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Quentin Jacobsen has spent a lifetime loving the magnificently adventurous Margo Roth Spiegelman from afar. So when she cracks open a window and climbs back into his life – dressed like a ninja and summoning him for an ingenious campaign of revenge – he follows.

After their all-nighter ends and a new day breaks, Q arrives at school to discover that Margo, always an enigma, has now become a mystery. But Q soon learns that there are clues – and they’re for him. Urged down a disconnected path, the closer Q gets, the less Q sees the girl he thought he knew.



Comments on: "Paper towns – John Green" (89)

  1. I absolutely love this book. It’s about a nerdy senior Quentin. Quentin has a boring life except his neighbour Margo is the opposite. Quentin has a huge crush on her but she is cool and popular and hasn’t hung out with Quentin since they were 9. Until one night before graduation Margo convinces Quentin to go on a revengeful scheme with her. But then that next morning she disappears completely. This book turns into a type of mystery but at times is also very deep. It’s also really funny at times. It’s really good book to relate to about high school. I think one of the reasons I love this book was because of its diversity. I would laugh, cry and wonder through out it. I love Margo in this book because she is very mysterious and seems to have so many secrets. She is also very confident and believes in herself. I also really like Quentin because he is so loyal and would do anything for his friends. I would recommend this book to mystery lovers . I would also recommend it people 12+ . I rate this book a 7/10


  2. This was such a beautiful story. Its filled with so much mystery, but also alot of love and joy which is why I loved it so much. There was always something intresting about to happen, which kept me on my toes and I couldn’t stop reading. I love how unexpcted the love story is and the many lessons we can learn from this book.


  3. Isabella said:

    I loved Paper Towns. Quentin Jacobsen and his long time crush Margo Roth Spiegelman go on a series of adventures together. But shortly after Margo’s had enough, and disappears from the small neighbourhood. Nothing out of the ordinary for Margo, running away, but time passes and Q gets worried. I loved reading about Q, he has such an awkward personality, but he is so kind a very caring. I loved the thrill in this book, I really enjoyed reading through the mysteries and gossip. I definitely recommend this book to other teenagers, it has a very strong message and good moral. I give it an 9/10.


  4. Millie said:

    I really recommend Paper Towns to anyone. This is such a good book and it is filled with mystery. It is about a boy called Quentin nicknamed Q to his friends who sets off on a hunt to find his crush Margo the popular girl in school. Q is determined to find her for a number of reasons the first being that he wants to tell her how he feels. I rate this book a 10/10 and really recommend it to the world!


  5. Milla said:

    I absolutely loved this book so much! I constantly was reading in bed for hours at a time every night. This book is amazing and uses beautiful descriptive language and had me falling in love with the characters. This is a book that I would recommend to anyone who wants a good read. I am not someone who reads a lot but I found myself constantly reaching for this book and wanting to read more. I was also a bit sad once I finished it aha. I rate this book a 9/10 easy


  6. This is one of my favourite books that I have ever read because it is so relatable and engaging. Margo is so desperate for adventure and also pushing boundaries, whilst Quentin is very content living his simple and routine life. Their relationship is really interesting because they are such opposites yet somehow match so perfectly. They teach each other a lot about themselves and the world around them. I also liked the novel because to me, Quentin represents safety and also mirrors a majority of the youths population. Whilst Margo exhibited a certain degree of danger and adventure, which I think are qualities people wish they had more of. I would definitely recommend the book to everyone as the messages and themes throughout the book are truly amazing.


  7. Paper towns by john green was a book that I really enjoyed reading it had a lot of mystery in it which is my favourite type of books. As soon as I picked up this book I could’t put it down, I ended up reading it all in one day! The characters in the book make the story very interesting and I love how Quentin Jacobsen Margo Roth the two most unexpected people to fall in love do! I love the mystery in the book like when one day Margo cracks open his window and climbs into his life they end up spending the whole night together on a journey getting revenge on people. I can say this book must be read by anyone that is up for a good read. You won’t be disappointed. I rate this book a 9/10


  8. I read ‘Paper Towns’ by John Green a while ago. I remember the book very well. It dives into Quentin who’s admiration for Margo grows into love. They spend time together and then Margo disappears. Quentin soon realises that she had left clues for him but he soon realises that Margo is not who he had thought. This book made me feel anxious, always wanting to know what happens next. This book is a rollercoaster and is great. I really enjoyed this book and I would give this book a 9 out of 10 and I would recommend this to everyone because it is a great novel.


  9. Paper towns by john green was a book that I really enjoyed reading it had a lot of mystery in it which is my favourite type of books. As soon as I picked up this book I could’t put it down, I ended up reading it all in one day! It about Quentin Jacobsen who fell in love with Margo Roth. She one day cracks open his window and climbs into his life they end up spending the whole night together on a journey getting revenge on people. II can say this book must be read by anyone that is up for a good read. You won’t be disappointed. I rate this book a 9/10


  10. I absolutely loved this book!!!! I really enjoyed this book because it’s really funny, a bit romantic and kind of adventurous when he is trying to find to find Margo. I also really liked it because it taught me to have more fun and instead of thinking about the future, to think about the present instead of worrying what might happen. I would recommend this book to anybody who likes a mystery story as well as anybody who particularly likes to read John Greens novels! I would recommend this to readers who are about 15, 16+ seeing as it’s about life at high school, among many other themes. The ending was so unpredictable and I loved every minute of it!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Ashleigh M said:

    I really enjoyed this book, It’s a great summer holiday read because it won’t take the whole holidays to read but it’s not really short and will get you through a good chunk. I would recommend this book for anyone 13+ and I would rate this book a 9/10


  12. Annabel said:

    Paper Towns is a fantastic book. I have read it so many times and I never lose interest in it. I love the mystery, comedy and romance of it. I wasn’t sure what to expect when I first got the book, but when I got into it, I couldn’t stop. I think it really portrays the message of ‘living boldly’ and ‘risk-taking’ for teenagers, in a good way. I love how Margo is an adventure seeker and lives boldly, and how Quentin lives a very simple and routinised life, yet somehow they get along really well and have fun together. I also like how Quentin stays in the ‘paper town’ even when he can’t find Margo. This shows he is so determined he was to find her. Even after all his friends had left him, he stayed because he knew she had to be there somewhere. I really like that about Q. I absolutely love how Margo keeps everyone guessing and wondering about where she could be. It would be so interesting and exciting. This book is amazing, and you can’t put it down! I would give it a solid 10/10. It’s sure worth the read.


