The blog for books and movies

Penny has a secret.

Under the alias GirlOnline, she blogs about school dramas, boys, her mad, whirlwind family – and the panic attacks she’s suffered from lately. When things go from bad to worse, her family whisks her away to New York, where she meets the gorgeous, guitar-strumming Noah. Suddenly Penny is falling in love – and capturing every moment of it on her blog.

But Noah has a secret too. One that threatens to ruin Penny’s cover – and her closest friendship – forever.


Comments on: "Girl online – Zoe Sugg" (90)

  1. Charlotte said:

    I love this book! I have read it so many times now and it never gets old. I love Penny but Elliot has got to be my favourite. He is so hilarious and witty and so supportive of Penny. I can just imagine Elliot’s outfits when I read the books and they are amazing! I love the bits about Pennys anxiety because they are a good asset to the fun, easygoing book. I think Penny and Noah are awesome together as well. Ilove the characters and the plot. I strongly recommend this book to ages 12 + and for anyone who loves a romance book.


  2. I absolutely loved this book! I’ve read heaps of books over the years but this one, is by far my favourite. I love how anxiety is expressed throughout the book, and the coping methods that come along with it. From a sixteen year old girl, who struggles with anxiety, As well as this, I really admire how the book wasn’t just based on a stereotypical, love story. Like some other books I’ve read in the past. It’s about teaching young girls about the online world, as well as how to deal with fear when confronted with it. I’ve reread this series three times and I’m more than happy to reread it again. And also; I would really like to see this book adapted into a movie.:):):):):)


  3. I recommend the Girl Online series by Zoe Sugg. (I read the first in Literature circles.)
    This series follows Penny Porter, a teen with anxiety that suffers attacks often. Penny also writes a blog online that helps her feel safe. This series has quite a bit of romance, although there is the underlying theme of Penny trusting herself, and growing emotionally.
    I recommend this series for ages 12 – 15/16
    In this book we follow Penny. Firstly something really embarrassing happens (no spoilers), and she ends up going to New York. In New York, she meets a guy called Noah. In short they fall head over heels for each other, and there are a few romantic moments. But, when Penny goes back to England, she discovers a hurtful secret that Noah never told her. It breaks her heart, and she gets really upset. The question is; can they solve it???
    My favourite character in this book is Elliot, he is so funny, and although he hurts Penny (Penny hurts him too though), and Penny hurts him, he still wants to be friends with her.
    This book has a really slow entry, and it is especially in the last half (specifically last quarter) that it picks up.
    I give this book a 7 – 7.5/10


  4. Girl online was an amazing book that I really enjoyed, there was lots of parts of the book that kept me on my feet and shows the struggles of anxiety. There were some characters that really got on my nerves and some characters who seemed really nice. Although this book was for my Lit circles I couldn’t help but recommending it especially to people that are doing Lit circles with this book as one of their options. If I were to give it a rating out of 5 I would give it a 4 because although it is a great read some bits are a bit, well… cheesy.


  5. Girl online is one of my favourite books. It is the first in the series of the Girl online collection, and it hooked me in the second I started reading. It is about a girl named Penny, a year 11 student with an anxiety disorder. This causes her to have many hiccups in her life. That is until her parents take her to New York, where she meets a boy that changes her life. I would recommend this story to anyone who enjoys a good novel with drama and a bit of romance. Overall I would give Girl Online a 9/10


  6. Girl Online is a great book! Full of drama and excitement, this book leaves you wanting to read more. It’s about Penny, a year 11 student who suffers from anxiety and panic attacks. She is the writer of an anonymous blog of which her name is Girl Online. She is able to write on there all her feelings, thoughts and questions without being judged. She is able to get over her anxiety enough to make it to New York with her best friend Elliot, where she meets Noah. They seem like soul mates. But Noah is not as he seems… Zoe Sugg is a Youtuber and blogger and has made a brilliant novel based on her life and her own anxiety and panic attacks. This book is an amazing read and I loved it. I rate it a 9/10 and recommend it to ages 10-16! I loved this!


  7. Girl online has to be one of my favourite books I’ve ever read. I thought it was great and not what I was expecting. I really loved how things happened really quickly so you just keep reading and loose track of time. My favourite character is definitely Noah I think he is such a good character in the book. I would definitely recommend this book 10/10


  8. mficca said:

    “Girl Online” by Zoe Sugg is a fantastic novel that is uplifting with an unexpected ending. It’s about a girl called Penny Porter who lives in the UK. One day she starts to write this anonymous blog. In the blog, she tells everyone about her life and all the things that are happening to her. Like her panic attacks that have been happening since she was in a car crash, and how she has been bullied at school. She writes about this because her readers then give her advice on what to do. About a year after starting this blog, Penny’s family goes over to America where she finds a guitar-strumming Noah. She falls in love with him, but Noah has a big secret that he can’t bring himself to tell Penny. This book is really good and I recommend it for ages 10+. My favourite character is Bella, Noah’s little sister. She is sweet and is just like me when I was little: loves barbies, princesses and her family. I definitely recommend this book to anyone who loves Romance and Drama, and I rate it a 9/10!!!


  9. Girl Online is a great book and an easy read. Zoe Sugg is a really popular youtuber and like Penny, Zoe suffers from panic attacks. Girl Online is loosely based on Zoe’s own experience of her own panic attacks. Penny begins to experience her own panic attacks after a car crash. Penny’s family own a wedding planning business which means she has the opportunity to travel to help plan with her Mum. When Penny and her family plus her best friend Elliot are asked to go to New York to plan for a wedding, the opportunity is too good to pass. Penny is really nervous about the plane ride and meeting new people. She meets a lot of new people and things start to look up for her. I love Girl Online and I would definitely recommend this book to girls 10 years or older.


  10. Kasey said:

    firstly this book was amazing. I have read this book so, so, so many times. I love seeing all the characters fall in love. There is so much drama in this book. I think that this book is aged between 10 to 18. If you didn’t know the writer Zoe Zug is a YouTuber and she has made millions. I sometimes think that girl online is basted of her own life.
    I love this book so much an I rate it a10.5/10


  11. Olivia said:

    At first, I was SO sceptical about Girl Online, and I thought it would be totally boring. But after reading it, my opinion has definitely changed. Although Youtuber Zoella isn’t the greatest author, this book portrays lots of messages and takes you on an emotional rollercoaster. I would recommend for ages 11 – 17 years old. You can definitely emotionally connect to all the characters, (except maybe Megan!). This is a great story of an international romance with lots of twists and turns that keep you interested. Highly recommend and if you are considering reading this, you should go for it! It’s a great read and enjoy!


