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In Beatrice Prior’s dystopian Chicago, society is divided into five factions, each dedicated to the cultivation of a particular virtue—Candor (the honest), Abnegation (the selfless), Dauntless (the brave), Amity (the peaceful), and Erudite (the intelligent). On an appointed day of every year, all sixteen-year-olds must select the faction to which they will devote the rest of their lives. For Beatrice, the decision is between staying with her family and being who she really is—she can’t have both. So she makes a choice that surprises everyone, including herself.

During the highly competitive initiation that follows, Beatrice renames herself Tris and struggles to determine who her friends really are—and where, exactly, a romance with a sometimes fascinating, sometimes infuriating boy fits into the life she’s chosen. But Tris also has a secret, one she’s kept hidden from everyone because she’s been warned it can mean death. And as she discovers a growing conflict that threatens to unravel her seemingly perfect society, she also learns that her secret might help her save those she loves . . . or it might destroy her.



Comments on: "Divergent – Veronica Roth" (154)

  1. Marissa said:

    I was astonished to find that after reading Divergent, it is actually the first book in a series of three and there was more to come. Like most of the books I read, I found this really hard to put down as it takes its reader through a rollercoaster of emotions, making them cry, laugh, and then cry some more, especially the last book. Divergent follows the story of Beatrice (Tris) Prior and her dystopian world of Chicago. The society is divided into 5 factions, Dauntless (brave), Amity (kind), Candor (honest), Erudite (smart) and Abnegation (selfless). At the age of sixteen the choice needs to be made as to which faction you want to be in; stay with your family or move on somewhere else. Tris struggles to fit into her new world during the highly competitive initiation, trying to figure out who her friends are and where a romance with a strange boy fits in. But Tris has a secret and if word gets out about it, she could end up in some serious danger or worse, death. I recommend this book to anyone who loves a good action and adventure book with a side of romance. My favourite character in Divergent is Tris’ best friend Christina as she is strong and can handle almost anything. She is an inspiring character and one all girls look up to and want to be. I give this book an 8.5/10 and recommend it for anyone 13+.


  2. Arabella said:

    Divergent by Veronica Roth is a fantastic Sci-fi and action and adventure book that I couldn’t put down. The reason for this is that the storyline keeps you hanging and wanting more. Divergent is about a 16 year old girl called Beatrice/Tris who has to make a really important choice in her life that decides her future. The main character Tris is so kind, thoughtful, brave, and smart and is a good role model for people to follow. Because this is the first book in the series it left you wanting to read the second one right away. My favourite character is Beatrice/Tris because she is a beautiful character who is a big part of the story through the whole journey of the book. I think that I would rate this book a 10/10 because it is just amazing and interesting to read. I would recommend this book to anyone from the ages 12 up who wants to read an action and adventure/ Sci-fi book because it is a terrific read!


  3. Divergent is an alright series. The first book is definitely the best, and I feel like the other books weren’t necessary, and just dragged the series on and on. Divergent is apart of the dystopian genre, and I would say is good for kids over 12. The series itself is about a society in which the world is divided into factions. At 16 years old you take a test which decides which faction suits you best. There are 5 factions which are:
    -Amity- Peaceful
    -Abnegation- Selfless
    -Dauntless- Bravery
    -Candor- Honesty
    -Erudite- Intelligent
    (I won’t say anything else because I don’t want to spoil it!)
    I would recommend this series, it’s just not my personal favourite. I would rate it a 6/10.


  4. Rachel said:

    Divergent – Veronica Roth
    I read this book about a year or 2 ago. I absolutely loved it!
    In the book divergent (there are 3 in the series – Divergent, Insurgent and Allegiant), Beatrice Prior must choose between leaving her family or following what she believes in.
    All teenagers but participate in aptitude testing to work out which “faction” they belong in.
    In this city (I won’t spoil where it actually is), there are 5 factions:
    – Dauntless; the brave of the society
    – Abnegation; the selfless of the society
    – Erudite; the intelligent of the society
    – Candor; the honest of the society
    – Amity; the kind of the society
    When the teenagers are 16, they get to choose their faction based on what the aptitude test resulted in.
    However, there are some people whose aptitude tests can result in all of the factions. Some test results can indicate one or a few factions (which is common).
    I would 10/10 recommend this series. It can get a bit long, and the movies go for around 2 hours each, but it is 100% worth it!
    I remember when the movies came out on Netflix, I watched all three in a row (6 hours).


  5. Hayley said:

    Divergent by Veronica Roth is an amazing dystopian read. I couldn’t stop reading!! It is about a girl called Beatrice who lives in a world were everyone is sorted into factors and soon Beatrice will have to choose will she leave her family and follow her heart to where she thinks she truly belongs? I will give this book a 9/10 because I love every page from bottom to top I never got bored and the plot was so interesting and creative. I will recommend this book to anyone who wants an action-packed read.


  6. Divergent is my number one favourite book series ever!! The first time I read it, not even a day after I finished reading it I went back and started the first book again. It is a series made up of 3 books: Divergent, Insurgent and Allegiant. The storyline is that Beatrice Prior lives in a futuristic world, in a city that is split into five different factions according to a person’s personality (Selfless, Honest, Intelligent, Brave and Kind). When Beatrice turns 16, like everyone else in the city, she has to make the biggest choice of her life- does she leave the faction she was born in (Abnegation of the Selfless) and her family to live a life more suited to her, or does she stay in Abnegation and live a boring but comfortable life with her family? This choice will impact the rest of her life, and is made harder by the fact that she is one of a special few called ‘divergent’ who are constantly at risk of murder! This story is heart-wrenching, action-filled, brutal and also a bit romantic! I would 100% recommend this to anyone who is a fan of Harry Potter, Heroes of Olympus, Hunger Games, Twilight, etc! Best book series ever! 9/10 (I gave this a nine because as good as this is, after I finished it both times, I felt strangely empty for weeks!!)


  7. Priscilla said:

    Divergent is one of my classic book series I keep coming back to. I first read it many years ago but it remains a go to when I’m in need of some fast-paced action in a futuristic society. I loved the dystopian society. I think it was really interesting and well thought out how their civilisation is separated into functional groups based on core values: bravery, selflessness, intelligence, kindness and honesty. This also provided great grounds for the thrilling plot, romance as well as asking the viewer a question of identity: is their one definitive quality that makes us who we are? It’s definitely a thought-provoking premise, as well as an easy read – I’d give this one an 8.5/10


  8. Divergent is a fabulously action packed book, with so much adventure and mystery. The society in which Tris lives runs in an extremely strange way, and inhabitants must choose which ‘faction’ they want to spend the rest of their life in, out of Dauntless, Amity, Erudite, Abnegation and Candor. The story starts with Tris having to make a decision on which faction to spend the rest of her life living in, and I really felt sympathetic for her whilst she was making this difficult decision. She has is stuck between choosing her family, or her life-long dream. The novel is action packed with twists and turns, and you never know what will happen next. I did not want to put this down at all, and I would definitely recommend it to anyone over the age of 12, and give it a 10/10!


  9. Alexandra said:

    Divergent by Veronica Roth is hands down a must-read. SO many themes are present in the story; love, family and teenage-hood are just the surface of Tris’s futuristic tale of hard choices and even harder outcomes. The book takes off from the first word and projects you right to the situation and the aptitude testing.
    Tris is an amazing character who, when faced with two terrible options, will not fail to win your favour right through the story. Her romance with Four definitely lifts the book to a new level, despite the fact that it was quickly ‘love’. Anyone aged 12+ will enjoy this book to no end, and you should give it a shot regardless of whether or not you have watched the film, (the book is a lot better than the movie btw). Overall, you seriously need to to read this book it’s not even a question xx


  10. Georgia-Rose said:

    Divergent is honestly one of the best books I’ve ever read !!!! Filled with action, mystery, and intriguing characters, you will not be able to put this book down from the moment you read the first page ! It tells the story of a girl in the futuristic world of Chicago where everyone has been broken up into factions to keep the peace after the war. Amity, Abnegation, Erudite, Candor and Dauntless. You are meant to choose the faction you are most suited to when you are 16, but the main character Tris, doesn’t fit into any. She then has to survive in a faction she doesn’t belong in, trying to prove to everyone that she is strong enough to succeed in Dauntless. There is also a love story between Tris and Four, one of the leaders of Dauntless. I absolutely love them together, as they are both so strong minded and determined. My favourite part of the movie would probably be the initiation jump for dauntless, as it is the first time Tris really puts herself out there and proves her worth, as well as meeting Four for the first time. I would rate this book a 10/10 and recommend it to anyone over the age of 12 !!


  11. Divergent has to be one of my favourite books and movies ever. The whole idea of their world is so creative. Each character is very unique and they link each persons different personalities to our everyday life. If I would choose what faction I would be in, I would say Dauntless because I love having fun and I think you would also learn to be selfless as well as brave. The book always leave you hanging and wondering what you would do if you were in that situation. I was very sad to finish reading it but got excited when I found out there was also a movie! I HIGHLY recommend this book and film to all ages. Divergent is an action packed movie and book with a bit of romance, drama and a few sad parts. I believe you would be crazy not to try it out because it has so many genres in it so it would appeal to a larger crowd. My favourite character is Four because not only does Theo James play him in the movie, but he is mysterious, brave and a very interesting personality. Once you start reading/watching it, you will be hooked!


  12. I ADORE this book! It is so captivating, that I could keep reading this series for the rest of my life! My favourite character is Christina, she is so down to earth and funny, she is what I look for in a friend. The book was so good I couldn’t wait to get the next one! I love the way the story unfolds it is such a different way of thinking about what the future will look like. It makes you wonder if this is how the future will look like. I recommend this book to people who love adventure. I rate this book 10/10.


  13. Milla said:

    Divergent! One of, if not the best book I have ever read. I’m not usually someone who can read the same book twice but I have read this book at least three or four times!I find it so easy to get hooked on this book and anyone else that has read it I’m sure will agree. I love the way this book flows and the image your brain paints in your head while you imagine putting yourself in the shoes of one of the characters! I recommend this book to anyone and I rate this book a 8/10


  14. Charmaine T said:

    Divergent!!! Where do I start? It is so good, and you can never predict what is going to happen next. You’ll hardly be able to put it down and when you finish it, well there is another two books in the series and there are some more books that relate with it as well. It’s hard to read at the start but once you get going you’ll never be able to stop. There are so many problems Tris has to deal with but will have to finish the whole series to find out what happens. I recommend this for 13+ and I rate it 9 1/2 out of 10


  15. I enjoyed Divergent however it is not my favourite book. It is my favourite out of the Divergent series. There is a but of action and drama that makes it interesting but I didn’t enjoy it that much. My favourite character is Tris as it is narrated from her perspective and we see everything from her view. I don’t have a favourite part as I liked it all equally. I would recommend this to anyone however I didn’t really enjoy it.


  16. I LOVED THIS BOOK! I thought that the main character, Beatrice Prior, was excellent. She was clever, strong, and above all, herself. I love the concept behind the divergent series, splitting the population into groups based on their personality. I think that Roth has done a really excellent job of exploring yet another way that people can be controlled and segregated. Roth has also done a great job of illustrating the relationships and character development in this story. I particularly loved Beatrice’s relationship with her mother and her relationship with Tobias Eaton. Honestly, there is nothing that I would change in the book. There are parts that I don’t like because their sad but they only make the book better. This is the perfect teen read and I would highly, highly recommend it.