  13. This book wasn’t what I expected but it also surprised me in many ways, and I also made me think, so clearly this wasn’t a journey without a return. Paper towns explores topics such as suicide where as children, Margo and Quentin find the body of a man who has killed himself. The man’s neighbor speculates it was because he was upset about his impending divorce. Quentin fears Margo is planning to kill herself when she goes missing. The book is good for adolescents because they may be able to relate to the characters in the book. I don’t want to spoil too much of the book but it is worth a read and John Green is an excellent author.


  14. Paper Towns was one of the funniest books I have come across in ages. There is ongoing snarky within the first two parts, mainly coming through Q’s reactions to the strange things Margo seems to have done. A lot of comic relief also comes through Ben, particularly when he is drunk. Despite this, in my opinion, the funniest part of the book was the road trip towards the end. I won’t spoil it, but it is crazily random and had me actually laughing out loud. Not only this, but the book almost has its own language of inside jokes: Black Santas, catfish and beer swords are all involved. Throughout most of the book, Margo is more of an idea than a character. Everybody has different memories of her, and so sees her differently. Q’s idea of Margo evolves through the story, and her character becomes steadily more complex. Even when we discover the real Margo, she is still one of the most complicated characters.The ending of this book will break your heart. It’s sad, but it feels right given the rest of the story. Everything is pulled together. I loved how the story flows in the right direction of your heart.I could go on and on about this book, but I’ll stop there. To conclude, Paper Towns is a remarkable and funny book with great characters. I would recommend it to fans of any other John Green book. But to be honest, I think anyone and everyone could gain something from reading this. 100% a 5 out of 5 stars!! A remarkable book that has a true sense of feelings.


  15. I absolutely loved reading Paper Town’s, it is definitely one of my favourite books. I really love it because it’s something a little bit different than other books by John Green and it was the first book I read from his with a little bit of a mystery. It’s all about this boy Quentin, or Q as he is referred to. Q is this dorky, shy guy who hangs around with the band geeks at school and isn’t very popular. So, Q has this massive crush and his neighbour Margo who is a popular girl at his school. She is very bold and confident, and always goes out partying. One night margo arrives at Q’s window and recruits him to help her play mischievous pranks on the friends who betrayed her. The next day, however, the mysterious Margo is nowhere to be found and it’s up to Q and his friends to solve the mystery using the clues Margo has left. This is such an incredible book, all throughout reading, you’re kept on your toes and you never know what’s going to happen.


  16. I loved reading this book so much and I couldn’t put it down until I was finished. John Green has written many amazing books but this one is my favourite one of them all. My favourite character in the story is definitely Margo (Q’s love) as she is an outgoing, adventurous, prank filled girl who loves to have fun. This book covers lot’s of teenage experiences and problems such as friendship, family, relationship and trust so it an easy one to relate to aand it makes you feel like you are part of Margo’s journey as well. I rate this book a 10/10 it is written beautifully and I love how all the characters have very unique personalities. I would definitely recommend this book!


  17. Paper Towns is such an extraordinary read and is one of my favorite books. It kept me on my toes the whole time, and I kept guessing until the last page. My favorite character in this book is Margo, as I can relate to her willingness to ‘escape’ and do something crazy every once in a while. My favourite part is when Margo explains what paper towns mean and I think that this is a beautiful part of the book. I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoyed The Fault In Our Stars, loves John Green books, or interesting, memorable reads. This is such an incredible book, all throughout the reading, you’re kept on your toes and you never know what’s going to happen. I rate this book a 10/10


  18. Over the summer holidays, I read Paper Towns. This brilliant book is about the amazing story of Margo Roth Spiegelman and Quentin (aka Q) Jacobson. Its suspenseful, romantic and thrilling all in one. To sum up the story, Margo and Quentin go on a few little adventures, and all of a sudden, Margo is missing, soon after he finds out, Quentin begins to track her down through little hints that she’s left behind. Trust me, once you picked it up, your not going to be able to put it down, and once it’s finished, you’ll be wanting more! I personally loved it and would rate it a 9 out of 10. I would recommend year levels 7+, and maybe even primary school students. Its definitely a must read!


  19. I liked this book but I wouldn’t say it’s the best book I’ve ever read. It was a bit of a slow read but once it got into it it was very intriquing. It was written very well and had a great aspect of mystery to it. It was written in a very descriptive way that gave you a great understanding of each character. It left you unsure of what to expect next or how the book would end. I liked the way there was a twist at the end, however I wish the book had had a happier ending. I really liked the determination the protaganist Quentin shows as he did not give up on his search even when the odds where against his favour. I found this admirable as I think this is a great trait for someone to have in real life.


  20. This coming of age, adventure and romance book is definitely one of my favourites! Following the life of Quentin, his crush Margo and their string of friends and how they all embark on a road trip to find love, reconnect with others and form bonds that will last them well after they finish their schooling life. I loved the mysterious character of Margo, sneaking out at night, giving mixed messages to those closest to her, and leaving the town completely only to stay, turning down Quentin’s dreams. The setting and age of the characters really helps you to connect with them, as they too are in high school, with ever changing friendship circles. I would recommend this to people over the age of 13, and would rate t 10/10!