  12. This book is one of my favourite books. It is about a girl called Penny who lives in Brighton. Life for her isn’t going so well at home and school, she even starts to have panic attacks that she hopes doesn’t take over her life. Her family go away for Christmas in New York for her Mum’s job planning weddings. Penny meets Noah by accident and gradually they start to fall in love. But Penny doesn’t know the secret that Noah is keeping from her. My favourite character is Elliot, Penny’s best friend. I really like him because he is such a good friend to Penny and he is always there for her. He is very fashionable and has a bubbly personality. Her is so funny and he loves telling people random facts. My favourite part of this book is when Noah and Penny first meet, on “Magical Mystery Day”. It is a romance story about Noah and Penny. The places they go sounds really fun and the people who they meet are very nice. My least favourite character is Meghan because she is so mean and fake. She tries to make Penny’s life miserable and a lot of the time it worked. When Penny is always there for her. At the start of the book Penny so called best friend Meghan treats her like dirt and posts an embarrassing video of her on the internet. She makes fun of Penny all the time and makes her feel really bad about herself. I highly recommend this book to people all ages.


  13. Girl Online is a great book and an easy read. Zoe Sugg is a really popular youtuber and like Penny, Zoe suffers from panic attacks. Girl Online is loosely based on Zoe’s own experience of her own panic attacks. Penny begins to experience her own panic attacks after a car crash. Penny’s family own a wedding planning business which means she has the opportunity to travel to help plan with her Mum. When Penny and her family plus her best friend Elliot are asked to go to New York to plan for a wedding, the opportunity is too good to pass. Penny is really nervous about the plane ride and meeting new people. She meets a lot of new people and things start to look up for her. I love Girl Online and I would definitely recommend this book to girls 10 years or older.


  14. Ashleigh said:

    This is one of my all time favourite books. It’s about a young girl called Penny who suffers from anxiety, when her life can’t get any worse her family ships her off to New York, there she meets Noah. Penny learns to trust Noah yet Noah is hiding something and Penny seems completely oblivious to it. I highly recommend this book. it is very well written by Zoe Sugg who also happens to be an amazing video creator on Youtube, with her millions of subscribers its not a surprise this book went to number one on the charts all over the world. Girl online is partly based on Zoes own life. Like Penny she also suffers from anxiety and panic attacks which I supposed is why she has gained so many followers, people feel like they can relate to her. I highly recommend checking her, this book and her 2 sequels out and she has another book coming out soon too. She obviously works very hard on what she does and puts in 100% of effort for her followers. I think any one from the age of 12 up would enjoy this book and I would rate it a 10/10.


  15. This is such a great book! I read this a while ago, but I still love it! I love this book because I find that I can relate to it, as I know how helpful the online world can be. My favourite part of this book was when penny first landed in America, as this is something that I have always wanted to do. My favourite character is Penny, as I think that she is really sweet and kind. I also feel bad for her as she has had some embarrassing moments in her life. I would definitely recommend this book to girls around the age of 10 – 14, and I would rate it a 9/10.


  16. I loved the book girl online because I think it can relate to many teenage girls and I like how it realates to girls in this modern age. I loved the moment when Penny first laid eyes on Noah and how initially she thought that he was a crazy person. Penny didn’t change herself because Noah and others liked her for who she already was. My least favourite part was when Megan was mean and betrayed Penny as Megan was supposed to be a true friend so if that was me I would hate it and be so sad. I would recommend this book to ages 11+ because I think many girls could relate to it and find it an enjoyable read.


  17. Penny Porter is an average teenage girl living in Brighton with a passion for photography but a car crash a few years ago has caused he to get panic attacks and be very anxious. One day her dad suggests that she should start a blog so she does, an anonymous blog called ‘Girl Online’. An embarrassing moment at a school production causes Penny so much humiliation that she doesn’t want to go back to school, her parents who own a wedding business get an opportunity to go to America so she goes with them with her best friend Elliot. She is walking around the hotel when she meets a gorgeous guitar strumming boy called Noah, they instantly fall in love. During her time in America Penny becomes a lot closer to Noah and at Christmas she stays at his house. Back in Brighton Penny finds out something that Noah didn’t tell her, will this ruin their relationship? I loved this book and have read it many times. I would recommend it to anyone at the age of 11+ and would rate it a 9/10.


  18. the book girl online is super cute, romantic and also funny at the same time. The book is really relatable and also has lots of detail. Its super dramatic and funny. My favourite character would be penny because she is relatable. The person who wrote this book is Zoe sugg. She is a youtube star and is super inspiring and seems very kind and compassionate. This book is an amazing read and i would recommend %100


  19. To be completely honest I didn’t really like the book, I know its very popular and a big hit but I just didn’t see it, I read it in lit circles and I don’t know why I just didn’t like it at all, the story just annoyed me, I don’t know if it was because I was forced to read it or not but I didn’t connect with penny like a lot of other people did and for christmas I got the second girl online book and I gave that a try and read it but I still didn’t love the book. If I had to pick a favourite character it would be Noah he seemed so dreamy and handsome. I feel like to me the book was very predictable and you could just sense things coming so it didn’t leave me wanting more, I know it sounds harsh but I was happy to stop reading after each week in lit circles.


  20. Annie said:

    Girl Online is the perfect love story. Penny is a a walking disaster with things going wrong at home. Then Penny’s mum is asked to plan an overseas wedding. They spend Christmas in New York. Then She meets Noah. Penny is definitely my favourite character. I can relate to her because I also love taking photos and am also very clumsy. Noah’s little sister Bella is definitely my favourite character because she is so adorable and sweet. It is a good book to read, and ages 10+ would enjoy it.


