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Harry Potter is having a tough time with his relatives (yet again). He runs away after using magic to blow Uncle Vernon’s sister Marge who was being offensive towards Harry’s parents. Initially scared for using magic outside the school, he is pleasantly surprised that he won’t be penalized after all. However, he soon learns that a dangerous criminal and Voldemort’s trusted aide Sirius Black has escaped from the Azkaban prison and wants to kill Harry to avenge the Dark Lord. To worsen the conditions for Harry, vile shape-shifters called Dementors are appointed to guard the school gates and inexplicably happen to have the most horrible effect on him. Little does Harry know that by the end of this year, many holes in his past (whatever he knows of it) will be filled up and he will have a clearer vision of what the future has in store…


Comments on: "Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban – J. K. Rowling" (114)

  1. Gracie said:

    Harry Potter and the Prisoner if Azkaban –
    3rd book in the series.
    After an unfortunate event at home(Harry accidentally blowing up his auntie after she was insulting his parents), Harry runs away from home. my initial reading left me somewhat perplexed due t the turnign bac of time. I adore how the introduced demonic creatures, the dementors, they m ade it much more intriguing. The scene where Harry and Serious were sitting on the hill and overlooking Hogwarts was also one of my favourites. I cherished the time they spent as a family together and the knowledge that Harry has other places he can turn to than his parents.
    This wonderful book has a lot of unexpected turns.
    Can Harry, who is in his third year and has already encountered Voldemort twice, deal with a murderer?


  2. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is the third book in the Harry Potter series. I believe that this book was a good prelude to the darker events to come in the future because the first two volumes were very lighthearted. It is without a doubt my favourite out of the seven. In the story, Harry’s godfather, who he believes gave Voldemort the location of his parents, manages to break free from Azkaban and find Harry. After discovering the truth, Sirius has been abducted, and if Harry doesn’t go back in time with Hermione to save him, he will get the dementor’s kiss. This book is my favourite since it introduces two of my favourite characters, Sirius and Remus. I give this book a perfect 10 out of ten ratings.


  3. Isabela said:

    This is my FAVOURITE story in the Harry Potter series! This story sees Harry learn about Sirius Black, the notorious prisoner of Azkaban. Harry learns that Sirius is his godfather and that he was great friends with his parents
    and part of the Order of the Phoenix. My favourite part was when Harry and Hermione use that time turner to save Sirius Black from going back to jail. I would give this book a 10/10, it is a must read from the series.


  4. Emma R said:

    I loved this book in the Harry Potter series, and it is one of my all-time favourites. It is darker than its predecessors, and marks the beginning of progression from young childhood to teenage life. It was really well written and full of plot twists, and I would love to go back and read it for the first time. I loved the addition of the dementors, because they make the world darker and more interesting, as well as allowing us to explore Harry’s past. This book also introduced two of my favourite characters, Sirius Black and Remus Lupin. They are both complex and interesting characters, with different stories. It is one of my favourite books, much like the other books in the Harry Potter series. I would recommend this book to ages 9 and over, and to anyone that enjoys reading, because the whole Harry Potter series is, in my opinion, a classic.



  5. Grace Vu said:

    The third book in the Harry Potter series is Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. As the first two books were quite harmless, I think that this book was a fantastic introduction to the darker events to come in the future. It is definitely my favourite of the seven. In this book, Harry’s godfather, who he thinks told Voldemort where to find his parents, escapes from Azkaban and locates Harry. Sirius has been kidnapped after learning the truth, and if Harry doesn’t travel back in time with Hermione to save him, he will receive the dementors’ kiss. Because Sirius and Remus, two of my favourite characters, are introduced, this book is my favourite. This book receives a ten out of ten recommendation from me.


  6. Elouise Henderson said:

    I really enjoyed this book. There was a lot of mystery in it and the ending will surprise you! At first Sirius came off as the ‘bad guy’ but eventually you learn that he is so much more than that. Remus is such a kind and smart character as well. Hermione is still my favourite character because I can relate to her in some ways. The whomping willow is a very significant part of the book and it’s a very interesting tree, although I would never want to encounter it. Go and read this book now, you won’t regret it!


  7. Scarlett Mapleson said:

    I read Harry Potter and the prisoner of Askaban. My favourite character was Remus Lupin he was always nice to the trio and the best teacher they had ever had, he always helped harry with doing the Patronus charm. I recommend this book to people who liked the first two harry potter books and people who like a little bit of adventure. My favourite part of the book was when Harmony punched Draco in the mouth. I will definitely be reading the rest of the books.


  8. sophie said:

    Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is the 3rd book in the Harry Potter series. this is probably my favourite book of the 7 as the first two books were quite innocent I think that this book was a great introduction to the more dark events to come in the future. in this book, Harry’s godfather who he believes gave Voldemort his parents location, breaks out of Azkaban and finds harry. after learning the truth Sirius is captured and will get the dementors kiss if Harry doesn’t go back in time with Hermione to save him. this is my favourite book because we are introduced to Sirius and Remus two of my favourite characters. I highly recommend this book and rate it a 10/10


  9. I liked Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban because of Harry’s relationship with Sirius Black because it is so nice that after all that Harry has been through, he finally gets a semblance of a Father Figure. My favourite part of the book is when Sirius invite Harry to live with him because it is so heart-warming. My favourite character is Sirius because of how misjudged he was. I am not sure who I relate to but I like all of the character’s stories. My least favourite part of the book was when Peter Pettigrew escaped leaving Sirius without a way to clear his name because it rips Harry and Sirius’s only hope of living together away from them. I would change nothing because this book is perfect. I would recommend this book to anyone and everyone.
    Happy reading!!!


  10. Kaitlyn J said:

    Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Askaban is the third book in the Harry series. This is one of my least favourite book of the seven, although still a great read, just not as good as the rest. My favourite part in the book would be when Hermione and Harry time travel back to change some things to fix the problems. That bit is really good, also when Harry is at the Dursleys and aunt Marge blows up that is really funny! My favourite character in the book is Sirius Black, i only come apun this at the end of the book though, he is really cool and nice. I really disliked the part of the book when Scabbis, Ron’s rat turns into Peter Pettigrew because i feel bad for ron LOL and peter was definitely my least favourite character from this book. I think that this book is for ages 10+ because the book is fairly long but any confident reader that wants to give it a crack definitely should (hopefully they would have already read the previous ones as well). I would recommend this book to people who love magic and fantasy and to anyone looking for a good book to read! overall i rate this one a 6/10 🙂


  11. Mateah said:

    This series of Harry Potter movies is extremely popular amongst all age groups. This is such an intriguing and magical tale of a young boy Harry Potter. This particular movie explores Harry in hogwarts as usual however he is faced with many difficulties and new training mechanisms. You expect the unexpected! I really recommend this movie to others, as I really enjoyed it and I have no doubt that anyone else reading these views wouldn’t. I rate this movie a 8/10. I really love the authors work and creativity with this book.


  12. Sophie J said:

    Harry has had enough! He cant stand living with the Dursley’s (his aunt, uncle and cousin) anymore. Thats it, Harry leaves the house only to be found by the night bus, which takes him to town. There he find out a mass murder by the name of Sirius Black has escaped from wizard prison, Azkaban. Everyone return to Hogwarts and Harry starts to uncover the mystery, who is Sirius Black really. Harry and his friends help Sirius Escape death, you will love reading this book full of surprises. This is my favourite one out of the whole series! 10/10 I would recommend to anyone 10+ 😃


  13. Greta J said:

    this book is the third book in the harry potter series is so great you can’t keep your eyes off it. it is about harry potter in his third year at Hogwarts but the mass murder Sirius Black has escaped the wizard prison Azkaban. with help of his friends Hermione and Ron will he make it through the year. this book is so good and I recommend it for ages 10 and up. it rate it a 9/10.