  21. I commonly recommend paper towns. Not only has the movie change the ways we should look at life but it also gives us a chance to have fun while living in it. You first meet Quentin, a young quite teenager who lives by the book that has a love struck passion for his neighbour Margo Roth Spiegleman. Margo is the teenage rebellious child who only looks at the possible abilities to perform in life and she takes everything into a fun game of life. You meet these two at an early childhood start then understand the ways their life was change when an unexpected turn appears. sorry i cant spoil anything for you right now i guess you must need to find out when reading this book.


  22. I highly recommend this book to anyone especially teenagers. It is really really interesting and I enjoyed it so much more than the movie. Once you pick the book up, you can’t put it down. I love that there is such difference between the 2 main characters but that makes it really interesting. I was a bit let down by the ending, but it is still a good book. I rate this book 9/10 and recommend it to young adults.


  23. This was a very interesting book. I have never read a book quite like it. I am not use to this type of writing, and I am not sure if I liked it or not. There were so many twists and turns that I did not expect, and I did not know how the book was going to end. I would recommend this to many friends, and I would rate it a 8/10.


  24. I highly recommend the book paper towns by john Green. The book is filled with suspense and mystery. The book focuses on a boy Quentin who is crushing on Margo who is a mystery girl who always runs away from home and goes on little adventures. In the book Margo goes missing and Quentin is on a mission to find her. With a car full of people and snack the hunt begins to find Margo on a journey of a lifetime. Paper towns in humorous,suspenseful and exciting. You will not put the book down !!! Paper towns gets a 5 star rating from me.


  25. Paper Towns is such an amazing read, I loved it so much. I really loved it because it’s something a little bit different compared to other books. It’s all about this boy Quentin, or Q as he is referred to. Q is this dorky, shy boy who hangs around with the band geeks at school and isn’t very popular. Q has this massive crush and his neighbour Margo, who unlike Q, is outgoing, wild and striking. She is very popular at school and seems to live such a carefree life compared to Q. One night margo arrives at Q’s window and recruits him to help her play mischievous pranks on the friends who betrayed her. The next day, however, the mysterious Margo is nowhere to be found and it’s up to Q and his friends to solve the mystery using the clues Margo has left. This is such an incredible read and throughout the whole book you’re kept on your toes and you never know what’s going to happen. I rate this book a 10/10 and i definitely recommend it to girls at SHC.


  26. Hannah said:

    I loved Paper Towns by John Green, it was a really awesome and engaging book to read. It is all about one boy, Quentin Jacobsen who has a secret crush on one popular and mysterious girl, Margo Roth Spiegelman. Margo loves to send people on hunts using clues to find her, her parents are sick and tired of chasing after her and playing her games. Soon after she runs away again her parents stop and give up on, but Q is determined to find her and finally be able to express his feeling towards her. I think this book was a great read and for all people, 13+ who love mystery and romance would love this book. I would recommend this book for young adults and rate it an 8.5/10.


  27. Paper Towns is such and interesting read, There is a big difference between the two main characters Q and Margo, however they somehow click and work together to achieve what they need. I found this book quite cryptic and was left unhappy with the ending as it was ‘unsatisfying’ being unsure of what happens next, however that can also be a good thing as it leaves readers open to their own interpretations.
    Overall I rate this book 8/10


  28. indianna said:

    Paper Towns is a novel which is different to most, relatable and is sure to let your imagination run wild. It is a clever, interesting novel by John Green filled with hope, love, adventure,friendship, mystery and determination making it impossible to put down once you get into it. My favourite character would have to be Margo for sure as she is so inspiring and independent sure to do what she wants and what she loves being sure not to let anyone else influence her actions, she is completely and utterly herself with a life jam-packed with adventure. It is an inspiring book and a fantastic read as I recommend it to teens.


  29. Paper Towns by John Green is an interesting book about Quentin “Q” Jacobsen and Margo Roth Spiegelman, when they were younger they used to be close friends although Margo was always wanting adventure which at the time Q did not. Close to graduation Margo and Q went on an adventure to get revenge on her unfaithful friends. After that night Margo disappeared, this story follows Q and his friends trying to find her again. It is a book written very well full of romance, mystery, adventure and laughs. I recommend this book and rate it a 8.5/10.


  30. Abbey said:

    I first read The Fault In Our Stars by John Green and after that I had to read more of John Green’s pieces and so along came Paper Towns. Paper Towns is a novel which is different to most, relatable and is sure to let your imagination run wild. It is a clever, interesting novel by John Green filled with hope, love, adventure,friendship, mystery and determination making it impossible to put down once you get into it. My favourite character would have to be Margo for sure as she is so inspiring and independent sure to do what she wants and what she loves being sure not to let anyone else influence her actions, she is completely and utterly herself with a life jam-packed with adventure. It is an inspiring book and a fantastic read as I recommend it to teens.


  31. Paper Towns was an amazing read and a very mysterious book that kept me on the edge the whole time I was reading it. The story is quite a unique one which is what makes it great. My favourite character in the book is Margo, because she is very courageous and daring, I find this very aspiring because she doesn’t listen to anyone and does what she wants. She runs away from home, doesn’t care about grammar, and is curious about all the little things in life. My favourite part of the book is when Q gets all his friends together to go on a road trip to find Margo, I like these scenes because the trip seems like a lot of fun, and has a lot of humour in it. If I were to change something in this book it would to bring Angela (Radar’s Girlfriend) on the road trip, because she is mention in the book a few times and I would like to see how she interacts with everyone in the book. I would definitely recommend this book to others because John Green is an amazing author and everyone should experience the journey of reading on of his book. People would like this book if they mystery books. I rate this book 5/5.


