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The faction-based society that Tris Prior once believed in is shattered—fractured by violence and power struggles and scarred by loss and betrayal. So when offered a chance to explore the world past the limits she’s known, Tris is ready. Perhaps beyond the fence, she and Tobias will find a simple new life together, free from complicated lies, tangled loyalties, and painful memories.

But Tris’s new reality is even more alarming than the one she left behind. Old discoveries are quickly rendered meaningless. Explosive new truths change the hearts of those she loves. And once again, Tris must battle to comprehend the complexities of human nature—and of herself—while facing impossible choices about courage, allegiance, sacrifice, and love.

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Comments on: "Allegiant (Divergent) – Veronica Roth" (34)

  1. Arabella said:

    Allegiant is such a great book. It is the third one in the thrilling Divergent series and I absolutely loved reading it. I am sad that the series had to end because I enjoyed reading them, so much. At the end of reading this book I was so, sad and frustrated because I honestly didn’t like the ending, but it proved who the main character Tris was a a person. Even though the ending was heart retching I still enjoyed all of the books twists, turns, and all of the suspense. I LOVE how Veronica Roth has written this book because it is amazing with how it attaches you to the book and the characters and how it keeps you on the edge of your seat the whole entire time. Tris is still my favourite character because she is so strong, brave and powerful throughout the trilogy. I would recommend this book to anyone and everyone because it is Fantastic! And it is one of the best books/series that I have possibly read.


  2. Millie said:

    Allegiant was such an epic thrill ride of a book. My favourite character was Tris because she stayed true to herself and was brave right to the end. It follows what happened to Tris and her friends and the end of Insurgent. The end is the biggest twist and I almost cried at the end. I would recommend it to anyone who has read and liked the other two books. Warning: the end is really sad:(


  3. Charmaine T said:

    OMG!!! I Can’t even believe what just happened. I just finished reading Allegiant and OMG! If you’ve read the other two books in the series you HAVE to read this one. It’s heart-wrenching at the end and you just wait for it to change but it doesn’t which is so upsetting, you just want to re-write the book, but it won’t make sense otherwise. I highly recommend this if you have read the other books, Divergent and Insurgent. It such a good book, full of twists and truths that you won’t know where it’s leading you to but you just have to go with the flow. I rate this book 10/10, it is one of my favourite books.


  4. As this is the last book of the Divergent series I wanted to see if it got better however once again I didn’t enjoy it. I liked it better than Insurgent but Divergent is still my favourite. I didn’t enjoy the plot twist in the middle and felt it was not needed. There is a lot of change that I felt didn’t need to happen. The way the story wraps up is good however it drags out a little bit. It is written in an interesting way. I would recommend this to anyone who enjoyed the first two books and wants to know what happens in the end.


  5. In this book I found it very different to the others, not in a bad way, but it was very interested to learn about the war before the city, and the world outside the city as well. i liked learning more about the world Veronica Roth had created, and all the dynamics of the people outside of the city. This book put me through a roller coaster of emotions, I was smiling and crying and mad all at the same time. I was very shocked that Tris’ mother came from outside the city, and that other divergents like Amar had seeked refuge outside the city. Near the end I couldn’t stop crying, I was constantly crying and didn’t get a chance to stop from the events. The one that got me the most was when Uriah died because he had always been one of my favourite characters. this is a perfect end to the trilogy and I would read it again right now.


  6. This is the third book in the divergent series. This book is field with so much drama and action that you can’t put down the book. This book revels all the answers to your questions. I really loved how the author wrote the book from both Tris’s and Tobias’s perspective as it allowed me to see both characters perspective through their eyes, however sometimes it got a little bit confusing changing between characters. I recommend this book for those who have read the previous two books.


