The blog for books and movies

Say you’ve spent the first 10 years of your life sleeping under the stairs of a family who loathes you. Then, in an absurd, magical twist of fate you find yourself surrounded by wizards, a caged snowy owl, a phoenix-feather wand, and jellybeans that come in every flavor, including strawberry, curry, grass, and sardine. Not only that, but you discover that you are a wizard yourself! This is exactly what happens to young Harry Potter. In the nonmagic human world-the world of “Muggles”-Harry is a nobody, treated like dirt by the aunt and uncle who begrudgingly inherited him when his parents were killed by the evil Voldemort. But in the world of wizards, small, skinny Harry is famous as a survivor of the wizard who tried to kill him. He is left only with a lightning-bolt scar on his forehead, curiously refined sensibilities, and a host of mysterious powers to remind him that he’s quite, yes, altogether different from his aunt, uncle, and spoiled, piglike cousin Dudley.

The Age

Comments on: "Harry Potter series – J. K. Rowling" (109)

  1. Andie said:

    Harry Potter by J.K Rowling is the best book series and movies ever!!!!!!! It has so much magic, action, adventure, mystery, and more. I didn’t have a favourite part or favourite book because they were all so good. My favourite character would definitely be Hermione, because she is so smart, brave and more! I also like Luna Lovegood because she is really sweet and is true to herself, and I like Professor Dumbledore because he is so powerful yet kind to all students at Hogwarts. I have lots of other favourite characters as well!
    I would 100% recommend this book to readers that love magic and adventure. I would rate Harry Potter a 10/10!


  2. siecarlin said:

    The Harry Potter series is: The. Best. Series. Ever! Seriously, it is so addicting, and once you start, you can’t stop! I have now read it a total of 3 times, and in all those 3 times, my favourite book would have to be The Order of the Phoenix, as it is action-packed and so exciting. It has you on edge the whole book, which is one of the reasons the whole series is so addicting. My favourite characters are definitely Fred & George, as they just light up the whole book. They add some humor into the books that are mostly serious and I would love to meet them in person! (if they were real! 😕)

    Overall I would rate this a 10/10 because it keeps you on the edge of your seat, literally willing you forward, and the books are so enjoyable!


  3. Chloe said:

    The harry potter series is probably one of the best reads full of action and fantasy. The series harry potter start f being about a boy (harry) that gets asked to come to the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Unfortunately Harrys parents die after he is born which makes it extra difficult for him to get his aunty and uncle to allow him to go there. In the other books they are mainly about the adventures Harry has at Hogwarts. I recommend this book to any age but mainly the high school students so they can understand this action packed series. I also rate this series a 10/10


  4. Sarah said:

    Harry Potter is such an amazing series of books. I love it because whilst reading any of the books it’s impossible to put down. Every single chapter there is a giant plot twist, and it is not a predictable book at all. My favourite book out of the Harry Potter series is most definitely Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. It’s where the series becomes darker and deeper. It’s also my favourite book because everything that was happening the years before were finally all coming together. My favourite character from the Harry Potter series is Ginny. She is my favourite character because she is kind, caring, but extremely brave at the same time. My least favourite parts of the book series was probably the first five chapters or so. As each book took a while to get into action. If I could change something about the books it would be to save some of my favourite characters from dying. I 100% recommend these books to anyone into Hunger Games or Lord of the Rings. Or anyone looking for a book that can be mildly scary. If you enjoy dramas, mysteries or thrillers, then I highly recommend Harry Potter.


  5. The Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling is an amazing series that everybody MUST read. My favourite part of the series will have to be the Deathly hallows and the Goblet of Fire. My favourite characters in the series will have to be either Fred and George Weasley, Hermione Granger, Sirius Black, Dobby and Dumbledore. Fred and George because they are just such comical characters who help make the book much more enjoyable. Hermione because she is an ‘insufferable know-it-all’ and a caring person. Sirius Black because he is Harry’s godfather and a really caring person, the only relative Harry had left. Dobby because he is just a loveable character and finally Dumbledore because although he already had everything planned out, he was kind, smart and knew when to have a laugh. My least favourite part of the series, was when everybody started dying. Hedwig, Dumbledore, Sirius, Fred, Dobby, Lupin, Snape and more. If I could change something in the book it would be to let Fred, Hedwig and Dobby to live. Although others died, Dumbledore especially, Freds, Hedwig and Dobby’s deaths were so sad, above all Fred’s. I would definitely recommend this book to EVERYBODY. You definitely have to read it no matter what genre you like to read or what your age is.


  6. Stephanie said:

    Once you start reading the Harry Potter Series, you can’t stop! The books are filled with mystery, suspense, action, love and friendship, everything a good book needs. I instantly fell in love with the characters and went on a roller coaster ride with them all. My favourite character is probably Hermione, because I think she has incredible character development throughout the entire series. This book is perfect for everyone, whether you love reading or not. I give it a 10/10, and it is by far the best book series I have ever read.


  7. The Harry Potter series is an amazing read. With such an interesting and suspenseful story line this is easily one of my favourite series. The story follows the lives of three young wizards, Harry, Ron and Hermione. My favourite character is Hermione. She has many feminist characteristics and is a smart young girl. She develops meanly throughout the series. The harry potter series shows light on romance, action and fantasy. I rate this series a 9/10 and recommend it to all people aged 10 and over. For people who love magic, mystery and a lots of laughs and tears this is a great read for you.


  8. this seriously is the best books i have ever read and watched. you need to read this NOW!!! you will love all of the caraters in there own roles and ways and i garentee you will love this. my favourite are fred and George!
    happy reading and watching


  9. I loved the Harry Potter series. They were full of action, horror, love, plenty of adventure and of course magic.
    The series tells the story of a young boy Harry Potter who finds out he is a wizard and all the adventures he has with learning to use magic.
    Its a definitely a book all teenagers should read before going into adulthood, so many lessons can be learned in the book!


  10. Maeve said:

    I think that the Harry Potter series is a great series of books. I highly recommend this series to people that love fantasy and adventure. Harry Potter is a book that is funny and sad. My favorite character is Hermine. Hermine is my favorite character because she is always the one that thinks of all the ways to do things, and she helps the boys get out of trouble. I rate this series an 8/10.


  11. kaitlyn said:

    Harry Potter is a great on edge book to read. If you like fantasy it is a good book for you. I would rate Harry Potter series 8/10. The books follow harry potter, his friends, teachers, enemies and challenges through his school time at Hogwarts. learning wizardry and the game of QUIDDITCH!!!! Overall i think it is a great book for all the harry potter fans out there.


