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Sixteen-year-old Cara Lange has been a loner ever since she moved away from her best and only friend, Zoe, years ago. She eats lunch with the other girls from the track team, but they’re not really her friends. Mostly she spends her time watching Ethan Gray from a distance, wishing he would finally notice her, and avoiding the popular girls who call her “Choker” after a humiliating incident in the cafeteria.

Then one day Cara comes home to find Zoe waiting for her. Zoe’s on the run from problems at home, and Cara agrees to help her hide. With her best friend back, Cara’s life changes overnight. Zoe gives her a new look and new confidence, and next thing she knows, she’s getting invited to parties and flirting with Ethan. Best of all, she has her BFF there to confide in.

But just as quickly as Cara’s life comes together, it starts to unravel. A girl goes missing in her town, and everyone is a suspect—including Ethan. Worse still, Zoe starts behaving strangely, and Cara begins to wonder what exactly her friend does all day when she’s at school. You’re supposed to trust your best friend no matter what, but what if she turns into a total stranger?

Good Reads

A Reading Daydreamer

Comments on: "Choker – Elizabeth Woods" (69)

  1. Leilani said:

    Choker is an amazing book and had me hooked from start to finish. It’s about Cara and her best friend Zoe who runs away from home. It started off a little slowly, but it was an amazing read when things picked up. The plot line was a bit confusing, but by the end it was all clear. When Zoe comes Cara gains confidence and becomes more comfortable in her skin. However, Zoe doesn’t like how her friend is turning out and people in the town start to disappear. I couldn’t stop reading Choker, it kept me on the edge of my seat and continued to surprise me. The ending was amazing and left me in disbelief, it was a major plot twist that I didn’t see coming. The author dropped hits throughout the book that something about Zoe was not quite right. Being in Cara’s mind it added to the creepiness of Zoe and the girls disappearing. The book had a simple plot line that delivered a punch in the end. The only issue I had with this book was the main character, Cara, I couldn’t sympathise with her, but she showed strength and developed a lot as a character, making me able to like her more. I would definitely recommend this book for people who enjoy books with big plot twists and thrillers. Definitely read this book, the ending will shock you.


  2. Amelia said:

    Choker is the mysterious story of Cara, a girl who has struggled ever since she moved away from her best friend, Zoe when she was younger. She has always been bullied at school by Alexis and her group of friends, and the bullying only gets worse when Cara chokes on her food at lunchtime, and everyone starts calling her, ‘Choker’. She continues to struggle with school until her best friend from years ago, Zoe suddenly turns up at her house after running from her abusive parents. Cara keeps Zoe in hiding, but as she does, Cara notices that Zoe is changing, and is almost becoming a new person. The story accelerates after a girl at school drowns, and another girl goes missing. Full of twists and turns, Choker is a fascinating book, and will have you hanging on to every word.


  3. When I first opened this book I had absolutely no idea of the journeys to come! Choker, written by Elizabeth Woods is a book about a young girl named Cara, who finds it extremely difficult to cope especially now as she moved houses from her best friend, (a while back) but now as she’s in high school she needs her bestie back for support. However one late afternoon when Cara comes back from school she sees Zoe her best friends sitting right beside her bed. This is almost impossible to believe but it’s true Cara is shocked but happy at the same time. The scary part about this whole book is that it is like a murder mystery just waiting to be solved. Because as soon as Zoe arrives mysterious things start to happen around the neighbour hood, a death occurs!




  4. Stella said:

    Cocker is one of my favourite books I have ever read. I read it last year for lit circles and I still can’t believe what happened at the end… I loved chocker because I felt like I was a detective picking up all the little clues along the way. Normally I don’t like horror books but Chocker has made me realise that there actually so fun to read. It’s about a girl called Cara and her very strange friend called Zoe, Zoe hides in Caras room and whist Cara is away Zoe gets up to some pretty weird and creepy things if you ask me. The start of the book is very slow and confusing but you have to get through it because trust me it gets wayy better. I would recommend it to anyone over 12 and would rate it a 10/10.


  5. Choker is one of the best books I have EVER read, It is a thrilling and exciting book. I read this book for lit circles in year 7 and I could not contain myself! I was only meant to read so much a night but it was so tempting. This book is about a girl called Clara who has a ‘best friend’ called Zoe. Zoe came to Clara’s to live with her but strange things such as deaths started happening around the town and with Zoe… Everytime You turn the page of this book a new theory pops into your head about what could be happening. This book BLEW MY MIND and the end of it (can’t spoil it) This book sometimes needs you to interpret some things! This book is a thriller/mystery I would recommend it for ages 12+! I rate it a 10/10!


  6. Choker is an amazing book full of suspense, drama and mystery. It is about a shy, introverted girl called Clara. From the start of the book, Clara has a best friend called Zoe. One day Clara moves to a new town. The story starts when Clara is in high school and Zoe suddenly turns up in her bedroom. Clara is so excited to see her that she invites her to stay, without her parent knowing. Things start going downhill when her enemies best friend Sydney ends up drowning in a pool and Alexa her enemy goes missing. The book draws attention to the friendship of the two girls and their up and down relationship. The end of the book is the best and so surprising and unexpected. I love this book and recommend it to anyone over 12+


  7. Choker was a book that I decided to read for lit circles in year 7. I definitely did not regret my decision as this book was amazing! I found it so hard to stop reading at the chapter that I was supposed to because all I wanted to do was keep reading right till the end. I would recommend this book to anyone looking for a book to keep you guessing and on the edge of your seat constantly. Every-time you think the book will go one way you are wrong and it completely surprises you with a new character or unsuspected event happening. I easily would give this book a 9/10!


