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Picture this: You live in a fabulous apartment on Manhattan’s Upper East Side, complete with your own phone line, all the privacy you want (because your parents are never home), and your own bedroom and bathroom.

You attend the exclusive all-girls Spenford School.

Weekends are filled with parties, fundraisers, and shopping for the latest fashions.

You have endless money to spend, a perfect boyfriend, and a first-class ticket to the college of your choice.

Chances are, Gossip Girl is watching you.

Comments on: "Gossip Girl – Cecily von Ziegesar" (27)

  1. I absolutely loved this drama-filled book that was full of entertaining chapters and the series is certainly one of my favourites. I absolutely love how there isn’t like a clear goal that the characters have to complete at the end of the book and how it’s just about their elite lives and how they live them. We get to experience life how the characters would and basically get to live through them. My favourite character is definitely Blair because she doesn’t really do anything wrong in the book and she’s ignoring her ex-best friend for a good reason and I can somewhat relate to her. I give this book a 9.5/10 and would recommend it to any teenage girl.


  2. Gossip Girl is absolutely amazing. It is funny, mysterious and filled with loads and loads of drama. It is about a group of teenagers that live on the upper east side. Gossip Girl blogs all the latest drama and tells the whole world all of their secrets. It has you on the edge of your chair waiting to find out who she is. My favourite character is Serena as she is so kind and loyal. Gossip Girl is a great book and I would recommend this book to all teenage girls.


  3. it is very funny and mysterious throughout the series because all you want is to know who gossip girl is but every time you think you get close you end up looking in the complete wrong direction. there are many scandals and mysteries but when they final reveal who gossip girl is everybody goes “WOW”
    I would definitely recommend this to all and it would be an injustice to give it an other score than 10/10.


  4. Grace said:

    Gossip Girl is my absolute favourite TV series. It’s all about a website online that has secrets about a group of friends that is run by a mystery blogger. My favourite character is Serena, because she is so beautiful and understanding. I would recommend this to any girls that enjoy pretty little liars or shows like that and rate it a 10/10 !


  5. Grace said:

    Gossip girl is one of my favourite TV series. Once you start watching it you probably won’t be able to stop because it just keeps getting better and better. My favourite character is Blair because I love her confidence and how she has control with everything. I also love her fashion sense because each episode she always has a new pair of clothes and I just love them.I recommend this for all teenage girls because I can promise you will love it. xoxo


  6. Sophie said:

    I hardly know where to start, Gossip Girl is just a much watch for all teenage girls. As you can probably tell from the name it is all based around gossip and a page called gossip girl that posts gossip about the elite group who live on the upper east side. These kids are living the good life, attending amazing balls and events that anyone would kill to go to. All the characters and great but the relationship between Blair and Serena is amazing. They are both totally different character but some how they are best friends and even though they fight they always end up having each others back. One thing to watch is Blair’s wardrobe, she has the most amazing clothes. By the end of the show you will feel like you belong on the upper east side and will be wishing you were Blair or Serena, (Not Vanessa because she just isn’t as good). Any and every girl should watch this because it it one of the best series ever created and it is definitely a 10/10. So get watching 🙂 🙂 🙂


  7. I absolutely love Gossip Girl. It is so entertaining and you can’t help but wish you were included in the elite group from the upper east side. My favourite character would have to be Blair. She always has to be in control and loves people to know how much better she is than them. She is also very funny and has always been hoping for her fairytale ending. I also love Chuck, who has a personality that will make you laugh and also wish he was your boyfriend. I would recommend this to anyone who loves a bit of melodramatic drama, but once you start watching you won’t be able to stop!


  8. millie.c said:

    I LOVE GOSSIP GIRL!!!!!!!!!
    this show is so amazing it is sort of for teenagers and older but it is about this group of friends and they all are sort of rich and you never know when gossip girl will have her next attack
    when i watch this some of the feelings i have are i feel rich and happy an it is very exciting i would recommend this to maybe 11 and above.


  9. I LOVE GOSSIP GIRL. It’s the most dramatic, funny, entertaining series out. Gossip Girl always keeps you at ease and wanting to know whats going to happen next. Although there are a lot of series and a lot of episodes every second of every episode it worth watching. If your into lots of gossip this is definitely the kind of series you are looking for. Give one episode a shot and i have a feeling you would like it. 🙂


  10. a great book series i have read is the gossip girl series i have also watched the tv series there a great and are about a group of teenages that are always getting into trouble or some rich event is happening and there always fighting for some one stealing your boyfriend or been a bad friend but there is a person called gossip girl and shes knows everything and everyone but know one knows who she is. its a exciting and funny series and everyone loves it i recommend you to watch it. my favourite season is 5 because new stuff is always happening and my favourite character is Serena because she is drop dead gorgeous and a loyal friend and fun.


  11. Gossip Girl by Cecily von Ziegesar is a great book that any teenage girl would love, whether you watch the TV show or not. There are different characters with different personalities, so you can relate to anyone of them and take favourites when fights occur. My favourite character in the book is Blair Waldorf because she is portrayed better in the book then in the TV show! If you are obsessed with Gossip Girl and always want more of it, or just like to gossip with girls, this is the book for you. I read this after watching the TV series and enjoy them both equally (and I’m not the biggest fan of reading!) and say it is 5/5 stars!


  12. Gossip girl book series- I really enjoy watching and reading the Gossip girl series because you never know whats going to happen next and its a great teenage drama series. My favourite character is Serena she is loyal, funny, kind, pretty, great personality, great friend and loves her fashion. My favourite Series in the show is Season 4 because lots of dramatic stages happen in the teenages lives. I would rate it 10/10 its very interesting and i get really stuck into it.