  21. Paniz said:

    The book girl online has been one of the most favourite books I have read and I’ve really enjoyed reading about the life of Penny Porter. This book is amazing because the main character deals with the problems that are important in society and she faces her fear of overcoming anxiety. Penny Porter finds the most effective way she can face her problems such as anxiety, boys, best friends, embarrassing moments and much more is by starting her own blog, called Girl Online. I really love how in this book it includes the struggles of teenage girls and it shouldn’t matter what other people may think or how they might judge you. this book is filled with Adventure, humour and romance, a bit unpredictable and thats what makes it interesting to read. I really couldn’t stop reading this book because I really wanted to know what would happen to Penny, so I would give this book a 9/10. Girl online was so good that I had to read the next two books after. I loved Penny’s story and I think you will enjoy it too!


  22. Wow this is such an amazing book! It includes romance,drama and a lot of humor. Its a very enjoyable book to read! It keeps you engaged the whole way through. I definitely recommend this book for girls aged between 10-16. It holds certain dramas and troubles every girl can relate to. I cant wait for the other books to come out because this is truly my favourite book ever !!11


  23. Giarna said:

    Girl Online is a very good book and was very well written. I was given this book for christmas and I started reading it straight away. I really enjoyed this book and it was very interesting. Girl online is about a very anxious girl who goes on a holiday with her parents over Christmas in New York and meets a up and coming pop star who she hasn’t heard of. They start falling for each other. Until someone reports their romance to the media and there is a misunderstanding between them. This novel is written by Zoe Sugg and I rate this book 8 out of 10. I recommend this book to teens as it is a coming of age novel


  24. Jasmin said:

    Girl Online Is about a teenage girl named Penny. Penny has a secret, she suffers from anxiety and stress. Ever since Penny and her family had a car crash, she has been like this. Penny decides to start a blog and write how she is feeling. One thing I love about this book is that the more you read the more exiting it gets. For litcircles I read girl online I loved making something to bring to school and chatting about this book. I would love to read the next one, as it seems like it has a fantastic story line. I would rate this book a 9/10 because it has a great story line and makes you want to read more. It is a great book for year 7 to year 11s. I really enjoyed reading this book.


  25. Ashlyn said:

    Girl Online Is a great book! At some points I could not put it down it was so interesting and I just wanted to keep reading. It was a great storey and It taught me a lot about anxiety and stress, so I recommend it !! Penny ( the main character in this book) has had a very rough journey from embarrasing moments in her life thet peple are bulllinying her for. She also has terrible Panic attacks that we really would like to help her with by giving ideas on her blog. Overall I really enjoyed it and I look forward to reading the other book of Girl online later in the year.


  26. Girl Online has given me the chance to be more open about this book towards my feelings, because we have all had the times were we can panic a bit and be a bit emotional. When you read this book you understand Penny’s condition to her panic attacks and how she has to deal with it. You fall in LOVE with Noah, the mystery guy penny meets. I would defiantly recommend this book.


  27. Girl Online had me absolutely hooked, I wanted to read it all the time. I REALLY RECOMMEND IT!!! It’s about a year 11 student who is really shy and has an anonymous blog that she writes her feelings in because she is too shy to say them out loud. She experiences embarrassing moments, bullying and a while ago she was in a car crash and ever since then she has been having panic attacks. She and her family go on a trip to New York for her mum to cater a wedding and she meets a boy that she really likes, but he is not being entirely truthful. This is a really mazing romance book and Zoe Sugg (Zoella) has really outdone herself I give this book 11/10 such an amazing book to read. I recommend it to 10 – 17 years old.


  28. Girl Online has been a great read. It is a great story that encompasses many different aspects of mental health and teen problems. The story line itself is engaging and interesting, the persona of the main character Penny is relatable which makes the book such an easy read. If you love adventure, romance, comedy and drama this books for you. Girl Online is an amazing book written by an ambitious you tuber, Zoe Sugg(Zoella), who has over 7 million subscribers. Having an author who is so prominent in todays media helps the book appeal to a wide audience. I rate this book an 8/10.


  29. Girl online is an amazing book and since the start I haven’t taken my eyes off it. It is about a girl who blogs and talks about her life and issues, she meets a guy while away in New York and instantly sees a connection. After spending christmas with him she leaves to go back home, but something happens before she leaves which changes the way she feels about him. Will she forget about him and never seem him again? I rate this book a 10/10 as it is sooooooo engaging! I recommend this for someone who LOVES lots of drama!


  30. brianna said:

    girl online touched my heart and it is a romance love story. i give it a 7/10 even though it is amazing it is not as good as the 2nd one. i felt frustrated at some characters at some times. it is a great book. enjoy


  31. I am a fan of Zoella so I was really looking forward to reading this book. But I found it so hard to get into that I couldn’t finish it! I found the characters to be boring and the writing to lack description and emotion, I didn’t feel it was worth my time. I am really disappointed I didn’t enjoy this book but I am sure there are many other people, particularly girls that could really relate to this and enjoy it. I would recommend it to a younger audience, maybe year 7’s.


  32. Grace said:

    I absolutely loved reading Girl Online. It is a fun read that is sure to bring a smile to your face, but also trigger some sad emotions, and is very educational about the struggles people with anxiety face. Through following the main character Penny, you will be heartbroken when she faces her panic attacks and bullying, but also very excited when she meets a boy. On her holidays Penny will go an adventure of a life time. Reading about her adventure is so fascinating, and the author Zoe Sugg writes it so well that you feel like you are actually there experiencing everything. The romance is very cute, and warning if you read this book you will fall in love with Noah. He adds some humour to the book that will make you laugh. The plot of this book is very sweet and interesting that you won’t be able to put the book down once you pick it up. Zoe Sugg also faces anxiety and panic attacks like Penny, so it is really meaningful and inspiring reading the book. I loved this book so much I had to read the whole series twice. I rate this book a 10/10 and recommend it for people aged 11-16. Have fun reading!!


  33. Madeline said:

    I am in the process of reading this book. It is a wonderful book and I think it is a great book for girls. I have seen her youtube videos but they don’t interest me but I love her books.
    I recommend this book for year 7+ because it has some but not too much swearing.

    So far I love this book and I would rate it a ten out of ten.


