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Blended (movie)

Comments on: "Blended (movie)" (73)

  1. Wow, just wow! This film is by far my favourite film of Adam Sandler’s. Being a fan of him myself, it might come across as biased, however, this film is packed with humour (and not just from the lead characters) and also offers more serious scenes. Over the years we’ve watched the development of Adam and Drew’s relationship grow and grow and this film is an amazing example of their work together . I would 100% recommended this film. Its suitable for all, from family to watching it with your best friend. With just the right balance of comedy, it’s certainly one to watch. In love ! and a fantastic story line to demonstrate the difficulty of two completely different families:)


  2. The movie blended has got to be one of my favourites of all time, it is such a beautiful and heartwarming story to follow and is guaranteed to make you laugh as well. Starring the iconic duo Drew Barrymore and Adam Sandler, you really couldn’t get much of a better combination, with their chemistry making the story seem as though it is actually real life. The title ‘Blended’ is very appropriate as the key issue explored in the movie is that of blended families, which in this day and age is something that is becoming more and more common. The movie takes you on a rollercoaster of emotion, from not being able to stop laughing, to then feeling as though you want to cry, but throughout the whole thing it highlights the importance of appreciating the true value of family, in whatever shape or form it may take. I think my favourite character would have to be Lauren, as she entertains us through her struggles of being a singe mum of 2 boys but on the other hand shows a really gentle and loving side when she steps in as the motherly figure for Jim’s 3 daughters. My favourite part of the film takes place as a montage of scenes of the characters enjoying their time on holiday in Africa, slowly developing their relationships with one another. It is backed with a really fun and upbeat song and it makes you want to be there with them! There is not much I would change about this movie, I think it has really hit the mark and I would definitely recommend every teenager and adult to watch it!


  3. Blended is a family movie which I totally recommend to all to watch if you want a laugh. Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore are the leads in the film both being from different family circumstance. Adam Sandler’s character Jim has lost his wife and is the father of three daughters whilst on the other hand Drew Barrymore’s character Lauren is recently divorced with two sons who obviously prefer the father. By mixed accidents they both end up in Africa after being on a terrible blind together. This movie is a film about two families coming together to help all feel like that they have somewhere where they belong. This movie has humour, romance, cheesy lines. The daughters have a mother figure they can look up to and the boys have a father figure to play sports with them. It has something for every age and it doesn’t matter who you’re with it is a go to movie. I 100% recommend this movie for you to watch.


  4. Ella D said:

    This movie is a great movie to have a laugh with your family! The movie is about a widowed dad and a divorced mother, who are set up on a blind date, which does not go the best :/. But somehow, through mutual friends and coincidences, they BOTH end up purchasing half of the same vacation deal at an AMAZING south African resort. Little did they know, the package was booked for an in love couple…. So they end up having to share much more than a plane ride. But will they get their happy ending? This is a very funny family movie and is suitable for ages 10 plus. There are very heartwarming moments during this movie, and I hope you like them too! I rate this movie a 9.5/10!


  5. Lauren said:

    This is 100% one of the funniest movies that I’ve ever watch. The main characters are funny, however the supporting actors are funnier. My favourite part of the movie was when the kid is riding on the ostrich. I love how fate brought Jim and Lauren together!
    This movie is just a classic family comedy however it could be funnier. I rate Blended a 7/10 and would recommend that anyone over the age of 10 should watch it !! 🙂


  6. Blended is one of my favourite Adam Sandler movies!! This movie is very entertaining and so funny, and I believe it is a great for the whole family. I really enjoyed watching this movie, it is a great comedy and the characters all play their part very well. I also really love the storyline as it is so unique and is a great and funny concept! Drew Barrymore plays my favourite character in this movie, Lauren. I really like Lauren because I believe she is very easy to relate to, but she is also really funny and is a very interesting character. My favourite scene from this movie would be the scene where Lauren is stuck on the parasail. This was one of the most funniest scenes in the movie!! I believe everyone could enjoy this movie, so I would recommend this movie to everyone. This is a great movie to watch with family, and I would rate this movie a 9.5/10!


