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After the Nazis took my parents I was scared.
After they killed my best friend I was angry.
After they ruined my thirteenth birthday I was determined.
To get to the forest
To join forces with Gabriek and Yuli
To be a family
To defeat the Nazis after all.


Comments on: "After – Morris Gleitzman" (21)

  1. lovely ending to the series! but it might not be! So keep your hopes up if you would like to read the next book! Anyways, this books is an amazing ending to the lovely story. Would 100/10 reccommend


  2. bronte said:

    After is definitely my favourite book in this saga. The book has themes of war, pain, and friendship. It is extremely well written and perfect for ages 12-15. This books is a real tear jerker however it keeps you flipping the page with anticipation wondering what will happen next. Over all I absolutely love this book and have grown very attached to the characters. I would give it a 9/10.


  3. my favourite book series. this story follows a boy named felix who was once in an orphanage but escaped. he meets a little girl named zelda who her parents had died and she was the only one who survived. hitler was the leader and he didn’t like the Jewish. they have to live on their own until they meet someone. this books bring you tears all through out the book. i definitely recommend this book to everyone any age because it is so heart warming but so sad at the same time! 10/10!!!


  4. after is one of the books in this series about a jewish boy during the second world war trying to find his parents. this story is wholesome and beautiful and will definitely convince you to keep reading. the story line is very meaningful and could be considered a 3 hanky read because it is such an emotional rollercoaster. My favourite character is Felix because he is adventurous keeps hope and is loyal. there too many good parts to choose a favourite part which is why you have to give it a read it. I would recommend the series to 10+ if you want a challenge. i would rate this book at 8.5 /10!


  5. his story is somewhat powerful, and left a melancholy impact upon me. Based on the war, this brilliant story established friends and enemies, as different religions, nationalities and cultures clashed together causing one of the best story-lines I have ever read! The story is a sequel of other moving stories [Once, Then, Now], that all contain the main character, Felix. Felix is a kind and accepting young man, who through terrible injustice faces serious poverty and loss. In the previous books, unfortunately, Felix has suffered many unreasonable and heartbreaking deaths; they left him mourning and pessimistic – all hope was lost. I absolutely love this story, I recommend for anyone that loves story’s that are based on war or sort of true events. I give this story a 10/10


  6. shekeya said:

    I am in love with this book and the series it will leave you on the edge of your seat waiting know what happens next. this book follows the story of Felix surviving life of being ruled by Adolf Hitler, it is full of action and with make you cry but not let you down with entertainment. I don’t think I can pick out my favourite part its just all so good. I give this book a 10/10 you will love it but make sure to read all of the books!


  7. I loved the whole series of these books, I find the concept so interesting and fun to read about. My favourite part of the book is the last chapter definitely the best out of the whole book. Felix was my favourite character because he was so innocent and didn’t know much bu the did know one thing and that was that he had to beat hitler. Morris gleitzmen is an amazingstory teller and writes some of the most interesting books I’ve ever read. This is one of the types of book that when you pick it up and start reading you struggle to put It down and stop reading. I love this book so much and would definitely recommend to anyone that has a love for any of his books. I would give this book a 10/0.


  8. Did you like the book/movie? Why?
    i absolutely loved this book, Felix (the main character) learnt so many new things, he was trying to find his parents, he had to stay underground for 2 years, after he went to help Gabriek he then got caught and put into a camp to help people, that’s how he wanted to become a surgeon.
    What was your favourite part of the book/movie? Why?
    The very end because they defeated the Nazis and I was so happy, he got to save peoples lives even children about 4-13 years old.
    Who was your favourite character? Why?
    Felix because he shows persistence and he never gave up, he was also a very grateful kid and never took anything for granted.
    Would you recommend this book/movie to others? Why?
    I would recommend this book but you need to read the first book (once)because this is apart of a 4 book series and I’ve read all of them and they’re amazing!!!!!!!


  9. The book After is a great nail biting book that I would recommend to anyone who loves a great story that will keep you on the edge of your seat. I really enjoyed this book and I can’t wait to find another like it. I loved joining Felix on his story and he is a really inspirational character. I loved this book so much.


  10. Rhani said:

    This book was a real page turner and I really would recommend it for all. this book is a 10/10 and I really wanted at points to scream from frustration. This book I could tell what was coming and I had never felt so relived after the end of the series of events that I didn’t have to read to know what would happen but every time I could predict what was about to happen a miracle would appear out of no where.


  11. After is such a great book, it has a lot of mystery in it, it is also quite sad yet really good.
    I loved every minute of reading this book and it’s probably my favourite out of the whole series.
    The Author Morris Gleitzman did such an amazing job of writing this book, it is so captivating and very detailed, it positions you so into the moment while reading it. This book also makes you really appreciate what you have because we haven’t had to be in a position which Felix was in.
    Felix is a really amazing character, he is so kind and fights so hard. He is also so determined and he just makes the book even better to read.
    I recommend this book for ages 11+ because it is such a great book but probably a bit hard for people under that age to understand. Yet I think anyone, no matter their age could really enjoy this book, it doesn’t really have a specific target audience.
    I rate this book 9 and a half out of 10.