  34. Rosie said:

    Girl Online is a great book about a year 11 student who has a blog but posts anonymously. She posts about her personal problems like boys friends and experiences. But one time some embarrassing things happen and gets bullied. Then she goes out and meets a boy. I would recommend this boom to girls 10-15 years. I would rate this a 8.5/10 I personally didn’t really enjoy this book because I am not a fan of this genre but it was quite exciting and i would recommend you to read this!


  35. Georgia said:

    I love this book! I read it for lit circles last year and I couldn’t put it down! I love the character Penny and I love her and Noah together!! I think Penny is very brave and she is someone who I love as a character. I think you should read this book if you love romance and some drama. I feel in love with this book as soon as I read the first page. I also love Zoe Sugg from youtube so I thought I better read this book!! Definitely recommend!!!


  36. Girl Online is by far my favourite book ever. It includes genres; Romance, Adventure and some humour. I think Zoe Sugg has created a group of excellent characters and a book with a very well written story line. I found myself on the edge of my seats at some points in the book wanting to know what will happen next. I absolutely loved Penny and admired her bravery in putting personal things on her blog even though her blog was anonymous. I admire her bravery because of the way she dealt with the nasty friends and all the mean things said about her on social media. She goes through many difficult situations throughout the book, but despite how dark events seems to be for her, she always finds a way to get through it all with a positive mind. This book is great for anyone who loves some adventure, a bit of drama and romance but wants a good read. I absolutely loved this book. I rate it a 10/10!!


  37. georgie said:

    Girl online by zoe Sugg is a very inspiring and relatable book. I first heard about this book from one of my friends. Then i found out she has a youtube channel and sometimes i watch her videos. At first i found this book a bit confusing but then i realised what was going on. I love Zoe’s passion for photography as i can relate to that as well. I like how there are posts from her blog through the story which ties everything together. Through friendship, boys and blogging, Penny has to deal with the realities of the world surrounding her. I actually haven’t even finished this book yet… I’m so close though! I would really recommend this book to anyone who has watched Zoellas Youtube or likes different kinds of storylines.


  38. Grace D said:

    ‘Girl Online’ written by Zoe Sugg, is a remarkably captivating and exciting book, of which follows the journey of a teenage girl named Penny. Penny travels to America with her parents who own a wedding business, as they have to create a wedding for a couple in New York. During Penny’s time in America, she is able to overcome her fears and meet new people. Penny also owns a blog and ensures to keep her readers updated on her journey in New York. My favourite part of the book is when she creates a super ego who helps her to control her fear of heights whilst she is on the plane as well as her panic attacks. I would highly recommend this book to readers aged 11 and older. I would rate this book a 9.5/10!


  39. Abbey said:

    Girl online is great book including lots of different genres, the main ones being romance and adventure! Girl online i found, was great for advice and helped me myself control my panic attacks after reading all about hers and what helps her. there’s so much to learn about yourself when you read this book and i found it so engaging that even when the book was finished, it seemed like there was still so much more to learn. that’s where the sequel (on tour) was a great connecting novel. Girl online is about a girl who seems to get through life by posting on her anonymous blog. when she finally reaches New York after conquering her fear of flying and meets the dream boyfriend, she learns about the whole world! i recommend this book for teens and tweens and i give it a rating of 9.5/10 !!!


  40. Maddie said:

    Girl Online was a fabulous book about Penny, a girl with anxiety. The only place she feels safe is on her anonymous blog, Girl Online. She confesses her feelings to the world, in her own little corner of the internet. Until one day, when her so-called-best-friend humiliates her. Penny felt like the entire world was against her. Then she gets a opportunity to go to New York! Then she meets Noah, a boy who is extremely nice to Penny and helps her with her anxiety. But Noah had a secret.

    This book was amazing! It held onto me and didn’t let go until the very end! I rate this book a 9 out of 10 and I recommend this book to anyone over 10!


  41. Charlotte Morgan said:

    I really really like this book. Penny is a wonderful character and you really go on a journey with her. She is easy to relate to even though I am not having panic attacks. The book is really good for anyone that loves a little drama and romance. It is written by Zoella so if you love her you should read this book as well.


  42. Angelica said:

    ‘Girl Online’ was an amazing book! It was so great, I couldn’t put the book down when first reading it. I love how relatable and loveable the characters are in this book and how enjoyable the book is. It’s an inspiring story about a girl named Penny, a teenager girl who suffers with anxiety and occasional panic attacks. But to keep her mind off the business around her, she creates a blog where she can share her feelings to the world about her problems. I thought basing the theme around a blog is a very creative and fun idea. She goes through many difficult situations throughout the book. But despite how dark events seems to be for her, she always finds a ray of sunshine within her to face her difficulties (that’s what I admire most about her). It’s also a good thing that she has a supporting family and friends to help her through her worst times. I definitely recommend this book for people who enjoys books involving romance, a relatable and loveable protagonist and an unexpected plot twist. I love this book and I’m sure you’ll love it too! I rate this a 9.5/10 for being one of the best books I’ve read this year!

    Please consider reading it! 😀


  43. Phoebe M said:

    Girl Online is a fantastic book. Zoë Sugg is a well known youtuber who goes by the name Zoella and like Penny Zoë suffers from panic attacks and the book is loosely based around Zoë’s own experiences. After a car crash that Penny is involved in she starts to panic, a lot. Her parents own a wedding business that specialize in strange themes. Penny’s best friend is Elliot, he’s gay but he is always there for Penny, more than his parents are there for him. When Penny and her family, plus Elliott are asked to go to New York for a wedding they jump at the chance but Penny is nervous about the plane ride. How will she cope? The things she experiences on the way are really amazing and heartfelt. She meets so many new people and things finally start looking up, but will it stay that way? I love love love this 100/5. I would recommend this book to girls 11 years and older.


  44. This is an amazing book! Penny was in a car crash at the start of the book and now has anxiety and doesn’t know how to stop it. But with her friends help they give her different tip how to. At the start of the book she is friends with a girl that is not too nice to her and always put her down but when she comes how she always feels like she can be herself. Her real best friend also her neighbour Elliot are very close, even though they are very different they connect to each other well. All her troubles change when she get to go to America for her mums work, she meets a boy named Noah and instantly falls in love but Noah has a secret that he is keeping from Penny. I would definitely recommend reading this book!