  7. I absolutely love this movie, it’s such an amazing movie that really makes you laugh from the start till the end. All of the actors/actresses are wonderful especially the one and Adam Sandler.
    My favourite part of the movie would have to be when Hilary (Larry) sees her crush and she’s a very big tomboy, but as soon as she sees him she starts to act like she’s on the runway for Vogue.
    My favourite character would have to be Jim, he was so funny especially the opening scene with him and Larry in the bathroom.
    I would 100% recommend this movie to anyone who is willing to have a laugh, this is a family movie so you can watch it with anyone you like.


  8. Such a funny movie and great for the whole family to watch! It has a great story line, it is a great funny romance kind of movie that is great for a family night movie. Absolutely love Adam Sandler in this, he plays his character very well and is extremely funny. The title blended makes sense after watching the whole movie as in the end both families bland together. I would recommend this movie to families with older children or anyone who is looking for a good laugh. I would rate it a 9/10! It really is a must see movie and is really funny. My favourite part is when they go to Africa and the two families meet there unexpectedly.


  9. Sophia said:

    I LOVE this movie! I couldn’t tell you how many times I’ve watched it with my family but I would be happy to watch it again. It makes me laugh so much that I cried over and over again. I love the storyline and the characters have been cast perfectly. My favourite part was when Drew Barrymore’s character got stuck on the Parasail. I thought it was hilarious and I can’t even imagine how scared I’d be if that happened to me.
    It’s a fun romcom that the whole family can enjoy and I would recommend it to anyone who wants a good laugh.


  10. This movie is so good, I love how it focuses on a girl and her dream to become a singer, while at the same time having the best of both worlds. However throughout her journey she is faced with several challenges, but with the support of the people around her she is able to overcome these. Once she becomes famous and cool, she is forced to go back to her hometown and the farm and despite being reluctant at first she realises that the old life wasn’t so bad after all. This is a must watch film and it is one of my all time favorites, I would rate this movie an 8 out of 10.


  11. Blended is a good family movie to watch with all ages it is a funny comedy movie that people will definitely enjoy watching. My favorite bit is where there in Africa and the girl goes on this thing and she gets stuck it is my favorite because it is funny. I rate this a 7.5/1- because it could off been laid out better but overall it is a good movie.
    I do recommend to 6+.


  12. I love how funny it is and the smart script they’ve made to captivate the audience. It is starred and produced by Adam Sandler. This movie has a fun plot about two families going away to Africa on a Holiday. Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore both fall in love. This makes it really uplifting and entertaining. I really recommend this movie to anyone that is looking for an adventure, and ready to laugh the whole way through. I recommend this movie to anyone over 10. I rate this movie an 8.5 out of 10 because it was a movie packed full of laughter, fun and exciting scenes.


  13. Layla said:

    Blended is a funny movie that makes you laugh for the whole time when you are watching it, i have watched it over and over and still do not get sick of it, I think this movie suited for anyone but most differently for people who a laugh, i especially love the storyline as blended is a movie you can watch with the family as it is full of comedy and romance. i think the casting was a really good choice and that is what makes it amusing and entertaining. overall, i rate this an 8 out of 10 as you will love this movie.


  14. Ella P said:

    This movie is a very funny movie for the whole family to watch. Lauren and Jim both go on a date that doesn’t go very well and they think they will never see each other again but will the end up seeing each other again? i would definitely recommend this movie for anyone that wants to have a good laugh. i would rate this movie an 9/10.


  15. This movie made me laugh like crazy whilst also holding a beautiful and real life storyline of the everyday struggles and tribulations families face. Any movie with Adam Sandler is set to be a fun packed movie. This movie is really good and I really recommend this movie to anyone ready to laugh the whole way through. I admire the unpredictability of this movie, as they storyline is quite random yet not far-fetched. I also loved the characters that were created in the movie, in particular Hilary, Jim’s daughter who is a young teen girl who is very sporty and tomboy, however throughout the movie you follow her journey of growing into herself. I recommend this movie to anyone over 10. I rate this movie a q0 out of 10 because it was so funny and was easy to watch.


