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Jaws (movie)

Comments on: "Jaws (movie)" (19)

  1. Olivia said:

    myself and my family have watched this movie heaps of times and i never get sick if it, my dad is a HUGE fan of steven spielberg and told me that when making jaws the movie they were originally gonna have a shark that looked real and moved around and operated underwater but they scrapped that idea as it was to hard and would take to long and instead they made one of the most suspenseful and most successful movies of all time by filming underwater scenes from the sharks point of view instead of showing the shark so that they didn’t have to make a whole shark for the scene and using the music as well as it made it scarier and more suspenseful My dad also told me all of the people at the beach were locals and they weren’t even payed, they just showed up at the time and got in the movie. Overall great movie and i would give it a 10/10 as it is suspenseful, exciting and gives you jump scares all at the same time.


  2. Taylor said:

    I’ve watched jaws like 100 times and i love it! It is a movie that you don’t get sick of watching. Even though the attacks are so fake you still get a scare or jump when he gets out of the water. I think that jaws made people too scared of sharks and that they get scared of going in the water or on boats because they think that a massive shark will kill them. You have to be wary of sharks but all the killing of them is going too far. I think that people do make jaws to be really scary but it isn’t.


  3. i just watched Jaws the other day, i really loved it because now that I’ve watched both jaws 1 and jaws 2, i really like to compare the differences between both of them. I like jaws 2 better. but jaws 1 is still a great movie!!! Its about when all this kids and adults are in the beach, (well there one time when a ladies is drunk and sh gets eaten up by the shark. and then there s another time when a little boy gets eaten up by the same shark. Then every one in the town gets together and think “WE NEED TO KILL THIS SHARK NOW” and you have to watch the movie to see what happens next, because i don’t want to give it all away. I would rate this movie 8/ 10 and i would recommend this movie for 10 years and older because some bits could be really scary for the littler kids. But you should really watch JAWS!


  4. bluco said:

    I absolutely love this movie! it is a all time classic, i really recommend this movie for people who like horror movies or people who like old movies with gore, This movie is about a giant shark that goes venturing out in search of people to eat. Will the fishermen be able to save the beach population and kill this evil shark? or will they be eaten alive? I give this movie a 9/10


  5. Brooke said:

    The movie jaws is a golden old film! Although some of the effects are fairly unrealistic, the overall storyline of the movie and quality is very good. The music just adds even more intensity to the film and gives it a bit more of a spooky edge. As a person who hates sharks, I find the movie a little distressing and comforting, even though it’s not a very scary film. My favourite part of the movie is when the mother of the boy who got eaten by a shark slaps the policeman in the face. My favourite character is the policeman because he is funny and adds humour to a not so funny topic. I give this movie an 8/10.


  6. Isobel said:

    Jaws is a terrifying movie that is more scary than what you would expect. The movie Jaws was Created so people could see the dark side of what a Shark could be like. Jaws is a horrifying Movie that has left me with a fear of any living shark in the ocean but I still love this movie. My favourite part of the movie was when a boy goes swimming and his mum can’t find him but after a while you can see a big area of red blood all though the ocean so everyone gets out of the water as quick as they could. My most un favourite part of the movie was when they have a big meeting to figure out how to kill the shark then a fishermen scraps his nails against a chalk board to get their attention. It just sounded horrible but that was the only part of the movie that I hated. I would rate this movie a 8/10.


  7. I recommend Jaws because it is a very intense movie! There is a shark and it’s massive, so a crew goes out to try and get rid of it and eventually they killed it just as there boat was sinking. It is so intense and just got to keep watching it to find out what happens, at some points it’s scary and you can see a person getting eaten by the shark but otherwise it is a great movie and would recommend it for the ages of 11 to 50. Only watch it if you like movies like this or you have seen it before!


  8. olivia said:

    People think that the classic shark movie ‘Jaws’ is fake, and not in the least scary. But Jaws was made in the mid 1970′s. For back then, the special effects in this movie were quite good. Nowadays people are just used to seeing horror movies all over the place, with modern first-class effects.
    Jaws is a movie about a shark that is hanging around a family beach. It is big, dangerous, fast, and difficult to catch. And it certainly won’t just swim away of its own accord. A child has already been killed by the shark, and there is high panic among the town.
    Jaws has some good suspense, and the famous music always goes with the title in peoples’ heads.
    Jaws is a classic movie, although rather predictable, and should at least be tried out by movie lovers, but this generation has already seen too many real scary movies to really get anything out of this but a little suspense and a bit of a laugh.
    I recommend this movie to people aged 10+. Although, it’s not TOO scary, younger kids might get a fright or a bit upset at it


  9. Matilda said:

    Jaws is a classic movie. It is about a shark that hangs around the local beach and people start getting killed by it. They try to catch the shark to save the town but it is one huge shark that is incredibly vicious and a killing machine. Although you can tell when someone is going to get killed I found the storyline rather predictable some parts were also suspenseful. I would not recommend it to anyone that has a phobia of sharks and just can’t stand them because there is obviously a shark in this movie and you may not want to go in the water after seeing this movie. I would recommend it to kids 10+ and rate it 7/10.


