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Comments on: "The block (TV series)" (45)

  1. Stella said:

    My family and I love the block. It’s a renovating show on channel 9 which is great for anyone and any age. The contestants have 9 weeks to fully transform a haunted house like building into a 5-star apartment block. I would rate The Block a 8/10 it is a great show for the whole family to watch but does get a little boring at times.


  2. I would highly recommend the block to anyone or any age. I love finding out how the ideas of the contestants turn into smart, decorated rooms. I like how you get to see a range of sales as each contestant is different. Each week you get to see something new as they move through the house in different rooms. I love watching the renovations take place and the results which are revealed at the end of the show. I would rate this tv series an 8 out of ten.


  3. I love this TV show because it not only gives advice on interior design and ways of designing your house but also has competitions each week which you can follow through the seasons. In this series I am going for Josh and Charlotte because I love their style and it is a lot like the sort of way I would choose to design rooms. But also because Aiden is so funny all the way through. I don’t really like Dee because she causes so much drama. I would recommend this TV show to other and would rate it 8/10.


  4. Kayla said:

    A great reality tv show to watch every night. You never want to miss an episode because there is always something to entertain you like a fight between couples and challenge days. It is great to watch because it is so relatable to everyday life to some people. The building that the redo is always in a great location. i would rate this a 9/10


  5. I have never really watched the block but since last year I have. And it is amazing what they can do in the time they have. The Block is amazing because of the end results and that lucky people who by the apartments on the actual block get to live in them. I give this show a 9/10!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂


  6. Georgia said:

    I love the block so much! It’s such a great show! I think the reason I love it so much is because I am really interested in Interior Design. I also like it because the couples are all really nice and funny in their own way. My favourite couple’s design is Kyle and Kara but my favourite couple overall are Brad and Dale. I would recommend this show for everyone! I rate it 9/10!


  7. I Love the Block!!! It is so funny and entertaining. My family watch this TV show all the time on Monday, tuesday, Wednesday and thursday. On this series my favourite people are Steve and Shanelle but i really like Kyla and Kara’s design and im not a big fan on Steve and Shanelle’s design, i just really like the colour and enjoyment of Kyla and Kara’s rooms. I would have to rate this TV show 9/10 and Recommend it for people who love a bit of reality and comedy 🙂


  8. Bridget said:

    My family always watches the block and never misses a show. The block Fans vs Favs consists of 4 couples/teams, the newest contestants are Chantelle & Steve and Kyal & Kara. They’ll be competing amongst four well-knowns, Alisa & Lysandra and Brad (from team Brad & Lara) with Dale (from team Sophie & Dale). I would definitely recommend this show to all ages especially the people looking for ideas to renovate or build there house. It is a great show to watch and I rate is a 8 out of 10.


  9. The Block is a fantastic show to watch for the whole family! Its a show about couple or a group who renovate. This year it’s “fans vs favs”. There are 4 teams, the favs- Brad & Dale, Alisa & Lysandra and the fans- Steve & Chantelle and Kyal & Kara.
    Brad & Dale were past competitors in the 2012 serious but now a team.
    Alisa & Lysandra are twin sisters who took out the title of the 2013 Sky high series
    Steve & Chantelle are bf & gf die hard fanes from Geelong.
    And Kyal & Kara have been married for 6 years and die hard fans from NSW.

    Featuring Scotty Cam as host and Shelly Craft the “Challenge Master”, this hilarious TV series is on every week night + Sunday night at 7!
    So next time you want a bit of drama + action + comedy, this is the show to watch!


  10. Alexis said:

    I love this t.v show it’s about four couples or a group of two that have to renovate a house. I find this t.v show really interesting because firstly I love watching it to see what design ideas they come up with to put in the rooms and secondly to see what goes wrong in the room. My favourite teams in the latest series is Dayle and Brad because they are so funny. I recommend this show to people who like designing and renovating.