  17. The thrilling story called “Divergent”, written by the amazing author Veronica Roth, is about a young adolescent who is trying to figure out the group where she belongs, and where she will continue her future in. The society she lives in is much different to ours, everyone having a place, community that they fit in to, a place in one of these 5 factions: Candor, Amity, Abnegation, Erudite and Dauntless. These five unique groups were created centuries ago by the founders, in order to keep the peace. Each faction is decided from personality results, meaning at the age of 16, every teenager is obligated to take a test, used with antiseptic accompanied by a perplexing hallucination. Eventually, after the test is completed, after a certain amount of time, the student will receive a maximum of 2 results from the 5 factions. But this wasn’t the case for Beatrice Prior. Instead of 1 or 2 results, she got 3, which apparently, is incredibly rare. However, these kind of people were known as “Divergent’s”, supposedly extremely deadly people incapable of being controlled. This journey for Tris is remarkable, how she happens to over come every single obstacle that happens to stand in her way. On this adventure, she meets her gorgeously handsome initiation instructor known as “Four”, and eventually, feelings were developed and together, they discovered the secrets their extraordinary district had hidden from reality. I really enjoy reading this book. It made me feel a series of all different emotions, and at the same time, something mind-blowing is waiting at the end of each chapter. I went through a phase being absolutely obsessed with the whole idea of this fictional community, and I defiantly rate it a 10/10!


  18. Divergent is a well written book about finding yourself in society. It displays extreme ways of these however, in a futuristic world run in a different way to our own. Tris, the main character has to face an important decision when she is told that she is different and doesn’t fit in, and struggles to keep her secret that could get her killed. Tris also has a love interest who challenges her strengths, Four who has his own secrets. It is a popluar opinion that Divergent is just another future sci fi book about society, but this is a truly inspiring book about finding yourself when you are different. The author has used many writing skills to hook you in. I rate it a 9/10 and think that anyone should give it ago.


  19. I recommend the movie Divergent based on the book by Veronica Roth because it has such a great storyline, characters, and message. My favourite part of the movie is when Tris Prior, who is played by Shailene Woodley, discovers who she is, how different she is to everyone else and how she can’t tell anyone her secret, not even her friends


  20. Divergent has to be one of my favourite books ever. The whole idea of the factions and their world is so cool & creative. I love how they based the factions on personalities and that each person fits in except for the few that don’t. If I would choose what faction I would be in, I would say abnigation because I like to think of myself as selfless but I think I could also be in dauntless. I was very sad to finish reading it but got excited when I found out there was also a movie and 3 other books! I HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend this book and film to all teens. It’st is an action-packed movie and book with a bit of romance and drama. You would be insane not to read this book because it has so many genres in it so it would appeal to a larger crowd. My favourite character is Four because not only does Theo James play him in the movie, but he is mysterious, brave and a very interesting personality. But I also love Tris because she is strong minded (and physically strong) and has a brain like nobody else. Once you start reading/watching it, you will be hooked! 9 out of 10


  21. This book ‘Divergent’ by Veronica Roth is an adventure following the main character Beatrice ‘Tris’ Prior, as she lives her life years into our worlds future. This book, through it’s storyline, shows the importance of choice and that our life is full of them. How Tris chose to enter the faction Dauntless and that changed the course of her life. This book also includes adventure, romance and action keeping your turning every page in anticipation. My favourite part of the book was when Tris tried her hardest to her best self to stay in Dauntless because it showed how strong she was mentally and physically, because even though she had all of the odds against her, she still succeeded with hard work and determination. I am excited to read the other two books in the trilogy and would recommend this book to anyone that was looking for a good read.


  22. Georgia-Rose said:

    Divergent is a really interesting and amazing read. It follows a girl called Tris who lives in a society where everyone is split into groups called ‘factions’ based on their character traits. Tris is special though, and gets more than 1 faction, which is incredibly rare. She has to make a life changing decision, choosing between family and friends.
    I really enjoyed this book, I just could not put it down. My favourite character is Four (the trainer for Dauntless). He is a really fascinating and mysterious character, and fights for what is right. The book is a real rollercoaster, and has a really great ending.
    I would recommend this to years 7-10, and rate it a 10-10.


  23. Divergent had me hooked from the very start! I have just finished reading it and it is absolutely thrilling! I really liked it because it involved a lot of action and had a really good story line. My favourite character in the book definitely had to be Tris. I love how Tris is so brave throughout the whole thing and is not afraid to stand up for what she believes in. The twist and turns in this book are great because you are never quite expecting it! This book makes you feel like you are in it with them and the author really draws you in. I would 100% recommend everyone reading this book because it’s filled with action, love, family, friends and romance. It’s a perfect combo of everything. This is a really great story for those who liked ‘The Hunger Games’. I would rate this amazing book 10/10 !


  24. The thrilling story called “Divergent”, written by the amazing author Veronica Roth, is about a young adolescent who is trying to figure out the group where she belongs, and where she will continue her future in. The society she lives in is much different to ours, everyone having a place, community that they fit in to, a place in one of these 5 factions: Candor, Amity, Abnegation, Erudite and Dauntless. These five unique groups were created centuries ago by the founders, in order to keep the peace. Each faction is decided from personality results, meaning at the age of 16, every teenager is obligated to take a test, used with antiseptic accompanied by a perplexing hallucination. Eventually, after the test is completed, after a certain amount of time, the student will receive a maximum of 2 results from the 5 factions. But this wasn’t the case for Beatrice Prior. Instead of 1 or 2 results, she got 3, which apparently, is incredibly rare. However, these kind of people were known as “Divergent’s”, supposedly extremely deadly people incapable of being controlled. This journey for Tris is remarkable, how she happens to over come every single obstacle that happens to stand in her way. On this adventure, she meets her gorgeously handsome initiation instructor known as “Four”, and eventually, feelings were developed and together, they discovered the secrets their extraordinary district had hidden from reality. I really enjoy reading this book. It made me feel a series of all different emotions, and at the same time, something mind-blowing is waiting at the end of each chapter. I went through a phase being absolutely obsessed with the whole idea of this fictional community, and I defiantly rate it a 10/10!


  25. My favourite trilogy, Divergent, grips you from the very beginning. I loved every minute of it! Once you begin reading, you cannot put it down. It is about a city that consists of 5 factions – Abnegation, Dauntless, Candor, Erudite, and Amity. Tris, (Beatrice) was bought up as an Abnegation child, and now has the opportunity to choose a faction she wants to spend the rest of her life with. Aptitude Tests are meant to identify what faction you belong to, but the serum does not work on Tris. She is Divergent as her results show 3 factions. This is dangerous for Tris. If you are a lover of action and adventure books, then you will absolutely LOVE this novel. I give this series a 5 out of 5!


  26. Grace A said:

    Everybody who has read the book or watched the movie ‘Divergent’ understands the adrenaline and thrill that it gives you. There is action and adventure, challenges and determination but the main character Beatrice (‘Tris’) Prior perseveres through it all.
    I love this book because it keeps you engaged and entertained throughout the entire book. I was never bored and always in suspense!
    ‘Divergent’ is about the main character Tris who has to make a life-changing decision. Beatrice lives in a city that has four different factions which have different types of people in them. There is Dauntless who are brave, Amity who are kind, Abnegation who are selfless, Candor who are incredibly honest and Erudite who are the intelligent. When teenagers become a certain age they are forced to decide which faction they believe they belong and want to spend the rest of their lives in. Tris makes a life-changing, shocking decision that confuses everyone. Then, Tris has to undergo extreme challenges that test her immensely.
    Veronica Roth tells the story of ‘Divergent’ of Tris’ transformation and journey through Tris’ eyes in a smart, descriptive and captivating way that is so real that you feel like you are there in the moment. You have to read it to see how good it is! I would recommend this book to anyone who is a lover of adventure, romance, adrenaline and good books that keep you obsessed who is 11 years old +! Definitely an awesome book and series…I rate this book a 10/10!


  27. Emma M said:

    Divergent is one of my favourite types of books, set in a futuristic YA reality, written in the perspective of a courageous, young, heroic protagonist. Even though it was written in a gripping way, I found it extremely difficult to believe that it was not based on the The Hunger Games, or at least inspired by it, because of the déjà vu I had when reading about a controlling government that forces citizens to live in split sections that each serve a separate purpose, evident in both books. There is action, romance, suspense and so much more. I give it a 10/10!


  28. Divergent is about a girl called Tris. She lives in a world which is divided into factions. Tris doesn’t fit in to any of theses factions. She lives a life where she doesnt fit in. She wants to find where she belongs, so she leaves her family behind and ventures out alone. She finds herself in a harsh new life where she cant trust anybody. Along her way she finds a boy she likes.The plot was very intriguing and kept me reading.


  29. Olivia said:

    Divergent- Where do I begin. Veronica Roth is an absolutely amazing writer, because absolutely could not put this book down. I must say, it is not for the light-hearted, because it is got lot’s of dark moments, but lots of romance as well. The story focuses on young woman Tris Prior. Well her name is Beatrice, but I would change it to if that was my name, no offence. The book is set in future times, and it is very interesting to read about the outspoken Tris’s concept on life, the hardships she has to go through, and the choices she makes. The book was great to read and a total page turner.


  30. this book is a book I read a while ago it is a dystopian, romance and action. This book I would recommend for those people who enjoy a bit of adventure and unpredictable turns in a book you will enjoy this book. it is the first one in the series and I did read the second book but I didn’t enjoy it as much as the first book it was a bit of a disappointment and so I didn’t read the third book. the series is divergent, insurgent and allegiant. I would recommend this book for 12+. This book was really well thought out and the characters can never be underestimated. I think that this is definitely a must read book especially if you want to watch the movie.


  31. This is a fantastic book and definitely worth reading (even if you have watched the movie). The author does a great job of giving us insight into each of the characters personalities. It is about a girl named Beatrice Prior who has a decision. Her society is broken up and everyone belongs to a faction. She has turned 16 and come of age so must decide how she is and where she belongs. Should she choose Dauntless (brave), Abnegation (selfless), Erudite (intelligent), Amenity (peaceful) or Candour (honest). I recommend this book for nearly everyone because it has every thing in it; romance, action, suspense etc.


  32. I love this book its one of my favourite reads. I haven’t got onto the second book in the series but i can’t wait to read it. I also like the movie because it is quite close to the book. My favourite character is four because he starts out all intimidating and sort of mean but then he shows Tris his soft side. My favourite part is the choosing seramony. I like this scene because it’s quite unexpected what Tris’ brother Caleb chooses. I would say anyone aged 10 plus would love this book and i rate it a 10/10.


  33. Divergent by Veronica Roth is a full action packed story that is about a society that is sectioned into five different factions each dedicated to a specific virtue. I personally loved it and my favourite part of the novel was the start of the book. Divergent is full of action and romance. I would definitely read the book before seeing the movie 100% because the books always say so much more. I would recommend this book to people around the age of around 12 and older as it is about the main character Beatrice choosing and making her own decision teaching people like our age that you can make your own decisions and how they will turn out. (If you don’t wont a spoiler don’t read this next part) My least favourite part was when they turned and was killing everyone including one of the best people. My favourite character would have to be of Beatrice the main character as she is strong and doesn’t care what people perceive her as she keeps going. Altogether it is an absolutely amazing book.


