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Three unconnected crimes are about to be linked in the most chilling way imaginable. The abduction of a teenage girl, heading towards a bus stop. A woman shot, point-blank during a brutal robbery. A young man tortured, his body found wrapped in barbed wire.

With nothing to indicate that the three are connected, NYPD detective Tom Harper and psychologist Denise Levene must look beyond the surface to find a killer’s true motivation. And they believe that they have found a murderer conditioned to hate and willing to go to any lengths to make his victims suffer.

The killer has nothing to lose. Harper and Levene have one chance to catch him. Sometimes hate is just the beginning . . .

Good Reads

Comments on: "88 killer – Oliver Stark" (1)

  1. I love love love the book 88 Killer. Yes, it doesn’t sound very pleasant, but trust me, it is so good. My favourite part is how the NYPD have lots of cases of different murders, and all it takes is a profiler to realise it is the same killer. One each body, their is a tattoo on their chest, and somewhere near the crime scene is 88 carved into an object. The Police officers must find the killer before he strikes again, while trying to keep their relationship at a profession level. But they never thought that the killer could be one of their own. This book is off the charts, so I definitely rate it a 10/10.


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