  16. Blended: Steller cast, hilarious script and flawless storyline. Blended is in my top 5 Adam Sandler films and for very good reason. It is a hilarious movie, no matter how many times you watch it through and has amazing characters and casting. My favourite characters are Lou and Jim. Lou is Jim’s youngest daughter and she is just really cute and funny. Jim is played by Adam Sandler, so of course, he’s going to be a good character to watch. He is actually quite funny and does really well playing the single father of three girls. It is a really good one to watch with a big group of friends, or just on your own. Definitely recommend it to those over 10. 10/10!


  17. Blended was a fun movie that left me feeling happy and full of laughs. It’s about a single Mum named Lauren who’s husband cheated on her and since divorced, and a Father who’s wife had passed away named Jim, who meet on a blind date and instantly dislike each other. But through a coincidence from friends they end up on a trip of a lifetime in Africa, and are forced to spent their time together or ‘blending’, as the hilarious hotel staff say, with each other and there dysfunctional yet jovial families.
    I think this way a fun film that suits for older children or adults to watch together or with friends for a laugh, it is easy to relate to with Lauren and Jim also having kids who are amusing and entertaining to watch.
    I would give this move a 10/10 and would watch it again.


  18. This movie will have you laughing throughout the film. It’s about a single Mum (Lauren) and a Father who’s wife had passed away (Jim). They are forced to go on a blind date and discover that they’re maybe not the perfect match after all. They don’t want to see each other again and that is until they end up purchasing one half of the same vacation package at an South African resort. They are with each other the whole vacation with their families and it’s sooo hilarious I definitely rate this movie a 9/10.


  19. Josephine said:

    Blended is one of the funniest movies I have watched! It is definitely great for a family movie night. This movie is about two single parent families who’s parents went on a blind date and disliked each other. They later were brought together on a holiday in Africa unexpectedly. Unfortunately they were put in the same hotel room. hey are then forced to participate as a family and do family activities together. They eventually grew to like each other and each parent taught each others kids important life skills and experiences. Each family taught one another things that they didn’t know about them selves and helped each other see new sides of life. My favourite character was Lauren. She reminded me of my older sister, she was really sweet, but had really good comebacks for rude comments. The actors in this movie have been picked so well and all do such a good job at playing their characters. I would rate this movie and 9/10 and recommend for a family movie night.


  20. Blended is a fantastic movie that i have watched so many times, it is a romantic, comedy movie. The reason i loved Blended is because it has one of my favourite actresses, Drew Barrymore, i also loved the movie because it made me feel the need to go on a holiday like that. Both family’s go on such an adventure, seeing knew animals, and meeting knew people.
    I am a person that loves staying in a hotel and when seeing where the families stayed, the hotel looked immaculate.
    Blended the movie is about, Divorcee Lauren Reynolds goes on a blind date with Jim Friedman, it goes badly. Lauren and Jim have friends that planned to go on a holiday to Africa, however they brake up and give there tickets to Jim and Lauren, not knowing that they will run into each other, while in Africa. When they find themselves in Africa the families are put together for a “blended family moon.
    Thy don’t like each other at the start but as the trip goes on they tend to grow close to each other.
    My favourite part of the movie would have to be when they first arrive in Africa and they run into each other.
    I would recommend this movie to all young kids, it is a definite family movie.


  21. This movie is a captivating comedy that will make you laugh until you cry. This movie is about a recently divorced mother (Drew Barrymore plays Lauren) and a widowed dad (Adam Sandler plays Jim) who are forced to go on a blind date that doesn’t go very well. They don’t really want to see each other ever again, however they end up purchasing one half of the same vacation package at a South African Resort! They are then forced to participate as a family and do family activities together. Will they ‘Blend’??? This movie is really funny. My favourite character was Lauren, as she reminded me of my aunty! She was really sweet, but had really good comebacks for rude comments. Overall, I rate this movie a 3/5!


  22. I loved this movie so much. I think that any movies that Adam Sandler is featured in is a fun and enjoyable movie. This movie is really good and I really recommend this movie to anyone that is looking for an adventure and ready to laugh the whole way through. I really liked this movie because I wouldn’t predict what will happen next. It is extremely funny and my favourite part was when the 2 families were having dinner together on the last night of their holiday. I loved this part because all the characters are together and they all are really close at this point. I recommend this movie to anyone over 11. I rate this movie a 8 out of 10 because it was a really funny and fun for the family.


