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Comments on: "The fault in our stars (movie)" (161)

  1. mateah said:

    This movie is very emotional, however was also unsure of what was going to happen next. The ending is extremley sad and with quite a lot of drama and romance. They are such charming characters as they fall in love. It is such a terrific movie of a girl called hazel, journey and the many challenges she faced including diagnosed with cancer. It was such an inspiring movie urging us to take opportunities as they come, as you never know what is around the corner. Hazel Is a person who likes to keep fighting and doing something when she is at a low. I recommend this movie to anyone who enjoys emotional, educational and sad stories. I rate this move a 9/10.


  2. Evelyn said:

    This movie and book were both so well written and acted out. I felt pain, heart ache, sadness and the tragicness as well as the love, happiness and excitement from both the book and movie. I couldn’t help but love the actors that were chosen for this movie as they definitely brought these characters and the pain and emotions that Hazel Grace Lancaster and Augustus Waters feel, to life.
    When I watched this movie, it was almost exactly how i had pictured it when I read the book and that made me so happy because of how well represented all the emotions and scenes were.
    I would definitely recommend this for an older audience, 14 and up would be my age rating due to some of the scenes and the sadness that comes with this story. I would rate it a 9 and a half out of ten, as this movie was so amazing!


  3. Georgia-Rose said:

    This movie was so sad but so good! It follows a girl called Hazel who has been diagnosed with cancer since she was 13. She then meets a boy called Gus and falls in love. It is definitely a tear jerker and is sure to make you cry, especially the end! Although I would probably still say the end is my favourite part when she gets to read the letter and lies on the grass. Both the actors of Shailene Woodley and Ansel Algort are amazing too, and really bring the characters to life! I have watched this movie twice, and it’s still just as good everytime, so I would definitely watch it again for a third time! I would rate this movie a 4/5 and recommend this to anyone who likes a good cry, but also an inspiring and heartwarming story.


  4. Charli said:

    For weeks all of my friends had been talking about the movie. I kept hearing amazing reviews about the movie so last night I watched it and it sure did bring a tear to my eyes. A real tear – jerker. I did find the start a little rushed however it did suit the storyline and it was adapted to the book. The actors playing the roles of the characters in this film were a perfect match, I don’t think I could see anuyone else playing those roles besides them. The reason why I found this movie sad is because it is about cancer and it can bring up a lot of different emotions. The heartbraking things the family was going through did make me cry. After watching this movie it made me realise how emotionally draining it can be to have cancer as well as fro the family to have a loved one suffering through it everyday. I’d recommend this book to anyone who wants to have the heart warmed as well as broken at the same time!


  5. Roisin said:

    The Fault in our Stars is about a girl, Hazel Grace with thyroid cancer. She unwillingly goes to these cancer groups and meets a boy named Augustus who absolutely adores her and isn’t afraid to say so. He too has cancer and together they find common ground and lots of adventures. However Hazel is scared because she knows that she will have to go and doesn’t want to hurt him. This is a beautifully sad romance that gives you perspective and understanding, I would highly recommend.


  6. Sarah said:

    This is and will always be my favourite movie ever! a classic romantic tear jerker that will honestly make you buy more and more packets of tissues. A movie about a girl, Hazel Grace who has had cancer since she was 13, and when she meets her love interest, Augustus (gus) who has also experienced the pain and difficulties with cancer. His goal to make Hazel feel more alive he takes on a journey to meet her favourite Author in Amsterdam, and though he isn’t who Hazel though he was, Augustus continues to make their trip the best time.
    I HIGHLY recommend this movie AND the book, for those ready for a cry, a laugh and a heart felt romantic movie! i rate this movie a 10/10!!


  7. Mateah said:

    This movie is probably the saddest, but truly inspiring. I loved this movie even though I cried because I felt like I was feeling their pain. This is one of the movies where you have to watch it all the way through because you can’t take your eyes off the screen. My favourite part of the movie was when Hazel found out she could go overseas because she was so happy which made me feel so happy for her. I love Hazel because she is such a strong character and she doesn’t see her illness as something that will hold her back from life. This is what is so inspirational about her. I can’t really relate to any of the characters, but I could imagine how hard it would be to stay positive and strong. I would definitely recommend this movie to everyone who likes romantic and sad movies. Also the book is very similar and it is always good to read the book as well.


  8. This movie is so sad and it will have you tearing up for sure. My favorite part of the film is when Gus saying “It’s a metaphor, see: You put the killing thing right between your teeth, but you don’t give it the power to do its killing.” This is so inspirational and it really had me tearing up. This movie really puts our lives into perspective and we are able to see just how lucky we are. My favourite character is definitely Gus because there is just so much to learn from him. I recommend the movie to anyone over the age of 10 because at times it can be slightly confronting however I would give this movie an 8.5 out of 10, and it is a much watch movie and you won’t regret it.


  9. Fault in our stars This movie also has a book. While watching this movie I thinkI cried most of the time. My favourite moments would be when Gus teachers His blind friend Isaac how to throw eggs. The reason being is when he told his ‘Hot’ girlfriend that he is going to be blind. She dumps him and he is angry. The worst part from the movie to me would be when Gus is in his car with mucous on him and an infection located on his belly. That was disgusting. It makes you beleve that we are very lucky. My favourite character would be Gus. He is really sweet and nice. He will doe anything for Hazel just to see her smile. I recommend this movie/book to anyone about the age of 8. this is an amazing book/movie!


  10. Rosie said:

    The Fault in Our Stars is a honest adaption from the book. The movie shines from two young actors who brought performances very few young people have. It’s a heart-wrenching story with an ending that will leave your breathless for a long time, but with a warm heart and a love story from two young people that will make you say wow. And although I myself didn’t shed a tear (I know, real cold-hearted), just expect the water-works to flow as you embark on Hazel and Gus’ journey together.


  11. I love this movie so much. I didn’t really know what is was about when I first started watching it otherwise I wouldn’t of watched it on the plane where everyone could watch me ball my eyes out. This movie is a sad and romantic rollercoaster about a girl called Hazel who has cancer. Her doctor recommends a cancer support group to her so she can make some friends who are like. Hazel does not want to go to the group but she is forced too. A boy in the support group called Isaac brings along a friend, Augustus who previously had cancer but was cured. Augustus and Hazel become friends and their relationship evolves from there. I would rate this movie a 10\10!


  12. The Fault in Our Stars
    I completely loved this movie so much I loved the whole storyline and all the meanings. I love how her parents force her to go to a support group, but alas this is where she meets Agustus Waters, a totally dreamy boy. I completely loved Augustus and Isaac. They were both so funny, and gorgeous, and dreamy. I can understand what Hazel is feeling or is thinking when she says she can’t be with Gus, because she doesn’t want to hurt him, meaning that when she passes away, doesn’t want him to be upset. Shes always saying she’s a time bomb that one day will explode and destroy everything in her wake. I hate how Mr. Peter Van Houten, is so rude, to them when they come see him. I wouldn’t change anything because it is still a great and meaningful movie. I would definitely recommend this movie to others because it is so amazing. I think people who like romance movies would love this movie. I think its a 10/10


  13. The fault in our starts is such a sad movie. I think it is great that Hazel found some friends just right for her that lighted up her life so much. I really feel for Hazel especially when Augustus passes away and we they are reading out his goodbye speech, I would not be able to do that it would be way to heart bracing. I also found the scenes when Hazel was sick and in pain hard to watch and I after watching these scenes It has made me a lot more great full of myself and my family. This movie was very sad but I rate it a 8.5/1


  14. The Fault in our Stars is an amazing movie it begins with a girl, who has been diagnosed with cancer since she was 13, and shows her daily lifestyle of hers now being 16. The movie shows how she lives with cancer thinking she’s a ticking time bomb, and one day will just blow up and destroy everything and everyone close to her. That’s why she tries to keep to herself, she has one favourite book called and Imperial Affliction that’s about cancer and she rereads it over and over again because she loves it. Which results in her mum thinking she depressed. Her parents make her go to a support group, which is where she meets Augustus Waters, a totally dreamy boy, who had cancer as well but now is good. Because of the way she feels she is scared to love and be with him, which results in him liking her even more. This movie is so amazing and makes you feel every emotion, you want to cry when you just want to laugh as well. It is just a rollercoaster, that goes up but then at times, it has to go down. Everybody should definitely watch this movie or read the book because it is so beautiful and changes your point of view on life and cancer. There are many people who suffer cancer, and we wish they didn’t have to but this book will change your entire perspective. I love this movie and give it a 10 out of 10.


  15. The fault in our stars is an amazing movie that is full of drama. The book is about a girl named Hazel and her journey and how she has cancer, her parents force her into support group where she meets Gus and how they fall in love. This movie will bring you to tear and is an amazing movie. This movie was perfectly casted for the characters and was amazedly done to the book. My favorite character is Gus as he is so cute and sweet. I give this movie a 9.5/10.


  16. The fault in our stars is such a great movie with an interesting, emotional and amazing storyline. This movie is very sad. It is about the two main characters Hazel Grace, who suffered from stage four stage thyroid cancer and metastasis which has spread to her lungs and Gus Waters, who also suffered from cancer, specifically osteosarcoma. Hazel and Gus fall in love and go on an unforgettable Journey which brings them closer together. This movie had a very sad ended that was very unexpected. I recommend this movie for anyone 12 and older. Specifically those who enjoy romance and drama. I rate this movie 8/10.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. I don’t usually cry in movies but this was one of the saddest I’ve ever seen “some infinities are bigger than other infinities” Is my favourite quote and I am the biggest fan of this movie. One thing that I love about this movie is the acting, especially by Shailene Woodley, she is outstanding! She was my favourite character as she really portrayed the emotion well. I reccomend this movie to everyone who wants to watch a sad, tragic and incredible movie. I rate it a 10/10.


  18. Georgina said:

    The Fault in Our Stars was such a beautiful, devastating moving movie. I loved it so much and have seen it 4 times (and cried every time). It is a really lovely movie that includes romance, drama and a lot of tears! It is about a girl Hazel Grace who has lung cancer and falls in love with this guy named Augustus (Gus) who also has cancer and Hazel is worried about being with him because she is worried she will die and hurt him. The movie ends unpredictably and the twist will definitely surprise for sure! I rate this a 10/10★


  19. I really enjoyed the movie The fault in our stars because even though it was a sad it was also really heart felt, it was so sad though when august died. my favourite part was on the plane when august got told he wasn’t allowed to have a cigarette even thought he didn’t even want to light it that was funny.
    I rate this movie a 8 out of 10


  20. I really enjoyed the movie The fault in our stars because even though it was a sad ending it showed how one person can change someones life and how having a friend through tough times can make it so much easier.


  21. Mietta said:

    The fault in our stars is a great movie because it gives you the perspective of a girl struggling with cancer. it is about a girl called hazel grace, she meets a boy called Gus at a cancer support group. Gus loves and cares Hazel but she is scared to love him because she thinks eventually she will pass.
    my favourite character is Hazel Grace because she is a strong and independent young girl, she is strong and overcomes her struggles.
    I love this movie and would recommend it to anyone over 10, I rate it a 10/10!!


