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Annie (movie)

Comments on: "Annie (movie)" (72)

  1. Annie is a compelling story about a girl who is raised in an orphanage, but through great determination of searching for a better life, she was able to turn her life around. To be honest I normally only like the originals of movies and don’t tend to watch the recreations as I feel they cant be better than the first one, but this modern twist un such a beautiful story. My favourite character was will stacks as he showed so much love to anime which was something you wouldn’t expect from someone so high up in the world. I can guarantee anyone will love this movie, and make anyone want to sing along.


  2. Grace said:

    I have thoroughly enjoyed the movie Annie all through my childhood and now. I love the way the directors and producers took a classic movie and made it into an uplifting, fun musical movie.I think this movie is really appropriate and will be enjoyed by all ages. My favourite character in the film is ‘Annie’ because she is loving and kind. I truely recommend this movie to anyone.


  3. Isabella said:

    Annie ;
    I love think movie its my whole child hood I mean who don’t like a good sing-a-long to a hard knock life the movie is just too good and though it is not the original the have done a really good modern take on a child hood classic, this movie just has it all.. its sad but happy and all about friends and family watching little Annie find a beautiful home is just heart warming. And its great to watch as a family and have a little dance, the songs will be stuck in your head all week but it will be worth it. I think this movie is for all ages and i 10 / 10 recommend it for anyone !


  4. This movie Annie is not the original but a re-done version. It is about a girl named “Annie” who lives in a orphanage with a couple other girls. The owner is not very nice and Annie tries everything to get her out. Annie is such a nice little girl who loves everyone. It is a amazing beautiful movie which i think everyone should watch. I rate it a 10 out of 10 because it is one of my favourite movies!


  5. Annie is one of my all-time favourite movies !! I love it so much and it was actually my first movie I ever watched at the cinema!! Annie is about a foster child named Annie who has a foster mum that hates her and really wants to get rid of her. You will never guess who ends up adopting her!! I would rate this a 10/10 I loved it so much and I have watched it a LOT of times.


  6. There is no movie like Annie. Although the original is really good, this new one is even better because it has modern-day aspects to it. I really love the storyline and it shows that there is hope for kids in orphanages. Annie is determined to find her real parents but it is not as easy as she would have hoped. Along Annie’s journey, she meets a man called Mr. Stacks, who is richest man in America. even though he took advantage of Annie at the start they actually formed an amazing bond and friendship. This movie would probably be for kids aged 5-14 because it is a great family-friendly movie and has some amazing songs to sing along throughout the movie!!! the ending is just so amazing and I would rate this a 8/10.


  7. This is one of my favourite light hearted family movies! It is based on the original Annie story however slightly modified. I honestly prefer this version than the original Annie.

    The film Annie is about a youthful girl who is an orphan and all her life she tries to find out where she really came from. Throughout the film unexpected problems occur that mainly affect Annie, but watch as she overcomes them and faces her fears!

    Such a great film! 10/10 ♡


  8. I really enjoyed watching this movie it is very similar to the original but so different at the same time like in the old one she was in an orphanage and in this one she is in a foster home. To be honest I much prefer the original as it is way more exciting and I just think that the new one was just a little too modern but I will give it a 7/10.


  9. Charlotte said:

    I really enjoyed watching the movie Annie. It was still relatable to the original version but it has a couple of it’s own twists. My favourite characters are Sandy and or course Annie! Sandy is such a kind and happy dog, I don’t know why people would try and chase her. I also love Annie because she has such a bubbly personality. This movie can be appropriate for anyone looking for a movie for you to watch with your family.


  10. After watching the first grown ups I had to watch the second one!! This is now where they are all back in their home and it is the last day of school for all of the kids. My favourite part is when they have the big party and when the drama occurs. If you haven’t watched this film do yourself a favour and watch it please!! It is the best movie and I would rate it a 10/10!!


  11. Mateah said:

    I absolutely loved the movie Annie! It is a newer and more modernised version of the story Annie! I liked it better than the original Annie. I really enjoyed the way they showcased Annie herself and how the movie starts and finishes! I also love how she makes every one in the orphanage smile no matter what happens or makes her upset. I also love during the movie when she meets Mr Stacks, who is the richest guy in America. As he takes Annie to his advantage and guides who through the magnificent journey of living in a rich live. At the same time they are forming a special friendship yet to be discovered. I would recommend the movie Annie to anyone and is a movie for most ages too. It is a movie you can watch about 100 times and not get sick of it. I rate Annie a 10/10 !!!!!!!