  32. After reading The Fault in Our Stars and falling in love with the book, I had to make sure that I read more John Green books so I grabbed Paper Towns. It was a wonderful book to read filled with romance and adventure, so it is perfect for people who love John Green books and a that type of genre. I loved how Margo was like an Angel for Q because it relates to the way many boys feel about a girl they like and he had to try his best to talk to her and thats what happens a lot in high school. Then Margo turned up to Q’s house it was a big surprise as she wanted him to come with her to have revenge on her ex boyfriend. This is when we realize that Margo in fact was just like every other teenage girl but she likes bit of revenge too and this part of the book was very funny. After they make many memories together and do some rebellious stuff, the next morning Q realizes that she is missing and suddenly realizes that he must of lost her. Q and his friends go on a hunt to find her and she leaves little clues for them to discover. This part of the story makes an exciting thrill for readers but also sadness as Q is in love with a girl he has lost. This then leaves a mystery that you can’t find out till you have read the book. I would give this book an 8 out of 10 and one that people who love adventure and romance should read.


  33. i really recommend this book. It’s amazing ! i really enjoyed this book mainly because it’s pretty much the style i read. it is very interesting and i love its twists along the way. it’s so intriguing towards the end and I could just not put it down! i give it a 9.5 / 10 !


  34. Paper towns is an amazing and very mysterious book that I absolutely loved. It’s a story about a teenager boy named Quentin also known as Q by his friends. when he was little he was good friends with his neighbour Margo, which he secretly had a crush on they go on many different adventures together but as they grow older they seperate and barely talk anymore. Until one night Margo shows up at Q window and asks him if he wants to go on an adventure, he was unsure at first but of corse eventually agrees to go with her and ends up having one of the best nights of his life. The next day he notices Margo doesn’t show up at school but he doesn’t think much of it, then she doesn’t show up for the next day either but soon finds out that she has run away (which she has done before). Whenever she runs away she always leaves a very hard clue to find out where she is. Q goes to her house and asks if he could go in her room to find a clue he finds something that might be one and it connects to another and another and lot’s of mysteries are being solved. this book is a fun and mysterious book that is exciting to read and makes you not want to put it down, I would definitely recommend reading it!


  35. This was a very interesting book. I have never read a book quite like it. I am not use to this type of writing, and I am not sure if I liked it or not. There were so many twists and turns that I did not expect, and I did not know how the book was going to end. I would recommend this to many friends, and I would rate it a 8/10.


  36. Charlotte said:

    I absolutely loved this book!!!! I really enjoyed this book because it’s really funny, a bit romantic and kind of adventurous when he is trying to find to find Margo. I also really liked it because it taught me to have more fun and instead of thinking about the future, to think about the present instead of worrying what might happen. I would recommend this book to anybody who likes a mystery story as well as anybody who particularly likes to read John Greens novels! I would recommend this to readers who are about 15, 16+ seeing as it’s about life at high school, among many other themes. The ending was so unpredictable and I loved every minute of it!


  37. Imogen said:

    Paper towns Is one of the BEST books i have ever read in my whole life!!! It is a book that is full emotions and can make you cry. Q has a huge crush on this girl named Mago who just moved next door to him. One day Margo goes missing but she leaves clues for Q to come find her. Read this Amazing book to find out what happens next and where Margo has gone. I rate this book a 10/0!!!!!!! This book is the BEST!!


  38. N.Reid said:

    Paper Towns is an intense book, filled with mystery and adventure. It was hard to put down at times!! !!! The book is about a young, nerdy boy named Quentin who is trying to find his secret crush Margo Roth Speigelmen. She is the most popular girl in the school and him and her used to be best friends before high school. Quentin and his friends set off on a journey to find Margo using all the clues she left behind. It is the perfect teenage drama. 8/10


  39. I loved the book paper Towns, it was mysterious, funny, and romantic. My favourite part was when Q and Margo break in to the water park at night. I thought the book was really interesting and it was really entertaining to read. My other favourite part was when the whole gang go out to search for Margo. i found the characters were really fun and had very different characteristic. I love it when Margo takes Q on her little nightly strolls, where she takes revenge on everyone that betrayed her. This book was funny, mysterious and kept me hooked until the end. i was a bit disappointed at the end but enjoyed the rest. I would give it a 10 out of 10.


  40. Laura said:

    I found the book Paper Towns really inspiring. It has taught me not to take my life so seriously and to take risks. This book has it all; action, romance, mystery! It has it all from start to finish. This book will leave you reaching for tissues, laughing your head off and utterly confused. I recommend this book to anyone who loved the fault in our stars and loves adventure. I would rate rate this book a 10/10!!!! I just loved every minute of it!


  41. This is my favourite book/movie of all time. It is absolutely amazing! I love the story line and John Green is a fantastic author. It’s all about Quentin Jacobsen who falls in love with his mysterious neighbour Margo, the popular girl. As she disappears frequently and her parents are sick of searching for her and following her clues, Quentin steps up to the challenge and spends the dying weeks of highschool searching for his secret crush. It really highlights all the problems faced by teenagers, relationships, friendship, gossip and more. I absolutely adore this author and rate this book a 10/10!


  42. Eleanor said:

    Paper Towns is a mysterious book that you just can’t put down !!! The book is about a boy Quentin who is trying to find his secret crush Margo Roth Speigelmen, Who is the most popular girl in the school. Quentin and his friends set off on a journey to find margo using all the little clues she left behind. The book is mysterious, exciting and full of humour. It is the perfect teenage drama. 10/10 John Green’s done it again.


  43. I very much enjoyed reading Paper towns. John Green has done a fabulous job at creating a story suitable yet amusing for a teen age range. The book is about Quentin embarking on a journey to find his crush Margo, who has mysteriously gone missing after spending the night with Q. Quentin’s passion and determination to find Margo is so adorable and definitely shows how much he cares about her. Anyone who is into Romance and adventure, would love this book and I would definitely recommend it.