  14. Keira said:

    Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is such a good book and I loved reading it. It was so captivating and so hard to put down.
    It’s Harry’s third year at Hogwarts and there is a man called Sirius Black who has escaped from the the ‘inescapable’ prison of Azkaban and they say he is coming after Harry. Then, when the school year starts back up, in his first divination class, Professor Trelawney sees a death omen in his tea leaves. On top of all of that, there are many soulless creatures called dementors at Hogwarts which have a terrible affect on Harry. Plus so much more that happens during the year.
    I love this book so much and would 100% recommend it if you are into fantasy and adventure.


  15. Laura said:

    Wow! What an amazing book! Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban intrigued me in a way that no other book had. My favourite character in the book is Ron, he is so funny and I love how J.K Rolling made him such a unique and brave character. This book is mysterious and adventurous. 10/10!


  16. this book would have to be one of my favorite books ever! i’m not one for reading but wow was this book good. this time its more exciting because its not the typical plot twist where voldemort is tryna kill harry, this time it’s something else which i think makes the book even better. in the book its sirius black who’s trying to “kill” harry, which i think is a really good twist because it adds so much drama towards the book. it’s also cool how everything unfolds and you get so much information about what actually happened about peter pettigrew. i honestly think that the book is much much better then the movie. not just because you can use your imagination but the fact that the books give you so much more detail and information thats not included in the movies, because the movies always miss things and in the books, its a lot more enjoyable.
    in my opinion i think this would be a great book for readers who like a good plot twist and a good adventure.


  17. Taylor said:

    Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is an amazing read, with so many plot twists that you will not be able to turn the pages fast enough. Harry Potter is once again back in the wizarding world and back learning at Hogwarts but something is different this year. Sirius Black a mass murderer has escaped Azkaban and apparently he is after Harry. I love how this book is made because Harry keeps unraveling secrets from his past. I recommend this book to ages 9 and up because anyone can read it and enjoy it, kids and adults.


  18. Bonnie said:

    The third novel to the Harry Potter series certainly delves down into a more complex side of the series, taking a twist from the first two books, which don’t contain such a dark element.
    As Harry Potter endeavours upon his third year at Hogwarts, he encounters new friends, spells, adventures, classes, teachers and enemies…
    Certainly one of my favourite novels in the series, full of exciting new adventures with a twist of the dark element beneath.
    I would highly recommend this book, in particular, the entire series to anyone keen on being swept up into a blissful world of magic and action…


  19. Maggie said:

    Harry Potter and the Prisoner on Azkaban is the third book in the Harry Potter series. It is so exhilarating and thrilling, I just couldn’t put the book down! Sirius Black who is in a league with Voldemort, has escaped from Azkaban and is out to kill Harry! Harry and his friends go through many ups and downs with his friends. it is a perfect book if your into fantasy, mystery and action. 10/10!


  20. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is the third instalment in the Harry Potter series by JK Rowling and is definitely my favourite!! We find out that the murderer, Sirius Black has escaped from Azkaban and is out for Harry. As the book progresses, Harry starts to unravel more into his history than he originally intended and we can see how the death of his parents affected Harry through the dementors. This book covers friendship, magic, bravery and is full of twists and turns. I would highly recommend it and give it a 9.5/10!!


  21. Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban is an awesome book. It is about a prisoner that is on the loose. His name is Sirius Black and people are saying that he is out to kill Harry. Everyone is alarmed and especially Harry. This book is filled with twists and turns all throughout the whole thing, thats what makes it so entertaining. I 100% recommend this book, it is so interesting and fun to read. I rate it a 9/10.


  22. Sophie said:

    Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is a very inticicing and thrilling book, and it’s sort of the beginning of the end. For the first time in the series Harry starts to realise the darkness and suppressing danger thats closing in on him, everything in his life is all coming together. The plot of this book is incredibly interesting, it’s nothing like the previous two books and it explores deeper and darker mysteries as well as time travel. I think that this book was written with amazing talent, it again has everything, drama, mystery, danger, love, the complete circle. I particularly love Hermione in this book, I think her character really develops a lot more in this book and we get more of an idea about her capabilities, she really is a brilliant character.

    Overall I give this book a 10/10, I mean it’s Harry Potter, what’s not to like?!


  23. This book is by far my favourite book in the harry potter series. I love it how Harry thought that serious Black was out to kill him the whole time but he was really out to kill Scabbers (Rons rat). I loved the relationship between serious and Harry after harry knew that he was his godfather. My favourite character in this book is Hermione Granger because she was the one that saved buck beak and serious black from being killed by using her time turner to go back in time and helping them escape. I prefer the the book over the movie because the book goes more into depth about the story where the movie you get a bit confused in some scenes. I recommend this book for ages 9 and over but i also recommend reading the other two books before it so you know whats happening most of the time. This book is full of fantasy and mystery and thats why i loved it!


  24. This is by far my favourite book of the whole Harry Potter series, no matter how many times I read it I can never put it down. It follows Harry as he enters his 3rd year at Hogwarts despite the fact that there is an escaped killer, Sirius Black, on the loose. This book is slightly different from the other ones as Harry starts to see the darkness in the wizarding world as he looks more into his past and family. There is also a lot more character development, making them more realistic and complex. I love this book so much and recommend it for all ages, 10/10!


  25. Greta said:

    This book is so good and it is so action packed. It is about Harry Potter who is in his third year at hogwarts and there is an escaped prisoner sirius black. This book is just another amazing Harry Potter book and in my opinion is the best one of the whole series. I rate this book a ten out of ten, it is so good and I recommend it to all age groups.


  26. This is the 3rd book to the series and I love it! The is so many events in this book that never get boring.
    Harry has to face a lot of challenges so that’s why I like this book!
    In this book I can relate to Ron. Because his rat has turned into a human and he got very confused and upset. I would be very confused if I found out my pet was a human like me.
    This is my second favourite book to the series because I can never book it down.
    The movie is just as good!! I have read the book once and I am going onto my second time now!! I watched the movie like 5 times because it is my favourite! There is one thing I would change about the movie and that is I want it to go for longer!!!!


  27. B R E E said:

    I loved Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. My favourite part of the book was when Hermione punched Draco Malfoy in the nose, I loved this because it showed her strength and independence. My favourite character was Remus Lupin. I would definitely recommended this book, it has a little bit of everything: Action, romance, Mystery, Sadness, it is obviously a classic, some humour and how dare you say Harry Potter isn’t fantasy. All in all Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is an amazing book and I absolutely loved it.


  28. Harriet said:

    Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban is the third book in the Harry Potter family. It takes us on a journey with Harry Potter to his 3rd year at Hogwarts. We also get reunite with Harrys best friends Hermione and Ron. However this year there is a dangerous criminal who escaped Azkaban on the loose and he is allegedly after harry. If things couldn’t get worse dementors the prison guards are having a less than friendly stay at Hogwarts making sure that Siris Black doesn’t enter Hogwarts unnoticed. We also have a play around with time in these books to make sure that no innocents get harmed. This is a must read. Its a book for anyone.


  29. Charlotte said:

    This is a fantastic book. I love all the Harry Potter books. Prisoner of Azkaban is one of my favourites. I love the storyline and the relationships throughout the book. The characters are interesting, relatable and very likeable. Harry is very adventurous, kind and brave. It is an incredible book that is very easy to get into and an enjoyable and entrancing read. I strongly recommend to those who love adventure and mystery!


  30. This book is such a great book! I really enjoyed it; afterall, I am reading it for the fourth time! My favourite character in this book has to be Sirius, as he’s trying to care for Harry and everyone thinks he’s trying to kill him. I would definitely recommend this book to others; it was enjoyable and a really thrilling book.