  34. The thrilling story called “Divergent”, written by the amazing author Veronica Roth, is about a young adolescent who is trying to figure out the group where she belongs, and where she will continue her future in. The society she lives in is much different to ours, everyone having a place, community that they fit in to, a place in one of these 5 factions: Candor, Amity, Abnegation, Erudite and Dauntless. These five unique groups were created centuries ago by the founders, in order to keep the peace. Each faction is decided from personality results, meaning at the age of 16, every teenager is obligated to take a test, used with antiseptic accompanied by a perplexing hallucination. Eventually, after the test is completed, after a certain amount of time, the student will receive a maximum of 2 results from the 5 factions. But this wasn’t the case for Beatrice Prior. Instead of 1 or 2 results, she got 3, which apparently, is incredibly rare. However, these kind of people were known as “Divergent’s”, supposedly extremely deadly people incapable of being controlled. This journey for Tris is remarkable, how she happens to over come every single obstacle that happens to stand in her way. On this adventure, she meets her gorgeously handsome initiation instructor known as “Four”, and eventually, feelings were developed and together, they discovered the secrets their extraordinary district had hidden from reality. I really enjoy reading this book. It made me feel a series of all different emotions, and at the same time, something mind-blowing is waiting at the end of each chapter. I went through a phase being absolutely obsessed with the whole idea of this fictional community, and I defiantly rate it a 10/10!


  35. I really enjoyed reading the book Divergent by Veronica Roth. This is an action packed book that kept be wanting to read more and more. This book is about a girl called Beatrice who when she turns 16, has to decide which fraction she will choose to move and live in. Unlike others Beatrice has a secret that if others know about could end her life. I recommend this book to anyone who loves to read action and mystery books.


  36. indi j said:

    THIS BOOK WAS AMAZING. i’d already seen the movie so i had an idea of what happens but the book was so much more interesting. I did love the movie but the book was another level. I read this book within 3 days because i just couldn’t put the book down, I loved everything to do with this book, the romance, the comedy, the mystery. My favourite character was certainly beatrice, i loved her attitude towards eveyrthing, she gave everything a go and never really complained. I also loved the character tobias, he always had faith in tris and never doubted her for a second. I would count this book as one of my favourite books ever because i just loved the way it was set out and how the author portrayed each of the characters. I cant wait to read the second book and this time i’m going to read the book before watching the movie so i’m left hanging even more. Divergent is an amazing book and is a mix of so many different genres.


  37. Divergent is a movie about Tris Prior, who is trying to decide where she belongs in the city of Chicago. The people of Chicago are divided in five factions, Erudite; the intelligent, Candor; the honest, Amity; the peaceful, Abnegation; the selfless and Dauntless; the brave. When the day comes for Tris to discover where she belongs, she discovers that she is divergent, she belongs to many factions. What she doesn’t know is that this secret can cost her the lives of her loved ones, as Erudite is hunting divergent’s down. I really loves this movie, I thought it was full of action and drama and even a little bit of romance. I would recommend this book for anyone who like the move ‘The Maze Runner’, I would give this movie a 9 out of 10.


  38. Maeve said:

    Divergent by Veronica Roth is amazing.
    It’s a Sci fi fantasy novel, but also includes a fair amount of romance and action! the book is not easy to dislike, though i’d say most of the characters are on some level dislikable. The follows the story Tris. But her story, her WORLD, is unlike anything you could imagine…
    I would recommend this book to anyone ages 12+
    I rate this book 9/10


  39. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and everything that came with it. I would recommend this novel to anyone who loves a good read filled with adventure, conspiracy and a little bit of romance. I especially loved the conspiracy of the book and coming up with questions so I would just keep reading until I found the answers. I loved seeing Tris (AKA Beatrice) grow into her true self, and find herself even through all the drama and intense action that is happening around her. I honestly really hated Peter he was such a jerk, and seriously he cut off Ed’s ear!!!!!!!! I would rate this book an 8/10


  40. Stephanie said:

    Divergent is such and action packed book, with so much adventure. The society which Tris lives in seems so hard and I really feel sympathetic for her. The story starts with Tris having to make a decision on which faction to spend the rest of her life living in. She has is stuck between choosing her family, or her life – long dream. The book novel is action packed with twists and turns, and you never know what will happen next. I did not want to put this down at all, and I would definitely recommend it to anyone over the age of 13, and give it a 10/10!


  41. This book is quite different to the movie and so I thought I would do a review on it because it was one that intrigued me enough to watch all the other movies and read the next book. this book is romance, action and adventure it has a really good storyline that follows all the way through about a girl called Beatrice until she changes her name to Tris, she is a girl from what the call factions or jobs and she comes from one that is not very well respected and when she is old enough she and others are allowed to choose a new one or stay where they are with there families so when she chooses a newline she really has to work hard to keep her place there. I recommend this boo for people aged 12+. this book was a great one for people interested in a little bit of romance along with thens storyline and if you just want to try something new.


  42. Lizzie said:

    OMG!! This was such a book to read, as I just wanted to keep on reading and not put the book down. It is about a girl who has to make a choice in her life, between your family and what she thinks is best for her. Their is a movie too, for this book, however I feel reading the book is better because you feel more connected to the people in the book and get more of the adventure when reading. If you love action and adventure, I recommend this book for teenagers to read and you won’t regret reading it once you start. My favourite character is Beatrice, which is main character, as she is such a great person and has a great personality in the book. I rate this book 10/10 because the way it was wrote was fantastic, and I love those action and adventure books. I also rat it 10/10 because I feel like we can relate to her and her personality.


  43. Cindy Nguyen said:

    Divergent——By Veronica Roth. (CAUTION: THIS MAY INCLUDE SPOILERS)

    This book written by the Author Veronica Roth, it is actual the first book of 3 in the sequel, (Insurgent and allegiant) but 4 including the book “FOUR”. Divergent is about a world divided and lived in fractions, Abnegation (The Selfless), Dauntless (The Brave), Erudite (The Intelligent), Amity (The Peaceful) and Candor (The Honest). Beatrice Prior, a young 17 year old who was born into Abnegation she lived with her parents and her brother. One day known as the ceremony, her brother “Caleb” and her had to choose what fraction would they live in. But there was a test, when Beatrice took that test she learnt that she was divergent. Being divergent was very rare but for those who are divergent were killed, Beatrice was afraid but she went to the ceremony. Beatrice and her parents were surprised that Caleb chose Erudite, they were the governing fraction. Beatrice chose dauntless because she wanted to be brave and free, thats where she got her new name Tris Prior. Tris then started as the weak link and she then meets Four but they start off not liking each other, but Four is a handsome man but his past isn’t the best. Tris and Four start to get closer and Tris then got better with her fighting skills and her divergent skills were getting more appealing. But then things start to get out of hand and Jeanine Matthews was colliding Dauntless and Erudite, but without dauntless knowing they give them a serum that makes them obey anything they tell them to do. Jeanine Matthews was planning to attack on abnegation to remove them from the Fractions, But Tris wasn’t going to let that happen. BUT if you want to find out how or more read this trilling, love and adventurous novel, and i guaranty you will read the other sequels!


  44. I must say that this is one of my favourite series of all time. Divergent grips you from the very beginning. I loved every minute of it! It is about a city that consists of 5 factions – Abnegation, Dauntless, Candor, Erudite, and Amity. Tris, (Beatrice) was bought up as an Abnegation child, and now has the opportunity to choose a faction she wants to spend the rest of her life with. Aptitude Tests are meant to identify what faction you belong to, but the serum does not work on Tris. She is Divergent as her results show 3 factions. This is dangerous for Tris. If you are a lover of action and adventure books, then you will absolutely LOVE this novel. I give this series a 5 out of 5!


  45. I liked divergent.

    I liked most of the plot and characters. But one of the main issues for me was that throughout the series, they never even considered why there were fractions or what was outside the fence until the end of book 2. This is very unrealistic and through me off the book as I read it.

    I would recommend this book to ages 12-16 as there is some mature content.

    Overall I gave this book a 7/10.


  46. I absolutely loved this book, and I felt it was a great start to the series. I felt that the idea of this sotry was very intereasting unique, imaginative and thought out very well. I loved the way that everyone was sorted into factions based on their personality. I always wondered which faction I would be sorted in. But clearly working like this does not always work as the book shows. It shows people can be different and be included in more then one faction, the “divergent”. I loved the character Tris as she was was independant, strong and brave. She had her own way of thinking, and was determined to do the things she wanted to. She kept going when things were tough, which shws how strong she was. I also liked the character Kristina as she did everything with confidence and bravery, not worring about the possible bad outcomes. I also loved the character Four as he was not as confidnt in public, but he was clever in hiding that he was divergent. He was an inspiring teacer for Tris, and a very strong leader. I thoroughly enjoyd this book and would difinitely recommend it.


  47. Tris lives in futuristic Chicago were her city is divided into five factions; Abnegation, the selfless, Erudite, the intelligent, Dauntless, the brave, Amity, the peaceful, and Candor, the honest. Tris belongs to multiple factions and this secret could save the people she loves or it could destroy her. This book is full of adventure, action, romance and finding your true self. I love the way the author includes a wide variety of characters, my favourite is Christina, because she is very loyal to the people she loves. She is also a very brave character and stands by Tris in the very hardest of times. She was born into a Candor family so she has learnt to speak her mind, and this shows especially when she meets a character named Four. I love the way the book is written and would suggest it to anyone who enjoys a good action or romance. Overall I would rate this book 8/10 because it can be read by a wide variety of readers and it is very engaging and hard to put the book down.


  48. I loved this book. I really liked to wonder which faction I would be in. I really liked how Tris had to make a decision between blood and faction, I would recommend this to friend and I would rate it a 9/10.


  49. When I read (and reread) Divergent a few years ago, I thoroughly enjoyed it, as it had a good balance between action, mystery and romance, with an addictive pull which really made me want to keep reading. Today, my interests have changed and I don’t really like the dystopian genre, so I won’t be continuing this series, but I definitely know I will reread this first book sometime in future. I found the whole system of choosing your life’s pathway at the age of 16, which is, although somewhat unoriginal, still very intriguing and often left me wondering what I would do in the same scenario. I really liked the relationship between Tris and Four, and especially the things they faced in the book’s climax. I really enjoyed this, as it was very intense and fast paced. However, I haven’t heard good things about the rest of the series and the ending was spoiled for me, so I probably won’t read the last two as to not tarnish my view of the first book!! Would recommend to anyone over the age of 13 and for fans of books like The Hunger Games. 4/5.


  50. Marcie said:

    This has been my favourite book I have ever read. It was exciting and strange at the same time. I could not put this book down and I read it super quickly. It starts out in Chicago and the city is divided up into 5 factions, Erudite, Candor, Abnegation, Amity and Dauntless. There are lots of fights to see which faction should be the leading faction. This story is about Tris an Abnegation girl and how she managed to be in Dauntless get beaten up and teased, find love and survive it at the same time. I give it a 10/10. I hope you read it soon!


  51. Sophia said:

    This book is truly amazing, and I loved it ever since I started reading it. Beatrice the main character is living in a world where people are divided by their traits, and if you don’t fit in it’s bad. After beatrice finds out she is divergent, she is put in a very hard situation meaning life or death. I love this book so much, and you get hooked on it by turning the first page. The book demonstrates so many things like bravery and selflessness, and I highly recommend it to anyone.


  52. Charlotte said:

    This book had me hooked from the very start! This is a really great story for those who liked ‘The Hunger Games’. I really liked it because it involved a lot of action and had a really good story line. It fits a lot in for a relativity small book. My favourite characters in the book were Tris and Four. I love how Tris is so brave throughout the whole thing and is not afraid to stand up for what she believes in. I love how Four had so much depth to his character, like he wasn’t just the person who swooped in and saved the day, he had a very traumatic past which was really interesting. I would recommend this book to everyone because there is something in there for every person’s different tastes. There is action, romance, suspense and so much more. I give it a 10/10!


