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Comments on: "Saving Private Ryan (movie)" (2)

  1. I recommend the movie, Saving Private Ryan. This movie is about three brothers who went to war. Two of them died in the war and one’s whereabouts was unknown. The military officials decide to bring the remaining brother home and they send a team out on a rescue mission. They encounter problems along the way, with some team members thinking it is a waste of time, being attacked by the enemy and not being able to find Private Ryan. It is a very sad movie so people who like that genre or who enjoy war movies would like it.


  2. This is one of the absolute best movies I have ever seen. This is a war film set in World War 2 France. The opening scenes of this film will stay with you forever. I really liked in this movie how they showed you what war was like, and how horrible it could be. The movie is about The Captain (played by tom hanks), who gets a message that he has to go save a Private Ryan. HE and a group of 8 others go on a mission across the country to try and find the missing Private Ryan, who has been requested to be sent home, as his brothers had all died in war and had permission to leave from the president. Private Ryan is played by Matt Damon who is absolutely brilliant, however Tom Hanks steals the show with an unforgettable performance. My favourite character was Private Ryan, as he was such a great person and selfless especially when he had the chance to go home but he refused to stay and help fight the Germans. I recommend this movie for people aged 15+ as it is a quite a deep movie and is very violent/gruesome. I loved this movie, and after it had finished it kept replaying in my head and made me realise how lucky I was. I give this movie a 10/10


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