  12. Oh My Goodness !!! Is what I can accurately describe this series as. If your reading this you are wanting know and learn more about the Harry Potter series. Well the best advice I can give is to dive head first into it and enjoy and explore the magical and mystical pages of what is known as Harry Potter. I love how we get to feel for harry as we watch him grow up and discover his real friends and watch him develop his relationships. I am one who is very fussy when reading books and can never finish them but this series had me so hooked in and is just full of so much suspense I just had to keep reading and reading. The main reason I love these series is because of how much suspense and mystery there is every time you turn the page. These books are funny, exciting and all around brilliant.


  13. Allegra said:

    This is an amazing series. If you are a experienced reader or your just starting out this is an amazing book to get into. It is all about how a boy called harry potter is attacked by an evil man called lord Vodelmort who wants to kill harry. Will harry survive this series or will he perish like others read the series to find out.


  14. The books and the movies are obviously classics. I’ve read all of the books twice and watched the movies numerous times. Anyone who reads them are sure to have the books stuck in their hands until every word has been read. They’re all about a wizard called Harry Potter and all his friends at Howarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It’s also about the death of his parents and the evil wizard who killed them and how him and Harry. If your only going to read one series of books in your life, this should be it. It is a MUST read!!!


  15. Best series ever……..

    The whole series has you on the edge of your seat, snuggled into to the closest person and you will have a bin full of tissues. I suppose this series is fiction but in my eyes its pretty much all of the genres you can think of e.g action, romantic, adventure, a little bit of drama, ect. It makes you feel as though you’re in a world of magic, how you passionately hate people and love them and how you yell at the screen when your favourite character dies. I love this series so much and I recommend it %100. The way the Actors portray they’re characters is amazing to watch. I hope you read it and I know you will love it!


  16. Georgia said:

    The Harry Potter series is my favourite series of all time because I love how J.K Rowling tells all the books, she describes it in so much detail it feels like I personally know them or are connected with them some how, I love also the plot of this series, she has written an amazing series which is probably a best seller my recommendation is to read them right now. I also love how she has done it so that little harry who was treated like verman all his life gets a chance to show his Aunt and Uncle that he won’t put up with them any more and the way they treat him anymore and in the end defeats one of the most powerful wozards of all time, I would rate this book an 11/10 because I have read this series over and over and it never gets boring.


  17. Harry Potter is such an amazing read, I absolutely love the way J.K Rowling makes this book seem so real ! Harry, Ron, and Hermione are three of the best characters that could have been picked to star in this series. They all are very different characters and this is what makes their friendship so unique and great. Other characters such as Beatrix and Fred and George are hilarious characters which make the series that much better. Every character in this series are so unique which makes the book so interesting. Throughout the series we are introduced to different words and phrases that we have never heard before. This series is absolutely magical, with turning stairs, revealing doors, boogie traps, creatures, goblins, spells, tear drops creating stories and images for others to see and more.This series is extremely powerful and by the end of the series, you almost feel connected to every character, like you now know their story. I feel I could best relate to Hermione, she is always getting frustrated wiht others and I feel this is one of my qualities. If i was J.K Rowling, I wouldn’t have changed a thing about the book. purely because it is mysterious and amazing. I think the type of person that would like these books and moves would be someone who love s a bit of adventure and sci-fi but also someone who loves a good rom-com.The books are a great series and you will just love them!


  18. The Harry Potter books are such an amazing read, JK Rowling has put so much detail into the characters it’s almost like you’re there with them. Harry’s journey isn’t some smooth story like all other books, he has his ups and downs but that’s what I love about it. I recommend it to 9+ years and suggest that you read the books before the movies. Fantasy, mystery, adventure and romance all in one makes it absolutely amazing. Well what are you waiting for? Go and read the books and watch the movies, I promise you won’t regret it.


  19. The Harry Potter series is something everyone should experience throughout their lifetime. The 7 book series, is about the wonderful world of wizardry and brings your imagination to life one book at a time. J.K Rowling uses her words in ways I can’t describe, I rate these books 10000/10!!!


  20. J.K Rowling is a legend!! Her style of writing is amazing and you quickly become someone in the book rather than someone just reading it. If you like books that you can’t put down and where it is impossible not to become engrossed in the story then this series is for you.
    The magical element makes it a wonderful place to escape to. By the end you’ll wish you were a witch! Each book gets better and better and they never disappoint no matter how many times you read them. The story is also very original.
    If you haven’t already read them I recommend you do and soon!


  21. Olivia said:

    This is a great series! I love it so much. J.K Rowling is an amazing author and has made possibly the best series ever! I love wondering what twists are coming up next and I love all the books and all the movies!!!


  22. Where do I start the Harry Potter series is the series of all series, the most creative set of books I have ever read. These books take you to a new world of magic and adventure where you can expore a new fantasy and mystery of an unknown world. These books are a must read as J.K Rowling is own of the most create authors ever. I would definetily suggest reading them and watching the movies!!


  23. Salina said:

    One of my favourite books into movies is the Harry Potter franchise.
    For people who love magic, mystery and a lots of laughs and tears, these books and movies will make you want to read it backwards and watch it slowly to understand whats going on. When you read the first few chapters it seems like your understanding where the story takes place and you find yourself into the book with a warm feeling. On the way reading this book you will find to love these characters and dislike many of the sort.
    Hope you enjoy these books and movies, and if you don’t know anything about Harry Potter, i would prefer t read the books, then watch the movies after to compare it.


  24. Ashton said:

    Harry Potter, Is a movie series consisting of Wizards, Witches, Giants and more. This series has 8 movies full of nail bitting experiences. Harry Potter is a young boy who lost his parents when he was a kid, and grew up with his horrible Stepparents the Dursleys. One day there was a letter for Harry in the mailbox, which much to his surprise he was accepted to Hogwarts the school of witch craft and wizardry and then the story of Harry Potter begins. OH wait i forgot the most important bit! There is an evil wizard called Tom Riddle well ill go by his common name VOLDEMORT who was the murder of Harrys parents and tried to kill him but he was the only known person to survive. All these movies are about voldemort and his plot to kill HARRY POTTER!!! this movie series is a must see its a 10/10


  25. Amelia said:

    Harry Potter is one of the best series I have ever read!!! You go on such a journey with Harry, Ron and Hermione. It is full of Laughs, action and mystery! I think that everyone should read this series, but be warned!! The first chapter of the first book almost puts you to sleep, get through that and you will be hooked!


