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Searching for the ultimate thrill, she vowed to have Stefan.

Haunted by his tragic past, he struggled to resist her passion.

Driven by revenge, he hunted the brother who betrayed him.

The terrifying story of two vampire brothers and the beautiful girl torn between them.



Comments on: "The awakening (Vampire diaries) – L. J. Smith" (24)

  1. i recommend this series one hundred percent.
    it is very different from the tv show from looks, characters and villains but is still an extremely good read. it is about a young girl called elena who lost both her parents in a car accident. on her first day back at school a mysterious new student called stefan salvatore arrives. but stefan has a secret which know one knows. elena soon finds out and many interesting events follow. this book is so good and i definitely recommend


  2. The Vampire Diaries is a fantastic show/book if you love mystery, drama and thriller!! It is about 2 vampire brothers and their experiences of being supernatural. They move around a lot, before anyone notices that they do not age. They help newbie vampires and create a new life in small town, Mystic Falls. But trouble follows them there and the brothers and new vamps form a little team to take on the new enemy. I would highly recommend this to anyone seeking a little drama.


  3. I recommend the book series “Vampire Diaries” It has 3 books in the one series. I am recommending the 1st book “Vampire Diaries The Struggle” It is a great novel and you get into the characters straight away. This book is about Elena: A popular girl who can have any boy she wants until Stefan: Brooding and mysterious, who desperately try’s to resist his desire for Elena… for her own good. This novel is full of romance, adventure and fantasy. You will love the way L.J Smith the author describes the detail in the novel! I recommend this book to ages 10+ as it does have some mythical fantasy in the book. This book was my favourite out of all the novels in the series and I rate this book 10/10!


  4. Madeliene said:

    The Vampire Diaries books are the best books ever. They are amazing and full of surprises in every chapter. When you read them they take you on an exciting journey that is going to leave wanting more. Each book is better than the last and they are just amazing.


  5. Katie said:

    I love the Vampire Diaries so much! My favourite character is of course Caroline, she is a beautiful person. Of course I am team Stelena, I love Stefan and Elena together, but bad boy Damon is in a love triangle when Elena realised she has two brothers in love with her.
    I would recommend this book to anyone who is into a romance action adventure and especially vampires and werewolves !!


  6. i love this book it is so good people who like twilight will most likely like this book the tv show is also very good.
    this book is based on elena an stefan and their love for each but then they find out more and that elena is a key to something


  7. sarah coutin said:

    I love this books so much it’s like twilight but more intense and not so much luvy duvy stuff. At the end of each chapter it really keeps you wanting more so i recommend you read it in the day, so you don’t end up staying up to like 11:30 at night. The characters really stand out and are very strong characters. I love bonnie so much because she is so sweet and really nice and would do anything to protect her best friend elena. I hope you like the just as much as i do. 🙂


  8. Emily said:

    I loved Elena’s character she isn’t soft like most books have three girls, but strong and independent and very sure of what she wants out of life. Its one of the books that makes you laugh over and over again but it still haves a creepy and scary edge to it. I love the whole love triangle thing that gets introduced in this book. Margaret her little sister is gorgeous and has a simple charm I like. Damon’s hilarious and you will fall in love with him if you read this book. I would rate it 8/10 and would defiantly recommend it. x


  9. Stefanie
    Submitted on 2011/02/17 at 4:21am
    Vampire Diaries is the best! It is a hit Television series on Go digital television. I liked this book, because it is suspending, funny, interesting and just really GREAT! My favourite characters are Damon and Elena. I like Damon because he is hilarious. He likes to have some fun and he really makes the book as good as it is! I like Elena because she is really sensitive and responsible but still likes to have a good time. She is classy and cool! I would recommend this book to people who love a twist. Make sure your older than 12 though. I love this a would rate it 5/5.


  10. Molly Belfrage said:

    This is my favourite of the vampire diaries novels. It starts of in the town of mystical falls were an ordinary girl name Elena Gilbert lives. Her life is going down hill as she lost her parents in a car accident. Not only that her brother Jeremy is an alcoholic and a drug user. On her first day back at school she notices a new face in the neighbour hood. The beautiful and dreamy stefan Salvator. Just when she though her life couldn’t get any worse she is introduced into the world of vampires and learns that not only is her new boyfriend a vampire but also a 148 years old. But when stefan is so dreamy and all she ever wanted into the picture comes his brother damon. The history between damon and stefan is horrible and they are fierce towards each other. But when elena finds out the real reason stefan was attracted to her it is chaos in mystic falls. What is the reason behind the twos return and what are they hiding from elena?


  11. love this book i love the tv series as well i felt like cryin in the last book *wah wah* hehehe
    i love stefan supa cute but damons got spunk! and supa funni!


  12. i really like this book because it is about a girl meets vampire. both off them fall for her and they fight for her safety. i recomen this book to people 12 and over and over people that like girl meet vampire books.


  13. This movie is between two brothers fighting for the one woman who means so much to them.

    My favourite character is stefan because yea he is protective and all but really nice.

