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Comments on: "Home and Away (TV series)" (39)

  1. I love this tv show. Home and away is on at 7 o’clock on channel 7 on every week night as a fact I watch it as much as I can. I highly recommend this tv show if you haven’t watched it you need to! I rate this tv show a 10 out of 10


  2. josephine said:

    Home and Away is an aussie classic. Being on channel seven for 30 years it is a typical soap opera that anyone would love. It shows the life of those who live in Summer Bay. It has plenty of drama and extreme situations that are just so entertaining to watch. I wouldn’t say I have a favourite character as they change all the time. As I have watched since around 7 overall the past 8 years I would say my favourite character was Brax one of the River Boys. Although they are no longer on the show I really loved his character. I would recommend to anyone over 7+ as it is really for everyone. I would rate a 10/10!


  3. reagan said:

    Home & Away is an amazing TV series is and I would 100% recommend it. There is always a new drama which either ends in something good or bad and that’s why you have to keep on watching it see what happens! Although because it has bee going on for awhile. To start watching it now could possibly be hard to catch on to whats happening. But I definitely recommend watching it from the start! It’s a great series – one of my all-time favourites!!!


  4. I would definitely recommend home and away! It’s an amazing dramatic tv show, on 4 nights at week at 7pm. Home and Away is the only show I watch and that’s because I think it’s too good to watch anything else. It’s great because the episodes only go for 30 mins but some nights on thursday there’s 3 or 4 episodes rather than just one. Quite a lot of people joke and make fun of home and away as people say the characters are always dying or leaving the bay or something dramatic happens, but I absolutely love it. Its also good because it is filmed in Palm Bay in Sydney, a beautiful beach destination that you can visit if you go to sydney!


  5. HOME AND AWAY! The best show there is. I have watched it since I was about 5! 6 years. 7:00 Monday-Thursday is a time I love! I recommend it for 7+ as anyone younger wouldn’t understand it. Summer Bay is always full of drama recently on the show Kat the local police officer died. She was pregnant and also lost her baby. The oldest Character in the show is Alf he has been starring in the show since the very start. 17th of January 1988. My Favourite character always changes because many people leave summer bay or get killed. I also recommend that if you don’t like drama this isn’t for you. I hope if you decide to watch it you enjoy it.


  6. Georgia said:

    I love Home and Away! I only started watching it 2 years ago but I feel like I have watched for years because I know all the characters so well. I watch it every night that is on and I love all the characters. If you like Neighbours or shows like then you will love Home and Away! It is filled with heaps of drama, some action and romance. It is an amazing show and I recommend you watch it! It is on channel 7 Monday-Thursday at 7pm!


  7. I used to watch Home and Away when I was a kid but as I grew up stopped watching it. I recently started to watch it again and it has changed so much! I am starting to love home and away again. Home and Away is an Australian television soap opera. It was created by Alan Bateman and commenced broadcast on the Seven Network on 17 January 1988. The shows is on Monday to Friday and I would recommend this show to anyone 10+ and someone who loves a good laugh. Ray Meagher plays Alf Stewart, Shane Withington plays John Palmer and Ada Nicodemou plays Leah Patterson-Baker. These are my favourite characters.


  8. Holly said:

    Ive been watching home and away since.. well forever! I really recommend watching Home and Away. it is a highly action packed TV series. It’s full of high and low emotions and really enjoyable to watch, its full of surprises and each episode their is a new twist more shocking and unbelievable then the one before. It is a captivating drama and you will always be on your edge of your seat watching Home and Away.

    I love what happens in every episode its so exciting and interesting! I try and watch it every night if I can! I love it. I would recommend this awesome tv series

    I rate it 9 out of 10!


  9. Casey said:

    I have been watching home and away for as long as I can remember and I absolutely love it.
    It is a show all about the dramas of a small town called summer bay which consists of many families. I love the Braxton brothers however none of them are in the bay anymore.
    I would recommend it to people over the age of 9 and I rate it a 9/10


  10. Paige said:

    Home and Away is a great television series following the great Australian lifestyle. I love the fact that it is an Australian drama that does not disappoint with all the plot twists and drama.

    Each episode their is a new twist more shocking and unbelievable then the one before. It is a captivating drama that keeps you on the edge of your seat not wanting to look away. It makes you feel of many different emotions. Sadness, happiness, afraid and complete and utter shock.

    The characters are all so loveable although they all have their own shifty streak making you think twice about your judgement.

    It is a great television series suitable for the whole family. I would rate it a 9/10.