  8. Choker was amazing!! It had a mixture of both mystery, drama and thriller. It is the story of a girl called Cara and how her best friend from when she was little comes back to visit her. Cara hasn’t seen Zoe in 5 years and she wasn’t expecting this visit but is so excited to see Zoe she can’t even think. Following Zoe’s arrival a girl is murdered and another goes missing so Cara is starting to get a little bit suspicious. This book has you hanging on until the end with a big twist that you could never guess. I loved this book and would highly recommend it to anybody who likes a bit of mystery.


  9. This book was amazing! I don’t read heaps but when I was reading this book I read so often and finished it in 2 nights! My friends were reading it for Lit Circles and it sounded awesome. They would come to each lesson with a new theory on this book so I thought it sounded like a great book. I actually could not put this book down and I spent so long at night reading this as I wanted to see what happened. As soon as I thought I knew who it was and that I’d figured out what was happening a new twist was thrown in and the story changed and my theory once again changed. I would recommend this book to anyone who loves a thrilling mystery book that gets you thinking. I would rate it a 8/10!


  10. This book is one of my all time favourites. I normally don’t like reading novels but this book was the exception. From start to finish I had goosebumps, always trying to predict what would happen next! The book showed a real sense of mystery and drama which kept the book interesting and because of all the suspense it pulled you in to read more, not wanting to put the book down. Coming to the end of the novel was actually disappointing, I wished there were more chapters left so the mystery would continue, yet the ending was the best part, I could have predicted the outcome. The book was so creative filled with such suspense and a chilling storyline. I would recommend this book to older kids who loves creepy and unexpected books.


  11. Taylah said:

    OMG this book is one of the best book, I don’t read a lot but when I got this book for lit circles I knew that I was going to enjoy this. Cara was my favourite character because she was always filled with thriller, mystery and she was happy but sad in some situations. The other characters were so good and they were all different which made them unique. Friendships wasn’t the best for Cara she always had an issue but eventually got to the end and moved on. Which made me keep on reading this book was al the twist and turns. What I like is an unexceptional scene at the end of the book and that curtly happened so that made me not put the book down. I recommend this book to 11-16 because I think that it is a good book to read in any year level during school.


  12. Imogen said:

    Not exactly sure what I expected after reading the synopsis…. but I didn’t expect what I got.
    If I had to use one word to describe Choker it would be creepy. The kind creepy where you have goosebumps all over because you feel like someone or something is watching you. Yeah, Choker was like that.
    My favorite thing about this novel was the plot. It was simple, yet intense with plenty of twists and turns to keep the reader guessing. Despite the mere size of the novel with it’s two-hundred some pages, It definitely delivers some punch! As far as characterization….I wasn’t a fan of Cara… she was the worst pushover, but it worked for this story. Had Cara been any other way, I don’t think the story would have had the desired effect. Zoe…. scared the crap out me… the other characters didn’t really leave a lasting impression.
    If you’re looking for a quick mind blowing read, you should pick Choker up, don’t let the pink cover fool you!


  13. indi j said:

    OMG this book was the best book ever!! i loved cara so much! This book was a book i could not put down, i enjoyed every second of this book and wanted to just keep on reading. I did this book for lit circles and it was frustrating because i had to keep stopping at a certain spot each week which was very hard for me. I love the way the author portrayed all the characters in a different way, in one chapter we’d be in love with a particular character and in the next chapter my mind would change completely about them because they had done something wrong. Chocker had so many unexpected twists i just loved it. Just when i thought the twists were over an even bigger one would come. I recommend this book to all teenage girls wanted to read a very good book.


  14. Mikayla said:

    Choker has been one of my favourite books to read. From the suspense to the mystery you just can’t put down! This book keeps you on the edge of your seat, always needing to know more! I loved seeing Cara’s journey, though it seemed a bit of a cliché teenage drama with the hot boy dating the most popular girl that happens to be rude. Zoe would have to be my favourite character as she is full of surprises that no one saw coming! The ending left me stunned, what would happen next? Will Ethan move on? Will Zoe come back to haunt her? I wished Elizabeth Woods could have explained the ending more or even added another chapter to let the readers know what happens to the characters.
    Overall I really enjoyed this thrilling book, the twists and turns were very exciting, though I don’t want to give it away. I would definitely recommend this to readers that love a bit of suspense, though the age I would suggest is 11 or 12 plus as it may be too much for the younger audience with the curse words and ending…


  15. The book choker is a great nail biting book that I would recommend to anyone who loves a great story that will keep you on the edge of your seat. I really enjoyed this book and I can’t wait to find another like it. I loved joining Cara on her story and she is a great character. I would love to list great things in this book, but I wouldn’t want to ruin it. Choker, is great for most ages but I would probably recommend it to 11-15-year-olds. Overall I love this book and would happily read it again.


  16. Wow, I can’t believe what I just read. My head was spinning and my tummy was twisting. This book really kept me hanging. Sometimes I get so confused about the things in the book that jump out at me and surprise me. Sydneys funeral was so sad, But Cara sounded really board. I am a bit suspicious of Zoe she is a very strange and mysterious human being, to be honest I don’t really trust Zoe. The thing I wonder about what are her parents like because the sound very interesting.

    I wonder whats going to happen next. I have this feeling that there is going to be a big bomb shell. Or something scary will happen, because every-time I turned a page a shiver creeped down my spine.


