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Once upon a time there was a tiny kingdom called Cornucopia, as rich in happiness as it was in gold, and famous for its food. From the delicate cream cheeses of Kurdsburg to the Hopes-of-Heaven pastries of Chouxville, each was so delicious that people wept with joy as they ate them.

But even in this happy kingdom, a monster lurks. Legend tells of a fearsome creature living far to the north in the Marshlands… the Ickabog. Some say it breathes fire, spits poison, and roars through the mist as it carries off wayward sheep and children alike. Some say it’s just a myth…

And when that myth takes on a life of its own, casting a shadow over the kingdom, two children — best friends Bert and Daisy — embark on a great adventure to untangle the truth and find out where the real monster lies, bringing hope and happiness to Cornucopia once more.

Good Reads

Comments on: "The Ickabog – J.K. Rowling" (2)

  1. Leilani said:

    The Ickabog, by J.K. Rowling is an amazing book, set while the Harry Potter books are taking place. Cornucopia is the happiest kingdom in the world with butchers and bakers and cheesemongers. The Ickabog is a story, nothing more than a lie to tell children off. Until the King goes to the Marshlands and discovers the Ickabog himself. The lords that dine with King Fred manipulate the king and kingdom to pay money for “protecting” the kingdom. They use what the King said to their advantage. The lords haven’t seen the Ickabog and think it’s nothing more than a myth. Four young children prove to Cornucopia that the Ickabog is nothing to be afraid of. I would recommend this book to anyone that has read the Harry Potter series or likes fantasy stories.


  2. “It was as tall as two horses, with eyes like glowing fire, the ickabog is coming.” This book is great! I loved it. I nearly cried when I was given it because I thought that J.K Rowling wasn’t going to write any more children’s books after Harry Potter!! Turns out she did and it is amazing. Ickabog isn’t anything like Harry Potter or Fantastic Beasts, (sorry to disappoint) but it is just as good. It is an easier read and I recommend this book for ages 12+. Trust me, you’ll enjoy it.


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