  7. Tjis was a fantastic end to an even more fantastic series. I really loved seeing the ‘end’ to the characters stories. I am going to talk about the amount of twists, shockers, turns in this book. For one her mum new about life outside of the walls and she and agent and like what is going on, I think that was an interesting thing for the author to do and added some backstory to the book which I enjoyed. When I found out Tobias wasn’t an actual Divergent because that was one of the points that I really thought made him fit together with Tris, because they were different, but different together. And if your reading this and haven’t read the book and for some reason haven’t stopped reading it already, SPOILER! I just can’t fathom that Tris died, I was so depressed and actually found myself crying because I was so attached to her. But hats off to the author because she writes the characters so beautifully and detailed that even after you have finished the book you are still thinking about what could have been with the characters. In the end I would rate this book a 10/10, and recommend this book to absolutely anyone.


  8. i would highly recommend this book to anyone that loves a lot of action and a little bit of romance. this book is part of an amazing series, i loved the whole series. it had me hooked from the first chapter. it has great characters. the book talks about the city of ‘Chicago’ and the rebellious ‘Divergents’ who are trying to escape and join the outside world.
    I believe that everyone should read this book and the whole series
    i give this book a 8/10
    because i don’t think this book was as good as the first book ‘Divergent’
    and i give the series a 10/10
    because all of the book give an amazing story and I have read the book around 3 times.


  9. I really loved this book and series I would definitely recommend this series to my friends and family, this book had everything action, romance and is full of surprises that I can’t wait for you to find out, I was devastated when I found out that this book was the last of the series and I wish there was another book that would grab my attention like this book did.I would rate this book 10/10 because I loved the way the author wrote this book but I think this book is aimed for anyone above the age of 12 years


  10. I really enjoyed this book, and I would recommend this to many friends. I could really relate to Tris because of how brave she was trying out lots of new things, and it was like me trying new things when I came to this school. I would rate this a 9/10.


  11. Keeley said:

    This book had a perfect ending to the Divergent Trilogy. I absolutely loved the final sequence in Tris’ adventure into the future of Chicago. I would love to be Tris and in her world because it sounds so thrilling. I think the love life of Tris and Tobias is testing greatly in this final chapter because this is the book where everything comes crashing down, questions are answered and the truth of EVERYTHING is revealed. You won’t want to miss that! My favourite character is Tris, right from the beginning I have loved this character. She has shown such flexibility in these books and I wish that there is another book after this one because I don’t want it to end. I would definitely rate this book 10/10 I would recommend this series of books to anyone, but be prepared for the onslaught of emotions to come.


  12. I’m reading Allegiant right now and I’m recommending the whole Divergent series. There’s so much drama in these books that i actually had to stop reading them for three months. But I’ve almost finished the series now and I’m really excited. My favourite character is Tris because she is strong willed person, but she needs to look after herself better. I recommend this book to people at the age of thirteen.


  13. In the last Divergent movie is Allegiant, the brave heroine Tris cracked open a box and learned that her life — and the lives of everyone else in the walled off city of Chicago — were part of a weird, grand experiment. The mysterious message in that mysterious box invited everyone to leave the wall behind and re-enter the big, broad world outside.
    Yeah. about that. Not gonna happen. Not if Evelyn has her way. Evelyn has taken charge after the city’s strange faction system finally crumbled. And while she sure didn’t like living under someone’s thumb before, now that she’s the thumb it’s not so bad. And frankly she’d like to keep everyone right where they are – in Chicago. After all there’s no telling what really be out there! Mutant dinosaurs maybe or laser-toting werewolves. The point is that it could be dangerous. so to keep everyone safe, Evelyn may have to kill people to keep them leaving.
    I rate these Books and movie a big 100 out of 100.


  14. Karla said:

    I think this book finished off the trilogy very well! Like many other book series, finishing the last book is bitter-sweet, because you finally have all the answers, but you are left wanting more. This was definitely the case with this book! I just didn’t want it to be finished! The ending is so unexpected and emotional, but I still loved it! I recommend this book to everyone!! I give it a 10/10!