  23. Charlie said:

    This is a really funny movie, about a widowed dad (Jim) that has three girls and a divorced mum (Lauren) who has two boys. Jim and Lauren first meet on a date, that doesn’t quite work out. They both agree that they shouldn’t see each other, but throughout the movie keep on bumping into each other. They both end up booking holiday to the same destination through the same people, which resulted in sharing a room, having both families together. It shows what both families go through and how they can help each other to become better.

    This is such a funny and romantic film, for all ages (10+) and has so much humour in it, which will keep you entertained until it finishes.
    I would highly rate this movie a 10/10 and recommend to watch it. 😉


  24. Blended is a funny movie that makes you laugh for the whole time when you are watching it. The movie shows these two people falling in love and might even say that they become blended. The scenes they put in were very weird but put a lot of comedy into the movie, which this movie definitely suited my taste buds and I think it can suit anyone’s if they like to have a laugh.
    I would highly recommend this movie to anyone who likes to have a laugh.


  25. A movie I really recommend is Blended. It is a great family movie and is really funny. It’s entertaining and has a great story line about two families, going on a trip to Africa. It has so many hilarious moments and you fall in love with all of the quirky characters in the movies. It has a great ending and doesn’t disappoint ! I recommend this for families 8+. I give it an 8/10


  26. Blended is such a great movie! It is really funny and the storyline is great I did not get bored at all. I found that I was able to watch it a few times over because it was so good. All the characters have been cast perfectly and I really recommend it to anyone looking for a laugh and a good movie. I rate it an 9/10 and recommend to anyone over 12.


  27. Jessie said:

    I love this movie, it is so funny and romantic. I love movies with both Drew Barrymore and Adam Sandler as they are both very funny actors. My favourite character is Lou because she is so cute and funny. My favourite scene would have to be when Hilary and Jim are playing basketball and Hilary is embarrassed in front of Jake. I would recommend this to everyone as it is a very funny and has a bit of romance.


  28. Ainsley L said:

    Honestly this is my favourite movie! Blended is a great family movie (10+). It is so funny and amusing. It is about 2 people, Jim and Lauren, who are completely different. But some how they end up getting the same holiday, rooms and all! It is a wild adventure but a great laugh 10/10


  29. Kathleen said:

    I really love this movie! It’s really funny! My favourite character would be Lou, Jim or Lauren. I love how Lou acts like Lauren is her mum, it’s adorable but also funny. I just think the whole plot is hilarious and I think that all the actors are really great in it. I have watched it many times and I still love it. I give it a 9.5/10!


  30. After a terrible first date, widower dad Jim and divorced mom Lauren find themselves vacationing at the same African resort with their families. Despite the fact that they never wanted to see each other again, as the movie progressed, so too does Jim and Lauren’s relationship. Over the course of the movie, there are many corny, funny, awkward and nice moments. I would rate this movie a 7 out of 10 as the scenes in Africa were beautiful and exciting.


  31. Jessie said:

    I love this movie so much it’s very funny and romanic. My favourite part if the movie is probably when they find out they both are at Africa together. My favourite character is probably Lauren because she is so funny and I love how she treats Lou in Africa. All the parts in this movie are so funny I don’t think I would want to change a thing. I would definitely recommend to everyone because it is a family movie, has romance and is hilarious.


  32. chloe said:

    Blended is an absolutely all time fave movie. It captivates many humours and emotional events in everyones life which no doubt you can relate to. I could watch the movie over and over without getting bored and sick of it. I would recommend it to people over the age of 12 and rate it 9/10 !!


  33. Grace D said:

    The movie ‘Blended’ is a great family movie, in which is extremely hilarious, exciting and captivating, whilst starring Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore. I profoundly enjoyed watching this movie, as I have seen various times and have loved it every time. ‘Blended’ surrounds a man named Jim Friedman played by Adam Sandler and a woman named Lauren Reynolds played by Drew Barrymore. Both Lauren and Jim are in need of a good vacation and when their friends cancel their honeymoon to Africa, both Lauren and Jim coincidentally decide to journey to Africa in hope for a great time. I would definetly recommend this movie to viewers aged 8 and above as it is a great movie for families to watch. I would rate this movie a 9/10!