  11. Tansie said:

    I really enjoy watching Home and Away! It’s a show I hate missing because you don’t want to miss out on anything! I’d recommend Home and Away for 10 years +


  12. Karla HERIC said:

    I’ve been watching Home and Away ever since I can remember! I love how it is set in Australia and shows the Australian lifestyle. There is always new drama, and there never fails to be twists and turns within Summer Bay. My favourite character right now would have to be Jett James because he is a Teenager that has had so many hardships in his life, but is much happier now he is in Summer Bay. I give this show a 10/10 and recommend it to everyone, as it is a tv show you can even watch with your family!


  13. Kayla said:

    A great TV show to get hooked on is Home and Away. Every Night there is a new drama and a new adventure. You never want to miss an episode. Every Charecter has an exciting role to play. I would recommend this show to people over 10 years old. I rate this series a 9/10.


  14. Home and Away is my favourite TV show because i love all of the drama! Every episode something new happens with the storyline. I love all of the actors as they act so well in every scene, but i especially love the Braxtons as i think they make this tv show much more exciting and complicated. I wish home and away went for longer than half an hour because it is such an amazing tv show. I would recommend it to everyone but probably not anyone under the age of 9 or 10!!!!!


  15. Alessia Roso said:

    I love home and away it for me is the best drama series on tv at the moment, I love the braxtons brothers, there really good actors and i would deffinently reccommed it to my friends but not under the ages of maybe 9 or 10, it goes for 30 mins every weeknight,WISH IT WENT FOR LONGER! rate 10/10


  16. Ahhhhh I love Home and Away so much, I can’t miss a single episode. There’s always drama and it keeps you on the edge of your seat wanting to know what happens next. My favourite character is Maddy because she is just gorgeous. Maddy has a role involving mixed emotions which can be hard to act out but she does a wonderful job. The characters are always changing, with some leaving and fresh faces joining the show which makes the show even more interesting because you just never know who’s going to turn up next. I wouldn’t recommend this movie so much for younger ages under 8, but anything over and if you love drama I definitely recommend this for you. Home and Away is on weeknights at 7 pm except Fridays as Thursday is a double episode. Home and Away is my FAVOURITE T.V series and that’s why I rate this Tv series a 10 out of 10.


  17. hrowe said:

    Home and Away is a drama based show. There is always something interesting going on in the storyline. My favourite would have to be Brax because he’s pretty tough and just drop dead gorgeous. New characters come into the show all the time and sometimes its good to have fresh faces. I don’t have a favourite part because there have been so many good Home and Away moments. It’s on all the time so you don’t have to worry about missing out on watching it too much like other shows that might just be weekly. I’d recommend this TV series to anyone. I’ve seen my brothers watching it for like 5 minutes or so and then say trey think its stupid but I know they were actually interested in all the drama 😉


  18. amber said:

    Home and away is a great drama that keeps you hooked all year! There is always a new drama which either ends in something good or bad and thats why you have to keep on watching it to see what happens!
    My least favourite character is Tilda at the moment because she is a bully. I don’t have a favourite, but I like a few characters, I like April, Dex, Indi, Bianca, Heath, Brax and Natalie
    I don’t have a favourite part either, cause there have been so many awesome parts to this TV show that I just can’t choose. I would definitely recommend it to anyone I rate the TV series a 10/10, It is great.


  19. Home and away is so exciting there is so so much in each episode and there is so much happening I think there will be so much more exciting things to happen I would recommend this to anyone that likes a good show that you will never get sick of. I believe that so many people would love this show.


  20. I love Home and away. There is always something happening and that excites me. After homework I love sitting on the couch watching all the action and drama. I love Heath because he always makes a joke out of something and says things that are true. Home and away always has twists and there is always something big happening. It’s continuous and never stops. You still find out something new. I would recommend this to people who like action, drama and that love a big problem and a new twist.


  21. I love home and away and recommend it to everyone who loves a bit of drama, love and laughs. You will begin to love a lot of the characters, but hate some to. It is an amazing TV series that is worth watching. It is fully actioned packed! I love all of the characters, they all add something to the bay. I recommend this TV series to everyone, it is really good and extremely well worth watching. I recommend it for all age groups, it is for everyone. I love it and recommend, you all start watching it. I rate the TV series a 10/10, It is great.


  22. I recommend home and away (tv show) as it is such a great tv show that you fall in love with. Home and away is full of drama, romance, comedy and even a bit of action. Home and away is a great weekly tv show as it has something different every episode. The cliff hanger at the end of the year makes you hungry for the next season! I would recommend home and away for all age levels as it is one of those tv shows for the whole family!


  23. Home and away- Home and away is one of the best tv shows. I has everything in it. Itis funny, has drama and it is really an awsome show. I watch it from monday to thurday at 7pm. I am inlove with it. All the charcters i love! i recommend it to everyone, 10/10.