  26. Hayley said:

    The Harry Potter series are my absolute favourite books in the whole wide world. I have read the books so many times and I am still not bored with them, nor do I think I ever could be. These books are the story of a young Harry Potter who has no parents because the evil Lord Voldemort killed them when he was just a baby. Each book is a new year at Hogwarts, and each one is a unique story of how he and his friends defeat Voldemort. These books are the best books in the whole entire universe and I would recommend these books to anyone who has not read them. The beautiful J.K. Rowling writes them, and the way she writes these books are great. I still read them again and again. Everyone should read them and when you do, I promise you will love them as much as I did.


  27. Reading the Harry Potter series transports you to another world, a world where anything is possible. I enjoyed reading about all the mythical creatures that existed in the world like mountain trolls, house elves, a three headed dog and so many more. It’s also a story about friendship and trust, where Harry and his friends face many challenges and they have to use their strengths and skills in magic to succeed. Harry also deals with loss, the loss of his parents is a theme that is played out throughout the series and he has to find a way to deal with this. There is a lot of humour, adventure and imagination throughout the series that keeps the reader interested and wanting to learn more. A great read that I thoroughly enjoyed. I rate this series a 10/10!!!


  28. Marcie said:

    You will never put these down ever! They are addictive and full of tales and adventures with magic involved….. Watch young witches and wizards transform before your eyes into grown-up witches and wizards conquering the world!


  29. I absolutely loved this series, I couldn’t put the books down and all the characters were well created and captivating. My favourite character was Hermione because she is so smart and doesn’t let anyones taunting or remarks get to her! She is a very strong character. I love how magical the books and movies are and I have read and watched them all more than twice!! I would highly recommend this series to anyone who wants a good read and I can promise that you won’t regret reading them!! 100/10


  30. Sienna said:

    Harry Potter is the best series I’ve ever read!!! its so exciting and it takes you to a different fantasy world, Hogwarts.
    reading this book you let Harry, Ron, Hermione, Dumble door, Hagrid and many other intriguing characters.
    One of the things i really love about the harry potter series is that there is a different story line/problem in each book and its not like you have to read them in oder because its not ongoing like many other books and movies.
    My favourite character is Luna she only comes into the series about half way and she is very open and different to all of the other characters thats why Luna is my favourite character.

    I would give this series 9.5/10 (only because Luna isn’t in all the movies!!)\
    I 100% recomend this book to every one 10 years and older!!!!!


  31. The storyline and mystery in this book series is extraodinary! Her style of writing quickly makes the book more of a personal journey with the characters. The characters she created are very relatable and I can because they are set in a time period of when they are about our age it makes it very easy to understand where they are coming from. My favourite character is Hermoine, mostly because she reminds me of myself. Clever, witty, goody two shoes and always trying to be perfect. Whether you are just beginning the series or a heart the end there is never a dull moment and I definitely recommend the book to all readers. Enjoy!


  32. The series harry potter is amazing!!! It is like a giant roller coaster ride with so many ups and downs. So much adventure and thrills. I really like the character Harry potter because he shows so much courage. But i love how Ron and Hermione stick with him through everything. It is so good and i couldn’t wait to just keep watching the other movies!!! i definitely recommend these movies.


  33. Georgia said:

    These books are my favourite books ever. I love the storyline and I can’t believe how J.K Rowling came up with this amazing idea. I think these books are full of fantasy and a little bit of action. These books will always have you on the edge of your seat. You will follow the amazing story of Harry Pitter and his two best friends Ron and Hermione. I read every one of these books and I think the movies are amazing as well. If you love fantasy, then these books are definitely for you. They are the best and you have to go read them.


  34. The Harry Potter series are a classic that I have enjoyed reading many times. I enjoy the thought that has gone into these series and interesting to see how the characters change and develop. My favourite in the series is the chamber of secrets, I recommend this series to anyone up for a lengthy but engrossing read. 9/10


  35. Priscilla said:

    BOOK SERIES By J.K. Rowling

    This book series is an absolute classic, that no-one can’t love!
    It is an Adventure, Mystery, Fantasy and a little bit of Romance. With witchcraft and wizardry, wands and our beloved Hogwarts, What’s not to love!

    Harry Potter is a regular boy. He lives a horrible life with his uncle and aunt and his beefy, rude, bullying cousin dudley. One night, a man called Hagrid knocks on the door. And says that Harry is a wizard.
    Harry is baffled. But he ends up getting a phoenix feather wand and an owl named Hedwig.
    going to hogwarts, a school of magic. He makes friendships to last forever, a redhead called Ron Weasley (And his sister Ginny), And a clever girl (But a muggle-born) called Hermione Granger (My absolute favourite character!!!!!). He also meets the school bully Malfoy and his cronies Crabb and Goyle. It’s the perfect way to spend the year, although the name ‘you know who’ keeps on coming up. Soon Harry realises ‘you know who’ is the dark shadow across the wizarding world … Lord Voldermort.

    In this book you watch harry grow, learning about his past. And lerning about his future, but mainly you watch Harry’s struggle to defeat the evil wizard Lord Voldemort, who killed Harry’s parents in his quest to take over the all wizards, witches, goblins and other mythical creatures and even muggles under his rule.

    With twists and turns, descripitive detail and kind morals. This book really does hook you like no other. You honestly can’t put the book down. J.K. Rowling makes the story powerful and meaningful. It’s an adventure you can’t help but love.

    I would recommend this book to anyone that can read!

    Age 7+
    I give it a rare 10/10


  36. I absolutely love all the Harry Potter books! I can safely say that I have read them all at least once. These fantastic books are about a brave young wizard boy who survives when the most powerful wizard on earth; Voldemort attacks his parents. The parents die, but Harry lives, making him a hero in the wizarding community… even though he doesn’t know it. Harry has grown up with his non-wizard family, who try their hardest to keep Harry away from all the wizard business. That is until Harry receives a letter from a wizard academy. Harry goes to the school, and learns how to control his magic, quickly becoming one of the best student in the school.


  37. Emily said:

    I loved reading all the Harry Potter books!
    When I was reading them I could really connect with the characters and the books are written so well that it is like you are watching a movie as you are reading one of them. I don’t have a favourite character because they are all so different, so I liked them all a lot in different ways. These stories are magical and are always there for you, they’ll welcome you into the Hogwarts world if you need a break and some time to relax.
    I definitely recommend you to read this series, or even one, but I think if you read one, you’ll want to read another one!


  38. Daphne said:

    Harry Potter is a brilliant series for kids between the ages of 8 and 15! It was and remains one of the best and gripping book series I have ever read, and I highly recommend it for anyone who loves action, mystery and fantasy! You will be gripped from the first page and cannot stop until you finish the last chapter. A fantastic book for anyone stuck for a read, and when you finish the books, you can watch the movie! I highly recommend it!