  10. Ellie said:

    People think that the classic shark movie ‘Jaws’ is fake, and not in the least scary. But Jaws was made in the mid 1970’s. For back then, the special effects in this movie were quite good. Nowadays people are just used to seeing horror movies all over the place, with modern first-class effects.
    Jaws is a movie about a shark that is hanging around a family beach. It is big, dangerous, fast, and difficult to catch. And it certainly won’t just swim away of its own accord. A child has already been killed by the shark, and there is high panic among the town.
    Jaws has some good suspense, and the famous music always goes with the title in peoples’ heads.
    Jaws is a classic movie, although rather predictable, and should at least be tried out by movie lovers, but this generation has already seen too many real scary movies to really get anything out of this but a little suspense and a bit of a laugh.
    I recommend this movie to people aged 10+. Although, it’s not TOO scary, younger kids might get a fright or a bit upset at it. I rate it a 7.5/10. ;D


  11. brooke said:

    OMG THIS MOVIE WAS SO SCARY!When i first seen it and i didn’t like it that much because i found it so predictable like they were just on the boat in the midle of no where and you hear this scary music coming in and i just thought “oh hes going to die”AND HE DID,any way i guess its just not me.Unlike my cousin who watched it and said im never going to the beach again.So i give this movie 6/10.’-‘


  12. OH MY GOSH JAWS IS SOO SCARY! but of course that’s om because I LOVE a scary story every now and then. It’s really funny how in some bits the shark is so fake and all the people are like ahhhhhhh. 🙂 but it’s a really good storyline, and some bis actually look really realistic. Sharks are probably the animal fear the most, and it’s much better to see them on a tv screen instead of real life 🙂 10/10 BEST MOVIE!!


  13. love this movie but the shark is so fake but it is still really good i like this movie because it is a really good story line and i recommend this yo 11-60


  14. ok this one………………………….
    IT’S AWESOME! corny and stupid Jaws is the movie everyone called “SACREY” in those days. Robot shark and food dye as blood. Best movie for a laugh at something that involves blood and guts. 7/10
    They should have stopped at number one. There is no need to make 4!


  15. Meh, this movie was ok. It was a bit far-fetched, similar to the Anaconda movies. The only ‘hide your head’ parts are when the shark is killing people if your a bit squeamish. Other than that, it was pretty good. However, I think they treat sharks a bit unfair in that movie, and give them a bad name. But it was ok.


  16. I enjoyed this movie I found it very fascinating. I however did not find it scary at all which was a disappointment to me because I like scary movies. I would recommend this movie from ages 8+. I rate it 7.5/10


  17. jaws is a great movie… before i saw it everyone told me it was so scary and then i watched it and didn’t find it scary at all. just interesting


  18. I had seen Jaws on TV quite recently and i found it not as scary as people tell me it is. The movie to me was normal but to some people it must of been like horror or something. It was a very interesting movie to me because i personally love sharks. I feel sorry for the people who had died in the movie from the shark. i loved the part when the guy dived int he water and the shark ha ripped the silver cage around him and he nearly ate him but he didn’t because i think the shark couldn’t be bothered. I also was sort of happy when the old man died because i thought he was a bit mean personally. But anyway i recommend this movie to 8 and older because my sister who is 8 watched it and she didn’t even hide under the blanket or pillow when we watched it.


  19. i just recently watched a movie on tv called Jaws. now this was a horror film back in the mid 70s. so everyone had thought it was the scariest movie on earth. but really its not scary at all, as you can tell the the shark is a robot ( its so obvious ) In our world now jaws is like at the bottom of the least ( well for me at least. i find there are much more scarier movies out now. but after all that remarks about jaws i loved the movie but have only watched it once ever and it was okay but not enough for me to wanna watch it again. At some parts it was really boring. Like really boring but the rest was good. the funniest part would of had to have been when they ha thought they had caught jaws but it was acherly just another shark. i would reccomand this book for anyone older then 15 years old


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