  45. Girl Online was one of the best books that I have ever read! I would definitely recommend this book to a friend and anyone who loves a good read.

    I absolutely adored Penny and admired her bravery in putting personal things on her blog even though her blog was anonymous. I also admire her bravery in the way that she dealt with Noah and all the mean things said about her on social media.

    Elliot was a funny character. I loved him most of the time but there was some times when I absolutely hated him like when he left America and did not contact Penny for a while, but in the end he was a great character.

    Megan was one of the meanest characters that I have come across in any book that I have read. she was rude towards Penny in every way possible and was the “Drama Queen” that most books have. I really disliked Megan.

    This book is great for anyone who loves a bit of drama but wants a good read. I absolutely loved this book.


  46. Girl online is about a girl called Penny who lives in Brighton who suffers with panic attacks! At the start of the book we see how her life is in Brighton, she seems nervous and unconfident. All of a sudden she embarks on a trip to New York where she meet a boy called Noah. As Penny gets to know Noah a romantic connection sparks between them as Noah gives tips on how to deal with panic attacks. But i cant forget that “Girl Online” is a blog she started to be herself and write her feeling down and have people read and leave comments and help her and of course its anonymous. As you read you get these little posts about her day and significant events.

    I have really enjoyed this book and I encourage you to read this book as i have experienced the world of Penny Porter and embarked on her journey and what she has to over come



  47. I really love this book, and I can’t put it down. The author has created a wonderful story, with amazing characters. My favourite character is Elliot, because he is such a good friend to Penny. I don’t really like Noah though, because I feel like he is going to break Penny’s heart. I would definitely recommend this book, as it is an easy read, and has an engaging storyline.


  48. Taylah kaucic said:

    Girl Online is an amazing book, I loved reading it. It kept me on my toes 24/7 and I loved the love story between Penny and Noah. Zoe Sugg (the author) is one of my favourite you tubers of all time! I can’t wait to read the next one! I would give it a 10/10


  49. Adele said:

    I loved girl online because it is a book that many people can relate to/ have experienced. In the book, the main character’s name is Penny. She lives in a seaside house In brighton, England. Penny was involved in a car crash a few months ago and ever since has been having panic attacks. Penny’s mum is a wedding organiser & when her Mum has a new wedding to organise In NY, the whole family has to go with her. Penny meets a boy called Noah while organising the wedding, who turns out is keeping a big secret. Penny is my favourite character because whenever she’s in a situation, she always finds the easy way out and deals with it easily. I think many people could look up to her that way and take advice from reading this book, if they are experiencing the same problem. Girl online is perfect for people who love to be creative, like online blogs & photography. I recommend 12+ – romance, chick lit, private life & dear diary.


  50. Jaime said:

    Girl online is one of my favourite books and I definitely think it is a must read book. The book hooked me in from the start and I couldn’t put it down until I finished it! This book is about a girl named penny who suffers from panic attacks. She started a blog to express her feelings and write about things happening in her life. When penny and her family went to New York to help plan a wedding, Penny met a boy named Noah who has a secret. This book inspires you to do what you want to do in life and don’t listen to what other people think of you. I rate this book a 10/10.


  51. Jaime said:

    Girl online is one of my favourite books and I definitely think it is a must read book. The book hooked me in from the start and I couldn’t put it down until I finished it! This book is about a girl named penny who suffers from panic attacks. She started a blog to express her feelings and write about things happening in her life. When penny and her family went to New York to help plan a wedding, Penny met a boy named Noah who has a secret. This book inspires you to do what you want to do in life and don’t listen to what other people think of you. My favourite character was Eliot. He was always smiling and always there when penny needed him. I rate this book a 10/10.


  52. Paris said:

    I love ‘Girl Online’ because it is such an endearing captivating book for teenage girls. I will try not to spoil anything but it the book is about a girl called Penny who loves photography and blogging, but gets quite severe stagefright and a fear of heights. When her parents tell her she is going on a holiday to London, an abundance of interests present themselves. The rest, you will have to read to find out! My favourite character is Noah because he is such a kind, down-to-earth and selfless person towards everyone. My favourite part would be when Penny and Noah first meet because it really adorable. I really enjoyed this book and couldn’t find anything I wanted to change or a least favourite part/character at all (except for Megan). I would recommend this book and it’s sequel ‘Girl Online: On Tour’ to any teenage girl who loves a romantic and funny adventure.


  53. This book, written by Youtube star Zoe Sugg is romantic, dramatic and is extremely had to put down once you’ve picked it up. It is about a 15 year old Penny Porter who has just started having anxiety or panic attacks, so she decides to start a blog to share her thoughts on boys, anxiety, school drama, friends and family. Her parents run a wedding planning business and they have to travel to New York and that is where she meets Brooklyn Boy. It is filled with excitement and most of all romance. I recommend this book to anyone 10 and up.


  54. Georgia said:

    This book is absolutely a must read!! This book is about inspiring you to do anything you want to do and not letting anyone tell you what to do. I read it over and over again. I recommend this for 10 + and i would give it a 9.


  55. this book is written by one of my favourite youtubers: zoella. this is a great book thats talks about her life a tiny bit. i love this book because it is interesting and very relatable. this book is too good to give away so you need to read it! i give this book an 8/10 because it is very good and it is suited for 10+


  56. This was an amazing book. Written in such great detail which made you feel as though you were there straight away, it is a definite favourite of mine. It was a book that once you started you couldn’t put down. I loved how upbeat and happy it was but at the same time always eft you wanting more. I can’t wait to read her second book and I would recommend this book to everyone.


  57. Girl online was my favourite holiday read!! I read it within 2 day because I was so attached and just wanted to know what happened next. It intrigued me so much as it was so romantic and was just like a fairy tale. I love how Penny can feel free to express he emotions through her blog. It inspired me to start my own, even though that never happened. Zoella Sugg has done an amazing job writing this book as it can relate to her life as well as many other teenage girls. I would rate this a 9/10 and would recommend it to anyone over 11 years old.


  58. Tansie said:

    I absolutely loved reading Girl Online! i thought that it was such an amazing book with moments that a lot of girls can relate to. I really enjoy watching Zoella on youtube and seeing her publish Girl online is such a fantastic achievement for her! I fell in love with all the different characters and thought that the way she created the different senses really helped me imagine the place and time. I really do recommend anyone to read this book, its such an amazing book with lots of ups and downs. I rate it a 9/10!!