  44. I loved this book it was really mysterious and exciting. I loved how it was written and I never wanted to stop reading. I found it way better than the movie because in the book you could really see how the characters felt. I loved how Margo was so reckless and Quinton was very well behaved but they still became friends. I recommend this book to anybody that enjoys adventure, romance or mystery because this book is all about that. I think anybody from 11 years up would really enjoy this book and I rate it a 9/10.


  45. Keeley said:

    The book “Paper Towns” by John Green is probably one of my favourite books of all time. The story follows Quentin (aka Q) and his long time crush Margo Roth Spiegelman. Q and Margo were friends while they were younger but as friendships sometimes do, they drifted apart. Throughout school Margo didn’t really notice Q, until one night. This book show the lengths that some people would go to, to find someone that they truly love. My favourite part of this book would definitely be when Q and his friends go on the road trip to find Margo. My favourite character in this exciting book is Margo as she is very intriguing and mysterious. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes a good mystery and the age of 12+. I give this book 9.5/10.


  46. Kathleen said:

    I really love this book and I defiantly recommend it! There is not one boring part. I have seen both the movie and the book and I think they are both awesome! The book and movie’s ending are different and I think I like the book’s ending better as the movie’s ending sort of just leaves you hanging. John Green is an amazing writer. I totally recommend this book and I rate 9 out of 10!


  47. I read the book and watched the movie Paper Towns written by John Green. I thought the movie was better than the book but I’m not sure if it was because i watched the movie first and Cara Delevingne played the main character in the movie. However the storyline was captivating and full of suspense. John Green is the same author who wrote ‘The Fault in our Stars’. If you enjoyed reading ‘The Fault in our Stars’ you will definitely enjoy reading Paper Towns. My favourite character was Margo Roth Spiegalman she loved mystery so much she became one. From the beginning of the book right to the end of the book, the author keeps you intrigued and wanting to know more about what’s happened to Margo and if they will ever find her. I rate this book and movie a 8 out of 10 because it was interesting from start to finish and i think most teenagers will enjoy it!!


  48. Nessy said:

    Paper Towns is a really good book to read if your into Mystery and a bit of romance. The book is about a young boy named Quentin who has had a crush on his childhood friend and next door neighbour. They sort of grew apart as they got older but one night something Mysterious and wonderful happened. I strongly recommend reading this book and trying some of John.greens other books because he is a wonderful author. I rate Paper Towns 9/10


  49. i really enjoyed the book paper towns. It was a really fun filled adventure and it was really sweet. I really liked the character Quentin he is really kind and would do anything for margo. i definitely recommend this book to everyone who is looking for a good book to get stuck into.


  50. Paper towns is a great novel, it is a mysterious book with a thrilling ending. I really enjoyed reading this book, from start till end! My favourite character was obviously Margo, she was mysterious, popular and deceiving all at the same time, I admire her a little bit. I cannot really relate to any characters. My least favourite part was when they visited the old buildings, it gave me the creeps and I thought they would get hurt. I wouldn’t change anything at all! Excellent book. I recommend all the John green books as he is an amazing author! Great book 10 out of 10! :))))


  51. Paper Towns was an incredible book by the author John Green. Margo was definitely my favourite character because she was so mysterious in many different ways, she loved a adventure until she went missing. Q was determined to find her so he can tell her how he felt about her. Anyone who like to read mysteries, romance or adventure would differently love this book, but i would also like to recommend it to every one it was such a great book.


  52. This is a really good book because its is exciting and it is about Quentin who is a shy young girl when the most popular girl called Margo. Margo and Quentin play pranks on her friends. But then the next day Margo was nowhere to be found. I rate this book a 8 out of 10 and I recommend this book t ages between 13 and upwards


  53. Paper Towns is such an extraordinary read, I love it so much. I really love it because it’s something a little bit different than other books by John Green and it was the first book I read with a little bit of a mystery. It’s all about this boy Quentin, or Q as he is referred to. Q is this dorky, shy guy who hangs around with the band geeks at school and isn’t very popular. So, Q has this massive crush and his neighbour Margo, who unlike Q, is outgoing, wild and striking, she is popular at school and seems to live such a carefree life to Q. One night margo arrives at Q’s window and recruits him to help her play mischievous pranks on the friends who betrayed her. The next day, however, the mysterious Margo is nowhere to be found and it’s up to Q and his friends to solve the mystery using the clues Margo has left. This is such an incredible book, all throughout reading, you’re kept on your toes and you never know what’s going to happen. I rate this book a 10/10!


  54. Paper Towns is an incredible book by John Green. Margo is my favourite character because she is so mysterious in all of these different ways and she loves a good adventure until she goes missing. Q is determined to find her so he can tell her how he feels about her. Anyone who is into mysteries, Romance and adventure would absolutely love this book. I give this book a 10/10.


  55. Georgia said:

    In paper towns it’s a journey that takes place in a different environment then any other high school story. Margo is your average teenager. But her neighbour likes to live life on the safe side. She thinks that it would be a great adventure to basically send him running for her. They are friendly in school but on that late school night it could just change his life forever. From staying in school to breaking the rules in only just a few days. I would give this book 9/10 because it’s funny and the author John Green defiantly knows how to put life in a different perspective. I would recommend this book to anyone.


  56. This book is just fabulous!
    John Green has done a great job at making the characters personalities different from one another. I love this as Margot is such an outgoing, popular character but underneath she is really a beautiful soul that just wants to be herself. I love the way Quentin shows his love for Margot. My favourite part of the book is when Margot takes Quentin with her when she gets revenge on her friends. The things that they do are so cheeky but it makes me laugh as it is perfect revenge!
    The book is so mysterious with Margot disappearing. Quentin shows how much he loves Margot by going to look for her with all the clues he had gathered.
    Quentin stays in the paper town even when he can’t find Margot. This shows he is so passionate about finding her. Even after all his friends had left him, he stayed because he knew she had to be here somewhere.
    I think that John Green was really clever when Margot left the clues for Quentin, I love the places she his them and how it really made Quentin think when he was finding them.
    I recommend this book for anyone!!!!
    It’s so, so, so good!