  15. Ingrid said:

    This book had a perfect ending to the long Divergent Trilogy. I absolutely loved the final sequence in Tris’ adventure into the future of Chicago. I would love to be Tris and in her world because it sounds so thrilling. I think the love life of Tris and Tobias is testing greatly in this final chapter because this is the book where everything comes crashing down, questions are answered and the truth of EVERYTHING is revealed. You won’t want to miss that! My favourite character is still Tris, right from the beginning. She has shown such resilience in this trilogy and I wish that there is another book after this one because I don’t want it to end 😦 10/10 as always!


  16. Isabelle said:

    Allegiant is the heart-stopping finale to the divergent trilogy. The books captured the emotions of so many die-hard readers through it’s deep suspense and loveable characters. The books simply kept readers wanting more! It is set in a society very strictly run. Factions divide the city into 5 sections. The section you choose is traditionally based on your family born faction, however some daring members of the community do sometimes choose to venture out of their faction to another part of the city in which they believe suits them better. But for the person who feels they fit in everywhere, what do you choose to do? Tris is a mix of all five key character traits of the 5 factions. She is very confused but has to find strength in herself and in others in order to believe she can overcome the faction system and withhold all the qualities she aspires to attain. Allegiant explores the Tris’ adventure of exploring herself outside of the faction system and finding herself in the real world. Tris feels she needs answers and quick so that she can help rescue the citizens still suck in this unfair and manipulative system. Allegiant in particular is a true tear jerker and will make you regret rushing through the series because you just want more of this thrilling read!!!


  17. Allegiant was certainly the final book of a hype-copter of a series that left millions of readers invested. Like a few other books this past year, it has left a feeling of doubt, anger, and a lot of crying. But for me, I was left with a sort of empty feeling. Some of the emptiness was filled by frustration. It starts off with Perhaps beyond the fence, Tris and Tobias will find a simple new life together, free from complicated lies, tangled loyalties, and painful memories.But Tris’s new reality is even more alarming than the one she left behind. Old discoveries are quickly rendered meaningliess. Explosive new truths change the hearts of those she loves. And once again, Tris must battle to comprehend to complexities of human nature – and of herself , while facing impossible choices about courage, allegiance, sacrifice, and love. It was a alright read, finished off the series but I still think it could have been better. I would recommend this to people who have a sense of adventure and fantasy but you have to read the whole series before hand. I would rate it 6/10.


  18. I am so glad that a third Divergent came out because the second one left me hanging (not in a bad way.) It was very exciting when they were escaping from Evelyn’s prison in the City, I was scared they wouldn’t make it through but of course they did, well most of them. After they get away, they go to the Bureau of Genetic Welfare. They find out about the genetically pure people (Divergents) and genetically damaged, which Four discovers he actually isn’t Divergent. I really love the story and it is so unique compared to other books, I have never read or watched anything like them. I still haven’t finished that last chapter or two of Allegiant because it was way too sad for me. I was balling my eyes out and have been putting off reading it for months! The moment near the end was so sad because I really felt like I had connected with the characters after loving Divergent and Insurgent. I don’t know if i will ever finish reading it but I can’t wait for the movie. I will definitely have to bring lots of tissues! I definitely rate this book 10/10.


  19. Coco B said:

    This was a really good book! The storyline is definitely its strong point, simple but effective. As with Divergent and Insurgent, I found that the actual writing of the book wasn’t quite as well done as I’d hoped. The first and last parts of the book were really good, but the middle was dragged out a little, but the information the characters discovered in crux of the book was a vital role in the very end.
    I would recommend this book to anyone who loves action and a thrill of a read.
    All in all, this book was quite good as a whole, and it was jam-packed with action, romance and haunting visions of a possible future


  20. Grace M said:

    It took me a while to finish this book, and it may have been flung across the room a few times, out of frustration. But all in all, it’s an amazing finale to the epic Divergent trilogy. Just remember to keep your tissues close by! Tris is such an amazing character in this story, and she has developed and learnt so much since her ‘Divergent’ days. This book teaches life long lessons about having courage and bravery, and what it means to make a true sacrifice. This book, like all good finales, finally answered so many of my questions from Divergent and Insurgent. I would read this book if you have read the other two in the trilogy, or have seen the movies, and love an action packed (slightly sad!) ending ✭✭✭✩✩


