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Comments on: "Brooklyn Nine Nine (TV series)" (41)

  1. Gracie W said:

    I thoroughly enjoyed watching this series!
    To be honest, when I had seen the previews come up on Netflix i wasn’t so interested, but i soon became hooked. This show is absolutely hilarious and had me literally laughing out loud many times. there is obviously also the element of crime but its not super overwhelming. Each character has their quirky traits, such as Rosa, who is a little scary and never without a weapon of some kind… and Amy, who is very organised and has a strange obsession with binders. Then theres Jake, who is an extremely irresponsible character but is very good at solving crimes. Charles is probably my favourite because he is just so strange and I love home for it.
    Highly recommend


  2. Aweng said:

    Brooklyn 99 is definitely one of my favourite tv shows. i have watch all seven series about 6 times, it fair to say i’m obsessed with the show. The show is just so life-like and always find’s a way to hook me into the show. i’m so excited for season eight to finally come out. i would 10/10 recommend watching this show, that my opinion. whats yours?


  3. CATS R SO COOL said:

    This TV Series is about a Police Force called Brooklyn Nine-Nine that solve both weird and normal cases. There are  7 main investigating that don’t just solve the police work they also solve other detective’s problems too. The Tv Series is a comedy twist on modern police work with characters that are from this generation. This TV series is filmed in Los Angeles, California. They are real people. It is set in modern 2016. There are 7 main characters. Andy Samberg (Detective Jake Peralta) is the Funny one that acts like a kid, he has to be supervised if doing anything important. Melissa Fumero (Amy Santiago) looks up to the Captain as she wants to be one when she is older, she is very responsible and likes everything perfect. Stephanie Beatriz (Detective Rosa Diaz) is very tough, she rarely smiles but does her job well. Terry Crews (Sergeant Terry Jeffords) is very tough on the outside but on the inside, he is a loving daddy and loves the team. Andre Braugher (Captain Ray Holt) is a gay captain that was judged through his first years on the force, he doesn’t show emotion ever but he loves the work that the team does. Joe Lo Truglio (Detective Charles Boyle) is like a slave to Peralta, he is madly in love with Rosa and loves his job more than anything. Chelsea Peretti (Gina Linetti) is very weird, she is the captain’s right-hand woman, she is funny and her beliefs are crazy but she does great work. This Tv Series made me feel happy, It made me see that there is a good side to any. Even though this may not be true it inspired me to see every moment into ways. All you see in real life is dangerous stuff. You never see what amazing stuff goes on inside the doors. You should give this a go because it gets a good laugh out of you and shows what the polices offices and Detectives do be hide the scenes.


  4. Just don’t even get me started on how much I LOVE this tv series. It’s one of the most hilarious shows i’ve ever watched and i can’t wait for the next season to come out. My favourite character is Jake because he is so childish but yet he is one of the best cops in his precinct. But also Gina is one of my favourites because she is so relatable! I loved how competitive Amy and Jake were to see how many criminals they can catch and how all those fights turned into them falling in love. My favourite thing about this show is the crime and how they catch people on the street doing serious crimes. I recommend this show to ages 11 and over or to people who love crime and comedy (maybe a bit of romance).


  5. This is one of my favourite TV series of all time it is just so funny and there is never a dull day on the show. My favourite character is Jake because he is so funny and all of his pranks are so funny, especially the Halloween heist. the show is about Raymond Holt, an eccentric commanding officer, and his diverse and quirky team of odd detectives solve crimes in Brooklyn, New York City. They are all so funny and all offer such a different personality to the show. I would definitely recommend this TV series for people aged 10+ and it would be great to watch for a laugh, I would rate it a 9.5/10 and you can watch it on Netflix.