  57. Abbey said:

    Reading this book was one of the best things I have done in my life John Green has written may amazing books but this one tops them all. It is about Quentin known as Q embarking on a mysterious journey with the love of his life but she doesn’t know that. Margo (Q’s love) is an outgoing, adventurous, prank filled girl who disappeared after spending the night getting revenge on everyone who has hurt her, leaving breadcrumbs for someone to find. Margo’s parents are getting sick of her silly games so they don’t mind where she is or what she is doing but Q does he embarks on a long journey to find Margo and tell her how he really feels about her. This book covers lot’s of teenage experiences and problems such as friendship, family, relationship and trust. I rate this book a 10/10 it is written beautifully and I love how all the characters are portrayed!!!!!


  58. While reading this book I could not put it down. There was not a dull moment throughout the whole book. I absolutely loved this book and I bet you will too.The plot explores the repetitive and simple life of Quentin and the adventurous life of Margo- Roth- Spiegelman. Quentin goes on an adventure with Margo the night before she disappears. Margo leaves clues like breadcrumbs for Quentin, he is determine to find her and tell her how she really feels about her. If you loved The Fault In Our Stars and Looking For Alaska you will definitely love this and anyone you enjoys reading mysteries, romance and adventure this is the book for you. The book allows you to step into the their world and connect and relate to the characters. I would not change a thing about this book and I could not fault it. I would rate this novel 5/5 and would recommend it for anyone 12+ because the plot may be to complex and difficult to follow for younger children.


  59. Paper Towns was a great book. I enjoyed the mystery of it all, and the way that the charters have been thought of. Margo is a fantastic character. You can relate very easily to her. I love the way Margo just wants to be accepted, and how she wants to be the first ever Margo Roth Spiegleman. Quentin, and his friends, on the car trip was classic. I was crying with laughter. You will need tissues for your tears and laughter as the books just keeps turning. I would rate it a 10/10 and recommend it for 11 and up.


  60. I really enjoyed the novel Paper Towns by John Green it was heart felt, retable and had you on the edge of each page. My favourite part was when Quentin was starting to discover who the real Margo. That town/school had developed a persona about her but really she just wanted to escape and not be obligated to fall into societies expectations. I would most definitely recommend this book. The metaphors are touching and alive I would give the book 10/10.


  61. I saw paper towns as a movie and I absolutely loved it! Quentin is recruited to help Margo play mischievous pranks on the friends who betrayed her. When Margo disappears, Quentin sets out with friends and clues left by her to find the girl who stole his heart. The journey takes Quentin and his friends on a journey that make for a funny and touching story line. I found this movie to be relatable as it takes us on the journey with the characters to find true friendship and love. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone in their teens but also anyone who likes a mystery.


  62. I found Paper towns to be a good read it is a coming-of-age story centering on Quentin and his enigmatic neighbor Margo, who loved mysteries so much she became one. After taking him on an all-night adventure through their hometown, Margo suddenly disappears, leaving behind cryptic clues for Quentin to decipher. The search leads Quentin and his quick-witted friends on an exhilarating adventure that is equal parts hilarious and moving. Ultimately, to track down Margo, Quentin must find a deeper understanding of true friendship and true love. I recommend this book to people who love adventure and romance books. I rate this book a 8/10


  63. olivia said:

    I absolutely loved this book!!!! I really enjoyed this book because it’s really funny, a bit romantic and kind of adventurous when he is trying to find to find Margo and I also really liked it because it taught me to have more fun and instead of thinking about the future think about now. My favourite character would definitely be Margo because she is kind of a rebel and cool kid on the outside but really she so much more than that I love that as you read the book you find out more about her. My least favourite character would be Margo’s parents because they want Margo to be a perfect little girl and they act like they don’t want anything to do with her. I would recommend this to people who love adventure and romance books. i rate this book a 10/10


  64. Natasha said:

    I found the book Paper Towns very enjoyable and inspiring. It has taught me not to take my life so seriously and to take risks. This book has everything from romance to adventure and excitement. There is no time for a slow start with this book it’s action from start to finish. This book will leave you reaching for tissues, laughing your head off and utterly confused. This was my favourite John Green book as of far. My favourite character is Quieten as he discovers that you can’t always play it safe. This book is something new and interesting that I have never read before. I recommend this book to anyone who loved the fault in our stars and loves adventure. I give this book 5/5 stars !!!! The ending was so unpredictable and I loved every minute of it


  65. Grace M said:

    If you love a good story about epic pranks, crazy road trips, awkward but passionate love, and intense bar-can-sword wielding, this is the book for you! It’s definitely one of my favourite John Green books! My favourite character in this book is Margo Roth Spiegelman, as I can relate to her willingness to ‘escape’ and do something crazy every once in a while, also her pranks are epic and precisely planned. I also love her obsession with ‘Paper Towns’, as I think it is an interesting concept. I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoyed The Fault In Our Stars, loves John Green books, or interesting, memorable reads. ✭✭✭✭✭ (5/5 stars!)


  66. I read Paper Towns not long ago and it is one of the most amazing books that I have read. The way that John Green portrays the characters is smart and keeps you guessing as to what Margo is really up to. I love how this book has mystery, a little romance and comedy and finds a way to be very intriguing. I recommend this book to ages 12+ as some parts are misleading and might not be understood. I loved this book and rate it a 10/10


  67. When I started reading Paper Towns I had no idea what it would be like but know that I have read it, I love it! It takes about 2 chapters to get the idea of who Quentin is and what his life is like but once that is clear the story is very intriguing. My favourite character is Margo Roth Spiegelman because she is funny, dark and has an interesting life story. I love how she leaves clues which make you think and try and solve the mystery yourself. If you like mysteries, comedies and romance then this is the book for you. I think this book would be better for 11+ because it can get confusing and can be hard to get your head around. I love how this book takes you on the journey with it. I can’t wait to see the movie and I think Cara Delevingne would suit her character very well. This book is great if your looking for one that lasts a bit longer.


