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Comments on: "I feel pretty (movie)" (14)

  1. I feel pretty is on if my favourite movies because it has a really good message about loving yourself and it doesn’t matter what you look like or what you body type is. My favourite part of this movie is when the main character (Renee) hits her head and wakes up suddenly feeling confident about herself. This is a great movie for all girls. It encourages girls to like themselves and fell good in their own body. I rate this movie a 10/10 because i love it sooooooooo much and I have seen it about 20 times because i love it.


  2. lovely movie!!
    I recently watched this movie and it has already added to my favorite list.. whole concept of the movie is to believe in yourself and to love yourself.. if you wont love yourself than no one would. Amy schumer lead actress who played the role Renne Bennett was portrayed as a ordinary women who struggled with the complexities of life and felt insecure from others on daily basis. she wakes up from a fall believing that she is the most beautiful and capable person on earth despite being the same as always. so loved her acting and can relate myself to that very well.


  3. Shilah said:

    A normal woman who struggled with her insecurities and body image every day one day wakes up and realises she is the most beautiful girl ever and is capable of doing anything she can and wants too. She felt that she could almost run the world after realising how pretty she is. Her confidence boosted up a lot and her self worth but what will happen when she realises her apprentice never changed?
    This movie was a very funny movie and i really loved it and would definitely recommend.


  4. “I Feel Pretty” was a funny movie to watch. It was very uplifting and makes you smile. It follows Renee, acted by Amy Schumer, as she struggles with feeling beautiful, constantly trying to fit in and comparing to other women. One day in Soul Cycle, she hits her head and suddenly she has this amazing confidence and feels absolutely beautiful and so pretty. Her life, with this new found confidence, starts to all improve. She finds love, gets an amazing job and just feels great. This movie shows how if we start to believe we are beautiful and don’t care so much about opinions and our own self-criticism, we can do so much more. It’s a really heart-warming, beautiful movie. I would definitely recommend this movie if you want something light-hearted and funny to watch yet also has a great message and plot. I recommend this movie to anyone!


  5. I feel pretty is such a beautiful, heart warming & hilarious film relating to theme of being happy with yourself! It is important to focus on your mental health (to love and appreciate yourself). This movie is about a women, Renee who at the starts feels like a ‘nobody’. She then attends Jim class, and a few other extra classes to help her ‘feel pretty’ within herself. However, one afternoon Renee has a fall while training in the Jim and when she woke up and was conscious she suddenly felt like a whole different person and she finally felt pretty. This film is about a women who later on in life overcomes her fears and challenges, which leads to her learning her self worth! I would rate this and 8.5 as it is such a gorgeous film.


  6. Hilarious ! A very important film about body image but at the same time putting a smile on everyone’s faces. This comedy film called I feel pretty. I think the film is a really hillarious twist towards how women see themselves today and it tlaks about a gilr lwho doesn’t feel good about herself and get concused and the nwakes up in a positive mod and starting the see herself as beautiful, i own’t spoilt the film for you. But it’s a great film on body confidece and jsut looking at yourself in a positive way and i would definetly recommened seeing this film. 7/10 for me.


  7. This movie is full of funny, crazy and happy times throughout the movie. The Movie I feel pretty is a very popular and enjoyable movie. This movie had a great choice of casting to make it more realistic and to make it look more natural than reading off a script. The girl that bumped her head at the gym wakes up to find that she is more confident in herself and likes who she is more than before. I would diffidently recommend this movie if you want to laugh and smile, I would rate this movie a 9/10 because it was a great movie to experience


  8. Jessica said:

    I loved this movie! Its so funny but still so inspirational. Its about a girl thats never had much self confidence, one day while she’s at the gym she falls of the bike and gets knocked out , she wakes up and feels amazing and so pretty even though her appearance hasn’t changed at all. She starts feeling confident in her own skin, I found this really inspiring because the only thing that changed was her mindset and she felt like a totally different person. I wont spoil any more but I would definitely recommend this movie its AMAZING!! Please watch it your missing out if you haven’t. I rate this movie a 9/10 and I would probably recommend this movie for anyone over the age of 12 .


  9. Taylah said:

    I Feel Pretty is an amazing movie. It is about a women who struggles with insecurities and doesn’t like the way that she looks and one day she decides that she wants to try and change her looks so she goes to Soul Cycle and does a bike class. When she starts the class she falls off her bike and lands on the floor and then bangs her head. After se wakes up from from her hit she looks at her self in the mirror and says that she has transformed and beome pretty even though nothing has changed. Then all of a sudden she has all of this confidence. I loved watching this movie so much that I watched it over and over and over again. It makes me laugh so much. I would recommend this movie and I would rate this it a 10\10!


  10. I feel pretty is a new film starring Amy Shummer. Her character Renee is suffering from body image problems (which is a very current issue in our society) and after suffering a head injury she wakes up believe that she has had a transformation and that she has become and beautiful model. The story goes to tech us that you don’t need to be skinny to be beautiful and that no matter what anyone else says it’s up to you to tel your self that you are beautiful. This storyline is very appropriate for what is happening in out world currently and is also very humorous which makes learning about the issue more enjoyable. I highly recommend this movie to everyone and especially young women who are affected by this issue.


  11. I feel pretty is such an adorable film that I strongly believe that all females and males to watch to make people aware of insecurities people have to deal with. The film is about a woman who struggles with feelings of insecurity and inadequacy on a daily basis wakes from a fall believing she is suddenly the most beautiful and capable woman on the planet. With this newfound confidence, she is empowered to live her life fearlessly and flawlessly. The film is filled with laughter and great choice for a girls night in!


  12. I absolutely LOVED this move !!!! if you have ruined out of movies to watch on Netflix and are looking for a 21st century “rom com” this one is for you !!!! I absolutely loved the story line of this movie and how empowering it is to young girls and how every should love themselves for who they are and what they look like. It starts off with her boring job and everyday same routine until she is at the gym and falls of the bike and hits her head. Suddenly she believes she is the most beautiful girl in the world. Renee (the character) believes she should quit her job ad work for a modeling agency. Along the way she meets amazing life long friends and gets caught in many sticky situations. This had me smiling from ear to ear after finishing watching this move i give it a 10/10 definitely go watch it.


  13. I love this movie so much as it sends such a good message to girls who have low self esteem about the way they look. In this movie the main character Renee isn’t very happy with the way she looks, but when she falls off a bike and knocks her head, she wakes up and is happy about the way she looks and is confident. In the end, Renee learns to accept herself for who she is. My favourite character is Renee because she is so funny and she realises that no one is perfect and is confident in herself. This film is so great, funny and empowering I would give it a 8/10.


  14. The movie ‘I feel pretty’ is new to cinemas now and it is so popular! I absolutely loved it as the main actor was so funny and very relatable to this day and ages as females are constantly putting themselves down for their appearance. I think this film proves the message that we are perfect just the way we are! My favourite part was when ___ knocks herself out and then wakes up all happy and empowered about her-self! I love this as it is what we should all be like! This movie is very popular for young teens and young adults as it is very relatable everyone as self-love is so important! I would rate this film a 8 ½ as it was so funny and happy to watch and experience.


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