  39. Angela said:

    I love this series to the moon and back. It has so many twists and turns and interesting moments. I love reading and watching Harry, Ron and Hermione grow up and fight the war with Voldemort while still breaking all of the rules.I have read this series over and over again. And I cannot put it down I give it a 10/10!


  40. This series is a must read! This series has so many twists and turns, ups and downs. It’s the most adventerous series I’ve ever read. They are still my all time favourite books, Ron is definitley my favourite character he is hilarious! These books will make you laugh, cry and gasp with horror. I have re-read this series 2 times! I would recommend this book to everyone who is 11+. I rate it a 10/10!!!!


  41. The Harry Potter series are a great series they are so amazing!!! because there are so many books and they are really long it sometimes puts people of reading them but i am sure once you start them you will wish they never end. Of course from the movies harry is very brave and intelligent. it is such a great story line and is full of adventure, thrills and lots of laughs! i definitely recommend this book to everyone looking to get stuck into a good book!


  42. The Harry Potter series are my favourite, because there’s so much action, mystery and fantasy. My favourite part is the first quidditch match because Harry catches the golden snitch for the first time and he’s the youngest to do so. Ron Weasley is my favourite because he’s very funny and goofy. I love the whole book, and I would suggest this to people who love fantasy, action and humour.


  43. Harry potter, oh yes, I love this book series with all my heart. Harry, Harry, Harry oh boy so much to tell! OK so Harry Potter is probably the best book series you could ever read, as it takes you all the way to another world where there are wizards on broom sticks are wiping around, phenixes that explode into flames, time travel, big bad mazes that search till they find peoples’ weaknesses and oh yeah THE DARK LORD who must NEVER be named. Harry Potter will always keep you griped to the book while he goes on dangerous journeys with his friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. Fred and George Weasley are my favorite characters who always make my laugh my head off! Anyway I think anyone who likes adventure/ mythical/ and a little romance would love this book! I rate it a 100/10!


  44. Georgia said:

    The series is absolutely amazing! The Harry Potter series follow the adventures of Harry and his many friends and enemies. It is about the magical school of Hogwarts, evil wizards, and the wonderful world of magic and fantasy. It is an wonderful series and I would easily give it a 10 out of 10. My favourite characters are Ron Weasley and Draco Malfoy, as they make the books even more interesting! This series is full of suspense, action and every page is intriguing. I recommend this to everyone over the age of 10. Go read it now if you haven’t!


  45. Reading the Harry Potter series transports you to another world, a world where anything is possible. I enjoyed reading about all the mythical creatures that existed in the world like mountain trolls, house elves, a three headed dog and so many more. It’s also a story about friendship and trust, where Harry and his friends face many challenges and they have to use their strengths and skills in magic to succeed. Harry also deals with loss, the loss of his parents is a theme that is played out throughout the series and he has to find a way to deal with this. There is a lot of humour, adventure and imagination throughout the series that keeps the reader interested and wanting to learn more. A great read that I thoroughly enjoyed. I rate this series a 10/10!!!


  46. Geilee said:

    I have read this series many and many times, this series is very famous. Many people have read it. It is about a magical world where wizards and witches live and work. There is a dark wizard that tried to kill a baby named Harry but it didn’t work instead it killed the dark wizard and Harry ended up living. Harry’s parents were killed by the dark wizard so he was sent to live with his only relatives his mum’s sister. Harry was treated badly and he didn’t know there was wizards and witches in the world. Harry ended up going to a magical school after some accidents and he makes friends and he becomes happy but it all ends when the dark wizard comes back and harry’s nightmares come to life.
    This book has adventure, suspense, drama and more,
    If you haven’t read this book and you like adventure, suspense, and drama then read it right now.
    I give it a ten out of ten,


  47. The Harry Potter series is by far my favourite set of books! I would highly recommend them to anyone who loves intriguing mysteries. The world created by J.K Rowling is incredible with the magical creatures and places coming to life on the pages. Each book is full of suspense and after starting to read it’s incredibly hard to put the book down. As they progress the themes become more mature but despite this each book is equally amazing! I thoroughly recommend this to anyone of all ages. It has action, drama, romance, suspense and intrigue; everything you could possibly want in a book! It is a definite 10/10 and even if you have watched the movies it is worth reading the books because they go into such incredible detail that the movies can’t possibly include!


  48. Alyssa said:

    The Harry Potter series is full of suspense and action. Every-time I opened one of the books, I stepped into Harry Potter’s magical world. When I finished reading all the books, I still found myself up at night, wondering what it would be like to have magical powers. The books go deeper into the story then the movies do, which is why I preferred reading the books over watching the movies. Out of all the books, ‘The Chamber of Secrets’ provided more suspense than any of the other books and was my favourite, because of the mystery of ‘who opened the chamber?’ and ‘how did the person open it?’. If you like suspense, action, drama and a bit of romance, this book is for you!
    I rate this series a 9/10.


  49. Alannah said:

    I have read and scene the whole Harry Potter series and loved them to death. If you like adventure, mystery, action and romance books then this is the series for you. The Harry Potter series is about a boy named Harry Potter who’s parents died in an apparent “accident” and he is living with his extremely negative, annoying and anti-Harry aunt Petunia and uncle Vernon and his cousin Dudley. One day he gets a letter saying that he was excepted into Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry because he is a wizard. His Aunt and Uncle are very annoyed that he got excepted but eventually let him go. The adventure starts from there. This is an amazing series and everybody should read it. I recommend these books to anybody 10 and over because it might be hard to understand if your younger.


  50. Scarlett said:

    Ok, so Harry Potter is, in my mind and everyone else in the worlds, the best book series in the entire world. It is an amazing story that brings you into the magical, and non the least ordinary, life of Harry Potter. He may seem like your average teenage boy, but he is much more than that. My favourite character in Harry Potter is Ron Weasley. He has a really nice personality and is very funny. He also is such a good friend to Harry and Hermione. My favourite book in the series is the Deathly Hallows. It really just ties the series together beautifully and it answers basically all the questions you may have acquired throughout the series. I would definitely recommend this book to everyone, if you have been silly enough not to have read it yet, because it has a bit of everything; romance, action, adventure, and little bit of tears and an AWESOME lolly shop!! I give Harry Potter a 10/10 for being an all round amazing series that should have everyone transported into another world. Thank you J. K. Rowling for creating such an amazing world!!