  68. Margo Roth Spiegelman has always been a mystery. When Margo goes missing Quentin is worried. She goes missing a lot, but something from the night before has Q wondering where she is. But then he begins to find clues. In door jambs, books, records, everywhere.Read the book to find out what happens.This book is exciting and full of mystery. It is my favourite book that John Green has written. I rate this book 10/10 and recommend it to teenagers as it has a bit of inappropriate language.


  69. Melina. said:

    I greatly enjoyed this novel. I found it profound in ways that I don’t quite understand, yet, and I think it’s a book that definitely needs to be read a few times in order to fully understand Margo’s situation. I mostly loved trying to sort out along with Q, Ben, and Radar where Margo was hiding as they uncovered more clues to her whereabouts, and I admired their courage and determination (or rather, Q’s courage and determination) to find her again. And the early morning pranking with Margo and Q at the start of the novel was superbly mischievous, it was my favourite section of the book. I would recommend this to readers who are about 15, 16 years old and up, seeing as it’s about life at high school, among many other themes like our different ‘selves’, which makes it an enjoyable novel for adults too.


  70. Paper Towns is about a geek named Quentin who has to find a completely opposite girl named Margo when she goes missing. I would recommend this awesome book to young adults who love adventure and even a bit of romance. Paper Towns is really funny and the characters are so unique and unforgettable.This book is definitely my favourite John Green book because of the plot twists, characters and just amazing storyline. I give it a 9/10 because I love it so much.


  71. Margo Roth Spiegelman is and always has been the love of Quentin Jacobsen’s life. She has also always been a mystery. When Margo goes missing, Quentin is worried. She goes missing a lot, but something from the night before has Q wondering where she is. But then he begins to find clues. In door jambs, books, records, everywhere. Quentin and his friends begin following the clues thinking Margo has left them to be found. They go on a road trip to find Margo but when they do the last thing they expect to happen happens. I would rate this book a 10/10 and can’t wait for the movie to come out.


  72. This is one of my favourite books that I have ever read, because it is so relatable and engaging. Margo is so desperate for adventure and pushing boundaries, whilst Quentin is content living his simple and routine life. Their relationship is really interesting because they are such opposites, and they teach each other a lot about themselves and the world. I also liked the novel because to me, Quentin represented safety, and mirrored a majority of the youth population. Whilst Margo exhibited a certain degree of danger and adventure, which I think are qualities people wish they had more of. I would definitely recommend the book to everyone as the messages and themes are amazing.


  73. This book is about mystery and adventures. It is about Quentin and his long time next door neighbour and crush Margo. One night when Margo breaks into Quentin’s room and makes him go on an adventure, he starts to learn what a free spirit she is, and how fun it can be to let go. When Margo goes missing, she leaves Quentin clues, to try help find her. Despite Margo’s parents and the police who do not really care that she is missing, Quentin goes to find her, almost as if it is to prove his love. This book is exciting and full of mystery. It is my favourite book that John Green has written. I rate this book 9/10 and recommend it to teenagers as it has a bit of inappropriate language.


  74. Ellie said:

    Paper Towns is a really interesting book to read. It’s written so well that it’s complicated yet easy to read at the same time. I loved how real the book was, and how it could really happen. It was all happy and unrealistic and safe, it had real sadness in it. My favourite parts were: 1. Quentin and Margot’s first trip though the night, and 2. when Q and his friends were taking the road trip to find Margot. I love all the characters, their personalities are brought to life so well and you really feel like you know them. My favourite character is probably Ben because he’s so sweet and always means well. I was really disappointed when Margot reacted so unexpectedly near the end, but I again I like how it was realistic. I still felt annoyed with her and a bit frustrated. I definitely recommend this book to others, and I think it would be mostly enjoyed by girls or boys aged 13 and up – some parts are inappropriate for younger people, and some parts are upsetting or difficult to understand. I rate it 8.5/10.


  75. This is another amazing book by John Green, it has a really good plot and it is funny, sad and exciting, all in one. It’s about an adventurous girl, Margo, and her secret admirer Quentin (Q). Margo and Q have great night, pranking people and having fun before the next day, Margo has mysteriously disappeared. Q sets out to find Margo and encounters many things on the way. He learns a lot about Margo that he didn’t already know. I loved this book and I would definitely recommend it.


  76. Paper Towns is a fantastic book.
    It is about a boy called Quentin ( also known as Q ) who has been friends with a girl called Margo since he was a kid. Then one day Margo goes missing and Q does everything to try and find her.
    You will need to read this book if you want to find out the rest.
    I recommend this for anyone in to a bit of mystery or looking for a interesting book.
    I think anyone over the age of 12 could read this and I rate it 8/10.


  77. Siobhan said:

    Right after reading this book I was excited to hear they would be making a movie of it especially when I had heard they had cast Cara Delevingne as Margo and Nat Wolff as Quentin. They really do suit their characters well. It is a really great novel about adventure and also mystery as they try to Margo before they graduate.
    One thing I really liked in the beginning was learning of the back story between Quentin and Margo which really helped paint the picture of what their characters would be like
    I will really have to re-read the book before the movie comes out this year.


  78. Just recently I read the book ‘Paper towns’ by John Green. After falling in love with his novel, ‘The fault in our stars’ I just wanted to try reading more of his books, and gee am I glad I did. Paper towns is a fantastic novel about a girl, Margo and a boy, Quentin who go on a fantastic adventure one night before the margo disappears. It is then a mystery as Quentin follows the trails to find where she is. I liked every bit of this novel and there is nothing that I would change. It is the type of book you just can’t out down. I recommend this for anyone age 12 up and rate it a 10/10.


