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Seventeen-year-old Ameera has just finished school and her friendship with Tariq, her best friend’s older brother, is growing. But when her father hears of it he sends Ameera to stay with his family in Kashmir and attend her cousin Jamila’s wedding. Only when she gets there does she discover the devastating truth – the intended marriage is not Jamila’s but her own! Will Ameera be trapped forever, or can she find strength beyond her years to escape from Pakistan and win back her freedom?



Comments on: "Marrying Ameera – Roseanne Hawke" (4)

  1. A story based on true events happening around the world is one to sink your teeth into. I recommend this book because it is a fantastic read that opens your eyes to the torment of forced marriages happening in places such as Pakistan which is where the book is taken place.
    A young girl Ameera has many hopes and dreams of her futures that awaits. Already knowing she will have an arranged marriage because of the culture and traditions of her father she has no worries, but when she is sent away to her family in Pakistan for 1 month things begin to take a turn for the worst. With no contact between he friends and family at home other than Papa, Ameera’s trip is looking sorrowful. But things can only get worse as her father’s surprise is revealed and Ameera goes into shock.
    This book was a great read and I definitely recommend it to readers looking for books that will have you on the edge of your seat.


  2. I really liked this book. It was really good and the characters were easy to like or dislike. It had really exiting parts, sad parts and there was a bit of mystery as well. I got hooked strait away, i wasn’t sure if i would even like the book, but i can’t get enough of it. It is defiantly a must read and i am sure it will have you hooked on the first page! I rate it a 9 1/2 out of 10.


  3. Stefanie said:

    This book was on my shelf for so long and i never seemed to recognise this book but as soon and i read this book i was so in love with the characters and the moral of the story was easy to understand! if you enjoy a bit of mystery sad, exciting, love book youll sure to love this book and trust me once you read you will be hooked and im preety sure you will enjoy i give this book a 8/10! It gave a thrilling chill when other parts where happening! ONE PAGE AND YOU WILL BE HOOKED! trust me you will love it! 🙂


  4. This book is awesome. For someone who hates reading (me) I loved this book. It is so so so addictive and easy to read. Its about a girl who lives in Australia, her father is Muslim and mother is Australian. Her dad doesn’t like her interacting with boys so he makes somoe special arrangement. I can’t say much more because that will give it away. If you like sad, thrilling, love, and intense types of books then I highly recommend you to read this great book! I rate it a 9.5/10 because its seriously is awesome. I couldn’t wait to read it every night because on each second page something thrilling is awaiting! READ THIS you will love reading after!


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