  6. Charlotte said:

    I love Brooklyn Nine-Nine! It is a hilarious cop show set in New York. It is soo funny and a very enjoyable show. The main character, Jake, is a hilarious cop who doesn’t care for rules. When his new commanding officer, Holt, arrives he begins to change a little. He and his squad are great detectives. It is really interesting to watch how they solve the crimes and uncover the mysteries. The episodes are all amazing and very humourous. I love all the characters because they are all so different but really good in their own ways. I love Holt because his seriousness compared to Jakes comedic personality is very funny. I love the developing relationship between Jake and Amy because they’re so different. Aside from the regular comedy, the show also has some more touching moments. There are moments when the squad connect together or heartwarming moments when something happens between them.


  7. Mikayla said:

    This is a funny show about a precinct and their lives as detectives. This show is interesting it shows all the crimes and they are solved by being hilarious! this show will make you laugh even if you had had a really bad day. There is something new in every episode i guarantee that it will always keep you wanting more. all the characters are different and if you saw them all together you would of never guessed that they were friends. They all have different back stories and different futures but 8 friends love working together and doing their job. As the show goes on it gets more interesting. I recommend this 11/10 because it is one of the funniest but heart warming shows ever created. i know that this will be one of the best shows you have watched and there is 6 seasons on Netflix (and another coming out) so it goes on for a while



    I recommend a tv show called Brooklyn 99. This tv show Brooklyn 99 would have to be one of my favourite shows of all time, because it’s exciting, sad and funny. I loved watching the characters together solving crimes and getting into new adventures through all six seasons. Even though it’s about crime, it is a funny and exciting show all together. They are still releasing new season so there is always plenty to watch. Brooklyn 99 is very addicting and a binge worthy show, and great to watch over and over again.


  9. One of the best funny shows ever, I loved watching something that made me smile and laugh. I really enjoyed the bet between Jake and Amy and seeing it become a funny and enjoying rivalry between the two of them. It was a funny thing to see play out throughout the show. The show is filled with comedy, thriller and drama. I would give this show a 10/10 for comedy and the cast was well picked and it made a police station seem super fun and chill. this show would be well recommended for ages 12+ because it is a show for everyone to enjoy.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Lauren said:

    I’m what you call a Brooklyn nine nine fanatic !! I live for this show!!! I literally can’t pin point 1 character to be my favourite because all of the main characters are my favourite !! Perolta is one of if not the funniest characters I’ve ever seen and I also love Amy, Rosa, Captain Holt, Terry, Gina( 😦 ), Boyle, Hitchcock and Scully, etc etc.
    This show makes me want to work as a detective because they make the job look so fun and easy- I know in real life it wouldn’t be like this which is depressing.
    I’m up to date as each ep comes out and I absolutely love this series, so much that I quote it probably every day. I would rate B99 100/10 and recommended it to people over the age of 10 🙂 NOINE NOINE !


  11. I absolutely loved all 5 seasons of this show and I’m so excited for the 6th season to air on Netflix! The series follows a group of detectives in their daily lives solving crimes. It is filled with a lot of drama and also a lot of humour. My favourite character is Jake. Jake is very good at his job and he solves a lot of crimes. He always wants to compete in competitions with his co-workers to see who can solve the most crimes. I loved the result of his first bet. Jake is also extremely funny and can easily turn something bad into something good.
    I love the ending of the 5th season it’s something i waited for the whole time. I can’t spoil it but i 100% recommend that you watch it. Promise me you won’t regret it.


  12. Morrissey said:

    Brooklyn 99 was an amazing series. I swear me and my parents finished all of the 6 series within 2 months. First of all, it is hilarious and each episode has a cliff hanger onto the next.
    My favorite episode would have to be when Jake and Amy were getting married and everything kept on going wrong with no cake and the lost the hall. It was so funny and I couldn’t stop laughing. My favorite character would Jake because he’s always so optimistic and all-around stupid… but in a good funny way. My least favorite episode would be the Thanksgiving episode because it’s boring and really weird. I would recommend this to people of all ages as me and my siblings love it and my parents love it too. Anyone who likes funny cop shows… this is for you

    Liked by 2 people

  13. Sienna D said:

    Brooklyn Nine Nine is a funny tv series, jake the main character is a detective. He is funny and silly but really good at his job. it is by far my favourite tv show, I rate it a 5/5 and recommend it to everyone.