  17. Wow! What an intense book. Every second I was reading it I was at the edge of my seat. I read this book last year for year 7 lit circles and I found it was a great book for that. It brought up great conversations and disscussions. I found it so hard to put the book down. The twist at the end of the book is so creepy and unexpected! Its a great book if you are into a thriller book. The author wrote the book in a great way that is very clever and once you read the ending things start to make sence even though it leaves you breathless. I would rate Choker 8/10 because it was a really good read but I am not the biggest fan of spooky things.


  18. Georgia Lane said:

    A thrilling and chilling book to keep you on the edge of your seat. Let me tell you…if you o not like scary things, I advise that you do NOT red this book at night. As a person that has to find a book that is really captivating to continue reading, I found that the start of Chocker was a little bit boring, but saying that, I find that with a lot of books, but as I read on I just could NOT put the book down. It just captivated me and every time something happens, you think you know what is going on. but really the next sentence will completely blow you mind! I would defiantly recommend this book to read if you like a book with a little bit of spook. I would rate Chocker 7/10


  19. Choker is a very mysterious and thrilling book. When i read this book i never wanted to put it down. This book was a bit scary at some times and I would get suprized at parts that I was not expecting. Cara is a very private character who becomes more connected to people. This book was very good and I would definitely recommend this book to people who like a creepy and intense mystery book.


  20. Mycalah said:

    This book is so so thrilling and breathtaking, not only did they fit so much crime, and thriller into one book but they did it in such an exciting way. I cannot believe the end of this book, it’s a complete twist and definitely suggests the author is very creative. It all starts with two best friends being spilt apart, then things start to get a bit weird and creepy. I couldn’t put this book down. Definitely worth a read !!!!!


  21. Wow, just wow! I recently finished reading Choker, and I’m not going to spoil the ending, but I will say that it was a twist!
    At first it seems like another average book, about a girl named Cara who doesn’t fit it in, not since she left her best friend Zoe, is bullied by a popular girl Alexis and her friends, and dreams about dating Ethan Gray, who is also Alexis’s boyfriend.

    But than things get interesting! Cara comes home to find Zoe in her room! A girl goes missing, and as the book goes on Zoe starts acting strange.

    I would give the book a 9/10, the one thing I didn’t like was that Cara was unable to stand up for herself, which became quite annoying.


  22. choker. The book choker by Elizabeth Woods is extremely exciting and mysterious and it keeps you on the edge of your seat. It is about how Cara has a friend Zoe that has been acting a bit wired and suspicious as girls from her school bully her and go missing! I loved how after every chapter you couldn’t put the book down! I read it in LIT circles and i would fully recommend you to read this book but i would suggest 12+ . The end of the book had me hooked and the huge plot twist had me stunned and wanting to read MORE! I would 100% recommend you to read this for people who love murder mysteries!


  23. Hannah said:

    i read this book with my jaw open the whole time. The way the author has set this book out kept me guessing and wondering. I was entertained through every word in this book and was always excited to keep reading. In parts my heart was beating as fast as a mouses and sometimes I felt I could just melt through the floor. rate 10/10


  24. indianna said:

    choker was such a brethtaking book, I read it in lit circles and found it hard to put down when we had to stop at the chapters!!!!!! Choker was amazing!! It had a mixture of both mystery, drama and thriller. It is the story of a girl called Cara and how her best friend from when she was little comes back to visit her. Cara hasn’t seen Zoe in 5 years and she wasn’t expecting this visit but is so excited to see Zoe she can’t even think. Following Zoe’s arrival a girl is murdered and another goes missing so Cara is starting to get a little bit suspicious. This book has you hanging on until the end with a big twist that you could never guess. I loved this book and would highly recommend it to anyboby who likes a bit of mystery. I would definitly read the second book if there was one!!!!


  25. I absolutely loved thid book. The book is aout a girl named Cara that is basicaly the outsider at school that has a crush on the cool boy, with a girlfriend. This book was really creepy at times but I rreally lovd reading it. By the end I kind of felt sorry for Cara and I was upset that she didn’t end up with Ethan. My favourite character was probably Zoe throughout the whole book. She was just so unique and I feel like without her, the book would have missed a bit of spice. I still can’t believe the book is over and I defiantly think they should make a second book.I read this book in lIt circles and I probaby not have ever picked it out. I really recomend Choker to everyone who doesn’t mind a good scare.


  26. Maya O'Sullivan said:

    The book Choker is a very mysterious thrilling book. This book is one that you just can’t put down. The way it ended is so unexpected but if you look back on the book you can see that the author wrote in some sneaky clues. This book is not only a cliffhanger but the way the author wrote it makes you feel like you were there. I love this book because you never know what is going to happen next. I give this book a 5/5 and recommend this book to anyone who loves creepy books. BREATHTAKING