  22. The fault in our stars movie is based on the book ‘the fault in our stars’ by John Green. The movie is extremely sad and upsetting yet eyeopening. It is a movie revolved around a girl- Hazel Grace, who is diagnosed with cancer at a young age, she falls in love with a boy named Augustus also struggling with cancer. They make many memories together until it all falls apart in one big emotional roller coaster.
    My favourite character is Gus, he only has eyes for hazel. He is in love with her, he supports her and would do any thing for her. He is generous, selfless and well mannered.
    i would recommend this movie for anyone over 12, it is very sad and in a way it can be too real for someone going through something similar. I eould give this movie a 9/10!!


  23. This movie also has a book. While watching this movie I thinkI cried most of the time. My favourite moments would be when Gus teachers His blind friend Isaac how to throw eggs. The reason being is when he told his ‘Hot’ girlfriend that he is going to be blind. She dumps him and he is angry. The worst part from the movie to me would be when Gus is in his car with mucous on him and an infection located on his belly. That was disgusting. It makes you beleve that we are very lucky. My favourite character would be Gus. He is really sweet and nice. He will doe anything for Hazel just to see her smile. I recommend this movie/book to anyone about the age of 8. this is an amazing book/movie!


  24. Whilst the movie was very sad, I could not cry in this film like I did in the book. I thought Gus was very much like the character ‘Gus’ in John Green’s book, however I did not think that Shailene Woodley played ‘Hazel quite like I imagined. The movie was enjoyable, and I love the way that it was set, but I still believe that the real text could have been included in more parts of the film. I think this would have evoked a better response from those who have actually read John Green’s ‘The Fault In Our Stars’ (as opposed to those people who have not read the book so therefore had no expectations going to see the film). I would definitely suggest to read the book BEFORE you see the movie in this case in order to properly critique the film, however it is a nice movie nonetheless. 8/10.


  25. The Fault In Our Stars is a phenomenal book and movie, the fault in our stars or TFIOS is a movie is inspired by the book The Fault In Our Stars the author John Green.
    this book is about a young girl diagnosed with cancer when she was 13 years of age. and she meets a boy who falls in love with her, he is a cancer survivor but he lost his leg, but she is to scared to say she loves him because she knows one day in the near future she with pass away. she has 1 more with to go an meet her favourite author, but when reality hits her and she is meeting him, he turns out to be an alcoholic that doesn’t care about anything. she goes on an amazing journey with Gus, but she gets so horrible news that makes the rest of the trip that leads to an unpredictable turn at the end that with make you shed a few tears or even a few puddles.


  26. Abbey said:

    i enjoyed this movie but is so sad that i couldn’t watch the end! it s makes you cry a lot but is so good to put your self into their shoes and take their journey of cancer and really learning more about cancer. it is so inspirational and at such a young age, it’s even more relatable. i recommend this book/movie for 10+ and rate it a 9/10 !


  27. One of the biggest tear jerkers I have ever watched. Gus and Hazel come to terms with their illnesses together, and learn how to treasure the good times over the bad. They are both intelligent teenagers and their connection is felt deeply by the viewer. The film entails the effects of cancer on the individuals and the family, as well as the desperation to beat it and live a normal life. My favourite character would have to be Isaac, who has no eyesight as a result of his own illness. Despite his hardship, Isaac is a positive person and is there for his friends when they need him. Love this film and would recommend it to all those who enjoy a sad movie.


  28. this is book and movie is very sad, it shows the rough journey that hazel has to go through even though she is battling cancer she isn’t the only one but she finds the most amazing boy that loves her so much. in this book and movie its a giant rollercoaster full of feelings with good,bad, happy,sad, exciting moments. this book is very inspiring and is that always be happy and be grateful for who you are and what you have
    i give this a rating 10/10


  29. Georgia said:

    The Fault in Our Stars is a heart warming; this movie is defiantly a 3 hanky read, I cried all the way through. I couldn’t believe the pain and agony Hazel Grace and her family must be going through! The story line is very funny, loving yet very sad and very emotional. The story is about a girl named Hazel Grace who had cancer since she was 13 years old. Later in her life she meets a guy named Augustus who is also going through the same thing as Hazel. Together they grow a strong loving bond towards each other.
    I was in the movie store one day with my mum and I saw The Fault in Our Stars, I begged my mum to get the movie. In the end I ended up buying it. I went home and watched it that afternoon. I LOVED IT!!!!! I have watched the movie so many times and I feel like I am constantly reading the book! I would defiantly recommend this to anyone who is wanting to snuggle up with some popcorn and use up all those tissues! But don’t worry, there are some parts that will have you in stitches!
    Overall I love this movie so much and I would defiantly give it a rating of 10/10


  30. If you like a good romantic movie, than you will absolutely love The Fault in our Stars. Staring two brilliant actors, the Fault in our Stars definitely captured the tough, yet inspirational lives of those diagnosed with severe cancer. Once you start watching, the movie seems to really grab you, making it hard to pull away from. I would rate this movie (and the book!) a 10/10 fro sure, however I would not recommend that kids under the age of 12 watch it, as there are some pretty confronting scenes (they probably wouldn’t understand it anyway…). Overall, 10/10, and I could watch it all day long!


  31. This movie is truly heartfelt and emotional.
    I would recommend this movie to anyone who is looking for a joyful and emotional movie. It is about 2 lovers that become friends from a cancer council group. In this movie there is a rollercoaster of emotions that you will be sad in moments and happy in others but the movie is an inspiring film/book to see or read. I would rate this movie 9/10


  32. The fault in our stars is such a great movie with an amazing storyline. This movie is so sad our it’s about the two main characters Hazel Grace, who suffered from stage four stage thyroid cancer and metastasis which has spread to her lungs and Gus Waters, who also suffered from cancer, specifically osteosarcoma. Hazel and Gus soon fall in love and go on an unforgettable Journey which brings them closer together. This movie had a very sad ended that was very unexpected. I recommend this movie for anyone 12 and older, who feels like watching a romantic movie and is prepared to cry.


  33. This romantic movie was such a great movie. It was a very interesting story and I enjoyed every minute of it. It was very sad, but it was also happy in a way. I thought that Hazel’s story was really enjoyable and I loved watching her go through her journey and all her ups and downs. My favourite character in this movie was definitely Hazel. This is because I thought that her determination was really inspiring. I absolutely loved this movie and definitely think that it is one that people should watch. I would recommend it to people over the age of 12. I loved this movie and would certainly watch it again.


  34. This is one of the most emotionally packed films that has your heart throbbing and your stomach aching from the very first scene until the end of the film. It is an amazing story of love between two cancer patients. They will never let their cancer get in their way of living life to the fullest. It is an emotional rollercoaster but they defy the odds and cross the barriers that divide them from the rest of humanity. They are true inspirations who follow their hearts and put all their love into one another. They enforce the message that they can do just as much as we can, if not better. The Fault in our Stars is an emotional yet romantic film that I would recommend to all viewers who are willing to shed a few tears in the process. I would rate this film a 10/ 10.


  35. All my friends had been talking about Fault In Our Stars for weeks when it came out, so in the end I decided to watch the movie (I did in fact read the book first, it broke my heart just as much.) The movie started in such a rush, but I think it suited the story line and the way that it adapted to the book. I really liked the actors that were chosen to play the characters, I don’t think it could have been portrayed by anyone else. I found this movie really sad, because I have had family members go through cancer and it not ending well. I cried a lot during this movie, and it made me really upset to see what they were going through. I think it is really emotionally draining to watch people who suffer with cancer because they have to go through so much pain, and I could never imagine what it would be like to live with cancer. I recommend this book for people who like a heart warming/breaking experience, even though it might crush your soul to thousands of tiny pieces.


  36. Taylah said:

    The Fault in our Stars is an amazing film. The movie takes you on an emotional roller coaster as we watch the film. It is a sad movie which a touch of comedy. I was so worried that when I would watch the film it would ruin the book but I was pleasantly surprised. The part in the movie that made me laugh was when Gus said, “We may not seem like much, but together we have 5 legs, 4 eyes and 2 1/2 working pairs of lungs” I would recommend this movie to people about the age of 12 because there are concepts that younger people may find hard to deal with. I give this movie a 10 out of 10.


  37. This movie has such a beautiful story line to it and lots of emotion. It tells the story of two young people, Hazel Grace and Gus who are both sick. Hazel Grace was diagnosed with cancer at the age of 13 and doesn’t want to commit to anything with Gus as she knows she doesn’t have long left to live. Throughout the movie their bond and love for each other strengthens and they become each others reason for living. This movie involves lots of emotions and tissues but would definitely recommend to anyone wanting a tear jerker.


  38. All my friends had been talking about Fault In Our Stars for weeks when it came out, so in the end I decided to watch the movie. The movie started in such a rush, but I think it suited the story line. I really liked the actors that were chosen to play the characters, I don’t think it could of been played by any other characters. I found this movie really sad because I have had family members go through cancer and it not ending well, I cried a lot during this movie and it made me sad to see what they were going through. I think it is really sad to watch people who suffer with cancer because they have to go through a lot of pain, I couldn’t imagine what it would be like to live with cancer. I recommend this book for people who like a heart warming/breaking experience.


  39. This is such a sad movie but the message is so strong. It is about a young girl who is diagnosed with cancer and she meets a young boy and they fall in love. But she is too scared to be in love because she knew she was going to die soon. I highly recommend you watch this and go on the journey and find out what happens in their life. I rate this a 10/10


  40. The fault in our stars was possibly the saddest movie ever! Words can’t even describe how sad this movie is, even the thought of it makes me upset. But besides that I find this movie very inspiring as well. It shows that no matter how hard and tough life can really get just look at the positives and it will cheer you up. My favourite part was when this was said“between us three, we have 5 legs, 4 eyes and 2 and a half pairs of working lungs, so if I was you I would go back inside”, it shows us how much of a team they were. I would recommend this movie up for anybody wishing to watch a sad movie but also inspiring as well as an amazing movie. I rate it 10/10.


  41. Claire said:

    I have read the book and watched the movie and it is so sad but very heart warming. There is so much to do but so little time and every aspect of the movie (plot of the storyline) makes everything so much more sanding but interesting. I remember watching this one night and crying as it was just so awful with what happened. The movie shows love and friendship and to never give up on something you love. Also to live your life to the fullest because you never when it’ll end. The movie was about a girl called Hazel whom had cancer in her lungs and that her life is a complete drag until she meets Gus and he changes her whole life. They go to Amsterdam to try and find Hazels favourite author and he turns out to be really inconsiderate and rude to 2 dying teenagers. I would give this movie a 9 out of 10 and would give the book a 10 out of 10 because the book is the most original way of reading it and you can understand it best. I would recommend this movie to anyone over 13 as it is about life and death in which some people may not fully understand.


