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Comments on: "Now you see me (movie)" (42)

  1. I recommend the movie Now You See Me. It is a movie about a group of magicians who are being tracked down by the FBI and their attempts to evade them while still practicing magic. It was a really fun movie to watch because it was visually stimulating as well as funny and action-packed. I really enjoyed watching the magic shows in it and the interactions between the cast. It also has twists which make it exciting. I would recommend this movie to those who enjoy action movies which also have some suspense.


  2. I just watched this movie last night and I really enjoyed it. It is a sequel to ‘Now you see me’. This movie is about a group of 4 magicians who are gathered together by an organisation called the ‘eye’ and these magicians create ‘The 4 horsemen’. Together they take in instructions from the ‘eye’ and complete them. These magicians take from those who are guilty and give to the good, keeping none of the wealth they take. A group of magicians who are also thieves. I loved this movie, I think it’s such a creative idea. My favourite character in this movie was Daniel Atlas, one of the horsemen. I really liked his personality in this movie, a control freak who’s ego gets the best of him. The scenes and events that occur in this movie are amazing, I don’t understand how they were able to come up with such good ideas. I’d say this movie has a mystery and crime theme. This movie would be suitable from really anyone above the age of 11 because it seems pretty suitable for all ages, adults or kids could enjoy this. I would rate this movie a 10/10 because I really enjoyed it and thought the plot was very creative and unique.


  3. This movie now you see me 2 is a very creative and cunning movie. Combining common magic and trickery. The cast is absolutely amazing, they are very funny and work as a real family. This movie has an amazing storyline. It’s not one of those films where you can predict what’s going to happen, It’s a cliffhanger. It keeps you on the edge of your seat until the very end of the movie. I would recommend this movie to people of all ages because it is a very comical film.!!!!


  4. I recommend the movie Now You See Me 2. I loved this movie so much because it was really entertaining and compelling. It is the sequel to Now You See Me so it would be best to watch that movie first but it can be watched as a standalone. It is about a group of magicians who are being hunted by the police and must find creative ways to not be caught. I would recommend this movie to everyone because it has a lot of different genres incorporated into it, like action, mystery and comedy. I rate it 9/10.


  5. This movie is absolutely amazing and every single time I watch this I can never understand how they do it. The four main characters are magicians and they are on the run from the police as they magically stole money from a band, but the police can never catch them because the are always one step behind them. I love this movie and would recommend it to everyone.


  6. Now you see me: Where to begin. It is full of none stop action and is so unpredictable. It is great movie for anyone into magic, action and a little bit of comedy. I couldn’t chose a favourite character because they were all different but all so engaging. I would rate this movie an 8/10 and recommend for people over 11


  7. Amilia said:

    Oh My Goodness…this movie has me questioning every single part of it
    I do not even know where I should begin, I mean the quality, the story line, and the movie itself is just AMAZING. I love this movie just so so much !!!

    All of the characters are totally amazing, I could not pick a favourite character in the movie since they are all awesome. They all go on the same and yet still a different journey, although their journeys always include them looking like their in trouble (but they never are because they always find a way out of a bad situation) There are a few moments where you have absolutely NO idea what is happening or who to trust, an the annoying thing is that you also never know who is the bad person and who is the good person.

    I loved how there is always something happening in the movie, there is never a dull moment. I was just so interested in the movie that I could not look away (this movie is one of this movies where you have to watch the whole thing at once, I personally do not think the you would be able to understand it as well if you watch it ver time) The action, the drama, and the journey that is put into this movie is absolutely fascinating, I loved it.

    It Is Always A Huge Mystery

    The characters are all very different but they do share one thing in common


  8. Now you see me is one of my favourite movies of all time. An FBI agent and an Interpol detective track a team of illusionists who pull off bank heists during their performances and reward their audiences with the money.It includes both action and adventure (which is my favourite genre of movies) and continually amazes you with all the incredible magic tricks. When I first heard that this movie was about magic I wasn’t really interested. But it is so much more than that! I would recommend that everyone should watch it as it is suitable for a broad audience. I loved this movie and give it a 9.5/10.


  9. Jessie said:

    I love this movie, it’s funny and if you love magicians this movie is for you. My favourite part is when they perform the magic tricks, I love this because we get to found out how they perform their acts. My favourite character is Henley Reeves because she is interesting and I like her first act when she escapes the tank. I love this movie because it’s really funny and interesting. I recommend it to everyone, I give it a 9/10.


  10. Now You See Me is one of my all time favourite movies. It’s captivating, thrilling and entertaining. It includes a lot of difficult magic tricks that they then expose, blowing your mind on how they are done.My favourite magic trick was the one with Henley and the piranhas. My favourite character was Jack, he was funny yet intelligent, making him stand out. I would recommend this movie to people aged 11+. I rate it a 9/10.