  34. Blended was hilarious! Basically it’s about two families forced to share a family honeymoon and the relationships that form over the course of the movie. Adam Sadler and Drew Barrymore made a great cast and I felt that they worked really well together. Through their challenges faced they grow closer together and find themselves in some really funny situations. I would recommend this film to anyone over the age of 11 because some of the scenes have slightly adult themes and rate it 7/10.


  35. On a family movie night this is definitely one to watch for a good laugh. I have watched so many time and it’s such an enjoyable movie to watch. This movie is about 2 families a guy and a girl who are both single parents, with the girl raising two crazy boys and the guy raising 3 daughters. There lives are hectic and crazy and between the two parents their is tension due to a date that didn’t go well .They meet again when both families are booked in on the same holiday in Africa and both are fuming about this. However, as crazy things happen and lots of laughs are shared the two start to fall for each other in the right way and it then becomes an enjoyable yet exciting holiday for both families. This is one of the best films to watch with your family as it shows how much family means to everyone. It’s also very hilarious with actors such as Adam Sandler who makes the movie enjoyable to watch with Drew Barrymore too. I would recommend this to families who love comedy movies and I rate it a 9/10.


  36. Abbey said:

    This movie is absolutely the best movie out it draws you in straight away and you can’t stop watching for a minute.
    I really love that all the actors play there parts so well and makes it very funny and you feel like it isn’t a movie. My favourite part of the movie is when the family turn up at Africa and just see each other it’s so funny. As they don’t know they were ever going to see each other again.
    When I watched this movie I felt like I was in the movie with them as it felt very realistic and I just hope you guys watch it.
    I find tis movie recommend for all ages as it is so funny and appropriate please watch as soon as possible ………. PLEASE


  37. Blended is a really funny movie that the whole family will enjoy. There are many moments that will make you laugh until you cry. I would definitely recomend this movie to watch. It is a feel good comedy that the whole family will enjoy. It is suitable for people aged 12+ and I rate it 7/10!


  38. I watched this movie quite a while ago and did not like it so much. I found that there are way to many movies that are already like this. It is very predictable and I got bored. It had some funny moments as all rom-coms do but I still found it to predictable. I recommend this for all ages and those who like rom coms. I rate this a 3/10


  39. Blended is a hilarious comedy that everyone and all ages can enjoy it is a family film and I absolutely loved it. It makes you crackup laughing and burst into tears romance is swirled in the many sub-genres. I rate it a ten out of ten and it is highly recommended by me I hope you enjoy it!


  40. Blended is a hilarious movie that makes you laugh for the whole time (for me that was the actual situation, I just could not help myself from laughing for the whole movie) I loved this movie, there was nothing bad about it…it was:
    >funny and enjoyable
    >adventurous and a bit romantic
    >exciting and extraordinary
    >interesting and adventurous
    those are only a few words that I would use to describe the movie blended (I could honestly go on for ever and ever)
    The movie shows these two people falling in love and might even say that they become blended. The characters are all hilarious and all make you laugh, I honestly could never choose one favourite character (it would just be so hard since they are all so funny and interesting) All of the characters have their little moments in the movie where you think to yourself: this character is my favourite. However, just when say that the next character does something and you think to yourself: now this character is my favourite.
    I absolutely loved the movie and truth be told any movie with Adam Sandler or Drew Barrymore in it is just too funny to describe.

    I would highly recommend this movie to anyone who likes to have a laugh
    I would score this movie 11/10


  41. I love this movie! It is so funny and enjoyable!! I loved every part of tis movie especially when the 2 families turned up at the South African resort at the same time with the same holiday booked, it’s my favourite part of the movie. I love the main setting of the movie because it’s so exciting to see all the different things the families do. I recommend this movie to anyone over the age of 9 or 10. I rate this movie a 4/5! I love this movie so much and I have watched it over and over again!