  42. Jessie said:

    I love this movie, it’s sad but so good. My favourite part is when Augustus mets Hazel. I love this part because it’s so sweet and they are perfect together. My favourite character is Hazel because her story is so sad but she still has the courage to do things most people with cancer wouldn’t do. I love this movie because it’s really sad and romantic. I recommend it to everyone, I give it a 9/10.


  43. Angela said:

    The Fault in our Stars is quite a sad movie there is a girl that suffers from cancer but doesn’t know that her new friend has been re diagnosed with cancer, Hazel reads a book and is looking for answers but the writer is a rude person and it stresses her out but she doesn’t want to give up, they go to Amsterdam for a holiday but also find the answers to the book, Amsterdam is where the movie is mainly set up. If you haven’t read the book I would recommend you read it before you watch the movie! I think that the director that has made the movie has done a really good job of it because they have not only made the movie flow and go along very nicely but it is very close to the book and as your watching the movie you can just imagine the book and what it said. I would recommend this movie to anyone! I love it and the book! I would rate is an 9/10! Such an interesting and inspirational story!!!


  44. The Fault in our Stars is possibly the saddest yet happiest movie ever. I absolutely fell in love with this movie the moment I started watching. This movie is a very inspirational and great movie and I really liked it!! It was a roller coaster of emotions just watching it!!! I really like the movie because it really showed love and friendship and to never give up on something you love. I love how Hazel and Augustus are so strong the whole way through the movie. This is such a great movie is has many genre eg. Comedy, Sad, Drama, Romance. I would rate it a 9/10 and recommend it to anyone over the age of 10 but mostly girls because I don’t think that many boys would like it. Great movie!


  45. bridget said:

    This is another amazing book in which I absolutely loved and enjoyed to read. This brilliant book by John Green is about a young girl, who developed cancer when she was 13. She meets a boy named Augustus who is also very sick. We see there journey of becoming friends and then lovers and see how Augustus has really made Hazel open her eyes and really enjoy life even though the challenges she faces of having cancer. This movie is one that makes me cry every time I watch it. I would most definitely recommend this movie and book to any one and every one, and I would rate it a solid 10/10.


  46. Alana said:

    The Fault in our stars is such a great movie on how even if you have cancer an don’t go anywhere you are still beautiful if only one person sees you Augustus is such an amazing boy in this movie I am pretty sure all the girls that watched it fell in love with him not because he is cute but because he is such a loving person in this movie he always cared for Hazel even when she wanted nothing to do with him. Augustus was an amazing boyfriend to Hazel grace and an amazing friend to Isacc which lost his eyesight he even let Isacc destroy his trophies when Isacc was really made.


  47. Ruby P said:

    The fault in our stars was an extremely amazing yet very sad movie. It focuses around the teenage romance between Hazel and Augustus who meet at a cancer survival group. My favourite part is when Hazel, Gus and their friend Isaac go to Isaac’s ex-girlfriend and through eggs at her car and house. I love it when Gus says “between us three, we have 5 legs, 4 eyes and 2 and a half working lungs.” I do recommend this movie for people who are 12 and up because a lot of younger people might not understand what cancer really is. My favourite characters were Augustus and Hazel Grace. They are so cute together and they both have a sense of humour even though they are slowly dying, they were like ying and yangs that fitted perfectly together. I would probably change the ending of the movie because it was too sad and heartbreaking. I would rate this movie a 10/10. I loved this movie so much and I really think this movie made you appreciate what you have.


  48. I would strongly recommend this movie if you would liked to have mixed emotions. It is a sad, happy and many other emotions that cant be described kind of movie. I don’t normally get upset or anything during a movie but this is one that nearly got me to tears. I loved it how it gets you to think one perspective but then it has a sudden twist towards the end. I would rate this movie a 8.5/10and suggest that many people should watch if.


  49. The Fault in our Stars book and movie have captured the hearts of so many teens. Shailene Woodley and Ansel Elgort play the roles of Hazel and Augustus so well and fit perfectly to the way I imagined the characters. John Green’s novel was like something I’d never read before. I would normally avoid books about cancer or illness but after much persuasion by my friends I finally decided to read a few pages. From just the first few sentences I was hooked and knew that this was going to be an exciting and different story to what I was expecting. John Green executed such a touchy subject so effortlessly and gave each character so much depth that by the end of the book i felt I had known the characters in real life. After many tears and much post-tfios depression I was slightly worried about how this heart wrenching, perfect novel could be turned into a film without being wrecked. The film however I felt was a perfect match to the book. The casting choice was brilliant and both Shailene and Ansel played the characters so well! This movie is a definite must watch with my rating of 10/10 and I advise people 12 and above to read/watch. But do beware for an unstoppable waterfall of tears so be armed with a lot of tissues!!


  50. I think that this movie would most certainly be one of the saddest movies I have watched. But although it is sad it is truly amazing. The Fault In Our Stars is the movie based off the book written by John Green, and although I hadn’t read the book I was quite looking forward to watching this film for I had heard some fantastic reviews on it. The story is about a girl named Hazel who was diagnosed with cancer at the age of 13, who later meets a boy named Agustes who faces a very similar situation as Hazel. Gus falls in love with Hazel but Hazel is to afraid to fall in love because she feels as if she could pass away at any time and break someones heart. This movie is a fantastic watch and I really recommend it, I also recommend that you have a box of tissues to with you while watching.


  51. Giarna said:

    This movie is about a girl who is diagnosed with cancer when she was 13 and the movie tells viewers about how she lives and copes with cancer. She meets a boy who loves her and thinks she is amazing, but she is scared to love him because she will eventually pass away and she doesn’t want to commit and then break his heart when she goes. In this movie you feel about a million emotions this movie is inspiring book/film that you should read or see


  52. Paris said:

    This movie is an emotional movie about a girl named Hazel who has cancer and is battling against it. She soon meets a boy named Augustus who is also very sick, they become very close and then become boyfriend and girlfriend. This is one of the saddest movie i have ever watched and it makes me cry every time. Its such an inspirational movie and its my favourite movie right now and i watch it almost everyday love this so much please go watch if you haven’t already


  53. paige said:

    This is a very touching movie about a young girl called Hazel who is diagnosed with cancer at a young age. Hazel is forced into going to support group by her Mum, and doctor. But I think hazel later on starts to appreciate that she did get forced into it. 1. Because she bumps into a handsome young boy Gus and ever since she has bumped into him she hasn’t stopped thinking about him. Later on in the movie the relationship between Gus and Hazel gets closer and stronger.In this movie there is a rollercoaster of emotions that you will be sad in moments and happy in others but the movie is an amazing and kind of educational movie/book to watch or read.
    I would strongly recommend this book or movie to anyone that is looking for a sad but emotional story or just even a love story. I would rate this movie or book 11/10


  54. This movie is an emotional movie about a girl named Hazel who has cancer and is battling against it. She soon meets a boy named Augustus who is also very sick, they become very close and then become boyfriend and girlfriend. They decide that before they die they want to travel together. So together they fly on a romantic trip to Paris to meet the author of there favourite book, only to find out that he is a jerk and wanted nothing to do with the two sick teens. On on of the last few days of the trip, Augustus admits something to Hazel that made me cry. I absolutely love this heart warming romantic, sad and amazing movie and I know you will too! I rate this movie a 10 out of 10!!


  55. Amazing film! It is a romance with a slight bit of comedy. It is such a heartwarming film and unlike a lot of cancer novels seems very realistic. It is about a girl who is diagnosed with cancer and her journey through her illness. It is a really heartwarming film which i would recommend to anyone. It is a very emotional film which makes you really think about your loved ones and values you hold most important to you. This film really makes you think about life and is a very very good watch. I would recommend it to anyone over 12 and would rate it a 9/10


  56. Ellie said:

    This movie is perfection. I read the book and for some reason I didn’t cry. But I balled when I watched this movie! It really touches your heart and you truly fall involve with the characters. The sad twist really hits hard, but mostly in a good way in the end. I would rate this movie 9 and ½ out of 10 because I just love it so much. I would recommend this for someone who was after a night in with the girls, make sure you have a box of tissues handy though!


  57. The fault in out stars, has to be one of the most heart wrenching movies I have ever seen. My mum and I went and saw it in the cinemas when it came out, and prior to that we were warned how sad it was, so with that in mind we went the the shops and brought two packets of tissues! And they were most definitely needed! The story is about Hazel who was diagnosed with cancer when she was 13 and how she meets Gus, and they both fall in love. The movie shows that battles and fights, the wins and the looses and is mixed in with there realities and there world of fantasy. I loved this movie and would rate it a 9/10!


  58. hazel and august meet in a cancer support group and become really good friends and share the same kind of problems. The movie is mainly about the sad story of cancer a the battle these guys put up with in their daily life. its a really good movie but i suggest if you haven’t watched it, read the book first. i wouldn’t recommend kids under 11 to watch this because they probably wouldn’t understand lots of parts of the movie. it really sad during some bits but other bits are really happy. good movie but i wouldn’t watch it heaps of times in a row. really good movie though so I would rate it a 9/10 …!!!


  59. The Fault in Our Stars is a very sad movie, possibly the saddest movie I have ever watched. I liked the style of the movie, the actresses were very good because they would really show their emotions which then made you feel that way. I thought that the characters that were chosen suited the theme of the movie well. Gus is very loveable, and along with the cute love story it has made the movie very popular for teenage girls. I thought that this movie had its funny and happy moments. But there were so many sad and upsetting moments that I couldn’t handle. The movie involves the story of two cancer people therefore it is not all sunshine and rainbows and it also features some of the tougher realities that cancer victims sometimes face. So if you are planning on watching it be prepared for a good movie and a good possible tears!


  60. Daisy said:

    The fault in our stars was possibly the saddest movie ever! i don’t know what is wrong with me but when I went to see this movie at the cinemas I didn’t even cry. Although I just have to think about it now and I cry. This book is such an inspiration for others that may have this condition and can help them see the positive side of things. My favourite thing that is said would have to be “between us three, we have 5 legs, 4 eyes and 2 and a half pairs of working lungs, so if I was you I would go back inside” and it would also have to be “Maybe okay can be our always” because it is just true love and it is just so sweet and caring. I would rate this movie a 10 out of 10 because it is just so amazing. I would probably recommend it for people 11 and up because there is some things in the movie that probably little kids wouldn’t understand or not suitable for them.


  61. I loved this movie and was at the edge of my chair watching it. I loved the characters, and the way they approach the world realistically and prepared. Even though there are a few moments when I am drowning in my own tears, I thought this was a good movie with a fantastic moral. John Green clearly highlights the struggles of cancer especially for younger people. If you love romance and heart ache than the Fault in our Stars is for you. I would rate this movie 8/10 and recommend it for 12 and up as there are a few ‘naughty’ scenes and some bad words said.