  11. Now You See Me:
    I thought this movie was incredible! It was so well thought out and planned and the ending blew my mind. I did have to watch this movie three or four times until actually understanding it but once I understood it I honestly thought it was the greatest thought out movie ever. Jack Wilder (Dave Franco) was probably my favourite character because he was the youngest but one of the smartest. He was cheeky and he [Dave] was just a really good actor. I couldn’t have chosen a better cast for this movie they all fit in like puzzle pieces. I couldn’t find a flaw in this movie and I still watch it all the time and fall in love with it more and more every time I do. 10/10


  12. This movie is great it is very interesting to watch. I love it because its about magic and its just amazing. I recommend this to people 14+ and I give it a 8/10


  13. Annabelle said:

    I loved the movie Now You See Me. It’s very interesting and fascinating it watch. The reason why its great is because it has great magic in it that will blow your mind. Its all about 4 magician that do amazing magic in the movie. I recommend this to people 13+ and give it an 8/10 for being a good movie.


  14. Isabella said:

    This movie is full of surprises. I absolutely loved it as it was about magic and I do love a good magic trick. The reason why I loved it is because when I see magic I want to know how it is done. In this movie it shows you how most of the magic tricks are done. It is very entertaining but does not relate to my life in any way. My favourite part of the movie is when it’s the end and it is so intense and you don’t know whats going to happen but then it hit’s you. They think outside the box and are trained, this is an extraordinary movie that I would rate a 10/10.


  15. Siobhan Traynor said:

    Now you see me is a movie that will have you biting your lip till the vey end, and the type that will prove that everything you believed in about magic is in wrong , that is if its real … magician Atlas leads a team of talented illusionists called the Four Horsemen to rob a bank in front of a speechless crowd. but how? no they could not of taken that much money in an hour ? but yes they did. For 125 minutes you are sitting down watching pure magic before your eyes. i give it a 9 out of 10 , and i say props to Louis Leterrier.


  16. Now You See Me is pure magic. The film’s intricate storyline will have you guessing up until the final credits. Detailing the lives of four talented magicians, this thriller is teeming with excitement and adventure. Both the cast and the plot are extraordinary, creating a ‘magical’ experience for those viewing this enthralling film. I highly recommend Now You See Me to anyone who enjoys mystery, adrenaline and utter bewilderment. I rate this move an 8 out of 10.


  17. Catelyn said:

    Now you see me is such an intense movie. It is about 4 magicians coming together and making a big magic group called the Four Horseman. They do these impossible magic tricks, and one of them is robbing a bank. And because of that, the police are always after them and are on their tail. The ending is probably the best because there is a huge plot twist, and it was just amazing. This movie made me sit on the edge of my seat, and I would always watch it. I would recommend this movie for any ages, and I would rate it a 8/10.


  18. Sarah said:

    Now you see me is most likely my favourite movie of the year. It involves mystery and action all in one. The four horseman- the magicians- are all working together to get into the eye which is the greater figure of the magic world. They carry out three shows and catch the world by storm as they first rob a bank and then secondly rob their manager, who owns a multi- billion dollar company that scammed many people in the past. The movie has a massive plot twist, I for one did not see it coming at all. But it is this plot twist that really makes the whole movie ten times better. I highly recommend this movie for nearly all age groups!


  19. Now You See Me is a fantastic movie I really enjoyed the magic performances. My favourite part was when all the four horsemen robbed the bank, I loved this because they were so smart the way they trained for the trick. My least favourite part was when Henley was trapped in the killing fish tank, I was so scared. My least favourite character was Thaddeus because he was spoiling all the magic tricks, this means it would take out all the mystery and excitement. I can defiantly not relate to any characters because I can’t do magic. I would recommend this movie to teenagers because younger children may not understand the whole point of the movie.


  20. Grace said:

    Now You See Me
    Now You See Me is a fantastic movie I really enjoyed the magic performances. My favourite part was when all the four horsemen robbed the bank, I loved this because they were so smart the way they trained for the trick. My least favourite part was when Henley was trapped in the killing fish tank, I was so scared. My least favourite character was Thaddeus because he was spoiling all the magic tricks, this means it would take out all the mystery and excitement. I can defiantly not relate to any characters because I can’t do magic. I would recommend this movie to teenagers because younger children may not understand the whole point of the movie.