  11. Claudia said:

    Great show and really funny too! it is great for families to watch together and I am so excited for this 2014 series! My favourite couple from the past are either Polly and Waz, Sophie and Dale, Josh and Jenna and Brad and Lara! I recommend this to everyone and I rate it a HUGE 10/10. 🙂


  12. Ruby M said:

    I really like this T.V show because you get to see everything that happens in a real renovation. You also get to see new and innovative ideas that the couples come up with for their rooms. In the 2014 series my favourite couple is Chantelle and Steve because they have great ideas especially the lamp that they made in the first challenge to put in their first bedroom. I think it’s really cool that they are renovating something as historic as Dux House because it will bring it back to life and it is also like nothing they have ever renovated before. I rate this T.V show 8/10


  13. amber said:

    i love the block i like the way everyone puts in their most best ideas and design its just soooo good. on this series my favourite people are josh and jenna but i really like dan and dani’s design and im not a big fan on josh and jenna’s design, i just really like the colour and enjoyment of dan and dani’s rooms. i think mark and duncan are doing pretty well and same with phil and amity. but in the end all the rooms look amazing and i would recommend this to other people i think you will really enjoy it if you like renovating and building stuff but also a bit of comedy okay bye block I find the show very fun. my favourite couple is Trixie and Johhno the are so cute,funny and sweet. I rate this tv show a 9/10 its to addicting!


  14. The Block is so interesting and exciting and I especially adore Bec and George! They’re such a cute couple and so funny as well. I really like their style and how they design their rooms. My favourite room would have to be their bedroom ensuite because of their peaceful, green tree background. I’ve been watching The Block since the start and I still love it!


  15. Claire said:

    I LOVE the block. If you have a creative bone in your body, this is definitely a TV show you would love. This year, it follows the journey of 5 couples, Alisa and Lysandra, Matt and Kim, Bec and George, Madi and Jarrod and Trixie and Johnno, as they renovate a floor each in a Melbourne multi-story building. My favourite team is Bec and George because they are very creative and intuitive, and they seem to have kind and considerate personalities. Although I liked season 6 better (last years) as I liked the aspect of renovating a house, not a level of a building, season 7 is still very entertaining with lots of twists and turns. If I ever have to renovate a house, the block will definitely be my first reference! Enjoy!


  16. ahh the block, watching them make fantastic apartments is great. You get so many ideas from it and wish your house was just like it. Watching the 5 couples is inspirational and yet pretty funny. But watching the problems they over come is wonderful but can be hilarious at times. I love watching this show because it helps me to get motivated for things i want to achieve. i rate this tv series a 9/10


  17. honestly I reckon that the block is the most addicting show on t.v at the moment. Every night I watch it and I love it!. The block is now my new favourite show on t.v. The block is about 5 couples fighting to build 5 different houses or apartments. The block so far this year is about an apartment building hotel thing. was a dump when they walked in but the couples have transformed them into beautiful new, modern, exciting apartments. The couples on the block are Bec and George, Matt and Kim, Trixie and Johhno, Maddie and Jarrod and the twins Lisa and Lyssandra. All couples have a special unique skill on designing rooms. I find the show very fun. my favourite couple is Trixie and Johhno the are so cute,funny and sweet. I rate this tv show a 9/10 its to addicting!


  18. Lilia said:

    The Block 2013 has so many twisted complications and solutions. I love the way they all have their own unique tastes. My favourite couple is Bec and George They are always wiling to help anyone who is in need. You get to have your own opinion on the rooms and it’s always exiting to find out the next challenges. I love the way the show always is really exiting and funny, they never make it boring .


  19. Katelyn said:

    The block 2013 is so exciting and funny. All the couples have their unique sense of humar and design which makes the show special. On t.v there are so many differnt things to watch but the block is good, amazing, funny, interesting and special. There are heaps of augments going around between couples but that what makes the show sometimes. They have a level each to design and create. They have a week to design 1-2 rooms then move on. I went this year for the block inspections and what can i say it was an amazing day and great to see the rooms and contestence in real life. Next year watch the block from the very beginig and go vist it when it’s time it is great to go to the inspections and to have something good to watch on t.v. I rate the series 9/10 and recommend it to any one of all ages from 6-60 seriously it’s great!


  20. Hayley said:

    I really enjoy the TV series the Block. Every night it is on my whole family will sit together and watch it. We find it really interesting and since my dad is a builder, I think he enjoys it most. I have followed the Block since last year and have been watching the Block Sky High this year. I really like how they have to create a whole new apartment which will go on auction for people to live in. I really enjoy watching their ideas for the rooms come alive and my favourite part is when the rooms are reviled. It is amazing how they are able to create these astounding rooms in just one week! My favourite team from this year would have to be either Madie and Jarrod (the childhood sweethearts from Sydney, New South Wales) or Bec and George (the dynamic duo from Melbourne, Victoria) . They are really great couples and can work well as a team. I would recommend this TV series to people that enjoy renovation shows and design. I rate this TV series a 10 out of 10 because it is great to watch 🙂


  21. Georgia said:

    I can not miss a minute of The Block!! I love it. The Block is a great reality show it is so much fun to watch. I love seeing all the contests ideas and there team work to complete the rooms in the amount of time they do it in. The Block is a renovating show set in usually Melbourne and rebuilding the run down houses. The Block is a great family show!!!. My favourite couple on the block would have to be Mark and Duncan!! [the boys] because r
    they have a different style and are very funny. I rate the Block a 9/10 and is very suitable for familys!!