  62. Alana said:

    I love the Fault in Our Stars because it was similar to the book and the storyline is nothing like I’ve ever read or seen before. My favourite character was definitely and without a doubt August, as his character is enriched with endearment, wit and and intelligence. My favourite part of the movie was when August took Hazel to Amsterdam, Holland as it was her dying wish – the fact that he gave up his wish for her made it worthwhile to sit and sob. I can’t really relate to any of the characters as personally I’ve never had experience with any cancer patients. However, reading the book and watching the film made it feel so surreal with love and tragedy. My least favourite part, of course would be like many others, when August dies, and the fact that it’s so unexpected – I thought Hazel was going to and she didn’t so it was hard to get my mind around that. Therefore if I could change something about the movie or book, it would be so no one dies, although then that becomes such a inevitable ending. Personally, I would recommend this book to those who enjoy movies or books with a love theme, and with love comes twists, turns and those characters not living normal lives in the texts. Would rate it a high 8/10!


  63. Marysia said:

    This movie was so emotional. You had no idea what was going to happen next. I didn’t want to watch it because people told me it was really sad and I don’t like sad movies. But I had to watch it so I did. It made me cry s much. The ending made me so sad it was so unexpected and I was crying a lot. It was such a drama and romance movie. They were so charming characters as they fall in love. It was such a terrific movie of a girl called hazel who gets cancer. It was such an inspiring movie telling the people who are watching to have fun before you die and to keep fighting no matter what. Hazel Is a person who likes to keep fighting and doing something when she isn’t ok. I recommend this movie to anyone who wants to have a cry. As Gus passes away I was so shocked and crying so much. It just was so unexpected and I wish I could change the ending. When Hazel finds Gus at the petrol station really not well I freaked out and was so shocked in how much pain he was in. I rate this move a 10/10 go watch it if you haven’t!


  64. ‘The fault in our stars’ is one of my favourite movies.
    This movie made me both laugh and cry. Hazel is diagnosed with lung cancer and meets Angus who also has cancer. They fall in love but the ending is quite predictable. This movie been perceived in different ways, should we be watching books about terminally ill people falling in love while the reality is they may pass away unexpectedly?
    I love this movie and It made me feel grateful for what I have and made me put my life into perspective. My favourite character in this book is Angus, his positive attitude and the way he see’s Hazel makes the audience fall in love with his Character. Angus is an amazing person and put’s the needs of Hazel before his own.
    I recommend this movie to everyone of the age of 12 due to the cruel realities of being terminally sick. I saw this movie with my mum and we both loved it!!!
    I rate this movie 9/10 🙂


  65. This movie is one of the best tear jerkers I’ve ever seen. It is full of drama and romance, but I love how it specifically outlines a young girls life and her journey of going through cancer. The movie is about a girl called Hazel and when she is only 13, she is diagnosed with lung cancer. One day,, Hazel meets a young boy called Gus who lights up her life and takes her to Amsterdam to meet her very favourite author. My favourite character is Hazel because she is so brave during these difficult circumstances and she doesn’t stop persevering. The Fault in our Stars is a heartwarming story that everyone should watch to get an idea of what it is like to live with a serious illness.


  66. This movie is truly heartfelt and emotional. The story is about a girl named Hazel, who is diagnosed with cancer in her lungs at a young age, now surviving with one lung. Hazel meets a boy, Gus, at her support group, who used to have cancer as well. This captivating movie bought me to tears, definitely recommended to those who are into romantic or emotional movies. The extraordinary journey of Hazel and Gus will make you laugh and cry, I rate it a 4 out of 5.


  67. Abbey said:

    The Fault In Our Stars. Where to start. This heart warming, tear jerking and inspirational movie is one that cannot go unseen. At age 16 and diagnosed with cancer, Hazel Grace Lancaster shares with us her journey and the journey of Gus Waters. They both share the same sharp wit and a love of books, especially “An Imperial Affliction” by Peter Van Houten.
    The bond between the pair is so uplifting and their desire to stay strong for one another is truly inspirational.
    The one thing I would change about this movie is the ending. To see Gus pass away is so sad. There is no doubt that you will cry when you watch this film.
    I would recommend this to people aged 12 + as it can be confronting and deep.


  68. Bridget said:

    I was very excited to see this movie as I had read the book. I was very impressed with the movie and I thought it was very enjoying to watch. My favourite character is Hazel because she never gives up and she is kind to all. My favourite part is when they go on holiday together because it is very romantic. This movie is very sad, but great to watch. I thought the movie would be completely different to the book, but I was surprised because they were so similar! I rate it a 10/10 because it was one of the best movies I had seen in ages.


  69. Gemma said:

    At first, I was worried that the movie of The Fault In Our Stars would not be as good as the books, but I can say it was really good! This movie is so similar to the book, which is always good as I hate it when the movies are completely different, and the storyline really is played out beautifully and with respect of the tender topic. The movie definitely left me in tears, as it is very sad, so I would recommend it to people who are okay with feeling sad for a bit and wanting to cry. I give this movie a 10/10 for it’s brilliant adaptation of the book, and for the storyline in general that I absolutely adore.


  70. There is a girl who was diagnosed with cancer since she was 13 and this movie shows about her life and how she really lives with having cancer but she then meets an amazing boy who adores her and loves her. The book left me in tears. It’s always sad after finishing a great book but soon after I read the novel, the movie came out and I was over the moon.
    I would recommend having a couple of tissues next to you because you will cry.
    I rate this movie a 9 out of 10


  71. Paige said:

    This film is a truly heart wrenching story about cancer and conquering all odds of love. The main protagonists are Augustus and Hazel who both have cancer. They aspire to be different and together they show one another the ropes of strength and passion. Augustus seemed to be lucky, cancer free until one night when he found that the cancer had returned. They both live in agony but neither of them have a fear of dying. All they want is to live there lives to the fullest. Traveling the world and experiencing something new.

    It is a story of support, strength and how “okay can be our always”. At times they are vulnerable, weak but the only reason that they kept going was there strong love for one another.

    I would recommend this film to anybody who wants an insight into the minds of cancer patients and also anybody who enjoys a romance but can handle a devastating and tragic story. I would rate this film a 10 out of 10 and any body of the age of 12 could watch it. I recommend sitting near a box of tissues as it is an emotional roller coaster.


  72. The Fault in our stars is a sad, happy and many other emotion mixed together.
    I rate this movie a 8/10
    I think that this movie would be suitable for grade 6 and above


  73. The Fault In Our Stars is a great movie. If you like romantic and drama movies than this a great movie for you. The Fault In Our Stars is based on the book written by John Green and follows the story of Hazel and Gus who despite their serious health problems, manage to see the best in life and live their lives to the fullest. My favourite character would be Gus because he is so loving and caring even when he becomes very sick. This book has so many emotional highs and lows and the characters take you on their journey with them. I would rate this movie a 9.5/10 and would recommend it for people aged 12 and over.


  74. A truly heart wrenching story, about cancer. Augustus and Hazel are the two main characters.
    Both either have or had cancer. They travel around the world so they can see the world before they pass away. They love each other so much, and then Augustus soon realises that the cancer has returned and he is dying. They are in agony but together they plan a funeral for him. This movie is so amazing I love it so much.


  75. What a tear jerking but romantic love story this movie was. It made me laugh and it made me cry was very emotional and I really enjoyed it. The way the movie progressed and became a beautiful love story was my favorite part. Hazel Grace has cancer but was a strong character that at times was very vulnerable. She displayed many emotions in the movie from being very strong going through different phases of her illness to her romantic connection with Augustus. When they finally made it to Amsterdam to meet up with a novelist, Peter Van Houten, they discover that he is nothing more than a drunk these days. This was one of my least favorite parts as it was very disappointing for them after such anticipation. This is a great movie that I would recommend anyone to watch. It has happy as well as sad quantities but overall is a very good movie for any age to watch.


  76. I love this movie!! It is quite good throughout and the story line is something quite cute, but also something realistic. At some points in the movie I had no idea what was happening like when Augustus was at the service station and rang Hazel. I had no idea why that was happening and was quite confused. I also think because it had dark lighting that it made it hard to see. If I could change anything I would change the fact that Gus died, because they were just so cute together, and really helped support one another. My favourite part was their date in the field. It was really quite cute, but showed how they knew one anothers physical problems and still loved one another. I recommend it to ages about 12 and rate it a 9/10


  77. Everybody I know has read this book, i’ll be honest – the book left me in tears. It’s always sad after finishing a great book but soon after I read the novel, the movie came out and I was over the moon. I think the movie was a bit of a let down as the acting was extremely bad BUT the story line saved it so i’ll rate it a 6/10 for the movie.


  78. Isabelle said:

    One of the best movies I’ve ever seen!!!! The Fault in our Stars is an emotional yet exciting film that explores into the lives of Hazel and Gus, two teenagers who are both diagnosed with cancer. Throughout this movie I had times when I was balling my eyes out and times when I was laughing my head off, but most of all the entire movie I was engaged. I absolutely loved Gus’s character and the way he took care of Hazel. “Oh, I wouldn’t mind Hazel Grace. It would be a privilege to my heart broken by you.” This is such a touching line. I would definitely rate this movie in the high area, about a 9 or 10 out of 10. It’s awesome!!!


  79. Abbey said:

    The Fault in our Stars is an amazing film. The movie takes you on an emotional roller coaster as we watch the film. It is a sad movie which a touch of comedy. I was so worried that when I would watch the film it would ruin the book but I was pleasantly surprised. The part in the movie that made me laugh was when Gus said, “We may not seem like much, but together we have 5 legs, 4 eyes and 2 1/2 working pairs of lungs” I would recommend this movie to people about the age of 12 because there are concepts that younger people may find hard to deal with. I give this movie a 10 out of 10.


  80. Paris said:

    “Maybe ‘okay’ will be our ‘always’…”

    The Fault in our Stars is possibly the saddest yet happiest movie ever. I absolutely fell in love with this movie the moment I started watching. It is about a girl called Hazel-Grace Lancaster (AKA Hazel) who was diagnosed with cancer when she was 13 and has lung/breathing problems. She goes to cancer support group for the first time and meets a boy called Augustus Waters (AKA Gus) who changes her life forever. Hazel loves a book called ‘An Imperial Affliction’ by Peter Van Houten and so as Gus’ dying wish he takes Hazel and her mum to Amsterdam on the trip of their lives. They meet Peter Van Houten but he turns out to be a really cruel person to both Hazel & Gus. This book is possibly my favourite book ever because it is so funny and sad at the same time. The book is just as good and can always make me smile. My favourite character is Hazel because she is such a brave & optimistic person and sees the world a different way which makes her so interesting and unique. My favourite part of this movie is when Hazel, Gus and Isaac go to Isaac’s ex-girlfriends house and through eggs at her car & house. It is so funny when Gus tells her mum “We may not seem like much, but together we have 5 legs, 4 eyes and 2 1/2 working pairs of lungs. We also have 2 dozen eggs. So if I was you, I’d go back inside..” The Fault in our Stars, both the book and the movie, I would rate a 10/10 and would recommend it to anyone & everyone.