  51. Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
    The six book in the Harry Potter series really changes the story, through the first 5 books you can sort of see what direction the book is heading but the storyline changes completely when Albus Dumbledore dies and Harry if left to watch as his friends are in danger before he can help fight the Death Eaters. I believe that Professor Slughorn brings some humour to the book through all his parties, potions classes and giving the Felix Felis to Harry. My favourite character would be Professor Slughorn because he is a really different sort of character and he suits in well and brings something different to Hogwarts.
    I would rate this book a 9.7/10 because although there is a sad ending, the story is so magical and thrilling!


  52. Gracel said:

    personally WHO dosen’t like HARRY POTTER i mean like if you don’t then {not trying to be mean} have you been living under a rock no joke i mean it
    Personally if you dont like the most greatest book series of all time i dont know who you are Siriusly i mean it & yes i did say Siriusly & again yes that is the Sirius of Hp
    but any way i really do belive that HARRY POTTER is AMAZING so i give the book a


  53. Isobel said:

    Harry Potter was, and still is my favourite series of all time. I deeply admire J.K Rowling, af the way that she can put so much depth into her characters, plot and general writing. My favourite characters would have to be Luna, because of her quirky, original personality, and Neville, because even when he was pushed down by someone, he got right back up every time and fought for what he believed in. The most heartbreakng moment in this book is when Dobby is killed by Bellatrix. Even though it is a fictional book, it is still very believable and easy to loose track of time in. It is also a great story about friendship and a bit of love here and there.


  54. I loveee the movie she’s the man because it is a really modern, and all round classic movie. My favourite part of the movie was when Viola gets to play in the soccer match as a boy, and the shows everyone she actually is a girl. She was also my favourite character because she is so funny and plays the role really well. I really would recommend this movie to ages 11 and up because there are some things in the movie that kids under this age might not understand. I think any type of person could watch this movie but people how love soccer will really enjoy it!


  55. Harry Potter is a timeless classic, and one of the best series I’ve ever read! These seven books are amazing. I first read them when I was in Grade 4 or 5, after I had watched the films, so I’d recommend it for boys and girls aged 8 and up, if it’s at their reading level. If you adored the movies, you should read the books because you will get a better understanding of the story and characters. I’d give each of these books 5 stars because you could read them over and over again and still love them!


  56. Brigitte said:

    Harry Potter where to start its gloomy, funny, scary, frightening, dreadful and nail biting. It is so good to watch. Every story is different they are always achieving something . When you are watching you are just wishing you had those powers. I am not much of a book reader but I have read a couple of the Harry Potter books. But I believe that the movies are better because it is easier to see how they do the spells and you get a better understanding on how each character looks. This is not me saying that do not go read the books though because this is just my opinion and like I said I am not much of a book reader. What I enjoy is that there is new things and new characters each movie. I believe this book is ranged for people around the age of 10 because if any younger might be too frightening and probably won’t be enjoyable. I give the whole series and big 10/10!!


  57. Adelle said:

    Harry Potter has been my favourite sires since I was little. I have seen all the movies and read all the books. I thought the books were better then the movies because they were more interesting. Once I started I couldn’t stop I really wish there was more books of harry potter to read and watch. I would recommend this book to anyone how likes mystery and a little something to make you jump. 10/10!!!!!!!


  58. Harry Potter is one of the greatest series of all time!!! It’s about a group of three friends and they have good and bad times together. I have watched and read all the movies and books and they are the best. I think anyone would love these series. Luckily all the books and movies have been finished so if you start now you don’t have to wait for the next movie/book.


  59. Harry Potter is a great series and i love it so much!!! I have watched all of the movies and read most of the books. This book has so many emotions all the way through it. I was hooked and i couldn’t stop reading it. I was sad that all of the series is over but i love reading and watching all of the books over again. I would recommend this book and all of the movies to any age!


  60. Emily said:

    Harry Potter is just a great series! I love it so much. Despite a tough time getting interested into the series, I was hooked. Harry Potter is a great book because it is one that you can read when you are happy, sad, angry or frustrated, this is because it takes you to a magical place where you don’t have to worry about anything. All you have to do is listen. I got so carried away in this series and very emotional at times because the author J.K Rowling was very good at making it realistic, and just when you are ready to go to bed you just have to read one more page. Even though it is a fictional book, it is still very believable and easy to loose track of time in. It is also a great story about friendship and a bit of love here and there.


  61. I love the Harry Potter Series so far. I have read the first four books and I love them. Each book has a different problem to look foward to every time you start to read a new chapter. I love the Harry Potter Series because I like books that are adventurous. At first I didn’t think I would like it because I wasn’t sure about all the magic in it but I read the first book and wanted to read more!!!
    I rate the Harry Potter Series a 9/10!


  62. Ebony said:

    Harry Potter is a great series for everyone to read. It contains lots of imagination and creativity. I love the way that J.K Rowling goes into such detailed depth so that you can easily visualize the series. I also like it how she created it for boys and girls. My favourite character would have to be Hermoine because she tends to stick up for herself but then only sometimes. I would rate this series 8.5/10


  63. Maddie said:

    Harry Potter was, and still is my favourite series of all time. I deeply admire J.K Rowling, af the way that she can put so much depth into her characters, plot and general writing. My favourite characters would have to be Luna, because of her quirky, original personality, and Neville, because even when he was pushed down by someone, he got right back up every time and fought for what he believed in. The most heartbreakng moment in this book is when Dobby is killed by Bellatrix. I recommend this book to all ages!

    Weasley is our king 😉


  64. I have already posted a comment about the Harry Potter series, but that does not even nearly compare with how I feel about it now. I have now read it for a second time and become a fanatic, so I have a lot of things to say about it, so here I go.
    I absolutely loved the Harry Potter series, it’s my favourite of all time. It’s action packed, leaves you on your toes until the very end, it’s a bit confusing at times but that’s good because then you want to read on to see what it all means and you can’t predict the ending. My favourite character is Sirius Black. I suppose I liked him because he was always there for Harry and he was like a father to him. Whenever he needed advice, he would be there to give it. Sirius and Harry had such a special and loving relationship and I envied that. I felt as if almost everything that happened to Harry, happened to me. It’d feel his anger, his love and his sadness. So when he loved Sirius (like a father), I loved Sirius too. Because he was there for me too, and gave me advice too. The saddest part in the books was when Sirius died. I still can’t get over it. Whenever I think about it, it makes me sad. If I could change anything, it would be all the deaths (although I didn’t care about Cedric Diggory). But I know why they had to die – to symbolise the war, and that Harry was alone, and that he didn’t have any father figures, etc. But that’s one of the things that made the books great, that they didn’t have a totally happy ending, like all the Disney movies do, and they can be quite boring. Overall, I absolutely love these books, and would recommend them to anyone and everyone. It has romance, humor, adventures, and much more. I give them 10/10 but I don’t even think this perfect mark reflects how awesome these books are. They’re just… awesome 🙂


  65. I loved these books and movies because they took you through a journey of harry potters life. My favorite part of these series is when Harry first meets Ron and Hermione. My favorite character of these books and movie is dobby because he is really cute and small. My least favorite part of the movie is when dobby dies because it is really sad. I wouldn’t change anything in the book or the movie because its really action packed. I would recommend this movie to older kids rather that little kids.