  42. This movie is so funny but I think have of the reason is because Adam Sandler was one of the producers. I love all of Adam Sandlers movies as they leave me doubling over on the floor laughing like a mad man with tears in my eyes. I love the characters and they just seem to make the movie. My favourite scene is with the parachute, it always leaves me in tears no matter how many times I rematch it my reaction never changes. I rate this movie 8/10 because it was very cliche and the whole storyline is quite illogical really but then again I like to get away from the real world and be somewhere else. I recommend it to people interested in romance and cliches.


  43. Blended is one of my favourite movies. Blended is a movie like no other it is full of laughter, drama and so much more. Blended is a really good movie full of many exciting but touching moments that really keep the audience listening. Adam Sandler really makes the movie with his funny sense of humour that he adds to his character. I rate this movie a five out of five because this movie really interested me and I could watch it over and over because to me it is such a funny movie that entertains me from start to finish.


  44. Blended is a hilarious movie, great for the whole family, that gets a laugh out of everyone. I really enjoyed watching this movie, it is a great comedy and the characters all play their part very well. Adam Sandler just makes this movie, he is very funny but also plays a kind and loving father to three girls. Drew Barrymore plays my favourite character in this movie, Lauren. She is funny as well as sweet. I think Blended is a great family movie, maybe for older children because some of it would be hard for a younger child to get. I would rate this movie an 8/10!!!


  45. I loved this movie. I think that any movies that Adam Sandler is featured in is a fun packed movie. This movie is really good and I really recommend this movie to anyone that is looking for an adventure and ready to laugh the whole way through. I really liked this movie because I wouldn’t predict what will happen next. It is really fun packed and extremely funny. I recommend this movie to anyone over 11. I rate this movie a 8 out of 10 because it was a fun packed movie.


  46. Blended is such a great movie and is really funny. It is a good movie to watch with the family and I would recommend for people over 10 years old. The movie is really great and a movie I could watch several times with out getting board. There is always something going on and the story line is really good. I would rate it a 9/10


  47. I loved this movie. It is by Adam Sandler and he is in Grown Up’s as well. I think that any movies that Adam Sandler is featured in is a fun packed movie. This movie is really good and I really recommend this movie to anyone that is looking for an adventure and ready to laugh the whole way through. I really liked this movie because I would try and predict what was going to happen next but, every time i would try and guess I would never predict right. Although that was a good thing I wanted to be right. I recommend this movie to anyone over 10. I rate this movie a 7 out of 10 because it was a fun packed movie.


  48. india said:

    This movie is a classic. I love it so much. Adam Sandler is so funny and amusing. I never get bored watching this and I reckon that i have watched this so many times that I can remember every line they say. I defiantly recommend it to teenagers and older families because it;s such a funny movie and your in for a goof laugh. I give it a 7/10.


  49. Kathleen said:

    OMG!! This movie is hilarious!! I watched it over and over again! I definitely recommend to people over 10. It is a great movie to watch at a sleepover, with your family or just by yourself! I think the actors are great in this movie and I love the plot! I rate this 9.5/10!!


  50. I absolutely loved the movie blended. Blended is a fantastic family movie full of comedy, drama and romance that anyone will love. Each family taught one another new things that they didn’t quite know about themselves and found new sides to life. Adam Sandler would have to be my favourite character because he is just so funny and relay cares for the family. I would rate this movie a 9/10.


  51. Blended is such a great movie like most of Adam Sandler’s movies Blended is full of humour sadness and awkwardness. Blended is a great movie that has Adam Sandler Bella Thorne and Drew Barrymore. It has a great story line it is a great funny romance kind of movie that is great for a family night movie. The main characters are Drew who plays Lauren Reynolds and Adam who plays Jim Freeman the first meet of a blind date where they go to ‘Hooters’ a place where is a centre mental place for Jim. Lauren just thinks Jim is a creep and soon forgets about him. They then wind up going to Africa together and go through many fun and hilarious journeys together. Watch it and find out how they end up going to Africa together and find romance.


