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This is a love story.
It’s the story of Howling Books, where readers write letters to strangers, to lovers, to poets.
It’s the story of Henry Jones and Rachel Sweetie. They were best friends once, before Rachel moved to the sea.
Now, she’s back, working at the bookstore, grieving for her brother Cal and looking for the future in the books people love, and the words they leave behind.

Good Reads

Comments on: "Words in deep blue – Cath Crowley" (2)

  1. Words in deep blue is a love story. A story of two former friends reuniting and rediscovering lost feelings. It is beautifully written by Melbourne author Cath Crowley and I loved it. It is an easier read and is an easy storyline to follow. I highly recommend it for 13+. Sometimes you need the poets.


  2. This is a spectacular book is about two young teenagers in love. The author has written the book about each of the character’s opinion on the event. When Rachel’s brother dies her whole world is turned upside down. She fails year 12, never goes near the water and moves schools leaving her best friend behind. Before she left she fell in love with her best friend Hennery but a new girl moves into the town and becomes Hennery’s girlfriend. Then after leaving the town for a few years she comes back but as a different person. This book is so good as it is filled with surprises and juicy events, especially at the end were there are twist and turns. I would differently recommend this as a book to read as I fell in love and I know the next person who reads it will as well.


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