  12. This is a great movie based on the original ‘Annie’. It is a wonderful story about an orphan girl who is waiting for her real parents to come back and get her. Annie is always happy and bright and makes the most of every opportunity. This is a wonderful movie with many great songs and music throughout the story and has a beautiful moral. Annie has some really nice friends who are always there to help her with her journey to find her parents. There are some really interesting characters and personalities in this movie and I would definitely recommend this movie to everyone. It is a great 5 out of 5!!


  13. Mikaela said:

    It’s the hard knocked life for Annie and her foster sisters, but you can always fix that with a smile and a little song and dance. The modern twist on the original movie Annie was so good, I would definitely recommend this for anyone who likes a good family film filled with laughs, tears and a little sing along.

    I would definitely recommend this for anyone who likes a funny and inspirational story, but even if you don’t like song and dance type of movie it doesn’t matter you’ll still enjoy it.


  14. I loved the new Annie. I liked the old one, but I felt Like the new one was so much better and more relatable because it was filmed in todays society, and I loved the modern twist. My favourite character was will stacks, because although he was Rich he took annie on like his own child and love her like she deserved. I really loved seeing Annie and stacks relationship grow. I would recommend this movie to everyone as it is such a beautiful story. I would rate it a 10 out of 10


  15. I absolutley love Annie and I’m sorry to all the people who like the original Annie but the new one is definetly my favourite one. The story line is amazing and the songs have been made more into a modern beat and all the songs are amazing. This movie is great for the whole family and can bring everyone together. I liked how they changed the way we would see annie in more of a modern way like making Mr Stacks are rich business man living in a great apartment and a modern twist to basically everything else. This movie is amazing and I would suggest this amazing movie to everyone interested.


  16. I don’t know why some people don’t like this movie! I don’t think this movie is cheesy at all. I absolutely loved it! I love the modern take on it. I love the actors and actresses and all of the songs. I have watched it several times now. I love how Quvenzhané Wallis gives off the “okay, I don’t care” act when things rise up against her character (Annie) in the movie. But as she walks away, you can see her true emotion of hurt or sadness show through. I think that shows what a good actress she is growing up to be. I love the modern take on the original songs as well as the new songs added. I think this is a very well made movie. I wish it had better reviews than it has been getting.


  17. Olivia said:

    Annie is a great movie for the whole family to watch. I like this Annie as much as the first Annie because it is not the exact same story line but you can still know it’s Annie because it kept the same idea as the first movie of Annie. My favourite character was Annie because she was a bit different and quirky. She was very persistent and brave and we see this when she sings in front of the big crowd of people and not even being a bit scared. I rate this movie 8/10 because it is well made and is a good movie for every who likes musicals to watch!


  18. The film Annie is a remake of the original Annie from 1982. I really liked this version because of how Annie had a creative and funky personality. I loved all the catchy songs for example “hard knock life” and the fun dancing. I thought miss Hannigan was a pretty mean and cruel foster carer as she didn’t look after them well or talk to them nicely. I reckon that the children would have a better childhood if they had of been with a different carer. This movie is a great family movie with exiting and fun parts I rate it a 8/10.


  19. Emily said:

    Ahh Annie the classic childhood movie about an orphaned girl who loves to sing she’s so charming and adorable who wouldn’t love her. she’s seen many girls come and go but never really been of interest to anyone until one day when she running around and nearly gets hit by a car a man named William Stacks saves her he took an immediate interest in her but doesn’t want to admit it. I really love the modern feel the new Annie has brought. its a real twist on the classic one but still keeps the feels and emotions you get from the old one. I don’t want to spoil anymore so get watching.