  27. Charli said:

    OMG, is all I have to say. This book really took me by surprise! Choker is a book that has shock after shock and is sooooo creepy. Choker is about a girl who has never felt like she fit in anywhere and felt a bit out of place. One day, she chokes on a carrot and her peers created the name choker for her. Then that same night her friend Zoe appeared on her bed out of no were. The thing is that Cara had moved towns and Zoe lived far away, but her Stepdad had been so mean to her so she ran away. Cara agrees to let Zoe stay in her house and keep her there until she could go back to her house. Zoe starts to act really weird and not like herself. Then people go missing… and the town goes crazy. I really enjoyed this book because it was so intriguing and you have to keep reading and you can’t stop until you know what happens next. However, I did not like the ending at all but it may just my opinion. My favourite character was Ethan because he is so down to earth and nice and always knows whats right. He accepts everyone and doesn’t use his popularity in a bad way. My least favourite character throughout the book was Zoe. At the start I had a really bad feeling about her and every time she comes in the book I know something bad is happening or already happened. SHE IS CRAZY!! My favourite moment is when Ethan and Cara are in the gym alone and they talk about there worries and they hug a real genuine hug. Ethan really lets his soft side out to Cara and it’s so romantic. I would recommend this book to people who will like shock twists, creepiness and a not happy ending. I would rate this book 3.5/5 stars- only because I am a sucker for a happy ending


  28. Eryn seaton said:

    Choker is such a good read, it is thrilling, creepy, yet extremely exciting. When Zoe is on cara’s bed, i got such a shock but i couldn’t trust her, i just didn’t know what she was going to do. when things start happening around the neighbour hood, all the signs pointed towards Zoe, but a strange feeling told me that was too obvious and it had to be something more. each nght i found my self with dark circles around my tired eyes, drifting to sleep, but i kept my self awake so i could find out what happens, next, the ending will for sure take yo by surprise, even though each night in bed i was stuck thinking about what could happen, but this ending, i never saw, and it left me baffled.


  29. choker is a unpredicable book, full of many surprises and mysteries. the author does a good job making the reader be in the shoes of the character which allows the readers to feel somehow connected with zoe and cara. the book is about how a girl called cara starts off the book as a happy girl but then she realised her best friend had moved away, cara felt a lot of stress because its hard to lose someone who was once so close to you. one day cara was eating carrots and she started to choke and then crazy things happened from there !!!
    this book is full of emotions
    i rate it a 8/10


  30. Georgia said:

    Choker is such a thrilling book. It is full of surprises and mysteries. I enjoyed it so much and I would defiantly recommend it. Through the whole time of reading this book I was on the edge of my seat and I can tell you, when I found out that Zoe was imaginary, I nearly fell off my seat!
    Throughout reading Choker, I found some swearing going on, so I would probably recommend this book to people between the age of 13-17. Choker is definitely for someone looking for something scary and mysterious.
    At the beginning of this book I was not a big fan, I found it a bit slow, but that does happen to a lot of captivating books; so as I read on I found myself getting more and more pulled in and I couldn’t put the book down. This book is not only a cliffhanger but the way the author wrote it makes you feel like you were there. I love this book because you never know what is going to happen next.
    Now that I have read Choker, I love it, and when I say I love it, I mean I really love it, and when I say I really love it, I mean I really, REALLY love it; Gee I could go on forever. I still have so many questions such as, If Zoe is imaginary, how did all those people go missing and die? I mean, the author, Elizabeth Woods MUST make another book, continuing the haunting mysteries and all the parts that make you JUMP! out of your skin!
    I would rate this book a 8/10


  31. Kelsea said:

    I could not stand reading before I read choker. I found reading so boring, dull and such a waste of time. During the time we were reading choker I was so amazed how books could be so intriguing and creepy. After we read choker no one could possibly love reading more than me. Choker is the reason that has encouraged me to read more often.

    Choker was such an amazing book that captured you in. I loved every moment of choker, the murders, surprises, suspense, drama, action, choker has it all! I loved how every time I read choker I was still able to sink deep into the book with all of the characters and their personalities flying around you. Choker creates such visible pictures in your mind throughout the entire book.

    Every chapter is so outstanding. I could never put the book down. My eyes were drawn to the pages. I was on the edge of my seat throughout the entire book. The ending was absolutely phenomenal, too thrilling to describe. I would definitely recommend choker.


  32. Cindy said:

    OMG!!!!!!! I don’t want to spoil the book so… it’s going to be hard! The book was the scariest and creepiest book i have ever read! so much mysteries i had to unfold by reading the book, and let’s just say i was not ready for the ending! Literarily i was not ready i ended up reading under the covers of my bed! But the ending was such a TWIST! I was so scared for the last WEEK! Choker has changed my mind into reading horror books, i love how this book is so descriptive with the murders and the scary nights that happen to Cara! Oh and Ella was right what she predicted was what happened to this hell of a scary book! I’m so sad that it’s the end but sort of relieved it was the end because now! I get to sleep without a nightmare! I LOVED THIS BOOK!!!!! v(=∩_∩=)フ


  33. Wow, Choker was definitely one of the best books I have ever read! Plot-twist that’s for sure… Not only was it hard to stop reading, but it was guttering that there isn’t a sequel! Choker is definitely a breathtaking book, that is hard to put down, because something drastic or exiting is always about to happen! Choker is a very enjoyable and interesting book, however I would probably only recommend it for kids 11+, just because younger kids would probably not understand much about the storyline… Overall, Choker is a fantastic book, that I will most likely read again, just because I love it so much!


  34. Choker, Ok Choker is quite a mysterious and second guessing book! With Zoe randomly barging into Cara’s house after running away from her parents!! There is something really suspicious with Zoe as she is disappearing in really uncertain occasions, which leaves the finger pointing to her 😬
    This book is cleverly written and a bit spooky i would recommend for people to read at the age 12+ as it has curse words and much, much more BUT ITS A HAVE TO READ!!! Some girls recommended it to me form LIT Circles and i totally agree 🙂 My favourite character is Sydney because she is stuck up, rude and popular but i got to admit I LOVE A GOOD VILLIAN
    Go check this book out if you like creepy 🙂


  35. Choker is by far the best book I have ever read! It is such an amazing book with such a twist that will have you soon confused. I wish that there was another book after Choker because at the end of the book I never wanted to put it down! I recommend this book for anyone over the age of 12 and that loves a creepy and mysterious book! I loved this book and I think that anyone who reads it will as well.