  31. Caitlin said:

    This book is one of my favorites in the series. How the author, J.K.Rowling describes the characters and their feelings put a clear picture in your mind and the scenarios are detailed. Whilst some parts do get a bit boring every other part kept me engaged, I didn’t want to put the book down. Harry, Ron, and Hermione battle through their third year at Hogwarts. The three always seem to find themselves in the place where the trouble is. With the help of Ron and Hermione, Harry unravels a bit more of his family’s history and the tragic accident of his parents. This is a book that I would definitely read again and I definitely recommend reading it.


  32. CATS R SO COOL said:

    Wow, what a great book. My favourite character is Sirius Black because he is very mysterious. An extremely readable and exciting book. Harry and his best friends unravel more hidden facts about Harry’s father and Hermione really shows the heroine and intelligent side of her in this book. A great read indeed. I would rate this an 8 out of 10 and this is for reader from years 6 to 10.

    Liked by 1 person

  33. Jasmine said:

    This book was amazing! so many great ups and downs. Harry continues into surviving another year at Hogwarts. Only Voldemort has still got his eye on Harry! I definitely recommend this book to anyone who hasn’t read it. The book is a great magical mystery. I would rate this book 1000/10, yes it is that of an amazing book. If you are reading this right now and haven’t read this book then I definitely recommend to go to the learning centre and borrow it. I 100% guarantee you will love it!


  34. I really enjoyed the book Harry Potter and the prisoner of askaban it was such a great book and full of unexpected twists. I would recommend this book to anyone above 10 because otherwise i don’t think that younger kids would understand the story. This is actually the best book i have ever read so READ THIS BOOK you will not regret it. Sometimes it takes a little bit to get into the actual story but once you get into the story you will not put this book down. Honestly everyone who reads this book will not regret it and it all starts with one boy who takes trouble with him everywhere he goes that boys name is harry potter……………


  35. Olivia said:

    This is by far my favourite out of all the Harry Potter books. It is so sad to see the terrible and hard life that Harry had, but it is great to see him finally start to see some hope in his life and overcome all the problems that he experiences. I love how Harry, Ron and Hermione stick together throughout the book and together they are able to overcome all the struggles that they face. Right from the moment I opened this book I did not want to put it down as I wanted to know what was going to happen next. It is such an interesting book and I loved reading it. It is definitely one of my favourite books I have ever read. I would definitely recommend this book to others as it has a great storyline and you won’t want to stop reading.


  36. Maeve said:

    This is a fabulous book. I have read all the Harry Potter books and loved them all. I would highly recommend this series. in this book, I love the part when Harry meets Sirius Black for the first time and he thinks he is a bad guy. but once he gets to know him he has different thoughts. I recommend this book for anyone how likes an adventure and a mystery.


  37. Eliza said:

    It goes without saying that the Harry Potter series, are some of the most creative and amazingly written series in the whole world! This book is most definitely my favourite of them all and I was hooked onto it from the moment I touched its crisp cover!

    Harry Potter enters the magical world of Hogwarts to find out that he is related to a serious murderer and an escaped convict of the wizard jail, Azkaban, who seems as though he is out to kill Harry next. Follow Harry, Ron and Hermione’s adventures as they unveil the mystery behind this ‘Sirius Black’ and prove that not everything may be what it seems like!

    This story is a great read and definitely one that falls under the magnificent catergory of one that you ‘Can’t Put Down’! With some great writing and an even better plot, I recommend this book to everybody!


  38. Payton said:

    Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is one of my favourite books in Harry Potter series because of the adventure and mystery this book holds. I love the mystery of who Sirius Black really is and how he is related to Harry. I loved the whole storyline of this book and the books keep getting better and better as they go on. This book is one of the first books when we get an insight into life outside of Hogwarts. We learn about Azkaban prison and Hogsmeade. I was also very excited to learn the true identity of the prisoner of Azkaban and more about Harry’s family and his fathers friends. I would give this book 5 stars as Jk Rowling has changed my life for the better by writing these books. The addition of Sirius, Lupin, James and Peter was an amazing storyline that made me want to refuse to put the book down.


  39. Payton said:

    Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is one of my favourite books in Harry Potter series because of the adventure and mystery this book holds. I love the mystery of who Sirius Black really is and how he is related to Harry. I loved the whole storyline of this book and the books keep getting better and better as they go on. I would give this book 5 stars as Jk Rowling has changed my life for the better by writing these books.


  40. Olivia T said:

    This book is my favourite of the whole series! I have read this once before and began reading it again by accident the other day! Once you pick it up you can’t put it down! J.K. Rowling has such a brilliant way of explaining what happens and creating an exhilarating plot. I can’t imaging the imaginative thinking that goes into this book. This book is so action packed the whole way through and each little part has a role that you realise in the end play’s a huge part! I love how even though he is extremely strong Harry Potter is effected by his families outcome in life and the fact that Sirius Black is his Godfather just makes the story in the end and lets Harry feel that he still does have family that are not muggles and who can relate to him in some way. This is an Awesome book!!!!!


  41. Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban is an exciting adventure with brand new characters, many mysteries and crazy twist that will lead you to wanting to read more. Harry,Ron and Hermione are in their third year at hogwarts and boy are there in for a ride. The Ministry of magic have found out black a prisoner in one of the highly secured and most dangerous prisons is out to get Harry. With dementors guarding every corner of the castle and crazy and tea leaf reading teachers telling Harry that something bad is coming his way Harry is terrified.
    I fell in love with this book because all the unexpected twist and turns that suddenly happen.

    Harry is a great main character because the author J.K Rowling really gets inside his head and you’re able to really know what his thinking and how he acts upon it.

    My favourite scene so far in this book is … Harry when he is playing a quidditch match against Hufflepuff , he is speeding so fast at the golden ball but 100 dementors enter the pitch without permission and puts a power on Harry that made him faint and fall off his broom stick. Harry was unconscious and sent to the hospital room at hogwarts. People were frighten that he was dead and we’re freaking out. This was one of my favourite scenes because it’s describe so well and the suspense just keeps going and going and you create such a fantastic movie in your head.

    There is hardly anything to nothing that I don’t like about this book it is so full of suspense which I just love and I think every book needs to have. I really don’t like professor Snape and the cleaning man but not as a bad thing, these characters are describe so well that you just have to hate them and how rude and nasty they are they’re the perfect evil characters. I have yet to meet Sirius Black the real bad and evil character he is a murder in the wizarding world and outside as well I can’t wait to see what he will do.

    Again I really am enjoying this book I think it’s perfectly described and full amazing adventures and twists. I just want to start reading it now it’s that good I definitely recommend to go read this book.

    Liked by 1 person

  42. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
    OMG, I can even begin to describe this book, I mean it is so amazing. The whole storyline is amazing and I completely love it. It is so difficult to choose just one favourite part but I love when they go to Hogsmeade but Harry can’t go because he hasn’t got a sign permission slip, but he still tries and sneaks down there buy wearing his invisibility cloak, but then the twins catch him and they give him the Marauders Map. I love this scene so much because it is so cool. Once again it is extremely difficult to choose just one favourite character but I love the twins in this one because they are so hilarious. I cant find fault in this book because it is way too amazing. I would definitely recommend this book to others, and anybody would enjoy reading this but if you are completely in love with Fantasy, Sci-Fi, and adventures this is your kind of book.


