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Meet Maddy and her friends from the Gems!

Maddy can’t wait to play her first game of netball with her new team. She’s been training hard and is eager to try out her skills. But Maddy’s excitement soon turns to nerves when she realises that things might not go exactly as she imagined. What position will coach Janet put her in? What if she gets asked to sit on the bench? Suddenly, the netball courts are the last place Maddy wants to be!

Perhaps some inspiration from one of the Australian Diamonds players will finally get Maddy hooked on netball!


Comments on: "Netball Gems – Bernadette Hellard & Lisa Gibbs" (2)

  1. CATS R SO COOL said:

    I read this book a couple of years ago I did help me to get better at my netball. This book is about Maddy and her life playing netball. It told you tricks and drills you can do in your netball game as well as explaining the rules. But the most important thing is that it’s a short quick story about a girl who plays netball. I recommend this book for year 1 to 5 as a quick and easy story to read in your free time.


  2. this is a book that i have read a couple years ago but still love if your a netball player and love to learn new skills and cool tricks this is definitely the book for you! its all about one player in particular each book it tells you a little bit about them, there skills and positions they love to do and play. they all have a plot twist in each book and keep you entertained a lot they are quite short books but are definitely worth reading for a little quick read i would recommend this book to all netball lovers even if you do not play netball if you want to or not this is still a great quick little and fluffy book that will keep you very entertained!


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