  81. One of the biggest tear jerkers I have ever watched. Gus and Hazel come to terms with their illnesses together, and learn how to treasure the good times over the bad. They are both intelligent teenagers and their connection is felt deeply by the viewer. The film entails the effects of cancer on the individuals and the family, as well as the desperation to beat it and live a normal life. My favourite character would have to be Isaac, who has no eyesight as a result of his own illness. Despite his hardship, Isaac is a positive person and is there for his friends when they need him. Love this film and would recommend it to all those who enjoy a sad movie.


  82. The Fault In Our Stars is a such a great movie! Most of the movie is really sad but there are some really funny parts! I wouldn’t recommend anyone under the age of 10 watching this movie, because they probably walnut understand it, and some bits are a little bit inappropriate. overal it was a great movie, but i definately would rather the book


  83. Martha said:

    This movie is so sad but in another way happy. i think its inspiring how they both don’t have much longer to live so they take there life to the fullest. This movie is a real tear jerker but defiantly a good one. I have only watched this movie once but want to watch it again. I rate this movie a 10/10 and i think the age group would be around ages 11 and up.


  84. lottie said:

    before i watched this film i was told about how sad and distressing it was. even though it was sad and all it showed you another side of people with cancer. there not moping around and doing nothing with there life because the no they only have limited time to live. there in forcing the quote live everyday like its your last. the two main characters in this film ( hazel and augustus) are some of the most intelligent people ever. not as in there writing and solving all these math and science equations but as in if you just listen to them speak its like theres a little piece of wisdom in every sentence. if you didn’t no about there situation ( the cancer) you would think they where the happiest people alive like they have no problems at all, but actually they are suffering a lot of problems and are feeling a lot of pain but still mange to smile and choose to be happy. this movie really shows you that if those two people with so much pain and fear can be as happy as they are of course we can


  85. Emily said:

    a girl and a boy both have cancer and they meet and a help group and instantly fall involve with each other. They travel to amsterdan to fulfil her wish of meeting her favourite author but things don’t go so well… its a faboulous movie and it made me cry! 10/10


  86. the fault in our stars is a very heart warming movie. I cried in this movie a lot…. so if sad movies aren’t your cup of tea i wouldn’t watch it, at the end of the movie there is a bit of twist that changes everything, i have watched this movies so many times and i never get board of it. i rate this movie a 9/10


  87. This move is quite a sad movie there is a girl that suffers from cancer but doesn’t know that her ‘boyfriend’ has been re diagnosed with cancer, Hazel reads a book and is looking for answers but the writer is a rude person and it stresses her out but she doesn’t want to give up, they go to Amsterdam for a holiday but also find the answers to the book, Amsterdam is where the movie is most set up. If you haven’t read the book you need to before the movie! I think that the person that has done the movie has done a really good job of it because they have not only gone along with the movie but it is very close with the book and as your watching the movie you can just imagine the book and what it said. I would recommend this movie because everyone is talking about it!!! I would rate is an 8/10


  88. The Fault in our stars is one of the SADDEST but BEST movies I have ever seen! The story line to this movie is a young girl named Hazel Grace Lancaster, she has cancer and believes that she is about to die. Her parents think thats she is depressed so they send her to a support group and that’s where she meets her true love Augustus. Augustus also has cancer and had his leg amputated. This movie is inspirational and heart worming and really makes you think how luck we are to me us! I loved this movie and I hope you love it too! So go ahead and watch it!!! I rate this movie a 9/10


  89. This movie is a romantic and tear jurker kind of book which I recommend for people who like that type of genre i rate this movie a 9/10


  90. The Fault in our Stars is a 10 out of 10 the story line is so sad but so inspiration at the same time. Though this was THE SADDEST, movie I have ever seen, it was also one of the most beautiful. I think I cried throughout about half of the movie. The actors really expressed the emotions of the characters well and I felt that. I am going to see it again for sure. So emotinal but it just showed a true type of love. I love the Fault in our Stars and recomend it for anyone 12 an over!!


  91. The Fault in our stars is an engrossing, interesting and well filmed movie. This movie uses a serious situation of cancer to capture our hearts. The romantic love story between Augustus and Hazel and how it all can change in an instant when cancer is involved. My favourite character is Augustus as even when his cancer returned he didn’t think about himself, he thought about the one he loved and went to Amsterdam with her. My favourite part of the book is when they want out for dinner in Amsterdam as I thought this was really romantic an cute. I rate this movie 9/10 and recommend this to ages 13 and above.


  92. This movie is about a teenage girl diagnosed with cancer who attends a support group that would later change her outlook on life. After Meeting Augustus Waters a formerly cancer healed teenage boy Hazel Grace is transformed and is pushed to do things she never would have imagined. If you enjoy movies, That consist of humour, romance and heartbreaking events, I highly recommend this film to you, you will cry, smile and laugh throughout this great piece of writing by John Green. 5 stars hands down.


  93. This movie is probably the saddest, but truly inspiring. I loved this movie even though I cried because I felt like I was feeling their pain. This is one of the movies where you have to watch it all the way through because you can’t take your eyes off the screen. My favourite part of the movie was when Hazel found out she could go overseas because she was so happy which made me feel so happy for her. I love Hazel because she is such a strong character and she doesn’t see her illness as something that will hold her back from life. This is what is so inspirational about her. I can’t really relate to any of the characters, but I could imagine how hard it would be to stay positive and strong. I would definitely recommend this movie to everyone who likes romantic and sad movies. Also the book is very similar and it is always good to read the book as well.


  94. The Fault in Our Stars is one of the most outstanding, tragic and intriguing movies I’ve ever seen! I love the storyline of this movie and how it all seems so real. If you have read the book but have never seen the movie i definitely reccomend it, because it is a a movie that is so good you can’t choose if the book or movie is better. The characters in this movie are great! Especially Gus because he is so loyal and a really nice guy. Gus is so passionate and really makes you think about all different things, and there are not many guys like Gus out there. Throughout the movie you will laugh, cry and even hang on to the edge of your seat. I am going to rate this movie a 10/10 stars because its an amazing movie that i will watch over and over again. I definitely recommend this movie to anyone over the age of 12.


  95. The Fault in our stars is such an amazing movie and book. Usually it is hard for movies to live up to the books, but this one sure has! I loved this movie so much. If you like romantic but sad story lines this is definitely the one for you. The characters in this movie are so amazing especially Hazel who i think most girls should look up to. Hazel is a strong character who learns to value her place in the world and finds out who she really is which is what most teenage girls are going through. There are a few plot twists in the story line, and you are sure to shed a tear or two. I would rate this movie a 9 1/2 out of 10 stars as i think it is a truly amazing book and movie. I would recommend it for people 13 and over


  96. I have to say that this movie was… extraordinary, amazing, outstanding, mind blowing, marvellous, well you get the point. Even after watching the first few minutes of the movie, I was strongly captivated. And what got me was the storyline, and how well it was projected so that everyone would understand it. I could relate to Hazel even though I haven’t been touched by cancer before, being traumatised by the iron fist of cancer. For years she had always had that dark cloud sitting over her head, and she knows that it always will. It stopped her from socialising, going to school, eating and just being her normal self. So when her doctor Maria told her parents about a local support group for teenagers/kids that have or still have cancer, they thought it would be a great experience for Hazel. She was completely against the idea, but just to make her parents happy. she went along. When she was there for the first time, Hazel realised what a bore it was going to be. But then she met Augustus. An eighteen year old boy (two years older than Hazel) who was attending this group to be the support or his friend Isaac who has had dance r in his and it was repaved with a glass one, and after a few weeks from them, the other was going to be replaced too. Augustus found Hazel attractive and the soon fell in love. My favourite part of the movie is when Hazel and Augustus are in Amsterdam because Augustus gave up his life with so that he and Hazel could go together. They had a great and romantic time together. I love it because it shows Augustus’ love for Hazel and how much they care for each other. Therefore my favourite character is Augustus because of his strong love for Hazel despite that fact that she has cancer in her lungs. I wouldn’t change a thing about this movie, I think that it is perfect just the way it is and that is why it is such a hit all over the world. Anyone would love it so I rate it 5/5 stars.


  97. I love this movie soooo much!! This movie is based on the book written by John Green and is a touching story about two teenagers, Hazel and Augustus, who are both battleing cancer and eventually find love. Throughout the movie Hazel and Gus’ love deepen and they both become incredibly close.

    This movie is so good I really enjoyed it as well as the book. I would over all give it a 10/10 because it is a very inspiring book and teaches us the importance of love, family and friendship.


  98. said:

    Where do I even begin to explain how much I absolutely loved The Fault In Our Stars! This is because of the young love between Hazel and Gus, no matter their illnesses. My favourite part of the movie was when ever Hazel and Gus were together, for example when they went to Amsterdam together, even being in youth group together. My favourite character would definitely have to be Gus, and this is for so many reasons: he’s romantic, puts other before himself, he looks at his only life as being a gift despite what he’s been thorugh and also because of his love for Hazel Grace. Although I can’t really relate to any of the characters, I wish in a way I were Hazel at times. My least favourite part of the film, was when of course Gus died and Hazel was left alone without him, and they were so madly, truly and deeply in love with each other. I literally cried when he died. If I could have changed a scene in the movie it would be when Gus takes Hazel to Amsterdam – they should have been there together much longer. I believe that the type of person who would love this movie would be someone who loves cheesy yet cute romance with twists and turns in the relationship that you’d least expect for a teenage couple. So I’d definitely recommend this movie to those who are suckers for young love.


  99. Abby Warner said:

    I really liked this movie because it was so inspirational and real because it happens sometimes like this in real life. My favourite part of the movie was when they where in Amsterdam and they went to meet Van Houston, because she was such a funny character in the movie then what I thought in the book. My favourite character was Augustus because he said all the right words. He was a boy that should be in the real world. I can relate to Hazel because she over someone that had cancer, and then they disappeared just suddenly. This was a great movie and I didn’t have a least favourite bit neither would I change anything because John Green writes perfectly. I would recommend this book to all people who love romance and tears at the end of this movie.


  100. I don’t really cry in movies unless they’re really, really sad. And this movie is bound to get you crying like there’s no tomorrow. I brought a box of tissues and I used about half of them. I have never cried so much in my entire life. The movie had all of the book’s materials in it (except for one thing). I never thought Shailene and Ansel would play Hazel and Gus, but when I watched it, their performance blew me away. I think Shailene’s ability to cry got ME crying, because that’s how real it felt. It is an amazing movie, and I’m sorry to say that it’s even better than A Walk to Remember. Go see this movie, and if you do, maybe read the book first so that you can be somewhat prepared! I was great and i rate it a 9/10 😀


  101. I read this book and cried my heart out. I saw The Fault In Our Stars in the cinemas when it first came out. My friends and I took before and after shots and there was a clear difference – we were all balling our eyes out at the end. I watched it again recently and cried just as much! This is such a touching and powerful story and whatever you expect to happen doesn’t. Hazel Grace and Gus are the most loveable characters and their experiences are incredible and moving. Love it to bits! I recommend this to any romantic aged 13-97. 8.5/10.