  20. I enjoyed this movie so much, I loved the way they based it on the old Annie but changed it slightly, I personally like this version much more. this movie is about a orphan girl named Annie she lives in an orphanage ran by a cruel lady Mrs Hannigin who hates her job and isn’t very nice to the girls. Annie dosen’t know who her real parents are, but she’s been searching for them her whole life. Annie runs into this man named Mr Stacks who is a very wealthy man and he has a very important job. When Mr Stacks finds out what Annies going through he wants to adopt her. Meanwhile one of Mr Stacks work partners thinks that Annie is getting in the way of his work so he decides to run fake auditions to get two people to pretend to be Annies parents, the only person he tell that he’s doing this is Mrs Hannigan. Mr Stacks has another work partner named Grace. she is a nice and caring women who cares for Annie very much. When Mrs Hannigan finds out what Mr Stacks work partner is doing she changes her mind and decides to tell Mr Stacks and Grace the truth, when they find out they immediately chase after Annie and her fake parents. In the end Mr Stacks, Grace and Annie comeback together and become a happy family. I loved this movie so much and I would highly recommend to watch this movie.


  21. Annie is one of my all time favourite movies! I love it because it always manages to make me laugh, smile and sing. I love the different personalities of all of the orphans and how they work together to create songs and dances that are fun to not only watch but dance along to. My favourite character would be Molly because she is cute and has such a sweet personality. My favourite song throughout the movie is ‘ its a hard knock life ‘, mostly because the choreography is so creative and entertaining to watch. I would rate this movie an 8 out of 10 and I believe that it can be enjoyed by anyone !


  22. The film Annie is a remake of the original Annie from 1982. It is about a young girl who has a “hard knock life” living in a foster home with her not very nice carer “Miss Hannigan.”
    Annie gets recognized by a very wealthy man named Will who is running for a leadership role. Annie gets reunited by her parents but they aren’t actually her parents they are fake.
    Will saves Annie and offers to raise Annie. This movie is a great family movie will very exiting parts I rate it a 8/10


  23. I defiantly loved the first movie Annie. When I found out they were making a second one I thought how could they possibly top it,but I was wrong.This movie was amazing. All the Actors were so talented and displayed the story beautifully. I really enjoyed the settings as well. It was a really modern spin on the movie which I really enjoyed. I will definitely be watching this movie over and over!!!!!!!!!


  24. Trinity said:

    Annie is an amazing movie that has a modern twist to it! Every song and dance in this musical is spectacular. My favorite part is when Annie adopts a dog. It is slightly sad at the beginning as there are girls that are constantly wishing to be adopted so they can live a better life. These girls are all different ages and get along like sisters. Annie always brings joy to the girls as she has a happy personality and loves to sing. The journey Annie go’s on is inspiring and moving. Annie is constantly looking on the bright side of things and puts a smile on everyones face. I strongly recommend watching this movie as it is extremely entertaining and has a fantastic story line!


  25. Bella said:

    I don’t think there is anything quite like this movie, I mean it will have you singing “It’s a hard, knock life” for days on end and when you are trying to focus it will be stuck in your head I promise you. It makes you feel so happy and upbeat. I really like this version of Annie, it is just as good as the original and I love the mixture of different characters in this film. I also like how Cameron Diaz played Miss Hannigan because I have never seen her play ‘the mean role’ in a film and this is a different side to her but she did well and was suited perfectly for it. I would recommend it to any one of any age. I would rate it a 10/10.


  26. The newest version is truely my favourite. I love the unique twist it has compared to the other one. This Annie is more based in todays world with all the smart phones and the new tech. I love the story line of how the mayor just meant to have her but was really loved her and when she got stolen he was so determined to get her back and realised how much he would miss her. I definitely recommend this movie its a true ally amazing film that I will watch many many times. This movie is really for any age.


  27. The new version of Annie is amazing. I really love the catchy songs and the interesting story line. This movie is about a girl called Annie who lives in an orphanage where she doesn’t get treated well. Annie is a very determined girl who waits for her real parents to come back and get her, but when years past she decides to go on a journey to find her parents herself. I strongly recommend this movie to those who loved the original Annie.


  28. Reagan said:

    this movie Annie is a very amazing movie about an adopted young girl named Annie. Annie is a beautiful young girl who son found her self to be famous! This movie is a fantastic story of Annie. This movie is a great and suitable movie for all ages. I love the movie – so I give it 5 stars


  29. Ashlyn said:

    This is one of my all time favourite Movies !! If I could I would watch it over and over again. I just love her storey and all the characters in it. The songs are just stunning and I absolutly adore them all. Her storey is amazing and I just love it. The differnt movies of these are all as good as one another but in my opinion I like the origional one better . I defintly reccomend it though !