  14. Aliana said:

    This TV show is hilarious! Definitely a favourite! Jake, the main character is a detective. The show uses humor to tell the story of a police department. This show is engaging and is creative with a storyline unlike any other. Due to the fact that I am not the biggest fan of crime genre TV shows, I was hesitant to watch it at first but after only watching the first few episodes I was immediately hooked on it! It is the type of show you can watch for hours on end and not get sick of. I like the character Gina because she is sassy, at times poetic, hilarious, sarcastic and essentially is the glue for the precinct. She spends more time at work than at home usually. She is a complete narcissist and it is humorous to watch her on-screen and she definitely brings light to the precinct.


  15. Ashley said:

    Brooklyn nine nine –
    this is an incredibly funny tv series with a great story line. Jake the main character and the funniest of them all is adventurous and stupid while at the same time being a great detective and solving many cases (the most at the precinct). Although it was a long time coming for him and another one of my favourite characters Amy to finally get together. But it was all worth it for the cutest wedding and some great teamwork from these too. Hichcock and scully also some funny characters having no real skills there then eating and sleeping but adding more levels to the show and showing the different type of detectives and how some times experience doesn’t always mean you can apply those years. Overall a great show and would highly recommend.


  16. Indigo said:

    This amazing American Sitcom sometimes has me in tears! It is hilarious, yet romantic and also is sometimes scary. It is one of my favourite shows on Netflix at the moment and I am currently watching it for the second time. I really like all of the NYPD- but my favourites would have to be Diaz and Terry. Diaz is mysterious and really keeps to herself but I find her really amusing! Terry is like a giant teddy bear, he is big and muscular and is definitely not one to be messed with, but when you really get to know him, he is so kind hearted. I also LOVE Gina!!! She’s such a diva and some things she says make me laugh so hard. I love how sometimes she disobeys the rules, and how she always refers to herself as the best detective even though she is just Holts’ assistant!! I really enjoyed this T.V series and I would recommend it to ages 12+ just because there are some shady scenes in the show (like drugs and guns and things like that). I would rate this show 10/10, I absolutely love it!


  17. Charlie said:

    I first saw this TV series on Netflix and I decided to give it a try, I am so glad I did and it is now one of my favourite TV series of all time!!! I would totally recommend this series to anyone who’s into comedy and are looking for a laugh. I found it very interesting how so many different personalities can get along with each other as friends and colleagues. My favourite character is Gina, because she is strong, whimsical and most of the time annoyingly right. The first episode was a great start to the series but my favourite episode was ‘Yippi Kayak’ where Jake, Charles and Gina coincidentally get caught up in a robbery at Goodwins becoming a real life ‘Die Hard’ situation. Seriously watch this show!!! I have re-watched it about a million times it’s that good!!!!!!!!!!!!


  18. Giulia said:

    This series is endless laughs and sore cheeks from smiling. It incorporates elements of mystery into a comedic and dramatic storyline that follows Jake Perolta in his journey within the NYDP. It also involves a romantic coupling between partners Jake and Amy who’s relationship develops from just friends working together in solving to a suspenseful loving connection that grows stronger throughout the series. The crime solving is mind boggling and this show is a must. I recommend this show to a more mature audience who are interested in romantic comedies but also crime and mystery.


  19. Brooklyn 99 is a humorous show filled with laughs and witty plotlines. I love how in Brooklyn 99 the short episodes are packed with separate plotlines every episode that never fail to make me laugh. They come up with good scripts and episode ideas. In particular, I like one of the opening scenes where Jake gets 5 men on trial to sing I want it that way to find the culprit. It is hilarious smart and has never been done before. Overall I enjoy the whole series and recommend to anyone who wants to brighten up their day.