  66. Ariane said:

    I loved the Harry Potter series. All of the adventures started when Hermione, Ron and Harry all became friends. They faced every adventure together and stayed true with each other. The series is about a young boy who finds out that he is a wizard, he meets his best friends on his first trip to Hogwarts. Though their friendship isn’t a good start they became close friends in a matter of minutes. In each of the book Harry and his friends face a problem which happened to link to his arch enemy Lord Voldemort who killed his parents and left him with a scar. Harry faced these problems with his friends through a lot of bravery. They end up breaking a tonne of rules but that didn’t stop them from going on a head. As the story went on I got to see how the 3 of them grew up together, their bond never became weaker on stronger after each argument. But it all came down to the last book where all forces of good came together to help the 3 of them defeat Lord Voldemort. The first book took me a while to get into because it on going on and on with the introduction. But it was worth the reading because the rest of the series covered for the slow start. The moment I got into the series there was no stopping me, I finished the series in about 32 hours (give or take a few) over 3 weeks. At first I found Hermione annoying because she was really bossy and was ‘miss know it all’. But she grew on me as her personality changed and became my favourite character. She was my favourite because she stayed true to her heart and she was really responsible as well but she did become naughty for only good! I rate this book 9.5/10.


  67. Jarrah said:

    I love the Harry Potter series !! There are so many interesting characters and this book has such an interesting story line that is unlike any other is is just out of this world amazing !!
    My favourite book and movie of the series is the Deathly Hallows because it is the most interesting and shows you how the characters have devolped and changed over time and how it all ends !! My favourite character is Hermione because she is smart, brave and kind. I would rate this 10/10 !!


  68. I would like to highly recommend the series of books of Harry Potter. Harry potter series have really thick books but honestly i dont care as it harry potter. I love to read threw the book to see what adventure’s Harry, Herminy and Ron go on and what they get up to. After i start to read it i keep reading until my eyes are that saw that i can no longer read or about to fall asleep. Im that in to the novels. I enjoy the movies as well but honestly i like the books better.The books have it in more detail then what the move does. I would recommend The Harry Potter series of books to both Women/girls and Men/boys older then then 8. It can be really hard to understand if younger and the book is huge and has some long hard words in it


  69. I loved this book. It was one of the most exciting books i have ever read. All the excited builds up and i was so happy when i read the last book because everything feel into place. I have lots of favourite parts of the book and on one of them is When Harry killed Voldemort. It was awesome because one of the whole reasons about the book is killing Voldemort. My favourite character in the book would have to be Hermione because she is beautiful, smart, brave and strong and she is just like Harry and Ron. One of the characters i can relate to is probably Ron because he is not that smart. I defiantly don’t have a least favourite part of the book everything about is awesome. If i could change something in the book it would be Tonks, Lupin, Fred, Sirius, Dumbledore and all the rest of the people that were on the good side not dying. I would recommend that EVERYONE should read the Harry Potter series because when you are reading it you will not put it down. You will always want to know whats coming next. Even if you don’t like that book (but i think that you will) watch the movie. You will definitely LOVE Harry Potter


  70. Harry Potter is my absolute favourite series in the world! I loved this series because there is alway something going on and it is all very exciting. My favourite part of the series is the final battle, where it all ends because everything makes sense. My favourite character is Luna because she has a unique personality. I can relate to Luna because I think I am unique like her. I love every part of this series and don’t have a least favourite part at all. I would never change any part of this series because I think the plot, all the characters and everything is perfect the way it is. I recommend this book to everyone. I rate it a 10/10. It os the best series ever!!!!!!


  71. Shannon said:

    This is a great serious of books from advanced readers to middle reading groups. My favourite character is Hermione because she is funny and is a bit of a know it all. Although she is sill kind, caring, willing to give up her knowledge (luckily for Harry and Ron) and is very trustworthy. My favourite book of the serious is Harry Potter and The deathly Hallows ( The Book ) as it is very interesting and I was always wondering what happens next!! I can relate to Hermione a little bit as people ask me for help with questions and homework. I would not change any part of the serious except for when all the people die :. I would defiantly recommend this serious to anyone. Although I would read it from book number 1 down to 7 so you understand the story line.


  72. Matilda said:

    The Harry Potter series is my favourite series of all time!!! I love the magic in it and how
    J. K. Rowling has you thinking and wondering until everything is revealed in the end!!! I don’t really have a favourite character but if I’d choose anyone I’d choose Harry. He is kind, loyal, friendly and nice. He sticks up for what he believes in and is always ready to save his friends from HUGE disaster!!! I love all the characters and how they all have great and different personalities.

    I rate these books 1000/100 they are so great!!! I recommend them to everyone!!!!


  73. Jorja said:

    This is the only series of books I have ever read and it was awesome. I loved each and every book with passion :p. My favourite book is the chamber of secrets. But my favourite scene is the very end of the series where everything comes together to make perfect sense. My favourite character is Harry Potter. I definitely don’t have many least favourite parts. I can’t relate to any of the characters but understand how they feel. I wouldn’t change anything in the series.
    The whole series is exellent and just makes everyone wanting more. I rate the whole series 9/10!!


  74. Gina Maddalon said:

    I love the Harry Potter series. I am not much of a book lover but these books I could not put down. I started reading these books when I was a little child and have grown up with these books and have read them over and over again. My favourite book is the deathly hallows as it is so jammed packed with detail and you just don’t want to put it down. All of these books are so good and trust me there actually better then the movie if that’s possible. I would recommend it to every especially the people who aren’t really into reading as that’s like me but I loved these books. I can relate to the characters and all seven books are definitely a 10 out of a 10. Start reading them now!!


  75. Words cannot describe how TERRIFIC this series is! These seven books are my seven Horcruxes-without them, I would die! I started reading Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone when I was eight or nine and it was because I saw the movies made beforehand. I loved the books just as much as the movies (and perhaps even more!). If you loved the movies, then the books are a perfect for you. These books created my childhood! J.K.Rowling is famous for these amazing novels and being super creative when she was writing them. I give the series a 10/10 and 5/5 stars! AKJFHSDKJFHGBRSJFHBR AMAZING!


