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moonlight-dreamersA inspirational, heart-warming book about four girls trying to find their place in the world. Siobhan Curham celebrates very different but like-minded friends in this captivating novel. Amber craves excitement and adventure. Instead, she’s being bullied at school for having two dads, and life at home isn’t much better. Inspired by Oscar Wilde, Amber realises that among the millions of people in London, there must be others who feel the same as she does; other dreamers – moonlight dreamers. After chance encounters with Maali, Sky and Rose, Amber soon recruits the three girls to the Moonlight Dreamers. It’s high time they started pursuing their dreams, and how better than with the support of friends?


Comments on: "The Moonlight Dreamers – Siobhan Curham" (5)

  1. I loved the book ‘Moonlight Dreamers’. It was a book about a group of girls from different backgrounds and lifestyles and how they come together to become part of a club called the Moonlight Dreamers, inspired by a quote from Oscar Wilde. I loved this book because it encouraged girl power and friendship. I would describe this book as: Empowering, unique and friendship. I recommend this book to 12+. I rate this book an 8/10.


  2. Mikayla said:

    This book is inspirational it is about 4 very different girls with 4 different personalities ( Amber, Maali, sky and rose).As they live their own lives they come across each other and realise they have one thing in common they are always being told what to do and who to be when they want to be themselves and not any one else . As they help each other through ups and downs. As the book goes on they realise that they do not need to be anyone else and it is fine to be who you are. I recommend this for anyone 10+ who love drama and a heart-warming stories that are relatable. I rate it 9/10


  3. Roisin said:

    The Moonlight Dreamers is an inspirational book about four very different girls; Amber, Maali, Sky and Rose. Amber hasn’t got any real friends so she starts a club. Her club is all about individuality and not listening to those who want you to be anything else. Through the amazing story line you really get to know the characters. I would recommend this book to girls 11+ and to anyone who loves drama, inspirational and romance books.


  4. I have recently finished reading the moonlight dreamers and I am so sad. It was such an awesome book and I was so upset when I saw I only had a couple of pages left. It is about four girls who try and find their place in the world, they all meet and after that something amazing happens, which of course I am not going to tell you about, two of them will soon be very close but when they first meet they are enemies. The best thing about this book is that you feel like you are one of those characters living their life. It is an amazing book and I recommend it to girls at the age of 13 -15. I rate it a 10/10 and would definitely read it again.


  5. Emily said:

    The moonlight dreamers is an amazing book about a girl who cant find any friends that like her, she makes a card and whenever she works at her mothers shop she places a card in a few costumers bags that she feels may become her friends. Will her dream come true of becoming a moonlight dreamer or will everything go wrong which makes herself look like someone who doesn’t know how to make friends


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