  22. Kirsty said:

    The Block is an awesome show. It is a good show to get ideas for your own house and I love looking at all of their rooms and renovations. My favourite couple would have been Phil and Amity. I love their sense of creativity and their designing. Mark and Duncan were also GREAT at creativity and quirkiness. I loved watching it every Sunday night to look at their new rooms every week. This is a great family series for everyone. I rate this TV series a 9/10! 🙂


  23. Grace said:

    I absolutely love this show. I started watching it in 2010 and ever since then i fell in love with it, I have seen every single episode from then on. I love watching this show for a laugh and to see how creative they can be. The block is about 4 couples who compete to renovate a home/apartment. They have a certain amount of weeks to do so. Each week the get a section of the house to renovate. At the end of the week they get judged by 3 judges and who ever gets the highest scores wins a prize, e.g. money to add to there budget. At the end of the series when the houses are all new the have a auction for each of the houses and the one that sells for the highest price wins the block. This year they had the block All Stars it has the same rules to it but they had previous couples back on there. I really enjoyed the block all stars because Mark and Duncan were back on and then Dale also my favourite joined them. I would rate this 10 out of 10 and to anyone who loves a laugh and likes renovating (:


  24. The Block is a great show to watch with your family and also if you’re interested in designing or building because it gives great tips. I love that they come up with all stars block so that you can see your old favourites. My favourites are Mark and Duncan. They’re really original and I love there designs because of this. It’s a competition show so you get into it. If you haven’t watched it before, watch it. 🙂 I recommend it for all ages.

    rate: 9/10 as a family show


  25. Paige said:

    The block is a great show. If you enjoy watching those building and interior designing shows you will love it. There’s surprises and shocking twists at every corner. Every week they create new rooms and its a great way to get new ideas.


  26. My family always watch The Block: All Stars together. Our favourite couple is Phil and Amity because they are really and nice and funny. I love this show because it has a sense of humor and I like the renovating side of it too. My least favourite part of the TV show is when Dan and Dani fight it is really annoying and Dani doesn’t do anything to help Dan. I don’t know how Dan can put up with her. Anyways, my favourite room out of the whole Block is Josh and Jenna’s kitchen because I love the massive marble bench top. If I could change anything in this series is that Mark didn’t have a heart attack and could continue on The Block and also that they got more money on auction day, cause they didn’t get anything compared to the other couples. I would recommend this to all families and rate it 8/10! Can’t wait for the next series sounds monumental!


  27. I love The Block: All stars because it is so funny right now! My favourite couple is Mark and Duncan but Dale stepped in to help Duncan finish the house off. In case you didn’t know, Mark had a heart attack and had to go to hospital and can’t continue on with the Block so that’s why Dale has stepped in for Mark! I love there bathroom with the rhino horn and the bull horns. But the URINAL in the boys bathroom, IT’S SO DISGUSTING!! to have a public toilet in a bathroom! Dani complains and whines a lot and she get’s very emotional all the time. She is sooooooooooooooooo annoying!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Josh and Jenna are okay but I ABSOLUTELY HATE PHIL AND AMITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks for reading my comment about The Block: All Stars!


  28. I am honestly obsessed with the block, i just can’t miss an episode and y dad gets annoyed when i change the channel saying ‘OMG! i am going to miss the block’ it’s actually quite funny. My favourite couple is Phil and Amity because they rarely argue and they are so happy together. I get so annoyed when i see Dan and Dani arguing when it is over something a baby would cry about, but sometimes they just do it for the tv. I feel so sorry for Duncan because now he has no Mark and had t ask Dale to come in and help him but unfortunately Duncan has fell behind and did not finish off his bathroom but i am happy that the judges understood what his situation was. I would rate the block a 1000000000000000/10 🙂 it is my favourite show hehe.