  43. With this year being the year you are allowed to go out of the grounds and go to Hogsmeade, with a signed permission slip. Harry must be on his best behavior around his aunt and uncle, and of course Dudley. But when Uncle Vernon’s sister Marge comes to stay, it makes it really difficult for Harry, because she was saying offensive things about his parents. Without warning and without full intention, Harry accidentally puts a spell on Marge. Underage magic is not allowed out of school and Harry wasn’t meaning to cast the spell because he was scared of being expelled or worst sent to Azkaban, he then relaxes knowing he won’t be penalized. But then there are bigger problems, a dangerous criminal, and Voldemort’s most trusted soul has escaped from Azkaban, Sirius Black. Harry’s Life is in grave danger because Sirius is after Harry, he wants to avenge the death of the Dark Lord. To catch Black Vile hooded creatures known as Dementors, are appointed to guard the school. The Dementors have a fondness for Harry, which has a nasty effect on him mentally. When the year comes to an end everything that had been plaguing Harry Has been answered or solved, and past and history is starting to become clearer, and will give him a clearer vision of the future, and whats to come.


  44. Sansa said:

    Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is an aboslute classic. A very well written book, not unlike the rest in the Harry Potter series. This book will twist your brain in ways you can’t imagine! Hippogriffs, Exploding Aunts and more are in store for you when you delve into the Wizarding world of Hogwarts and Azkaban. I personally adored this book because of the adventure of the students, the nerve of Harry and Hermione and the fact that people arent always what they seem..


  45. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is the third book in the Harry Potter series and throughout, really begins to delve into the darker side of the magical world. The story line is based around the escape of an inhabitant (Sirius Black) at the Wizarding jail; Azkaban, an act never accomplished by any other wizard before. As far as everyone is concerned, Sirius is trying to track down Harry so that he may finish the work that dark lord started. Although it isn’t all to have seemed that way. Whilst J.K Rowling continues to make each book more engaging with great plots, this book’s edgier themes are suited to older children and teenagers.


  46. This book is a thrilling and scary book! The Dursley’s were having Aunt Petunia over for dinner that night, just like the Dursley’s she was horrible. Harry was sick of her and the Dursley’s talking bad about his mother and father and wished something bad upon Aunt Petunia. She basically turned into a huge human balloon and started floating away, this is when Harry left there house in the dark taking his Hogwarts stuff with him. He sat on the side of the pavement upset and annoyed because he knew he wasn’t supposed to use magic in the muggle world, it was forbidden. Harry saw something move in the bushes, it looked like a black wolf. Suddenly a bus pulled up and Harry got onto it. This bus is not a muggle bus, actually the muggles can not see it only wizards and witches can. He gets off at The Leaky Coldren and was expecting to get into trouble but just was let off with a warning because everyone was fearing for Harry’s life as Sirius Black had just escaped from Azkaban. Giving the name Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban. the story has these creepy things called Dementors that suck people souls out and make them live off the worst memories they have, and because Harry has suck a deep past, they are more so after him then for anyone else. Find out the rest when you read the book or watch the movie, it is sooooooooo good!!!


  47. Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban was amazing! I loved the story of Sirius Black and how he is Harry’s godfather. I didn’t like how Ron’s rat was the bad guy though. I absolutely loved how they used the time turner to save Sirius and BuckBeak and I loved how Lupin taught Harry the Patronus spell.

    This was one of my favourites and I loved the start how Harry blew up Aunt Marge!

    The story about the werewolves was very good and I loved BuckBeak and how they wanted to save him.



  48. Charlotte said:

    The prisoner of Azkaban is the best Harry Potter by far. I really enjoyed watching the characters have there mishaps and triumphs.


  49. Maddie said:

    Harry’s back at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry for his third year! There is a prisoner on the lose in the Muggle world, and Harry thinks nothing of it. That is, until her overhears Mr. and Mrs. Weasly arguing if they should tell Harry that the prisoner had escaped Azkaban, a top-security prison for witches and wizards, was after him. A long chain of secrets become revealed and Harry learns even more about his dreaded past, the one that gave him his scar. Add some drama over a Caring of Magical Creatures class featuring a Hippogriff, a man who was believed to be dead, and a teacher who was probably the best one Harry had ever had, then you have this book. And, If possible, Hermione spent even more time in the library! I loved this book and I am sure you will too!


  50. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is such a great book as it is a bit different to the rest of the books in the Harry Potter series. If you are interested in fantasy stories than I would definitely recommend this book.The story is narrated by Harry Potter who is in his third year at Hogwarts but instead of Voldermort chasing him, he is under the threat of death by an escaped prisoner named Sirius Black. Once you begin reading this book, you will not want to put it down. I would recommend this book to anybody over the age of 10 and I would rate this book 9.5/10.


  51. Cindy said:

    I love this book! because it’s another world but with wizards and witches and lots more, there is also a school for these kids to learn how to cast crazy spells and learning how to defend themselves against hideous and powerful creatures. My favourite part of the book is when The prisoner of Azkaban turns out not what i expected him to be, he is actually my favourite character because he can transform into this wonderful creature but it’s not he prettiest but he still looks majestic! He does these crazy things for a reason that he cant’t control but you’ll find out when you read it! I can actually relate to Harry and i because we both are unusually and full of surprises(also i want to be him!) I have no dislikes on the book i love how it lifts me off my feet and makes me imagine that i’m actually there! If i could change something in the book i would change NOTHING. I would recommend thins to anyone who has ever seen the movie because when you start to read it has more then what the movie showed! People with big imaginations would love to read this book but i think everyone would love this wonderful book.


  52. Amelia said:

    The Prisoner of Azkaban is my favourite Harry Potter.
    Mass Murderer Sirius Black has escaped from Azkaban Prison and he is coming after Harry, and many secrets come out. Harry, Ron and Hermione’s friendship is put to the test when they must fight werewolfs, murderers, teachers and…..rats? This is the best Harry Potter book by far and I recommend it to anyone….as long as they have read the first two first!!!


  53. I really enjoyed reading this book. My favourite character was Hermione because i could relate to her in many ways and she showed real strength in this book. My favourite part of the book was in the whomping willow when we found out all the secrets and it was just so exciting. I would definitely recommend this to a friend, I rate it a 9/10.


  54. Billie said:

    Harry after using magic to escape the house hold of his muggle relations, returns to hogwarts. But a mysterious ally of He who must not be named has been following every move of harry’s. Determined to find the infamous serious black, harry is set through another adventure with twists and turns along the way.


  55. Maggie said:

    The book Harry Pottor is very interesting and i loved it. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Askaban is the third book in the Harry Pottor series. This is my favourite book of the seven. Some of the chapters in the book were are very fun. My favourite part in the book would be when Hermione and Harry time travel. That bit is really good, also when Harry is at the Dursleys and aunt Marge blows up that is really funny! My favourite character in the book is Ron because he is quirky and really funny.


  56. Kiarne said:

    This series of Harry Potter movies is extremely popular amongst all age groups. This is such an intriguing and magical tale of a young boy Harry Potter. This particular movie explores Harry in hogwarts as usual however he is faced with many difficulties and new training mechanisms. You expect the unexpected! I really recommend this movie to others, as I really enjoyed it and I have no doubt that anyone else reading these views wouldn’t. I rate this movie a 10/10. I really love the authors work and creativity with this book.


  57. Keeley McCaffrey said:

    I remember when I was really little, and sometimes scared of reading or especially watching the other Harry Potter books and movies, I always had this fascination of the Prisoner of Azkaban. This one, the third book in the series has always been my favourite book of the series, if not, ever!
    This book is one where almost immediately, it sucks you in, and you can’t put it down!
    I first read this book when I was quite young, but found it quite easy to read, yet time after time, I found myself reading this again, and again.
    My favourite character of this book is definitely Sirius as I found that he was completely unlike I thought he would be and I feel that he was just misunderstood.
    My favourite part of this book is when Harry and Hermione free Buckbeak the Hippogriff and Sirius at the end.
    My least favourite part is when Pettigrew changes into rat form as I don’t really like rats.
    I would not change anything in this book and would recommend it to absolutely anyone as this book and the others in the series are classics and as I read these books from a very young age.
    I rate this book a 10/10 as I have always and will always love it!