  36. Hannah said:

    Wow, this book is amazing. I am loving every part of it. My favourite part in the book so far is when Cara is asking Zoe if she had something to do with Alexis going missing, and Zoe kind of stutters. Zoe said to Cara ‘ i thought you liked Alexis being gone or would you rather if i hadn’t…’ and then she stops talking so i think that Zoe could’ve done something to her. My favourite character in the book so far is Ethan because he is very caring and helpful to Cara. At the search for Alexis, Ethan was very caring and was upset that everyone thought he had done something but Cara stood up for him. i can not put this book down. it is a very heart warming book and i would recommend it to anyone. i love this book


  37. Choker is amazing! It takes you on a roller coaster of emotions. There are crazy moments and hilarious ones. I fell in love with Cara and the way the authors made the characters is really creative. I loved the weird and spooky sense of the book and the way it makes your stomach churn. It definitely gets high rates form me!


  38. Charli said:

    Choker, OMG is all I have to say. This book really took me by surprise! Choker is a book that has shock after shock and is sooooo creepy. Choker is about a girl who has never felt like she fit in anywhere and felt a bit out of place. One day, she chokes on a carrot and her peers created the name choker for her. Then that same night her friend Zoe appeared on her bed out of no were. The thing is that Cara had moved towns and Zoe lived far away, but her Stepdad had been so mean to her so she ran away. Cara agrees to let Zoe stay in her house and keep her there until she could go back to her house. Zoe starts to act really weird and not like herself. Then people go missing… and the town goes crazy. I really enjoyed this book because it was so intriguing and you have to keep reading and you can’t stop until you know what happens next. However, I did not like the ending at all but it may just my opinion. My favourite character was Ethan because he is so down to earth and nice and always knows whats right. He accepts everyone and doesn’t use his popularity in a bad way. My least favourite character throughout the book was Zoe. At the start I had a really bad feeling about her and every time she comes in the book I know something bad is happening or already happened. SHE IS CRAZY!! My favourite moment is when Ethan and Cara are in the gym alone and they talk about there worries and they hug a real genuine hug. Ethan really lets his soft side out to Cara and it’s so romantic. I would recommend this book to people who will like shock twists, creepiness and a not happy ending. I would rate this book 3.5/5 stars- only because I am a sucker for a happy ending.


  39. Sophie said:

    I love this book. The suspense is crazy!! You honestly can’t let go of it and everywhere you go you are thinking about it. If there is one book i have read and has as much suspense as this book does, I honestly can’t think of one. There may be bits in the book that you think aren’t as interesting but everything comes together. It all makes scene and makes you think about what the main idea is. I suggest if you enjoy reading books that constantly keep you thinking and guessing what’s going to happen next you should definitely read this!!!! I thought different about Zoe then i found out who she really was i was hanging on the edge of my seat. This is a great book!! All the different characters in this book and different roles they play are truely amazing.


  40. holly said:

    Choker is an amazing book that hooks you in and intrigues you from the very first page, keeps you on the edge of your seat throughout the book and doesnt let go untill the very last page!
    Its about a girl, Cara who is forced to move away from her best friend because of her parents work at a young age and has never really fitted in at school after that. one day she comes home to find Zoe (the best friend she moved away from) in her bedroom.
    Thats all im going to tell you about the book so read choker to find out what happens next!

    I rate this book an 8/10


  41. holly said:

    Choker is an amazing book that really draws you in and intruigues from the very first page, keeps you on the edge of your seat and doesnt let go untill the very end!
    Its about a girl, Cara who


  42. georgie said:

    choker has me on the end of my seat, each time i read it i can’t put it down. Elizabeth Woods (the author) NEEDS to make another book, maybe even a series perhaps. Ever since Zoe arrived things have been pear shaped, the police have came, Sydney died and Alexis has gone missing! But NO that is actually not what happened! I recommend this book to anybody who loves a mystery, anybody who loves twists and turns and drama! I am so sad that I’m at the end of this book. I am left asking questions, like ‘how did this happen? why is this happening? but the big question is “is Cara who she seems to be?” I am amazed by the drama and the weirdness of this book! I can’t believe a so called “Zoe” would do this, but was it actually Zoe? OMG i don’t know, i need a second book to find out! Choker is an intense book about an unpopular girl at school and how she randomly starts having thought about an old friend. Then one day she randomly appears, then people go missing and someone dies! Im not going to give the ending out because you know have to go and read it yourself!


  43. WOW this book is just amazing and nothing in this book is predictable. If you like reading nail biters and books that keep you guessing then this is the perfect one! The ending shocked me so much. This is about a girl named Cara and her old friend Zoe has come to stay. ever since Zoe came things have gone really weird like girls have gone missing. Choker has an unexpected twist, which no one would have guessed! this book is defiantly a book you would want to read. i recommend this for ages 13+


  44. I recommend the book Choker by Elizabeth Woods because I believe that it is a bit different, has many twists and turns and it will drive you crazy! You won’t know what will happen next, one part of the book (towards the end) will have you bitting your finger nails and on the edge of you seat! If you have already stared reading the first few chapters and think ugh this is going no where then keep on reading a little more because all of a sudden something will happen. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did! 10/10


  45. I recommend the book, Choker. Choker is a book about a girl called Cara who is bullied at school. She likes a boy called Ethan. Ethan’s girlfriend is her worst enemy because she bullies Cara all the time. One day, Cara’s old friend Zoe shows up on her doorstep and asks if she can stay at her house. She explains that she has been having some trouble at home. Cara is reluctant but agrees to hide Zoe in her room. Over time, Zoe starts to act stranger and stranger. She snoops through Cara’s room and says weird things. I won’t spoil it, but there are many twists. I thought the ending was a little disappointing. There are many cliffhangers so it is a very interesting book to read. I rate it 7/10.