  76. This is the only series of books I have ever read and it was awesome. I loved each and every book with passion :p. My favourite book is the chamber of secrets. But my favourite scene is the very end of the series where everything comes together to make perfect sense. My favourite character is Harry Potter. I definitely don’t have many least favourite parts. I can’t relate to any of the characters but understand how they feel. I wouldn’t change anything in the series. I recommend it for all ages and everyone!!! It is a magical experience!! :p


  77. April said:

    I love Harry Potter. My favourite movie is the fourth one. I love this one so much because it is just a bit different because of the ball. I really liked this scene because you didn’t expect it from Harry Potter movies, also Hermione looked really pretty. The whole series is exellent and just makes everyone wanting more. I rate the whole series 9/10!!


  78. I loved the Harry Potter series. They were full of action, horror, love, plenty of adventure and of course magic.
    The series tells the story of a young boy Harry Potter who finds out he is a wizard and all the adventures he has with learning to use magic. The main plot throughout the books is Harry trying to overthrow Lord Voldemort, the evil wizard who wants to rule the world of magic. Harry uses the powers of friendship and love to finally beat Voldemort in the final book, The Deathly Hallows.

    I really enjoyed reading these books and I was hooked after the first one. I recommend these books to anyone who needs a really good read.


  79. the harry potter series is extremely captivating, thrilling, exciting, amazing, MAGICAL, funny, emotional, humorous, MAGICAL and is a must-read for EVERYONE


  80. I highly recommend the Harry Potter Series.
    Its a great read for people of all ages. Harry, Ron and Hermione get up to all kinds of trouble, but they always come up with some excuse. Great fun to read!


  81. This is one of my favorite series ever!!

    A 9 or 10 year old boy named Harry Potter is a complete nobody who is living within with his fat cousin and his aunt and uncle who sleeps in a cupboard under the stairs and is treated horrible by them. His parents died when he was one year old and was told they died in a car crash but Harry gets a lot of very odd dreams of flashes of green light and is not convinced that that is the true story. On his 11th birthday Harry finds out that he is not an ordinary 11 year old boy, but a wizard and is enrolled into a magic school Hogwarts. Harry Potter turns out to be famous in this new world because he survived a killing curse from a very evil wizard, you are not surpose to say the name of (Lord Voldemort), when he was just a baby.

    Throughout the series, Harry has to endure many adventures facing Lord Voldemort and his followers with his best friends Ron and Hermione.Hermione is a fantastic talented no it all! Ron on the other hand is very clumsy and goofy.
    I recommend it to everyone especially all the people really wanting to know the hard life of being a wizard and I have read these books about five times each! These books also give you hope if you live with your horrible family that you can get out of it and be great! 🙂


  82. OMG: who dosen’t love Harry Potter come one there only the best books ever written. Want a fact I’ve got one. Did you know J.K Rowling is richer then the queen herself!!!!!!!!
    The Harry Potter Series starts with Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. Harry’s Parents have died and he is living with his aunt and uncle and thier spoiled son. Harry is treated like a slave. doing everything that his aunt and uncle tell him to do. but that all changes when Mr Potter 11th birthday comes around everything in his world changes. it all starts with one letter then a another and another and you get the point. So when the Dursley move. harry meets Hagort. Hagort tells harry he is wizard. Harry is so shoked. but who would’nt be! so Harry then goes off to the magical school of witchcraft and wizardy called Hogwarts. That’s when the real adventrue starts!!!!


  83. I think the Harry Potter series is great for people that like magic and fantasy. I wish the series would keep going on and on. He has two really best friends called Ron and Hermione who all find themselves in a lot of trouble. They have so many adventures and Harry must defeat Voldemort in every book and the last book was really exciting. I love this book and I would rate it 11 out of 10. There is also movies but the books are so much better.


  84. The Harry potter series is amazing. J.K Rowling is the best writer ever!!
    The series is about a boy who lives with his Aunt and Uncle as his parents were ’supposedly killed in a car accident’ when really they were killed by evil Voldemort. Harry soon finds out about all of this and that he himself is magic. He then goes to Horgwarts where it is filled with people of magic. He meets two amazing friends, Ron and Hermione, who all find themselves in the worst of worst problems. They have so many adventures and Harry must defeat Voldemort in every book and the last book will stun you. Every person who has read these books and seen the movies will tell you that the books are 1000000 times better.


  85. this is the best series ever. i love this series. it’s so awesome and funny. my fav character is RON!! he is awesome and funny. i love him. i also love FRED AND GEORGE!!!! they are hilarious!!! read this series now!!!


  86. i love harry potter i can never get bored of it!:)


  87. i love these books
    they are so good:)
    everyone should have a read!
    you wont be able to put the books down


  88. Fantastic !! but its nothing compared to twilight !! Still such a great book


  89. These books are sooooo good.
    they are really interesting.
    you must read the book before you watch the movie !!


  90. Harry Pottter where do I begin. It is the best movie and book full of magic and friendship. It is amazing it feels like your actully there. The main characters Ron, Hermiony and Harry risk their lives to save Hogwarts and Harry from Lord Voldimort. It is so gooooooood! You face gets stuck in the book.


  91. This is my favourite series ever!! I recommend it to everyone and I have read these books about five times each!

    A young boy named Harry Potter is a complete nobody who sleeps in a cupboard under the stairs and is completely loathed by his Aunt and Uncle who he is forced to live with. His parents died when he was one year old and was told they died in a car crash but Harry gets odd dreams of flashes of green light and is not convinced. On his 11th birthday Harry finds out that he is not an ordinary person, but a wizard and is enrolled into a magic school Hogwarts. Harry Potter turns out to be famous in this new world because he survived a killing curse from a very evil wizard, Lord Voldemort, when he was just a baby.

    Throughout the series, Harry has to endure many adventures facing Lord Voldemort and his followers with his best friends Ron and Hermione.


  92. Harry Potter thinks he is an unlucky normal 10 year old boy who lives under the stairs of his selfish aunty, uncle and greedy cousin’s house. Little does he know that he is a wizard just like his parents who were killed by Voldemort, an evil wizard. He goes to Hogwarts, a school of magic and meets many people just like him. He develops a great friendship with Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley and help Harry as he encounters many difficulties through his journey through life. He is confronted by Voldemort many times through the series. It is a magical book with many exciting scenes and I could’nt put any of the books down!