  53. By reading the first page of Divergent It dragged me in and I wanted to keep reading. The book is about Beatrice, a girl living in a futuristic world divided into five different factions. When Beatrice turns 16, including all the other 16 year old kids of her faction, she is forced to make a decision that will effect the rest of her life and her family. I give the story a 8/10 for great detail, depth & emotion. I recommend Divergent for 12 years & up and people who like action, sci-fi & romance. The first book is 1 of 3 and I still have another to read which I am finishing off now. The movies are quite similar to the books which makes it interesting, because it’s just like you pictured it while you were reading. A total 3 movies have been released and another next year, all of the movies have great scripts, roles and flow.


  54. Eleanor said:

    I take forever to read books because I get bored and can’t be bothered spending any time finishing it off. But Divergent on the other hand was completely different, I read and read for days strait. Divergent takes a twist on the whole futuristic theme much like the hunger games. Except I personally like divergent better than the hunger games. It is about a girl names Tris who has to make an important choice to figure out where she is going to live for the rest of her life. She has to chose between family or what she has always wanted. While making her decision she figures out and incredibly dark secret, one that could get her killed. The book is all about adventure, family and of course a cute boy that Tris falls for along the way. I definitely recommend reading this book if not the entire divergent series.


  55. Sienna said:

    I have just started reading divergent and it has a strong message about a town (Chicago) after the war ( this book is set in the future) and all the people have been put into 5 factions that have different responsibilities, Beatrice is in the faction where you help the faction less and are very selfless. every year the people that have turned 16 that year have to choose a faction. but beforehand they do a test to find out what faction they should choose but when Beatrice dose here test it doesn’t work because she is divergent. she isn’t allowed to tell anyone, not even her parents but now she doesn’t know what faction to choose.
    this was a great book it had action and the movie is just as good!!!Divergent is a good book for 12-18 year olds and i 110% recommend you read this book


  56. I recommend Divergent, I recommend this book because one of the main highlights of the book that jumped right out me was along the lines of to never give up and keep persistent. The main character Tris, had an identity to cover and she had to play well in the role of being dauntless, if she didn’t want to get killed because she is divergent. The dauntless leadership and society have always been threatened by divergents because they fit into more than one faction and therefore complicate the system of 5 factions. Amity – kind, dauntless – brave, erudite – smart, cantor – honest and abnegation – selfless. Every person in the city by the age of 16, take a test to see which faction they belong to contribute their work in order for the society to sustain and develop. The book is set from 100 years from now so technology advances have grown. Tris came across challenges and obstacles but there was one person who knew about her and he fell in love with her and therefore has been protecting her. This amazing guy is named Four and is one of the dauntless leadership. I’m afraid I have said too much and I don’t want to spoil the ending of the book, it is based on life or death and I guess you have to read for yourself to find out the rest. I rate this book 9/10.


  57. I think divergant is a great book it is full of action and you can never put the book down. I usually dont like reading books but i loved reading divergant. In some parts of the book and at the start the book is a bit slow but closer to the end of the book i couldnt put it down. the book is quit like the movie i think but some parts are a little bit difference like the description of the characters. I rate this book a 8/10 i have read better books before but i think this book is a great book to read and i definatly recomend it.


  58. Georgia said:

    Divergent has to be one of my favourite books ever. The whole idea of the factions and their world is so cool & creative. I love how they based the factions on personalities and that each person fits in except for the few that don’t. If I would choose what faction I would be in, I would say abnigation because I like to think of myself as selfless but I think I could also be in dauntless. I was very sad to finish reading it but got excited when I found out there was also a movie and 3 other books! I HIGHLY recommend this book and film to all ages but mainly teens. Divergent is an action-packed movie and book with a bit of romance and drama. You would be insane not to read this book because it has so many genres in it so it would appeal to a larger crowd. My favourite character is Four because not only does Theo James play him in the movie, but he is mysterious, brave and a very interesting personality. But I also love Tris because she is strong minded (and physically strong) and loves to think in the way no one else does. Once you start reading/watching it, you will be hooked! 9 and a half out of 10


  59. I loved reading Divergent, it was so thrilling and intriguing, it kept me interested the whole way though. It’s basically about a world where everyone is split up into ‘factions’, Dauntless, Erudite, Candor, Amity and Abnegation; each one representing a different trait. Each person is Born into a faction, but once they come of age, if they feel they’d belong better in different faction they transfer, leaving their families, to endure initiation. In Tris’ case ( Beatrice, the main character of the book ) she is abnegation born, but once she comes of age and takes a test before she chooses her future she is told she is ‘Divergent’ which means that she could fit into more than one faction, for Tris her choices were, Dauntless, Erudite or Abnegation, but being Divergent is dangerous, as one of the Erudite leaders is also leading a mission to get rid of all the diveregents. This book is action packed and entertaining with lots of unexpected twists.


  60. After hearing many raving about the book, I thought I’d must read it. I find it difficult to get into a book and normally put the book down if it doesn’t interest me in the first few pages, With this book though I couldn’t put it down I just kept reading it and the more I got into it the more I couldn’t put it down. The book just kept you guessing, and I loved how it was a mixture between romance and action so it wasn’t so boring and dull. This book is amazing and I’m so happy it is only the first of a trilogy so I can just keep reading. I rate this book an 7/10 and recommend it to anyone 12 and over who are into romance and action.


  61. Beatrice Prior has a choice to make. And, Frankly, it’s not a choice that the 16-year-old want to make. She’d rather just keep living with h parents and not worry about where she “fits” in society. But that’s not how things work these days.It’s been 100 years since the war that wiped out most of humanity. The last remnants of cicilization now live behind a giant wall in what was once Chicago. And in these trying times, survival of the human race demands structuring things a but differently. To be help society, everyone is told a person’s role must be made clear early on and remain consistent, I love this movie and would remonded it to anyone 10 out of 10


  62. Nessy said:

    this book is action packed and amazing! it is a great read and highly recommend it. Beatrice is the main character and she has a tough life, divergent is the first book in the series followed by insurgent then allegiant. It is a great series to read with a terribly sad ending but still a god book. If you are into action books this is the book for you! I would rate it 4 1/2 stars.


  63. A book that I loved reading was Divergent. I bought this book because I needed something to read for the last week of the holidays. I read the first chapter and I was hooked. Learning what Divergent meant was a whole new thing for me because you hear the same thing sometimes in other books but this is different. Amazing book, almost finished the second, ten out of ten.


  64. Maddy said:

    I had to read this book for Lit Circles and I quite enjoyed it. I thought that it was interesting and that it had a lot of twists and turns every time I turned the page. It follow a 16 year old girl named Tris and in this dystopian future they have 5 factions, Candor, Dauntless, Amity, Erudite and Abnegation. Tris comes from Abnegation and she takes a test to see what Faction she has to choose for the choosing ceremony. It turns out that she is a Divergent which means that she fits into more than one Faction. This is a threat to the system and Divergent’s must be killed, so she must hide in one of the factors to survive. This is an amazing book and I would rate it a 10/10.


  65. i really enjoyed the divergent series they are full of adventure and thrills. i really like Tris’s character because she is strong and brave, she never gives up no matter how everyone else treats her or says to her. i definitely recommend this book!


  66. i think this book is somewhat different to the other books i read. i read a lot adventure books but the plot in this book is different. i enjoyed all the factions and how you where placed into the one that suited you and oblivious they were that they weren’t all the same. Also how tris had to make the decision between her family and faction. there were happy and sad moments in the book. also it is a real page turner because you don’t know whats going to happen next.


  67. Alyssa said:

    Divergent is one of my favourite types of books, set in a futuristic YA reality, written in the perspective of a courageous, young, heroic protagonist. Even though it was written in a gripping way, I found it extremely difficult to believe that it was not based on the The Hunger Games, or at least inspired by it, because of the déjà vu I had when reading about a controlling government that forces citizens to live in split sections that each serve a separate purpose, evident in both books.

    Although, the storyline of divergent was written in a way that the reader feels apart of the story, as if they themselves are about to take part in Choosing day, after spending a lifetime in abnegation, the faction of selflessness. Beatrice “Tris” Prior is a relatable teenager, as she feels like she doesn’t belong, and is trying to find herself at the mature yet inexperienced age of 16. As the main protagonist, she endures a number of obstacles that take her on an emotional roller-coaster, such as discovering her divergence and it’s consequences, therefore leading to her choosing to leave her family in abnegation for Dauntless, the faction of the fearless. She also faces having her first real romantic relationship with her handsome and mysterious instructor, Four, and coming to terms with the immoral and destructive plans of the Erudite, the faction that believes in the power of knowledge.

    Although at times the Divergent plot was slow-moving, the universe of characters that the author Veronica Roth created was impressive, with each character having a detailed back-story and an array of hidden secrets and abilities for the reader to find out.

    Divergent was filled with adventure and suspense, which is what made me to want to continue reading.
    I would recommend this book for those who like futuristic, sci-fi YA novels, and rate it an 8/10.


  68. Divergent by Veronica Roth was a really great book. I really enjoyed reading it, it was interesting the whole way through and it kept me guessing what was going to happen next. It had lots of action and fast pace parts but still had some slower parts that made the story really good. M<y favourite character would be Tris she is strong, brave and thoughtful. There are four other books in the series that I would defiantly recommend as well but Divergent is defiantly my favourite book, I would recommend it to anyone


  69. Divergent,at sixteen and have to make a choice about what society you have to leave your parents for and live with a group of people that she has to not only trust but compete with and against ,Tris makes her decision on a secret she finds out about when she is tested to help her find out what faction she belongs to .Tris make many enemies and some great friends that she will have of life ,and for in love with Four ,that we share ups and downs with through out their choices and knowing who to trust and not too.From me l really love this book ,and to picturing the land scapes and the costumes in this new world that Veronica Roth has created and l can’t wait to read the nexted books in the series .Very cool 9/10


  70. Charlotte said:

    Being a fiction novel this was an interesting read. Divergent is set in the future where people are forced to join a faction based on morals that they are chosen to believe. The main character, Beatrice, finds herself choosing a different faction from her family so must leave them and her only home she has ever known to join this new life. It is a similar book to The Hunger Games and the story line is similar to the game of kill or be killed. Divergent is about making choices in life and how that will affect your future. There is a love story involved which is one of my favourite parts but I am unsure whether I could relate to any of the characters as their life is certainly completely different to how we live today. This is a great movie for teenagers who loved the Hunger Games books and movie because it is action packed and never dull.


  71. It would be insulting to call Divergent a book as it is so much more than that! Divergent is a portal, even though you may be at home curled up in bed this takes you to a whole other world where it’s adventurous, romantic and hard core. Veronica Roth has really found a way to keep us all on the edge of our chairs and never being able to put down the book, by publishing Divergent. It is a capturing story about a a girl named Beatrice who continues to rebel against a whole city. Beatrice experiences many hardships and challenges but she continues to rise above them especially since a new figure has entered her life called Four! Four is by far my favorite character he really makes this book so much more interesting. I think everyone would love this book, I hope you do read it as I give it a 110/10.=)


  72. Ingrid said:

    This was such an action-packed thriller novel! This is DEFINITELY one of my top 10 books in the world. I loved the whole concept of the factions and Tris not knowing where she belonged. What got me hooked on this novel is that it was absolutely out of this world, the way that the future is set out to look like. There were so many questions to be answered and I had to keep reading to find the answer. I loved how this novel let you see inside Tris’ head and it felt like you were actually her and it was all happening to you. You could feel what she felt and see what she saw. Definitely an action-packed novel to get your hands on. Rate a 10/10


  73. I have read the whole series including the extra novel called ‘Four’ all four times each. Divergent is my favourite book ever! I’m overly obsessed with it… The characters, the romance, twists, the world, oh theres too much! I love the creativity of it all, the factions, the crazy dystopian world and the wide variety of the characters. I could easily read Veronica’s writing and her style of writing for hours and hours at a time. It seems like there is either a cliff-hanger or a crazy twist on every page that either gives you butterflies in your stomach or sends adrenalin down your legs! I DEFINITELY rate Divergent a 10/10 and recommend it to anyone who likes sci-fi, romance or a crazy thrill each time you turn the page.