  46. Angelina said:

    This book is so fantastic, a real thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat. I remember after each chapter, I would be hungry for more and it was very difficult to put the book down. The title of the book plays a significant role in the story, however that’s all I’m giving away. It’s jammed pack with “Oh my gosh!” moments and is full of twists and turns. I don’t recommend reading it before you go to bed, just in case…

    I score this book a 9/10 because I really enjoyed it however there were a few parts where it dragged on a little. But otherwise, fantastic story!


  47. Choker is an absolutely breath taking book. From the very start it has you sitting on the edge of your seat. Cara and Zoe have been best friends since they were little but after a while Cara moves away and Cara and Zoe loose touch. Years later Cara comes home from an exhausting day of school and find Zoe sitting on her bed. This book follows the ups and downs of Cara and Zoe’s friendship. My favourite part of this book is the end when there is an unexpected twist. I like this part of the book because it’s different to most books and it makes it even more interesting. My favourite character in this book is Zoe although she can be a little scary and commanding sometimes she has a bright, spunky attitude. Zoe is always there for Cara and looks out for her. A character I don’t like is Alexis because she is an absolute bully, she is so rude to Cara. It’s so mean how she comes up with the nickname chocker for Cara after she choked on a carrot one day in the cafeteria. Choker is a mysterious, breathtaking thrilling book. Choker is an amazing book, it keeps you guessing till the very end and when you finish it you will be absolutely shocked.


  48. Choker is a really mysterious book that keeps you guessing right until the end! I never read a book just like this and i is really one of a kind. I would seriously recommend read this. !!


  49. WOW WOW WOW!!! Do yourself a favour and read this book. I absolutely guarantee you will NEVER guess the ending. I did find the very start a bit boring but it gets so much better as you go through the book. It is not a book for little kids at all as it does have very confronting parts of the book. It has the biggest twist at the end of the book, I have never read a book with an ending like that. It will leave you in shock! I rate it an 11/10 and recommend it for mature 12+


  50. Hayley said:

    OMG!, Is my copy missing the last couple of chapters? This book was A-maz-ing, I couldn’t tear my eyes away from it. My journey with this book was a very emotional one, I swear in the space of five minutes I could go from laughing to gasping in horror. The way the author has set this book out kept me guessing and wondering. I was entertained through every word in this book and was always excited to keep reading. In parts my heart was beating as fast as a mouses and sometimes I felt I could just melt through the floor. This book has broadened my sights and I think I might start reading more horror books. Cara’s journey through out this book is, well, hard to describe. At the start of the book I felt sympathetic for Cara because she was getting bullied and she wasn’t really fitting in. Then when Zoe came Cara got a lot more confidence and she even started flirting. But not soon after things start happening around Cara, horrible things but things that seem to make Cara’s life easier. After a while Zoe seems to lose her best friendy touch and starts to act a bit weird, this makes Cara feel a bit pressured to kick Zoe out but she also doesn’t want to lose her best friend. When we find out the truth about Zoe Cara was painted in different colours. She is, in the simplest term, crazy. I don’t fully blame her though, she may have started seeing Zoe in the first place because she felt abandoned. Her parents weren’t exactly spending an abundance of time with her. Elizabeth Banks (the author of this book) has been able to capture to struggles of teenage life without sugar-coating it and doesn’t make anything seem better than it is. This isn’t a book for young kids because even before the first chapter begins it’s like a reality slap in the face. It shows that people do have problems and that things aren’t always okay. The description of this book has given me a clear picture in my head of what the people and places look like, and the story is very, very, intriguing.


  51. what a dramatic book. cara is a normal girl, and life going pretty normal too but when her best friends runs away to cars house and weird things star happening caras life is far from normal. this book was amazing their were parts were i wanted to scream at the characters parts were i through my iPad across the room because i was so groused out. from the start when i read this book i was like yep I’ve got this all figured out but boy was i wrong, the twist is so unbelievably amazing you can’t think how did i not think of this before. all over this is a great book which i would recommend to anyone


  52. Paris said:

    OMGGGGGGG i did not expect that to happen no one could ever guess the ending unless you were sidekick or something. I think i have had the most strangest journey with this book there has been so many ups and downs and i had no idea what was coming next. The character in this book went on a big journey because of all her problems that are so unexpected at the end. I feel that my journey with lit circles was great taking me on emotional rollercoasters all the way through my time in lit circles. It has been a great experience to share with everyone everything that has happened thought out this book. It one of the best hang on actually the best book i have ever READ IN MY INTIRE LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    if you ever get a chance to read the book i know with out a doubt you will absolutely love it so much and there will be so many twists and turns and you will never and i mean never get the ending!!!!!!!

    the ending is so unexpected and you will never ever guess it please go and read this amazing book its one of the best books i have ever read.