  52. ‘Blended’ is such a funny movie and I love how the jokes are easy to understand. There some very famous actors in it, such as Drew Barrymore, Adam Sandler, and Bella Thorne. I would recommend this movie to anyone aged 10 and up because there were some inappropriate scenes and language for young children. My favourite part was when Lauren was parachuting and the car dragging it ran out of gas. My rating for Blended is 9 out of 10 because I really loved the jokes and there were hilarious characters.


  53. Blended is a funny romcom which is about when a single dad and single mum meet on a date and accidentally book a holiday to Africa together without knowing. This movie is about their ups and downs in Africa which always has a funny side to it.I would recommend this movie for 9+ as some of the scenes are a little inappropriate. This is a good family movie which I would rate 7/10.


  54. Blended is a fantastic family comedy that anyone will love. It’s full of comedy, drama and romance. My favourite part is when Lauren goes up on the parachute and Jim has to save her because the car driver fell asleep. I found this really funny and also how Jim had to catch her after the a rhino came out onto the road. I recommend this movie to anyone over the age of 13 because there is a bit of rude comedy in it but it’s great for the family and gets everyone in stitches of laughter. Adam Sandler as Jim was my favourite character because he played his role really well and had a great sense of humour. I rate this movie a 9/10!


  55. i really loved this movie. Its really enjoyable and there are so many hilarious twists that make the whole family laugh. The plot of this movie involves two families, with single parents. Both whom wish to not see each other again. They and up on an african safari vacation together which is really where the humour starts. The title blended makes sense after watching the whole movie as in the end both families bland together. I would recommend this movie to families with older children or anyone who is looking for a good laugh. I would personally rate it a 9/10!


  56. Blended is an hilarious movie. I love the comedy and romance that is involved in this film. I enjoy watching the characters especially Adam Sandler who plays Jim. The film is about a divorced mother and a widowed father who are set up on a blind date that goes terribly and don’t see each other until they unexpectedly goes to a South African Resort. The two families end up sharing the same package deal on the vacation spot and have to participate in activities together. I absolutely loved this film and I would rate it 10/10 and I would recommend this film to all my friends and family as I’m sure that they will enjoy it!


  57. Caitlin B said:

    Blended is a fantastic movie! It is so funny and emotional at the same time. My favourite character is Lou because she is so cute and always makes me laugh. I love how they end up going to Africa together. I would recommend this book to people aged 11+ because if someone is younger they might not understand some of the jokes in it. I rate this movie a 9/10


  58. Blended is a hilarious movie that almost anyone can relate to. My favourite part about this movie are all the songs because they have a really good impact on the film and it makes it a whole lot better. My favourite character from the movie would have to be Lou she’s just so cute and funny. Overall I think this is an amazing movie and I would recommend this to anyone aged 10+ and I rate it a 9 and a half out of 10.


  59. ‘Blended’ was a fantastic comedy movie that leaves you gasping for breath after laughing so hard that your stomach starts to ache. Adam Sandler is an exceptional actor and is absolutely brilliant in every role he plays but in this particular movie he shows he his character has such a tenderly loving father type attitude along with a little humour. Along with Drew Barrymore who happens to be in many other romantic comedies starring Adam Sandler and I have watched interviews between the two and they are best friends and when I look at them I hope someday I have a friendship as strong as that. The children in the movie are all so gorgeous and find the loving parents that they’ve been longing for, making the audience feel so ecstatic with light-heartedness and happiness. I really don’t like the husband of Drew as he plays the ‘villain’ of the movie and almost ruins everything. I recommend this for anyone in search for the perfect romantic comedy that stretches your emotions to extents you wouldn’t believe.


  60. Blended is a comedy movie that definitely makes you laugh. Two families blending together gives the children a lot to hate but when things start working out over time, it’s not so bad. Starring Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore, this movie will be enjoyed very much, I give the movie 9/10 🙂


  61. This movie is absolutely fantastic, it is a comedy and a romance and once you start watching the movie I promise you, you won’t be able to stop. Adam Sandler which is one of my favourite actors is in this movie along side many other great actors/actresses. I couldn’t choose one character that was my favourite but the one that I found the most funny was the youngest girl named Lou. This movie is hilarious and I recommend it immensely. I rate this movie a 10/10.