  58. Leonie said:

    The prisoner of Azkaban, is the third book in the Harry Potter series. The main problem in this book is Sirius Black, an escapee of Azkaban and threatens life at Hogwarts. Voldemort is not mentioned in this book. You will love this book whether your 8 or 88. It is a very engaging book, with a lot of surprising twists a long the way. You won’t be able to put the book down. 9 out of 10.


  59. Genevieve K said:

    Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is by far my favourite book in the whole series and maybe even my favourite of all time. It’s one of those stories that immediately sucks you in with its mysteries and detail, and leaves you wanting more. The reason that I like this one so much is because it doesn’t have Voldemort in it, it’s simply about Harry and his friends in their awkward adolescence phase. It gives a lot of insight into what happened to James and Lily Potter as well as their own friends too. The novel begins with Harry’s rather mundane life away from Hogwarts and how he manages to escape on the impressive Knight Bus, and somewhere along the way Harry also ‘blew up’ his aunt and saw a scary dog. The dialogue by J.K Rowling is always funny and this book was no exception, which was important because from the fourth book onwards; the series gets very serious. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is the book that you would take on a long trip that makes it shorter and overall, this book is fantastic.


  60. The prince of Azkaban , year three of school of Harry Potter is just as amazing as the first two ,with us being introduced to some new characters in Harry life ,that we instantly fall in love with and all of the characters that we love and hate .For Harry we see him fight with his feelings to be good and evil .We get to learn now about the history of Harry’s family and the history of Hogwarts .We see all of the amazing trick and spell e.g. the face in the fire ,the flying in the air on giant horse -like-birds .What a great story that just keeps on giving and that gets us really next book truly great ,loved it 10/10 .


  61. Caitlin said:

    The third installment of the Harry Potter series lives up to its name! As an adventure with Harry Potter unfolds and new twist and turns appear. Loyalty is tested and Harry is challenged. A family friend of Harry appears and they cherish their special time together, bonding and writing letters back and through.Harrys third year at Hogwarts does not cease to excite the intensity of this book will keep you guessing.

    This book has again transfixed me as my love for the series grows! This book is extraordaniary and I recommend it to any 9years+ wither you have a tough situation to overcome and need some hope you will find it with this series. 10/10!!!


  62. This is the third book in the Harry Potter series and it is a real gem. This is the only book where Voldemort is not in it, which doesn’t make it bad. It introduces an extremely important character, and once you have read all the books you will realise that. It is written very well and as all the other books it grabs you in and doesn’t let go! The whole plot escalates more as the story evolves! I rate this book 10/10 and it is a must read.


  63. Giarna said:

    I think this was a good book. Harry Potter and the prisoner of azkaban is about a boy named Harry who is at his third year at Hogwarts he find out he has an uncle and learns a bit more magic. This book is full of plot twists here and there J. K. Rowling wrote this book amazingly. I rate this book a 7 out of 8

    Liked by 1 person

  64. Melina. said:

    This book is magnificent! Quite frankly, the entire Harry Potter series is magnificent, and this book is no exception. J. K. Rowling introduces us to another selection of vibrant characters that one didn’t meet in the previous books. From Buckbeak, the serene hippogriff to Sirius Black, mad and menacing in appearance, to Remus Lupin, the finest defence against the dark arts teacher in the entire series, as I believe.
    However, this book is also the point in the series where things begin to take a dark turn. In truth, the darkest part of the series begins in the following book, ‘Harry Potter And The Goblet of Fire’, so this book provides a lovely taste of the darkness for the reader, to help them decide if they wish to continue reading the series. I hope the answer would be ‘yes’ for most people.
    Overall, I would rate this book 9/10, because nothing ever gets a 10, and I would only recommend it to people who have read the previous two books.


  65. Georgia said:

    I love this book! This is one of those books that once you start to read, you can never put it down. This is an amazing story. My favourite part of the book is when Harry and Hermione use the Time Turner and go back to Buckbeak’s execution. Out of 5 I would give it a 5 without a doubt. I would recommend this to kids 9 or older because it is a bit scarier than the past 2 ones.


  66. This is by far my favourite out of all the Harry Potter books. It is so sad to see the terrible and hard life that Harry had, but it is great to see him finally start to see some hope in his life and overcome all his problems that he experiences. I love how Harry, Ron and Hermione stick together throughout the book and together they are able to overcome all the struggles that they face. Right from the moment I opened this book I did not want to put it down as I wanted to know what was going to happen next. It is such an interesting book and I loved reading it. It is definitely one of my favourite books I have ever read. I would definitely recommend this book to others as it has a great story line and you won’t want to stop reading.


  67. Abby Warner said:

    I really liked this book because of the story line. I liked it because of what happened and how the characters developed. My favourite part of this book was when we meet Remus Lupin on the train for the first time. My favourite character was Harry Potter because he shows a lot of courage in this book and how he leads Hermione and Ron to find the answer of this story. I can relate to Lupin because he is a kind person who always looks out for other people before himself and he always cares about the people he loves most. Again I love everything that happened in this book and i wouldn’t change any of it because these books are amazing and fold out into stories that can be used in the present. I recommend this book for people who are excited about thrills, adventures, magic, friendship, teamwork, family and mysteries.


  68. This book makes everyone so excited and the movie I would have to say is even better than the book! 10-10


  69. Ingrid said:

    “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Askaban” is probably my favourite book in the Harry Potter series. I use to get so scared because of the werewolf but that made me love it even more. My siblings and I have started reading the series recently but I read it to my little brother and he got so frightened he had to sleep in mum and dad’s bed that night…and two more nights after that. I got in trouble for letting him watch the movie with us with us later :3 My favourite character is Hermione because she is incredibly smart and I really admire her for that. My favourite scene is when Hermione punches Draco in the face. My siblings and I cracked up when that happened and replayed the scene over and over again. I definitely love this movie more than any others and I recommend it to anyone and everyone. A solid 10/10!!!


  70. In the third Harry Potter book we are see the ‘notorious mass murderer Sirius Black’. Right from the start we see the fear that Sirius portrays especially when he ‘broke into Hogwarts’. When Harry sees the ‘omen of death’ we also become worried about the outcome of the book. My favourite character would have to be Harry or Sirius because we don’t expect the ending of them coming together in a what would be a long relationship between the two. The end part was so beautiful and heartfelt, I was actually smiling as I read the book. I would recommend this book to any over the age of 13 and I defiantly rate this book 11/10! So beautiful!


  71. Chelsea said:

    The book Harry Pottor is very interesting and i loved it. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Askaban is the third book in the Harry Pottor series. This is my favourite book of the seven. Some of the chapters in the book were are very fun. My favourite part in the book would be when Hermione and Harry time travel. That bit is really good, also when Harry is at the Dursleys and aunt Marge blows up that is really funny! My favourite character in the book is Ron because he is quirky and really funny.


  72. This was my favourite book of all the Harry Potter series. I personally found it the most interesting and the most enjoyable. I found that with this book I never wanted to put it down and I always wanted to keep on reading. It is such a good book and I enjoyed reading it so much. I love how the author really puts you in the characters shoes and it feels like you are in the book. The movie is also very good, however I thought that this book was much better than the movie. I didn’t find the movie as interesting. This is such an amazing book and I would definitely recommend it to others. I loved reading it and I would certainly read over and over again.