  21. Allegiant is a really good book. I was really intrigued to read this book because the ending of Insurgent was so good! This book takes you on an emotional roller coaster. The first and last bit of the book were really good, but I thought that middle dragged on a lot. This book is set outside of the city and follows the story of Tris and Four. At the start this confused me a bit but by the end I really liked it because you got to hear both sides of the story. The whole city where they once lived is still a war zone and both Tris and Four were happy to get out of there, but once they get a taste of what life is like outside of the fence, they realise that what happens here is exactly the same as where they came from. The ending of this book had such an amazing twist and I loved it. My favourite character would be Four because he seems so tough on the outside, but deep down, he has such a big, sweet heart. I would rate this book a 10/10 and would recommend it to ages 12+.


  22. Allegiant was just as good as Divergent and Insurgent. I was really excited to start reading Allegiant because I loved Divergent and Insurgent so much and enjoyed the themes and the story lines so much. I really liked the story line of Allegiant and the way it toke off from where insurgent ended. I loved the way Veronica ended the series and all the surprises and twists in the plot of the book. I loved the way the book kept you at the end if your seat always wanting to know what was going to happen next. I never wanted to put the book down I just wanted to keep reading it and when I did finish the book I was wishing there was another sequel. You become really attached to all the characters through out the book and can feel the emotions that they feel through out certain points through out the book. I loved Allegiant just as much as I loved Divergent and Insurgent and you want be let down when reading Allegiant. I rate it 10 out of 10.


  23. Laila said:

    I absolutely loved Allegiant, i think it was a massive ending to a great set of novels which i would happily read again any other day, the story was incredible, i didn’t really like the ending because of a particular reason but it was so well written that i wouldn’t change a single word. I liked how each chapter variated between Tris and Tobias because now we know how he really thinks. My favourite part of this book was a special part in the future it will ruin the ending so i wont say but it is so beautiful. My favourite character is Tobias, Tris and Tobias get into a big fight about secrets but he still loves her, he is tough and caring at the same time, Tobias is a wonderful human to look up to. I would recommend this book to readers over the age of 12 because it is a very mature novel but i would rate this book a definite 10/10.


  24. Scarlett said:

    I think that Allegiant was a great ending to an amazing series. The story line was just incredible and even though I don’t really agree with the ending, I don’t think I would change it either. I love how in this book, Veronica wrote it from Tris and Tobias’s perspectives. It really allowed you to go into the minds of both characters. My favourite character would have to be Tris. I love that she is so brave and willing to do anything for the people she loves. I think that everyone can relate to Tris is one way or another. I would definitely recommend this series to everyone. It has action, romance and so many good messages about values, and defying how society wants you to be. I give Allegiant (and the whole series) a 9/10.


  25. Georgia said:

    I love this book! This series is so captivating and interesting, and is definitely worth reading. The plot twist at the end is my favourite part, although I cried a little! It was really good how the author (Veronica Ross) wrote it from Four and Tris’s perspectives, it really helped to learn more about both of them! This is such an epic finale to the series, and is not to be missed! This book is really good, and I would rate it 9/10!


  26. The last book of Divergent was captivating, action packed and bursting at the seams with emotion. Four is still my favourite character in this series but however I loved Tris, the conclusion to the Divergent trilogy was right for it. In other series the characters have always hung on at the last moment or defied their fates and Veronica Roth (Author) was brave enough – like Tris – to do it. The change of setting in the book is something that I strongly disagreed with while reading the book but again, the conclusion suited it perfectly. I recommend this series to anybody that wants an adventure or the chance to feel what a broken heart truly is and I strongly urge those who have only read the first or second of the series to savor the moments they have.


