someone looks.


  78. Morgan said:

    This Movie is so amazing, I loved it so much and I would definatley recomend it, like a 10/10. The movie is about a boy named Auggie who has some issues with his face and how he looks. He loves scieance and wants to be an astranot when he grows up, and he wears a asrtonot helmet everywhere. In the begining of the movie he starts out hating school then twards the end he loves it and has so many friends. He goes through some rough times in this movie and it is really heartbreaking but in the end everything turns out well. His family is so supportive of him and I think that it really helps him in his journey going to school. He had home schooled his whole life until when the movie starts. This movie is really great and I would highley highlry recomend it, so if you havent seen it…….You have to


  79. After watching this movie I was in awe. It took me a lot of time to take it what I had just watched. Wonder is the most inspiring movie I have watched. Its about a little boy who was not seen as normal. He spoke the same and talked the same, he was just like a normal kid, he just looked different. Growing up was hard auggie he had multiple surgeries and it wasn’t until 5th grade that he started school. Auggie showed us how brave he was to start school despite getting bullied by one of the boys at his school. He meet some friends that he grew pretty close to. Auggie surprised everyone and ended up winning an award at the end of the year. I loved this movie and could watch it 100 times.


  80. I recently saw the new movie called ‘Wonder’. I absolutely loved it! I thought it had a great storyline and the characters were portrayed really well. I have never read the book, but I have heard very good things about it. The movie was very moving and I really enjoyed watching it.
    Auggie Pullman has a face deformation. He isn’t ‘normal’ looking, and is judged very harshly by the kids at his school and the general public. But once people get to know him, they learn that he is more than just his appearance. He is a smart boy who is very interested in science and space.
    I loved the way that this movie shows everyone around Auggie and how he influenced their lives. His first year of real school is stressful for everyone, but they pull through.
    When Auggie is going to his first day of school, his sister Via (short for Olivia) tells him, “You can’t fit in when you were born to stand out.” I love this quote because it really gives confidence and shows that being different is good and if others look down on you it’s their problem.
    I would highly recommend going to see this movie, it was truly amazing! (I also cried the whole way through)


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