  73. Makayla said:

    The Prisoner of Azkaban was a book that was really hard to get my head wrapped around, and I had to read it a couple of times to actually understand what it meant. But when I finally figured it out, I was so happy I read it those extra times, Hermione is my favourite character in this book. She is extremely determined and driven to get all her classes done and use her time wisely. I was inspired by her in this book, to be so attached to her studies is amazing, and then for her device to be so important in the end had me hooked! I was very scared reading about the part when Professer Lupin and Sirius Black start fighting because I could visualise it so well in my head – which was not really a good thing! Apart from those parts, I really enjoyed this book as it challenged my way of thinking and imagination, because I had such an image in my head and then when I saw the movie it was totally different! I rate this book 10/10


  74. Jordan said:

    I will just have to repeat what everyone else has said, this book is amazing and is probably one of the best books of the series. It left my brain ticking, it had me with so many questions and I literally became glued to the book. I found it also a bit intriging as we really don’t know much about Harry and his families past. So through this book we learn a lot more about the connections to James Potter, his friends and some of the death eaters. No words can describe how amazingly this book is, I rate it 10/10


  75. Once again this book is amazing.
    The third book in the series, brings out some of Harry’s family secrets!
    There is a mystery right to the of the book. I was really surprised who became who. After I read this book I watched the movie which I found was a little confusing and left out some important parts.
    The third book in this series really fits into the puzzle of the two others. I think it is amazing how J.K Rowling has thought of all these ideas, I personally could never have thought all this up!! The way the characters are all so different, the way she describes them all is just amazing, when I meet a new character I can see it forming in my mind, it’s just incredible!!
    I recommend this book to anyone and everyone, I ®ate this book again 10/10!!! just a great read.


  76. Sarah said:

    I really enjoy this movie because it’s fun to watch and I can just sit back and relax. My favourite character would probably be harry potter because he understands a lot of things that other people don’t and he is brave. My favourite part of the movie is probably when they have the feast and probably when they play the game. I think most people would enjoy this movie.


  77. Melody said:

    Harry Potter and the prisoner of askaban is amazing. So many secrets are revealed once more. Harry finds someone special to him. But Harry knows something different. A killer is after him. A killer escaped from a prison is after him. So everyone says. Harry is full of different emotions- anger, determination, sadness, confusion, but then it all comes clear. He finds so many lies, but then finds more truth.
    If you love adventurous books full of imaginations, this book is for you. I love this book to bit and I read all the series! It is another world you can step into whenever you want. I recommend this book for 8+ because of the language- it can be a bit hard to read. 🙂
    I rate this book a 11/10 because it is that mazing and you can not put it down. I love love love it. :)))))))


  78. celeste said:

    This book is the third in the absolutely amazing Harry Potter series, and I recommend it to anyone who loves a book that will keep their mind working.
    As the summer holidays come to a close, Harry finds himself more and more anxious to get out of Privet drive and return to his true home, Hogwarts. But of course theres always a danger lying ahead for Harry. Sirius Black, escapee from Azkaban, is apparently on the loose and after Harry ! But as the the end of the school year draws nearer Harry begins to find out the truth about Sirius.
    This book is definitely one of the best in the Harry Potter series and I suggest you grab a copy and start reading if you haven’t already !


  79. Lauren said:

    Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Askaban is the third book in the Harry series. This is my least favourite book of the seven. Some of the chapters in the book were a bit boring and I thought that this book was not as interesting as the other books. It is still a good book but just not my favourite. My favourite part in the book would be when Hermione and Harry time travel. That bit is really good, also when Harry is at the Dursleys and aunt Marge blows up that is really funny! My favourite character in the book is Sirius Black he is really cool and nice. I really enjoyed the part of the book when Scabbis, Ron’s rat turns into Peter Pettigrew. I think that this book is for ages 10+ because the book is fairly long. I would recommend this book to people who love magic and fantasy and to anyone looking for a good book to read!


  80. Ailish said:

    I loved Harry Potter and the prisoner of Askaban, my favourite character is definitely Sirius I just love him! I think he would be the best godfather in the world, he is such a wonderful character who as you can see in the movie and in the book, is very special to Harry. I love the part when Hermione punches Draco Malfoy, GIRL POWER! Reaing this book and the Harry Potter series was very difficult because I could hardly ever put the book down!
    I would recommend this book to people who love fantasy and magic and to anyone looking for a fantastic book to read!


  81. Harry Potter and the prisoner of askaban, is a great addition to the amazing adventure filled series. It such an enjoyable read which makes you want to keep reading and not put the book down. My favourite part of the book is when hermione take revenge on her enemy Draco by punching him in the face. Harry is my favourite character because he is so courageous and heroic. My least favourite part of the book is when harry is at the dursleys and they treat him like he is nothing, I feel so sorry for him because he is such a great person. I recommend this book for people who love using their imaginations and reading about lots of adventure. I rate this book a 9/10 🙂


  82. Gabrielle said:

    This book is great, its funny, intriging, and a never put down book it brings in new characters that makes the book more interesting. This book is one of the more scarier ones compared to the others but its very funny at the same time, it brings back dudly and ron and hermine i would give this book to people 12+ just because it might scare the little ones escpicially the movie and i rate the book 9/10 i love the series and this is one of favourites.


  83. Hayley said:

    I love this book!
    Harry’s school years at Hogwarts are becoming more interesting
    every year, and the addition of Sirius Black make it that much better!
    I love that J.K Rowling has put lots of twists and turns in this book!
    The movie is just as equally amazing, with the addition of Dementors
    and better Quidditch.


  84. Heidi said:

    Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Askaban is one of my favourite books out of the series because it introduces many new and interesting characters. My favourite character in this movie is Sirius Black because I love how he is quite funny and J.K Rowling really explains him in great detail. My favourite part of the book is when most of the main characters are in the shrieking shack and sirius explains everything. I would recommend this to people who have read the books befre this one because there is no point just reading this book out of the series.


  85. Jorja said:

    This movie has to be one of favourite Harry Potter movies out of all of them. I really liked it because it had me nervous from start to finish on what would happen next.
    It left me wanting to see more. I also enjoyed the movie because it had some funny scenes which i always enjoy in a movie.

    The best part was when they helped the prisinor escape.

    I reccomend this for people ages 10 +


  86. I think that this book was probably my third favourite out of the Harry Potter series! I really enjoyed JK. Rowling’s imaginative story line and how there was adventure, fun and mystery around every corner! I really enjoyed this book and the imagination that goes into every page, word and spell-bounding moment! I would rate this book 5/5 and would recommend it to people who like adventure, fun and mystery! Age wise, I think age 9 and up!


  87. Bridget said:

    Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban is the exciting third book in the Harry Potter series. It was a great book just like it’s predecessors and it filled many of the holes in Harry’s past, which was both informative and interesting. In Harry’s third year at Hogwarts he faces many new challenges, including the Dementors, a grave prediction and a mass murderer escaped from Azkaban. This book was quite a good book, but not as good as many of the others, although as with all of J.K. Rowling’s books, it is written at an extremely high standard. In this book, Harry grows up a lot, as he learns new magic that will help him defeat his enemies, and set right the wrongs of his past. One particular magical object that intrigued me was Dumbledore’s time turner, an object used to turn back the clocks. I, along with many others I am sure, couldn’t help wondering what I could do with that type of power. But, alas, for I am just a simple muggle, or maybe my Hogwarts letter go lost in the post! I would recommend this for everyone, along with the movie.