  30. I recently finished watching the movie Annie and I absolutely loved it! It is about a girl who is an orphan, she lives with a few other girls in a house with a really mean lady, Annie who is the orphan almost got hit by a car which was caught on footage and since that day Annie has been so lucky and has had her life turned around. There is so much more action that happens but I don’t want to give anymore away. I really hope you watch it because I know you will enjoy it. I rate it a 10/10 and recommend it to any age group


  31. I have recently purchased Annie and absolutely love it! It is about a young foster child who lives with some other girls and one day she is asked out for lunch from one special! The rest is all for you to find out! Please get the movie because i know you will really enjoy it! It is a great movie for the family and i rate it a 10/10


  32. Annie is such a brave person as no matter what happens she keeps fighting for what she wants and will never stop. It is about a young foster child who lives with some other girls and one day she is asked out for lunch from one special. Annie is just this young girl but she has a bigger heart than anyone in the whole World. I found it incredible as she is so young but when she puts her heart and mind to something she will never give up.
    I recommend this book to people who like movies that will give you goose bumps as your so happy and you just want to jump into the movie and help Annie sometimes. I recommend this movie as it just shows that some people today never give up no matter what.


  33. Milly said:

    I have always loved the original movie Annie, and have grown up watching it. When this new one came out, I was a little worried it wouldn’t meet my high expectations because of the first one. But I absolutely loved it! I loved how they twisted it around and added so many little quirky changes in it that were different to the original one. It was interesting how they made it a modern version and changed the character of Annie. The way they changed all the songs but also kept them the same was really cool, it had a little more edge to it. Although they are the same movie, I find them really different but love both equally the same. The actors in this new one played just as well as the ones in the original one which I think was very good. I loved watching Annie experience life with the president in comparison the original one as well. This is a great family movie for the all ages as it is appropriate and funny in every way. I have to rate this movie a 9/10 because I loved it so much!!


  34. Katelyn said:

    One of my favourite re-makes made. Annie has always been one of my favourite films even as a child. I remember I went to see this with my nanna when it first came out and we were so excited. The new songs are so catchy and great for the film. The actors were very good in the film. Many argued that it made the old film was so much better but I love the way they made the new film but obviously can’t beat the first. I recommend this movie for any age at all. And rate it a high 9/10 and a must see film


  35. I have recently watched Annie and love it. It is about a young foster child called Annie who lives with multiply other foster kids when life looks bad she is given the most amazing opportunity to go and live with one of the people running for mayor and in the end they fall in love with each other and he adopts her.
    I give this move a 9 out of 10


  36. I really enjoyed the movie Annie, my mum said the the old one was better but I still liked the new one better. Annie is a movie about a 10 year old girl that is a foster kid and she it trying to find her parents. but then her life changes when she runs into a man called mr.stacks that is running for Mair. he is stubborn and hates kids, but not Annie. grace works for mr.stacks and she is so nice. if I was to rate this movie I would rate it a 9/10


  37. I have recently watched Annie and absolutely love it! It is about a young foster child who lives with some other girls and one day she is asked out for lunch from one special! The rest is all for you to find out! Please get the movie because I know you will really enjoy it!


  38. I recently watched the movie Annie and I love it! It is about a girl who is an orphan, she lives with a few other girls in a house with a really mean lady, Annie who is the orphan almost got hit by a car which was caught on footage and since that day Annie has been so lucky and has had her life turned around. There is so much more action that happens but I don’t want to give anymore away. I really hope you watch it because I know you will enjoy it. I rate it a 10/10


  39. Isabelle G said:

    This is a great movie based on the original ‘Annie’. It is a wonderful story about an orphan girl who is waiting for her real parents to come back and get her. Annie is always happy and bright and makes the most of every opportunity. This is a wonderful movie with many great songs and music throughout the story and has a beautiful moral. Annie has some really nice friends who are always there to help her with her journey to find her parents. There are some really interesting characters and personalities in this movie and I would definitely recommend this movie to everyone. It is a great 5 out of 5!!


  40. Viktoria said:

    I really liked this movie and I also enjoyed the original one but I found that this one was by far better because it was modern and more enjoyable to watch I really liked how they took the idea from the old one and made it modern. One of the things I loved most in this movie was the singing and dancing it was really cool and fun to watch I would definitely recommend this movie and give it 5 out of 5 stars!!!!!!