  93. I LOVE the Harry Potter series they are extrodinary. I read the whole series in two and a half weeks they were sooooooo good. The books are so good that i wish that the series would just keep on going this book is great for people who like magic and to be on the edge of their seat while they are reading. These books are FANTASTIC.


  94. this is a great series of books to read. my friend told me she had just read the best series of books. i started reading them. i just couldn’t put them down. i read through the wole series. it took me a while but i finished it. it is baout a boy whos parents died by an evil wizard called voldimort. the boy grew up with his uncle, aunty and cousin. one night he was sing happy birthday to him self when a giant came into the room. his name was hagrid. hagrid took harry to get all his wizard things, and them took him too hogwards school of wizardtry. it is a good series


  95. The books are about the adventures of the wizard Harry Potter, together with Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, his friends from the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. You watch Harry grow from a young first year to a mature senior as he learns about his past The central story arc concerns Harry’s struggle against the evil wizard Lord Voldemort, who killed Harry’s parents in his quest to take over the wizarding world and non-magical (Muggle) people to his rule.

    I get so hooked to these books and I can’t take my eyes off them that is why I believe they should definitely get a 5 out of 5. The thing a like about them is j.k.Rowling makes the story lines believable and dosen’t make it feel fake.
    I would recommend this book to probably any one who loves reading and is ready for a new book to get hooked on. It is an Adventure, Mystery, a slight hint of Romance and supernatural story that is why I believe it could appeal to many different people. People who enjoyed the Twilight Series would really enjoy this book.


  96. The Harry Potter series is my favourite series in the world! It is about a young boy named Harry who starts off living with his horrible aunt, uncle and cousin after his parents die. On his 11th birthday, however, he discovers that he is a wizard!! He goes to Hogwarts school of witch craft and wizardry, where he meets Ron and Hermione, who become his best friends. He also makes some enemies…
    At Hogwarts, he learns magic and everything to do with it. He learns more about his past, and the reason for his parents death and the lightening shaped scar on his forehead… Lord Voldemort…


  97. The harry potter series are my absolute favourite books in the whole wide world. I have read the books so many times and I am still not bored with them. These books are the story of a boy called Harry Potter who has no family because the evil Lord Voldermort killed them. Each book is a new year at Hogwarts and is the story of how he and his friends defeat Voldermort. These books are the best books in the whole wide world and I would recommend these books to anyone who has not read them. The beautiful J.K. Rowling writes them and the way she writes these books are great. I still read them again and again. Everyone should read them and when you do, I promise you will love them as much as I did.


  98. I love these book!
    The first one is about how harry has been living with his aunty and uncle who treat him really badly. Then out of know where he gets a letter saying that he is a wizard and that he has been chosen to go to a school called hogwarts. He goes and that is where the adventure begins..
    I reccomend this book to whoever likes fantasy. Its a great so just read it!!!


  99. OMG! i still love this series even though i have read twilight and it is still good and i still love it. I love how you get to grow up with Harry and follow his life and get through Harry’s adventures. 5 out of 5 for this one.


  100. Harry potter is really good it goes into the magical thing without overdoing it by some and without making it sound fake. It explores the journey of harry potter from when he starts hogwarts to the end when he has a family and joins up to fight against voldermort (this is all the series). The harry potter series shows light on romance, action and others its really good for boys and girls so i beleive people should read it.


  101. I think that the 6th Harry Potter is the best book in the series. There is lots of action and even some romance between Harry and Ginny. I can’t wait for the new movie to come out! Just for the record I think Daniel Radcliffe (Harry) is really ugly in the 5th movie and Tom Felton (Malfloy) is really HOT!!!!! I recommend this book to boys and girls that like a little bit of magic in their lifes!


  102. I have to admit, I tried reading the HP series when I was younger and just could not get into it but I read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (book number 7) when it came out and I thought it was terrific.

    The only thing I didn’t like about the books was that so many great characters die, you never find out who Neville Longbottom marries and WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO DRACO MALFOY?

    I would suggest reading the other books before you read the last book though, because I did have to patch a few things together from the movies and the little my friends had told me about what happens in the sixth book, but it was still a great read.

    This series is suitable for all ages… even thought ‘You Know Who’ and Mr. Severus Snape can be severely creepy.

    Read these books if you wish to find yourself in a magical world of Pollyjuice potion and Weasleys.
    Enjoy 😀


  103. i love these books!!!!


  104. The Harry potter series are a fantastic read with wicked witches, and surprising twists to the plot, they will leave you hanging and coming back for more.
    Suitable for all ages and a guarantee that you will love them.


  105. 4 Steps to Follow
    When writing a book review:

    (Note: You do not have to answer every question; these are only suggestions to guide your writing.)

    1. Write at least 3-4 sentences about the plot
    Harry Potter is an ordinary boy. He lives a horrible life with his uncle and aunt and his beefy, rude, bullying cousin dudley. But he also notices strange things sometimes happen to him. When for the first time in his life, a letter is addressed to HIM, he is extremely excited. But his Uncle vernon burns every letter that gets sent to the house. One night, a man comes to the door. He says his name is Hagrid. And that Harry is a wizard.

    Then the story begins.. Harry goes off to Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry, and one of the seven adventures he has in this breathtaking experiance begins.
    He meets Hermione and Ron who becomes his best friends, gets an owl called hedwig, and meets the school bully Malfoy and his cronies crabb and goyle.
    This is a wonderful place to spend the year, apart from the fact that the magical world has a dark shadow across it.. Lord Volermort.

    My favourite character is harry because he is brave loyal, and sticks up for his friends.

    I really liked this book, it is one of the best books i have ever read and will stay with you long after you have turned the last page. All ages can enjoy this magical read!


  106. J.K Rowling is a legend!! Her style of writing is amazing and you quickly become someone in the book rather than someone just reading it. If you like books that you can’t put down and where it is impossible not to become engrossed in the story then this series is for you.
    The magical element makes it a wonderful place to escape to. By the end you’ll wish you were a witch! Each book gets better and better and they never disappoint no matter how many times you read them. The story is also very original.
    If you haven’t already read them I recommend you do and soon!


  107. whether you are an experienced reader or just getting into reading, these books are great for all readers. I reccommend that you read the books before you see the movies and decide what you like better! Fantasy, mystery, romance and adventure all rolled into one, Harry Potter is a great read for all! 🙂


  108. um can you please make the harry potter series one to review? because they are simply fantastic! 🙂


  109. this is the best series ever. i love this series. it’s so awesome and funny. my fav character is RON!! he is awesome and funny. i love him. i also love FRED AND GEORGE!!!! they are hilarious!!! read this series now!!!


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