  102. The fault in our stars is an amazing movie that is full of drama. The book is about a girl named Hazel and her journey and how she has cancer, her parents force her into support group where she meets Gus and how they fall in love. This movie will bring you to tear and is an amazing movie. This movie was perfectly casted for the characters and was amazedly done to the book. My favorite character is Gus as he is so cute and sweet. I give this movie a 9.5/10.


  103. The Fault In Our Stars is a fabulous movie, but also a great read. I did read the book before watching the movie, however this didn’t spoil the movie for me. The Fault In Our Stars has a great story line and is a very emotional story as I believe almost everyone can relate to the story. It is about two teens, Hazel and Gus, who both have different cancer conditions. They fall in love after meeting at a cancer support group. I would highly recommend this movie and book, however it is best suited to people over the age of 13. I personally loved this movie, so I rate it a 10/10! 🙂


  104. When I heard that this was coming out to be honest I wasn’t really excited but I went and saw it anyway I was so glad i did. This was an amazing film!! It was so romantic, scary and touching all at the same time. I was always proud of myself because i had never cried in a movie but sadly I can never say that again because I cried in this one. This movie is about a young girl (Hazel Grace) who has cancer and she meets a boy called Gus at a cancer support group and they fall in love. My favourite character is Gus because he is a loving funny character and he is just a really amazing character. I would recommend this movie to anyone over 12 and i rate this movie a definite 10 out of 10. I loved this movie so much and I really think this movie made you appreciate what you have more.


  105. Emanuella said:

    I went into this movie not having read the book and not knowing anything more than the overall plot. I am a sucker for a good love story, especially love that I can relate to. The pain and emotions felt by the characters felt so real, as if I was feeling the same emotions.
    Though this was THE SADDEST movie I have ever seen, it was also one of the most beautiful, as it truly showed how exhilarating and comforting and exciting love is.
    I probably cried throughout about half of the movie, along with the rest of the audience. I cried to the point of heaving out loud and needing more than the 2 tissues I came in with. Again, the actors really expressed the emotions of the characters well and I felt that.


  106. – I absolutely loved the movie The fault in our stars because it was a love story movie but it also brought out a emotional side to you that you may or may not of seen coming before. I thought that the movie was very well planned out and every scene was there for a reason. I liked the movie because even though Hazel Grace was not having the life she wanted in the end Augustus waters taught her how to love what she has and to never forget how lucky she is to be alive. I would recommend this movie for teenagers aged 13-70 year old because it truly is a movie that anyone can watch but is mainly a chic flick. Daisy


  107. I really liked this movie as it takes you on an emotional roller coaster. This movie is very inspiring and really encourages you to look at life from a different perspective. The movie is based around Hazel Grace Lancaster who is a 16-year-old cancer patient. She meets and falls in love with Gus Waters who is a a similarly afflicted teen from her cancer support group. They both understand each other as they have experienced similar things as a result of having cancer and throughout the movie they plan journeys that they want to go on together before their time is up. They both share a love of books, especially “An Imperial Affliction” by Peter Van Houten. In the movie, Gus gets an invitation to meet Peter Van Houten and he and Hazel embark on the adventure of their lives. This movie is a must-see and from what I have heard everyone absolutely loves it! I would definitely recommend this movie to everyone but especially those who like a love story with a twist.


  108. This is an amazing heart touching story abut two lover.
    i loved the movie it was soooo good it also follows the book really well.(thats is you’ve ready he book.)
    I just think that this is a great movie for loads of ages but maybe not too young because it is a little sad in the end and a but messy in some parts.


  109. Laura said:

    I think my expectations were too high because I didn’t think The Fault In Our Stars was the BEST movie. Although I did like the love and I especially loved the twist at the end. My favourite character was Gus because he was a good actor and he really suited his roll. I haven’t yet lost someone close so I can’t really relate but I do imagine a lot of pain. I rate this movie 8/10 🙂


  110. Carly said:



  111. The fault in our stars is an amazing book and movie! It will make you see how bad cancer can actually be and change how you feel about it. Hazel grace is my favourite character because i like her personality and they way she is around others. This is an emotional movie and i cried for almost the whole thing! If you are wanting to see a heart warming movie then watch this. I rate it a 10/10!


  112. Just like the novel, The Fault in Our Stars is an excellent movie. I liked the style of the movie as it made the characters and what was happening seem very real and emotional. I thought that the characters that were chosen suited the theme of the movie well. Gus is very loveable, and along with the cute love story it has made the movie very popular for teenage girls.
    Despite enjoying this movie I personally found the book much better as I feel some parts of the movie are better understood through reading. The movie involves the story of two cancer patients therefore it is not all sunshine and rainbows and it also features some of the tougher realities that cancer victims sometimes face. I found this movie emotional, however I did not cry, but I know many people who did! So if you are planning on watching it be prepared for a good movie but a few possible tears!
    I would rate this movie 8/10 🙂


  113. by far my favourite book and one of my favourite movies! I read the book before I saw the movie so I knew what was going to happen but it was still so exciting to watch. Hazel is my favourite character because she makes you see life a different way and have different views on things. I would highly recommend the movie and book, I am not normally a book person at all but I was completely hooked on this book! I give it a 10/10


  114. I really like this movie and book. Its very emotional.
    I read the book before I went to see the movie so I knew what was going to happen but I cried in both the book and the movie.
    I find them (the book and the move ) very inspiring to make you do all that you can and don’t say “i’ll do it tomorrow”. It makes you want to do things now not tomorrow not next time not next week but..NOW !!
    If you like romance and love but there isn’t any really sexual scenes.


  115. Laila said:

    The fault in our stars was not the best movie, i don’t know whether i had two high expectations but i wasn’t a big fan, my favourite part was when Isaac throws the eggs onto the girlfriends car because this shows that just because you have a disability docent mean you have disadvantages. My favourite character was Gus this is because he plays a very manly role and just acts like nothing is happening to him, even though deep inside he knows that he is dying. I would not recommend this movie for people who don not usually cry in movies because it is overrated by those who take things to heart. I personally would rate this a 5 out of 10


  116. I would highly like to recommend the movie Fault in our Stars. I usually don’t have any emotions what so ever in films However in this film , i did get a bit teary.Fault in Our stars is one of the most Spectacular films that i’ve ever watched. The movie is about to people who fall in love who are both cancer patients. The follow each others paths the whole way and have there ups and downs with there cancers. The love was strong. Im not going to say anything else as i don’t want to spoil the end part. However the ending you would never suspect that would ever happen. I would recommend this movie for anyone over the age of 12 and who like movies that will proberly make you burst in to tears. SO if this sounds like you , go watch it. I can guarantee you will probelry cry.


  117. The fault in our stars is a really inspirational movie & book, This Movie is about a girl called Hazel Grace Lancaster and she has cancer every part of her life seemed non existent a girl reading the same book over and over her doctor says she is depressed, and she is. Until she meets a 18 year old boy called Augustus Waters all he wants in life is to be remembered and to inspire others, Hazel’s life is changed by Augustus and I absolutely love this movie!! it really inspires me to not take every moment of life for granted because there are people that know they won’t live much longer. I rate this movie 10/10 it is my favorite movie!


  118. The fault in our stars is such a great emotional movie and I went to see this with a friend and nearly cried haha I love how Hazel meets Augustus and they start being friends, doing things together but then Hazel get’s really sick which get’s me the most especially when she’s sleeping at night znd spomething happens but I really get upset when Augustus dies. I would rate 8/10 🙂


  119. The Fault In Our Stars is one of my favourite movies. I read the book before I saw the movie, so I was prepared for it, but that didn’t stop the tears. It has such an amazing storyline and it was done so well. Hazel Grace Lancaster has cancer and she attends support group with other cancer sufferers. She awkwardly bumps into Augustus, and then it all unfolds from there on. They develop an unbreakable relationship and the travel to Amsterdam to meet Hazel’s favourite author. Along the way there are many hiccups and tears shed, that’s guaranteed! I absolutely LOVE this movie, I cried through the whole movie in the cinema. I recommend this movie to 12+ only because of some references and some younger children may not get some scenes. I rate this movie 10/10!!!!!!!


  120. Catelyn said:

    Words cannot explain how much I loved this movie. I cried and cried and it is also a good book to read. A girl called Hazel has cancer, and her mother makes her go to a support group with people with deadly sicknesses. When she’s there, she bumps into a boy called Augustus Waters. They become very good friends, and then they start liking each other. One night, Hazel can’t breathe and she gets sent straight to hospital. When she gets out, her and Augustus go to England to meet Hazel’s favourite author. But he isn’t very nice to them. When they get back, Augustus is unexpectedly sent straight into hospital because the infection in his leg has gotten worse. One night, Hazel got a phone call saying that Augustus had passed away. After his funeral, the author that Hazel and Augustus went to see, came, sat and talked with Hazel. He said he was sorry. This movie is amazing, and you can’t help but cry. I would recommend this movie to people 12+, and I would rate it a 10/10.


  121. Bridget said:

    The fault the stars, oh my gosh where to start. It is the greatest love story of all time and it gets me every time. It is a journey of two people who have cancer and meet at support group and feel in love at first sight. They have many hiccups along the way from cancer problems to disappointments. It has so many words to describe it but I don’t think that I could say anything bad about it. I would easily have to rate this a 10/10 and hope everyone gets the chance to see it.


  122. Sarah said:

    The movie of The Fault In Our Stars does no injustice to John Greens master piece of a book. Everything is perfect, right down to the actors, actresses and clothes they wear. if your worried that the movie will be a damper on the book, don’t worry! it will have you in tears just like the book. Hazel and Gus’ love story is beautifully tragic with twists and turns that will leave you questioning everything you thought you knew about modern day love stories. I highly suggest everyone goes and see’s TFIOS and brings a big box of tissues with them for the emotional ride that they will endure!


  123. Isobel said:

    The fault in out stars is a very emotional movie. It is about Hazel and Gus who are two extraordinary teenagers who have cancer and a love that sweeps them-and us- on an unforgettable journey. Their relationship together was love at first sight because they fell in love at a cancer support group. My favourite part of the movie was when Gus wants to see what hazel and his friend Isaac had prepared for his funeral before he dies. I like this sense because it makes you feel really emotional and happy because Hazel tells you all the fun times they have had together and how much he means to her and Isaac tells them some funny moments that they went through together but he also talked about the great times they had together and without Gus in the world with them life would be much harder form them. My favourite character was defiantly Hazel grace Lancaster because she never really felt sorry for her self only for others and she always showed unconditional love for Gus. My most un favourite part in the movie was when Gus and Hazel got really close to each other but other than that this movie is amazing. John Green the writer of the fault in our stars has created a book that explores the funny, thrilling and tragic parts of being alive and in love and I would defiantly watch this movie again and again and again if I was able too. I would rate this book a 8/10.