  41. Abbey said:

    I love the movie Annie its just an incredible movie while watching this you have so many emotions such as excitement, sadness, happy and much more. It just makes you want to keep watching it over and over and never stop. Annie is such a brave person as no matter what happens she keeps fighting for what she wants and will never stop.
    I recommend this book to people who like movies that will give you goose bumps as your so happy and you just want to jump into the movie and help Annie sometimes.
    I love how there was many songs throughout to keep the movie very entertaining and interesting to watch.
    I hope all of you watch it.


  42. Quote:
    ‘We Got Annie’

    I am in love with this movie, it is so wonderfully interesting and fascinating !
    As a little girl I would watch Annie all of the time, I absolutely loved it (and I still do)
    The story line is so interesting and magical that it has you sitting on the edge of your seat. I love all of the songs, and I must admit that even though it is a bit embarrassing I must say that I knew and still do know all of the words to all of the songs (hahaha)
    I love Annie, she is so heart warming and throughout the movie you see how she changes not only her life but also so many other peoples live’s. Annie is just this young girl but she has a bigger heart than anyone in the whole World. One of the things that I find very interesting about the characters is that Annie is the child and yet she teaches so many new things to the adults in the movie, she changes everyones life forever (most of the characters are happy about what she does but some of them are…)

    I would recommend this movie to anyone who loves a little adventure, music, and happiness

    Annie is a greta movie for both children and adults.


  43. Alice said:

    I thoroughly enjoyed watching this movie and think it was an incredible twist on the original film Annie!!! I would really recommend watching this film because it has some really interesting characters in it along with some very funny scenes. I think this film is great to watch with the family or with some friends because we can all relate to Annie in some way! it is an adventure and a comedy film all in one and think that you should watch it!!! My favorite character is definitely Annie because she is so kind and grateful for everything that she has!! I LOVED THIS FILM AND SO WILL YOU!!!


  44. Annie is a fantastic, fun, family movie. I recommend for all families to watch this movie because it is a great sing along movie that will make you so happy that you will want to get up and dance. The actors in this movie are really good at being their characters and following their personalities. I love this movie and I love the story line to this movie because it makes me feel really happy at the end. I recommend for anyone who hasn’t seen this movie to watch it because it is fantastic.


  45. I love the movie Annie and it is a great movie to watch. it has happiness, fun, and thrill. It makes you want to keep watching and wonder what is gong to happen when this start to go the wrong way. it is great movie to watch and i would defiantly recommend this book to people who like watching a fun but thrilling movie.
    I love all of the songs in Annie and it such a great story line. She is a girl who is orphaned and gets adopted, to someone very cool. They have so much fun and it is so much fun to watch.
    My favourite character is Annie she is courageous and sassy who will be very brave when she needs to.
    I would recommend you to read this book.


  46. ‘Annie’ is a beautiful movie that has a twist on it’s original 1982 film. Annie tells the story of a young girl, Annie. She lives in an orphanage and longs to find her real parents. The orphanage she lives in is torture! She must work so hard and put up with the terrible Miss Hannigan! One day, Annie gets the opportunity of a life time… To live with one of the richest people in the world! From this experience, we meet so many loveable characters such as Grace and of course Sandy! A family movie that all will enjoy, even if you like the original I am sure you will still love this version too! 9/10!


  47. I loved this version of Annie I loved how it was a little different to the others. It had a modern and a unique twist to it which is why I loved it so much….not to mention all of the creative and original songs. I went and saw it at the movies and when coming out you could watch it over and over. It is appropriate for all ages which makes this a super good movie. I usually believe that no movie can be better than the original but not with this one, this gets better and better throughout the whole movie. I would rate this movie a 9/10!!!!!


  48. I love annie it is an adorable musical and can’t take my eyes off it! i dot want to say to much as everyone who watches it loves it so i don’t want to give to much away! i would rate this movie a 10/10 as it is a creative musical and very engaging!