  21. I would definitely recommend the movie ‘now you see me’ because it was truly one of the best action and adventure movies I have ever seen. It is all about four magicians and at the start they are all brought together by an unknown person, and then one year later they make their own tv show about magic. Known as the ‘four horsemen’ the four magicians are on a mission to find the ‘eye,’ but during the course of the film the FBI gets involved and start to track the four magicians, and also keeping a close eye on them is a man named Thaddeus who makes money by revealing the secrets behind other magicians’ tricks. There is a plot twist with the story as the ending is so unexpected. I found that this movie was suited for ages 12+, but it is a fantastic film and I definitely recommend it to anyone who loves action, adventure, magic and a bit of romance. I loved it so much. Enjoy


  22. Eliza said:

    I love the movie ‘Now you See Me’ is is very interesting and sucks you in. It leaves you wanting to know more and makes you think ahead. At some points you get scared but that i apart of the thrill! I really enjoyed this movie and have watched it many times. I think people who are 10+ can watch this because there is a violent part! I rate this movie 9/10 because it is outstanding !


  23. This movie is the best movie you will ever watch!!! Now you see me is a fun interesting movie, as soon as you watch the first few minutes you are hooked. My favourite character is Merritt McKinney he is so funny and I love at everything he does. I rate this movie a 11/10 and i recommend this movie to 8+ because there is a car scene thats a bit violent. I love this movie so much!!


  24. Now you see Me is a great Movie! From the first few scenes into the movie I was captivated and eager to watch more. This movie is about 4 magicians who are brought together by someone mysterious, so that they can be the ultimate magic show. This show is thrilling and keeps you on the edge of your seat and you sit there wondering how they did the trick. My favourite character in this show was Dylan Rhodes, due to his sarcasm and how funny he was but at the same time he could be very serious which fooled you. My favourite moment in this movie was the car crash trick. I loved this movie and give it a 9/10! I definitely encourage you to go watch it!


  25. Tori Bartolo said:

    Now You See Me, is such a good movie! I went with a couple of friends too see it when it had first come out and i absolutely loved it! It was one of those movies, that made you think..OMG whats going to happen next. I would recommend this movie to agers 12+ only because it is abit hard to understand, but i rate it a 8/10 🙂


  26. Sophie said:

    Now You See Me is my favourite movie! It’s thrilling and exciting to see what’s going to happen next. My favourite character is Jack because he is very good looking and devious. I would recommend this movie to others because it’s so interesting! I rate it a 10/10.


  27. I loved the movie Now You See Me, because I never knew what was going to happen and the ending was definitely not the ending I saw coming. My favourite part would have to be when the car crashed. I loved this part because it was very clever what they did and I never would of guessed that myself. My favourite character would be Jack Wilder because he is the youngest and the others think they are better then him and he has to prove himself. I don’t have any least favourite parts because I was intrigued through out the whole movie. I would recommend this movie to any one over the age of 13. I would recommend it a 10/10!! 😀


  28. Stephanie said:

    One of the best movies of all time! Nice view into the way magic is done, although over exaggerated. Very interesting and unpredictable. My favourite character, was the character played by Jessie Eisenberg. He just jumbled over his words, and it was really amusing. I loved the ending, no idea THAT was coming. 9/10


  29. When my friend told me about this movie, I thought it would be crap. It was just a movie about magicians, so I was thinking they would show us tricks and thats it.
    Well, I was a little off with that, the whole movie was one big trick. Everything was totally unexpected int his movie and really came as a surprise. My favourite character is the girl because she is pretty but also very smart. I think the best trick was the car crash one, I had tears in my eyes, I thought he really was dead. The last reveal really toke me off guard, I was shocked. I think who ever wrote this movie/script must be a really really really amazing magician or a really really really smart person. I bow my head to them. I recommend this movie to anyone and everyone it’s fantastic, I rate it 10/10


  30. This Movie is so exciting! It has lots in it drama, comedy, action and suspense the movie keeps you on the edge of your seat the whole time because you don’t know what is around the corner. I found this movie very clever because It still left me wondering how they could come up with that whole plan and do it perfectly, the 4 horseman really were criminals! but i found it so intriguing how they all were magicians but in a sneaky way!. This movie can be quite hard to understand and follow so i recommend it for ages 12+ but overall this is a great movie! 7 out of 10


  31. Isabella said:

    I absolutely would say this is one of my favourite movies,because it has action, suspense, drama and crime and there some of the things I love to see in a movie. I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys a movie with all of those things plus magic and mystery. It is unbelievable what the directors came up with and my least favourite part of the movie was, the second show as it didn’t have as much “WOW” as the first.The rating I gave it was a 9/10.


  32. Georgia said:

    Now You See Me is a great movie, I found it very entertaining. It’s basically about robbing banks but there are so many plot twists that’s what makes it interesting. Not only is it about robbing banks but they do it using magic and I found that very clever. I would recommend this movie to people who enjoy plot twists, drama and magic. I rate this movie an 8/10.