  59. This book is one of my favourite books. It is about a girl called Penny who lives in Brighton. Life for her isn’t going so well at home and school, she even starts to have panic attacks that she hopes doesn’t take over her life. Her family go away for Christmas in New York for her Mum’s job planning weddings. Penny meets Noah by accident and gradually they start to fall in love. But Penny doesn’t know the secret that Noah is keeping from her. My favourite character is Elliot, Penny’s best friend. I really like him because he is such a good friend to Penny and he is always there for her. He is very fashionable and has a bubbly personality. Her is so funny and he loves telling people random facts. My favourite part of this book is when Noah and Penny first meet, on “Magical Mystery Day”. It is very romantic and a bit cheesy but I really like it. The places they go sounds really fun and the people who they meet are very nice. At the start of the book Penny so called best friend Meghan treats her like dirt and posts an embarrassing video of her on the internet. She makes fun of Penny all the time and makes her feel really bad about herself. My least favourite character is Meghan because she is so mean and fake. She tries to make Penny’s life miserable and a lot of the time it worked. When Pene is always there for her. He is very fashionable and has a bubbly personality. Her is so funny and he loves telling people random facts. My favourite part of this book is when Noah and Penny first meet, on “Magical Mystery Day”. It is very romantic and a bit cheesy but I really like it. The places they go sounds really fun and the people who they meet are very nice. At the start of the book Penny so called best friend Meghan treats her like dirt and posts an embarrassing video of her on the internet. She makes fun of Penny all the time and makes her feel really bad about herself. My least favourite character is Meghan because she is so mean and fake. She tries to make Penny’s life miserable and a lot of the time it worked. When Penny is sick of what Meghan does to her she just says to her that she doesn’t need people like that in her life. I like this part because I really don’t like Meghan. I highly recommend this book to everyone who like romance, drama and funny stories. I rate it 10/10 I have read it 4 times already!ny is sick of what Meghan does to her she just says to her that she doesn’t need people like that in her life. I like this part because I really don’t like Meghan. I highly recommend this book to everyone who like romance, drama and funny stories. I rate it 10/10 I have read it 4 times already!


  60. Giarna said:

    I loved this book and I couldn’t put it down. This book is about a girl who is suffering from panic attacks and when things go from bad to worse her family goes to New York for the holidays where she meets Noah. Read this great book to find out more. I rate this book a 10 out of 10. I recommend this book to everyone that can read (well).


  61. I love this book as it has so much romance, drama and adventure!!!
    Penny loves to blog, all about school, boys and panic attacks. Her family travels to New York where she meets the gorgeous, guitar-strumming Noah. Penny is falling in love and is taking in all in but sharing it all on her blog. I strongly recommend this book and Girl Online – On tour!!!


  62. Girl Online is a really good book. I’m a very big fan of Zoe Sugg or Zoella to many people. I enjoyed reading the book so much, I like how the character Penny is similar to the author. From watching Zella’s youtube videos and reading her blog, you can see the similarities between the two and I like that. That we get to learn about Zoe from her character, Penny. The way the story is written and set, it great! It shows how much time Zoe had put her time into it. The storyline also flowed really well, I like how the story mention about anxiety and depression. I really believe this book is a great way of reaching out to other teens who suffer with anxiety or depression. It’s also great, to know that there are others also experiencing the same thing. Zoe (the author) has told us many times, her experience with anxiety and I like that she put some of her experience into the book. Letting us, readers know that someone from the youtube community feels the same as us. It’s a great book for many people to read. Even tho it’s from a character point of view, not the actual author. Your still able to think your actually reading through Zoella’s not Penny. But as I said before, the similarities between the both of them is insane. I would highly recommend this book to everyone, no matter how young or old you are its an fantastic book to read. I would rate this book an 10/10 for sure.


  63. Elise said:

    Girl Online was a fantastic book and probably one of my favourite books ever. There are so many little plots throughout the book and you just have to keep on reading it. My favourite part in the book would have to be the ending because you have no idea what’s going to happen. I would really recommend this book for others because there is so much drama and adventure. I rate it a 10/10


  64. bridget said:

    I absolutely love this book! It is by far one of my favourite books I have ever read. Zoe Sugg has published an amazing book with an even better storyline. To summarise, this book is about fifteen year old Penny Porter from Brighton who has an anonymous blog called ‘Girl Online’ where she blogs about everything that involve friendship, boys family and her panic attacks. Things start getting really bad for Penny, but then her family takes her on a trip to New York, where she meets Noah. But Noah has a secret that could threaten Penny’s cover. I love this novel so much, I even went out to buy the 2nd book, which I really enjoyed just as much!! I would rate this book a solid 10/10 and would recommend everyone to read it!


  65. I really love this book and I have read it about a thousand times because it is that good. This book is really an uplifting story about a girl who writes a blog which is anonymous, she experiences many things that any teenage girl would experience such as boy friends, embarrassing moments and even anxiety. Penny then goes on a holiday and meets a rockstar boy who she learns to love. She starts to come out of the shadows of her computer screen and goes on a wild adventure. Of course things happen along the way, but what is really good about this book is that there is always hope and love to, and Penny is a really inspiring character for girls from 13 – 17. I really loved this book, not only because an amazing you tuber wrote it (Zoella) but also because it really makes you want to read more and has many quotes that you can take with you along the way. I would definitely five this book a 9/10 and I recommend this book to a lot of girls from 13-17 and even the sequel is really good


  66. I really love this book and I have read it about a thousand times because it is that good. This book is really an uplifting story about a girl who writes a blog which is anonymous, she experiences many things that any teenage girl would experience such as boy friends, embarrassing moments and even anxiety. Penny then goes on a holiday and meets a rockstar boy who she learns to love. She starts to come out of the shadows of her computer screen and goes on a wild adventure. Of course things happen along the way, but what is really good about this book is that there is always hope and love to, and Penny is a really inspiring character for girls from 13 – 17. I really loved this book, not only because an amazing you tuber wrote it (Zoella) but also because it really makes you want to read more and has many quotes that you can take with you along the way. I would definitely five this book a 9/10 and I recommend this book to a lot of girls from 13-17 and even the sequel is really good too!