  29. I absolutely love The Block. I watch it every night and it is so interesting. I love all of the teams but for this season on the Block All Stars, i would have to say either Mark and Duncan or Phil and Amity are my favorites. Everyone is so funny and are all really nice. I really look forward to seeing the rooms when they have finished and the end, when you get to see the whole house when it is done. I would recommend this to everyone. I would rate this a 10/10:)


  30. Olivia said:

    I love the TV series The Block! I love watching it every night when its on because its exciting, amusing and amazing! I also love it because I love interior decorating and renovating! The contestants in the show because they are so exciting and enjoyable to watch! I rate this show 9/10 🙂


  31. Madie.C said:

    I think the block all stars is such a great T.V show and I love seeing the all stars ruff it out each week try to win the room and be the best team by trying to think out side the box most of the time. The block is something that you can not get bord of at any times.My Favourite team would most likely be dan and Dannie


  32. Alexis said:

    I think the block is the best T.V show because it is really interesting. I watch it every night when it is on and I went to Miter 10 the other day and saw Josh and Jenna. My favourite team is Pill and Amity and Mark and Duncan because they are nice to every one.


  33. Hayley said:

    The Block is a classic!
    I think its a great TV show and it’s all about 4 pairs competing in challenges to win money of safe codes while renovating a house each. My favourite team is Phil and Amity because they are really nice and i think they deserve to win! It’s a fabulous show hosted by Scotty Cam.


  34. elliea2013 said:

    This TV show is for someone who is not only into renovating but someone into drama as well. In the last series it has changed from a good renovating show to nearly a soap apera! I like it myself but its not my favourite, you really have to be the right kind of person to LOVE this TV show.


  35. The Block T.V show is an extremely interesting and fun show to watch! It is a reality T.V show about 4 couples who renovate a whole house in a space of five weeks with a certain budget for the house they have to comply with. I think the couples are so clever with the ideas they come up with for the renovations and it’s great to see how the houses look at the end! My favourite couple in the book are Josh and Jenna because I love their quirky and unique taste! If I could change one thing about The Block it would be all the drama, but I guess that is a must in a reality T.V show! I think its an awesome show for the family and all ages!


  36. I really enjoy the fact that this year, the block’s participants are people who have previously been on the show. It’s really cool to see how peoples ideas and themes have changed since they were last on The Block.
    Amity and Phil are my favourite, they seem really down to earth, and aren’t constantly complaining about challenges and delays.
    This show is appropriate for everyone, whether you’re a renovator or not, it’s really interesting to see the building process, and how the participants deal with the massive amounts of pressure.


  37. olivia said:

    I LOVE this show it is really cool i have been watching this show for 3 years and this is cool to see the past people that did not win their year at the book this is rated for all age groups and this is cool because the only have 9 weeks to complete the house and also a twist that it is heritage list log it and the volt oooooooo love 5/5


  38. Olivia S said:

    I think that the Block is an awesome show, which is all about renovating. Each series the four teams much each renovate their own house! The four teams change every year, so it is all new each time. The block is really funny, and I would definitely recommend it to pretty much anyone! I love the block, and I am sure that you will too. 🙂


  39. Molly said:

    The block is a television series with loads of drama and comedy. Thisyear it is also All Stars so these contestants have been in the show before
    The contestants this year are Phil and Amity, Mark and Duncan, Josh and Jenna and Dan and Dani.
    Its an awesome show and great for the fan.
    I recommend this show to all ages 😉


  40. The Block is a great TV show. Its on weeknights and its a great show to sit down and watch with the family. The contestants on it make it much better- because they all have their own personalities. Some of the partners fight, some of them joke around etc.. You don’t have to be interested in renovating to watch it either. It’s fun watching how the groups decorate their rooms and what furniture they buy and what style they are going for (modern, vintage etc.)

    I recommend it for any age!


  41. Grace said:

    I love this tv show


  42. Kendra said:

    The block is one of my favourite tv shows. My favourite couple is josh and Jenna because they are young and I love their style of renovating. I like the block because you don’t know what to expect with renovating and there could be a challenge very unexpectedly.


  43. Jayde said:

    I love the block because you can see all the designs of the rooms and it can give you ideas for you own house, I also love watching the competitions they have to win money.


  44. i love the block i like the way everyone puts in their most best ideas and design its just soooo good. on this series my favourite people are josh and jenna but i really like dan and dani’s design and im not a big fan on josh and jenna’s design, i just really like the colour and enjoyment of dan and dani’s rooms. i think mark and duncan are doing pretty well and same with phil and amity. but in the end all the rooms look amazing and i would recommend this to other people i think you will really enjoy it if you like renovating and building stuff but also a bit of comedy okay bye block heads


  45. I recommend a T.V Show and it’s called the block all stars and this is the cupels are Amity and Phil Mark and Duncan , Josh and Jenna and Dani and Dan . It’s about a renovating show and they have about 9 weeks to make and like build a house.
    It’s a great show to watch and i think it’s a great for the whole family and all ages!


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