  13. Emily said:

    I absolutely loved reading this book.
    It’s characters and story line were so engaging I just couldn’t put it down. The author describes the amazing locations and characters in such a way that it really does make you think that they are standing right in front of you. My favourite part in this book is really a character. I love Serena. I love how everything in her life falls into place without her even lifting a finger and how she is an extreme party girl. Although for many of us living on the Upper East Side is only a dream, you can still relate to the characters and story line. The book is full of real life issues especially for teenagers. I highly recommend that you read this book, I promise that you will enjoy it.


  14. Gossip Girl is AMAZING!
    I love how it gets you in, and you have to keep watching more and more of it.
    My favourite character is Chuck!
    Chuck hides behind his strong, tough and manly character because he doesn’t want to reveal the loving and sweet person that he really is. The only person that he opens up to is Blaire. They make such a great couple, they are like magnets.
    I am in love with Gossip girl, I rate it 5 / 5!!
    It’s probably not good for anyone under the age of 13.


  15. i ❤ gossip girl!!!! ive read most of the series and thre so adictive! i love reading about all the drama that happens in there lives. they all were beautiful clothes and go to the most expensive schools. there lives seem perfect but theres heaps of backstabbing and drama in there lives. and then theres the mysterious gossip girl that recalls it all and puts in on our blog for us to read. i recomend this series for 12 up. it is a great series and worth reading


  16. I have read all of the gossip girl books and they are fantastic and very addictive! My favouroite character is probably Blair because she is so sophisticated and wears beautiful clothes, and I love how she is always planning some sort of scheme against somebody. Nate and Serena are also favourites of mine. I probably like Vanessa, Dan and Jenny the least because they are kind of boring and don’t seem to have nearly as much scandal in their lives compared to the residents of the upper east side. My favourite book in the series is probably the final one ‘I Will Always Love You’ when they come back every new years eve and it is the way they always planned, Blair goes to Yale, Serena becomes a movie star, Nate and Chuck go to Millitary school but that probably wasn’t part of the plan. These are fantastic books everybody should read them!! 10/10 🙂


  17. I love Gossip Girl. I started reading it recently because my a couple of my friends would read it. I didn’t know if I would enjoy it but after the first book I fell in love with it. It is about a group of teenagers who are rich and privileged and all the things that happen in their lives and it never gets boring. I would recommend it to any teenage girl that likes reading books about gossip. It is my favourite series at the moment and I have started watching them too, they are the best ❤


  18. I have read and watched ALL of the gossip girl series. I feel in love with them the minute i watched the first episode, so then i decided to read the books, they are great. It is all about a group of friends going through good times and also some not so good times. they meet new people along the way, fall in love, go to lots of parties and become closer friends than they all ready are. Gossip Girl is a great teenage read. It is good for girls that like romance and a good girlie read. i would rate this a 10/10 I LOVE GOSSIP GIRL ❤


  19. I have read and seen most of the gossip girls. they are great. I wont tell you a lot because ill spoil it for you. This book gossip girl is about a couple teenagers,when they find out gossip they text it to almost everyone in the school pictures get posted onto the internet, out up around the school and all diferent things. it is about a group of teenagers living in new york city attending private schools. these teenagers are privileged kids with easy access of money.this book is mainly for girls i would say. if you love girly and gossip books you will definently love gossip girl just like my friends and i, xoxo gossip girl.


  20. Gossip girl is one of the most popular and best book an series i have ever read. it is about a group of teenagers living in new york city attending private schools. these teenagers are privileged kids with easy access of money. you will now have to know go read these books cause i highly recommend and you will find out all the twists.


    It is my favorite book/TV show. It’s got such a strong story line that draws in the teenage audience. VERY VERY VERY GOOD BOOKS!!


  22. i love the gossip girl series. They are so awesome. I would recommend for people to read them before they watch the season\series. if you like tv soaps like oc or one tree hill you will looove Gossip Girl. The book involves the characters Jenny, Serena, Blaire, Chuch, Nate and Dan. i would rate this a 5 out of 5. If you want to read a good book get gossip girl.


  23. Gossip Girls books are so awesome!!!
    The series of books revolve around Manhattans’ ‘elite’, the ones who live on the Upper East Side. The books focus on the characters Serena, Blair, Chuck, Nate, Dan and Jenny and the scandals lives they lead. ‘Gossip Girl’ is what everyone posts things about people and then she/he sends them to everyone via phone and computer. They are such good books and i love them all.


  24. i love gossip girl soooooooo much it one of the best books that i have ever read. i love serena she is so cool, i love the gossip girl series just as much as i love watching the show. i always beg mum to buy me a new gossip girl book and i think you would to. please read the series you will LOVE IT!!!!! I DO


  25. i LOVE gossip girl i have read almost all of the books and seen it also. i love it because it is all about teens and the sort of things we go though. sometimes it is hard to understand what they are saying but it dose’nt really matter


  26. i♥ all gossip girls i have read and seen most and they are fantastic. i wont tell you a lot because ill spoil it for you! This book gossip girl is about a couple teenagers,when they find out gossip they text it to almost everyone in the school pictures get posted o the internet, out up around the school and all diferent thinigs. this nbook is mainly for girls i would say. if you love girly and gossip books you will definently love gossip girs!!!!!! give ita read and youll love it!!!♥ thankyou


  27. The Gossip Girl Series – Cecily Von Ziegesar
    This series revolves around Manhattan’s “elite”, those who live in the Upper East Side. It focus’ on the characters Nate, Chuck, Blair, Serena, Dan and Jenny, and the scandalous lives they lead. Their lives, and the lives of those around them, are documented on a website, ran by the infamous “gossip girl”. Anyone who has ever read a book and seen the relevant movie/t.v show will always tell you the books we’re better. This is also the case with the gossip girl series, so imagine how great the books are.
    Xoxo Gossip Girl


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