  20. Brooklyn nine nine is a hilarious and exciting show based around 7 cops working in the nypd. Each character in this show is unique and quirky in their own way. I would recommend this show to anyone who enjoys sit coms and comedies, specifically people who liked the office because the dynamic of the show is similar with most problems being based around the work environment. People the ages 12+ would enjoy this show. One of the best aspects of this show is that even though it is a comedy it handles serious issues in a way that is funny while still being realistic. All of the main characters have each others back, my favorite character is Gina because she uses sarcasm a lot and is very confident. I would rate it a 10/10 and recommend it for a good laugh!


  21. Brooklyn Nine-Nine is my favourite show ever! It’s a hilarious and interesting show about police and crime. My favourite character would definitely be Jake, the main cop who is great at solving crimes and is super funny. I also love Terry, Gina and Charles and basically all of the characters! My favourite parts are the Halloween heists, where they all team up to try and steal something from each other. I have watched and re-watched every episode tons of times and it never gets old! I rate this a 10/10 and recommend it to people 12 or older. If you are in the mood for a good laugh, watch this show!


  22. Sophie said:

    Brooklyn Nine-Nine is honestly one of the funniest shows i’ve ever watched. It’s a great family watch together. I think I have watched every episode at least 15 times. My favourite characters are Gina, Scully and Hitchcock. Gina is so arrogant and full of herself in the show and definitely one of the best characters. Scully and Hitchcock are basically man-babies and best friends. Every crime-filled episode is so hilarious, I could watch this show repeatedly.
    recommend for mature audiences (10/10)


  23. This was an extremely funny and enjoyable tv show to watch on Netflix which follows the story of a brilliant but immature detective Jake Peralta who has to learn to follow by the rules and how to be a team player when the precinct gets a new captain. The show also features a variety of hilarious other characters that you just fall in love with each episode. I would highly recommend this show to anyone above the age of 14.


  24. Georgina said:

    Brooklyn nine nine is my absolute favourite tv show! Every episode is so hilarious but always has a meaningful message you can take away from it. I have watched every episode over 2 times! (and there is 5 seasons!!!). Jake Peralta and his police officer friend face many challenges, solving crime and dealing with personal problems. My favourite character, Gina, is so funny and relatable. She is always saying something sassy and hilarious. I love her, (and she has the same nickname as me bonus!) I would definitely recommend anyone aged 12+ to watch this and I give it a 100/10!


  25. Amelia said:

    Brooklyn Nine Nine is one of my favourite tv shows. It is hilarious and and full of amazing characters such as Jake and Gina. I love how it shows the police side but makes it funny. This show is great for the whole family and is as something for everyone. There is action, romance, comedy and mystery. This is a funny show that is great to watch with family or friends and i definitely recommend it to anyone older than 11.


  26. ‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine’ is a comedy about a police precinct.
    The show has many diverse and different characters in it and almost everyone can relate to at least one of them. Some of the amazing characters include, Jake Peralta a talented and carefree cop with the best arrest record, Captain. Raymond Holt who is totally different to what meets the eye, Amy Santiago a hard working detective who will do anything to prove herself and so many more.
    This show is perfect for anyone age 10+


  27. Giulia said:

    This show takes a comedic and light-hearted approach to very serious situations without being offensive which blows my mind. Brooklyn Nine Nine brings comedy, romance and mystery into one series which I never thought was possible. Andy Samberg, one of the many producers of the show, plays the main character Jake Peralta, Jake has a very specific persona as he laughs in any given situation, managing to use his wit in the worst of circumstances. He is by far my favourite character as he uses his goofy personality to win over the audience through one liners and drawn out jokes. Each episode is better than the next and I was instantly hooked from episode one as the season kicks off with a crime investigation riddled with jokes and humour. I recommend this series to people aged 15 and up as it does have some references for more mature audiences but I rate it 10/10, can’t flaw the show one bit.


  28. I have just recently started watching Brooklyn 99 and it has to be one of my favourite shows i’ve watched. It’s about the detectives in Brooklyn’s 99th precinct and the challenges they have to overcome. I love this show as it is about crime but is also hilarious and the characters are all so different from one another, which also makes the show so interesting. The main character Jake Peralta is a funny but a hardworking officer who loves putting people in jail and solving murder mysteries. My favourite character would have to be Gina as she is hilarious and shows so much confidence. I would definitely recommend it for anyone who wants to have a good laugh and rate it a 10/10!