  67. I like this book SO much.. It’s very relatable in many ways and I would recommend this to anyone.

    My favourite part was any Noah and Penny moments. They had all these moments and memories. I don’t have a least favourite part at all since I actually LOVED it. My favourite character would obviously be Penny since she’s the person everyone relates to. I wouldn’t want to change a single bit about this book as it was written very well..

    I can’t wait to read Girl Online On Tour


  68. I love this book and recommend this to any other girl out there.

    Penny struggles with anxiety and panic attacks and she found a way to let out all her fears etc. by blogging. Soon enough her mum takes the whole family on a business trip to New York where she meets Noah and after a while she realises that she might just be in love with him. They start spending time together and Penny finds out he is a musician. I would love to go on but I don’t want to spoil it.

    10/10 for this book by the way.. Can’t wait to read the second one


  69. Claire said:

    This book is absolutely a must read!! This book is about inspiring you to do anything you want to do and not letting anyone tell you what to do. I recommend this for 11 + and i would give it a 9.


  70. Charlie said:

    I love Girl Online!! Zue Sugg is the author of this book and she did an amazing job. This story is relatable to real life and it shows how Penny (main character) can overcome problems that may face her.
    The story is about Penny who is in year 11 and loves photography. Even though some embarrassing things happen to her she moves on, but unfortunately she gets these really bad anxiety attacks.
    The ending and whole book is amazing after that but I don’t want to tell you what happens, I want you to read them for yourself.
    I rate this book a 9/10 and recommend it for ages 10-18 🙂


  71. Caitlin said:

    10/10! Girl online is amazing to all those who watch read Zoe Sugg this is a must read!! I think that this book will defiantly be made to a movie!(eek).This book follows a Brighton girl Penny; a keen photographer and blogger.Until she spends Christmas in New York for her parents wedding business and she meets Noah a musician FAMOUS yet unknown to Penny both internet sensations but both keep a secret. Until Penny finds out that Noah is a famous muscian in a relationship then things come tumbling down.

    This is great book for and Zoella lover! I would recommend this to teenagers who like a bit gossipy, light hearted reading.


  72. I think that Girl Online is a fantastic book that is so relatable to this generation, as our lives have become evolved around social media and technology. It is a story about romance, adventure, and overcoming your biggest fears, full with twists that leave you in shock. I think that readers would be able to easily relate to what Penny is going through, maybe not quite to that extent, but on some level of similarity. The story is about Penny Porter who lives in Brighton with her mum, dad, older brother, and best friend Elliot, and has recently been struggling to understand how one of her friends has completely changed from a girl who brought flowers to Penny when she was upset, to a girl who only ever talks about herself. Penny finds her escape from the hassle of the outside world by blogging about things that are going on. When she goes to New York for her mum’s work, she meets a gorgeous boy named Noah who she falls in love with each moment she is with him. But the thing is, he has a secret that brings Penny’s world crumbling down. She eventually works out that a whole new world is online, with people saying rude things about her that they would never say to her face. Throughout the book, qualities of friendship, loyalty, and trust are shown, and I think that Zoe (author) has done an absolutely fantastic job! I would recommend this to 12 or 13+ and rate it a 9/10.


  73. I love this book, its interesting to see someone else’s career path from behind the screen. She keeps her whole life a secret to the people she loves most and on the internet she spills her guts to the world! I liked reading this book but I found it was a bit of a easy read but still really enjoyable! She relates this book to her own life by mentioning her panic attacks and anxiety, I found this a real brave move to speak about. Zoe Sugg has been one of my favourite YouTubers for a long time, all the things she has achieved at such a young age is outstanding! I think this is the book for ages 11-17 and almost any girl can enjoy it! I rate this book a 8.5/1, I hope you enjoy reading it!


  74. Steph said:

    I am a huge fan of Zoella on youtube and when I heard about this book I could not wait to get my hands on a copy! It is a fantastic read, full of great twists and turns. It is a story that is so relatable to todays society, and is full of romance, adventure and drama. When I started reading GirlOnline I could not put it down, resulting in me reading it in the course of a few hours. The story is about a girl named Penny that writes an anonymous blog, that is basically like her journal. After she faces a rough time at school she finds herself flying to New York for her mum’s work, where she meets a boy that could change her life forever.I reccomend this book for ages 11 or 12 to about 17. I can not wait for the sequel ‘GirlOnline On Tour’ and would most certainly rate GirlOnline a 10/10!


  75. This book has so many ups and downs and it feels as if you are going on the same journey as the characters. Penny is an excellent role model to all teenage girls and she is a really friendly and nice person. There were so many things I could relate to in this book and I felt so connected to the characters. The end of the book happened so fast and there were so many things happening but I loved the twist at the end and there was a happy ending even when things seemed hopeless. My favourite character was Noah’s little sister, Bella because she was so confident and she had gone through so much but she stayed strong. I would give Girl online a 9 out of 10 because it comes very close to being the best book I’ve ever read and I couldn’t put it down but it did get a tiny bit boring in some parts. 😉


  76. Abbey said:

    this is such a good book it brings some aspects of life that lots of people everyday have to deal with. this book is so intriguing and wonderfully written by Zoe I couldn’t put it down, Zoella is such a inspiration in the way that she wrote Girl Online even if you don’t go through the problems Penny(the main character) goes through you still connect with the book so much. I have read this book so many times and every time it is still as good as the first. I love how Zoella made this book connect to her and her life. It is such a captivating book that i can’t even find the words to explain how good it is!!
    I would rate this book a 10/10 or its amazing clear story line.


  77. I definitely recommend the book Girl Online by Zoe Sugg. This book is very relatable to people like me and it is a great story. I would recommend this book to people that enjoy drama, love, a bit of comedy and adventure books. I loved this book and would defiantly read it again


  78. Marysia said:

    Zoella is my favourite youtuber and she has given me so much inspiration. When I heard she brought a book out I was so happy and made my mum buy it straight away. I never read books because so many don’t suit in what I want to read. The book WAS THE BEST BOOK I HAVE EVER READ!! I could relate to everything and to read more of the romance novel it was so nice. I was so shocked about the ending and what happened but trust me it was a happy ending. She is bringing a new hard cover book out soon and I can’t wait to get it with the sneak peek of the second book first 2 chapters. It was such a beautiful book and how she has anxiety and then meets a guy and can be herself in front of him. When I read this book I was relating to it in so many ways how nice the characters were and what happened. I read this book in a day and I can’t believe that I did because I don’t really read. You should definitely get this book because it is awesome and I loved it!!!!!