  12. – This book is about Felix, World war 2 and Hitler. It is also about a man named Gabriel who looked after Felix for a long time and in this book it is about Gabriel and his friends joining forces to fight together against the Nazi’s. Felix is still a wonderful storyteller and even though he still does not understand the whole situation he has been put in he is still going to be present and willing to fight in order to earn his spot in Gabriel’s gang. This book is truly inspiring that a child would put his life at risk to fight back against the Nazi’s even when they are the ones who have almost all the power and to have an imagination of how lovely life used to be before all of these terrible events took place. A lot of books would not make you feel like you were there but everything I read made it feel like I could see it right next to me and I felt the emotions that some of the characters would of felt like when he had to go down the street to steal things and he brought back boots and a powerful weapon but while he was there, he saw dead jews hanging up as a warning to not come there or you would be killed. Daisy


  13. Georgia said:

    This is such a good book! It is about a young boy called Felix who is trying to survive World War ll. It is really sad but very inspiring and hopeful. This whole series is incredible and Morris Gleitzman is a fantastic author. I really enjoyed this book and would recommend it to everyone, although it will make you cry! I rate it 8/10


  14. This amazing, beautiful book is last book out of four. It is about a little, small jewish boy who is trying to find his parents who promised they would come back and get from an orphanage. . This book is a very interesting book and almost made me cry! Although it is very sad it has little sparks of hope that inspire you alot. The boy meets many new characters that are really kind ad sweet. My favourite character is felix because he is very courageous, loyal and trustworthy. My favourite part of the book is when the boy meets one of the characters but I can not tell you which one.I would recommend this fantastic book to anyone that likes a book worth crying for! 11 years plus would be an appropriate age group that would appeal to this book. I would rate this book a 10/10.


  15. Darcey said:

    this is one in four books and it is a beautiful story about a young jewish boy during the 2nd world war and his journey to finding his parents. The characters he meets on the way are so beautiful and caring. It defiantly falls under the category of a three hanky read and you will most likely cry but there is always a spark of hope flying around as well as the sadness. My favourite character is felix because he is courageous and faithful. My favourite part I would tell you but it would wreak the surprise. I recommend it to10 years plus and I would read the whole series. I defiantly rate this book 10/10!


  16. Georgia said:

    I loved After. I thought it was an amazing book and sums up the other 3 books really well. It is about a boy named Felix as he struggles to survive World War 2. He is a very inspirational character. In this book it starts off with his living in a whole for over a year. He then becomes a doctor in a group called the Partisans after the Nazis burned down his house. Their mission was to defeat Adolf Hitler, as Felix is a Jew. The rest of the book is about him and his journey to survive the war and find his mum and dad. This is just an amazing story. You feel as if you are watching it happen. Morris Gleitzman has doe another fantastic job! I would recommend it to everyone! 10/10!
    WARNING!!!!! This book will make you cry!


  17. caitlyn said:

    I love this book but it was so sad it is my favourite Morris Gleitzmans Book and I have read 6 of her books. When I read this book I did not no what to expect But i did not think you could get better then Once, Then and Now but you can I loved this book and i love Felix


  18. Bridget said:

    This book is so sad it’s really sad it made me feel really emotional when Ir ead it because Morris Glietzman knows how to make you feel emotion through all her books it’s such a good read I recommend for everyone to read this


  19. Caitlin said:

    After is one of the best books of Morris Gleitzman’s series. It perfectly sums up the series and is really fantastic to read. This book will make you cry though! It is so sad. It is a book of courage and desperation and a will for life. It tells the story of Gabriels welcoming arms and Felix’s desperation to have a better life and beat the nazis. It makes you warm and fuzzy inside and I rate this book a 9/10 and recommend it for ages 10+.


  20. Monique said:

    This is the third book to the once series. It is a fantastic book and follows on well from the end of then. The book likes all of the others is very well written. My favourite character in this book would defiantly be felix. He is incredibly brave and despite everything he keeps on fighting. This is a very sad book, but its is full of plot twists and you never want to put the book down. It is mainly about felix and Gabrielle and there efforts to help fight back against the Nazis. I really loved this book and i think it is very enjoyable. I would certainly recommend this book to everyone!


  21. I recommend the book After. the final chapter of the books once, then and now. After follows on from the book Then. It is about a boy named Felix and a man named Gabriel who looks after him. It is Germany World War 2, Felix and Gabriel’s help fight the Nazis to beat them and take back Germany. What will happen? Will they survive? My favourite character in this book was Felix. He is very innocent and doesn’t understand many things, however he understands that he has to fight and beat Hitler. He is a great story teller and is very inspiring. He has gone through so much and it is so sad. This book is a little bit sad but is defiantly worth the read. The final chapter, possibly the best. I love this book and you should definitely read it. I give this book a 10/10


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