  79. Paper Towns is probably my favourite book at the moment. Quentin, a nerdy teenage boy from America, has had a huge crush on the unpredictable, beautiful Margo Roth Spiegelman. But when Quentin finds Margo at his window at midnight, his life changes for ever… Paper Towns is a wonderful story, full of adventure, excitement, romance, humour, mystery and everything in between. The characters are hilarious, the journey they go on is absolutely amazing, and the overall story is wonderful. I rate this book 10/10, and recommend it for people 12+. Next year the official Paper Towns movie will be coming out, and I’m very excited!


  80. Paper Towns, one of my favourite books by John Green. A book for those who like mystery, adventure, romance and comedy this book has it all. Quentin (the main character) has loved Margo Roth Spiegelman all of his life and when Margo invites him on adventure during the middle of the night he can not resist. Margo is an adventurous and crafty character and when she leaves home without any warning Quentin believes that he must find her. A clever book, the author took me on an adventure that I will not forget, the story shows how important friendship is. I highly recommend this book.


  81. Sarah said:

    I wasn’t sure what I was expecting when I started to read paper towns, but I definitely didn’t expect what we got. Paper Towns involves two teenagers: Margo and Quentin, who have been friends ever since they moved in next to each other when they were kids. As most friends to the started to gradually move away from each other, in till Margo is in the popular group at high school and Quentin isn’t. But Margo isn’t you typical top dog. Margo loves mysteries, she likes to run away from home and leave clues to help her more then frustrated parents to find her. She likes mysteries so much that she became one, and it’s not in till one night when Margo asks Quentin to come with her to get up to no good that Quentin once again becomes interested in Margo’s world, and then, almost all at once she vanishes and she sends Quentin on a wild rabbit chase to try and find her. I highly recommend reading Paper Towns if you are a fan of John Greens work.


  82. Paper Towns is probably my favourite book at the moment. It’s full of adventure, mystery and humour. The main character, Quentin (aka Q), has had a long term crush on his dare – devil, cunning, beautiful neighbour, Margo. Margo and Q were friends when they were younger, and started drifting apart throughout school. Margo is the queen bee of the high school hive, always surrounded by friends, while Q hangs out with his nerdy friends from the school band. Q knew he never had a chance with Margo, but then one night she mysteriously appears at his window at midnight. She wants him to help her on a revenge scheme to get back at everyone who has ever done something wrong to her. For the rest of the night, Q is pulled into the exciting world of Margo Roth Spiegelam, and begins to believe that something between them is beginning to form. But the next day, Margo is missing. Nothing obvious of her where-a-bouts is left behind, except a series of strange clues. Join Q and his friends as they search frantically for Margo before they lose her for good. I rate this book 10/10 and recommend it to anyone 12+.


  83. Paper town is my favourite. Once you pick up this book, you can’t put it down. Quentin is one of the school nerds while Margo is miss popular. There is a big difference between the two characters. Anyone who is into adventure, romance and mystery would love this book. I rate it 9/10 and recommend everyone who’s up for a amazing journey to read about.


  84. I would recommend this book to anybody who likes a mystery story as well as anybody who particularly likes to read John Greens novels. This is quite a different story to one that I would normally read but I really enjoyed it and would definitely recommend it to others. The book is quite mysterious and sad but it is unique. Its a great story about friendship and romance and mystery, I would rate it a 9/10 and highly recommend it.


  85. Lucy c said:

    this is a very mystyriouse book about a boy called Quentin who has a massive crush on a girl called Margo Roth speigelmen. Quentin is one of the school nerds while Margo is miss popular. The difference between Margo and the other popular kids though, is that she wasn’t a jerk like them. Thats why Quentin liked her. Quentin also liked her because she was wild, hot, clever, athletic, smart and unique. It is an amzing book and at first, it leaves you thinking about what will happen next and is very unpredictable. Quentin best friends Ben and Radar help Quentin through everything. It is a very sad book but is unique and interesting. I would rate it a nine out of ten.


  86. Matilda said:

    Paper towns is one of the best books I’ve read all year. Once you pick up this book, it is no longer that novel that you wanted to read, but instead it is a story that unfolds like paper all around you. You can feel the presence of Q, the absence of Margo, join in the mystery and travel to Algoe all while sitting completely still in anticipation. John Green has outdone himself yet again with this beautiful story, so those who don’t read it, their loss.


  87. Grace M said:

    Paper Towns is such and interesting read, and I have never read a story comparable to it before. If you have even fallen in love with any of John Green’s books, then you will love this one too! My favourite character in this book is Margo Roth Spiegelman, as I can relate to her willingness to ‘escape’ and do something crazy every once in a while. I also love her obsession with ‘Paper Towns’, as I think it is an interesting concept. I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoyed The Fault In Our Stars, or road trips stories, as this is a book to remember.


  88. I loved this book it is a really fun read and an I really enjoyed it. Mostly because it’s a genre right up my alley! I can really relate to it and the characters Q and Margo along with the others as it covers all the topics happening in a teenagers life such as relationships, friendships, trust and all the other issues typical teenagers face along their teenage life. It is a very cleverly written book by my absolute favourite author. I rate this book a 9/10 to anyone 13/14+!


  89. I recommend the book Paper Towns by John Green. Its all about Quentin Jacobsen, also known as Q to his friends. He embarks on a journey trying to find his friend and secret crush Margo, the popular girl at school who loves to send people on mysteries to find her. As her parents are sick of her playing silly games and because she is 18 she is legally allowed to roam the streets. Q is determined to find her so he can tell her how he feels. It is a fantastically written book. Anyone who is into adventure, romance and mystery would love this book. I rate it 9/10 and recommend it to young adults.


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