  62. Chloe said:

    Blended is an awesome and hilarious movie to watch. It is full of very funning actors and scenes that really make you laugh. if you watched it already i would really recommend doing so, soon. i would definitely rate blended a 10/10.


  63. Isabel said:

    I loved seeing this movie even though it had some weird moments, it was a fabulous movie to watch. The movie is on 2 families one that has no mum and one without there dad, the parents went on a date and said they weren’t going to see each other again………………. they end up going on a trip. You have to watch it, its a fabulous family movie that will give everyone a laugh. There are two many favourite bits it over all is a great movie.
    I rate Blended a 8.5/10


  64. this movie stars Adam Sandler and is very funny. This movie is about two single parent families who’s parents went on a blind date and disliked each other. They later were brought together on a holiday in Africa unexpectedly. They had to share the same room and everything. They finally grew to like each other and each parent taught each others kids important life skills and experiences. Each family taught one another things that they did;t know about them selves and helped each other see new sides of life. This movie is a comedy also starring drew Barrymore.These two star characters make the film even better. I rate this film an 8/10 and recommend it for ages 10+. It really is a must see movie and is really funny. I favourite part is when they go to Africa. I really think that you should see this movie because it is really funny and has a great story line.


  65. This movie is filled with comedy and is a movie that I am pretty sure any one would be able to relate to at least one of the characters. I would rate it an 8/10 and recommend that you watch it with your family which will make it 10x funnier. The actors in this movie have been picked so well and all do such a good job at playing their characters. I hope to see this movie again as it was so funnier but still had a bit of romance.


  66. This movie is such a funny one! I would recommend it to people over the age of 9-10. it is a good on to watch with your friend or family and have a laugh. i would give this a 8/10


  67. I love the movie blended i could watch it so many time over and over again it’s great! My favourite couple is the two teens, at first I was cautious that the teenage girl was changing her appearance because of a boy, but really that just gave her a little push to choose her own style. Anyone would love this movie which is action-packed, adventurous, comedic (so so funny!!!) and romantic too! It’s a struggle to work as a single parent raising three kids opposite sex to there own. I think this movie is for all types of people and ages above 10 maybe? just because of the sometimes inappropriate humour and features of inappropriate magazines amongst other things.


  68. Alana said:

    I love this movie I thought it was the funniest/romance movie I have ever seen I love Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore in movies together they are hilarious it has a hilarious story line and has really good actors


  69. I really enjoyed this movie I thought it was incredibly funny and the casting was great. I loved the story line and loved how well everyone in the cast played their character.


  70. Blended is a hilarious movie great for a family night movie. This movie is about 2 single parents who’s partners have left them for 2 different reasons, and they somewhat have a blind date at a pub called hooters. they don’t really like each other but they still finish the date. Adam Sandler plays the role of jim and drew barrymore plays the role of Lauren. i can’t tell you to much of the story but i can tell you that they might find love<3 might even find love in Africa. i rate blended a 9/10


  71. Annabelle said:

    This movie is a classic. I love it so much. Adam Sandler is so funny and amusing. I never get bored watching this and I reckon that i have watched this so many times that I can remember every line they say. I defiantly recommend it to teenagers and older families because it;s such a funny movie and your in for a goof laugh. I give it a 9/10.


  72. This movie is such a funny one! I would recommend it to people over 10. It’s defiantly one to watch with you family or friends, it will make you laugh so hard you will cry. If you feel like a laugh, I would suggest you watch this! Overall I give it a 8/10.


  73. This movie is an intriguing comedy that will make you laugh until you cry. This movie is about a recently divorced mother (Drew Barrymore plays Lauren) and a widowed dad (Adam Sandler plays Jim) who are forced to go on a blind date that doesn’t go very well. They don’t really want to see each other ever again, however they end up purchasing one half of the same vacation package at a South African Resort! They are then forced to participate as a family and do family activities together. Will they ‘Blend’??? This movie is really funny. My favourite character was Lauren, as she reminded me of my aunty! She was really sweet, but had really good comebacks for rude comments. Overall, I rate this movie a 3/5!

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