  33. The film Now You See Me is definitely one of my new favourites! I absolutely loved it. I thought that everything about it was so clever and well thought out. There was not one point in the movie where i was thinking ‘i knew that would happen’ because you would never guess the ending. The film kept you interested and engaged the entire time and i could watch it over and over. All of the actors were amazing and did a brilliant job at playing their part. I couldn’t choose a favourite character although i did like Dylan Rhodes played by Mark Ruffalo because i liked the way he was funny and sarcastic but could be serious at the same time. My favourite parts throughout the film were when the ‘five horsemen’ performed their magic tricks because they were so amazing and well thought out. I recommend this movie to anyone aged 13+ (otherwise it can be a bit hard to follow) and i rate it a 10/10!


  34. Alexis said:

    This movie is the best movie I have ever seen. It is a movie about magic and crime. It’s amazing of what the producers of the movie came up with to put in it. My favourite trick is when they turned the rabbit into the hat. I thought that it was really creative and unpradictable movie. I recomend this movie for children over 12 because it is a bit rude. I rate it 10/10 because I just love it.


  35. I think that now you see me is a brilliant movie the shoe time i was trying to find out who the fifth magician was. it was such a surprise to find out who the fifth magician was and how they did all of their tricks. the four magicians are amazing they rob two banks then magically give it all back. it really is a great film and i recommend it to anyone who wants to watch a great movie!


  36. charlotte said:

    This is my absolute favourite movie of all time. I love the whole idea of magic and mystery and trickery. I love how the magicians are always one step ahead of the police. My favourite part is at the start, when ‘the eye’ chose the magicians and we got to see their separate acts. My favourite character is Jack wilder, the youngest magician in the movie. Dave franco plays this character and i think he does a great job. You will never guess the ending! i won’t give anything away but you will kick yourself when you find out.

    I would definitely recommend this movie for those10-18. This is my favourite movie and i’ve watched it about 7 times already, and i think you’ll LOVE it!


  37. Payton said:

    I love this movie “Now you see me” it was full of mystery and magic. I loved the whole movie and just the magic of it all it was just amazing. My favourite part was when they where in jail and they proved the police and officers wrong and used magic and tricks on them! my favourite quote was ” first rule of magic, always be the smartest guy in the room”.I didn’t have a favourite character because they were all absolutely amazing and they were all very unique and special in there own way. I recommend this movie to anyone who likes action and mystery . I rate this book 8/10 !


  38. Now you see me is a great movie for anyone that is in to magic or illusions. I loved this movie because the idea was nothing like any other movies i had seen i thought the movie was kind of like a mixture of CSI and dynamo, so if you like them shows this would be the perfect movie for you. my favourite part in this movie is when they are in jail and their talking to all the police officers and they are tricking them so easily. My least favourite part is the second show because it doesn’t have as much wow factor as the first. i rate this movie an 8/10 because it wasn’t the best movie i have seen but it was a very creative idea!


  39. Now You See Me
     This film about magicians coming together to perform in one exceptional show is one that everyone must make room to see. Not only is it incredible and star some of the worlds most highly regarded actors, but is also has a humorous side as well. I could not select a favorite character as each is very different to the next, possessing different qualities and playing a different role to each other. I would happily recommend this film to everyone young and old, male or female. Having said that though, this is a film that may be enjoyed more by people above 12 years of age or so. This film is exciting and keeps you wanting to know more. It has been casted perfectly and leaves you on the edge of your seat. This truly was one of the best films of 2013.


  40. This is my new favourite movie! I love how every scene reveals something new and now the ending is just so unexpected that you are left dumbfounded. My favourite character would have to be Jack but I really think that because each character is so different for one another that they are all interesting. I recommend this movie to anyone and everyone and definitely rate it a 10/10.


  41. I recommend the movie Now you see me, This movie was amazing and is based all around magic and magicians. My favourite part in the movie was at the very end when they find out who the eye is and it was a big shock. In the movie I didn’t really have a favourite character because all the characters are good. I would recommend this movie to anybody who is into mystery and magic. I rate this movie a 9/10.


    • Darcey said:

      This movie is great and so surprising also the ending is so unexpected. My favourite part would be when the girl magcian does her trick at the start with all the piranhas. It was very scary because it looked so realistic and I thought it was actually happening. My favourite character would probably be the oldest magician Merritt. He was my favourite because he was very funny but I loved all the other character aswell. This movie would be great for people who love magic or action but I am not really into magic or action but I still really loved this movie. I would rate this movie 9/10!


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