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Comments on: "Jessie (TV series)" (3)

  1. If there’s a show which I loved as a kid and I love now it is Jessie. This is an absolutely hilarious family friendly TV series which I would 100% recommend. It follows Jessie, a young woman wanting to start an acting career in New York but gets wound up babysitting 4 rich kids: Luke, Ravi, Zuri and Emma along with living with Bertram and Mrs Kipling. A favourite character of mine is Luke, he is absolutely hilarious and is so infatuated with Jessie being a ladies man that you can’t help but love him. Bertram is also a stand out character, being the lazy butler who I would say secretly loves the kids in his own way. I definitely recommend this series to all ages as you can laugh at the witty remarks and relate to all of the characters who are growing up and trying to find their place in the world. I rate this a 10/10.


  2. One of my favourite Disney shows!!! Jessie is able to make the whole family laugh. A Disney Channel tv show about Jessie becomes the nanny for a very fun family is so entertaining to watch. The show is funny and heartwarming at the same times, with all the different children come all different personalities and adventures. I think any Disney fans would love this show as it is able to bring back the same ideas from all the different Disney Channel shows from the past but add a few new details and twists. Definitely recommended everyone to check out Jessie on DisneyPlus to reminisce over our love for Disney.


  3. it is a series with lots of entertainment. It is very very interesting. It has actors like Debby ryan, cameron boyce, payton list and lots more. You should watch it it is amazeballs! I love the episodes with Luke because is is so cute and FUNNYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!! SOOO RECOMMEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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