  53. Alice said:

    Choker was amazing!! It had a mixture of both mystery, drama and thriller. It is the story of a girl called Cara and how her best friend from when she was little comes back to visit her. Cara hasn’t seen Zoe in 5 years and she wasn’t expecting this visit but is so excited to see Zoe she can’t even think. Following Zoe’s arrival a girl is murdered and another goes missing so Cara is starting to get a little bit suspicious. This book has you hanging on until the end with a big twist that you could never guess. I loved this book and would highly recommend it to anyboby who likes a bit of mystery.


  54. Choker was an amazing book and right from the start I couldn’t put it down. Their were lots of twist and cliff hangers throughout the book that made you just want to keep reading and never put the book down.
    Their were lots of unexpected events during that book that made the book really exciting and the book was really intense and scary which made you not want to put the book down even more. I really didn’t like Zoe and I didn’t think that Cara was that good either but although Sarit wasn’t really a main character I thought that she was a really nice person.
    I think that a lot of the character were really weird but I thought that kind of added to the suspense of the book.
    I would recommend this book to anyone who likes a mystery book and suspense and someone over 11. It is a really good book.


  55. Jessica said:

    The book Choker is a very mysterious thrilling book. This book is one that you just can’t put down. The way it ended is so unexpected but if you look back on the book you can see that the author wrote in some sneaky clues. This book is not only a cliffhanger but the way the author wrote it makes you feel like you were there. I love this book because you never know what is going to happen next. I give this book a 5/5 and recommend this book to anyone who loves creepy, unexpected, breathtaking books. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


  56. Daisy said:

    Oh My Gosh! I can’t believe that it ended the way it did. That would’ve been the last thing I would of thought of. I think this is possibly the best book ever! I definitely recommend this for next year! All the characters have such amazing personalities and they are all different. Zoe! You would never think that she is who she is. Cara was my favourite character but now I think that my favourite character is Ethan because he so sweet and definitely not crazy! I wish the book just kept going on & on & on because at the start it wasn’t that interesting but as it got to the end it definitely changed. WOW. This book definitely shows what some people have inside of them. Overall this book was amazing and I just want to read it all over again.


  57. What an amazing book! the ending is very unexpected, but when you look back on the book you can pick up the clues that the author sneakily intertwines into the book. Like the blue pills at the start, the reflection in the mirror looking the same and when Cara started thinking about Zoe and she came back.

    I would have liked the ending to be different, because I didn’t like the way that Ethan was left feeling. I think that it would be better if Zoe ran away and was never seen again, and Ethan ad Cara got together. I also wish that the author had explained how the murders were committed in an epilogue or something, so that then the reader wasn’t left hanging with so many questions. But then my mind changes, and thinks that this is a good thing because then you can predict what will happen next and make up your own ending or way that Cara committed the crimes.


  58. Lillie said:

    I loved this book it was so could it made you keep reading and reading. The ending was so unexpected I thought Zoe was real and
    she killed them. I Think this book was really good because it made it so easy to keep reading it was so good how the author set out the book you do not expect the ending at ALL!!!!! I think this book would be Great for the year 7 next year (but just warn them their is ALOT of swearing) I have so many questions because of the ending like
    how did Cara practice kissing if Zoe isn’t real?
    How did Cara get her new hair cut and new look without Zoe being their?
    Was she picking out her own clothes when she asked Zoe?
    How come Cara only started imaging Zoe when she got out of the shower?
    If Cara has mental issues how come her parents let her go to school because she could of killed every one at her school?
    who was eating the breakfast when she went upstairs did Cara eat it or did it just go rotten?
    I could continue for every but I wont
    My favourite character was Zoe because she was always seemed weird she had something about her which I knew wasn’t right when she was introduced to the book why would she just be sitting on the bed when cara got out of the shower i thought that was always crazy if that was me who walked out of the shower and saw my friend who moved away i properly would of dropped my towel because i would of got a shock and ran for my life back into the bathroom and would and blocked the door so know one could get in.I thought their was something weird when they kissed in the barn ( as if you would kiss your best friend just to practice) well i would never do that. I thought it was a bit weird when Caras Mum and Dad both left when she was acting a bit weird they knew what was happing in Cara’s mind (Kill, Kill, Kill) if i was her parents i would never of left her and checked on her in her bedroom.

    The last thing that i thought didn’t make any sense was that the whole time her parents didn’t ask have you heard from Zoe because if she was missing wouldn’t it go in the news, in news papers and everything.

    If you love murder mysteries I think you would love this book


  59. I love reading, it is like a second life made entirely up of my imagination! I have read many breathtaking, tear prone and hilarious books (mostly sci-fi and dystopian, maybe a little of romance and humour), but never one like Choker. Choker is a whole new terrain for me and I am already captivated when I have only read 8 chapters (about a quarter) of the book! As I said I am already intrigued and wanting to read more of this amazing, mysterious and complicated/sophisticated book! I’m really fond of this book because of the unexpected plots that occur each chapter. It is like you are going through a maze not knowing what is going to happen. Once you turn a corner it’s like BAM, then all of a sudden the most unexpected things happen! For example when Zoe runs away and comes to Cara, or when Sydney drowns in the pool! I don’t have a favourite part of the book but I can sort of relate to Cara because her parents aren’t around as much because of how busy they are and that’s the same with my dad and I’d really like it if we had more time together!

    So far this is an extraordinary book and I am really enjoying it!