  29. This TV series is an absolute crack-up, I don’t think I have ever finished a series on Netflix so quickly. This series is about the police department of Brooklyn, New York, and the adventures of the detectives working there. This show is suited to anyone with love for puns, a bit of dry humour and loves a little drama twisted into a comedy series. I think that like most viewers, my favourite character of the series is Jake Peralta. He manages to keep every situation positive, he has a funny personality, and a serious case of denial. I always get a laugh out of his witty remarks, this is probably why he is my favourite character in the show. I can relate to Jake in some ways in that he finds it hard to open up, he has some serious troubles apologising, a lot of skits have been made in this show about him trying to say the word ‘sorry’. We are all a bit stubborn like this at times. If I was to change something about this series, I would add some more drama and depth to the feud between the Captain Holt and the Deputy Commissioner Madelyn Wuntch because it adds a new layer of gossip that the viewers can dissect.


  30. Claire said:

    I have watch the whole series so many times and enjoy it every single time. Each episode will make you laugh and you will not be able to help yourself. One of the main characters Jake is absolutely ridiculous but non the less is a great detective. They may have an unconventional way of solving crimes but they defiantly get the job done. Jake and Amy are polar opposite characters but they are perfect for each other – and spoiler – get together which made me so happy because they are an absolutely hilarious couple. This series is fantastic anytime and for any reason, it is great for the whole family and friends. It is a detective show but nothing gruelling it is entertaining and full of surprises.


  31. I absolutely love this tv show, it’s so funny! The show is about a police officers/detectives in New York City. The main character Jake is an amazing detective, but is also hilarious. The show is super light-hearted and easy to watch, I would say it is suitable for just about anyone. I loved this show not only because it was very funny and amusing to watch, but also because it showed some police techniques and what they would do on the job, which I especially liked because I have always loved crime shows and I want to be a detective, so the show was perfect for me. The episodes can, however get a bit repetitive at times, so I would not recommend binge watching it all at once. Overall I would rate this show 9/10, and would recommend anyone 12 onwards to watch it


  32. I love this show! It is so funny and enjoyable to watch. Brooklyn Nine-Nine follows the lives of detectives juggling work with their own (hilarious) personal problems. This show always makes me laugh and is a perfect light comedy to cheer up with.There are so many funny personalities in this show! Definitely recommend it for people who love a comedy series.


  33. Mikayla said:

    THIS SHOW IS AMAZING. One of the best shows on air now the witty and hilarious comedy in this show is like no other. The 99 squad will be like your best friends make you laugh time after time. I have re-watched so many episodes and find a new comment or something I have missed before that keeps you entertained time after time. Every character is so uniquely different and funny in a different that you can’t watch this show and not find it funny. Jake is the immature friend you didn’t know you needed, Amy will have you in stitches with her OCD tendencies, Boyle with his weird food habits and overall odd personality, not mentions Gina’s ridiculous self love and always being right, Captain Holt’s humour is like no others and Rosa is in a league of her own. A must watch show on TV right now get on it now!!!


  34. Brooklyn nine nine is a hilarious TV series! From relationships to detective cases, the drama is endless! Each character is so interesting because of their actions, personality and thoughts. Every character is amusing and it is difficult to choose a favourite, although Amy is pretty relatable. The cases are interesting and get the audience to think about potential suspects. It is an ultimate feel good comedy that I recommend to anyone wanting a good laugh to watch. I highly recommend it for people ages 13+.


  35. Brooklyn nine-nine is my favourite television show. It is funny and witty, but also super respectful of gender/race/sexuality etc.
    The series follows the detectives of Brooklyn’s 99th precinct. We see their lives, friendships and romances as they grow as a family.
    It is extremely funny with running gags and hilarious cold opens before the intro of each episode.
    One of the main characters is Jake Peralta, an immature but hardworking detective. Along with the rest of the squad, this show is not to be missed!


