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Cars 2 (movie)

Comments on: "Cars 2 (movie)" (4)

  1. Sophie said:

    I recently watched this movie on a road trip. I enjoy this movie because it has heaps of funny bits. One of the best scenes is when Lightning McQueen goes to Tokyo for the World Grand Prix race. He takes his best friend Mator to the open ceremony and Mator eats wasabi flavoured ice cream. It is so hot he races over to the water fountain and drinks from it to cool down his mouth. This all happens right in front of all the interviews before the big race. I don’t think it is quite as good as the first Cars movie. I rate it 8/10.


  2. I love the movie cars 2, it is action packed and also funny. It is great for all ages. The main character is Mater, Lightning McQeens best friend, it is about Mater becoming a spy and going on a mission, I don’t think it is as good as the first movie but I still give it an 8/10.


  3. I recommend the movie cars 2 because it has a lot of action scenes and is very dramatic. This movie is also very funny and easy to understand. It is a good cartoon animation movie and it is also good movie for all ages. The best part of the movie is when Lightning McQueen wins the race. You should definitely watch this movie Cars 2


  4. I recommend the movie cars 2 like the first movie it has the same charcter and my favourite character is still Mator but there are some new characters. In the movie the cars travel around the world in the 1st world grand prix.but there are these evil guys called lemons that try to blow up all the cars. I think it is better than the first movie. I rate this movie a 7\10 its really funny but could be a little more interesting. People who should watch it 3 – 11. Over all i think cars 2 is a good movie for the whole family to watch and if you haven’t seen it you should watch it!!


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