  74. This is such an awesome book/movie! Its that type of movie where your constantly on the tip of your chair holding your breath knowing that something big is about to happen. This movie demonstrates the growing relationship between Tris and Four and Tris’ life of being a divergent (the most dangerous faction) I love movies where someone has to be a spy or go undercover I find them so interesting. I watched the second movie Insurgent and it was also just as amazing as the first one! There is so much chemistry between all the characters and the movie is so flowing, like there isn’t an out of place scene, its amazing! Recommend this to anyone who loves a good action movie!


  75. Isabelle F said:

    I LOVE divergent so far I have read all 4 books including the latest one called four. These are my favourite kind of book it gives me such a trill and I can just picture life there the Author has done an amazing job and I admire her work greatly. I can’t believe how Tris has gone from being a weak girl who didn’t really do anything exciting or thrilling became a dauntless. In the next few books she becomes even stronger and I love how she is so strong mined and determined to get the job done without a fuss. But I can’t imagine how hard it must be for her living in such a strict and loveless environment and how her whole family is separated from her and she can’t even visit them. Overall this book it outstanding I recommend it to young teenager who are looking for a long and exciting read.


  76. Divergent
    Trilogies have really disappointed me lately, the divergent series included. The first novel was really good! I’d really recommend it, however, don’t expect the second and third book to live up to the same standard, I couldn’t even finish book 3 I was that bored. Despite all the Divergent sets up a good plot and good characters. Tris and Four are really likeable and the whole group of friends become people you want to be with. The whole concept of the book is well explained so it’s not to tricky to follow at the beginning, however it gets increasingly confusing. My favourite scene has to be the huge game of capture the flag. The chapter includes my favourite moment between Tris and Four as the climb the broken ferris wheel despite Four’s fear of heights. The only problem isn’t in the book but in the movie. It changes it so much I thought I was watching something completely different, and in addition to that my favourite scene was ruined. I’d recommend Divergent for teens, but don’t be disappointed by the rest of the trilogy or by the movies.


  77. This book Divergent is amazing and is such a thrill action book that will constantly keep you on your toys! It’s about a girl called beatrice who has to make an important decision that will be her future. She can choose to stay with her family or go somewhere away from her family. She goes through a series of events through this novel and meets a boy who they then fall in love with each other and fight battles together. Divergent is the first book in the novel series and I believe it is amazing. I have only read the first one and second one but the first one I think was just amazing and gave me chills it was that amazing. My favourite bit would have to be when beatrice chooses her life/future. It gave me chills because you wouldn’t expect it. My favourite character would have to be Beatrice because she is very strong willed and minded and won’t let anything get her down. I would definitely recommended this book for adults (preferably women) or teenagers (preferably girls) and I would rate it a 10/10. This is my favourite book!


  78. I have read the amazing book Divergent. It is an action filled adventure of a girl that has to make a choice in her life. She is not like the others she is Divergent. She can believe that things are not real and she gets out of it she fights it. She trains to get into the top 20 but she is ranked below the line and she trains all she can to get above the line and she does she overcomes her weekness. She is a brave and confident girl and can do anything like when she volunteered to jump first that was brave because she didn’t know what to expect. This book is a really good book that i would definetly reccomend to kids over the age of 12 and i give this book out of 10 a 9.


  79. Caitlin said:

    Divergent is a thrilling novel written by Veronica Roth.It centres around the protagonist Tris. She is torn in which faction she should choose, what will she do?Strange event occur during her ignition causing her to be aware and careful.This book is amazing 10/10 a must read for all!


  80. Divergent was one of this books that you couldn’t put down, I read this book when I was younger and I absolutely loved it. Beatrice Prior’s is apart of a dystopian Chicago world, society that is divided into five factions, each dedicated to the cultivation of a particular virtue: Candor (the honest), Abnegation (the selfless), Dauntless (the brave), Amity (the peaceful), and Erudite (the intelligent). On an appointed day of every year, all sixteen-year-olds must select the faction to which they will devote the rest of their lives. For Beatrice she makes a choice that surprises everyone, including herself. But as she isn’t just one faction but all she must keep quit as she is now a threat to the capital. The book continues by being about her story of how she finds herself and understands what she is, with the help of love interest four, she is guided through a new life. But as the capitol becomes under threat of abnegation they turn to use duntless against them by using hypnotic drugs. It is up to tris and four to save abnegation from complete distraction but didn’t expect it would cause them to loss everything and become apart of the factions less.This book i recommended to people who are into science fiction and a bit of dystopia. I rate it a 8/10.


  81. I really enjoyed reading Divergent! Although it would most likely not make it into my top 10 reads of all time I still really enjoyed the story line. Set in a futuristic world where the city is divided into 5 factions, Beatrice Prior must test the limits and try to mould herself into one faction as she tries to suppress her other characteristics that make her different from everyone else. She faces many challenges along the way and I love how this book is action packed from start to finish! However, even though I enjoyed the story line very much I found the writing style not as sophisticated and descriptive as I would have liked it to be. Although aside from this I loved the basis of the story and how it sets up the foundations for the proceeding two books in the trilogy. Would definitely recommend it to another!


  82. This is one of my favourite series, it is truly an amazing trilogy. Divergent gets your attention from the start. It is about a divided world, a city that consists of 5 factions. Tris, bought up as an Abnegation child now can choose a faction she wants to spend the rest of her life with, which forms a major part of the story. She is ‘Divergent’ as her results show 3 factions. This series had an exciting and thrilling plot, full of events. I recommend this to those who love action and adventure. I give this series a 5 out of 5!


  83. I am reading this extraordinary book at the moment! It is a read that you just can’t put down. I am not even exaggerating! There is so much happening and it is never boring to read. I am so excited to finish it off as I just love all the characters. They are all described amazingly and throughout the book you get to know them a lot better. Some parts of the book are a bit confusing because it is about a whole other world. My favourite character so far would have to be Al as he is so nice and sweet to everyone. The book is about different communities that are against each other. Each community has different qualities that people fit into by there own personal qualities. It is a story that is too hard to explain, so the only way you will fins out about it is READING IT! I give this book a 10/10 . And recommend ages 12+ as it is hard to understand 🙂


  84. Divergent is a very well written book and always keeps you on the edge of your seat at the end of each chapter. I fell in love with the character Beatrice Prior and Tobias Eaton because they both have strong personalities. Beatrice, who calls herself Tris, is strong, brave and intelligent. Her journey shows her who she really is and whether she really can fit into her world. Her emotions sometimes push her to the edge, but she bounces back and gets back up with the help of Tobias Eaton or Four, the boy who both threatens and protects her. It is an adventurous book that is almost a vision of what the future may be like in many, many years. If you loved the Hunger Games, then you will absolutely love this. I rate the novel 10/10 because not only is it amazing, but it covers a lot of different genres and can connect with many different people whether it’s through the trying circumstances Tris is caught in, or maybe her experiences.


  85. Veronica Roth is one of the bestselling author of the novel Divergent the captures the hardships of the main characters the feel the do not belong within either of the five factions, each dedicated to the cultivation of a particular virtue Candor (the honest), Abnegation (the selfless), Dauntless (the brave), Amity (the peaceful), and Erudite (the intelligent). This book demonstrates the courage of the main characters as they fight to protect their loved ones. I would rate this book a 8.5/10.


  86. Grace M said:

    If you like dystopian novels, this is for you. It involves plenty of action and has an intriguing story line, about where we fit in, and finding out who we are. It packs a lot into a relativity simple story. My favourite character is Tris, because she has a strong personality, and never goes down without a fight, but also inspires others around her, making up in wits and smarts, what she lacks in physical strength. I wouldn’t change anything about this book, as it nails the importance of family, bravery and courage perfectly. I would recommend this book to anyone looking for a action pack, slightly romantic read, or who enjoyed the film. ✭✭✭✭✩


  87. Divergent has to be one of my favourite books ever. The whole idea of the factions and their world is so creative. I love how they based the factions on personalities and where each person fits in. They are each very unique and they link to our everyday life. If I would choose what faction I would be in, I would say Dauntless because I love having fun and I think you would also learn to be selfless as well as brave. I was very sad to finish reading it but got excited when I found out there was also a movie! I HIGHLY recommend this book and film to all ages even adults. Divergent is an action packed movie and book with a bit of romance, drama and a few sad parts. I believe you would be crazy not to try it out because it has so many genres in it so it would appeal to a larger crowd. My favourite character is Four because not only does Theo James play him in the movie, but he is mysterious, brave and a very interesting personality. Once you start reading/watching it, you will be hooked!


  88. Divergent is such an amazing action packed book! I love how you get to follow the main character through her journey in her fraction Dauntless and how Tris is fearless and courageous in overcoming obstacles. There are many intense scenes in the book making it a page turner to read more and more! The idea behind Divergent is really intelligent as it seems unrealistic but whilst you are reading you can picture it being real. I rate this book a 8/10


  89. I really liked this book because it was really interesting, being in a different world where everyone has a place and they know who they are, except Beatrice Prior.

    My favourite part of this book would defiantly be the choosing ceremony and Beatrice has to chose whether to stay with her family or leave them and never see them again

    My favourite character is Beatrice; she is so courageous and brave and changes the whole system

    Do you have a least favourite part of the book/movie? Why?
    The cliff hangers, what’s going to happen next and is this person going to do this that make you get really scared.

    I really wouldn’t change anything in this book I think its really well written

    I do recommend this book to others especially teens any gender up to any age.


  90. Georgia said:

    Divergent is one of the best books I have ever read! It is about Tris Prior and her journey into the new faction of Dauntless, and her efforts to conceal her true identity as a divergent. My favourite characters are Tris and Four. I like Tris’s character because she is described in such depth, and in specific parts she is very easy to relate too. I like Four because he is so interesting and it is so hard to figure him out. This book is full of action, suspense, romance and is a definite page-turner. I recommend this to anyone over the age of 10, and I rate it a 8/10! 🙂


  91. Grace said:

    I am not really into that action and scary movies but when everyone was talking about it I knew I had to see it. Every one would tell me its not scary and things like that, but when I watched it I was in love there is so much action in it it is crazy. It is not like that scary crazy it is the awesome crazy. My favourite character in this film is Four he is funny nice and protects different fractions. There are different fractions in this movie there are Peaceful, Smart, Truthful, Selfless and Brave. My favourite fractions are Selfless and Brave even though Brave is mean. In the end I still love that fraction because they are so fearless. THIS IS DEFINITELY MY FAVOURITE MOVIE!!!!!
    I rate it 1000/1000 and 5 out of 5 stars go and watch it now!


