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Comments on: "Now add Honey (movie)" (1)

  1. The movie Now Add Honey would have to be one of my favourites for 2015. Although Australian films such as this tend to have a reputation of being pretty poor, this is the exception. It is funny and light hearted and generally a great film for the whole family to enjoy. As one of the first films to feature Hamish Blake, it certainly lived up to expectation. This is a very clever film in the sense that it has been cast in a way which means that it has something for everyone. It appeals to a whole new demographic by having a character played by Hamish Blake as well as Portia DeRossi. The film itself is about a family who are reunited when a sibling returns to Australia with her singer/actor daughter who is releasing a new single. As a consequence of criminal activity, the daughter is left to adapt to suburban life when she is forced to live with her Aunty and cousins which brings all kinds of trouble. This really is a great film to watch and I would highly recommend it to all people irrespective of their age!


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