    Damian on the other hand is a total rebel and doesn’t realise that his actions have consequences.

    I would rate this movie a 10/10 I loved every minute of it and is a great book I adored reading it.


  14. Vampire diaries are books about 2 vampire brothers one of which elena falls for, Damion the evil brother is in my opinion my favorite character because although he is evil he is also the mot interesting out of them, this book captured my attention because of it’s blurb i loved it the whole way through and i think you’d like it.


  15. Elena is a beautiful girl and has a exciting life ahead of her.

    Damon is my favorite character. he is a rebel driven by revenge.

    Stefan, to me seems to be a safety guy who never tries anything new.

    Loved it!


  16. I love to read these books, they are so great. I feel so sorry for the two brothers though, they are both going for the same girl, and no matter what, someone will lose her.
    I promise that if you like Twilight, then you will love The Vampire Diaries!


  17. I LOVE THIS SERIES!!!! They are fantastic, way better than twilight. There are three main characters. Elena, Stephen and Damon. Stephen and Damon are brothers who are enemies. Elena looks like Katherine. Stephen and Damon were in love with Katherine. Stephen trys to stay away from Elena but he cant so they end up together. Damon is trying to hurt and kill Stephen. Elena is actracted to both brothers. Who will she choose????


  18. i cant believe i am saying this but Vampire Diary’s is better then Twilight hahaha i said it .yay. you should so read it..


  19. hello,
    I think The Vampire Diaries is great and i think both the brothers are sooooo CUTE and you will love it sooooo much and you can’t put it down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  20. I think these books are really good.
    After every chapter you want to keep reading because you want to know what happens next.
    This book ,The Awakening, is the first of the series and explains everything like who is what and who like each other and who don’t like each other. I would rate it 9/10 because it suits my taste


  21. i have heard that this is a good book. i am waiting on it to come at borders in town and until then i watch the series on the channel GO!


  22. Heyy,

    Welcome back to the new year everyone!!!
    Well at the end of last year a new TV show came on the new GO channel named ‘THE VAMPIRE DIARIES’. Well some of you may not know but that new show was orginially a book series by an American writer named L.J Smith. They are awesome books and if you’re into all the vampire love stories, this book is one you MUST read!!

    The vampire diaries is a story about a 17 girl named Elena who lives in the small town of Fells Church. Her parents died in a car accident when she was a young child so now Elena and her little sister Margaret (note the books are different to the tv show) live with their Mum’s sister. She is pretty and blonde; the most popular girl in school. All the guys want her and all the girls want to be like her! Elena is pretty carefree with love and her friends, hiding the fact that deep down she is lonely and looking for that one boy to help fill the whole that was left by her parents death. Then comes the dark and mysterious Stefan Salvatore arrives to town.

    Stefan is absolutely gorgeous and all the girls immediately fall in love with him. When Elena sees him, she knows he is the one that she has been looking for. Elena just knows that there’s something about Stefan that pulls her to him. She wants to know and have him and does anything she can to get him.

    However this could be a bad move for Elena. Stefan has a secret, a deadly secret that is extremly dangerous but compelling for Elena, especially when she meets Damon – Stefan’s evil, sexy big brother. Damon shares the same secret as Stefan and together with Elena the three fight evil in Fells Church and more importantly fight their challenge on unrequited love.

    Dont get me wrong. This series isn’t a soppy love story, it has some great action, awesome supernatural themes, a couple of hot, mysterious vampires and in some ways it’s a real girl power story – showing that even petite little blonde girls can kick some a..

    Anyone that loved Twilight or the Vampire Acadamy will adore this series. And for those of you that didn’t know, it isn’t a copy of Twilight, as The Vampire Diaries was actually written 10 years before Twilight!!

    Love Sucks!


  23. These books are ones that take you someplace else, although they are capturing they are also great to read try them you never know you might love them.


  24. Hi =)
    I recommend the series “The Vampire Diaries”.
    It is the best book ever! The first book in the series is called ‘The Awakening”
    It starts off with a teen girl called Elena. She lost both her parents in an accident a while ago, but things are starting to workout again with the support of her friends. She lives with her little sister who is 4. and her Aunt Judith. Things get interesting with the arrival of new student Stefan Salvatore. He avoids Elena as soon as he sees her, but Elena is persistent, and they become close. Maybe too close, too dangerous. Stefan Salvatore has a secret, and Elena is determined to find out what it is. When Stefan arrives, things start to get strange, attacks have been happening, people claim them animal attacks, but very strange symptoms, bodies drained of blood, and the people not remembering what happpened, and the attacker leaving no trace.
    My Favourite character is Damon, he is Stefans brother. Damon is seen always in black, and he is funny, sexy and dangerous. The books can get abit gruesome at times so i recommend it 13 and up.
    My favourite scene is when Elena meets Damon, in the school gym. Its a very scary, well-written piece that makes you want to read more!
    The books can get abit gruesome at times so i recommend it 13 and up.
    Anyone who loves action, romance, horror will love this , or if you liked twilight you will LOVE this, i love twilight but this series beats it by 100000000000000%



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