  92. I have just finished reading divergent and it was such a great book to read even through it was very slow at some stages. There was many up’s and down’s through out the whole book but my favourite part was when she was having her very fist test to find out what faction she should join. When she finds out she is divergent I really wasn’t sure what a divergent was but as I read further I understood. Knowing that Tris was divergent really raised a lot of question. I would recommend this book this book to anyone who really liked The Maze Runner or The Hunger Games. I would rate this book a 7/10 because they explained extra things they didn’t need to. It just made parts of the book a bit boring. Overall this book was very action packed and excited but there are faults to it.


  93. Throughout all of reading divergent I was deeply attached to all the characters and their stories. Divergent never failed to keep me on the edge of my seat. From start to finish I was captured by Tris’ story. I found the plot always had a new catch or secret to pick up on or link to another part of the book. Tris undergoes every challenge with bravery, courage and skill. As well as these skills she has persistence and resilience and uses these skills to face things such as knives being thrown at her, fist fights and many other suspenseful challenges. I would recommend this book to anyone that loves adventure, action, suspense and a little bit of romance. Although this book is great I would give it a 6-7/10 because sometimes its quite slow moving and takes an unnecessary amount of pages to explain something that could be explained in a page.


  94. Divergent is quite a thrilling novel. It has so many intense scenes that are so stressful to read. Divergent is full of little plot twists here and there and I think that’s what really drags you into the stories. My favourite character would be Tori. She was such an outstanding character and you could tell she was passionate for what she believed in. I quite liked that about her. I’d recommend this to ages 11+. I’d rate this book 8/10!


  95. Divergent is an amazing book. I have read all the books and I personally believe that they are all amazing and will be so intriguing that you will not put the book down. If you like action, romance and drama novels, then this book is for you. This book set in the future, where there are five factions to separate people. This book follows the story of Tris Prior who is making the biggest decision of her life. It is really interesting to see how this one choice will change the world forever. My favourite character would be Tris because she is really inspirational because she never gives up on anything when it gets hard. I recommend this book for ages 10+. If I were to rate this book, I would give it a 10/10.


  96. Being a fiction novel this was an interesting read. Divergent is set in the future where people are forced to join a faction based on morals that they are chosen to believe. The main character, Beatrice, finds herself choosing a different faction from her family so must leave them and her only home she has ever known to join this new life. It is a similar book to The Hunger Games and the story line is similar to the game of kill or be killed. Divergent is about making choices in life and how that will affect your future. There is a love story involved which is one of my favourite parts but I am unsure whether I could relate to any of the characters as their life is certainly completely different to how we live today. This is a great movie for teenagers who loved the Hunger Games books and movie because it is action packed and never dull.


  97. Divergent is one of my favourite books that I’ve read in the past year. It’s so exciting and interesting with plot twists around every corner. A lot of people would say it’s a lot like The Hunger Games, and in a way it is but it’s also its very own story. The storyline is incredible and I couldn’t put it down. When Tris is at Dauntless HQ and when she goes through initiation, thats when the story is so hard to put down.

    This book is very good and I would recommend it for anyone aged 12+ and I rate it 9/10


  98. I quite enjoyed this book because there were parts that you would just not expect would happen. I really liked it when Beatrice Prior (“Tris”) climbed a ferris wheel and then Four followed her up then when all along he seemed “dauntless” Tris found out that he was actually afraid of heights! My favourite character was Tris because she showed such great courage and tried entering a place out of her comfort zone, but then again who doesn’t like the main character?! I can’t relate to any of the characters, I wouldn’t want to change anything about the book and I don’t have a least favourite part. I would reccomend this book to others and if you love a bit of action and surprises, this is definitely the book for you! I rate this book 9 out of 10!!!!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  99. Rebecca said:

    Divergent is a great book that i think is mostly stable for ages 13 and over. Its about a girl, Beatrice who needs to make a life changing decision between her family or a completely different faction. (a faction is a group) This book is filled with action and romance which is nice. I definitely recommend this book to anyone who would like a good book to read.


  100. i loved this book after the first book i couldn’t stop. i would recommend this book to everyone just make shore you read the book before you watch the movie. this is a series of four they are
    1. Divergent
    2. Insurgent
    3. Allegiant
    4. Four
    i give this book 9/10


  101. Hilary said:

    Divergent is one of my favourite book series. After i read the first book i had to continue the series. I love how the author has written this book and i just want to keep reading them over and over! i recommend this book to everyone before they watch the movie. i found that the book was better than the movie and everyone should read it! my favourite part was when Tris jumped of the building to prove she was brave. all the action in this book was so exciting and i couldn’t put it down!!!


  102. Georgia G said:

    This is an incredibly amazing novel which I Loved! I just couldn’t stop reading it. My favourite part in the book is when Trice jumps off the building during initiation first, proving to all the other Dauntless wrong! one of my favourite characters is Four or also known as Tobias Eaton. He is a good character by being strong and one of the best Dauntless but he is also a mysterious character I always wanted to learn more about him. Along with Tobias, I really do like Tris, because she is so courageous, always standing up for herself and others and forever taking risks. My least favourite part in the book was whenever people made fun of Tris because she was abnegation. I think it is unfair and discriminative. I wouldn’t change a thing in this novel. I am seriously in love with this series! I recommend this book to anyone who loves futuristic books and romance!! Rated: 20/10!!!


  103. Divergent is my favorite book series. I love all the characters and the over all theme of the book. My favorite character in the book is Tris. She is a real inspiration to young girls growing up and finding herself whilst growing up. With the situations she is faced with it helps her grow and develop into the person she turns into. Through out Tris’ journey in growing up and finding out with where she belongs, she meets lot’s of new friends and many life lessons. Through out the book I was never wanting to put it down I just wanted to keep reading it. Each time I got a chance to read the book I was excited and couldn’t wait to find out what was going to happen. I loved Divergent and I can’t wait to read the rest of the serious. I give it 10 out 0f 10.


  104. Recently I have read the movie Divergent, and really enjoyed it so I thought I would recommend it. My favourite part is when Four notices her and gets out of the strongest stimulation Jeanine Matthews made, as he is divergent. I love that part because his love for Tris is so strong he can ‘snap’ out of the stimulation. My favourite character is Tris, as she came from such a simple faction and decides to go to one that is so different, but also because she is so strong-willed and also very smart. I think I can relate to her in those ways as I believe I could be divergent!! I don’t like the part when Al commits suicide because he was such a nice character and Tris feel so guilty as it was basically her fault, and if I could change that part I would. I recommend this to people who love fiction action and adventure, appropriate for all ages over 10? Really good movie and I love the book too!


  105. This is an amazing book, it’s one of those books you can’t put down till you’ve finished. This book is about a girl called Beatrice ‘ Tris’ Prior, her world is split up into five factions-Abnegation, Dauntless, Candor, Erudite, and Amity. Beatrice was bought up as an Abnegation child. At the age of sixteen they have an aptitude test advising them which faction suits them,during the aptitude test Tris learns that she is divergent meaning “She can never fit into just the one faction”. She learns that being a divergent is dangerous so she has to make sure her secret is safe. I would recommend this book to anyone that enjoys an adventure book.


  106. hannah said:

    This is a really good book and i suggest to read it before you watch the movie. If you have seen the movie you will be surprised that the book is so much better than the movie. If you liked the hunger games I would suggest to read this because they are very similar. divergent is about a world that is broken up into factions, when you turn sixteen you get a test done to see which faction you fit into and then they have a choosing ceremony were you get to choose which faction you are going to be in. But then the factions get torn apart and ‘Tris’ who is the main character is on a journey to save her family and her world.


  107. This is a really great story for those who liked ‘The Hunger Games’. I really liked it because it involved a lot of action and had a really good story line. It fits a lot in for a relativity small book. My favourite character is Tris, because she has a strong personality, and never goes down without a fight. I wouldn’t change anything about this book, as it nails the importance of family, bravery and courage perfectly. I would recommend this book to anyone looking for a action pack, slightly romantic read and I rate it 9/10 stars!


  108. Laila said:

    I absolutely loved Divergent it was thrilling and beautiful. I found that Veronica Roth had me excited, intrigued and nervous at the same time. It didn’t take much time for me to realise that i had fallen in love with the world of Divergent. My favourite part of this book was when Tris touches Tobias’ heart for him to fight back the serum, this part shows their true love and friendship. My favourite character is Tris, she is Kind, selfless, honest, intelligent and brave, everything i want to be. If i could change anything in this book it wouldn’t be anything! I would recommend this book to readers over the age of 12 because it is a very mature novel but i would rate this book a definite 10/10.


  109. Veronica Roth as done an amazing job on this thrilling trilogy. Each book follows Tris Prior on her enthralling journey through a divided world. I really loved this series because of the amazing description and exciting plot. I would definitely recommend this series to other people and can guarantee a good read. I couldn’t put the book down! This book is for everyone I certainly recommend.


  110. Olivia said:

    I recently read Divergent and I was hooked on it! In tris’ life, her world is divided into five factions. They are put in just one for the rest of their lives, her experience is amazing and an absolute shock! this book is recommended for people who want something that they can’t put down. I rate the 10/10 no doubt about it


  111. I must say that this is one of my favourite series of all time. Divergent grips you from the very beginning. I loved every minute of it! It is about a city that consists of 5 factions – Abnegation, Dauntless, Candor, Erudite, and Amity. Tris, (Beatrice) was bought up as an Abnegation child, and now has the opportunity to choose a faction she wants to spend the rest of her life with. Aptitude Tests are meant to identify what faction you belong to, but the serum does not work on Tris. She is Divergent as her results show 3 factions. This is dangerous for Tris. If you are a lover of action and adventure books, then you will absolutely LOVE this novel. I give this series a 5 out of 5!


  112. Darcey said:

    I love this book its one of my favourite reads. I haven’t got onto the second book in the series but i can’t wait to read it. I also like the movie because it is quite close to the book. My favourite character is four because he starts out all intimidating and sort of mean but then he shows Tris his soft side. My favourite part is the choosing seramony. I like this scene because it’s quite unexpected what Tris’ brother Caleb chooses. I would say anyone aged 10 plus would love this book and i rate it a 10/10.


  113. The book and movie Divergent is really intriguing and interesting. It has a lot of action and adventure in it and kept me continuously wanting to read more and more. There are 4 books in the series which are,
    -1. Divergent
    -2. Insurgent
    -3. Allegiant
    -4. Four
    The main character is ‘Tris’. She has a brother Caleb who both have to choose between the five factions which are,
    -Abnegation [ the selfless ]
    -Erudite [ the intelligent ]
    -Dauntless [ the brave ]
    -Amity [ the peaceful ]
    -Cadour [ the honest ]
    It’s really interesting to see which of the five Tris and Caleb will choose. I rate this book and movie 10/10!


  114. i recommend this book to all romance and hunger games lovers ! this book follows the life of a girl called Beatris Prior. She’s ends up moving from the selfless world of a stiff to the rebellious life at the edgy, and mysterious place they call dauntless. As the pages go by she realises she is what they call, Divergent. Being know as ‘Divergent’ is a terrifying and daunting experience, because your not like anyone else around you, your different and more powerful than every leader that runs you. As the other politicians gather information and find out she’s Divergent she finds romance with people of a different kind and she leads on a great, dramatic and fierce-ful journey to show people the real ‘Tris’ i personally loved this book and could not put it down the minute I opened it. Have fun reading it!