  79. Caitlin said:

    Zoe(Zoella) has just released the name of her new book in the girl online series;Girl Online ON TOUR.As we await this next book lets revisit girl online.Girl online is amazing book it will tug your heartstrings and leave you in awe.No doubt this WILL become a movie! This book tackles the emotions of teenage girls and also gives us an insight on anxiety (Penny suffers from panic attacks).And although this has many simalarities with Zoe Suggs life it isn’t baed on her life. I recommend this to girls 11 and up. I give this book 10/10


  80. When I first got the book I was so excited to read it. Zoella is one of the best youtubers and it was just so exciting to read and I finished the book in 11 days. The book relates to me a lot of times and it is about a girl called penny and she gets panic attacks ever since the road accident with her parents and then they go to new york and her life completely changes. I can’t wait until her next book comes out this year.


  81. Laura said:

    My favourite youtuber, Zoe Sugg wrote this book and i thought it was really interesting, this story gives you a really good idea about a teenagers life by including anxiety and things that may not always be so good. It is a good book to read and it may help you if you are going through any of these things, I really enjoyed this novel and i couldn’t put it down i really recommend this to any teenage girl. i rate this a 9/10


  82. Grace said:

    This is a very well written book and also educational, yet a good read. It gives really good perspective on some teenage issues of today, like depression, anxiety and insecurity. It’s a really good book to read to learn more about these things and what happens sometimes. I really liked this novel and would definitely recommend it for anyone interested in learning about these problems. I rate this book a 9/10.


  83. Girl Online is a truly inspiring book that is super engaging and well written. It gives perspective and educates teenagers growing up on important topics such as anxiety and depression. It explores these topics in a sensitive and professional way that can really help young girls and boys to feel at ease and as though they are not alone. It teaches key lessons everyone faces when growing up such as how to overcome hard times. It’s very clever. I fell in love with the characters and didn’t get bored reading it once. I found myself gaining more knowledge on important topics and gaining a new point of view and personal opinion. I recommend this book as it educates young adolescents gently, preparing them for when they are older and making them more self-aware. I love the book, and the author as she is a youtuber and has made very insightful and helpful videos on her youtube channel about these important topics. She’s an inspiration and I hope for more videos alike that in the future and possibly more books from her as she has a lot of potential for someone so young! Girl online is an amazing book.


  84. Girl Online follows a girl named Penny Porter, a sixteen year old living with her parents in Brighton. Penny starts blogging about her problems, such as cyber-bullying and her panic attacks. When her family travels to New York to help her mum organise a wedding. Attending the wedding, she meets a musician called Noah, who she falls in love with, resulting in her blog going viral.
    Girl Online is an amazing book written by an ambitious you tuber, Zoe Sugg(Zoella), who has over 7 million subscribers. She had always been telling her subscribers about how long she had dreamed of writing a book. I made sure I bought a copy right when it came out and I read this whole book the day I got it. She is my inspiration and I love this book so much! I feel as though Penny’s personality relates to Zoe a lot. Even the way Penny refers to her brother, is the way that Zoe refers to Joe (ThatcherJoe on youtube). Zoe put a lot of effort in this book and I am really happy that I got to go on the journey with her through her youtube channel.
    I rate Girl Online a 10/10 !


  85. Rachael said:

    I think it is an amazing book it is really inspiring to do what you want to do with your life and to not worry about what others think.It’s also good because she has a secret blog that she writes on to get her emotions out and the people that read it are very understanding and don’t make fun of her.So she feels like she can talk about anything.


  86. I really liked the book Girl Onlie by Zoe Sugg. Zoe is a youtuber also known as Zoella. The book is about a girl Penny who has a really rough time at school. She has to go to New York for her mums work. In New York she meets a guy named Noah but he has a secret that will change everything.The story ir really captivating and you have to know what happens next.


  87. Annabelle said:

    Girl Online is a fantastic book and definitely one of my favourites. If you love adventure, romance, comedy and drama this books for you. Girl online is by Zoella, who is a YouTuber that makes beauty videos. Follow a year 11 girl called Penny to find out about her life and her secret online blog. I recommend this book to anyone especially girls 10+. I give this book a 10/10 because it an amazing read.


  88. Alexandra C said:

    My favourite youtube/blogger wrote this book! the book was amazing i loved all the little twists it just wanted me to read more! Girl Online is one of my favourite books. i also love how she traveled to New York since i have been there and want to go there again. This book grabbed by attention by the blurb! The blurb grabbed my attention by saying “penny has a secret”. This book i would rate 10/10!!!


  89. Ellie said:

    I loved this book. I love Zoella’s videos so I thought I would give it a try but I never bought it. My friend gave it to me for my birthday last year and I loved it, it was great and not what I was expecting. I really loved how things happened really quickly so you just keep reading and loose track of time. I could put this book down until I was finished. I would rate it a 9/10 it was really good and I would happily read it again 🙂


  90. Girl Online has been one of my many favourite holiday reads and I REALLY recommend it! It’s about a year 11 student who has an anonymos blog which is called girl online where she posts things about boys, friend and photos and much more. She then experiences some embarassing moments and gets bullied. She has terrible Anxiety and has Panic Attacks. She goes on an Adventure and meets a boy… This is a really interesting romance and Adventure book and Zoe has done a great job! If you didn’t know Zoe Sugg is a You-tuber and Blogger who films and writes about beauty and lifestyle, she has gain millions of followers on both her You Tube channel and Social Media. She has also experienced Anxiety and Panic Attacks and she has made this story connect with her own life! But just to warn you if you pick up this book TRUST ME you will be inspired to start your own blog! I would recommend this book to 11 yrs ~ 16 yrs of age. I will also give this book 10.5/10

    Enjoy 🙂


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