  88. I loved Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban because I think it was really exciting and I didn’t want to put the book down. My favourite part of the book was when they were in the shrieking shack towards the end and Harry finds out the truth behind Sirius Black’s story. My favourite character is Hermione because she is really smart and I really like how she never wants to break the rules or get in trouble yet she always seems to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. My least favourite part of the book was when Sirius was locked in the tower and Hermione and Harry had 5 minutes (well before the time turner showed up) to save Sirius because even though you have seen the movie and everything ends well you still feel nervous and really scared for Harry and Hermione because you think maybe they won’t get there in time. I would definitely recommend the book because I think it is a great book for if you want to leave your life for half an hour and be pulled into a world of magic.


  89. Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban, is the third book in the Harry Potter series, written by J.K Rowling. It is Harry’s 3rd year at Hogwarts, and oh no, the Dementors come and take charge!! I loved the movie and book because it is just like any other Harry Potter book I have loved watching and reading. My favourite part in the book/movie was when Harry and Hermione, left Ron in the Hospital/ Hospital Wing building and they time travelled back in time, with her necklace. My favourite characters are Harry because he is strong, thoughtful, smart, talented and possesses the quality of courage, Ron because he is so funny when he is scared of everything, very brave when he was bitten and being dragged by Sirius Black/ The Grim and of course Hermione because she is super, smart, deep in thought and absolutely incredible! Sadly, I can’t really relate to any of the characters other than Hermione because I think we are both very smart, and we think the same. (LOL!!) My least
    favourite part in the movie/ book is when Ron was taken by the ankle by The Grim/ Sirius Black because he ended up in hospital and was badly injured, and when Harry meets Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew for the first time, because anything could have happened for them to be hurt or even death. If I were J.K Rowling, I wouldn’t want or have to change anything in the book, because I like it just the way it is, the way I read it. I would recommend this book/ movie to any person, because I am positive that they will love Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban movie and/or book, and the rest of the series as well. I think any type of person would love this book/movie, especially people who are into magic, and the make-believe stories. So, my advice would be, watch the movie, read the book, even do both because no matter what, everyone, including you, will and should love Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban, and of course the rest of the book and movie series!!


  90. Alana said:

    Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban, is the third book in the Harry Potter series, written by J.K Rowling. It is Harry’s 3rd year at Hogwarts, and oh no, the Dementors come and take charge!! I loved the movie and book because it is just like any other Harry Potter book I have loved watching and reading. My favourite part in the book/movie was when Harry and Hermione, left Ron in the Hospital/ Hospital Wing building and they time travelled back in time, with her necklace. My favourite characters are Harry because he is strong, thoughtful, smart, talented and possesses the quality of courage, Ron because he is so funny when he is scared of everything, very brave when he was bitten and being dragged by Sirius Black/ The Grim the and of course Hermione because she is super, smart, deep in thought and absolutely incredible! Sadly, I can’t really relate to any of the characters other than Hermione because I think we are both very smart, and we think the same. (LOL!!) My least favourite part in the movie/ book is when Ron was taken by the ankle by The Grim/ Sirius Black because he ended up in hospital and was badly injured, and when Harry meets Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew for the first time, because anything could have happened for them to be hurt or even death. If I were J.K Rowling, I wouldn’t want or have to change anything in the book, because I like it just the way it is, the way I read it. I would recommend this book/ movie to any person, because I am positive that they will love Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban movie and/or book, and the rest of the series as well. I think any type of person would love this book/movie, especially people who are into magic, and the make-believe stories. So, my advice would be, watch the movie, read the book, even do both because no matter what, everyone, including you, will and should love Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban, and of course the rest of the book and movie series!!


  91. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is the third book in the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling. It is an action packed mystery novel and a tad scary. If you love werewolves, Dementors, spells and invisibility cloaks this is a great book that is chocablock with all of it! There are some parts that will make you cringe, laugh, freak out and tilt your head at. It has all of your favourite characters-Ron, Hermione and, of course, Harry. The best part, in my opinion, is when Ron finds out his pet rat is a real person. It is written fantastically by J.K.Rowling and I recommend it for people 9 years old and above. Five stars because it is Harry Potter, of course!


  92. jacqui said:

    I tried to pick up this book a couple of years ago, i basically forced myself to read it, honestly i couldn’t get into it.. I found it a tad boring, it was just one of those book where i would start reading and then my mind would wonder and i would be reading the words and not even taking it in.. Some people really enjoy the harry potter series but i couldn’t even read a chapter…


  93. I love this third book to the Harry Potter series!! As well as the movie because it’s a good representation of the book, although there are some bits where they’re not the same as the book. My favourite was when Harry and Sirius live together and become good friends and all happy, because he is the only family Harry has. My favourite character is Ron because he is funny is parts and his intelligence is funny as well. I love this whole book, so i wouldn’t change or i didn’t like any parts because it’s all good!! I would recommend this to anyone and people who loves, fantasy, humour and action because this book has all these elements.


  94. I really liked this book even though i,m nomally not really into it’s sort. I was supprised at how good it was. my fav character is Harry. If you read the first books and liked them then you will love this. Even if you don’t think you will like it try it because just like me you might be supprised.


  95. This book is my favourite of the whole series! I have read this once before and began reading it again by accident the other day! Once you pick it up you can’t put it down! J.K. Rowling has such a brilliant way of explaining what happens and creating an exhilarating plot. I can’t imaging the imaginative thinking that goes into this book. This book is so action packed the whole way through and each little part has a role that you realise in the end play’s a huge part! I love how even though he is extremely strong Harry Potter is effected by his families outcome in life and the fact that Sirius Black is his Godfather just makes the story in the end and lets Harry feel that he still does have family that are not muggles and who can relate to him in some way. This is an Awesome book!!!!!


  96. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban explores Harry’s troubles with his family, and the REAL story behind his parent’s death. After a supposed Death Eater – follower of Voldemort, the killer of Harry’s parents – escapes from Azkaban Demontors are set out to capture the villain. The Demontors are unforgiving creatures, they suck the good memories from a person and leave them with nothing but their terrifying ones. Unfortunately Harry encounters one on the way to Hogwarts. Along the way through this book Harry discovers that Serious Black, the escaped Death Eater, is Harry’s godfather. His only living relative aside from the Dursleys. Serious sold Harry’s parents to Voldemort, setting them up for death. Harry sets out to kill Black. With complication from Dementors along the way, and new discoveries formed this is an amazingly adventurous book filled with double sided stories, lies and hope. I highly recommend this book to ages 10+. Rate: 10/10!


  97. Harry Potter and the and the prisoner of azkaban is my favourite one out of the series! Its absolutely fantastic. One thing thoughm that I dislike about it is the turning back time thing. When i first read and watched it I found it quite confusing. But the first time I read it I couldn’t put it down. Once I finished it I read it again 3 times and after that I kind of got the undertsnading of it. It was so GOOD I love how they introduced dementors to it. It just made it a whole lot more exciting. My favourite part was when Harry and Serious were sitting on the hill looking over hogwarts. I loved it how they got to have some family time together and for Harry to know that he has someone else he can go to other than his mean old Uncle and Aunt. It was really nice and peaceful but then it turned ugly with professor lupin turning into a werewolf. Another part of the book was when Harry was out wondering at night and snape caught him so Harry said that he needed to keep his baig nose out of other peoples business, ahaha. My least favourite part though, was when they were doing that cupboard thing with professor lupin and when ron turned professor snape into and spider because I don’t like spiders. My favourite character in this book was hermione because she looked really pretty and was once again very helpful to the boys. I rate this book 10/10 and recommend it for anyone who loves fantasy and excitement!