  24. Home and Away has been a family ritual at my house every night at 7pm on channel 7. We never miss an episode, and if for some reason we do, we have a marathon just incase we miss out on some drama that went on in Summer Bay. My family even travelled to the set in Palm Beach last year because we are that obsessed! I love all the characters in the show and enjoy the whole ‘beachy’ vibe of the show. My favourite Character would probably have to Kyle because he is just so good looking! I give the show a 10/10! 🙂


  25. Nikita said:

    Home and Away just has so much drama! People who like drama, that connects you to real live, would really enjoy watching this amazing tv series. All the characters are fabulous actors and they all really connect to one another! Home and away, will make you feel mixed emotions. I love it. I would recommend this awesome tv series, to people over the age of 12!


  26. Olivia C said:

    I really enjoy watching home and away because there is so much drama! I think that people should watch it because of the drama and the actors are really good in it. I love what happens in every episode its so exciting and interesting! I try and watch it every night if I can! I rate it 10/10 🙂 🙂


  27. Eloise Coppe said:

    I would recommend Home and Away. It is a show that has been running for 25 years. i would recommend this show to people over the age 12 and above. it is a drama packed show. I would give it an 10/10. I watch this show everynight. I LOVE IT!!!!


  28. Georgia said:

    I really recommend watching Home and Away. it is a highly action packed TV series. It’s full of high and low emotions and really enjoyable to watch, its full of surprises and you are always on your edge of your seat watching Home and Away. It’s set in Australia, Sydney in a place called Summer Bay. Home and Away is a very reality show and is very suitable for ages 8+. I definitely give this show a 10/10 but mostly to people who enjoy surfing the beach and reality shows. My favourite character in Home and Away would have to be Braxton boys, I really enjoy watching them because they are always enjoyable to watch and very full of surprises and you never know what they are going to do next!! I highly recommend watching this awesome TV show!!


  29. Home and Away is my favourite tv show and it has been for a long time. I love all the drama in it and it is funny and interesting. I get so angry if I miss and episode and I have to watch every single episode!! I would recommend this tv show to anyone!!!


  30. OHMYGOSH this is such an amazing TV show. You never know and expect what comes around the corner sometimes its scary sometimes its sad sometimes its romantic but its always amazing!!! If you haven’t seen it you must watch it it’s is the best. 10000000000/1o seriously watch it!


  31. Brooke said:

    This is my favourite show on TV I have been watching it since I was 6 and I love it!!! It’s such a great show and so many twists and turns in it!! Anybody who watches this would definitely love this show!


  32. Madie.C said:

    I really enjoy watching home and away because there is so much drama and that makes it so much better.I just love what happens in every episode it’s drama in it is so good that you just stay in tune so well.I think that people should watch it because the drama and the the actors put together is a very good connection.


  33. brodie said:

    I really enjoy watching home and away, because a lot of people can relate to some of the scenes in the tv shows and it’s just got good people acting it out and it’s got a lot of drama towards it which makes it even better and i just love how a lot happens during just one episode. This is such a great tv show and people should watch it because it’s got good actors and it’s got good episodes.


  34. kyralee said:

    I would defiantly recommend home and away its got good action, romance and a bite of comedy, its on 7 and at 7 o’clock. like maggie i would say 9+. i have been watching this show ever since i was 3 or 4 and it’s been growing and growing so turn on the t.v at 7 and watch home and away and u would never look back i promise u!!!!!


  35. Home and away is a great drama that keeps you hooked all year! There is always a new drama which either ends in something good or bad and thats why you have to keep on watching it to see what happens!
    My least favourite character is Tilda at the moment because she is a bully. I don’t have a favourite, but I like a few characters, I like April, Dex, Indi, Bianca, Heath, Brax and Natalie 🙂
    I don’t have a favourite part either, cause there have been so many awesome parts to this TV show that I just can’t choose. I would definitely recommend it to anyone.
    It’s a good show to watch every week night!
    I rate it 9.8 out of 10


  36. Who doesn’t watch home and away? I love the braxtons


  37. I really enjoy watching Home and Away! It’s a show I hate missing because you don’t want to miss out on anything! I’d recommend Home and Away for 10 years +


  38. I would defintly recommend everyone to watch this its called home and away and it has plenty of drama heaps of people can relate to some situations. My favourite characters are the bra ton I would recommend 10+ just because of some scenes. I rate it 10/10 please everybody watch it !!!!!!


  39. I would recommend a T.V show it’s called Home and away it’s a great show and it a great show and it’s has lots of funny things I would say 9+ over to watch it!


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