  49. paris said:

    I think i enjoyed this newer Annie compared to the older one it seemed a lot brighter and happier. I really enjoyed how it had a modern twist to it. although it was still a lot like the old Annie there were tiny bits which were brand new. i would rate this a 4 out of 5 stars


  50. Chloe said:

    The new Annie is a great and very inspiring movie to watch. It really shows how some orphans live their daily lives and makes you very aware of the situation. I really like that, through all this negativity in little orphan “Annie’s” life she see not just the darkness but light at the end of the tunnel. And is very determined to find her parents so that they can become a family again!!10/10


  51. for the new Annie movie i loved how they made it more exciting and interesting and modern and changed the characters to make it fun and really enjoyable for little kids. i really liked this movie and how they made it like a modern movie with all the phones and all the new and cool teck stuff.
    the dog was very cute.
    i loved the excitement when she was in the car with her fake parents and all of the other parts also altogether i loved this movie


  52. i recommend the movie Annie!
    Annie was the best movie. i love how they have made it so different and exciting! how they have changed Annie makes it so modern and new and everyone i know that has seen it said it was amazing and i think it is too. i defiantly think everyone should watch this movie!!!


  53. Alana said:

    I loved Annie the new one because it was a modern twist on the old version and had a great story line with everyone great actors and lots of singing which I loved because I love singing movies.


  54. Lilli said:

    the new Annie is amazing! I really love the new Annie, she is so happy and cheeky. I highly recommend this, for all ages its a great movie to watch with the family. Its such a sweet storyline and I think its a great way to ‘modernise’ the old Annie. 10/10!!! please watch it, your heart will melt.


  55. I absolutely loved watching the movie Annie!!! It is modernised version of the old and original movie Annie. I loved how they gave the songs, which were also from the original movie, a more modern a catchy twist which I liked better than the original songs. I loved those songs so much that they were such in my head for an week or two!! It had a beautiful storyline and was really enjoyable and worth while. I recommend this wonderful movie to anyone who has not seen it yet. I rate it a 10/10!! 🙂 ❤


  56. This is my favourite Annie movie so far! I loved this movie so much and it is a really great family movie. In this movie my favourite character is Annie she is a very bubbly person and never gives up on wanting to find her parents. While doing that she bumps into Mr Stacks (who is about to become Mayor) and saves her life from getting hit from a van. This appearance goes world wide and he thinks that having Annie stay at her house is definitely join got make himself Mayor. Mr Stacks just thinks of Annie as an annoying little girl but they form a great bond and Mr Stacks does something very special t Annie and he friends at the ned. This movie is a great family movie because it’s all about finding love and family. I give this movie a 9/10 and is great from ages 8+!


  57. I recommend the movie Annie! I know that there is a lot of different versions of Annie but my favorite Annie is the one that was made in 2014! Ever since her parents left her as a baby, little Annie (Quvenzhané Wallis) has led a hard-knock life with her calculating foster mother, Miss Hannigan. I love this movie because It makes me so grateful for my life and what I have! My favorite part of the movie was when the inspector from child services comes over and cheeks to see if the kids are well treated and are doing good. This is my favorite part because Annie becomes very cheeky in this part and you just have a great laugh! I don’t like the part when she’s goes to the corner café and wait’s there every Friday night to see if her parents come! It makes me so sad so I hate that part because it always makes me cry!! I would recommend this movie to someone who like comedy, and drama but also some sad senses! This movie is good for ages 8+!!


  58. I loved this version of Annie I loved how it was a little different to the others. I love some of the new songs that were sang and I love how they made it a bit more modern. I went and saw it at the movies and once it was finished I just wanted to watch it again. This is such a good movie I would rate it a 10/10 defiantly.


  59. I think that this new version of Annie is a lot better than the older version of Annie. I like it a bit better because even though it has some of the other songs in the older or another one this one has new or newer songs in it and songs that you can sing and even dance to and that is really catchy. I love this Annie is the best and I would rate this 10/10.

    The reason why I had rated it 10/10 is because it’s has the same story line but it is in a different format and I don’t like movies when it’s the same story line but they actually do copy nearly everything from the original movie or the very first one and with Annie they had changed it a bit but the same story line like I had said earlier


  60. I thought that this movie was ok, I think that it was good at some parts, i would rate it 6 out of 10 because i didn’t enjoy it much but i found some of it really interesting, it is about a girl who is an orphan, and she has lots of friends but the owner is not that nice but she gets better


  61. m i l l i e said:

    This movie is so cute! I loved it so much, especially all the singing and dancing. I recommend this movie to people that like a lot of singing and dancing, because when i went to see this movie my friend wasn’t a huge fan of singing and dancing, so that didn’t make her enjoy the movie! And best of all it has cameron diaz, and she is a cracker in this movie