  98. I loved the book it is one of my favourite books ever! It is just so intense and you dont really know what is going to happen next. My favourite Part of the book was when they were under the tree, and they were talking to Serious Black. It was so eventful and i just really wanted it to be a good ending.My favourite character would properly have to be Ron because he is always trying to keep Harry and Hermione happy, and he is just so funny. My least favourite character are the death eaters, they like to suck the happiness out of innocent people, they are very mean.
    Nothing at all, it is all to perfect to change, if you change one thing it would ruin the book. Cause everything joins together.I would recommend this book to everyone cause everyone would love this book it is just the type of book that everyone would like. The type of person that would like this book is someone who likes adventure and excitement cause i can tell you that this book is full to the top with it.


  99. I really enjoyed this book because it brought long lost family members together but in the weirdest way. I have to say Prisoner of Azkaban, the movie was better then the book. I found this book not as good as the others in the series and found it a bit boring, but that might have been because I had already seen the movie before I had red the book. I have to say I way a bit disappointed after reading this book.


  100. I love this book because its interesting and when i started reading it I couldn’t put it down. My favourite character is Ron because he’s funny . My least favourite part in the book is when there on the train and the dementors come, its kinda scary. I reckon you should read this book along with 1, 2, 4, 5 , 6 and 7.


  101. i thought this was a really good book. i thought it was a good and happy kinda book. it was happy because harry has found his uncle Sirius Black. this book is breath taking and is worth while reading. it is a long book but don’t let that put you off reading the book. it is full of adventure and action. i would recomened this to people who don’t get scared easy. happy reading


  102. The wizard world is under lock-down when they hear that dangerous criminal believed to be working beside Voldemort, Sirius Black, has escaped the wizard jail, Azkaban. How could anyone escape from magic and the dreaded death eaters that guard the prison? If Black is working with Voldemort, then he must be after Harry Potter. So, along with the rest of the Wizarding World, Hogwarts goes into lock-down too. Surrounded by death eaters and under the watchful eye of the trusted Albus Dumbledore, how does Harry manage to end up facing the vicious crimal? And who is he REALLY fighting to keep his life, and the lives of his loved ones?
    The Prisoner of Azkaban keeps you thinking the whole time thanks to the fantastic writing from author J.K. Rowling.
    Rated a defnite 9 out of 10 (and a 10 out of 10 for the movie)


  103. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban .
    I recommend this book for 10+, Because there are a lot of scary scenes, in this book.
    Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is about Harry, Ron and Hermione (now teenagers) return to there 3rd year at Hogwarts, where they are forced to face escaped prisoner Sirius Black, who seems to pose a great threat to Harry.
    This book is breath taking and is a good source if you are into Fantasy and Adventure.
    This book might be long but is worth reading!!


  104. This is the third Harry Potter book and the series is starting to get really really good(Even better than before).
    It’s once again about Harry, Ron and Hermiony, but this time there in their 3rd year. In this book Harry is in a lot of danger because Sirious Black has escaped from the wizard prison called Azkaban, and he’s ‘apparently’ coming after Harry. As people say Sirious Black way the man who led Harry’s greatest enemy (Voldemort) to his parents, and that was how they died. But as you would find out in the book Sirious isn’t the traitor it was someone else you wouldn’t even know was there. Harry finds out about how Sirious is his godfather and is the good man in the story, as he learns about his families past. Many new things happen in this book and it just makes it that much harder to stop reading.
    Over all this book is amazing and everyone should have a chance to read the wonderful story of Harry Potter in his third year.


  105. This book is a great read for anyone who is into mystery, action and humour all joined together. Sirius Black escapes from wizard prison, Azkaban, and is out to find Peter Pettigrew who is the man that betrayed Lilly and James Potter the nightthey were murdered but everyoneb thinks that Pettigrew is dead. They also think that Sirius has escaped from Azkaban to find and kill Harry, so dementors- guarders of Azkaban- are sent to guard Hogwarts. Harry finds out the shocking truth about Sirius that he finds hard to accept. Harry is on a quest for truth. This book is way better then the movie so make sure you read it! But be warned because once you pick it up, you can’t put it down!


  106. Wow, I loved this book! Out of all the Harry Potter books this one is the best for me. My favourite part of the book was defiantly the bit when Sirius scares Ron in his sleep and Ron thinks he is so cool because everyone keeps coming up to him and asking about it and asking him to tell the story of what happened. My favourite character is a tie between Sirius Black and Severus Snape and Remus Lupin. Because Sirius Black just wants to find and help his long lost godchild Harry Potter and be a good role-model while on the run from the law, Remus Lupin is just a teacher that happens to be a werewolf and just wants to help Harry overcome the effect that the dementors have on him so he doesn’t get his soul sucked and Severus Snape is really a good guy who was in love with Harry’s mum and just wants to help Harry but he does have a funny way of showing it.
    If I was going to relate to someone it would be Professor Snape because I guess he’s got to be cruel to be kind.
    I would recommend this to anyone and everyone but only if they have read the first and second books.


  107. harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban is thrilling and amazing. it is very well written – just like the last one.
    it has an exciting twist and is full of excitment and thrills just like its predecessors.


  108. this time harry discovers he has a murderer after him but what he doesnt know that what he thinks isnt always true. this is another adventure with your fav characters harry, ron and hermione


  109. Harry has run away becuase he had a fight with his aunt and uncle, (he blew up his uncle’s sister) after running away and having trouble with wizard busses harry finds himself back at hogwarts, with the knowledge that serial killer serious black is on the lose. through the book, I felt very sorry for harry, besides his friends, everyone treated him like an outcast. I mostly felt sorry for him when he found out that serious was his godfather. J.K Rowling really makes it feel like you are in the story with the characters. My favourite part of the book was at the end when he learns that his defence against the dark arts professor is a werewolf and serious is actually a good person. I love when they are at that lake and serious is very hurt and harry is trying to look after him, when lots of dementors come and suck the hapiness out of them. Then from across the lake the Harry from the future (becuase he and herminie went back in time to save serious from his trecherous fate) masters that big spell and all the demantors are forced to o away. I felt like jumping up and screamin ‘go Harry!0 I would definatly recommend this book, it is my favourite out of the Harry potter books. It’s way better then the movie.


  110. Harry after using magic to escape the houshold of his muggle relations, returns to hogwarts. But a mysterious ally of He who must not be named has been following every move of harry’s. Determined to find the infamous serious black, harry is set through another adventure with twists and turns along the way.

    the third to the series that has grabbed the world by hold.


  111. oh wow. if your 5 or 82, this is something you must do.
    pop it lock it, read harry potter,
    country styling, this is fun, alotta.
    put your arms to the book, and take a look.
    jumo to the left, stick glide to get the next book in the series.


  112. this is the third book in the harry potter series, it is action packed and exciting. sirius black is on the lose and harry is determined to kill him but he soon finds out something that changes his mind, instead of hating him harry starts to become closer and closer then harry saves sirius from a horrible death. a very good book, i recommend it to anyone who loves fantasy and action!


  113. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is another adventure filled with secrets, family and new beginnings.
    Sirius Black has a escaped a viscious mass muderer, who is in league with Voldemort and everyone knows that he has one thing on his mind…Harry.
    This is a great book filled with so many twist and turns.
    Harry is at his third year and has come across Voldemort twice, can he deal with a murderer?
    This is a greatly written book an I would recommend it to anyone.


  114. Hi,
    the book i am reviewing is Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Once again Harry enters the world of Hogwarts but instead of Lord Voldemort’s threatening prescence it is escaped killer Sirius Black and sources are suggesting that he is out to kill Harry. As Harry moves through his third yera at Hogwarts he begins to unravel more to his own history than he originally thought and with help from friend Hermione he can once again save lives in an intense climax that never ends in its twists and turns. This book is another fantastic Harry Potter adventure and follows on from the previous novels. I suggest reading this to any age group as it is both appealing to kids and adults a like


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