  36. Natarsha said:

    This show will always be one of my favourite feel good tv shows. The series follows the daily lives of humorous detectives/police officers. Jake Peralta who is one of the many hilariously relatable main characters, constantly causes trouble and mischief around the office. Brooklyn 99 reminds me a lot like The Office because it is based on everyday situations of their working environment. This iconic comedy is a must watch.I cannot express my love for this tv show. I rate it 1000/10 and recommend it to anyone that likes a good laugh.


  37. This is my favorite show! Involving comedy and police work this Tv series is so funny. It’s amazing to watch and it has so many fun moments and when it is serious there are still some jokes at play. The show is about the 99 police precinct in Brooklyn and about the police officers working there. One of the main character Jake Peralta is a funny but hardworking officer who loves putting people in jail and solving murder mysteries. This show is just so much fun to watch you will need Netflix to watch the series but what is annoying about this is that Brooklyn nine-nine has five seasons but only 4 seasons are on Netflix and it does leave you with a cliffhanger at the end of season 4. This TV series is very good if you are in a bad mood because I know for me it always cheers me up. Please watch Brooklyn nine-nine because it’s just so amazing.


  38. I love this show! It is so funny and enjoyable to watch. Brooklyn Nine-Nine follows the lives of detectives juggling work with their own (hilarious) personal problems. This show always makes me laugh and is a perfect light comedy to cheer up with. I love all the different personalities the characters have because it gives everyone someone to relate to. My favourite character is a tie between Gina and Boyle. Gina is so confident and tells it like it is, and her comments are hilarious. Boyle on the other hand, is the complete opposite. He is just hilarious as everyone makes fun of him because he is so sweet and caring. He would never hurt a fly and that can get to the best of him. While this show is a comedy, it still has interesting cases that you can try to solve at home. I would highly recommend Brooklyn Nine-Nine to everyone, as it is something that everyone can enjoy in their own ways. 10/10!!


  39. Yasss so glad Brooklyn Nine Nine was on fict.ti.tious! This is the best t.v show ever!!!! My favourite character is Amy. I love her obsession with binders and her loving attitude to everything. She is so smart and I personally think her jokes are funny, ( everyone else thinks different ). Every time I see a dog in the show I immediately think of Amy. This show is so creative with their puns and humour! I also like just the whole idea of having a t.v series on detectives. No would ave ever thought to do that. There are no words to explain how fun, awesome, creative, perfect etc this show is. I HIGHLY recommend this t.v show to everyone and give it a rating of 10/10!


  40. Vincenza said:

    This is my new favourite show! I actually love it so much because everything made me laugh which I didn’t really expect since it is about police and crime. The whole series never let me down so I didn’t ever stop and am currently waiting for the next seasons. My favourite character was a hard pick because I love them all, but my favourite character is Terry or Gina. Terry is absolutely hilarious because his personality is so bubbly but he is a family guy and is careful about his decisions. I also love Gina because she is just naturally funny. She is so calm and somewhat collected but she also knows how to have a good time and amuses her co workers with her sassy arguments and comments. I don’t think I can relate to any characters apart from the fact that I am sort of childish like Jake but otherwise nothing really. I definitely recommend it for anyone who wants to have a good laugh.


  41. I loved watching this – it is hilarious! It is a really fun but interesting series crimes are solved whilst being hilarious! The main character, Jake is so good a solving the crimes but super funny too. Jake is super cheeky and naughty at times but he takes his job very seriously and is very good at it! I also love Amy because she is very formal and proper which I love. Jake and Amy make the show so entertaining with their highly amusing arguments and actions. Brooklyn 99 also shows us some techniques and skills detectives need to solve big crimes. This is perfect for any occasion and will please anyone. I couldn’t stop laughing! I could watch the episodes so many times and not get sick of them. It is perfect for anyone who enjoys mystery but also having a laugh! I would recommend this to anyone between the ages of 12-19 or to anyone that loves a good wholesome television series!


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