  124. Emily said:

    I loved the fault in our stars. I went to see it at the movies and although the movie all you could hear was people quietly weeping. I loved every part of the movie and it almost reduced me to tears. This is a good movie for anyone who likes a little romance, a little adventure, and even a little laugh. It shows how strong the love for Hazel is and that she can live an almost normal lifestyle despite having cancer. Throughout the entire length of the movie, it carried an important message and had plenty of other messages as well. I gave it a 10/10


  125. Rebecca said:

    The fault in our stars is a really good movie for those who like a little romantic movie and have a laugh and for some a cry at times.The Movie is about a character called Hazel Grace Lancaster who is suffering a case of cancer.Hazel meets a guy called Augustus Waters at a support group.Augustus also had cancer.The two of them fall in love and together they travel around the world on an adventure.The ending has shocked everyone.I recommend this movie to 11 and above or for mature audiences .


  126. Sarah said:

    The fault in our stars was an extremely amazing yet very sad movie. It focuses around the teenage romance between Hazel and Augustus who meet at a cancer survival group. My favourite character in this movie is definitely Augustus because he is a very unique character. I would recommend this movie to people over 12 as it has some medical terms included and is very sad. This movie was amazing and did the book justice. I really enjoyed it. I would rate it a 10/10.


  127. This movie is possibly one of the best movies I have seen in a long time. The story follows and you girls named Hazel Grace and her journey of living with cancer. Along the way she meets this boy Augustest Waters. Over time they fall in love but Hazel doesn’t want to hurt him by because she could die at any minute. This movie makes you realise how lucky we are to be living and the opportunities we get. This movie is a definite 10/10 and I would recommend it for anyone as long as you are prepared to cry.


  128. This movie is about a girl (Hazel Grace Lancaster – Played by Shailene Woodley) who was diagnosed with cancer at the age of 13 and how she survives living with one lung and a lung that sucks that being a lung. Funny quote. She meets this guys (Augustus Waters – Played by Ansel Elgort) This movie also has a book. While watching this movie I thinkI cried most of the time. My favourite moments would be when Gus teachers His blind friend Isaac how to throw eggs. The reason being is when he told his ‘Hot’ girlfriend that he is going to be blind. She dumps him and he is angry. The worst part from the movie to me would be when Gus is in his car with mucous on him and an infection located on his belly. That was disgusting. It makes you beleve that we are very lucky. My favourite character would be Gus. He is really sweet and nice. He will doe anything for Hazel just to see her smile. I recommend this movie/book to anyone about the age of 8. this is an amazing book/movie!


  129. The movie ‘The fault in our stars’ is one of the saddest movies I have ever watched. I went to the movies with friends to watch it and I only brought a couple of tissues for my self and everyone had to use them i was so life like and real. The movie shows love and friendship and to never give up on something you love. Also to live your life to the fullest because you never when it’ll end. The movie was about a girl called Hazel whom had cancer in her lungs and that her life is a complete drag until she meets Gus and he changes her whole life. They go to Amsterdam to try and find Hazels favourite author and he turns out to be really inconsiderate and rude to 2 dying teenagers. I give the movie a 9.5 out of 10 and I would recommend it to anyone over the age of 10 because it’s about life and how some people suffer from illnesses but most have brake throughs.


  130. Georgia said:

    The Fault in Our Stars is one of those movies that isn’t a let down from reading the novel. It follows the storyline very well and the movie is so captivating, I wanted to absorb every second of it. It is a heart warming story and it can take away your happiness just as quick as you get it. The novel is quite a complex one, and I would recommend it for people of the ages of 13+ where as the movie is a lot more easier to follow along so 12+ The characters display great qualities and teach you how to stay strong in the worst of times. This is an excellent book and movie and would recommend it for both boys and girls.


  131. I really enjoyed both the book and film. I enjoyed how the movie incorporated the majority of the book but left out others. My favourite part of the movie would be when Hazel and Gus went to Anne Franks house because gus was so caring to Hazel and did everything for her. Therefore making Gus my favourite character as he never gives up even when his body does. I recommend this movie to anyone and everyone, yet I recommend you read book first as they are different.


  132. The fault in our stars is based on the book written by John green. It is such a sad and emotional movie with a touching story line. It all starts when Hazel was meets the charming and cheerful Augustus Waters at a cancer support group, sparks fly. He fears oblivion, while she believes it’s inevitable. In his company, she discovers there’s a world beyond hospitals, medication, pain and cancer. Their shared passion for books, common fears, and heartfelt talks make the two inseparable, until death comes knocking…
    I would rate this movie/book a 9/10, I absolutely loved it and was heartfelt.


  133. What a beautiful movie ! It’s the perfect chick flick combined with romance and drama. This movie really shows a beautiful bond between Augustus and Hazel grace. It also really shows how hard cancer is and how they never give up until the very end which is inspiring. I love how Hazel and Augustus are so strong the whole way through the movie. I would recomend every girl to watch this movie. This movie doesn’t have a boring moment the whole way through ! I could watch it a million times. I recomend every girl to watch this movie I rate it 10/10 !!


  134. This movie is amazing. It is the perfect fit for the book. The book was incredible and I couldn’t wait for the movie, But I was worried that it wouldn’t rise up to the standard of the book. It most certainly did! I enjoyed watching it so much, there were tears and laughter. I would rate this 9.5/10. WONDERFULLY INCREDIBLE!


  135. Summer said:

    The fault in our stars is such an amazing movie and it will make you laugh and cry at the same time. I will entertain anyone from 10 up. It also has a book as well which is just as good. Like all books and movies the book is a bit different from the movie but not to much. My favourite character would have to be Hazel because she never gives up and keeps looking forward. I also like Isaac because even though he was blind he didn’t care all he cared about was his ex-girlfriend and getting her back. This is such a great movie is has many genre eg. Comedy, Sad, Drama, Romance. I would rate it a 9/10 and recommend it to anyone over the age of 10 but mostly girls because I don’t think that many boys would like it. Great movie!


  136. Isobel said:

    the fault in our stars is an amazing movie and i would recommend it to anyone that likes movies that can make you emotional and surprise you a lot. my favourite part was when they met the person that wrote the book she was reading because the writer sounded like he was drunk and would talk about stuff that didn’t relate to his book. my least favourite part is when they met each other because it is a bit weird and boring. if i was to change something in the movie it would be to make the guy not dye, because that really surprised me when he died and it made me quite sad. this is a very surprising movie and i know that many people would love it i would rate it a 8/10


  137. The fault in our stars is based on the book written by John green. It is about a girl named Hazel Grace who had a terminal form of cancer. Hazel’s mum thinks that hazel is depressed so she forces Hazel to go to a support group. At Support group she meets a boy named Augustus Waters who also had a cancer.

    Together the young couple go on many adventures facing the world. Augustus soon finds out that he has cancer and it spreads to just about every part of his body unfortunately Augustus passes away.

    This movie is not like most cancer movies as it shows the truth of cancer. This movie is so upsetting but somehow even though a lot of it is so sad the characters (Hazel and Augustus) are able to turn some of the sad scenes into more like comedy ones. I would defiantly recommend this movie but you must remember to bring tissues when watching it


  138. I read the book awhile ago so I had forgotten about some of the things that take place in the story of Hazel and Gus when I watched the movie for the first time. This movie made me laugh at the best of times but it definitely made me cry during the worst and overall I enjoyed the film. There were a lot of beautiful parts so it’s hard to pick a favourite point in the film but it would probably have to be Gus’ clever lines and wit throughout the film. My favourite character was Isaac who was blind due to the cancer he suffered from. He was my favourite because through all the suffering he went to, he was still able to make us laugh with the things he said and he was sometimes able to make fun of himself. My least favourite part of the movie was when Hazel and Gus shared Gus’ wish to go and meet the author of their favourite book, and it turned out that the author wasn’t nice at all and he refused to give Hazel and Gus the answers they wanted about the book. I would probably change the ending of the movie because it was too sad and heartbreaking. I would recommend this movie to people from their teenage years and onwards, but you will need tissues! Overall the film was great and I plan on buying it as soon as it comes out on DVD.


  139. Carla said:

    This movie is based on the best selling novel by John Green. It is based around the character Hazel who is dealing with a terminal form of cancer. However it is not a typical cancer movie. Green tackles the major questions of existence with humour and honesty through the lives of two very real teenagers.

    For me this movie was a great reflection of the book and the characters acted in the way I had imagined them. Obviously when you make movies, some parts will be cut out which is disappointing, however nothing crucial was missing from this. There were also no random scenes included which didn’t happen in the book which was great!

    In the end, this movie will drag you along in the best and worst of ways. You will fall in love and get your heart broken. It is masterful coming of age story and will fill you with laughter and tears. I would recommend this movie mainly to people who have read the book. If you haven’t, be prepared for a lot of tears.


  140. The movie The fault in our stars is a life-changing wonderful movie that will leave you full of emotion. The movie will take you on a journey of laughing and crying. The movie is about a 17 year old girl named Hazel grace Lancaster who has thyroid cancer but is now on a miracle medical trial that is making her stay alive. One day in the forbidden support group she met Augustus Waters. Augustus waters is the young man that you along with Hazel grace will fall in love with. Hazel and Gus begin on a adventure of love, they come across obstacles and problems but through all of that they love each other unconditionally. Watching this movie I felt so great as the words from author John green come to life. I highly recommend you read/watch the movie or book as it as it will change the way you look at life and the people around you. I rate this movie and book a 10/10.


  141. The Fault in our Stars is the saddest yet most inspiring movie I have ever seen. Every detail of this movie is thought through and has a purpose. Hazel is my favourite character. Hazel has thyroid cancer with metastasis in her lungs. Hazel is a strong individual, who sees life through a different perspective. Her harsh reality gives her strength and shows the viewer what it is like to be the side effect of cancer. She accepts what many of us don’t, death. Augustus Waters, whom Hazel meets at a support group, lets her see a more positive side to life. The ending is tragic yet heart touching. I would recommend this movie to anybody over the age of 12. I would rate this movie 10/10, it was just perfect and I can’t imagine anything else happening but what did.


  142. Bella said:

    The Fault In our Stars is an emotional and frighteningly good movie about two teenagers who meet at a cancer gathering and fall in love. It is about their ups, their downs and the way their love grows throughout the movie. We can see the love and friendship changes each character in the movie, strengthens them and literally keeps them alive. The ending of this tragic but beautiful story of Augustus Waters and Hazel-Grace Lancaster, is heart warming and precious, the only downside to it is that it may cause you to run out of tissue boxes. The quotes in this movie are amazing, the lessons in it are unbelievable. I think the story will change the hearts of people who watch it, and also change the opinions and thoughts about people with the awful disease of cancer. Overall 10/10, I recommend it to anyone and everyone who has a tissue handy.


  143. The Fault In Our Stars is a great inspirational and emotional movie/book about a girl called Hazel who was diagnosed with cancer at the young age of 13. Her mum suggested that going to a support would help her meet new people, which Hazel was reluctant about. But luckily she did because, one day at support group she met someone called Augustus Waters. Throughout the movie their relationship builds and they experience many difficult times together but also some really exciting experiences like going to Amsterdam to meet the author of their favourite book “An Imperial Affliction” I would certainly recommend to see and read the book The Fault In Our Stars for everyone as it will change your perspective of life. I would rate this movie at 10/10 because it’s just a great movie.