  115. Divergent tells the thrilling story of Beatrice ‘Tris’ Prior, similar to The Hunger Games it is set in a future where the population is divided into things called Factions, there are five factions. Dauntless, Amity, Candor, Abnegation and Erudite. Tris and her family live in the Abnegation faction which values self-lessness more than anything, but in their sixteenth year everyone must choose whether to move to new factions and see their families on rare occasions or to stay in their current ones. Veronica Roth is a highly talented author with a successful career ahead. I would, and have, recommended Divergent to anyone form ages twelve and up, I would also rate it a 9/10


  116. Olivia said:

    This book is fantastic and I have recommended it to all my friends. It has romance, adventure and action and it’s one of those book when you can’t stop reading it and it feel like you are Tris and you experience everything she does. My favourite character is four becuase he’s smart,brave,kind,honest and selfless, so basically because he is divergent. It’s kinda scary thinking about is cause that is how our future could be like if we don’t be careful. Overall I give this book a10\10 and I recommend it to ages 11 and up cause it can be a bit violent.


  117. Divergent
    Where do i start with this book? This book is fantastic for anyone ,it has romance, loss, action, adventure and more genres i can’t even explain. This book is not like your average action book, Beatrice prior lives in a dystopian Chicago, with five factions so there is peace in the city, Abnegation (the selfless) where beatrice came from, Candor (the honest) , Erudite ( the smart), Amity (The peaceful) and Dauntless (the brave), but peace is not what they get. The city breaks out with war and Tris (Beatrice) is in the middle of it. She has to stop the Erudite before she loses every thing she loves. I would rate this book 10/10


  118. Jazmine said:

    Divergent was a enjoyable read for me,When I was reading Divergent I felt like I was in the
    book. My favourite character was Tris, Tris was brave and looked out for others.
    The book was good because it had romance and action in it, it was also funny in some parts,Divergent can get a bit emotional at times but emotion in books is what makes you keep reading them.
    I rate Divergent 10/10 I recommend Divergent for girls11yrs+ because its a great read and it always keeps you guessing whats going to happen next.


  119. This has to be one of the best movies and books that i have read and seen!! It is full of lots of thrilling-action and adventure. It is set in a world where everyone is divided into factions. Each faction portrays a different ability. Tris was born into the Abnegation faction, a completely selfless faction. the children of these communities turn 16 they are required to take a test that is supposed to tell them which faction they are best suited for. The factions include Dauntless (the fearless), Abnegation (the selfless), Amity (the peaceful), Candor (the honest) or Erudite (the intelligent). Tris doesn’t get the results she hoped for from the test and the movie follows her on her journey to find herself in this community of hers. I absolutely love this series and cannot wait until Insurgent ( 2nd book) comes out as a movie. The movie is filled with action, romance (but not the sappy kind). I recommend everyone to watch the movie or read the series because it is so good. I rate it 10 stars for its awesomeness!!!!!


  120. Divergent is a very cool book. At first I thought it would be like the Hunger Games, for the government had to split the people of America into different factions. After reading it, I can say that it is nothing like the Hunger Games. Beatrice is living with her family in one of 5 factions, called Abnegation. The people of Abnegation are known for being selfless and caring. Now that Beatrice has turned 16, it is time for her to choose a faction for her to stay in for the rest of her life. She can choose to either stay in Abnegation, or go to Dauntless (the brave), Erudite (the smart), Amity (the compassionate) or Candor (the honest). Beatrice takes the plunge and joins Dauntless, now having to take multiple tests to see if she is worthy to stay in her chosen faction. Beatrice (now known as Tris) is determined to stay in Dauntless, but there are constantly things in her way, one of them is that she is a “divergent”. Tris knows she is brave, and she is capable of much more than people think. I loved this book, and rate it 10/10 and recommend it for people 12+.8


  121. Sophie said:

    *Divergent* ~ Veronica Roth

    Divergent is an amazing book for anyone who loves an intriguing and adventurous read! I have recommended this book to so many people, and so many people had recommended it to me! I love the whole idea of the book with all the factions (Dauntless, Abnegation, Erudite, Amity and Candor) and the initiation process! I fell in love with the main character Tris, and her family from Abnegation. I was shocked when Tris when Tris finally got to pick her life long dream faction – Dauntless. This book is a thrill-seeker just waiting to be read! I would rate Divergent 10 out of 10, and recommend this book to anyone who loves a good read, and also for people who loved the Hunger Games.

    ~ Review by Sophie


  122. Grace said:

    Divergent ~ Veronica Roth

    I was so intrigued by this book… It had been recommended to me by SO many people I decided to give it a try and I loved it! I have so far read the other two books in the series and have loved them also. It is so adventurous and the main character, Beatrice (Tris) Prior, has to make a difficult choice that could her massively or be the best choice she has ever made. Tris is a thrill-seeking and daring girl who can either choose to stay in her home faction (Abnegation) or pick a new faction; Candor, Erudite, Amity, or what Tris has been wanting her whole life, Dauntless. It is an incredible story and I was on the edge of my seat the whole way through! I would definitely recommend this series for people who have read and LOVED The Hunger Games. An absolute 10/10!!!


  123. Bella said:

    In the beginning my original thoughts were ‘this is going to super be weird and probably boring’. Wow how thoughts can change. This is my new favourite book! I love the mystery, sadness and love in this book! In one word it would be powerful, this book actually changes you, it becomes an addictive object that you HAVE to read to find out if anyone finds out Beatrice is a divergent, if we find out why Four is called Four, if we find out the meaning of ‘Divergent’ and if Beatrice lives to fight another day. I love Divergent, it’s amazing and the story really pulls you in, I love how Tris is so independent and smart, she truly doesn’t let anyone tell her what to do and is the true meaning of divergent. 110/10! I can’t pull the wow-factor of this book down to a 10 or under score, it deserves a 110/10.


  124. This is a extremely intriguing and interesting book, many of the themes in this book as mature but it’s full of action packed adventure as well as drama. It all starts of with a young girl named Beatrice, she is originally from Abnegation. However today is the day where she is going to chose the faction she will be with for the remainder of her life, and although her parents are political leaders in Abnegation she choses to go with Dauntless how protect the city by fighting and guarding. This is when she meets “Four” the fearless trainer of the initiates being transferred. Dauntless has many secrets it’s holding back from the rest of the factions and there is sure to be some adventure further into the book. Overall this is a really exciting book, and I would recommend it to anyone 11+. There is also a movie which is really good as well.


  125. I just read this book but the movie I am in love. I love Tris and what she does. The main character Tris is so inspirational and I really look up to her. It makes me feel like I can do anything. I love this movie so much and when i watched it i was really engaged. I give it a 10/10! This book makes you feel like you are in it with them the author really draws you in. The characters in the book all have very different personalities. i recommend this book and movies for all ages.


  126. I haven’t read the book yet but I have seen the movie and it is amazing. If you want action, comedy, drama in one then you should watch divergant. I love the thrilling story and can’t wait for the next movie. I rate this movie a 10/10


  127. I have just recently finished reading this book and I think I can quite honestly say that it has been one of my favourite reads. The concept of the “Factions” is a really smart idea and it’s interesting to see how each of the factions are separated in their beliefs and cultures despite the fact that they are all so close together. The choosing ceremony idea is another thing I liked about the book. It’s really intriguing to see how they use stimulations to help teenagers find out which faction they belong with. Altogether I definitely recommend this book to others.


  128. I believe that the ‘Divergent Series’ is a great series and I would definitely recommend it to to girls around the ages 13-15. I loved this book because it includes action, adventure, drama, romance and lots more. I will not spoil the ending, but I would definitely recommend you to have a box of tissues near yourself while you are reading the last book. I would love to just say that I “liked those books,” but I really can’t, because I utterly LOVED these books. My favourite character would have to be Tris. I know that everyone just chooses the main character ‘because it’s about them and you get to know the most about that person,’ but that’s not true, because in the last book Allegiant you get a little bit on each character because you get to see the story from their point of view. I loved Tris because she has such a loving personality, it’s hard not to love her. She shows us that you can be: kind, selfless, intelligent, honest and brave, all at once and I think that that is the main moral of the story. My favourite part of these books was the end of the second book, Insurgent. I won’t spoil the ending for this one either, but there is a big twist, and it really just made me want to read more. I can relate to Tris because she sometimes feels that she is responsible for a lot of things, even when she’s not, and then when one of those things go wrong, she feels like she has let a lot of people down, but the thing is, she hasn’t. If I could change something in this book, I wouldn’t change anything, because I think that if I changed one single thing, it might ruin it. I think that someone that loves: adventure, romance, action and someone that could handle a tear-jerking book, would absolutely fall in love with this book, just like I have.


  129. This book is thrilling, I have just finished reading it and it is great ! The twist and turns in this book are great you are never quite expecting it ! This book makes you feel like you are in it with them the author really draws you in. Tris’s character is great but four is my favourite. I would recomend everyone reading this book because it’s filled with action, love, family, firends and romance. It’s a perfect combo of everything. As soon as I started reading this book I was hooked I rate it 10/10 !


  130. Claire said:

    Divergent is a fantastic book it is very well written and really draws you in. The characters in the book all have very different personalities but my favourite character is defiantly the main character Beatrice. The book is set in the future which is what i like must about it. I would recommend this book to everyone because there is something in there for every person’s different tastes. There is action, romance, suspense and so much more. I give it a 10/10!


  131. Eliza said:

    I am half way through the book and I am already sucked in! It so good and I have seen the movie. The movie is probably my favourite movie!! Can’t wait to finish the book and start the next book in the series.


  132. Divergent is a great book, The main character’s name is Tris and she has to make a decision between her family and what she wants, Through her journey of being ‘diversion’ she has to go over some huddles. This is a very dramatic book and I would give this a 10/10 because I loved it and i think it was written beautifully. I would recommend this book to 11 years old and over. I haven’t read the next books but i am dying to find out what happens.


  133. I am reading divergent at the moment, and when ever I pick it up I can’t put it down. Beatrice’s world is split into 5 factions: Abnegation, Candor, Amity, Erudite and Dauntless. When choosing day comes, Beatrice has no idea what faction to choose; she can live a long and selfless life with her family in Abnegation, or live her life on the edge in Dauntless. Of corse she chose Dauntless. Life there is tough, but the new Beatrice – Tris – loves it. My favourite character is probably Four, because he can go from protecting and calm, to hard and tough. I really love Divergent, even though I haven’t even finished it. I think it is recommended for people 12-13 and above, and I rate it 10/10!!!


  134. I have just finished this book and the movie an I am in love. I am obsessed with Tris and what she does. The main character Tris is so inspirational and I really look up to her. It makes me feel like I can do anything. Divergent was absolutely amazing. It is my favourite book and while reading it, I just couldn’t put it down. I feel like I can really relate to her. Divergent is one of the best action-packed books I’ve ever read! The whole plot line is so engaging and I absolutely love it! My favourite character has to be Four, because I really liked to read his character evolve over the course of the book. I give it a 10/10!


  135. Makayla said:

    Divergent is one of the best action-packed books I’ve ever read! The whole plot line is so engaging and I absolutely love it! My favourite character has to be Four, because I really liked to read his character evolve over the course of the book. I really like how he starts off with a really hard shell, especially towards Tris, and then slowly and progressively softens up to her and everyone else too. He admires bravery from Tris and he see qualities in her that nobody else does. Somehow he relates to Tris in a special way, and through the Divergent journey together they compliment each other’s character – particularly at the end of the book. He’s very brave and when he lets his guard down, along with revealing his secrets you start to get a glimpse of the person he truly is, which was really special to read. The most exciting part of the book was when Tris was stimulated for her fears, I could barely hold the book up properly because I had some of the same fears she did! Ever since I have completed the book I have always wondered what it would be like to complete the Aptitude test – it would be so scary and I even felt nervous reading about it. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who wants something they can’t put down until it’s finished! 10/10


  136. I recommend the book Divergent by Veronica Roth. I really liked this book because it is all about the future and it is conveys the message that not everyone has to fit into a certain group to be able to survive. My favourite part of this book was when Tris plucked up enough courage to jump off the train because it showed that she wasn’t afraid of anything. My favourite character was Tris because she overcame any problem she was faced with and believed that with hard work and dedication, she could do anything. I can relate to Tris in this book because she is a person that doesn’t want to be classed in a certain group and she fights for what she believes in. I can also relate to Tris because she believes in doing what is right and tries to follow by that throughout all her actions in life. I think others would like this book because it is all about following your heart and believing in yourself even in times of danger. I think mostly teenagers would like to read this book because it appeals to their age group the most and is targeted towards this group.