  62. Abbey said:

    The revamped version of Annie is a feel good movie. It is suitable for all people, young and old. It is a feel good story where you can connect with the characters. The modern twist on the film makes it interesting for the viewer. It has many different elements to the film such as comedy and music. It puts a modern twists on all the songs we know and love from the older film. Annie is definitely a movie for everyone to see. I rate Annie a 10/10


  63. I absolutely LOVE this movie! I recommend this movie to every single person on earth!
    It’s a fantastic movie/musical suitable for all ages. Annie is the the most gorgeous orphan I have ever seen, and I could watch this movie all the time! If you haven’t seen this movie then you MUST see it !!!! I hope that you enjoyed it as much as i did!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  64. I absolutely loved the movie Annie! It is a newer and more modernised version of the story Annie! I liked it better than the original Annie. I really enjoyed the way they showcased Annie herself and how the movie starts and finishes! Annie is a young girl who is an orphan and doesn’t know who her actual parents are, which I find devastating but she is very determined to find them. During the movie she meets Mr Stacks, who is the richest guy in America. He takes Annie to his advantage. At the same time they are forming a special friendship yet to be discovered. I would recommend the movie Annie to anyone and is a movie for most ages too. It is a movie you can watch about 100 times and not get sick of it. I rate Annie a 10/10 !!!!!!! 🙂


  65. Annie is now one of my favourite movies. I love the newer one compared to the old one because it is more updated and modern. The original is obviously good too because it is original and the first one. The newer Annie is different to the old one it is more modern and I think more interesting. I love the actress/actors in the new Annie. My favourite actress/actors in the movie are Cameron Diaz her character is Miss Hannigan, Quvenzhané Wallis who plays as Annie, Jamie Foxx who is Will Stacks and Will Stacks who acts as Guy. I reccomend Annie to everyone of all ages, especially the whole family.


  66. Giarna said:

    This movie is about a orphan that gets adopted by a rich man who is running for president. Does she help him in the polls or not? You fall in love with most of the charaters and sing along with the songs. All the have revamped, the cast were amazing in the movie


  67. I went and saw this at the movies. Its so funny and I love how its different to the real annie. It has so many songs I almost know them all off by heart! I love this so much and would really like to see it again. I give this an 9/10


  68. Annie was amazing and it kept me singing along with the tunes weeks later. I love the take on the original and how they used street life as musical equipment eg. water. My favourite character is of course Annie as she has a bright, bubbly personality that is always looking on the bright side of life. My least favourite character is of course Miss Hannigan as she is negative about her life and job, but is a great person on the inside. My favourite part of the movie is when Annie goes into Will Stacks home and realises what the rich life is like. I recommend this movie to all ages and especially those who love sing alongs and the original Annie. I rate this 10/10!!!!


  69. Chiara said:

    I loved this movie so much!! I loved the first annie and so I decided to see it! I absolutley loved it! and I bet if you watch it you will love it! Normally i would like the originals better but I actually loved this one so much and better then the original. I think it was because I guess we could relate to it more because it was modern. I really think it was very clever how the director could add that modern twist to it! Annie is definetley worth watching it is a really really great movie! I rate it 10/10!!


  70. I loved the movie Annie! Even though it is a newer and more modernised version of the story Annie! I loved it even more than the original Annie. I enjoyed the way they portrayed annie herself and how the movie starts and ends! Annie is a young girl who is an orphan, she doesn’t know who her actual parents are, but she is determined to find them. During the movie she comes across Mr Stacks, he is the richest guy in America! He takes Annie to his advantage, but at the same time they are forming a wonderful friendship yet to be discovered. I could go on forever about this movie, but I would recommend it to everyone! It is a movie you can watch more than once! It is appropriate for most ages too! You should definitely watch it if you haven’t already.


  71. Gemma said:

    I really enjoyed this Annie because it had a cool modern twist to it. it has the same story line as the old one but i think this one is better. No matter what i truly recomend this movie it’s awesome.


  72. I enjoyed the movie Annie even more than the last one because of the modern twist on it. I loved the way they changed the typical idea of ‘Annie’ but again the original Annie is what we all think of when you say Annie. My favourite character in this movie was Grace because she was so nice to Annie. I think this movie is really appropriate for everyone! Whether you like romantics or comedies i’m sure you will like this movie.


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