  144. Isabella said:

    The fault in our stars is a rollercoaster of emotions. It is a fabulous film that would be inspirational to a lot of people. The thing that I really do love about this movie is that it shows love, romance, friendship and to never give up. It is a very upsetting movie and if your like me, you will not stop crying. The suitable age group for this movie would have to be 10+. Having Augustus Waters die was an tragic scene that was very disturbing. I can relate to Hazel in the movie because I knew a family member that passed away from cancer. That was a very sad time in not just my life but my whole family as well. The sort of person that would like to see the movie or read the book would be if they liked a story that had its up and downs, an upsetting film but the humour side to it, I rate this movie a 9/10.


  145. Tamika said:

    This movie is a very inspirational and great movie and I really liked it!! It was a roller coaster of emotions just watching it!!! I really like the movie because it really showed love and friendship and to never give up on something you love. My favourite part of it was definitely when she said ‘Why are you staring at me?”, and he said “because your beautiful”, and I thought that was so romantic and beautiful to say. My least favourite part of this story is probably when Agustes sadly pasts away! My favourite character would of had to been Agustes because he showed his love and affection to her in a really unique and beautiful way. If I could change something in this movie I would change the fact that he pasts away, but I would definitely recommend this to others who love heart filled inspirational yet sad movies!! I think this movie would probably be more suited for people over 12 years only because if any younger they probably wouldn’t understand. I would rate this movie and 9.5 out of 10!!!


  146. This is a very touching movie about a young girl called Hazel who is diagnosed with cancer at a young age. She doesn’t want to but lucky joins support group, she meets a boy called Agustes Waters.In the movie they fall in love with Agustes. They talk about her favourite book, “an imperial affliction” and agustes reads it. Together they recieved an invitation to go and meet the author. This movies was amazing and it made me cry when i watched it. I rate it a 9/10 and recommend it for all ages.


  147. Bianca said:

    I found the “Fault in our stars” amusing, it was also sad. This movie was probably one of the heart touching movies that I have ever seen. I just couldn’t image the part when Augustus Waters died. This movie was a type of romance movie, it was about cancer. Hazel met a guy, Augustus. Augustus had cancer and only had one leg, Hazel had lung cancer. They both became really good friends and talked every single day and saw each other every day. I couldn’t stop crying! You need to watch the fault in our stars. I believe that the movie is better than the book because you can actually see how the movie is really like and how it might relate to some people. I would rate this movie a 9/10 🙂


  148. I recommend the movie ‘The Fault In Our Stars’, this is actually the saddest movie i have ever seen. It is inspirational and heart touching movie that is full with drama, romance, adventure, and some comedy. This movie is about a teenage girl who has cancer in her lungs, and she doesn’t think that she has much time left so she goes to a group talk and meets a boy call augustus, he had cancer and lost his leg to it but they shared many things and talked everyday! they were like ying and yangs that fitted perfectly together, there is a huge twist at the end that is mind blowing and the most greatest thing ever! You have to watch this movie and i recommend it to all ages and rate it a 9/10


  149. Lucy c said:

    This is a gorgeouse movie about a young girl called Hazel who is diagnosed with cancer around the age of twelve. In a support group she attends, she meets a boy called agustes Waters. Throughout the movie, a strong bond grows between the two. Hazel tells Agustes about her favourite book, “an imperial affliction” and agustes reads it. Together they recieved an invitation to go and meet the author peter Vanhouten. It is an amazing book with lots of happy and sad moments and the actors math the roles very well. I would rate this movie a ten out of ten.


  150. Olivia said:

    The movie The Fault in our Stars was fantastic! I have read the book multiple times and have watched the movie! The movie and the book are basically exactly the same! The story line is very funny, loving yet very sad and very emotional. The story is about a girl named Hazel Grace who had cancer since she was 13 years old. Later in her life she meets a guy named Augustus who is also going through the same thing as Hazel. Together they grow a strong loving bond towards each other. I would recommend this movie to people above the age of 16 years old. I really love this movie and would rate it 10/10!! 🙂


  151. I saw this movie a few days ago and I absolutely loved it! It is my favourite movie by far. It’s about a beautiful girl called Hazel Grace who suffers depression and goes to a support group to get to meet new people creating new friendships. Hazel meets this boy called Augustus who is really nice and charming. Hazel and Augustus create a really strong bond between the two of them and they eventually form a relationship. I won’t spoil the ending for those who haven’t seen the movie yet but the ending is quite sad. This movie is quite sad, but is a really fantastic movie. I am about to start reading the book which I can’t wait to start!

    I would certainly recommend to see and read the book The Fault In Our Stars for everyone as it will change your perspective of life and will really take in what some people have to life with. I would rate this movie at 10/10 because it’s just a lovely movie.


  152. What a beautiful movie ! This movie is now one of my favourites. Gus and Hazel are amazing actors and they were my favourite characters throughout the movie. We see Gus and Hazel’s love sparkle and it feels like you are just their with them along the journey. The twists and turns in this movie is mind blowing and sad. I loved how this movie was so good that you didn’t want it to end the whole way through the movie. I found this movie a combo of amazing, sad and lots of romance. Every Girl needs to see this movie because it is the best chick flick yet !! I rate this movie 10/10


  153. Eliza said:

    the fault in our stars is a very sad movie. But it is still a very inspirational and good movie. It is so amazing but so sad!! I cried twice but it is still a wonderful movie. I recommend it to people 10+


  154. Jessi-Rose said:

    This movie is just mind-blowing and amazing! I love this movie so much, its’s one on my favourites! I have read this book multiple times and just feel in love with it straight away! Both the movie and book are so funny, loving, upsetting and has so many emotions you think and feel whilst reading a watching the fault in our stars! This movie and book tell us about this girl named hazel grace who has had cancer since she was 13… she meets this amazing, smart guy named Augustus who is so sweet and mindful of others! Overall this movie/book is so amazing and I just cannot explain it. I would recommend this to anyone and give it a 10/10!


  155. I just saw the Fault in our Stars and I absolutely loved it!!!! My favourite character is Hazel Grace Lancaster AND Augustus Waters. I love Hazel because she is a loving, non-self absorbed person and only wants one person to admire her, which is Gus. I also love Augustus because, he is the most nicest, loveable person you could ever meet. I absolutely love him. My favourite quote is ‘Some infinities are bigger than other” – Peter Van Houten. Because is half explains the love connection between Hazel and Gus. My favourite part of the movie is the end when she reads the letter and just lies on the grass in her backyard. This is a a love story that I really love. I would rate this movie a 10 out of 10.


  156. The Fault in our Stars is a beautiful story about a girl called Hazel Grace who tells us her struggles about having lung cancer and also about finding love. This movie is very sad romantic story based on Hazel and Augustus Waters. My favourite part is when Hazel, Gus and their friend Isaac go to Isaac’s ex-girlfriend and through eggs at her car and house. I love it when Gus says “between us three, we have 5 legs, 4 eyes and 2 and a half working lungs.” My favourite character is Hazel because she shows us emotions and I think she a sad story to tell us all. I love the how it is so funny but so sad as well. I wouldn’t change this movie at all because it’s amazing! I would recommend this movie to people above the age 12. I would rate this movie 10/10!!


  157. Briody said:

    I love the movie The Fault in our Stars! It is such a heart warming story. Honeslty if you are the person who likes to cry during movies this would be the movie for you. My favourite part of the movie is when Hazel and Gus and Hazel’s mother go over to Amsterdam to go find Hazel’s favourite author Peter Van Houten. It turns out that he was a real mean person. But the way Hazel reacts is so hilarious! But its great because Hazel gets to see things that see had may never seen before because of her condition. I do recommend this movie for people who are 12 and up because a lot of younger people wouldnt understand. My favourite character’s had to be Hazel and Gus They were so cute together but I am so sad what happened in the end, i just wasn’t expecting that. I would rate this movie a 9/10!


  158. I love the movie The Fault in Our Stars. It is funny, sad and a love story, it is great for anyone. My favourite part of the movie is when Hazel, Gus and Isaac go to Isaac’s ex-girlfriends house and through eggs at her car! It is really funny and I love what Gus says: “We may have 5 legs, 4 eyes and 2 1/2 working pairs of lungs…” It is really clever. My favourite character has to be Hazel. She sees the world in a different way and I love that. My least favourite part is the ending(I won’t say it exactly incase anyone hasn’t seen it!). I couldn’t believe what happens and I am really sad about it. If I could change anything, I wouldn’t. Even though the ending is really sad, I still wouldn’t change it because thats what makes it so interesting! I would recommend this movie for anyone 12 and older. I would rate it 10/10!


  159. I loved this movie. It is probably now one of my favourites. I have read the book and loved and the movie was pretty much the exact storyline! The movie told the story of a young girl who had cancer and met a boy who had been cured from cancer. It is a romantic movie and was funny as well. I don’t have a favourite part because it was just so good. However, I did enjoy the part when Augustus, Isaac and Hazel were out the front of Isaac’s ex-girlfriends house and started to egg it. The mother comes out and orders them to stop but Augustus shouts to her, “between us three, we have 5 legs, 4 eyes and 2 and a half walking lungs, so if I was you I would go back inside”. I found this really sweet and it was also funny because she went inside and they continued to egg the house. My favourite characters were Augustus and Hazel Grace. They are so cute together and they both have a sense of humour even though they are slowly dying. I can’t relate to anyone in particular but I knew a man that suddenly got a brain tumour and slowly started to pass away. I wouldn’t change the movie in any way. I loved the humour and the emotional parts as well. I would definitely recommend this movie because it is really inspirational but just have a lot of tissues nearby because the tears will start to flow. I would recommend it for the ages of 11+ because it does have some sexual scenes and a tiny bit of swearing but overall it is an amazing movie! I would rate it 10/10!!!


  160. Karla HERIC said:

    People have been talking about this book and movie for so long now! It is such an interesting story about a girl Hazel Grace who lives with cancer. She meets a boy names Gus and they fall in love. She doesn’t want to be with him because she knows eventually her cancer will make her pass away, and doesn’t want him to live with that. He doesn’t give up on her though and they end up being together and for a little while they are both very happy. The ending of this movie is very sad, and is bound to make you teary! The twist at the end is not predictable and I recommend this movie to people who enjoy watching romance movies. I give it a 8/10!


  161. There is a girl who was diagnosed with cancer since she was 13 and this movie shows about her life and how she really lives with having cancer but she then meets an amazing boy who adores her and loves her but she is to scared to love him because she will eventually have to go and she doesn’t want to let him down. In this movie there is a rollercoaster of emotions that you will be sad in moments and happy in others but the movie is an inspiring film/book to see or read.

    I would strongly agree that you read this book or watch the movie because it is an amazing story that will change your perspective of life and people suffering of cancer. I would rate it a 10/10.


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