  137. Scarlett said:

    Divergent is an amazing book. At first I was reading it before I went to see the movie, but I soon realised that it is was magnificent by itself. The storyline was written extremely well, so that it kept you intrigued and interested for the entire book. I have never read anything like it and had never loved a book this much. My favourite scene in the book was Peter, Al and Drew were threatening to throw Tris into the chasm and Four came along and saved her. It was a very intense part and I just had to keep reading to find out what happened next. My favourite characters in the book were Tris, Four and Christina. I love how Tris is so brave throughout the whole thing and is not afraid to stand up for what she believes in. I love how Four had so much depth to his character, like he wasn’t just the person who swooped in and saved the day, he had a very traumatic past which was really interesting. I also love Christina because she was such a good friend to Tris and I loved her honesty because she was from Candor. I would recommend this book to everyone because there is something in there for every person’s different tastes. There is action, romance, suspense and so much more. I give it a 10/10!


  138. Alexis said:

    I really liked this book it is one of those books you just can’t put down cause you feel like something is about to happen.
    The book is about a girl called beatrice (who later changes her name to Tris) and her battling society rules and then being forced into a war.
    Beatrice grows up in a abnegation (one of the factors) family. When the day comes when she has to do a test to show if she belongs to Abnegation or some other factor she is horrified to find out that she is something called “divergent” which basically means she belong to more then one factor and is “a danger to the society” as the society is not able to control her.
    Anyway she ends up having to choose which factor she want to belong with for the rest of her life and chooses one called dauntless which symbolises bravery. One of her trainers (four(Tobias)) is also a divergent and they end up falling in love and battling the society rules together.
    Later on a war begins as erudite want to become in control and Tris and Tobias end up being able to save the abnegation


  139. This is suchhh a good book/movie I am now a die hard fan of divergent and cant wait for more to come. Its based around different factions:
    I love this so much 10/10 forever going to remain my favourite!!!!


  140. Divergent was absolutely amazing. It is my favourite book and while reading it, I just couldn’t put it down. I loved this book because it kept me on edge on every page. It is very intense and has some un expected turns in the story. My favourite character would have to be Tris because she is very brave and selfless as well as intelligent. She knew she didn’t belong to Abnegation but never realised she didn’t belong to just one but many. She is an inspirational character that never gives up in this book. My favourite part in this book would be when all the Dauntless are under the stimulation except for the Divergent because they can resist it, and she doesn’t know if Tobias is Divergent or not and he is standing right next to her with a blank expression like all the rest of Dauntless. My least favourite part in this book is when Tris is running away from the Dauntless who are under the stimulation and Will (her best friend) is one of them, then what happens next is my least favourite part. I wish this part never happen and if I could I would change it. I would recommend this book to anyone who loved the Hunger Games or any type of intense book that keeps you on edge. I would rate it a 10/10!!!!!!!! 🙂


  141. Jasmine said:

    Divergent is the story of Beatrice ‘Tris’ Prior who lives in a society in the dystopian future that is neatly split into five ‘factions’.
    Each faction is different and is based on different human qualities.
    Candor, the honest. Dauntless, the brave. Erudite, the smart and Abnegation, the selfless.
    The time has come for Beatrice to choose with faction she will live in for the rest of her life. Beatrice is originally from Abnegation but when she takes a test to determine which faction she is best suited to, it comes back inconclusive meaning she is ‘divergent’ which is rare for someone to be. Tris must deal with this news in the best way possible because ‘Divergence’ must be eliminated in this society, they threaten the neatly, organized system and that means Tris must make the most important decision of her life, she has to hide in a faction but will she choose family or blood?
    Its extremely interesting and exciting to read and I love all the characters. It keeps you hooked as you met people from different factions and form attachments to the characters. The story keeps evolving and more problems arise for Tris to overcome but she is Divergent…
    ‘Fear doesn’t shut her down. It wakes her up.’
    I have read the whole series and I definitely recommend you do to! Especially before the movie comes on on April 10th 😉
    10/10 ✰


  142. This is the first book in the Divergent trilogy. We discover the dystopian world of main protagonist Beatrice ‘Tris’ Prior and how she navigates it. Divergent is one of the only books which I have been completely hooked on by the first page. The mysterious lifestyle of the Factions encapsulate the broken world that they live in.

    What I love about Tris is that she isn’t depicted as a superhero-like woman. She is not extremely intelligent nor does she have super strength. She is totally relatable.

    As She goes through the initiation ceremonies she begins to discover she is different from the others. She does not belong to only one faction, she is ‘divergent’. But what does this mean? You will have to read it to find out! Tris must decide which faction she really belongs to and what being divergent really means.


  143. Grace M said:

    This is a really great story for those who liked ‘The Hunger Games’. I really liked it because it involved a lot of action and had a really good story line. It fits a lot in for a relativity small book. My favourite character is Tris, because she has a strong personality, and never goes down without a fight. I wouldn’t change anything about this book, as it nails the importance of family, bravery and courage perfectly. I would recommend this book to anyone looking for a action pack, slightly romantic read and I rate it 9/10 stars!


  144. Divergent is my most favourite book of all time! I got/wanted it for my birthday. I love this book because of the way it is set out and how there is lots of descriptive words. I am up to Allegiant. I am really exited for the movie and absolutely can not wait for it. I am planing to wear my faction colours to the movie. My favourite character is Beatrice (Tris) Prior. I love Tris because she is a selfless,brave and intelligent girl. This book is absolutely mind blowing with all of the action, romance and betrayal. I give this book a 10/10 because I love the way the book brought me into the world of Divergent. Divergent isn’t just another book in a long line of dystopian novels – it really is something else. It’s the first book in the compelling series by Veronica Roth, set in future dystopian Chicago, where people have been split into five factions according to their personal qualities. Beatrice Prior is faced with the impossible task of choosing whether to betray her family and leave Abnegation, the faction she has grown up in, or take the giant leap to a whole new way of life somewhere else.


  145. Matilda said:

    Divergent by Veronica Roth

    I personally found this book extremely entertaining. It is obvious as soon as you read the first page, that Veronica has taken her time deciding the best possible way to describing the setting, character and plot of this thrilling novel. It is unlike any thing I have ever read but like every good book I have ever read, it still has links to every day life.

    My favorite part of the book was when Beatrice Prior, the main character chose the faction dauntless over her family who lives in abnegation. This was a very important part of the book as it marks a new beginning in her life.

    My favorite character in this book would have to be Christina, a girl that Beatrice meets in her initiation training for Dauntless. She is a girl who will follow the rules but will stand up for her beliefs and what is right. This is why she is my favorite character.

    Any hunger games fans reading this? If so this would be the perfect book for you. It is action packed and full of characters you will love but it is definitely not a copy of the trilogy about the girl on fire.


  146. charlotte said:

    Divergent tells the thrilling story of Beatrice ‘Tris’ Prior, similar to The Hunger Games it is set in a future where the population is divided into things called Factions, there are five factions. Dauntless, Amity, Candor, Abnegation and Erudite. Tris and her family live in the Abnegation faction which values self-lessness more than anything, but in their sixteenth year everyone must choose whether to move to new factions and see their families on rare occasions or to stay in their current ones. Veronica Roth is a highly talented author with a successful career ahead. I would, and have, recommended Divergent to anyone form ages twelve and up, I would also rate it a ten out of ten.


  147. Divergent is a fantastic book it is very well written and really draws you in. The characters in the book all have very different personalities but my favourite character is defiantly the main character Beatrice. The book is set in the future which is what i like must about it. It shows you a world where people each has a different faction and when they get to the age of 16 they are allowed to choose which on they want to belong to. I love this book and i hope you do to.


  148. The Divergent series (trilogy) by Veronica Roth is one of the best series there. Like Hunger Games, the book is set in the future and the world is spilt into set faction. Each has a set virtue that they follow. There is: Abnegation (selflessness), Amity (peace), Candor (honesty), Dauntless (bravery), and Erudite (intelligence), and the Factionless (people who don’t belong to anywhere). When each person reaches 16, they must choose which faction they believe that they belong to. Rarely people ever go out of the faction they grew up in. The story is about a young girl, Beatrice (Tris) Prior, and the decision that will stay with her for the rest of her life. To follow her heart of family.


  149. csaltala said:

    The Divergent trilogy is probably one of my favourite book series. I love the whole story line and how interesting it is. My favourite character would have to be Four because even though he comes off as someone who isn’t very nice, he turns out to be so sweet and caring os Tris. My favourite part of the book is when Tris realizes that Four isn’t being controlled by Jeanine because you know its going to get interesting after that! I rates this book a 10/10 and I recommend it to anybody.


  150. I would recommend the book Divergent. I love the divergent series they’re amazing. It’s about a girl named Beatrice Prior who has to make a decision that could determine the rest of her life. She must choose between the five factions.
    Dauntless – The brave
    Abnegation – The selfless
    Erudite – The intelligent
    Amenity – The peaceful
    Candour – The honest
    What will she choose?
    I would rate this book a 10/10 and recommend it to anyone who likes an action packed book as well as love!!


  151. Divergent is about a girl named Tris and she has to make a decision between her family and what she wants. I would give this a 10/10 because I loved it and I would recommend this book to 12 years and over. This is the first book of a trilogy. I’m not waiting for the final book to come out.


  152. This is an incredibly amazing novel which I adored! I seriously couldn’t stop reading and had to carry the book everywhere with me I loved it so much! My favourite part in the book is when Trice jumps down from the building (during the initiation) first, proving all the other Dauntless people wrong! My favourite character is Four ( also known as Tobias). He is a good teacher, strong and one of the best Daughntless there is, but he is also a mystery and a character I always wanted to learn more about. Along with Tobias, I really do enjoy reading about Beatrice, because she is so courageous, always standing up for herself and others and forever taking risks. My least favourite part in the book was whenever the other Factions make fun of/put down Abnegation. I think it is unfair and discriminatory. I wouldn’t change a thing in this novel. I am seriously hooked on this series! I recommend this book to anyone who enjoyed the Hunger Games, and also anyone who loves a strong female lead character and romance!! Rated: 10/10!!!


  153. It think that divergent is a really great book! I really enjoyed reading it, it went at a good speed and keept me guessing. The mixture of romance and action as well as still being intriguing. The main character Tris is strong, brave and thoughtful. I would rate it a 10/10. I is the 1st book of a trilogy. I would recommend it to anyone


  154. I’m currently reading a book called Divergent, and it is about a girl who has to make a choice in her life, between her family and what she thinks is the right thing to do. Divergent is the first book in the series, and I am intrigued to find out more. My favourite character is the main character Beatrice, as she is strong minded and works hard for things she achieves. I so far give this book a 9/10 because the way it is structured is fantastic, and I’m enjoying it very much. I recommend this book to ages 13 – 18 because it is about a teenager making decisions, which we can all relate to as teens.


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