  60. I am reading the book Choker for lit circles.
    The book is amazing so far. It has a lot of drama and randomness !
    my favourite character is Cara, she is sweet funny and kind but she also is very shy and doesn’t stand up for her self very much. As i keep reading on i get more and more intrigued.
    Alexis is my least favourite character. She is very mean to Cara.
    Zoe is cara’s best friend and she is very mysterious and secretive.
    I love this book and i think you will too.


  61. Scarlett cooke said:

    This is an amazing book i am half way through it and my favourite charter is right now Ethan and i really do not like Zoe but i would recommend this book if you like mysteries and scary books i would give this book a 9/10 so far


  62. Chloe said:

    I thought Choker was a really exciting and mysterious book to read. And I would really recommend reading it!!


  63. Alyssa said:

    Choker is an amazing yet freaky book. Right from the start, I was intrigued to follow Cara’s chilling journey.
    As a reader, I have been through an exciting journey, as if I have been on a thrilling roller-coaster. Once I got into the book, I started to want to read more. The very fact that a mysterious murder had occurred, intrigued me to read on. I just had find out what happened!
    This book builds up suspense, pulling you in to read more. Throughout the entire book, swarms of theories flew around like bees in my head. I was hooked, and could not stop thinking about the mental journey Cara was going through, and her creepy friend Zoe. So much so, that as I neared the last chapter of the book, I wished there were more chapters left.
    The ending of the book was the most electrifying part of the story. Never in a million years could I have predicted the outcome.
    This book just oozes with creativity, suspense and a chilling storyline. Even so, I would rate it a 9/10, purely because some audiences may dislike the confronting concept of the book.


  64. hannah said:

    Choker by Elizabeth Woods is a shocking and thrilling book. At the start the book begins slow and I didn’t think I was going to like it. But as the book went on I could it harder and harder to put the book down. Choker is really unpredictable story. It always gets you to change your mind on what happens next, you can never guess what is going to happen. I knew this book would have an unexpected ending but I never thought it end the way it did. I thought there was going to be a small twist, but the ending was hugley unexpected. I would highly recommend this book for those who like a bit of mystery and an unexpected twist. But I would not recommend this book for people under the age of 10 or 11 or if they are easily scared.


  65. Payton said:

    This book is an amazing, thrilling and spooky book. It takes you through a creepy adventure that leaves you on the edge of your seat. Cara’s story is an emotional one full of a weird adventure she takes with her ‘friend’ Zoe. It was also a creepy adventure for her friends and her parents to experience with her. This book is full of creepy twists and always leaves you thinking and wanting more. This journey for Cara shaped her out to appear as a girl who is very unstable and crazy in the head. I have learnt to not judge something by its cover or not to jump to conclusions from this book ,and always keep an open mind. I would recommend this book to people who like creepy adventure books but even if people don’t I would still recommend it because it is an amazing book. I rate this book 4 ½ out of 5 stars.


  66. Grace said:

    Choker is one of my absolute all time favourite books !!!! It shows a real sense of mystery and drama. It leads you on in the book, to thinking a totally different conclusion to what actually happens. I love the secrecy of Zoe sudden appearances and disappearances. There is a chilling and sudden incident nearing the ending of the novel, that is quite confronting, so I would recommend this book towards 12 y-o & over. But over all it is such an amazing, well structured, creative story, and I would give it an absolute 10/10 !!!!!


  67. Georgia G said:

    Chocker Wow what a book. The start was a little boring but as I read on, the mysterious sections of the book started to hook me in and i couldn’t stop reading. The one thing i didn’t expect was the end of the book because it was so unexpected,but i didn’t realise it would be one this big. Some parts of the last few chapters were very descriptive. The part that i found took the twist was when Zoe had the cat draped over her shoulders, makeup applied to her face in a terrifying way and jewels all around her neck and arms. Cara started to a bit loopy after this scene and the conclusion of Alexis and Sydney’s deaths, Cara’s mental state and Zoe being back came to surface. I was pretty satisfied with the book and was left with no words to describe what the family and friends would’ve been thinking (this is me feeling for the people in the book)
    I would recommended this book to anyone over the age of 12.
    I would give this book a 4 out of 5


  68. Charlotte said:

    Chocker started off slowly and I didn’t think it was quite my cup of tea but as I read on, the mystery of the book started to come alive. I had so many questions and I was trying to pick up clues and read in between the lines along the way. The end of this book was so unexpected, I did predict a twist but not one this big. It was really surprising how everyone found out about Cara and her Zoe her imaginary friend. Some parts of the last few chapters were very descriptive, I can recall of one that produced a scary picture in my head and also my peers heads. This was the part when the book kind of took a turn, Zoe had the cat draped over her shoulders, makeup applied to her face in a terrifying way and jewels all around her neck and arms. Cara started to come crashing down after this scene and the conclusion of Alexis and Sydney’s deaths, Cara’s mental state and Zoe being back came to surface. I was pretty satisfied with the book and was left with no words to describe my feelings to how it ended, I was really speechless and I would recommended this book to anyone over the age of 12.


  69. The breathtaking book Choker is amazing, and has you holding on to the edge of your seat. It is a amazing story of a strong girl Cara that is torn away from her best friend at a very young age. One day Cara finds her best friend Zoe sitting on her bed, and Cara lets her stay with her for a while. The book draws attention to the ups and downs of the girls friendship, but you never know what is going to happen next. Choker has a unexpected twist, that no one would have ever guessed which makes this book so enjoyable to read! The author of this book is very good at making the reader feel like a character in this book which allows you to feel connected to Cara and Zoe.


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