  27. Grace M said:

    If you’re going to read this book, you are going to need a few tissues. Allegiant is the epic finale to the amazing Divergent series. It is full of action, romance, choice and teaches life long lessons about having courage and bravery. Tris is such an amazing character in the story, and she has grown so much since Divergent. She has found the meaning of having true bravery and has discovered what is worth fighting for. My favourite part of this book was when they finally discover about the ‘outside world’. It finally answered so many of my questions from Divergent and Insurgent. I would read this book if you have read the other two in the trilogy, and love an action packed finale. I rate it 8/10 stars.


  28. Stephanie said:

    I loved the end of this book so much! It was really unexpected! 😉 Not to give away any spoilers. I loved that she wrote the book in Tris’ and Four’s perspective because it gives you a look into the minds of those other than that of Tris. I’m actually counting down the days the first movie comes out!!! Definitely one to read and watch.


  29. Matilda B said:

    Allegiant is one of the best books I’ve ever read. I think it was a good idea to write the book in both Tris and Four/Tobias’ point of views because it gave me a better idea of what Tobias is like. My least favourite and favourite part of the book was the major plot twist at the end because it was so sad and I surprisingly even cried over it but it was still really action packed, interesting and well written by Veronica Roth. Tris was my favourite character because she was so brave and sacrificed a lot of things for the people she loved. I would recommend this book to anyone because it is just amazing! I would rate it a 10/10 without a doubt.


  30. Olivia S said:

    When my friend first suggested the Divergent series to me, I didn’t think they sounded very good. But when I actually read them, I fell in love with them. They are now one of my favourite series I’ve ever read, and they are incredibly moving.
    Allegiant is the final chapter in this trilogy, and is amazing. It’s extremely sad, so if you’re the type of person who loves teary novels, this series is for you.
    But as well as being sad, it is a really inspiring novel, about hope, courage, and believing that you’re able to help the world.
    I adored this series, and I really hope others will read it too.
    I’d give this novel a 10/10.


  31. Emily said:

    Allegiant is the final book of this trilogy. It is based in a futuristic world!!!!!!!!!! I do admit I cried at the unexpected twist at the end:(!!!!!!!! This book is action packed and would highly recommend this book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I recommend it to ages 12+ and rate it a 7/10!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  32. Allegiant is the final book in the Divergent trilogy which is sad because I really didn’t want it to end! Just as I was getting attached to each character, they would either die or do something that made me dislike them. I will admit, I did cry at the unexpected ending and I am still trying to get over it. Veronica really surprised me with making that decision but I guess it’s always great to end books with a major plot twist. I would recommend this book to anyone thats into romance, adventure and action but I also think anyone can enjoy this book too. I rate it an 11/10, definitely my favourite book trilogy.


  33. Gracel said:

    This book the last one in the trilogy and surly the saddest of them allot say the least though many people have different opinions on this book but here’s MINE. I think that because of getting so attached to the characters everything that happens in this last book will shock you to say the least again & to the people who are dying inside because they have finished the whole series remember one thing there’s always the movie. But most of all I believe that your looking for an action book with a little bit of a cry ( Boys & girls) this series is great & this book will get the most of you
    I give this book a 10/10
    I hope this review helped you to know that the book is the best choice for you
    OH and remember lots of emotions will come out while reading but just try to hide the anger it can get dangerous at some times you have been warned


  34. This book is the last in the Divergent trilogy. It is set in a futuristic dystopian world, where war is rampant everywhere. I have finally finished reading it, and I feel empty inside. Sad because I didn’t want it to end and frustrated because of the end! Despite my problem (hatred) with the ending, the book is written simply and is an easy read. The character development is astounding and the plot is heart pounding.

    Veronica Roth does a great job of making you attached to the characters and uses a lot of symbolism. She makes the point that war and violence are not romantic. She makes that point very clear. Roth also shows us the power of love and that we will make the ultimate sacrifices for it. My favourite character has to be the main girl Tris Prior. She is strong willed and is now seen as a powerful woman of popular literature. The only thing I would change is the ending, however it really brings together the point of the whole series, so I feel that it needed to be that way.

    To people currently or about to read the book. It is a GREAT read, I would one hundred percent recommend the series. However I bear a warning. Prepare for the powerful onslaught of tears and emotions.


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